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'\u2233' }, + '⨑': { codepoints: [10769], characters: '\u2A11' }, + '≌': { codepoints: [8780], characters: '\u224C' }, + '϶': { codepoints: [1014], characters: '\u03F6' }, + '‵': { codepoints: [8245], characters: '\u2035' }, + '∽': { codepoints: [8765], characters: '\u223D' }, + '⋍': { codepoints: [8909], characters: '\u22CD' }, + '∖': { codepoints: [8726], characters: '\u2216' }, + '⫧': { codepoints: [10983], characters: '\u2AE7' }, + '⊽': { codepoints: [8893], characters: '\u22BD' }, + '⌅': { codepoints: [8965], characters: '\u2305' }, + '⌆': { codepoints: [8966], characters: '\u2306' }, + '⌅': { codepoints: [8965], characters: '\u2305' }, + '⎵': { codepoints: [9141], characters: '\u23B5' }, + '⎶': { codepoints: [9142], characters: '\u23B6' }, + '≌': { codepoints: [8780], characters: '\u224C' }, + 'Б': { codepoints: [1041], characters: '\u0411' }, + 'б': { codepoints: [1073], characters: '\u0431' }, + '„': { codepoints: [8222], characters: '\u201E' }, + '∵': { codepoints: [8757], characters: '\u2235' }, + '∵': { codepoints: [8757], characters: '\u2235' }, + '∵': { codepoints: [8757], characters: '\u2235' }, + '⦰': { codepoints: [10672], characters: '\u29B0' }, + '϶': { codepoints: [1014], characters: '\u03F6' }, + 'ℬ': { codepoints: [8492], characters: '\u212C' }, + 'ℬ': { codepoints: [8492], characters: '\u212C' }, + 'Β': { codepoints: [914], characters: '\u0392' }, + 'β': { codepoints: [946], characters: '\u03B2' }, + 'ℶ': { codepoints: [8502], characters: '\u2136' }, + '≬': { codepoints: [8812], characters: '\u226C' }, + '𝔅': { codepoints: [120069], characters: '\uD835\uDD05' }, + '𝔟': { codepoints: [120095], characters: '\uD835\uDD1F' }, + '⋂': { codepoints: [8898], characters: '\u22C2' }, + '◯': { codepoints: [9711], characters: '\u25EF' }, + '⋃': { codepoints: [8899], characters: '\u22C3' }, + '⨀': { codepoints: [10752], characters: '\u2A00' }, + '⨁': { codepoints: [10753], characters: '\u2A01' }, + '⨂': { codepoints: [10754], characters: '\u2A02' }, + '⨆': { codepoints: [10758], characters: '\u2A06' }, + '★': { codepoints: [9733], characters: '\u2605' }, + '▽': { codepoints: [9661], characters: '\u25BD' }, + '△': { codepoints: [9651], characters: '\u25B3' }, + '⨄': { codepoints: [10756], characters: '\u2A04' }, + '⋁': { codepoints: [8897], characters: '\u22C1' }, + '⋀': { codepoints: [8896], characters: '\u22C0' }, + '⤍': { codepoints: [10509], characters: '\u290D' }, + '⧫': { codepoints: [10731], characters: '\u29EB' }, + '▪': { codepoints: [9642], characters: '\u25AA' }, + '▴': { codepoints: [9652], characters: '\u25B4' }, + '▾': { codepoints: [9662], characters: '\u25BE' }, + '◂': { codepoints: [9666], characters: '\u25C2' }, + '▸': { codepoints: [9656], characters: '\u25B8' }, + '␣': { codepoints: [9251], characters: '\u2423' }, + '▒': { codepoints: [9618], characters: '\u2592' }, + '░': { codepoints: [9617], characters: '\u2591' }, + '▓': { codepoints: [9619], characters: '\u2593' }, + '█': { codepoints: [9608], characters: '\u2588' }, + '=⃥': { codepoints: [61, 8421], characters: '\u003D\u20E5' }, + '≡⃥': { codepoints: [8801, 8421], characters: '\u2261\u20E5' }, + '⫭': { codepoints: [10989], characters: '\u2AED' }, + '⌐': { codepoints: [8976], characters: '\u2310' }, + '𝔹': { codepoints: [120121], characters: '\uD835\uDD39' }, + '𝕓': { codepoints: [120147], characters: '\uD835\uDD53' }, + '⊥': { codepoints: [8869], characters: '\u22A5' }, + '⊥': { codepoints: [8869], characters: '\u22A5' }, + '⋈': { codepoints: [8904], characters: '\u22C8' }, + '⧉': { codepoints: [10697], characters: '\u29C9' }, + '┐': { codepoints: [9488], characters: '\u2510' }, + '╕': { codepoints: [9557], characters: '\u2555' }, + '╖': { codepoints: [9558], characters: '\u2556' }, + '╗': { codepoints: [9559], characters: '\u2557' }, + '┌': { codepoints: [9484], characters: '\u250C' }, + '╒': { codepoints: [9554], characters: '\u2552' }, + '╓': { codepoints: [9555], characters: '\u2553' }, + '╔': { codepoints: [9556], characters: '\u2554' }, + '─': { codepoints: [9472], characters: '\u2500' }, + '═': { codepoints: [9552], characters: '\u2550' }, + '┬': { codepoints: [9516], characters: '\u252C' }, + '╤': { codepoints: [9572], characters: '\u2564' }, + '╥': { codepoints: [9573], characters: '\u2565' }, + '╦': { codepoints: [9574], characters: '\u2566' }, + '┴': { codepoints: [9524], characters: '\u2534' }, + '╧': { codepoints: [9575], characters: '\u2567' }, + '╨': { codepoints: [9576], characters: '\u2568' }, + '╩': { codepoints: [9577], characters: '\u2569' }, + '⊟': { codepoints: [8863], characters: '\u229F' }, + '⊞': { codepoints: [8862], characters: '\u229E' }, + '⊠': { codepoints: [8864], characters: '\u22A0' }, + '┘': { codepoints: [9496], characters: '\u2518' }, + '╛': { codepoints: [9563], characters: '\u255B' }, + '╜': { codepoints: [9564], characters: '\u255C' }, + '╝': { codepoints: [9565], characters: '\u255D' }, + '└': { codepoints: [9492], characters: '\u2514' }, + '╘': { codepoints: [9560], characters: '\u2558' }, + '╙': { codepoints: [9561], characters: '\u2559' }, + '╚': { codepoints: [9562], characters: '\u255A' }, + '│': { codepoints: [9474], characters: '\u2502' }, + '║': { codepoints: [9553], characters: '\u2551' }, + '┼': { codepoints: [9532], characters: '\u253C' }, + '╪': { codepoints: [9578], characters: '\u256A' }, + '╫': { codepoints: [9579], characters: '\u256B' }, + '╬': { codepoints: [9580], characters: '\u256C' }, + '┤': { codepoints: [9508], characters: '\u2524' }, + '╡': { codepoints: [9569], characters: '\u2561' }, + '╢': { codepoints: [9570], characters: '\u2562' }, + '╣': { codepoints: [9571], characters: '\u2563' }, + '├': { codepoints: [9500], characters: '\u251C' }, + '╞': { codepoints: [9566], characters: '\u255E' }, + '╟': { codepoints: [9567], characters: '\u255F' }, + '╠': { codepoints: [9568], characters: '\u2560' }, + '‵': { codepoints: [8245], characters: '\u2035' }, + '˘': { codepoints: [728], characters: '\u02D8' }, + '˘': { codepoints: [728], characters: '\u02D8' }, + '¦': { codepoints: [166], characters: '\u00A6' }, + '¦': { codepoints: [166], characters: '\u00A6' }, + '𝒷': { codepoints: [119991], characters: '\uD835\uDCB7' }, + 'ℬ': { codepoints: [8492], characters: '\u212C' }, + '⁏': { codepoints: [8271], characters: '\u204F' }, + '∽': { codepoints: [8765], characters: '\u223D' }, + '⋍': { codepoints: [8909], characters: '\u22CD' }, + '⧅': { codepoints: [10693], characters: '\u29C5' }, + '\': { codepoints: [92], characters: '\u005C' }, + '⟈': { codepoints: [10184], characters: '\u27C8' }, + '•': { codepoints: [8226], characters: '\u2022' }, + '•': { codepoints: [8226], characters: '\u2022' }, + '≎': { codepoints: [8782], characters: '\u224E' }, + '⪮': { codepoints: [10926], characters: '\u2AAE' }, + '≏': { codepoints: [8783], characters: '\u224F' }, + '≎': { codepoints: [8782], characters: '\u224E' }, + '≏': { codepoints: [8783], characters: '\u224F' }, + 'Ć': { codepoints: [262], characters: '\u0106' }, + 'ć': { codepoints: [263], characters: '\u0107' }, + '⩄': { codepoints: [10820], characters: '\u2A44' }, + '⩉': { codepoints: [10825], characters: '\u2A49' }, + '⩋': { codepoints: [10827], characters: '\u2A4B' }, + '∩': { codepoints: [8745], characters: '\u2229' }, + '⋒': { codepoints: [8914], characters: '\u22D2' }, + '⩇': { codepoints: [10823], characters: '\u2A47' }, + '⩀': { codepoints: [10816], characters: '\u2A40' }, + 'ⅅ': { codepoints: [8517], characters: '\u2145' }, + '∩︀': { codepoints: [8745, 65024], characters: '\u2229\uFE00' }, + '⁁': { codepoints: [8257], characters: '\u2041' }, + 'ˇ': { codepoints: [711], characters: '\u02C7' }, + 'ℭ': { codepoints: [8493], characters: '\u212D' }, + '⩍': { codepoints: [10829], characters: '\u2A4D' }, + 'Č': { codepoints: [268], characters: '\u010C' }, + 'č': { codepoints: [269], characters: '\u010D' }, + 'Ç': { codepoints: [199], characters: '\u00C7' }, + 'Ç': { codepoints: [199], characters: '\u00C7' }, + 'ç': { codepoints: [231], characters: '\u00E7' }, + 'ç': { codepoints: [231], characters: '\u00E7' }, + 'Ĉ': { codepoints: [264], characters: '\u0108' }, + 'ĉ': { codepoints: [265], characters: '\u0109' }, + '∰': { codepoints: [8752], characters: '\u2230' }, + '⩌': { codepoints: [10828], characters: '\u2A4C' }, + '⩐': { codepoints: [10832], characters: '\u2A50' }, + 'Ċ': { codepoints: [266], characters: '\u010A' }, + 'ċ': { codepoints: [267], characters: '\u010B' }, + '¸': { codepoints: [184], characters: '\u00B8' }, + '¸': { codepoints: [184], characters: '\u00B8' }, + '¸': { codepoints: [184], characters: '\u00B8' }, + '⦲': { codepoints: [10674], characters: '\u29B2' }, + '¢': { codepoints: [162], characters: '\u00A2' }, + '¢': { codepoints: [162], characters: '\u00A2' }, + '·': { codepoints: [183], characters: '\u00B7' }, + '·': { codepoints: [183], characters: '\u00B7' }, + '𝔠': { codepoints: [120096], characters: '\uD835\uDD20' }, + 'ℭ': { codepoints: [8493], characters: '\u212D' }, + 'Ч': { codepoints: [1063], characters: '\u0427' }, + 'ч': { codepoints: [1095], characters: '\u0447' }, + '✓': { codepoints: [10003], characters: '\u2713' }, + '✓': { codepoints: [10003], characters: '\u2713' }, + 'Χ': { codepoints: [935], characters: '\u03A7' }, + 'χ': { codepoints: [967], characters: '\u03C7' }, + 'ˆ': { codepoints: [710], characters: '\u02C6' }, + '≗': { codepoints: [8791], characters: '\u2257' }, + '↺': { codepoints: [8634], characters: '\u21BA' }, + '↻': { codepoints: [8635], characters: '\u21BB' }, + '⊛': { codepoints: [8859], characters: '\u229B' }, + '⊚': { codepoints: [8858], characters: '\u229A' }, + '⊝': { codepoints: [8861], characters: '\u229D' }, + '⊙': { codepoints: [8857], characters: '\u2299' }, + '®': { codepoints: [174], characters: '\u00AE' }, + 'Ⓢ': { codepoints: [9416], characters: '\u24C8' }, + '⊖': { codepoints: [8854], characters: '\u2296' }, + '⊕': { codepoints: [8853], characters: '\u2295' }, + '⊗': { codepoints: [8855], characters: '\u2297' }, + '○': { codepoints: [9675], characters: '\u25CB' }, + '⧃': { codepoints: [10691], characters: '\u29C3' }, + '≗': { codepoints: [8791], characters: '\u2257' }, + '⨐': { codepoints: [10768], characters: '\u2A10' }, + '⫯': { codepoints: [10991], characters: '\u2AEF' }, + '⧂': { codepoints: [10690], characters: '\u29C2' }, + '∲': { codepoints: [8754], characters: '\u2232' }, + '”': { codepoints: [8221], characters: '\u201D' }, + '’': { codepoints: [8217], characters: '\u2019' }, + '♣': { codepoints: [9827], characters: '\u2663' }, + '♣': { codepoints: [9827], characters: '\u2663' }, + ':': { codepoints: [58], characters: '\u003A' }, + '∷': { codepoints: [8759], characters: '\u2237' }, + '⩴': { codepoints: [10868], characters: '\u2A74' }, + '≔': { codepoints: [8788], characters: '\u2254' }, + '≔': { codepoints: [8788], characters: '\u2254' }, + ',': { codepoints: [44], characters: '\u002C' }, + '@': { codepoints: [64], characters: '\u0040' }, + '∁': { codepoints: [8705], characters: '\u2201' }, + '∘': { codepoints: [8728], characters: '\u2218' }, + '∁': { codepoints: [8705], characters: '\u2201' }, + 'ℂ': { codepoints: [8450], characters: '\u2102' }, + '≅': { codepoints: [8773], characters: '\u2245' }, + '⩭': { codepoints: [10861], characters: '\u2A6D' }, + '≡': { codepoints: [8801], characters: '\u2261' }, + '∮': { codepoints: [8750], characters: '\u222E' }, + '∯': { codepoints: [8751], characters: '\u222F' }, + '∮': { codepoints: [8750], characters: '\u222E' }, + '𝕔': { codepoints: [120148], characters: '\uD835\uDD54' }, + 'ℂ': { codepoints: [8450], characters: '\u2102' }, + '∐': { codepoints: [8720], characters: '\u2210' }, + '∐': { codepoints: [8720], characters: '\u2210' }, + '©': { codepoints: [169], characters: '\u00A9' }, + '©': { codepoints: [169], characters: '\u00A9' }, + '©': { codepoints: [169], characters: '\u00A9' }, + '©': { codepoints: [169], characters: '\u00A9' }, + '℗': { codepoints: [8471], characters: '\u2117' }, + '∳': { codepoints: [8755], characters: '\u2233' }, + '↵': { codepoints: [8629], characters: '\u21B5' }, + '✗': { codepoints: [10007], characters: '\u2717' }, + '⨯': { codepoints: [10799], characters: '\u2A2F' }, + '𝒞': { codepoints: [119966], characters: '\uD835\uDC9E' }, + '𝒸': { codepoints: [119992], characters: '\uD835\uDCB8' }, + '⫏': { codepoints: [10959], characters: '\u2ACF' }, + '⫑': { codepoints: [10961], characters: '\u2AD1' }, + '⫐': { codepoints: [10960], characters: '\u2AD0' }, + '⫒': { codepoints: [10962], characters: '\u2AD2' }, + '⋯': { codepoints: [8943], characters: '\u22EF' }, + '⤸': { codepoints: [10552], characters: '\u2938' }, + '⤵': { codepoints: [10549], characters: '\u2935' }, + '⋞': { codepoints: [8926], characters: '\u22DE' }, + '⋟': { codepoints: [8927], characters: '\u22DF' }, + '↶': { codepoints: [8630], characters: '\u21B6' }, + '⤽': { codepoints: [10557], characters: '\u293D' }, + '⩈': { codepoints: [10824], characters: '\u2A48' }, + '⩆': { codepoints: [10822], characters: '\u2A46' }, + '≍': { codepoints: [8781], characters: '\u224D' }, + '∪': { codepoints: [8746], characters: '\u222A' }, + '⋓': { codepoints: [8915], characters: '\u22D3' }, + '⩊': { codepoints: [10826], characters: '\u2A4A' }, + '⊍': { codepoints: [8845], characters: '\u228D' }, + '⩅': { codepoints: [10821], characters: '\u2A45' }, + '∪︀': { codepoints: [8746, 65024], characters: '\u222A\uFE00' }, + '↷': { codepoints: [8631], characters: '\u21B7' }, + '⤼': { codepoints: [10556], characters: '\u293C' }, + '⋞': { codepoints: [8926], characters: '\u22DE' }, + '⋟': { codepoints: [8927], characters: '\u22DF' }, + '⋎': { codepoints: [8910], characters: '\u22CE' }, + '⋏': { codepoints: [8911], characters: '\u22CF' }, + '¤': { codepoints: [164], characters: '\u00A4' }, + '¤': { codepoints: [164], characters: '\u00A4' }, + '↶': { codepoints: [8630], characters: '\u21B6' }, + '↷': { codepoints: [8631], characters: '\u21B7' }, + '⋎': { codepoints: [8910], characters: '\u22CE' }, + '⋏': { codepoints: [8911], characters: '\u22CF' }, + '∲': { codepoints: [8754], characters: '\u2232' }, + '∱': { codepoints: [8753], characters: '\u2231' }, + '⌭': { codepoints: [9005], characters: '\u232D' }, + '†': { codepoints: [8224], characters: '\u2020' }, + '‡': { codepoints: [8225], characters: '\u2021' }, + 'ℸ': { codepoints: [8504], characters: '\u2138' }, + '↓': { codepoints: [8595], characters: '\u2193' }, + '↡': { codepoints: [8609], characters: '\u21A1' }, + '⇓': { codepoints: [8659], characters: '\u21D3' }, + '‐': { codepoints: [8208], characters: '\u2010' }, + '⫤': { codepoints: [10980], characters: '\u2AE4' }, + '⊣': { codepoints: [8867], characters: '\u22A3' }, + '⤏': { codepoints: [10511], characters: '\u290F' }, + '˝': { codepoints: [733], characters: '\u02DD' }, + 'Ď': { codepoints: [270], characters: '\u010E' }, + 'ď': { codepoints: [271], characters: '\u010F' }, + 'Д': { codepoints: [1044], characters: '\u0414' }, + 'д': { codepoints: [1076], characters: '\u0434' }, + '‡': { codepoints: [8225], characters: '\u2021' }, + '⇊': { codepoints: [8650], characters: '\u21CA' }, + 'ⅅ': { codepoints: [8517], characters: '\u2145' }, + 'ⅆ': { codepoints: [8518], characters: '\u2146' }, + '⤑': { codepoints: [10513], characters: '\u2911' }, + '⩷': { codepoints: [10871], characters: '\u2A77' }, + '°': { codepoints: [176], characters: '\u00B0' }, + '°': { codepoints: [176], characters: '\u00B0' }, + '∇': { codepoints: [8711], characters: '\u2207' }, + 'Δ': { codepoints: [916], characters: '\u0394' }, + 'δ': { codepoints: [948], characters: '\u03B4' }, + '⦱': { codepoints: [10673], characters: '\u29B1' }, + '⥿': { codepoints: [10623], characters: '\u297F' }, + '𝔇': { codepoints: [120071], characters: '\uD835\uDD07' }, + '𝔡': { codepoints: [120097], characters: '\uD835\uDD21' }, + '⥥': { codepoints: [10597], characters: '\u2965' }, + '⇃': { codepoints: [8643], characters: '\u21C3' }, + '⇂': { codepoints: [8642], characters: '\u21C2' }, + '´': { codepoints: [180], characters: '\u00B4' }, + '˙': { codepoints: [729], characters: '\u02D9' }, + '˝': { codepoints: [733], characters: '\u02DD' }, + '`': { codepoints: [96], characters: '\u0060' }, + '˜': { codepoints: [732], characters: '\u02DC' }, + '⋄': { codepoints: [8900], characters: '\u22C4' }, + '⋄': { codepoints: [8900], characters: '\u22C4' }, + '⋄': { codepoints: [8900], characters: '\u22C4' }, + '♦': { codepoints: [9830], characters: '\u2666' }, + '♦': { codepoints: [9830], characters: '\u2666' }, + '¨': { codepoints: [168], characters: '\u00A8' }, + 'ⅆ': { codepoints: [8518], characters: '\u2146' }, + 'ϝ': { codepoints: [989], characters: '\u03DD' }, + '⋲': { codepoints: [8946], characters: '\u22F2' }, + '÷': { codepoints: [247], characters: '\u00F7' }, + '÷': { codepoints: [247], characters: '\u00F7' }, + '÷': { codepoints: [247], characters: '\u00F7' }, + '⋇': { codepoints: [8903], characters: '\u22C7' }, + '⋇': { codepoints: [8903], characters: '\u22C7' }, + 'Ђ': { codepoints: [1026], characters: '\u0402' }, + 'ђ': { codepoints: [1106], characters: '\u0452' }, + '⌞': { codepoints: [8990], characters: '\u231E' }, + '⌍': { codepoints: [8973], characters: '\u230D' }, + '$': { codepoints: [36], characters: '\u0024' }, + '𝔻': { codepoints: [120123], characters: '\uD835\uDD3B' }, + '𝕕': { codepoints: [120149], characters: '\uD835\uDD55' }, + '¨': { codepoints: [168], characters: '\u00A8' }, + '˙': { codepoints: [729], characters: '\u02D9' }, + '⃜': { codepoints: [8412], characters: '\u20DC' }, + '≐': { codepoints: [8784], characters: '\u2250' }, + '≑': { codepoints: [8785], characters: '\u2251' }, + '≐': { codepoints: [8784], characters: '\u2250' }, + '∸': { codepoints: [8760], characters: '\u2238' }, + '∔': { codepoints: [8724], characters: '\u2214' }, + '⊡': { codepoints: [8865], characters: '\u22A1' }, + '⌆': { codepoints: [8966], characters: '\u2306' }, + '∯': { codepoints: [8751], characters: '\u222F' }, + '¨': { codepoints: [168], characters: '\u00A8' }, + '⇓': { codepoints: [8659], characters: '\u21D3' }, + '⇐': { codepoints: [8656], characters: '\u21D0' }, + '⇔': { codepoints: [8660], characters: '\u21D4' }, + '⫤': { codepoints: [10980], characters: '\u2AE4' }, + '⟸': { codepoints: [10232], characters: '\u27F8' }, + '⟺': { codepoints: [10234], characters: '\u27FA' }, + '⟹': { codepoints: [10233], characters: '\u27F9' }, + '⇒': { codepoints: [8658], characters: '\u21D2' }, + '⊨': { codepoints: [8872], characters: '\u22A8' }, + '⇑': { codepoints: [8657], characters: '\u21D1' }, + '⇕': { codepoints: [8661], characters: '\u21D5' }, + '∥': { codepoints: [8741], characters: '\u2225' }, + '⤓': { codepoints: [10515], characters: '\u2913' }, + '↓': { codepoints: [8595], characters: '\u2193' }, + '↓': { codepoints: [8595], characters: '\u2193' }, + '⇓': { codepoints: [8659], characters: '\u21D3' }, + '⇵': { codepoints: [8693], characters: '\u21F5' }, + '̑': { codepoints: [785], characters: '\u0311' }, + '⇊': { codepoints: [8650], characters: '\u21CA' }, + '⇃': { codepoints: [8643], characters: '\u21C3' }, + '⇂': { codepoints: [8642], characters: '\u21C2' }, + '⥐': { codepoints: [10576], characters: '\u2950' }, + '⥞': { codepoints: [10590], characters: '\u295E' }, + '⥖': { codepoints: [10582], characters: '\u2956' }, + '↽': { codepoints: [8637], characters: '\u21BD' }, + '⥟': { codepoints: [10591], characters: '\u295F' }, + '⥗': { codepoints: [10583], characters: '\u2957' }, + '⇁': { codepoints: [8641], characters: '\u21C1' }, + '↧': { codepoints: [8615], characters: '\u21A7' }, + '⊤': { codepoints: [8868], characters: '\u22A4' }, + '⤐': { codepoints: [10512], characters: '\u2910' }, + '⌟': { codepoints: [8991], characters: '\u231F' }, + '⌌': { codepoints: [8972], characters: '\u230C' }, + '𝒟': { codepoints: [119967], characters: '\uD835\uDC9F' }, + '𝒹': { codepoints: [119993], characters: '\uD835\uDCB9' }, + 'Ѕ': { codepoints: [1029], characters: '\u0405' }, + 'ѕ': { codepoints: [1109], characters: '\u0455' }, + '⧶': { codepoints: [10742], characters: '\u29F6' }, + 'Đ': { codepoints: [272], characters: '\u0110' }, + 'đ': { codepoints: [273], characters: '\u0111' }, + '⋱': { codepoints: [8945], characters: '\u22F1' }, + '▿': { codepoints: [9663], characters: '\u25BF' }, + '▾': { codepoints: [9662], characters: '\u25BE' }, + '⇵': { codepoints: [8693], characters: '\u21F5' }, + '⥯': { codepoints: [10607], characters: '\u296F' }, + '⦦': { codepoints: [10662], characters: '\u29A6' }, + 'Џ': { codepoints: [1039], characters: '\u040F' }, + 'џ': { codepoints: [1119], characters: '\u045F' }, + '⟿': { codepoints: [10239], characters: '\u27FF' }, + 'É': { codepoints: [201], characters: '\u00C9' }, + 'É': { codepoints: [201], characters: '\u00C9' }, + 'é': { codepoints: [233], characters: '\u00E9' }, + 'é': { codepoints: [233], characters: '\u00E9' }, + '⩮': { codepoints: [10862], characters: '\u2A6E' }, + 'Ě': { codepoints: [282], characters: '\u011A' }, + 'ě': { codepoints: [283], characters: '\u011B' }, + 'Ê': { codepoints: [202], characters: '\u00CA' }, + 'Ê': { codepoints: [202], characters: '\u00CA' }, + 'ê': { codepoints: [234], characters: '\u00EA' }, + 'ê': { codepoints: [234], characters: '\u00EA' }, + '≖': { codepoints: [8790], characters: '\u2256' }, + '≕': { codepoints: [8789], characters: '\u2255' }, + 'Э': { codepoints: [1069], characters: '\u042D' }, + 'э': { codepoints: [1101], characters: '\u044D' }, + '⩷': { codepoints: [10871], characters: '\u2A77' }, + 'Ė': { codepoints: [278], characters: '\u0116' }, + 'ė': { codepoints: [279], characters: '\u0117' }, + '≑': { codepoints: [8785], characters: '\u2251' }, + 'ⅇ': { codepoints: [8519], characters: '\u2147' }, + '≒': { codepoints: [8786], characters: '\u2252' }, + '𝔈': { codepoints: [120072], characters: '\uD835\uDD08' }, + '𝔢': { codepoints: [120098], characters: '\uD835\uDD22' }, + '⪚': { codepoints: [10906], characters: '\u2A9A' }, + 'È': { codepoints: [200], characters: '\u00C8' }, + 'È': { codepoints: [200], characters: '\u00C8' }, + 'è': { codepoints: [232], characters: '\u00E8' }, + 'è': { codepoints: [232], characters: '\u00E8' }, + '⪖': { codepoints: [10902], characters: '\u2A96' }, + '⪘': { codepoints: [10904], characters: '\u2A98' }, + '⪙': { codepoints: [10905], characters: '\u2A99' }, + '∈': { codepoints: [8712], characters: '\u2208' }, + '⏧': { codepoints: [9191], characters: '\u23E7' }, + 'ℓ': { codepoints: [8467], characters: '\u2113' }, + '⪕': { codepoints: [10901], characters: '\u2A95' }, + '⪗': { codepoints: [10903], characters: '\u2A97' }, + 'Ē': { codepoints: [274], characters: '\u0112' }, + 'ē': { codepoints: [275], characters: '\u0113' }, + '∅': { codepoints: [8709], characters: '\u2205' }, + '∅': { codepoints: [8709], characters: '\u2205' }, + '◻': { codepoints: [9723], characters: '\u25FB' }, + '∅': { codepoints: [8709], characters: '\u2205' }, + '▫': { codepoints: [9643], characters: '\u25AB' }, + ' ': { codepoints: [8196], characters: '\u2004' }, + ' ': { codepoints: [8197], characters: '\u2005' }, + ' ': { codepoints: [8195], characters: '\u2003' }, + 'Ŋ': { codepoints: [330], characters: '\u014A' }, + 'ŋ': { codepoints: [331], characters: '\u014B' }, + ' ': { codepoints: [8194], characters: '\u2002' }, + 'Ę': { codepoints: [280], characters: '\u0118' }, + 'ę': { codepoints: [281], characters: '\u0119' }, + '𝔼': { codepoints: [120124], characters: '\uD835\uDD3C' }, + '𝕖': { codepoints: [120150], characters: '\uD835\uDD56' }, + '⋕': { codepoints: [8917], characters: '\u22D5' }, + '⧣': { codepoints: [10723], characters: '\u29E3' }, + '⩱': { codepoints: [10865], characters: '\u2A71' }, + 'ε': { codepoints: [949], characters: '\u03B5' }, + 'Ε': { codepoints: [917], characters: '\u0395' }, + 'ε': { codepoints: [949], characters: '\u03B5' }, + 'ϵ': { codepoints: [1013], characters: '\u03F5' }, + '≖': { codepoints: [8790], characters: '\u2256' }, + '≕': { codepoints: [8789], characters: '\u2255' }, + '≂': { codepoints: [8770], characters: '\u2242' }, + '⪖': { codepoints: [10902], characters: '\u2A96' }, + '⪕': { codepoints: [10901], characters: '\u2A95' }, + '⩵': { codepoints: [10869], characters: '\u2A75' }, + '=': { codepoints: [61], characters: '\u003D' }, + '≂': { codepoints: [8770], characters: '\u2242' }, + '≟': { codepoints: [8799], characters: '\u225F' }, + '⇌': { codepoints: [8652], characters: '\u21CC' }, + '≡': { codepoints: [8801], characters: '\u2261' }, + '⩸': { codepoints: [10872], characters: '\u2A78' }, + '⧥': { codepoints: [10725], characters: '\u29E5' }, + '⥱': { codepoints: [10609], characters: '\u2971' }, + '≓': { codepoints: [8787], characters: '\u2253' }, + 'ℯ': { codepoints: [8495], characters: '\u212F' }, + 'ℰ': { codepoints: [8496], characters: '\u2130' }, + '≐': { codepoints: [8784], characters: '\u2250' }, + '⩳': { codepoints: [10867], characters: '\u2A73' }, + '≂': { codepoints: [8770], characters: '\u2242' }, + 'Η': { codepoints: [919], characters: '\u0397' }, + 'η': { codepoints: [951], characters: '\u03B7' }, + 'Ð': { codepoints: [208], characters: '\u00D0' }, + 'Ð': { codepoints: [208], characters: '\u00D0' }, + 'ð': { codepoints: [240], characters: '\u00F0' }, + 'ð': { codepoints: [240], characters: '\u00F0' }, + 'Ë': { codepoints: [203], characters: '\u00CB' }, + 'Ë': { codepoints: [203], characters: '\u00CB' }, + 'ë': { codepoints: [235], characters: '\u00EB' }, + 'ë': { codepoints: [235], characters: '\u00EB' }, + '€': { codepoints: [8364], characters: '\u20AC' }, + '!': { codepoints: [33], characters: '\u0021' }, + '∃': { codepoints: [8707], characters: '\u2203' }, + '∃': { codepoints: [8707], characters: '\u2203' }, + 'ℰ': { codepoints: [8496], characters: '\u2130' }, + 'ⅇ': { codepoints: [8519], characters: '\u2147' }, + 'ⅇ': { codepoints: [8519], characters: '\u2147' }, + '≒': { codepoints: [8786], characters: '\u2252' }, + 'Ф': { codepoints: [1060], characters: '\u0424' }, + 'ф': { codepoints: [1092], characters: '\u0444' }, + '♀': { codepoints: [9792], characters: '\u2640' }, + 'ffi': { codepoints: [64259], characters: '\uFB03' }, + 'ff': { codepoints: [64256], characters: '\uFB00' }, + 'ffl': { codepoints: [64260], characters: '\uFB04' }, + '𝔉': { codepoints: [120073], characters: '\uD835\uDD09' }, + '𝔣': { codepoints: [120099], characters: '\uD835\uDD23' }, + 'fi': { codepoints: [64257], characters: '\uFB01' }, + '◼': { codepoints: [9724], characters: '\u25FC' }, + '▪': { codepoints: [9642], characters: '\u25AA' }, + 'fj': { codepoints: [102, 106], characters: '\u0066\u006A' }, + '♭': { codepoints: [9837], characters: '\u266D' }, + 'fl': { codepoints: [64258], characters: '\uFB02' }, + '▱': { codepoints: [9649], characters: '\u25B1' }, + 'ƒ': { codepoints: [402], characters: '\u0192' }, + '𝔽': { codepoints: [120125], characters: '\uD835\uDD3D' }, + '𝕗': { codepoints: [120151], characters: '\uD835\uDD57' }, + '∀': { codepoints: [8704], characters: '\u2200' }, + '∀': { codepoints: [8704], characters: '\u2200' }, + '⋔': { codepoints: [8916], characters: '\u22D4' }, + '⫙': { codepoints: [10969], characters: '\u2AD9' }, + 'ℱ': { codepoints: [8497], characters: '\u2131' }, + '⨍': { codepoints: [10765], characters: '\u2A0D' }, + '½': { codepoints: [189], characters: '\u00BD' }, + '½': { codepoints: [189], characters: '\u00BD' }, + '⅓': { codepoints: [8531], characters: '\u2153' }, + '¼': { codepoints: [188], characters: '\u00BC' }, + '¼': { codepoints: [188], characters: '\u00BC' }, + '⅕': { codepoints: [8533], characters: '\u2155' }, + '⅙': { codepoints: [8537], characters: '\u2159' }, + '⅛': { codepoints: [8539], characters: '\u215B' }, + '⅔': { codepoints: [8532], characters: '\u2154' }, + '⅖': { codepoints: [8534], characters: '\u2156' }, + '¾': { codepoints: [190], characters: '\u00BE' }, + '¾': { codepoints: [190], characters: '\u00BE' }, + '⅗': { codepoints: [8535], characters: '\u2157' }, + '⅜': { codepoints: [8540], characters: '\u215C' }, + '⅘': { codepoints: [8536], characters: '\u2158' }, + '⅚': { codepoints: [8538], characters: '\u215A' }, + '⅝': { codepoints: [8541], characters: '\u215D' }, + '⅞': { codepoints: [8542], characters: '\u215E' }, + '⁄': { codepoints: [8260], characters: '\u2044' }, + '⌢': { codepoints: [8994], characters: '\u2322' }, + '𝒻': { codepoints: [119995], characters: '\uD835\uDCBB' }, + 'ℱ': { codepoints: [8497], characters: '\u2131' }, + 'ǵ': { codepoints: [501], characters: '\u01F5' }, + 'Γ': { codepoints: [915], characters: '\u0393' }, + 'γ': { codepoints: [947], characters: '\u03B3' }, + 'Ϝ': { codepoints: [988], characters: '\u03DC' }, + 'ϝ': { codepoints: [989], characters: '\u03DD' }, + '⪆': { codepoints: [10886], characters: '\u2A86' }, + 'Ğ': { codepoints: [286], characters: '\u011E' }, + 'ğ': { codepoints: [287], characters: '\u011F' }, + 'Ģ': { codepoints: [290], characters: '\u0122' }, + 'Ĝ': { codepoints: [284], characters: '\u011C' }, + 'ĝ': { codepoints: [285], characters: '\u011D' }, + 'Г': { codepoints: [1043], characters: '\u0413' }, + 'г': { codepoints: [1075], characters: '\u0433' }, + 'Ġ': { codepoints: [288], characters: '\u0120' }, + 'ġ': { codepoints: [289], characters: '\u0121' }, + '≥': { codepoints: [8805], characters: '\u2265' }, + '≧': { codepoints: [8807], characters: '\u2267' }, + '⪌': { codepoints: [10892], characters: '\u2A8C' }, + '⋛': { codepoints: [8923], characters: '\u22DB' }, + '≥': { codepoints: [8805], characters: '\u2265' }, + '≧': { codepoints: [8807], characters: '\u2267' }, + '⩾': { codepoints: [10878], characters: '\u2A7E' }, + '⪩': { codepoints: [10921], characters: '\u2AA9' }, + '⩾': { codepoints: [10878], characters: '\u2A7E' }, + '⪀': { codepoints: [10880], characters: '\u2A80' }, + '⪂': { codepoints: [10882], characters: '\u2A82' }, + '⪄': { codepoints: [10884], characters: '\u2A84' }, + '⋛︀': { codepoints: [8923, 65024], characters: '\u22DB\uFE00' }, + '⪔': { codepoints: [10900], characters: '\u2A94' }, + '𝔊': { codepoints: [120074], characters: '\uD835\uDD0A' }, + '𝔤': { codepoints: [120100], characters: '\uD835\uDD24' }, + '≫': { codepoints: [8811], characters: '\u226B' }, + '⋙': { codepoints: [8921], characters: '\u22D9' }, + '⋙': { codepoints: [8921], characters: '\u22D9' }, + 'ℷ': { codepoints: [8503], characters: '\u2137' }, + 'Ѓ': { codepoints: [1027], characters: '\u0403' }, + 'ѓ': { codepoints: [1107], characters: '\u0453' }, + '⪥': { codepoints: [10917], characters: '\u2AA5' }, + '≷': { codepoints: [8823], characters: '\u2277' }, + '⪒': { codepoints: [10898], characters: '\u2A92' }, + '⪤': { codepoints: [10916], characters: '\u2AA4' }, + '⪊': { codepoints: [10890], characters: '\u2A8A' }, + '⪊': { codepoints: [10890], characters: '\u2A8A' }, + '⪈': { codepoints: [10888], characters: '\u2A88' }, + '≩': { codepoints: [8809], characters: '\u2269' }, + '⪈': { codepoints: [10888], characters: '\u2A88' }, + '≩': { codepoints: [8809], characters: '\u2269' }, + '⋧': { codepoints: [8935], characters: '\u22E7' }, + '𝔾': { codepoints: [120126], characters: '\uD835\uDD3E' }, + '𝕘': { codepoints: [120152], characters: '\uD835\uDD58' }, + '`': { codepoints: [96], characters: '\u0060' }, + '≥': { codepoints: [8805], characters: '\u2265' }, + '⋛': { codepoints: [8923], characters: '\u22DB' }, + '≧': { codepoints: [8807], characters: '\u2267' }, + '⪢': { codepoints: [10914], characters: '\u2AA2' }, + '≷': { codepoints: [8823], characters: '\u2277' }, + '⩾': { codepoints: [10878], characters: '\u2A7E' }, + '≳': { codepoints: [8819], characters: '\u2273' }, + '𝒢': { codepoints: [119970], characters: '\uD835\uDCA2' }, + 'ℊ': { codepoints: [8458], characters: '\u210A' }, + '≳': { codepoints: [8819], characters: '\u2273' }, + '⪎': { codepoints: [10894], characters: '\u2A8E' }, + '⪐': { codepoints: [10896], characters: '\u2A90' }, + '⪧': { codepoints: [10919], characters: '\u2AA7' }, + '⩺': { codepoints: [10874], characters: '\u2A7A' }, + '>': { codepoints: [62], characters: '\u003E' }, + '>': { codepoints: [62], characters: '\u003E' }, + '>': { codepoints: [62], characters: '\u003E' }, + '>': { codepoints: [62], characters: '\u003E' }, + '≫': { codepoints: [8811], characters: '\u226B' }, + '⋗': { codepoints: [8919], characters: '\u22D7' }, + '⦕': { codepoints: [10645], characters: '\u2995' }, + '⩼': { codepoints: [10876], characters: '\u2A7C' }, + '⪆': { codepoints: [10886], characters: '\u2A86' }, + '⥸': { codepoints: [10616], characters: '\u2978' }, + '⋗': { codepoints: [8919], characters: '\u22D7' }, + '⋛': { codepoints: [8923], characters: '\u22DB' }, + '⪌': { codepoints: [10892], characters: '\u2A8C' }, + '≷': { codepoints: [8823], characters: '\u2277' }, + '≳': { codepoints: [8819], characters: '\u2273' }, + '≩︀': { codepoints: [8809, 65024], characters: '\u2269\uFE00' }, + '≩︀': { codepoints: [8809, 65024], characters: '\u2269\uFE00' }, + 'ˇ': { codepoints: [711], characters: '\u02C7' }, + ' ': { codepoints: [8202], characters: '\u200A' }, + '½': { codepoints: [189], characters: '\u00BD' }, + 'ℋ': { codepoints: [8459], characters: '\u210B' }, + 'Ъ': { codepoints: [1066], characters: '\u042A' }, + 'ъ': { codepoints: [1098], characters: '\u044A' }, + '⥈': { codepoints: [10568], characters: '\u2948' }, + '↔': { codepoints: [8596], characters: '\u2194' }, + '⇔': { codepoints: [8660], characters: '\u21D4' }, + '↭': { codepoints: [8621], characters: '\u21AD' }, + '^': { codepoints: [94], characters: '\u005E' }, + 'ℏ': { codepoints: [8463], characters: '\u210F' }, + 'Ĥ': { codepoints: [292], characters: '\u0124' }, + 'ĥ': { codepoints: [293], characters: '\u0125' }, + '♥': { codepoints: [9829], characters: '\u2665' }, + '♥': { codepoints: [9829], characters: '\u2665' }, + '…': { codepoints: [8230], characters: '\u2026' }, + '⊹': { codepoints: [8889], characters: '\u22B9' }, + '𝔥': { codepoints: [120101], characters: '\uD835\uDD25' }, + 'ℌ': { codepoints: [8460], characters: '\u210C' }, + 'ℋ': { codepoints: [8459], characters: '\u210B' }, + '⤥': { codepoints: [10533], characters: '\u2925' }, + '⤦': { codepoints: [10534], characters: '\u2926' }, + '⇿': { codepoints: [8703], characters: '\u21FF' }, + '∻': { codepoints: [8763], characters: '\u223B' }, + '↩': { codepoints: [8617], characters: '\u21A9' }, + '↪': { codepoints: [8618], characters: '\u21AA' }, + '𝕙': { codepoints: [120153], characters: '\uD835\uDD59' }, + 'ℍ': { codepoints: [8461], characters: '\u210D' }, + '―': { codepoints: [8213], characters: '\u2015' }, + '─': { codepoints: [9472], characters: '\u2500' }, + '𝒽': { codepoints: [119997], characters: '\uD835\uDCBD' }, + 'ℋ': { codepoints: [8459], characters: '\u210B' }, + 'ℏ': { codepoints: [8463], characters: '\u210F' }, + 'Ħ': { codepoints: [294], characters: '\u0126' }, + 'ħ': { codepoints: [295], characters: '\u0127' }, + '≎': { codepoints: [8782], characters: '\u224E' }, + '≏': { codepoints: [8783], characters: '\u224F' }, + '⁃': { codepoints: [8259], characters: '\u2043' }, + '‐': { codepoints: [8208], characters: '\u2010' }, + 'Í': { codepoints: [205], characters: '\u00CD' }, + 'Í': { codepoints: [205], characters: '\u00CD' }, + 'í': { codepoints: [237], characters: '\u00ED' }, + 'í': { codepoints: [237], characters: '\u00ED' }, + '⁣': { codepoints: [8291], characters: '\u2063' }, + 'Î': { codepoints: [206], characters: '\u00CE' }, + 'Î': { codepoints: [206], characters: '\u00CE' }, + 'î': { codepoints: [238], characters: '\u00EE' }, + 'î': { codepoints: [238], characters: '\u00EE' }, + 'И': { codepoints: [1048], characters: '\u0418' }, + 'и': { codepoints: [1080], characters: '\u0438' }, + 'İ': { codepoints: [304], characters: '\u0130' }, + 'Е': { codepoints: [1045], characters: '\u0415' }, + 'е': { codepoints: [1077], characters: '\u0435' }, + '¡': { codepoints: [161], characters: '\u00A1' }, + '¡': { codepoints: [161], characters: '\u00A1' }, + '⇔': { codepoints: [8660], characters: '\u21D4' }, + '𝔦': { codepoints: [120102], characters: '\uD835\uDD26' }, + 'ℑ': { codepoints: [8465], characters: '\u2111' }, + 'Ì': { codepoints: [204], characters: '\u00CC' }, + 'Ì': { codepoints: [204], characters: '\u00CC' }, + 'ì': { codepoints: [236], characters: '\u00EC' }, + 'ì': { codepoints: [236], characters: '\u00EC' }, + 'ⅈ': { codepoints: [8520], characters: '\u2148' }, + '⨌': { codepoints: [10764], characters: '\u2A0C' }, + '∭': { codepoints: [8749], characters: '\u222D' }, + '⧜': { codepoints: [10716], characters: '\u29DC' }, + '℩': { codepoints: [8489], characters: '\u2129' }, + 'IJ': { codepoints: [306], characters: '\u0132' }, + 'ij': { codepoints: [307], characters: '\u0133' }, + 'Ī': { codepoints: [298], characters: '\u012A' }, + 'ī': { codepoints: [299], characters: '\u012B' }, + 'ℑ': { codepoints: [8465], characters: '\u2111' }, + 'ⅈ': { codepoints: [8520], characters: '\u2148' }, + 'ℐ': { codepoints: [8464], characters: '\u2110' }, + 'ℑ': { codepoints: [8465], characters: '\u2111' }, + 'ı': { codepoints: [305], characters: '\u0131' }, + 'ℑ': { codepoints: [8465], characters: '\u2111' }, + '⊷': { codepoints: [8887], characters: '\u22B7' }, + 'Ƶ': { codepoints: [437], characters: '\u01B5' }, + '⇒': { codepoints: [8658], characters: '\u21D2' }, + '℅': { codepoints: [8453], characters: '\u2105' }, + '∈': { codepoints: [8712], characters: '\u2208' }, + '∞': { codepoints: [8734], characters: '\u221E' }, + '⧝': { codepoints: [10717], characters: '\u29DD' }, + 'ı': { codepoints: [305], characters: '\u0131' }, + '⊺': { codepoints: [8890], characters: '\u22BA' }, + '∫': { codepoints: [8747], characters: '\u222B' }, + '∬': { codepoints: [8748], characters: '\u222C' }, + 'ℤ': { codepoints: [8484], characters: '\u2124' }, + '∫': { codepoints: [8747], characters: '\u222B' }, + '⊺': { codepoints: [8890], characters: '\u22BA' }, + '⋂': { codepoints: [8898], characters: '\u22C2' }, + '⨗': { codepoints: [10775], characters: '\u2A17' }, + '⨼': { codepoints: [10812], characters: '\u2A3C' }, + '⁣': { codepoints: [8291], characters: '\u2063' }, + '⁢': { codepoints: [8290], characters: '\u2062' }, + 'Ё': { codepoints: [1025], characters: '\u0401' }, + 'ё': { codepoints: [1105], characters: '\u0451' }, + 'Į': { codepoints: [302], characters: '\u012E' }, + 'į': { codepoints: [303], characters: '\u012F' }, + '𝕀': { codepoints: [120128], characters: '\uD835\uDD40' }, + '𝕚': { codepoints: [120154], characters: '\uD835\uDD5A' }, + 'Ι': { codepoints: [921], characters: '\u0399' }, + 'ι': { codepoints: [953], characters: '\u03B9' }, + '⨼': { codepoints: [10812], characters: '\u2A3C' }, + '¿': { codepoints: [191], characters: '\u00BF' }, + '¿': { codepoints: [191], characters: '\u00BF' }, + '𝒾': { codepoints: [119998], characters: '\uD835\uDCBE' }, + 'ℐ': { codepoints: [8464], characters: '\u2110' }, + '∈': { codepoints: [8712], characters: '\u2208' }, + '⋵': { codepoints: [8949], characters: '\u22F5' }, + '⋹': { codepoints: [8953], characters: '\u22F9' }, + '⋴': { codepoints: [8948], characters: '\u22F4' }, + '⋳': { codepoints: [8947], characters: '\u22F3' }, + '∈': { codepoints: [8712], characters: '\u2208' }, + '⁢': { codepoints: [8290], characters: '\u2062' }, + 'Ĩ': { codepoints: [296], characters: '\u0128' }, + 'ĩ': { codepoints: [297], characters: '\u0129' }, + 'І': { codepoints: [1030], characters: '\u0406' }, + 'і': { codepoints: [1110], characters: '\u0456' }, + 'Ï': { codepoints: [207], characters: '\u00CF' }, + 'Ï': { codepoints: [207], characters: '\u00CF' }, + 'ï': { codepoints: [239], characters: '\u00EF' }, + 'ï': { codepoints: [239], characters: '\u00EF' }, + 'Ĵ': { codepoints: [308], characters: '\u0134' }, + 'ĵ': { codepoints: [309], characters: '\u0135' }, + 'Й': { codepoints: [1049], characters: '\u0419' }, + 'й': { codepoints: [1081], characters: '\u0439' }, + '𝔍': { codepoints: [120077], characters: '\uD835\uDD0D' }, + '𝔧': { codepoints: [120103], characters: '\uD835\uDD27' }, + 'ȷ': { codepoints: [567], characters: '\u0237' }, + '𝕁': { codepoints: [120129], characters: '\uD835\uDD41' }, + '𝕛': { codepoints: [120155], characters: '\uD835\uDD5B' }, + '𝒥': { codepoints: [119973], characters: '\uD835\uDCA5' }, + '𝒿': { codepoints: [119999], characters: '\uD835\uDCBF' }, + 'Ј': { codepoints: [1032], characters: '\u0408' }, + 'ј': { codepoints: [1112], characters: '\u0458' }, + 'Є': { codepoints: [1028], characters: '\u0404' }, + 'є': { codepoints: [1108], characters: '\u0454' }, + 'Κ': { codepoints: [922], characters: '\u039A' }, + 'κ': { codepoints: [954], characters: '\u03BA' }, + 'ϰ': { codepoints: [1008], characters: '\u03F0' }, + 'Ķ': { codepoints: [310], characters: '\u0136' }, + 'ķ': { codepoints: [311], characters: '\u0137' }, + 'К': { codepoints: [1050], characters: '\u041A' }, + 'к': { codepoints: [1082], characters: '\u043A' }, + '𝔎': { codepoints: [120078], characters: '\uD835\uDD0E' }, + '𝔨': { codepoints: [120104], characters: '\uD835\uDD28' }, + 'ĸ': { codepoints: [312], characters: '\u0138' }, + 'Х': { codepoints: [1061], characters: '\u0425' }, + 'х': { codepoints: [1093], characters: '\u0445' }, + 'Ќ': { codepoints: [1036], characters: '\u040C' }, + 'ќ': { codepoints: [1116], characters: '\u045C' }, + '𝕂': { codepoints: [120130], characters: '\uD835\uDD42' }, + '𝕜': { codepoints: [120156], characters: '\uD835\uDD5C' }, + '𝒦': { codepoints: [119974], characters: '\uD835\uDCA6' }, + '𝓀': { codepoints: [120000], characters: '\uD835\uDCC0' }, + '⇚': { codepoints: [8666], characters: '\u21DA' }, + 'Ĺ': { codepoints: [313], characters: '\u0139' }, + 'ĺ': { codepoints: [314], characters: '\u013A' }, + '⦴': { codepoints: [10676], characters: '\u29B4' }, + 'ℒ': { codepoints: [8466], characters: '\u2112' }, + 'Λ': { codepoints: [923], characters: '\u039B' }, + 'λ': { codepoints: [955], characters: '\u03BB' }, + '⟨': { codepoints: [10216], characters: '\u27E8' }, + '⟪': { codepoints: [10218], characters: '\u27EA' }, + '⦑': { codepoints: [10641], characters: '\u2991' }, + '⟨': { codepoints: [10216], characters: '\u27E8' }, + '⪅': { codepoints: [10885], characters: '\u2A85' }, + 'ℒ': { codepoints: [8466], characters: '\u2112' }, + '«': { codepoints: [171], characters: '\u00AB' }, + '«': { codepoints: [171], characters: '\u00AB' }, + '⇤': { codepoints: [8676], characters: '\u21E4' }, + '⤟': { codepoints: [10527], characters: '\u291F' }, + '←': { codepoints: [8592], characters: '\u2190' }, + '↞': { codepoints: [8606], characters: '\u219E' }, + '⇐': { codepoints: [8656], characters: '\u21D0' }, + '⤝': { codepoints: [10525], characters: '\u291D' }, + '↩': { codepoints: [8617], characters: '\u21A9' }, + '↫': { codepoints: [8619], characters: '\u21AB' }, + '⤹': { codepoints: [10553], characters: '\u2939' }, + '⥳': { codepoints: [10611], characters: '\u2973' }, + '↢': { codepoints: [8610], characters: '\u21A2' }, + '⤙': { codepoints: [10521], characters: '\u2919' }, + '⤛': { codepoints: [10523], characters: '\u291B' }, + '⪫': { codepoints: [10923], characters: '\u2AAB' }, + '⪭': { codepoints: [10925], characters: '\u2AAD' }, + '⪭︀': { codepoints: [10925, 65024], characters: '\u2AAD\uFE00' }, + '⤌': { codepoints: [10508], characters: '\u290C' }, + '⤎': { codepoints: [10510], characters: '\u290E' }, + '❲': { codepoints: [10098], characters: '\u2772' }, + '{': { codepoints: [123], characters: '\u007B' }, + '[': { codepoints: [91], characters: '\u005B' }, + '⦋': { codepoints: [10635], characters: '\u298B' }, + '⦏': { codepoints: [10639], characters: '\u298F' }, + '⦍': { codepoints: [10637], characters: '\u298D' }, + 'Ľ': { codepoints: [317], characters: '\u013D' }, + 'ľ': { codepoints: [318], characters: '\u013E' }, + 'Ļ': { codepoints: [315], characters: '\u013B' }, + 'ļ': { codepoints: [316], characters: '\u013C' }, + '⌈': { codepoints: [8968], characters: '\u2308' }, + '{': { codepoints: [123], characters: '\u007B' }, + 'Л': { codepoints: [1051], characters: '\u041B' }, + 'л': { codepoints: [1083], characters: '\u043B' }, + '⤶': { codepoints: [10550], characters: '\u2936' }, + '“': { codepoints: [8220], characters: '\u201C' }, + '„': { codepoints: [8222], characters: '\u201E' }, + '⥧': { codepoints: [10599], characters: '\u2967' }, + '⥋': { codepoints: [10571], characters: '\u294B' }, + '↲': { codepoints: [8626], characters: '\u21B2' }, + '≤': { codepoints: [8804], characters: '\u2264' }, + '≦': { codepoints: [8806], characters: '\u2266' }, + '⟨': { codepoints: [10216], characters: '\u27E8' }, + '⇤': { codepoints: [8676], characters: '\u21E4' }, + '←': { codepoints: [8592], characters: '\u2190' }, + '←': { codepoints: [8592], characters: '\u2190' }, + '⇐': { codepoints: [8656], characters: '\u21D0' }, + '⇆': { codepoints: [8646], characters: '\u21C6' }, + '↢': { codepoints: [8610], characters: '\u21A2' }, + '⌈': { codepoints: [8968], characters: '\u2308' }, + '⟦': { codepoints: [10214], characters: '\u27E6' }, + '⥡': { codepoints: [10593], characters: '\u2961' }, + '⥙': { codepoints: [10585], characters: '\u2959' }, + '⇃': { codepoints: [8643], characters: '\u21C3' }, + '⌊': { codepoints: [8970], characters: '\u230A' }, + '↽': { codepoints: [8637], characters: '\u21BD' }, + '↼': { codepoints: [8636], characters: '\u21BC' }, + '⇇': { codepoints: [8647], characters: '\u21C7' }, + '↔': { codepoints: [8596], characters: '\u2194' }, + '↔': { codepoints: [8596], characters: '\u2194' }, + '⇔': { codepoints: [8660], characters: '\u21D4' }, + '⇆': { codepoints: [8646], characters: '\u21C6' }, + '⇋': { codepoints: [8651], characters: '\u21CB' }, + '↭': { codepoints: [8621], characters: '\u21AD' }, + '⥎': { codepoints: [10574], characters: '\u294E' }, + '↤': { codepoints: [8612], characters: '\u21A4' }, + '⊣': { codepoints: [8867], characters: '\u22A3' }, + '⥚': { codepoints: [10586], characters: '\u295A' }, + '⋋': { codepoints: [8907], characters: '\u22CB' }, + '⧏': { codepoints: [10703], characters: '\u29CF' }, + '⊲': { codepoints: [8882], characters: '\u22B2' }, + '⊴': { codepoints: [8884], characters: '\u22B4' }, + '⥑': { codepoints: [10577], characters: '\u2951' }, + '⥠': { codepoints: [10592], characters: '\u2960' }, + '⥘': { codepoints: [10584], characters: '\u2958' }, + '↿': { codepoints: [8639], characters: '\u21BF' }, + '⥒': { codepoints: [10578], characters: '\u2952' }, + '↼': { codepoints: [8636], characters: '\u21BC' }, + '⪋': { codepoints: [10891], characters: '\u2A8B' }, + '⋚': { codepoints: [8922], characters: '\u22DA' }, + '≤': { codepoints: [8804], characters: '\u2264' }, + '≦': { codepoints: [8806], characters: '\u2266' }, + '⩽': { codepoints: [10877], characters: '\u2A7D' }, + '⪨': { codepoints: [10920], characters: '\u2AA8' }, + '⩽': { codepoints: [10877], characters: '\u2A7D' }, + '⩿': { codepoints: [10879], characters: '\u2A7F' }, + '⪁': { codepoints: [10881], characters: '\u2A81' }, + '⪃': { codepoints: [10883], characters: '\u2A83' }, + '⋚︀': { codepoints: [8922, 65024], characters: '\u22DA\uFE00' }, + '⪓': { codepoints: [10899], characters: '\u2A93' }, + '⪅': { codepoints: [10885], characters: '\u2A85' }, + '⋖': { codepoints: [8918], characters: '\u22D6' }, + '⋚': { codepoints: [8922], characters: '\u22DA' }, + '⪋': { codepoints: [10891], characters: '\u2A8B' }, + '⋚': { codepoints: [8922], characters: '\u22DA' }, + '≦': { codepoints: [8806], characters: '\u2266' }, + '≶': { codepoints: [8822], characters: '\u2276' }, + '≶': { codepoints: [8822], characters: '\u2276' }, + '⪡': { codepoints: [10913], characters: '\u2AA1' }, + '≲': { codepoints: [8818], characters: '\u2272' }, + '⩽': { codepoints: [10877], characters: '\u2A7D' }, + '≲': { codepoints: [8818], characters: '\u2272' }, + '⥼': { codepoints: [10620], characters: '\u297C' }, + '⌊': { codepoints: [8970], characters: '\u230A' }, + '𝔏': { codepoints: [120079], characters: '\uD835\uDD0F' }, + '𝔩': { codepoints: [120105], characters: '\uD835\uDD29' }, + '≶': { codepoints: [8822], characters: '\u2276' }, + '⪑': { codepoints: [10897], characters: '\u2A91' }, + '⥢': { codepoints: [10594], characters: '\u2962' }, + '↽': { codepoints: [8637], characters: '\u21BD' }, + '↼': { codepoints: [8636], characters: '\u21BC' }, + '⥪': { codepoints: [10602], characters: '\u296A' }, + '▄': { codepoints: [9604], characters: '\u2584' }, + 'Љ': { codepoints: [1033], characters: '\u0409' }, + 'љ': { codepoints: [1113], characters: '\u0459' }, + '⇇': { codepoints: [8647], characters: '\u21C7' }, + '≪': { codepoints: [8810], characters: '\u226A' }, + '⋘': { codepoints: [8920], characters: '\u22D8' }, + '⌞': { codepoints: [8990], characters: '\u231E' }, + '⇚': { codepoints: [8666], characters: '\u21DA' }, + '⥫': { codepoints: [10603], characters: '\u296B' }, + '◺': { codepoints: [9722], characters: '\u25FA' }, + 'Ŀ': { codepoints: [319], characters: '\u013F' }, + 'ŀ': { codepoints: [320], characters: '\u0140' }, + '⎰': { codepoints: [9136], characters: '\u23B0' }, + '⎰': { codepoints: [9136], characters: '\u23B0' }, + '⪉': { codepoints: [10889], characters: '\u2A89' }, + '⪉': { codepoints: [10889], characters: '\u2A89' }, + '⪇': { codepoints: [10887], characters: '\u2A87' }, + '≨': { codepoints: [8808], characters: '\u2268' }, + '⪇': { codepoints: [10887], characters: '\u2A87' }, + '≨': { codepoints: [8808], characters: '\u2268' }, + '⋦': { codepoints: [8934], characters: '\u22E6' }, + '⟬': { codepoints: [10220], characters: '\u27EC' }, + '⇽': { codepoints: [8701], characters: '\u21FD' }, + '⟦': { codepoints: [10214], characters: '\u27E6' }, + '⟵': { codepoints: [10229], characters: '\u27F5' }, + '⟵': { codepoints: [10229], characters: '\u27F5' }, + '⟸': { codepoints: [10232], characters: '\u27F8' }, + '⟷': { codepoints: [10231], characters: '\u27F7' }, + '⟷': { codepoints: [10231], characters: '\u27F7' }, + '⟺': { codepoints: [10234], characters: '\u27FA' }, + '⟼': { codepoints: [10236], characters: '\u27FC' }, + '⟶': { codepoints: [10230], characters: '\u27F6' }, + '⟶': { codepoints: [10230], characters: '\u27F6' }, + '⟹': { codepoints: [10233], characters: '\u27F9' }, + '↫': { codepoints: [8619], characters: '\u21AB' }, + '↬': { codepoints: [8620], characters: '\u21AC' }, + '⦅': { codepoints: [10629], characters: '\u2985' }, + '𝕃': { codepoints: [120131], characters: '\uD835\uDD43' }, + '𝕝': { codepoints: [120157], characters: '\uD835\uDD5D' }, + '⨭': { codepoints: [10797], characters: '\u2A2D' }, + '⨴': { codepoints: [10804], characters: '\u2A34' }, + '∗': { codepoints: [8727], characters: '\u2217' }, + '_': { codepoints: [95], characters: '\u005F' }, + '↙': { codepoints: [8601], characters: '\u2199' }, + '↘': { codepoints: [8600], characters: '\u2198' }, + '◊': { codepoints: [9674], characters: '\u25CA' }, + '◊': { codepoints: [9674], characters: '\u25CA' }, + '⧫': { codepoints: [10731], characters: '\u29EB' }, + '(': { codepoints: [40], characters: '\u0028' }, + '⦓': { codepoints: [10643], characters: '\u2993' }, + '⇆': { codepoints: [8646], characters: '\u21C6' }, + '⌟': { codepoints: [8991], characters: '\u231F' }, + '⇋': { codepoints: [8651], characters: '\u21CB' }, + '⥭': { codepoints: [10605], characters: '\u296D' }, + '‎': { codepoints: [8206], characters: '\u200E' }, + '⊿': { codepoints: [8895], characters: '\u22BF' }, + '‹': { codepoints: [8249], characters: '\u2039' }, + '𝓁': { codepoints: [120001], characters: '\uD835\uDCC1' }, + 'ℒ': { codepoints: [8466], characters: '\u2112' }, + '↰': { codepoints: [8624], characters: '\u21B0' }, + '↰': { codepoints: [8624], characters: '\u21B0' }, + '≲': { codepoints: [8818], characters: '\u2272' }, + '⪍': { codepoints: [10893], characters: '\u2A8D' }, + '⪏': { codepoints: [10895], characters: '\u2A8F' }, + '[': { codepoints: [91], characters: '\u005B' }, + '‘': { codepoints: [8216], characters: '\u2018' }, + '‚': { codepoints: [8218], characters: '\u201A' }, + 'Ł': { codepoints: [321], characters: '\u0141' }, + 'ł': { codepoints: [322], characters: '\u0142' }, + '⪦': { codepoints: [10918], characters: '\u2AA6' }, + '⩹': { codepoints: [10873], characters: '\u2A79' }, + '<': { codepoints: [60], characters: '\u003C' }, + '<': { codepoints: [60], characters: '\u003C' }, + '<': { codepoints: [60], characters: '\u003C' }, + '<': { codepoints: [60], characters: '\u003C' }, + '≪': { codepoints: [8810], characters: '\u226A' }, + '⋖': { codepoints: [8918], characters: '\u22D6' }, + '⋋': { codepoints: [8907], characters: '\u22CB' }, + '⋉': { codepoints: [8905], characters: '\u22C9' }, + '⥶': { codepoints: [10614], characters: '\u2976' }, + '⩻': { codepoints: [10875], characters: '\u2A7B' }, + '◃': { codepoints: [9667], characters: '\u25C3' }, + '⊴': { codepoints: [8884], characters: '\u22B4' }, + '◂': { codepoints: [9666], characters: '\u25C2' }, + '⦖': { codepoints: [10646], characters: '\u2996' }, + '⥊': { codepoints: [10570], characters: '\u294A' }, + '⥦': { codepoints: [10598], characters: '\u2966' }, + '≨︀': { codepoints: [8808, 65024], characters: '\u2268\uFE00' }, + '≨︀': { codepoints: [8808, 65024], characters: '\u2268\uFE00' }, + '¯': { codepoints: [175], characters: '\u00AF' }, + '¯': { codepoints: [175], characters: '\u00AF' }, + '♂': { codepoints: [9794], characters: '\u2642' }, + '✠': { codepoints: [10016], characters: '\u2720' }, + '✠': { codepoints: [10016], characters: '\u2720' }, + '⤅': { codepoints: [10501], characters: '\u2905' }, + '↦': { codepoints: [8614], characters: '\u21A6' }, + '↦': { codepoints: [8614], characters: '\u21A6' }, + '↧': { codepoints: [8615], characters: '\u21A7' }, + '↤': { codepoints: [8612], characters: '\u21A4' }, + '↥': { codepoints: [8613], characters: '\u21A5' }, + '▮': { codepoints: [9646], characters: '\u25AE' }, + '⨩': { codepoints: [10793], characters: '\u2A29' }, + 'М': { codepoints: [1052], characters: '\u041C' }, + 'м': { codepoints: [1084], characters: '\u043C' }, + '—': { codepoints: [8212], characters: '\u2014' }, + '∺': { codepoints: [8762], characters: '\u223A' }, + '∡': { codepoints: [8737], characters: '\u2221' }, + ' ': { codepoints: [8287], characters: '\u205F' }, + 'ℳ': { codepoints: [8499], characters: '\u2133' }, + '𝔐': { codepoints: [120080], characters: '\uD835\uDD10' }, + '𝔪': { codepoints: [120106], characters: '\uD835\uDD2A' }, + '℧': { codepoints: [8487], characters: '\u2127' }, + 'µ': { codepoints: [181], characters: '\u00B5' }, + 'µ': { codepoints: [181], characters: '\u00B5' }, + '*': { codepoints: [42], characters: '\u002A' }, + '⫰': { codepoints: [10992], characters: '\u2AF0' }, + '∣': { codepoints: [8739], characters: '\u2223' }, + '·': { codepoints: [183], characters: '\u00B7' }, + '·': { codepoints: [183], characters: '\u00B7' }, + '⊟': { codepoints: [8863], characters: '\u229F' }, + '−': { codepoints: [8722], characters: '\u2212' }, + '∸': { codepoints: [8760], characters: '\u2238' }, + '⨪': { codepoints: [10794], characters: '\u2A2A' }, + '∓': { codepoints: [8723], characters: '\u2213' }, + '⫛': { codepoints: [10971], characters: '\u2ADB' }, + '…': { codepoints: [8230], characters: '\u2026' }, + '∓': { codepoints: [8723], characters: '\u2213' }, + '⊧': { codepoints: [8871], characters: '\u22A7' }, + '𝕄': { codepoints: [120132], characters: '\uD835\uDD44' }, + '𝕞': { codepoints: [120158], characters: '\uD835\uDD5E' }, + '∓': { codepoints: [8723], characters: '\u2213' }, + '𝓂': { codepoints: [120002], characters: '\uD835\uDCC2' }, + 'ℳ': { codepoints: [8499], characters: '\u2133' }, + '∾': { codepoints: [8766], characters: '\u223E' }, + 'Μ': { codepoints: [924], characters: '\u039C' }, + 'μ': { codepoints: [956], characters: '\u03BC' }, + '⊸': { codepoints: [8888], characters: '\u22B8' }, + '⊸': { codepoints: [8888], characters: '\u22B8' }, + '∇': { codepoints: [8711], characters: '\u2207' }, + 'Ń': { codepoints: [323], characters: '\u0143' }, + 'ń': { codepoints: [324], characters: '\u0144' }, + '∠⃒': { codepoints: [8736, 8402], characters: '\u2220\u20D2' }, + '≉': { codepoints: [8777], characters: '\u2249' }, + '⩰̸': { codepoints: [10864, 824], characters: '\u2A70\u0338' }, + '≋̸': { codepoints: [8779, 824], characters: '\u224B\u0338' }, + 'ʼn': { codepoints: [329], characters: '\u0149' }, + '≉': { codepoints: [8777], characters: '\u2249' }, + '♮': { codepoints: [9838], characters: '\u266E' }, + 'ℕ': { codepoints: [8469], characters: '\u2115' }, + '♮': { codepoints: [9838], characters: '\u266E' }, + ' ': { codepoints: [160], characters: '\u00A0' }, + ' ': { codepoints: [160], characters: '\u00A0' }, + '≎̸': { codepoints: [8782, 824], characters: '\u224E\u0338' }, + '≏̸': { codepoints: [8783, 824], characters: '\u224F\u0338' }, + '⩃': { codepoints: [10819], characters: '\u2A43' }, + 'Ň': { codepoints: [327], characters: '\u0147' }, + 'ň': { codepoints: [328], characters: '\u0148' }, + 'Ņ': { codepoints: [325], characters: '\u0145' }, + 'ņ': { codepoints: [326], characters: '\u0146' }, + '≇': { codepoints: [8775], characters: '\u2247' }, + '⩭̸': { codepoints: [10861, 824], characters: '\u2A6D\u0338' }, + '⩂': { codepoints: [10818], characters: '\u2A42' }, + 'Н': { codepoints: [1053], characters: '\u041D' }, + 'н': { codepoints: [1085], characters: '\u043D' }, + '–': { codepoints: [8211], characters: '\u2013' }, + '⤤': { codepoints: [10532], characters: '\u2924' }, + '↗': { codepoints: [8599], characters: '\u2197' }, + '⇗': { codepoints: [8663], characters: '\u21D7' }, + '↗': { codepoints: [8599], characters: '\u2197' }, + '≠': { codepoints: [8800], characters: '\u2260' }, + '≐̸': { codepoints: [8784, 824], characters: '\u2250\u0338' }, + '​': { codepoints: [8203], characters: '\u200B' }, + '​': { codepoints: [8203], characters: '\u200B' }, + '​': { codepoints: [8203], characters: '\u200B' }, + '​': { codepoints: [8203], characters: '\u200B' }, + '≢': { codepoints: [8802], characters: '\u2262' }, + '⤨': { codepoints: [10536], characters: '\u2928' }, + '≂̸': { codepoints: [8770, 824], characters: '\u2242\u0338' }, + '≫': { codepoints: [8811], characters: '\u226B' }, + '≪': { codepoints: [8810], characters: '\u226A' }, + ' ': { codepoints: [10], characters: '\u000A' }, + '∄': { codepoints: [8708], characters: '\u2204' }, + '∄': { codepoints: [8708], characters: '\u2204' }, + '𝔑': { codepoints: [120081], characters: '\uD835\uDD11' }, + '𝔫': { codepoints: [120107], characters: '\uD835\uDD2B' }, + '≧̸': { codepoints: [8807, 824], characters: '\u2267\u0338' }, + '≱': { codepoints: [8817], characters: '\u2271' }, + '≱': { codepoints: [8817], characters: '\u2271' }, + '≧̸': { codepoints: [8807, 824], characters: '\u2267\u0338' }, + '⩾̸': { codepoints: [10878, 824], characters: '\u2A7E\u0338' }, + '⩾̸': { codepoints: [10878, 824], characters: '\u2A7E\u0338' }, + '⋙̸': { codepoints: [8921, 824], characters: '\u22D9\u0338' }, + '≵': { codepoints: [8821], characters: '\u2275' }, + '≫⃒': { codepoints: [8811, 8402], characters: '\u226B\u20D2' }, + '≯': { codepoints: [8815], characters: '\u226F' }, + '≯': { codepoints: [8815], characters: '\u226F' }, + '≫̸': { codepoints: [8811, 824], characters: '\u226B\u0338' }, + '↮': { codepoints: [8622], characters: '\u21AE' }, + '⇎': { codepoints: [8654], characters: '\u21CE' }, + '⫲': { codepoints: [10994], characters: '\u2AF2' }, + '∋': { codepoints: [8715], characters: '\u220B' }, + '⋼': { codepoints: [8956], characters: '\u22FC' }, + '⋺': { codepoints: [8954], characters: '\u22FA' }, + '∋': { codepoints: [8715], characters: '\u220B' }, + 'Њ': { codepoints: [1034], characters: '\u040A' }, + 'њ': { codepoints: [1114], characters: '\u045A' }, + '↚': { codepoints: [8602], characters: '\u219A' }, + '⇍': { codepoints: [8653], characters: '\u21CD' }, + '‥': { codepoints: [8229], characters: '\u2025' }, + '≦̸': { codepoints: [8806, 824], characters: '\u2266\u0338' }, + '≰': { codepoints: [8816], characters: '\u2270' }, + '↚': { codepoints: [8602], characters: '\u219A' }, + '⇍': { codepoints: [8653], characters: '\u21CD' }, + '↮': { codepoints: [8622], characters: '\u21AE' }, + '⇎': { codepoints: [8654], characters: '\u21CE' }, + '≰': { codepoints: [8816], characters: '\u2270' }, + '≦̸': { codepoints: [8806, 824], characters: '\u2266\u0338' }, + '⩽̸': { codepoints: [10877, 824], characters: '\u2A7D\u0338' }, + '⩽̸': { codepoints: [10877, 824], characters: '\u2A7D\u0338' }, + '≮': { codepoints: [8814], characters: '\u226E' }, + '⋘̸': { codepoints: [8920, 824], characters: '\u22D8\u0338' }, + '≴': { codepoints: [8820], characters: '\u2274' }, + '≪⃒': { codepoints: [8810, 8402], characters: '\u226A\u20D2' }, + '≮': { codepoints: [8814], characters: '\u226E' }, + '⋪': { codepoints: [8938], characters: '\u22EA' }, + '⋬': { codepoints: [8940], characters: '\u22EC' }, + '≪̸': { codepoints: [8810, 824], characters: '\u226A\u0338' }, + '∤': { codepoints: [8740], characters: '\u2224' }, + '⁠': { codepoints: [8288], characters: '\u2060' }, + ' ': { codepoints: [160], characters: '\u00A0' }, + '𝕟': { codepoints: [120159], characters: '\uD835\uDD5F' }, + 'ℕ': { codepoints: [8469], characters: '\u2115' }, + '⫬': { codepoints: [10988], characters: '\u2AEC' }, + '¬': { codepoints: [172], characters: '\u00AC' }, + '¬': { codepoints: [172], characters: '\u00AC' }, + '≢': { codepoints: [8802], characters: '\u2262' }, + '≭': { codepoints: [8813], characters: '\u226D' }, + '∦': { codepoints: [8742], characters: '\u2226' }, + '∉': { codepoints: [8713], characters: '\u2209' }, + '≠': { codepoints: [8800], characters: '\u2260' }, + '≂̸': { codepoints: [8770, 824], characters: '\u2242\u0338' }, + '∄': { codepoints: [8708], characters: '\u2204' }, + '≯': { codepoints: [8815], characters: '\u226F' }, + '≱': { codepoints: [8817], characters: '\u2271' }, + '≧̸': { codepoints: [8807, 824], characters: '\u2267\u0338' }, + '≫̸': { codepoints: [8811, 824], characters: '\u226B\u0338' }, + '≹': { codepoints: [8825], characters: '\u2279' }, + '⩾̸': { codepoints: [10878, 824], characters: '\u2A7E\u0338' }, + '≵': { codepoints: [8821], characters: '\u2275' }, + '≎̸': { codepoints: [8782, 824], characters: '\u224E\u0338' }, + '≏̸': { codepoints: [8783, 824], characters: '\u224F\u0338' }, + '∉': { codepoints: [8713], characters: '\u2209' }, + '⋵̸': { codepoints: [8949, 824], characters: '\u22F5\u0338' }, + '⋹̸': { codepoints: [8953, 824], characters: '\u22F9\u0338' }, + '∉': { codepoints: [8713], characters: '\u2209' }, + '⋷': { codepoints: [8951], characters: '\u22F7' }, + '⋶': { codepoints: [8950], characters: '\u22F6' }, + '⧏̸': { codepoints: [10703, 824], characters: '\u29CF\u0338' }, + '⋪': { codepoints: [8938], characters: '\u22EA' }, + '⋬': { codepoints: [8940], characters: '\u22EC' }, + '≮': { codepoints: [8814], characters: '\u226E' }, + '≰': { codepoints: [8816], characters: '\u2270' }, + '≸': { codepoints: [8824], characters: '\u2278' }, + '≪̸': { codepoints: [8810, 824], characters: '\u226A\u0338' }, + '⩽̸': { codepoints: [10877, 824], characters: '\u2A7D\u0338' }, + '≴': { codepoints: [8820], characters: '\u2274' }, + '⪢̸': { codepoints: [10914, 824], characters: '\u2AA2\u0338' }, + '⪡̸': { codepoints: [10913, 824], characters: '\u2AA1\u0338' }, + '∌': { codepoints: [8716], characters: '\u220C' }, + '∌': { codepoints: [8716], characters: '\u220C' }, + '⋾': { codepoints: [8958], characters: '\u22FE' }, + '⋽': { codepoints: [8957], characters: '\u22FD' }, + '⊀': { codepoints: [8832], characters: '\u2280' }, + '⪯̸': { codepoints: [10927, 824], characters: '\u2AAF\u0338' }, + '⋠': { codepoints: [8928], characters: '\u22E0' }, + '∌': { codepoints: [8716], characters: '\u220C' }, + '⧐̸': { codepoints: [10704, 824], characters: '\u29D0\u0338' }, + '⋫': { codepoints: [8939], characters: '\u22EB' }, + '⋭': { codepoints: [8941], characters: '\u22ED' }, + '⊏̸': { codepoints: [8847, 824], characters: '\u228F\u0338' }, + '⋢': { codepoints: [8930], characters: '\u22E2' }, + '⊐̸': { codepoints: [8848, 824], characters: '\u2290\u0338' }, + '⋣': { codepoints: [8931], characters: '\u22E3' }, + '⊂⃒': { codepoints: [8834, 8402], characters: '\u2282\u20D2' }, + '⊈': { codepoints: [8840], characters: '\u2288' }, + '⊁': { codepoints: [8833], characters: '\u2281' }, + '⪰̸': { codepoints: [10928, 824], characters: '\u2AB0\u0338' }, + '⋡': { codepoints: [8929], characters: '\u22E1' }, + '≿̸': { codepoints: [8831, 824], characters: '\u227F\u0338' }, + '⊃⃒': { codepoints: [8835, 8402], characters: '\u2283\u20D2' }, + '⊉': { codepoints: [8841], characters: '\u2289' }, + '≁': { codepoints: [8769], characters: '\u2241' }, + '≄': { codepoints: [8772], characters: '\u2244' }, + '≇': { codepoints: [8775], characters: '\u2247' }, + '≉': { codepoints: [8777], characters: '\u2249' }, + '∤': { codepoints: [8740], characters: '\u2224' }, + '∦': { codepoints: [8742], characters: '\u2226' }, + '∦': { codepoints: [8742], characters: '\u2226' }, + '⫽⃥': { codepoints: [11005, 8421], characters: '\u2AFD\u20E5' }, + '∂̸': { codepoints: [8706, 824], characters: '\u2202\u0338' }, + '⨔': { codepoints: [10772], characters: '\u2A14' }, + '⊀': { codepoints: [8832], characters: '\u2280' }, + '⋠': { codepoints: [8928], characters: '\u22E0' }, + '⊀': { codepoints: [8832], characters: '\u2280' }, + '⪯̸': { codepoints: [10927, 824], characters: '\u2AAF\u0338' }, + '⪯̸': { codepoints: [10927, 824], characters: '\u2AAF\u0338' }, + '⤳̸': { codepoints: [10547, 824], characters: '\u2933\u0338' }, + '↛': { codepoints: [8603], characters: '\u219B' }, + '⇏': { codepoints: [8655], characters: '\u21CF' }, + '↝̸': { codepoints: [8605, 824], characters: '\u219D\u0338' }, + '↛': { codepoints: [8603], characters: '\u219B' }, + '⇏': { codepoints: [8655], characters: '\u21CF' }, + '⋫': { codepoints: [8939], characters: '\u22EB' }, + '⋭': { codepoints: [8941], characters: '\u22ED' }, + '⊁': { codepoints: [8833], characters: '\u2281' }, + '⋡': { codepoints: [8929], characters: '\u22E1' }, + '⪰̸': { codepoints: [10928, 824], characters: '\u2AB0\u0338' }, + '𝒩': { codepoints: [119977], characters: '\uD835\uDCA9' }, + '𝓃': { codepoints: [120003], characters: '\uD835\uDCC3' }, + '∤': { codepoints: [8740], characters: '\u2224' }, + '∦': { codepoints: [8742], characters: '\u2226' }, + '≁': { codepoints: [8769], characters: '\u2241' }, + '≄': { codepoints: [8772], characters: '\u2244' }, + '≄': { codepoints: [8772], characters: '\u2244' }, + '∤': { codepoints: [8740], characters: '\u2224' }, + '∦': { codepoints: [8742], characters: '\u2226' }, + '⋢': { codepoints: [8930], characters: '\u22E2' }, + '⋣': { codepoints: [8931], characters: '\u22E3' }, + '⊄': { codepoints: [8836], characters: '\u2284' }, + '⫅̸': { codepoints: [10949, 824], characters: '\u2AC5\u0338' }, + '⊈': { codepoints: [8840], characters: '\u2288' }, + '⊂⃒': { codepoints: [8834, 8402], characters: '\u2282\u20D2' }, + '⊈': { codepoints: [8840], characters: '\u2288' }, + '⫅̸': { codepoints: [10949, 824], characters: '\u2AC5\u0338' }, + '⊁': { codepoints: [8833], characters: '\u2281' }, + '⪰̸': { codepoints: [10928, 824], characters: '\u2AB0\u0338' }, + '⊅': { codepoints: [8837], characters: '\u2285' }, + '⫆̸': { codepoints: [10950, 824], characters: '\u2AC6\u0338' }, + '⊉': { codepoints: [8841], characters: '\u2289' }, + '⊃⃒': { codepoints: [8835, 8402], characters: '\u2283\u20D2' }, + '⊉': { codepoints: [8841], characters: '\u2289' }, + '⫆̸': { codepoints: [10950, 824], characters: '\u2AC6\u0338' }, + '≹': { codepoints: [8825], characters: '\u2279' }, + 'Ñ': { codepoints: [209], characters: '\u00D1' }, + 'Ñ': { codepoints: [209], characters: '\u00D1' }, + 'ñ': { codepoints: [241], characters: '\u00F1' }, + 'ñ': { codepoints: [241], characters: '\u00F1' }, + '≸': { codepoints: [8824], characters: '\u2278' }, + '⋪': { codepoints: [8938], characters: '\u22EA' }, + '⋬': { codepoints: [8940], characters: '\u22EC' }, + '⋫': { codepoints: [8939], characters: '\u22EB' }, + '⋭': { codepoints: [8941], characters: '\u22ED' }, + 'Ν': { codepoints: [925], characters: '\u039D' }, + 'ν': { codepoints: [957], characters: '\u03BD' }, + '#': { codepoints: [35], characters: '\u0023' }, + '№': { codepoints: [8470], characters: '\u2116' }, + ' ': { codepoints: [8199], characters: '\u2007' }, + '≍⃒': { codepoints: [8781, 8402], characters: '\u224D\u20D2' }, + '⊬': { codepoints: [8876], characters: '\u22AC' }, + '⊭': { codepoints: [8877], characters: '\u22AD' }, + '⊮': { codepoints: [8878], characters: '\u22AE' }, + '⊯': { codepoints: [8879], characters: '\u22AF' }, + '≥⃒': { codepoints: [8805, 8402], characters: '\u2265\u20D2' }, + '>⃒': { codepoints: [62, 8402], characters: '\u003E\u20D2' }, + '⤄': { codepoints: [10500], characters: '\u2904' }, + '⧞': { codepoints: [10718], characters: '\u29DE' }, + '⤂': { codepoints: [10498], characters: '\u2902' }, + '≤⃒': { codepoints: [8804, 8402], characters: '\u2264\u20D2' }, + '<⃒': { codepoints: [60, 8402], characters: '\u003C\u20D2' }, + '⊴⃒': { codepoints: [8884, 8402], characters: '\u22B4\u20D2' }, + '⤃': { codepoints: [10499], characters: '\u2903' }, + '⊵⃒': { codepoints: [8885, 8402], characters: '\u22B5\u20D2' }, + '∼⃒': { codepoints: [8764, 8402], characters: '\u223C\u20D2' }, + '⤣': { codepoints: [10531], characters: '\u2923' }, + '↖': { codepoints: [8598], characters: '\u2196' }, + '⇖': { codepoints: [8662], characters: '\u21D6' }, + '↖': { codepoints: [8598], characters: '\u2196' }, + '⤧': { codepoints: [10535], characters: '\u2927' }, + 'Ó': { codepoints: [211], characters: '\u00D3' }, + 'Ó': { codepoints: [211], characters: '\u00D3' }, + 'ó': { codepoints: [243], characters: '\u00F3' }, + 'ó': { codepoints: [243], characters: '\u00F3' }, + '⊛': { codepoints: [8859], characters: '\u229B' }, + 'Ô': { codepoints: [212], characters: '\u00D4' }, + 'Ô': { codepoints: [212], characters: '\u00D4' }, + 'ô': { codepoints: [244], characters: '\u00F4' }, + 'ô': { codepoints: [244], characters: '\u00F4' }, + '⊚': { codepoints: [8858], characters: '\u229A' }, + 'О': { codepoints: [1054], characters: '\u041E' }, + 'о': { codepoints: [1086], characters: '\u043E' }, + '⊝': { codepoints: [8861], characters: '\u229D' }, + 'Ő': { codepoints: [336], characters: '\u0150' }, + 'ő': { codepoints: [337], characters: '\u0151' }, + '⨸': { codepoints: [10808], characters: '\u2A38' }, + '⊙': { codepoints: [8857], characters: '\u2299' }, + '⦼': { codepoints: [10684], characters: '\u29BC' }, + 'Œ': { codepoints: [338], characters: '\u0152' }, + 'œ': { codepoints: [339], characters: '\u0153' }, + '⦿': { codepoints: [10687], characters: '\u29BF' }, + '𝔒': { codepoints: [120082], characters: '\uD835\uDD12' }, + '𝔬': { codepoints: [120108], characters: '\uD835\uDD2C' }, + '˛': { codepoints: [731], characters: '\u02DB' }, + 'Ò': { codepoints: [210], characters: '\u00D2' }, + 'Ò': { codepoints: [210], characters: '\u00D2' }, + 'ò': { codepoints: [242], characters: '\u00F2' }, + 'ò': { codepoints: [242], characters: '\u00F2' }, + '⧁': { codepoints: [10689], characters: '\u29C1' }, + '⦵': { codepoints: [10677], characters: '\u29B5' }, + 'Ω': { codepoints: [937], characters: '\u03A9' }, + '∮': { codepoints: [8750], characters: '\u222E' }, + '↺': { codepoints: [8634], characters: '\u21BA' }, + '⦾': { codepoints: [10686], characters: '\u29BE' }, + '⦻': { codepoints: [10683], characters: '\u29BB' }, + '‾': { codepoints: [8254], characters: '\u203E' }, + '⧀': { codepoints: [10688], characters: '\u29C0' }, + 'Ō': { codepoints: [332], characters: '\u014C' }, + 'ō': { codepoints: [333], characters: '\u014D' }, + 'Ω': { codepoints: [937], characters: '\u03A9' }, + 'ω': { codepoints: [969], characters: '\u03C9' }, + 'Ο': { codepoints: [927], characters: '\u039F' }, + 'ο': { codepoints: [959], characters: '\u03BF' }, + '⦶': { codepoints: [10678], characters: '\u29B6' }, + '⊖': { codepoints: [8854], characters: '\u2296' }, + '𝕆': { codepoints: [120134], characters: '\uD835\uDD46' }, + '𝕠': { codepoints: [120160], characters: '\uD835\uDD60' }, + '⦷': { codepoints: [10679], characters: '\u29B7' }, + '“': { codepoints: [8220], characters: '\u201C' }, + '‘': { codepoints: [8216], characters: '\u2018' }, + '⦹': { codepoints: [10681], characters: '\u29B9' }, + '⊕': { codepoints: [8853], characters: '\u2295' }, + '↻': { codepoints: [8635], characters: '\u21BB' }, + '⩔': { codepoints: [10836], characters: '\u2A54' }, + '∨': { codepoints: [8744], characters: '\u2228' }, + '⩝': { codepoints: [10845], characters: '\u2A5D' }, + 'ℴ': { codepoints: [8500], characters: '\u2134' }, + 'ℴ': { codepoints: [8500], characters: '\u2134' }, + 'ª': { codepoints: [170], characters: '\u00AA' }, + 'ª': { codepoints: [170], characters: '\u00AA' }, + 'º': { codepoints: [186], characters: '\u00BA' }, + 'º': { codepoints: [186], characters: '\u00BA' }, + '⊶': { codepoints: [8886], characters: '\u22B6' }, + '⩖': { codepoints: [10838], characters: '\u2A56' }, + '⩗': { codepoints: [10839], characters: '\u2A57' }, + '⩛': { codepoints: [10843], characters: '\u2A5B' }, + 'Ⓢ': { codepoints: [9416], characters: '\u24C8' }, + '𝒪': { codepoints: [119978], characters: '\uD835\uDCAA' }, + 'ℴ': { codepoints: [8500], characters: '\u2134' }, + 'Ø': { codepoints: [216], characters: '\u00D8' }, + 'Ø': { codepoints: [216], characters: '\u00D8' }, + 'ø': { codepoints: [248], characters: '\u00F8' }, + 'ø': { codepoints: [248], characters: '\u00F8' }, + '⊘': { codepoints: [8856], characters: '\u2298' }, + 'Õ': { codepoints: [213], characters: '\u00D5' }, + 'Õ': { codepoints: [213], characters: '\u00D5' }, + 'õ': { codepoints: [245], characters: '\u00F5' }, + 'õ': { codepoints: [245], characters: '\u00F5' }, + '⨶': { codepoints: [10806], characters: '\u2A36' }, + '⨷': { codepoints: [10807], characters: '\u2A37' }, + '⊗': { codepoints: [8855], characters: '\u2297' }, + 'Ö': { codepoints: [214], characters: '\u00D6' }, + 'Ö': { codepoints: [214], characters: '\u00D6' }, + 'ö': { codepoints: [246], characters: '\u00F6' }, + 'ö': { codepoints: [246], characters: '\u00F6' }, + '⌽': { codepoints: [9021], characters: '\u233D' }, + '‾': { codepoints: [8254], characters: '\u203E' }, + '⏞': { codepoints: [9182], characters: '\u23DE' }, + '⎴': { codepoints: [9140], characters: '\u23B4' }, + '⏜': { codepoints: [9180], characters: '\u23DC' }, + '¶': { codepoints: [182], characters: '\u00B6' }, + '¶': { codepoints: [182], characters: '\u00B6' }, + '∥': { codepoints: [8741], characters: '\u2225' }, + '∥': { codepoints: [8741], characters: '\u2225' }, + '⫳': { codepoints: [10995], characters: '\u2AF3' }, + '⫽': { codepoints: [11005], characters: '\u2AFD' }, + '∂': { codepoints: [8706], characters: '\u2202' }, + '∂': { codepoints: [8706], characters: '\u2202' }, + 'П': { codepoints: [1055], characters: '\u041F' }, + 'п': { codepoints: [1087], characters: '\u043F' }, + '%': { codepoints: [37], characters: '\u0025' }, + '.': { codepoints: [46], characters: '\u002E' }, + '‰': { codepoints: [8240], characters: '\u2030' }, + '⊥': { codepoints: [8869], characters: '\u22A5' }, + '‱': { codepoints: [8241], characters: '\u2031' }, + '𝔓': { codepoints: [120083], characters: '\uD835\uDD13' }, + '𝔭': { codepoints: [120109], characters: '\uD835\uDD2D' }, + 'Φ': { codepoints: [934], characters: '\u03A6' }, + 'φ': { codepoints: [966], characters: '\u03C6' }, + 'ϕ': { codepoints: [981], characters: '\u03D5' }, + 'ℳ': { codepoints: [8499], characters: '\u2133' }, + '☎': { codepoints: [9742], characters: '\u260E' }, + 'Π': { codepoints: [928], characters: '\u03A0' }, + 'π': { codepoints: [960], characters: '\u03C0' }, + '⋔': { codepoints: [8916], characters: '\u22D4' }, + 'ϖ': { codepoints: [982], characters: '\u03D6' }, + 'ℏ': { codepoints: [8463], characters: '\u210F' }, + 'ℎ': { codepoints: [8462], characters: '\u210E' }, + 'ℏ': { codepoints: [8463], characters: '\u210F' }, + '⨣': { codepoints: [10787], characters: '\u2A23' }, + '⊞': { codepoints: [8862], characters: '\u229E' }, + '⨢': { codepoints: [10786], characters: '\u2A22' }, + '+': { codepoints: [43], characters: '\u002B' }, + '∔': { codepoints: [8724], characters: '\u2214' }, + '⨥': { codepoints: [10789], characters: '\u2A25' }, + '⩲': { codepoints: [10866], characters: '\u2A72' }, + '±': { codepoints: [177], characters: '\u00B1' }, + '±': { codepoints: [177], characters: '\u00B1' }, + '±': { codepoints: [177], characters: '\u00B1' }, + '⨦': { codepoints: [10790], characters: '\u2A26' }, + '⨧': { codepoints: [10791], characters: '\u2A27' }, + '±': { codepoints: [177], characters: '\u00B1' }, + 'ℌ': { codepoints: [8460], characters: '\u210C' }, + '⨕': { codepoints: [10773], characters: '\u2A15' }, + '𝕡': { codepoints: [120161], characters: '\uD835\uDD61' }, + 'ℙ': { codepoints: [8473], characters: '\u2119' }, + '£': { codepoints: [163], characters: '\u00A3' }, + '£': { codepoints: [163], characters: '\u00A3' }, + '⪷': { codepoints: [10935], characters: '\u2AB7' }, + '⪻': { codepoints: [10939], characters: '\u2ABB' }, + '≺': { codepoints: [8826], characters: '\u227A' }, + '≼': { codepoints: [8828], characters: '\u227C' }, + '⪷': { codepoints: [10935], characters: '\u2AB7' }, + '≺': { codepoints: [8826], characters: '\u227A' }, + '≼': { codepoints: [8828], characters: '\u227C' }, + '≺': { codepoints: [8826], characters: '\u227A' }, + '⪯': { codepoints: [10927], characters: '\u2AAF' }, + '≼': { codepoints: [8828], characters: '\u227C' }, + '≾': { codepoints: [8830], characters: '\u227E' }, + '⪯': { codepoints: [10927], characters: '\u2AAF' }, + '⪹': { codepoints: [10937], characters: '\u2AB9' }, + '⪵': { codepoints: [10933], characters: '\u2AB5' }, + '⋨': { codepoints: [8936], characters: '\u22E8' }, + '⪯': { codepoints: [10927], characters: '\u2AAF' }, + '⪳': { codepoints: [10931], characters: '\u2AB3' }, + '≾': { codepoints: [8830], characters: '\u227E' }, + '′': { codepoints: [8242], characters: '\u2032' }, + '″': { codepoints: [8243], characters: '\u2033' }, + 'ℙ': { codepoints: [8473], characters: '\u2119' }, + '⪹': { codepoints: [10937], characters: '\u2AB9' }, + '⪵': { codepoints: [10933], characters: '\u2AB5' }, + '⋨': { codepoints: [8936], characters: '\u22E8' }, + '∏': { codepoints: [8719], characters: '\u220F' }, + '∏': { codepoints: [8719], characters: '\u220F' }, + '⌮': { codepoints: [9006], characters: '\u232E' }, + '⌒': { codepoints: [8978], characters: '\u2312' }, + '⌓': { codepoints: [8979], characters: '\u2313' }, + '∝': { codepoints: [8733], characters: '\u221D' }, + '∝': { codepoints: [8733], characters: '\u221D' }, + '∷': { codepoints: [8759], characters: '\u2237' }, + '∝': { codepoints: [8733], characters: '\u221D' }, + '≾': { codepoints: [8830], characters: '\u227E' }, + '⊰': { codepoints: [8880], characters: '\u22B0' }, + '𝒫': { codepoints: [119979], characters: '\uD835\uDCAB' }, + '𝓅': { codepoints: [120005], characters: '\uD835\uDCC5' }, + 'Ψ': { codepoints: [936], characters: '\u03A8' }, + 'ψ': { codepoints: [968], characters: '\u03C8' }, + ' ': { codepoints: [8200], characters: '\u2008' }, + '𝔔': { codepoints: [120084], characters: '\uD835\uDD14' }, + '𝔮': { codepoints: [120110], characters: '\uD835\uDD2E' }, + '⨌': { codepoints: [10764], characters: '\u2A0C' }, + '𝕢': { codepoints: [120162], characters: '\uD835\uDD62' }, + 'ℚ': { codepoints: [8474], characters: '\u211A' }, + '⁗': { codepoints: [8279], characters: '\u2057' }, + '𝒬': { codepoints: [119980], characters: '\uD835\uDCAC' }, + '𝓆': { codepoints: [120006], characters: '\uD835\uDCC6' }, + 'ℍ': { codepoints: [8461], characters: '\u210D' }, + '⨖': { codepoints: [10774], characters: '\u2A16' }, + '?': { codepoints: [63], characters: '\u003F' }, + '≟': { codepoints: [8799], characters: '\u225F' }, + '"': { codepoints: [34], characters: '\u0022' }, + '"': { codepoints: [34], characters: '\u0022' }, + '"': { codepoints: [34], characters: '\u0022' }, + '"': { codepoints: [34], characters: '\u0022' }, + '⇛': { codepoints: [8667], characters: '\u21DB' }, + '∽̱': { codepoints: [8765, 817], characters: '\u223D\u0331' }, + 'Ŕ': { codepoints: [340], characters: '\u0154' }, + 'ŕ': { codepoints: [341], characters: '\u0155' }, + '√': { codepoints: [8730], characters: '\u221A' }, + '⦳': { codepoints: [10675], characters: '\u29B3' }, + '⟩': { codepoints: [10217], characters: '\u27E9' }, + '⟫': { codepoints: [10219], characters: '\u27EB' }, + '⦒': { codepoints: [10642], characters: '\u2992' }, + '⦥': { codepoints: [10661], characters: '\u29A5' }, + '⟩': { codepoints: [10217], characters: '\u27E9' }, + '»': { codepoints: [187], characters: '\u00BB' }, + '»': { codepoints: [187], characters: '\u00BB' }, + '⥵': { codepoints: [10613], characters: '\u2975' }, + '⇥': { codepoints: [8677], characters: '\u21E5' }, + '⤠': { codepoints: [10528], characters: '\u2920' }, + '⤳': { codepoints: [10547], characters: '\u2933' }, + '→': { codepoints: [8594], characters: '\u2192' }, + '↠': { codepoints: [8608], characters: '\u21A0' }, + '⇒': { codepoints: [8658], characters: '\u21D2' }, + '⤞': { codepoints: [10526], characters: '\u291E' }, + '↪': { codepoints: [8618], characters: '\u21AA' }, + '↬': { codepoints: [8620], characters: '\u21AC' }, + '⥅': { codepoints: [10565], characters: '\u2945' }, + '⥴': { codepoints: [10612], characters: '\u2974' }, + '⤖': { codepoints: [10518], characters: '\u2916' }, + '↣': { codepoints: [8611], characters: '\u21A3' }, + '↝': { codepoints: [8605], characters: '\u219D' }, + '⤚': { codepoints: [10522], characters: '\u291A' }, + '⤜': { codepoints: [10524], characters: '\u291C' }, + '∶': { codepoints: [8758], characters: '\u2236' }, + 'ℚ': { codepoints: [8474], characters: '\u211A' }, + '⤍': { codepoints: [10509], characters: '\u290D' }, + '⤏': { codepoints: [10511], characters: '\u290F' }, + '⤐': { codepoints: [10512], characters: '\u2910' }, + '❳': { codepoints: [10099], characters: '\u2773' }, + '}': { codepoints: [125], characters: '\u007D' }, + ']': { codepoints: [93], characters: '\u005D' }, + '⦌': { codepoints: [10636], characters: '\u298C' }, + '⦎': { codepoints: [10638], characters: '\u298E' }, + '⦐': { codepoints: [10640], characters: '\u2990' }, + 'Ř': { codepoints: [344], characters: '\u0158' }, + 'ř': { codepoints: [345], characters: '\u0159' }, + 'Ŗ': { codepoints: [342], characters: '\u0156' }, + 'ŗ': { codepoints: [343], characters: '\u0157' }, + '⌉': { codepoints: [8969], characters: '\u2309' }, + '}': { codepoints: [125], characters: '\u007D' }, + 'Р': { codepoints: [1056], characters: '\u0420' }, + 'р': { codepoints: [1088], characters: '\u0440' }, + '⤷': { codepoints: [10551], characters: '\u2937' }, + '⥩': { codepoints: [10601], characters: '\u2969' }, + '”': { codepoints: [8221], characters: '\u201D' }, + '”': { codepoints: [8221], characters: '\u201D' }, + '↳': { codepoints: [8627], characters: '\u21B3' }, + 'ℜ': { codepoints: [8476], characters: '\u211C' }, + 'ℛ': { codepoints: [8475], characters: '\u211B' }, + 'ℜ': { codepoints: [8476], characters: '\u211C' }, + 'ℝ': { codepoints: [8477], characters: '\u211D' }, + 'ℜ': { codepoints: [8476], characters: '\u211C' }, + '▭': { codepoints: [9645], characters: '\u25AD' }, + '®': { codepoints: [174], characters: '\u00AE' }, + '®': { codepoints: [174], characters: '\u00AE' }, + '®': { codepoints: [174], characters: '\u00AE' }, + '®': { codepoints: [174], characters: '\u00AE' }, + '∋': { codepoints: [8715], characters: '\u220B' }, + '⇋': { codepoints: [8651], characters: '\u21CB' }, + '⥯': { codepoints: [10607], characters: '\u296F' }, + '⥽': { codepoints: [10621], characters: '\u297D' }, + '⌋': { codepoints: [8971], characters: '\u230B' }, + '𝔯': { codepoints: [120111], characters: '\uD835\uDD2F' }, + 'ℜ': { codepoints: [8476], characters: '\u211C' }, + '⥤': { codepoints: [10596], characters: '\u2964' }, + '⇁': { codepoints: [8641], characters: '\u21C1' }, + '⇀': { codepoints: [8640], characters: '\u21C0' }, + '⥬': { codepoints: [10604], characters: '\u296C' }, + 'Ρ': { codepoints: [929], characters: '\u03A1' }, + 'ρ': { codepoints: [961], characters: '\u03C1' }, + 'ϱ': { codepoints: [1009], characters: '\u03F1' }, + '⟩': { codepoints: [10217], characters: '\u27E9' }, + '⇥': { codepoints: [8677], characters: '\u21E5' }, + '→': { codepoints: [8594], characters: '\u2192' }, + '→': { codepoints: [8594], characters: '\u2192' }, + '⇒': { codepoints: [8658], characters: '\u21D2' }, + '⇄': { codepoints: [8644], characters: '\u21C4' }, + '↣': { codepoints: [8611], characters: '\u21A3' }, + '⌉': { codepoints: [8969], characters: '\u2309' }, + '⟧': { codepoints: [10215], characters: '\u27E7' }, + '⥝': { codepoints: [10589], characters: '\u295D' }, + '⥕': { codepoints: [10581], characters: '\u2955' }, + '⇂': { codepoints: [8642], characters: '\u21C2' }, + '⌋': { codepoints: [8971], characters: '\u230B' }, + '⇁': { codepoints: [8641], characters: '\u21C1' }, + '⇀': { codepoints: [8640], characters: '\u21C0' }, + '⇄': { codepoints: [8644], characters: '\u21C4' }, + '⇌': { codepoints: [8652], characters: '\u21CC' }, + '⇉': { codepoints: [8649], characters: '\u21C9' }, + '↝': { codepoints: [8605], characters: '\u219D' }, + '↦': { codepoints: [8614], characters: '\u21A6' }, + '⊢': { codepoints: [8866], characters: '\u22A2' }, + '⥛': { codepoints: [10587], characters: '\u295B' }, + '⋌': { codepoints: [8908], characters: '\u22CC' }, + '⧐': { codepoints: [10704], characters: '\u29D0' }, + '⊳': { codepoints: [8883], characters: '\u22B3' }, + '⊵': { codepoints: [8885], characters: '\u22B5' }, + '⥏': { codepoints: [10575], characters: '\u294F' }, + '⥜': { codepoints: [10588], characters: '\u295C' }, + '⥔': { codepoints: [10580], characters: '\u2954' }, + '↾': { codepoints: [8638], characters: '\u21BE' }, + '⥓': { codepoints: [10579], characters: '\u2953' }, + '⇀': { codepoints: [8640], characters: '\u21C0' }, + '˚': { codepoints: [730], characters: '\u02DA' }, + '≓': { codepoints: [8787], characters: '\u2253' }, + '⇄': { codepoints: [8644], characters: '\u21C4' }, + '⇌': { codepoints: [8652], characters: '\u21CC' }, + '‏': { codepoints: [8207], characters: '\u200F' }, + '⎱': { codepoints: [9137], characters: '\u23B1' }, + '⎱': { codepoints: [9137], characters: '\u23B1' }, + '⫮': { codepoints: [10990], characters: '\u2AEE' }, + '⟭': { codepoints: [10221], characters: '\u27ED' }, + '⇾': { codepoints: [8702], characters: '\u21FE' }, + '⟧': { codepoints: [10215], characters: '\u27E7' }, + '⦆': { codepoints: [10630], characters: '\u2986' }, + '𝕣': { codepoints: [120163], characters: '\uD835\uDD63' }, + 'ℝ': { codepoints: [8477], characters: '\u211D' }, + '⨮': { codepoints: [10798], characters: '\u2A2E' }, + '⨵': { codepoints: [10805], characters: '\u2A35' }, + '⥰': { codepoints: [10608], characters: '\u2970' }, + ')': { codepoints: [41], characters: '\u0029' }, + '⦔': { codepoints: [10644], characters: '\u2994' }, + '⨒': { codepoints: [10770], characters: '\u2A12' }, + '⇉': { codepoints: [8649], characters: '\u21C9' }, + '⇛': { codepoints: [8667], characters: '\u21DB' }, + '›': { codepoints: [8250], characters: '\u203A' }, + '𝓇': { codepoints: [120007], characters: '\uD835\uDCC7' }, + 'ℛ': { codepoints: [8475], characters: '\u211B' }, + '↱': { codepoints: [8625], characters: '\u21B1' }, + '↱': { codepoints: [8625], characters: '\u21B1' }, + ']': { codepoints: [93], characters: '\u005D' }, + '’': { codepoints: [8217], characters: '\u2019' }, + '’': { codepoints: [8217], characters: '\u2019' }, + '⋌': { codepoints: [8908], characters: '\u22CC' }, + '⋊': { codepoints: [8906], characters: '\u22CA' }, + '▹': { codepoints: [9657], characters: '\u25B9' }, + '⊵': { codepoints: [8885], characters: '\u22B5' }, + '▸': { codepoints: [9656], characters: '\u25B8' }, + '⧎': { codepoints: [10702], characters: '\u29CE' }, + '⧴': { codepoints: [10740], characters: '\u29F4' }, + '⥨': { codepoints: [10600], characters: '\u2968' }, + '℞': { codepoints: [8478], characters: '\u211E' }, + 'Ś': { codepoints: [346], characters: '\u015A' }, + 'ś': { codepoints: [347], characters: '\u015B' }, + '‚': { codepoints: [8218], characters: '\u201A' }, + '⪸': { codepoints: [10936], characters: '\u2AB8' }, + 'Š': { codepoints: [352], characters: '\u0160' }, + 'š': { codepoints: [353], characters: '\u0161' }, + '⪼': { codepoints: [10940], characters: '\u2ABC' }, + '≻': { codepoints: [8827], characters: '\u227B' }, + '≽': { codepoints: [8829], characters: '\u227D' }, + '⪰': { codepoints: [10928], characters: '\u2AB0' }, + '⪴': { codepoints: [10932], characters: '\u2AB4' }, + 'Ş': { codepoints: [350], characters: '\u015E' }, + 'ş': { codepoints: [351], characters: '\u015F' }, + 'Ŝ': { codepoints: [348], characters: '\u015C' }, + 'ŝ': { codepoints: [349], characters: '\u015D' }, + '⪺': { codepoints: [10938], characters: '\u2ABA' }, + '⪶': { codepoints: [10934], characters: '\u2AB6' }, + '⋩': { codepoints: [8937], characters: '\u22E9' }, + '⨓': { codepoints: [10771], characters: '\u2A13' }, + '≿': { codepoints: [8831], characters: '\u227F' }, + 'С': { codepoints: [1057], characters: '\u0421' }, + 'с': { codepoints: [1089], characters: '\u0441' }, + '⊡': { codepoints: [8865], characters: '\u22A1' }, + '⋅': { codepoints: [8901], characters: '\u22C5' }, + '⩦': { codepoints: [10854], characters: '\u2A66' }, + '⤥': { codepoints: [10533], characters: '\u2925' }, + '↘': { codepoints: [8600], characters: '\u2198' }, + '⇘': { codepoints: [8664], characters: '\u21D8' }, + '↘': { codepoints: [8600], characters: '\u2198' }, + '§': { codepoints: [167], characters: '\u00A7' }, + '§': { codepoints: [167], characters: '\u00A7' }, + ';': { codepoints: [59], characters: '\u003B' }, + '⤩': { codepoints: [10537], characters: '\u2929' }, + '∖': { codepoints: [8726], characters: '\u2216' }, + '∖': { codepoints: [8726], characters: '\u2216' }, + '✶': { codepoints: [10038], characters: '\u2736' }, + '𝔖': { codepoints: [120086], characters: '\uD835\uDD16' }, + '𝔰': { codepoints: [120112], characters: '\uD835\uDD30' }, + '⌢': { codepoints: [8994], characters: '\u2322' }, + '♯': { codepoints: [9839], characters: '\u266F' }, + 'Щ': { codepoints: [1065], characters: '\u0429' }, + 'щ': { codepoints: [1097], characters: '\u0449' }, + 'Ш': { codepoints: [1064], characters: '\u0428' }, + 'ш': { codepoints: [1096], characters: '\u0448' }, + '↓': { codepoints: [8595], characters: '\u2193' }, + '←': { codepoints: [8592], characters: '\u2190' }, + '∣': { codepoints: [8739], characters: '\u2223' }, + '∥': { codepoints: [8741], characters: '\u2225' }, + '→': { codepoints: [8594], characters: '\u2192' }, + '↑': { codepoints: [8593], characters: '\u2191' }, + '­': { codepoints: [173], characters: '\u00AD' }, + '­': { codepoints: [173], characters: '\u00AD' }, + 'Σ': { codepoints: [931], characters: '\u03A3' }, + 'σ': { codepoints: [963], characters: '\u03C3' }, + 'ς': { codepoints: [962], characters: '\u03C2' }, + 'ς': { codepoints: [962], characters: '\u03C2' }, + '∼': { codepoints: [8764], characters: '\u223C' }, + '⩪': { codepoints: [10858], characters: '\u2A6A' }, + '≃': { codepoints: [8771], characters: '\u2243' }, + '≃': { codepoints: [8771], characters: '\u2243' }, + '⪞': { codepoints: [10910], characters: '\u2A9E' }, + '⪠': { codepoints: [10912], characters: '\u2AA0' }, + '⪝': { codepoints: [10909], characters: '\u2A9D' }, + '⪟': { codepoints: [10911], characters: '\u2A9F' }, + '≆': { codepoints: [8774], characters: '\u2246' }, + '⨤': { codepoints: [10788], characters: '\u2A24' }, + '⥲': { codepoints: [10610], characters: '\u2972' }, + '←': { codepoints: [8592], characters: '\u2190' }, + '∘': { codepoints: [8728], characters: '\u2218' }, + '∖': { codepoints: [8726], characters: '\u2216' }, + '⨳': { codepoints: [10803], characters: '\u2A33' }, + '⧤': { codepoints: [10724], characters: '\u29E4' }, + '∣': { codepoints: [8739], characters: '\u2223' }, + '⌣': { codepoints: [8995], characters: '\u2323' }, + '⪪': { codepoints: [10922], characters: '\u2AAA' }, + '⪬': { codepoints: [10924], characters: '\u2AAC' }, + '⪬︀': { codepoints: [10924, 65024], characters: '\u2AAC\uFE00' }, + 'Ь': { codepoints: [1068], characters: '\u042C' }, + 'ь': { codepoints: [1100], characters: '\u044C' }, + '⌿': { codepoints: [9023], characters: '\u233F' }, + '⧄': { codepoints: [10692], characters: '\u29C4' }, + '/': { codepoints: [47], characters: '\u002F' }, + '𝕊': { codepoints: [120138], characters: '\uD835\uDD4A' }, + '𝕤': { codepoints: [120164], characters: '\uD835\uDD64' }, + '♠': { codepoints: [9824], characters: '\u2660' }, + '♠': { codepoints: [9824], characters: '\u2660' }, + '∥': { codepoints: [8741], characters: '\u2225' }, + '⊓': { codepoints: [8851], characters: '\u2293' }, + '⊓︀': { codepoints: [8851, 65024], characters: '\u2293\uFE00' }, + '⊔': { codepoints: [8852], characters: '\u2294' }, + '⊔︀': { codepoints: [8852, 65024], characters: '\u2294\uFE00' }, + '√': { codepoints: [8730], characters: '\u221A' }, + '⊏': { codepoints: [8847], characters: '\u228F' }, + '⊑': { codepoints: [8849], characters: '\u2291' }, + '⊏': { codepoints: [8847], characters: '\u228F' }, + '⊑': { codepoints: [8849], characters: '\u2291' }, + '⊐': { codepoints: [8848], characters: '\u2290' }, + '⊒': { codepoints: [8850], characters: '\u2292' }, + '⊐': { codepoints: [8848], characters: '\u2290' }, + '⊒': { codepoints: [8850], characters: '\u2292' }, + '□': { codepoints: [9633], characters: '\u25A1' }, + '□': { codepoints: [9633], characters: '\u25A1' }, + '⊓': { codepoints: [8851], characters: '\u2293' }, + '⊏': { codepoints: [8847], characters: '\u228F' }, + '⊑': { codepoints: [8849], characters: '\u2291' }, + '⊐': { codepoints: [8848], characters: '\u2290' }, + '⊒': { codepoints: [8850], characters: '\u2292' }, + '⊔': { codepoints: [8852], characters: '\u2294' }, + '▪': { codepoints: [9642], characters: '\u25AA' }, + '□': { codepoints: [9633], characters: '\u25A1' }, + '▪': { codepoints: [9642], characters: '\u25AA' }, + '→': { codepoints: [8594], characters: '\u2192' }, + '𝒮': { codepoints: [119982], characters: '\uD835\uDCAE' }, + '𝓈': { codepoints: [120008], characters: '\uD835\uDCC8' }, + '∖': { codepoints: [8726], characters: '\u2216' }, + '⌣': { codepoints: [8995], characters: '\u2323' }, + '⋆': { codepoints: [8902], characters: '\u22C6' }, + '⋆': { codepoints: [8902], characters: '\u22C6' }, + '☆': { codepoints: [9734], characters: '\u2606' }, + '★': { codepoints: [9733], characters: '\u2605' }, + 'ϵ': { codepoints: [1013], characters: '\u03F5' }, + 'ϕ': { codepoints: [981], characters: '\u03D5' }, + '¯': { codepoints: [175], characters: '\u00AF' }, + '⊂': { codepoints: [8834], characters: '\u2282' }, + '⋐': { codepoints: [8912], characters: '\u22D0' }, + '⪽': { codepoints: [10941], characters: '\u2ABD' }, + '⫅': { codepoints: [10949], characters: '\u2AC5' }, + '⊆': { codepoints: [8838], characters: '\u2286' }, + '⫃': { codepoints: [10947], characters: '\u2AC3' }, + '⫁': { codepoints: [10945], characters: '\u2AC1' }, + '⫋': { codepoints: [10955], characters: '\u2ACB' }, + '⊊': { codepoints: [8842], characters: '\u228A' }, + '⪿': { codepoints: [10943], characters: '\u2ABF' }, + '⥹': { codepoints: [10617], characters: '\u2979' }, + '⊂': { codepoints: [8834], characters: '\u2282' }, + '⋐': { codepoints: [8912], characters: '\u22D0' }, + '⊆': { codepoints: [8838], characters: '\u2286' }, + '⫅': { codepoints: [10949], characters: '\u2AC5' }, + '⊆': { codepoints: [8838], characters: '\u2286' }, + '⊊': { codepoints: [8842], characters: '\u228A' }, + '⫋': { codepoints: [10955], characters: '\u2ACB' }, + '⫇': { codepoints: [10951], characters: '\u2AC7' }, + '⫕': { codepoints: [10965], characters: '\u2AD5' }, + '⫓': { codepoints: [10963], characters: '\u2AD3' }, + '⪸': { codepoints: [10936], characters: '\u2AB8' }, + '≻': { codepoints: [8827], characters: '\u227B' }, + '≽': { codepoints: [8829], characters: '\u227D' }, + '≻': { codepoints: [8827], characters: '\u227B' }, + '⪰': { codepoints: [10928], characters: '\u2AB0' }, + '≽': { codepoints: [8829], characters: '\u227D' }, + '≿': { codepoints: [8831], characters: '\u227F' }, + '⪰': { codepoints: [10928], characters: '\u2AB0' }, + '⪺': { codepoints: [10938], characters: '\u2ABA' }, + '⪶': { codepoints: [10934], characters: '\u2AB6' }, + '⋩': { codepoints: [8937], characters: '\u22E9' }, + '≿': { codepoints: [8831], characters: '\u227F' }, + '∋': { codepoints: [8715], characters: '\u220B' }, + '∑': { codepoints: [8721], characters: '\u2211' }, + '∑': { codepoints: [8721], characters: '\u2211' }, + '♪': { codepoints: [9834], characters: '\u266A' }, + '¹': { codepoints: [185], characters: '\u00B9' }, + '¹': { codepoints: [185], characters: '\u00B9' }, + '²': { codepoints: [178], characters: '\u00B2' }, + '²': { codepoints: [178], characters: '\u00B2' }, + '³': { codepoints: [179], characters: '\u00B3' }, + '³': { codepoints: [179], characters: '\u00B3' }, + '⊃': { codepoints: [8835], characters: '\u2283' }, + '⋑': { codepoints: [8913], characters: '\u22D1' }, + '⪾': { codepoints: [10942], characters: '\u2ABE' }, + '⫘': { codepoints: [10968], characters: '\u2AD8' }, + '⫆': { codepoints: [10950], characters: '\u2AC6' }, + '⊇': { codepoints: [8839], characters: '\u2287' }, + '⫄': { codepoints: [10948], characters: '\u2AC4' }, + '⊃': { codepoints: [8835], characters: '\u2283' }, + '⊇': { codepoints: [8839], characters: '\u2287' }, + '⟉': { codepoints: [10185], characters: '\u27C9' }, + '⫗': { codepoints: [10967], characters: '\u2AD7' }, + '⥻': { codepoints: [10619], characters: '\u297B' }, + '⫂': { codepoints: [10946], characters: '\u2AC2' }, + '⫌': { codepoints: [10956], characters: '\u2ACC' }, + '⊋': { codepoints: [8843], characters: '\u228B' }, + '⫀': { codepoints: [10944], characters: '\u2AC0' }, + '⊃': { codepoints: [8835], characters: '\u2283' }, + '⋑': { codepoints: [8913], characters: '\u22D1' }, + '⊇': { codepoints: [8839], characters: '\u2287' }, + '⫆': { codepoints: [10950], characters: '\u2AC6' }, + '⊋': { codepoints: [8843], characters: '\u228B' }, + '⫌': { codepoints: [10956], characters: '\u2ACC' }, + '⫈': { codepoints: [10952], characters: '\u2AC8' }, + '⫔': { codepoints: [10964], characters: '\u2AD4' }, + '⫖': { codepoints: [10966], characters: '\u2AD6' }, + '⤦': { codepoints: [10534], characters: '\u2926' }, + '↙': { codepoints: [8601], characters: '\u2199' }, + '⇙': { codepoints: [8665], characters: '\u21D9' }, + '↙': { codepoints: [8601], characters: '\u2199' }, + '⤪': { codepoints: [10538], characters: '\u292A' }, + 'ß': { codepoints: [223], characters: '\u00DF' }, + 'ß': { codepoints: [223], characters: '\u00DF' }, + ' ': { codepoints: [9], characters: '\u0009' }, + '⌖': { codepoints: [8982], characters: '\u2316' }, + 'Τ': { codepoints: [932], characters: '\u03A4' }, + 'τ': { codepoints: [964], characters: '\u03C4' }, + '⎴': { codepoints: [9140], characters: '\u23B4' }, + 'Ť': { codepoints: [356], characters: '\u0164' }, + 'ť': { codepoints: [357], characters: '\u0165' }, + 'Ţ': { codepoints: [354], characters: '\u0162' }, + 'ţ': { codepoints: [355], characters: '\u0163' }, + 'Т': { codepoints: [1058], characters: '\u0422' }, + 'т': { codepoints: [1090], characters: '\u0442' }, + '⃛': { codepoints: [8411], characters: '\u20DB' }, + '⌕': { codepoints: [8981], characters: '\u2315' }, + '𝔗': { codepoints: [120087], characters: '\uD835\uDD17' }, + '𝔱': { codepoints: [120113], characters: '\uD835\uDD31' }, + '∴': { codepoints: [8756], characters: '\u2234' }, + '∴': { codepoints: [8756], characters: '\u2234' }, + '∴': { codepoints: [8756], characters: '\u2234' }, + 'Θ': { codepoints: [920], characters: '\u0398' }, + 'θ': { codepoints: [952], characters: '\u03B8' }, + 'ϑ': { codepoints: [977], characters: '\u03D1' }, + 'ϑ': { codepoints: [977], characters: '\u03D1' }, + '≈': { codepoints: [8776], characters: '\u2248' }, + '∼': { codepoints: [8764], characters: '\u223C' }, + '  ': { codepoints: [8287, 8202], characters: '\u205F\u200A' }, + ' ': { codepoints: [8201], characters: '\u2009' }, + ' ': { codepoints: [8201], characters: '\u2009' }, + '≈': { codepoints: [8776], characters: '\u2248' }, + '∼': { codepoints: [8764], characters: '\u223C' }, + 'Þ': { codepoints: [222], characters: '\u00DE' }, + 'Þ': { codepoints: [222], characters: '\u00DE' }, + 'þ': { codepoints: [254], characters: '\u00FE' }, + 'þ': { codepoints: [254], characters: '\u00FE' }, + '˜': { codepoints: [732], characters: '\u02DC' }, + '∼': { codepoints: [8764], characters: '\u223C' }, + '≃': { codepoints: [8771], characters: '\u2243' }, + '≅': { codepoints: [8773], characters: '\u2245' }, + '≈': { codepoints: [8776], characters: '\u2248' }, + '⨱': { codepoints: [10801], characters: '\u2A31' }, + '⊠': { codepoints: [8864], characters: '\u22A0' }, + '×': { codepoints: [215], characters: '\u00D7' }, + '×': { codepoints: [215], characters: '\u00D7' }, + '⨰': { codepoints: [10800], characters: '\u2A30' }, + '∭': { codepoints: [8749], characters: '\u222D' }, + '⤨': { codepoints: [10536], characters: '\u2928' }, + '⌶': { codepoints: [9014], characters: '\u2336' }, + '⫱': { codepoints: [10993], characters: '\u2AF1' }, + '⊤': { codepoints: [8868], characters: '\u22A4' }, + '𝕋': { codepoints: [120139], characters: '\uD835\uDD4B' }, + '𝕥': { codepoints: [120165], characters: '\uD835\uDD65' }, + '⫚': { codepoints: [10970], characters: '\u2ADA' }, + '⤩': { codepoints: [10537], characters: '\u2929' }, + '‴': { codepoints: [8244], characters: '\u2034' }, + '™': { codepoints: [8482], characters: '\u2122' }, + '™': { codepoints: [8482], characters: '\u2122' }, + '▵': { codepoints: [9653], characters: '\u25B5' }, + '▿': { codepoints: [9663], characters: '\u25BF' }, + '◃': { codepoints: [9667], characters: '\u25C3' }, + '⊴': { codepoints: [8884], characters: '\u22B4' }, + '≜': { codepoints: [8796], characters: '\u225C' }, + '▹': { codepoints: [9657], characters: '\u25B9' }, + '⊵': { codepoints: [8885], characters: '\u22B5' }, + '◬': { codepoints: [9708], characters: '\u25EC' }, + '≜': { codepoints: [8796], characters: '\u225C' }, + '⨺': { codepoints: [10810], characters: '\u2A3A' }, + '⃛': { codepoints: [8411], characters: '\u20DB' }, + '⨹': { codepoints: [10809], characters: '\u2A39' }, + '⧍': { codepoints: [10701], characters: '\u29CD' }, + '⨻': { codepoints: [10811], characters: '\u2A3B' }, + '⏢': { codepoints: [9186], characters: '\u23E2' }, + '𝒯': { codepoints: [119983], characters: '\uD835\uDCAF' }, + '𝓉': { codepoints: [120009], characters: '\uD835\uDCC9' }, + 'Ц': { codepoints: [1062], characters: '\u0426' }, + 'ц': { codepoints: [1094], characters: '\u0446' }, + 'Ћ': { codepoints: [1035], characters: '\u040B' }, + 'ћ': { codepoints: [1115], characters: '\u045B' }, + 'Ŧ': { codepoints: [358], characters: '\u0166' }, + 'ŧ': { codepoints: [359], characters: '\u0167' }, + '≬': { codepoints: [8812], characters: '\u226C' }, + '↞': { codepoints: [8606], characters: '\u219E' }, + '↠': { codepoints: [8608], characters: '\u21A0' }, + 'Ú': { codepoints: [218], characters: '\u00DA' }, + 'Ú': { codepoints: [218], characters: '\u00DA' }, + 'ú': { codepoints: [250], characters: '\u00FA' }, + 'ú': { codepoints: [250], characters: '\u00FA' }, + '↑': { codepoints: [8593], characters: '\u2191' }, + '↟': { codepoints: [8607], characters: '\u219F' }, + '⇑': { codepoints: [8657], characters: '\u21D1' }, + '⥉': { codepoints: [10569], characters: '\u2949' }, + 'Ў': { codepoints: [1038], characters: '\u040E' }, + 'ў': { codepoints: [1118], characters: '\u045E' }, + 'Ŭ': { codepoints: [364], characters: '\u016C' }, + 'ŭ': { codepoints: [365], characters: '\u016D' }, + 'Û': { codepoints: [219], characters: '\u00DB' }, + 'Û': { codepoints: [219], characters: '\u00DB' }, + 'û': { codepoints: [251], characters: '\u00FB' }, + 'û': { codepoints: [251], characters: '\u00FB' }, + 'У': { codepoints: [1059], characters: '\u0423' }, + 'у': { codepoints: [1091], characters: '\u0443' }, + '⇅': { codepoints: [8645], characters: '\u21C5' }, + 'Ű': { codepoints: [368], characters: '\u0170' }, + 'ű': { codepoints: [369], characters: '\u0171' }, + '⥮': { codepoints: [10606], characters: '\u296E' }, + '⥾': { codepoints: [10622], characters: '\u297E' }, + '𝔘': { codepoints: [120088], characters: '\uD835\uDD18' }, + '𝔲': { codepoints: [120114], characters: '\uD835\uDD32' }, + 'Ù': { codepoints: [217], characters: '\u00D9' }, + 'Ù': { codepoints: [217], characters: '\u00D9' }, + 'ù': { codepoints: [249], characters: '\u00F9' }, + 'ù': { codepoints: [249], characters: '\u00F9' }, + '⥣': { codepoints: [10595], characters: '\u2963' }, + '↿': { codepoints: [8639], characters: '\u21BF' }, + '↾': { codepoints: [8638], characters: '\u21BE' }, + '▀': { codepoints: [9600], characters: '\u2580' }, + '⌜': { codepoints: [8988], characters: '\u231C' }, + '⌜': { codepoints: [8988], characters: '\u231C' }, + '⌏': { codepoints: [8975], characters: '\u230F' }, + '◸': { codepoints: [9720], characters: '\u25F8' }, + 'Ū': { codepoints: [362], characters: '\u016A' }, + 'ū': { codepoints: [363], characters: '\u016B' }, + '¨': { codepoints: [168], characters: '\u00A8' }, + '¨': { codepoints: [168], characters: '\u00A8' }, + '_': { codepoints: [95], characters: '\u005F' }, + '⏟': { codepoints: [9183], characters: '\u23DF' }, + '⎵': { codepoints: [9141], characters: '\u23B5' }, + '⏝': { codepoints: [9181], characters: '\u23DD' }, + '⋃': { codepoints: [8899], characters: '\u22C3' }, + '⊎': { codepoints: [8846], characters: '\u228E' }, + 'Ų': { codepoints: [370], characters: '\u0172' }, + 'ų': { codepoints: [371], characters: '\u0173' }, + '𝕌': { codepoints: [120140], characters: '\uD835\uDD4C' }, + '𝕦': { codepoints: [120166], characters: '\uD835\uDD66' }, + '⤒': { codepoints: [10514], characters: '\u2912' }, + '↑': { codepoints: [8593], characters: '\u2191' }, + '↑': { codepoints: [8593], characters: '\u2191' }, + '⇑': { codepoints: [8657], characters: '\u21D1' }, + '⇅': { codepoints: [8645], characters: '\u21C5' }, + '↕': { codepoints: [8597], characters: '\u2195' }, + '↕': { codepoints: [8597], characters: '\u2195' }, + '⇕': { codepoints: [8661], characters: '\u21D5' }, + '⥮': { codepoints: [10606], characters: '\u296E' }, + '↿': { codepoints: [8639], characters: '\u21BF' }, + '↾': { codepoints: [8638], characters: '\u21BE' }, + '⊎': { codepoints: [8846], characters: '\u228E' }, + '↖': { codepoints: [8598], characters: '\u2196' }, + '↗': { codepoints: [8599], characters: '\u2197' }, + 'υ': { codepoints: [965], characters: '\u03C5' }, + 'ϒ': { codepoints: [978], characters: '\u03D2' }, + 'ϒ': { codepoints: [978], characters: '\u03D2' }, + 'Υ': { codepoints: [933], characters: '\u03A5' }, + 'υ': { codepoints: [965], characters: '\u03C5' }, + '↥': { codepoints: [8613], characters: '\u21A5' }, + '⊥': { codepoints: [8869], characters: '\u22A5' }, + '⇈': { codepoints: [8648], characters: '\u21C8' }, + '⌝': { codepoints: [8989], characters: '\u231D' }, + '⌝': { codepoints: [8989], characters: '\u231D' }, + '⌎': { codepoints: [8974], characters: '\u230E' }, + 'Ů': { codepoints: [366], characters: '\u016E' }, + 'ů': { codepoints: [367], characters: '\u016F' }, + '◹': { codepoints: [9721], characters: '\u25F9' }, + '𝒰': { codepoints: [119984], characters: '\uD835\uDCB0' }, + '𝓊': { codepoints: [120010], characters: '\uD835\uDCCA' }, + '⋰': { codepoints: [8944], characters: '\u22F0' }, + 'Ũ': { codepoints: [360], characters: '\u0168' }, + 'ũ': { codepoints: [361], characters: '\u0169' }, + '▵': { codepoints: [9653], characters: '\u25B5' }, + '▴': { codepoints: [9652], characters: '\u25B4' }, + '⇈': { codepoints: [8648], characters: '\u21C8' }, + 'Ü': { codepoints: [220], characters: '\u00DC' }, + 'Ü': { codepoints: [220], characters: '\u00DC' }, + 'ü': { codepoints: [252], characters: '\u00FC' }, + 'ü': { codepoints: [252], characters: '\u00FC' }, + '⦧': { codepoints: [10663], characters: '\u29A7' }, + '⦜': { codepoints: [10652], characters: '\u299C' }, + 'ϵ': { codepoints: [1013], characters: '\u03F5' }, + 'ϰ': { codepoints: [1008], characters: '\u03F0' }, + '∅': { codepoints: [8709], characters: '\u2205' }, + 'ϕ': { codepoints: [981], characters: '\u03D5' }, + 'ϖ': { codepoints: [982], characters: '\u03D6' }, + '∝': { codepoints: [8733], characters: '\u221D' }, + '↕': { codepoints: [8597], characters: '\u2195' }, + '⇕': { codepoints: [8661], characters: '\u21D5' }, + 'ϱ': { codepoints: [1009], characters: '\u03F1' }, + 'ς': { codepoints: [962], characters: '\u03C2' }, + '⊊︀': { codepoints: [8842, 65024], characters: '\u228A\uFE00' }, + '⫋︀': { codepoints: [10955, 65024], characters: '\u2ACB\uFE00' }, + '⊋︀': { codepoints: [8843, 65024], characters: '\u228B\uFE00' }, + '⫌︀': { codepoints: [10956, 65024], characters: '\u2ACC\uFE00' }, + 'ϑ': { codepoints: [977], characters: '\u03D1' }, + '⊲': { codepoints: [8882], characters: '\u22B2' }, + '⊳': { codepoints: [8883], characters: '\u22B3' }, + '⫨': { codepoints: [10984], characters: '\u2AE8' }, + '⫫': { codepoints: [10987], characters: '\u2AEB' }, + '⫩': { codepoints: [10985], characters: '\u2AE9' }, + 'В': { codepoints: [1042], characters: '\u0412' }, + 'в': { codepoints: [1074], characters: '\u0432' }, + '⊢': { codepoints: [8866], characters: '\u22A2' }, + '⊨': { codepoints: [8872], characters: '\u22A8' }, + '⊩': { codepoints: [8873], characters: '\u22A9' }, + '⊫': { codepoints: [8875], characters: '\u22AB' }, + '⫦': { codepoints: [10982], characters: '\u2AE6' }, + '⊻': { codepoints: [8891], characters: '\u22BB' }, + '∨': { codepoints: [8744], characters: '\u2228' }, + '⋁': { codepoints: [8897], characters: '\u22C1' }, + '≚': { codepoints: [8794], characters: '\u225A' }, + '⋮': { codepoints: [8942], characters: '\u22EE' }, + '|': { codepoints: [124], characters: '\u007C' }, + '‖': { codepoints: [8214], characters: '\u2016' }, + '|': { codepoints: [124], characters: '\u007C' }, + '‖': { codepoints: [8214], characters: '\u2016' }, + '∣': { codepoints: [8739], characters: '\u2223' }, + '|': { codepoints: [124], characters: '\u007C' }, + '❘': { codepoints: [10072], characters: '\u2758' }, + '≀': { codepoints: [8768], characters: '\u2240' }, + ' ': { codepoints: [8202], characters: '\u200A' }, + '𝔙': { codepoints: [120089], characters: '\uD835\uDD19' }, + '𝔳': { codepoints: [120115], characters: '\uD835\uDD33' }, + '⊲': { codepoints: [8882], characters: '\u22B2' }, + '⊂⃒': { codepoints: [8834, 8402], characters: '\u2282\u20D2' }, + '⊃⃒': { codepoints: [8835, 8402], characters: '\u2283\u20D2' }, + '𝕍': { codepoints: [120141], characters: '\uD835\uDD4D' }, + '𝕧': { codepoints: [120167], characters: '\uD835\uDD67' }, + '∝': { codepoints: [8733], characters: '\u221D' }, + '⊳': { codepoints: [8883], characters: '\u22B3' }, + '𝒱': { codepoints: [119985], characters: '\uD835\uDCB1' }, + '𝓋': { codepoints: [120011], characters: '\uD835\uDCCB' }, + '⫋︀': { codepoints: [10955, 65024], characters: '\u2ACB\uFE00' }, + '⊊︀': { codepoints: [8842, 65024], characters: '\u228A\uFE00' }, + '⫌︀': { codepoints: [10956, 65024], characters: '\u2ACC\uFE00' }, + '⊋︀': { codepoints: [8843, 65024], characters: '\u228B\uFE00' }, + '⊪': { codepoints: [8874], characters: '\u22AA' }, + '⦚': { codepoints: [10650], characters: '\u299A' }, + 'Ŵ': { codepoints: [372], characters: '\u0174' }, + 'ŵ': { codepoints: [373], characters: '\u0175' }, + '⩟': { codepoints: [10847], characters: '\u2A5F' }, + '∧': { codepoints: [8743], characters: '\u2227' }, + '⋀': { codepoints: [8896], characters: '\u22C0' }, + '≙': { codepoints: [8793], characters: '\u2259' }, + '℘': { codepoints: [8472], characters: '\u2118' }, + '𝔚': { codepoints: [120090], characters: '\uD835\uDD1A' }, + '𝔴': { codepoints: [120116], characters: '\uD835\uDD34' }, + '𝕎': { codepoints: [120142], characters: '\uD835\uDD4E' }, + '𝕨': { codepoints: [120168], characters: '\uD835\uDD68' }, + '℘': { codepoints: [8472], characters: '\u2118' }, + '≀': { codepoints: [8768], characters: '\u2240' }, + '≀': { codepoints: [8768], characters: '\u2240' }, + '𝒲': { codepoints: [119986], characters: '\uD835\uDCB2' }, + '𝓌': { codepoints: [120012], characters: '\uD835\uDCCC' }, + '⋂': { codepoints: [8898], characters: '\u22C2' }, + '◯': { codepoints: [9711], characters: '\u25EF' }, + '⋃': { codepoints: [8899], characters: '\u22C3' }, + '▽': { codepoints: [9661], characters: '\u25BD' }, + '𝔛': { codepoints: [120091], characters: '\uD835\uDD1B' }, + '𝔵': { codepoints: [120117], characters: '\uD835\uDD35' }, + '⟷': { codepoints: [10231], characters: '\u27F7' }, + '⟺': { codepoints: [10234], characters: '\u27FA' }, + 'Ξ': { codepoints: [926], characters: '\u039E' }, + 'ξ': { codepoints: [958], characters: '\u03BE' }, + '⟵': { codepoints: [10229], characters: '\u27F5' }, + '⟸': { codepoints: [10232], characters: '\u27F8' }, + '⟼': { codepoints: [10236], characters: '\u27FC' }, + '⋻': { codepoints: [8955], characters: '\u22FB' }, + '⨀': { codepoints: [10752], characters: '\u2A00' }, + '𝕏': { codepoints: [120143], characters: '\uD835\uDD4F' }, + '𝕩': { codepoints: [120169], characters: '\uD835\uDD69' }, + '⨁': { codepoints: [10753], characters: '\u2A01' }, + '⨂': { codepoints: [10754], characters: '\u2A02' }, + '⟶': { codepoints: [10230], characters: '\u27F6' }, + '⟹': { codepoints: [10233], characters: '\u27F9' }, + '𝒳': { codepoints: [119987], characters: '\uD835\uDCB3' }, + '𝓍': { codepoints: [120013], characters: '\uD835\uDCCD' }, + '⨆': { codepoints: [10758], characters: '\u2A06' }, + '⨄': { codepoints: [10756], characters: '\u2A04' }, + '△': { codepoints: [9651], characters: '\u25B3' }, + '⋁': { codepoints: [8897], characters: '\u22C1' }, + '⋀': { codepoints: [8896], characters: '\u22C0' }, + 'Ý': { codepoints: [221], characters: '\u00DD' }, + 'Ý': { codepoints: [221], characters: '\u00DD' }, + 'ý': { codepoints: [253], characters: '\u00FD' }, + 'ý': { codepoints: [253], characters: '\u00FD' }, + 'Я': { codepoints: [1071], characters: '\u042F' }, + 'я': { codepoints: [1103], characters: '\u044F' }, + 'Ŷ': { codepoints: [374], characters: '\u0176' }, + 'ŷ': { codepoints: [375], characters: '\u0177' }, + 'Ы': { codepoints: [1067], characters: '\u042B' }, + 'ы': { codepoints: [1099], characters: '\u044B' }, + '¥': { codepoints: [165], characters: '\u00A5' }, + '¥': { codepoints: [165], characters: '\u00A5' }, + '𝔜': { codepoints: [120092], characters: '\uD835\uDD1C' }, + '𝔶': { codepoints: [120118], characters: '\uD835\uDD36' }, + 'Ї': { codepoints: [1031], characters: '\u0407' }, + 'ї': { codepoints: [1111], characters: '\u0457' }, + '𝕐': { codepoints: [120144], characters: '\uD835\uDD50' }, + '𝕪': { codepoints: [120170], characters: '\uD835\uDD6A' }, + '𝒴': { codepoints: [119988], characters: '\uD835\uDCB4' }, + '𝓎': { codepoints: [120014], characters: '\uD835\uDCCE' }, + 'Ю': { codepoints: [1070], characters: '\u042E' }, + 'ю': { codepoints: [1102], characters: '\u044E' }, + 'ÿ': { codepoints: [255], characters: '\u00FF' }, + 'ÿ': { codepoints: [255], characters: '\u00FF' }, + 'Ÿ': { codepoints: [376], characters: '\u0178' }, + 'Ź': { codepoints: [377], characters: '\u0179' }, + 'ź': { codepoints: [378], characters: '\u017A' }, + 'Ž': { codepoints: [381], characters: '\u017D' }, + 'ž': { codepoints: [382], characters: '\u017E' }, + 'З': { codepoints: [1047], characters: '\u0417' }, + 'з': { codepoints: [1079], characters: '\u0437' }, + 'Ż': { codepoints: [379], characters: '\u017B' }, + 'ż': { codepoints: [380], characters: '\u017C' }, + 'ℨ': { codepoints: [8488], characters: '\u2128' }, + '​': { codepoints: [8203], characters: '\u200B' }, + 'Ζ': { codepoints: [918], characters: '\u0396' }, + 'ζ': { codepoints: [950], characters: '\u03B6' }, + '𝔷': { codepoints: [120119], characters: '\uD835\uDD37' }, + 'ℨ': { codepoints: [8488], characters: '\u2128' }, + 'Ж': { codepoints: [1046], characters: '\u0416' }, + 'ж': { codepoints: [1078], characters: '\u0436' }, + '⇝': { codepoints: [8669], characters: '\u21DD' }, + '𝕫': { codepoints: [120171], characters: '\uD835\uDD6B' }, + 'ℤ': { codepoints: [8484], characters: '\u2124' }, + '𝒵': { codepoints: [119989], characters: '\uD835\uDCB5' }, + '𝓏': { codepoints: [120015], characters: '\uD835\uDCCF' }, + '‍': { codepoints: [8205], characters: '\u200D' }, + '‌': { codepoints: [8204], characters: '\u200C' }, }; -var ALPHANUMERIC = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]/; -var getPossibleNamedEntityStart = makeRegexMatcher(/^&[a-zA-Z0-9]/); -var getApparentNamedEntity = makeRegexMatcher(/^&[a-zA-Z0-9]+;/); +const ALPHANUMERIC = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]/; +const getPossibleNamedEntityStart = makeRegexMatcher(/^&[a-zA-Z0-9]/); +const getApparentNamedEntity = makeRegexMatcher(/^&[a-zA-Z0-9]+;/); + +const getNamedEntityByFirstChar = {}; -var getNamedEntityByFirstChar = {}; (function () { - var namedEntitiesByFirstChar = {}; - for (var ent in ENTITIES) { - var chr = ent.charAt(1); - namedEntitiesByFirstChar[chr] = (namedEntitiesByFirstChar[chr] || []); - namedEntitiesByFirstChar[chr].push(ent.slice(2)); - } - for (var chr in namedEntitiesByFirstChar) { - getNamedEntityByFirstChar[chr] = makeRegexMatcher( - new RegExp('^&' + chr + '(?:' + - namedEntitiesByFirstChar[chr].join('|') + ')')); - } -})(); + const namedEntitiesByFirstChar = {}; + let char; + + Object.getOwnPropertyNames(ENTITIES).forEach(ent => { + char = ent.charAt(1); + namedEntitiesByFirstChar[char] = (namedEntitiesByFirstChar[char] || []); + namedEntitiesByFirstChar[char].push(ent.slice(2)); + }); + + Object.keys(namedEntitiesByFirstChar).forEach(chr => { + const regex = new RegExp(`^&${chr}(?:${namedEntitiesByFirstChar[chr].join('|')})`); + getNamedEntityByFirstChar[chr] = makeRegexMatcher(regex); + }); +}()); // Run a provided "matcher" function but reset the current position afterwards. // Fatal failure of the matcher is not suppressed. -var peekMatcher = function (scanner, matcher) { - var start = scanner.pos; - var result = matcher(scanner); +const peekMatcher = function (scanner, matcher) { + const start = scanner.pos; + const result = matcher(scanner); scanner.pos = start; + return result; }; // Returns a string like "&" or a falsy value if no match. Fails fatally // if something looks like a named entity but isn't. -var getNamedCharRef = function (scanner, inAttribute) { +const getNamedCharRef = function (scanner, inAttribute) { // look for `&` followed by alphanumeric - if (! peekMatcher(scanner, getPossibleNamedEntityStart)) + if (!peekMatcher(scanner, getPossibleNamedEntityStart)) { return null; + } - var matcher = getNamedEntityByFirstChar[scanner.rest().charAt(1)]; - var entity = null; - if (matcher) + const matcher = getNamedEntityByFirstChar[scanner.rest().charAt(1)]; + let entity = null; + + if (matcher) { entity = peekMatcher(scanner, matcher); + } if (entity) { if (entity.slice(-1) !== ';') { @@ -2288,62 +2293,70 @@ var getNamedCharRef = function (scanner, inAttribute) { // // This rule affects href attributes, for example, deeming "/?foo=bar<c=abc" // to be ok but "/?foo=bar<=abc" to not be. - if (inAttribute && ALPHANUMERIC.test(scanner.rest().charAt(entity.length))) + if (inAttribute && ALPHANUMERIC.test(scanner.rest().charAt(entity.length))) { return null; - scanner.fatal("Character reference requires semicolon: " + entity); - } else { - scanner.pos += entity.length; - return entity; + } + + scanner.fatal(`Character reference requires semicolon: ${entity}`); } - } else { - // we couldn't match any real entity, so see if this is a bad entity - // or something we can overlook. - var badEntity = peekMatcher(scanner, getApparentNamedEntity); - if (badEntity) - scanner.fatal("Invalid character reference: " + badEntity); - // `&aaaa` is ok with no semicolon - return null; + + scanner.pos += entity.length; + + return entity; } + + // we couldn't match any real entity, so see if this is a bad entity + // or something we can overlook. + const badEntity = peekMatcher(scanner, getApparentNamedEntity); + + if (badEntity) { + scanner.fatal(`Invalid character reference: ${badEntity}`); + } + + // `&aaaa` is ok with no semicolon + + return null; }; // Returns the sequence of one or two codepoints making up an entity as an array. // Codepoints in the array are integers and may be out of the single-char JavaScript // range. -var getCodePoints = function (namedEntity) { +const getCodePoints = function (namedEntity) { return ENTITIES[namedEntity].codepoints; }; -var ALLOWED_AFTER_AMP = /^[\u0009\u000a\u000c <&]/; +const ALLOWED_AFTER_AMP = /^[\u0009\u000a\u000c <&]/; -var getCharRefNumber = makeRegexMatcher(/^(?:[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|[0-9]+);/); +const getCharRefNumber = makeRegexMatcher(/^(?:[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|\d+);/); -var BIG_BAD_CODEPOINTS = (function (obj) { - var list = [0x1FFFE, 0x1FFFF, 0x2FFFE, 0x2FFFF, 0x3FFFE, 0x3FFFF, - 0x4FFFE, 0x4FFFF, 0x5FFFE, 0x5FFFF, 0x6FFFE, 0x6FFFF, - 0x7FFFE, 0x7FFFF, 0x8FFFE, 0x8FFFF, 0x9FFFE, 0x9FFFF, - 0xAFFFE, 0xAFFFF, 0xBFFFE, 0xBFFFF, 0xCFFFE, 0xCFFFF, - 0xDFFFE, 0xDFFFF, 0xEFFFE, 0xEFFFF, 0xFFFFE, 0xFFFFF, - 0x10FFFE, 0x10FFFF]; - for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) - obj[list[i]] = true; +const BIG_BAD_CODEPOINTS = (function (obj) { + const list = [0x1FFFE, 0x1FFFF, 0x2FFFE, 0x2FFFF, 0x3FFFE, 0x3FFFF, + 0x4FFFE, 0x4FFFF, 0x5FFFE, 0x5FFFF, 0x6FFFE, 0x6FFFF, + 0x7FFFE, 0x7FFFF, 0x8FFFE, 0x8FFFF, 0x9FFFE, 0x9FFFF, + 0xAFFFE, 0xAFFFF, 0xBFFFE, 0xBFFFF, 0xCFFFE, 0xCFFFF, + 0xDFFFE, 0xDFFFF, 0xEFFFE, 0xEFFFF, 0xFFFFE, 0xFFFFF, + 0x10FFFE, 0x10FFFF]; + + list.forEach(item => { + obj[item] = true; + }); return obj; -})({}); +}({})); -var isLegalCodepoint = function (cp) { +const isLegalCodepoint = function (cp) { if ((cp === 0) || - (cp >= 0x80 && cp <= 0x9f) || - (cp >= 0xd800 && cp <= 0xdfff) || - (cp >= 0x10ffff) || - (cp >= 0x1 && cp <= 0x8) || - (cp === 0xb) || - (cp >= 0xd && cp <= 0x1f) || - (cp >= 0x7f && cp <= 0x9f) || - (cp >= 0xfdd0 && cp <= 0xfdef) || - (cp === 0xfffe) || - (cp === 0xffff) || - (cp >= 0x10000 && BIG_BAD_CODEPOINTS[cp])) - return false; + (cp >= 0x80 && cp <= 0x9f) || + (cp >= 0xd800 && cp <= 0xdfff) || + (cp >= 0x10ffff) || + (cp >= 0x1 && cp <= 0x8) || + (cp === 0xb) || + (cp >= 0xd && cp <= 0x1f) || + (cp >= 0x7f && cp <= 0x9f) || + (cp >= 0xfdd0 && cp <= 0xfdef) || + (cp === 0xfffe) || + (cp === 0xffff) || + (cp >= 0x10000 && BIG_BAD_CODEPOINTS[cp])) return false; return true; }; @@ -2361,55 +2374,67 @@ var isLegalCodepoint = function (cp) { // either `"`, `'`, or `>` and is supplied when parsing attribute values. NOTE: In the current spec, the // value of `allowedChar` doesn't actually seem to end up mattering, but there is still some debate about // the right approach to ampersands. -export function getCharacterReference (scanner, inAttribute, allowedChar) { - if (scanner.peek() !== '&') +export function getCharacterReference(scanner, inAttribute, allowedChar) { + if (scanner.peek() !== '&') { // no ampersand return null; + } - var afterAmp = scanner.rest().charAt(1); + const afterAmp = scanner.rest().charAt(1); if (afterAmp === '#') { scanner.pos += 2; + // refNumber includes possible initial `x` and final semicolon - var refNumber = getCharRefNumber(scanner); + const refNumber = getCharRefNumber(scanner); + // At this point we've consumed the input, so we're committed to returning // something or failing fatally. - if (! refNumber) - scanner.fatal("Invalid numerical character reference starting with &#"); - var codepoint; + if (!refNumber) scanner.fatal('Invalid numerical character reference starting with &#'); + + let codepoint; + if (refNumber.charAt(0) === 'x' || refNumber.charAt(0) === 'X') { // hex - var hex = refNumber.slice(1, -1); - while (hex.charAt(0) === '0') - hex = hex.slice(1); - if (hex.length > 6) - scanner.fatal("Numerical character reference too large: 0x" + hex); - codepoint = parseInt(hex || "0", 16); + let hex = refNumber.slice(1, -1); + + while (hex.charAt(0) === '0') hex = hex.slice(1); + + if (hex.length > 6) scanner.fatal(`Numerical character reference too large: 0x${hex}`); + + codepoint = parseInt(hex || '0', 16); } else { - var dec = refNumber.slice(0, -1); - while (dec.charAt(0) === '0') - dec = dec.slice(1); - if (dec.length > 7) - scanner.fatal("Numerical character reference too large: " + dec); - codepoint = parseInt(dec || "0", 10); + let dec = refNumber.slice(0, -1); + + while (dec.charAt(0) === '0') dec = dec.slice(1); + + if (dec.length > 7) scanner.fatal(`Numerical character reference too large: ${dec}`); + + codepoint = parseInt(dec || '0', 10); } - if (! isLegalCodepoint(codepoint)) - scanner.fatal("Illegal codepoint in numerical character reference: &#" + refNumber); - return { t: 'CharRef', - v: '&#' + refNumber, - cp: [codepoint] }; - } else if ((! afterAmp) // EOF - || (allowedChar && afterAmp === allowedChar) - || ALLOWED_AFTER_AMP.test(afterAmp)) { + + if (!isLegalCodepoint(codepoint)) scanner.fatal(`Illegal codepoint in numerical character reference: &#${refNumber}`); + + return { + t: 'CharRef', + v: `&#${refNumber}`, + cp: [codepoint], + }; + } + if ((!afterAmp) // EOF + || (allowedChar && afterAmp === allowedChar) + || ALLOWED_AFTER_AMP.test(afterAmp)) { return null; - } else { - var namedEntity = getNamedCharRef(scanner, inAttribute); - if (namedEntity) { - return { t: 'CharRef', - v: namedEntity, - cp: getCodePoints(namedEntity) }; - } else { - return null; - } } + const namedEntity = getNamedCharRef(scanner, inAttribute); + + if (namedEntity) { + return { + t: 'CharRef', + v: namedEntity, + cp: getCodePoints(namedEntity), + }; + } + + return null; } diff --git a/packages/html-tools/charref_tests.js b/packages/html-tools/charref_tests.js index 2c7d555ad..fe1baac6e 100644 --- a/packages/html-tools/charref_tests.js +++ b/packages/html-tools/charref_tests.js @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ +/* eslint-env meteor */ import { HTMLTools } from 'meteor/html-tools'; -var Scanner = HTMLTools.Scanner; -var getCharacterReference = HTMLTools.Parse.getCharacterReference; +const { Scanner } = HTMLTools; +const { getCharacterReference } = HTMLTools.Parse; -Tinytest.add("html-tools - entities", function (test) { - var succeed = function (input, match, codepoints) { - if (typeof input === 'string') - input = {input: input}; +Tinytest.add('html-tools - entities', function (test) { + const succeed = function (input, match, codepoints) { + if (typeof input === 'string') input = { input }; // match arg is optional; codepoints is never a string if (typeof match !== 'string') { @@ -14,43 +14,42 @@ Tinytest.add("html-tools - entities", function (test) { match = input.input; } - var scanner = new Scanner(input.input); - var result = getCharacterReference(scanner, input.inAttribute, input.allowedChar); + const scanner = new Scanner(input.input); + const result = getCharacterReference(scanner, input.inAttribute, input.allowedChar); test.isTrue(result); test.equal(scanner.pos, match.length); test.equal(result, { t: 'CharRef', v: match, cp: codepoints.map( - function (x) { return (typeof x === 'string' ? - x.charCodeAt(0) : x); }) + function (x) { + return (typeof x === 'string' ? + x.charCodeAt(0) : x); + }), }); }; - var ignore = function (input) { - if (typeof input === 'string') - input = {input: input}; + const ignore = function (input) { + if (typeof input === 'string') input = { input }; - var scanner = new Scanner(input.input); - var result = getCharacterReference(scanner, input.inAttribute, input.allowedChar); + const scanner = new Scanner(input.input); + const result = getCharacterReference(scanner, input.inAttribute, input.allowedChar); test.isFalse(result); test.equal(scanner.pos, 0); }; - var fatal = function (input, messageContains) { - if (typeof input === 'string') - input = {input: input}; + const fatal = function (input, messageContains) { + if (typeof input === 'string') input = { input }; - var scanner = new Scanner(input.input); - var error; + const scanner = new Scanner(input.input); + let error; try { getCharacterReference(scanner, input.inAttribute, input.allowedChar); } catch (e) { error = e; } test.isTrue(error); - if (error) - test.isTrue(messageContains && error.message.indexOf(messageContains) >= 0, error.message); + if (error) test.isTrue(messageContains && error.message.indexOf(messageContains) >= 0, error.message); }; ignore('a'); @@ -61,15 +60,15 @@ Tinytest.add("html-tools - entities", function (test) { fatal('&#', 'Invalid numerical character reference starting with &#'); ignore('&a'); fatal('&a;', 'Invalid character reference: &a;'); - ignore({input: '&"', allowedChar: '"'}); + ignore({ input: '&"', allowedChar: '"' }); ignore('&"'); succeed('>', ['>']); fatal('>', 'Character reference requires semicolon'); ignore('&aaa'); fatal('>a', 'Character reference requires semicolon'); - ignore({input: '>a', inAttribute: true}); - fatal({input: '>=', inAttribute: true}, 'Character reference requires semicolon: >'); + ignore({ input: '>a', inAttribute: true }); + fatal({ input: '>=', inAttribute: true }, 'Character reference requires semicolon: >'); succeed('>;', '>', ['>']); @@ -112,5 +111,4 @@ Tinytest.add("html-tools - entities", function (test) { fatal('􏿿', 'Illegal codepoint in numerical character reference'); fatal('􏿾', 'Illegal codepoint in numerical character reference'); succeed('􏿽', [0x10fffd]); - }); diff --git a/packages/html-tools/main.js b/packages/html-tools/main.js index 4250fb909..26673a78f 100644 --- a/packages/html-tools/main.js +++ b/packages/html-tools/main.js @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ - import { getCharacterReference } from './charref'; -import { asciiLowerCase, properCaseTagName, properCaseAttributeName} from "./utils"; -import { TemplateTag } from './templatetag' +import { asciiLowerCase, properCaseTagName, properCaseAttributeName } from './utils'; +import { TemplateTag } from './templatetag'; import { Scanner } from './scanner'; import { parseFragment, codePointToString, getContent, getRCData } from './parse'; import { getComment, getDoctype, getHTMLToken, getTagToken, TEMPLATE_TAG_POSITION } from './tokenize'; -HTMLTools = { +export const HTMLTools = { asciiLowerCase, properCaseTagName, properCaseAttributeName, @@ -23,7 +22,5 @@ HTMLTools = { getDoctype, getHTMLToken, getTagToken, - } + }, }; - -export { HTMLTools }; diff --git a/packages/html-tools/package.js b/packages/html-tools/package.js index af5d8d183..ef09dad36 100644 --- a/packages/html-tools/package.js +++ b/packages/html-tools/package.js @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ +/* eslint-env meteor */ Package.describe({ name: 'html-tools', - summary: "Standards-compliant HTML tools", - version: '1.1.3', - git: 'https://github.com/meteor/blaze.git' + summary: 'Standards-compliant HTML tools', + version: '1.2.0', + git: 'https://github.com/meteor/blaze.git', }); Package.onUse(function (api) { @@ -25,6 +26,6 @@ Package.onTest(function (api) { api.addFiles([ 'charref_tests.js', 'tokenize_tests.js', - 'parse_tests.js' + 'parse_tests.js', ]); }); diff --git a/packages/html-tools/parse.js b/packages/html-tools/parse.js index 248b1ab3c..84f4ae7ab 100644 --- a/packages/html-tools/parse.js +++ b/packages/html-tools/parse.js @@ -3,360 +3,368 @@ import { Scanner } from './scanner'; import { properCaseAttributeName } from './utils'; import { getHTMLToken, isLookingAtEndTag } from './tokenize'; -// Parse a "fragment" of HTML, up to the end of the input or a particular -// template tag (using the "shouldStop" option). -export function parseFragment(input, options) { - var scanner; - if (typeof input === 'string') - scanner = new Scanner(input); - else - // input can be a scanner. We'd better not have a different - // value for the "getTemplateTag" option as when the scanner - // was created, because we don't do anything special to reset - // the value (which is attached to the scanner). - scanner = input; - - // ``` - // { getTemplateTag: function (scanner, templateTagPosition) { - // if (templateTagPosition === HTMLTools.TEMPLATE_TAG_POSITION.ELEMENT) { - // ... - // ``` - if (options && options.getTemplateTag) - scanner.getTemplateTag = options.getTemplateTag; - - // function (scanner) -> boolean - var shouldStop = options && options.shouldStop; - - var result; - if (options && options.textMode) { - if (options.textMode === HTML.TEXTMODE.STRING) { - result = getRawText(scanner, null, shouldStop); - } else if (options.textMode === HTML.TEXTMODE.RCDATA) { - result = getRCData(scanner, null, shouldStop); - } else { - throw new Error("Unsupported textMode: " + options.textMode); - } +const pushOrAppendString = (items, string) => { + if (items.length && typeof items[items.length - 1] === 'string') { + items[items.length - 1] += string; } else { - result = getContent(scanner, shouldStop); + items.push(string); } - if (! scanner.isEOF()) { - // If we aren't at the end of the input, we either stopped at an unmatched - // HTML end tag or at a template tag (like `{{else}}` or `{{/if}}`). - // Detect the former case (stopped at an HTML end tag) and throw a good - // error. - - var posBefore = scanner.pos; - - try { - var endTag = getHTMLToken(scanner); - } catch (e) { - // ignore errors from getTemplateTag - } - - // XXX we make some assumptions about shouldStop here, like that it - // won't tell us to stop at an HTML end tag. Should refactor - // `shouldStop` into something more suitable. - if (endTag && endTag.t === 'Tag' && endTag.isEnd) { - var closeTag = endTag.n; - var isVoidElement = HTML.isVoidElement(closeTag); - scanner.fatal("Unexpected HTML close tag" + - (isVoidElement ? - '. <' + endTag.n + '> should have no close tag.' : '')); - } - scanner.pos = posBefore; // rewind, we'll continue parsing as usual + return items; +}; - // If no "shouldStop" option was provided, we should have consumed the whole - // input. - if (! shouldStop) - scanner.fatal("Expected EOF"); - } - - return result; -} // Take a numeric Unicode code point, which may be larger than 16 bits, // and encode it as a JavaScript UTF-16 string. // // Adapted from // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7126384/expressing-utf-16-unicode-characters-in-javascript/7126661. -export function codePointToString(cp) { - if (cp >= 0 && cp <= 0xD7FF || cp >= 0xE000 && cp <= 0xFFFF) { - return String.fromCharCode(cp); - } else if (cp >= 0x10000 && cp <= 0x10FFFF) { - - // we substract 0x10000 from cp to get a 20-bit number +export function codePointToString(codePoint) { + if (codePoint >= 0 && codePoint <= 0xD7FF || codePoint >= 0xE000 && codePoint <= 0xFFFF) { + return String.fromCharCode(codePoint); + } + if (codePoint >= 0x10000 && codePoint <= 0x10FFFF) { + // we subtract 0x10000 from codePoint to get a 20-bit number // in the range 0..0xFFFF - cp -= 0x10000; + codePoint -= 0x10000; // we add 0xD800 to the number formed by the first 10 bits // to give the first byte - var first = ((0xffc00 & cp) >> 10) + 0xD800; + const first = ((0xffc00 & codePoint) >> 10) + 0xD800; // we add 0xDC00 to the number formed by the low 10 bits // to give the second byte - var second = (0x3ff & cp) + 0xDC00; + const second = (0x3ff & codePoint) + 0xDC00; return String.fromCharCode(first) + String.fromCharCode(second); - } else { - return ''; } + + return ''; } -export function getContent (scanner, shouldStopFunc) { - var items = []; - - while (! scanner.isEOF()) { - if (shouldStopFunc && shouldStopFunc(scanner)) - break; - - var posBefore = scanner.pos; - var token = getHTMLToken(scanner); - if (! token) - // tokenizer reached EOF on its own, e.g. while scanning - // template comments like `{{! foo}}`. - continue; - - if (token.t === 'Doctype') { - scanner.fatal("Unexpected Doctype"); - } else if (token.t === 'Chars') { - pushOrAppendString(items, token.v); - } else if (token.t === 'CharRef') { - items.push(convertCharRef(token)); - } else if (token.t === 'Comment') { - items.push(HTML.Comment(token.v)); - } else if (token.t === 'TemplateTag') { - items.push(token.v); - } else if (token.t === 'Tag') { - if (token.isEnd) { - // Stop when we encounter an end tag at the top level. - // Rewind; we'll re-parse the end tag later. - scanner.pos = posBefore; - break; - } +// Input: A token like `{ t: 'CharRef', v: '&', cp: [38] }`. +// +// Output: A tag like `HTML.CharRef({ html: '&', str: '&' })`. +const convertCharRef = token => { + const codePoints = token.cp; + let str = ''; + + for (const item of codePoints) str += codePointToString(item); + + return HTML.CharRef({ html: token.v, str }); +}; + +// Input is always a dictionary (even if zero attributes) and each +// value in the dictionary is an array of `Chars`, `CharRef`, +// and maybe `TemplateTag` tokens. +// +// Output is null if there are zero attributes, and otherwise a +// dictionary, or an array of dictionaries and template tags. +// Each value in the dictionary is HTMLjs (e.g. a +// string or an array of `Chars`, `CharRef`, and `TemplateTag` +// nodes). +// +// An attribute value with no input tokens is represented as "", +// not an empty array, in order to prop open empty attributes +// with no template tags. +const parseAttrs = attrs => { + let result = null; + + if (HTML.isArray(attrs)) { + // first element is non-dynamic attrs, rest are template tags + const nonDynamicAttrs = parseAttrs(attrs[0]); + + if (nonDynamicAttrs) { + result = (result || []); + result.push(nonDynamicAttrs); + } - var tagName = token.n; - // is this an element with no close tag (a BR, HR, IMG, etc.) based - // on its name? - var isVoid = HTML.isVoidElement(tagName); - if (token.isSelfClosing) { - if (! (isVoid || HTML.isKnownSVGElement(tagName) || tagName.indexOf(':') >= 0)) - scanner.fatal('Only certain elements like BR, HR, IMG, etc. (and foreign elements like SVG) are allowed to self-close'); + for (let i = 1; i < attrs.length; i++) { + const token = attrs[i]; + + if (token.t !== 'TemplateTag') throw new Error('Expected TemplateTag token'); + + result = (result || []); + result.push(token.v); + } + + return result; + } + + for (const k in attrs) { + if (!result) result = {}; + + const inValue = attrs[k]; + let outParts = []; + + inValue.forEach(token => { + switch (token.t) { + case 'Chars': + outParts = pushOrAppendString(outParts, token.v); + break; + case 'CharRef': + outParts.push(convertCharRef(token)); + break; + case 'TemplateTag': + outParts.push(token.v); + break; + default: + break; } + }); - // result of parseAttrs may be null - var attrs = parseAttrs(token.attrs); - // arrays need to be wrapped in HTML.Attrs(...) - // when used to construct tags - if (HTML.isArray(attrs)) - attrs = HTML.Attrs.apply(null, attrs); + const outValue = (inValue.length === 0 ? '' : (outParts.length === 1 ? outParts[0] : outParts)); + const properKey = properCaseAttributeName(k); - var tagFunc = HTML.getTag(tagName); - if (isVoid || token.isSelfClosing) { - items.push(attrs ? tagFunc(attrs) : tagFunc()); - } else { - // parse HTML tag contents. - - // HTML treats a final `/` in a tag as part of an attribute, as in ``, but the template author who writes ``, say, may not be thinking about that, so generate a good error message in the "looks like self-close" case. - var looksLikeSelfClose = (scanner.input.substr(scanner.pos - 2, 2) === '/>'); - - var content = null; - if (token.n === 'textarea') { - if (scanner.peek() === '\n') - scanner.pos++; - var textareaValue = getRCData(scanner, token.n, shouldStopFunc); - if (textareaValue) { - if (attrs instanceof HTML.Attrs) { - attrs = HTML.Attrs.apply( - null, attrs.value.concat([{value: textareaValue}])); - } else { - attrs = (attrs || {}); - attrs.value = textareaValue; - } - } - } else if (token.n === 'script' || token.n === 'style') { - content = getRawText(scanner, token.n, shouldStopFunc); - } else { - content = getContent(scanner, shouldStopFunc); - } + result[properKey] = outValue; + } - var endTag = getHTMLToken(scanner); + return result; +}; - if (! (endTag && endTag.t === 'Tag' && endTag.isEnd && endTag.n === tagName)) - scanner.fatal('Expected "' + tagName + '" end tag' + (looksLikeSelfClose ? ' -- if the "<' + token.n + ' />" tag was supposed to self-close, try adding a space before the "/"' : '')); +// Parse a "fragment" of HTML, up to the end of the input or a particular +const getRawText = (scanner, tagName, shouldStopFunc) => { + let items = []; - // XXX support implied end tags in cases allowed by the spec + while (!scanner.isEOF()) { + // break at appropriate end tag + if (tagName && isLookingAtEndTag(scanner, tagName)) break; - // make `content` into an array suitable for applying tag constructor - // as in `FOO.apply(null, content)`. - if (content == null) - content = []; - else if (! HTML.isArray(content)) - content = [content]; + if (shouldStopFunc && shouldStopFunc(scanner)) break; - items.push(HTML.getTag(tagName).apply( - null, (attrs ? [attrs] : []).concat(content))); + const token = getHTMLToken(scanner, 'rawtext'); + + /** + * Tokenizer has not reached EOF on its own, @example e.g. while scanning + * @example e.g. while scanning template comments like `{{! foo}}`. + */ + if (token) { + if (token.t === 'Chars') { + items = pushOrAppendString(items, token.v); + } else if (token.t === 'TemplateTag') { + items.push(token.v); + } else { + // (can't happen) + scanner.fatal(`Unknown or unexpected token type: ${token.t}`); } - } else { - scanner.fatal("Unknown token type: " + token.t); } } - if (items.length === 0) - return null; - else if (items.length === 1) - return items[0]; - else - return items; -} + if (items.length === 0) return null; + if (items.length === 1) return items[0]; -var pushOrAppendString = function (items, string) { - if (items.length && - typeof items[items.length - 1] === 'string') - items[items.length - 1] += string; - else - items.push(string); + return items; }; -// get RCDATA to go in the lowercase (or camel case) tagName (e.g. "textarea") +// Get RCDATA to go in the lowercase (or camel case) tagName (e.g. "textarea") export function getRCData(scanner, tagName, shouldStopFunc) { - var items = []; + let items = []; - while (! scanner.isEOF()) { + while (!scanner.isEOF()) { // break at appropriate end tag - if (tagName && isLookingAtEndTag(scanner, tagName)) - break; - - if (shouldStopFunc && shouldStopFunc(scanner)) - break; - - var token = getHTMLToken(scanner, 'rcdata'); - if (! token) - // tokenizer reached EOF on its own, e.g. while scanning - // template comments like `{{! foo}}`. - continue; - - if (token.t === 'Chars') { - pushOrAppendString(items, token.v); - } else if (token.t === 'CharRef') { - items.push(convertCharRef(token)); - } else if (token.t === 'TemplateTag') { - items.push(token.v); - } else { - // (can't happen) - scanner.fatal("Unknown or unexpected token type: " + token.t); + if (tagName && isLookingAtEndTag(scanner, tagName)) break; + + if (shouldStopFunc && shouldStopFunc(scanner)) break; + + const token = getHTMLToken(scanner, 'rcdata'); + + /** + * Tokenizer has not reached EOF on its own, @example e.g. while scanning + * @example e.g. while scanning template comments like `{{! foo}}`. + */ + if (token) { + switch (token.t) { + case 'Chars': + items = pushOrAppendString(items, token.v); + break; + case 'CharRef': + items.push(convertCharRef(token)); + break; + case 'TemplateTag': + items.push(token.v); + break; + default: + // (can't happen) + scanner.fatal(`Unknown or unexpected token type: ${token.t}`); + } } } - if (items.length === 0) - return null; - else if (items.length === 1) - return items[0]; - else - return items; + if (items.length === 0) return null; + if (items.length === 1) return items[0]; + + return items; } -var getRawText = function (scanner, tagName, shouldStopFunc) { - var items = []; +export function getContent(scanner, shouldStopFunc) { + let items = []; - while (! scanner.isEOF()) { - // break at appropriate end tag - if (tagName && isLookingAtEndTag(scanner, tagName)) - break; - - if (shouldStopFunc && shouldStopFunc(scanner)) - break; - - var token = getHTMLToken(scanner, 'rawtext'); - if (! token) - // tokenizer reached EOF on its own, e.g. while scanning - // template comments like `{{! foo}}`. - continue; - - if (token.t === 'Chars') { - pushOrAppendString(items, token.v); - } else if (token.t === 'TemplateTag') { - items.push(token.v); - } else { - // (can't happen) - scanner.fatal("Unknown or unexpected token type: " + token.t); + while (!scanner.isEOF()) { + if (shouldStopFunc && shouldStopFunc(scanner)) break; + + const posBefore = scanner.pos; + const token = getHTMLToken(scanner); + + /** + * Tokenizer has not reached EOF on its own, @example e.g. while scanning + * @example e.g. while scanning template comments like `{{! foo}}`. + */ + if (token) { + if (token.t === 'Doctype') { + scanner.fatal('Unexpected Doctype'); + } else if (token.t === 'Chars') { + items = pushOrAppendString(items, token.v); + } else if (token.t === 'CharRef') { + items.push(convertCharRef(token)); + } else if (token.t === 'Comment') { + items.push(HTML.Comment(token.v)); + } else if (token.t === 'TemplateTag') { + items.push(token.v); + } else if (token.t === 'Tag') { + if (token.isEnd) { + // Stop when we encounter an end tag at the top level. + // Rewind; we'll re-parse the end tag later. + scanner.pos = posBefore; + break; + } + + const tagName = token.n; + + // is this an element with no close tag (a BR, HR, IMG, etc.) based + // on its name? + const isVoid = HTML.isVoidElement(tagName); + + if (token.isSelfClosing) { + if (!(isVoid || HTML.isKnownSVGElement(tagName) || tagName.indexOf(':') >= 0)) scanner.fatal('Only certain elements like BR, HR, IMG, etc. (and foreign elements like SVG) are allowed to self-close'); + } + + // result of parseAttrs may be null + let attrs = parseAttrs(token.attrs); + + // arrays need to be wrapped in HTML.Attrs(...) + // when used to construct tags + if (HTML.isArray(attrs)) attrs = HTML.Attrs.apply(null, attrs); + + const tagFunc = HTML.getTag(tagName); + + if (isVoid || token.isSelfClosing) { + items.push(attrs ? tagFunc(attrs) : tagFunc()); + } else { + // parse HTML tag contents. + + // HTML treats a final `/` in a tag as part of an attribute, as in ``, but the template author who writes ``, say, may not be thinking about that, so generate a good error message in the "looks like self-close" case. + const looksLikeSelfClose = (scanner.input.substr(scanner.pos - 2, 2) === '/>'); + + let content = null; + + if (token.n === 'textarea') { + if (scanner.peek() === '\n') scanner.pos++; + const textareaValue = getRCData(scanner, token.n, shouldStopFunc); + if (textareaValue) { + if (attrs instanceof HTML.Attrs) { + attrs = HTML.Attrs.apply( + null, attrs.value.concat([{ value: textareaValue }])); + } else { + attrs = (attrs || {}); + attrs.value = textareaValue; + } + } + } else if (token.n === 'script' || token.n === 'style') { + content = getRawText(scanner, token.n, shouldStopFunc); + } else { + content = getContent(scanner, shouldStopFunc); + } + + const endTag = getHTMLToken(scanner); + + if (!(endTag && endTag.t === 'Tag' && endTag.isEnd && endTag.n === tagName)) scanner.fatal(`Expected "${tagName}" end tag${looksLikeSelfClose ? ` -- if the "<${token.n} />" tag was supposed to self-close, try adding a space before the "/"` : ''}`); + + // XXX support implied end tags in cases allowed by the spec + + // make `content` into an array suitable for applying tag constructor + // as in `FOO.apply(null, content)`. + if (content == null) content = []; + else if (!HTML.isArray(content)) content = [content]; + + items.push(HTML.getTag(tagName).apply(null, (attrs ? [attrs] : []).concat(content))); + } + } else { + scanner.fatal(`Unknown token type: ${token.t}`); + } } } - if (items.length === 0) - return null; - else if (items.length === 1) - return items[0]; - else - return items; -}; + if (items.length === 0) return null; + if (items.length === 1) return items[0]; -// Input: A token like `{ t: 'CharRef', v: '&', cp: [38] }`. -// -// Output: A tag like `HTML.CharRef({ html: '&', str: '&' })`. -var convertCharRef = function (token) { - var codePoints = token.cp; - var str = ''; - for (var i = 0; i < codePoints.length; i++) - str += codePointToString(codePoints[i]); - return HTML.CharRef({ html: token.v, str: str }); -}; + return items; +} -// Input is always a dictionary (even if zero attributes) and each -// value in the dictionary is an array of `Chars`, `CharRef`, -// and maybe `TemplateTag` tokens. -// -// Output is null if there are zero attributes, and otherwise a -// dictionary, or an array of dictionaries and template tags. -// Each value in the dictionary is HTMLjs (e.g. a -// string or an array of `Chars`, `CharRef`, and `TemplateTag` -// nodes). -// -// An attribute value with no input tokens is represented as "", -// not an empty array, in order to prop open empty attributes -// with no template tags. -var parseAttrs = function (attrs) { - var result = null; +// template tag (using the "shouldStop" option). +export function parseFragment(input, options) { + let scanner; - if (HTML.isArray(attrs)) { - // first element is nondynamic attrs, rest are template tags - var nondynamicAttrs = parseAttrs(attrs[0]); - if (nondynamicAttrs) { - result = (result || []); - result.push(nondynamicAttrs); - } - for (var i = 1; i < attrs.length; i++) { - var token = attrs[i]; - if (token.t !== 'TemplateTag') - throw new Error("Expected TemplateTag token"); - result = (result || []); - result.push(token.v); + if (typeof input === 'string') { + scanner = new Scanner(input); + } else { + // input can be a scanner. We'd better not have a different + // value for the "getTemplateTag" option as when the scanner + // was created, because we don't do anything special to reset + // the value (which is attached to the scanner). + scanner = input; + } + + if (options && options.getTemplateTag) { + scanner.getTemplateTag = options.getTemplateTag; + } + + // function (scanner) -> boolean + const shouldStop = options && options.shouldStop; + + let result; + + if (options && options.textMode) { + if (options.textMode === HTML.TEXTMODE.STRING) { + result = getRawText(scanner, null, shouldStop); + } else if (options.textMode === HTML.TEXTMODE.RCDATA) { + result = getRCData(scanner, null, shouldStop); + } else { + throw new Error(`Unsupported textMode: ${options.textMode}`); } - return result; + } else { + result = getContent(scanner, shouldStop); } - for (var k in attrs) { - if (! result) - result = {}; + if (!scanner.isEOF()) { + // If we aren't at the end of the input, we either stopped at an unmatched + // HTML end tag or at a template tag (like `{{else}}` or `{{/if}}`). + // Detect the former case (stopped at an HTML end tag) and throw a good + // error. - var inValue = attrs[k]; - var outParts = []; - for (var i = 0; i < inValue.length; i++) { - var token = inValue[i]; - if (token.t === 'CharRef') { - outParts.push(convertCharRef(token)); - } else if (token.t === 'TemplateTag') { - outParts.push(token.v); - } else if (token.t === 'Chars') { - pushOrAppendString(outParts, token.v); - } + const posBefore = scanner.pos; + let endTag; + + try { + endTag = getHTMLToken(scanner); + } catch (e) { + // ignore errors from getTemplateTag } - var outValue = (inValue.length === 0 ? '' : - (outParts.length === 1 ? outParts[0] : outParts)); - var properKey = properCaseAttributeName(k); - result[properKey] = outValue; + // XXX we make some assumptions about shouldStop here, like that it + // won't tell us to stop at an HTML end tag. Should refactor + // `shouldStop` into something more suitable. + if (endTag && endTag.t === 'Tag' && endTag.isEnd) { + const closeTag = endTag.n; + const isVoidElement = HTML.isVoidElement(closeTag); + scanner.fatal(`Unexpected HTML close tag${isVoidElement ? `. <${endTag.n}> should have no close tag.` : ''}`); + } + + scanner.pos = posBefore; // rewind, we'll continue parsing as usual + + // If no "shouldStop" option was provided, we should have consumed the whole + // input. + if (!shouldStop) scanner.fatal('Expected EOF'); } return result; -}; +} diff --git a/packages/html-tools/parse_tests.js b/packages/html-tools/parse_tests.js index 5029b6714..34a8c4016 100644 --- a/packages/html-tools/parse_tests.js +++ b/packages/html-tools/parse_tests.js @@ -1,60 +1,58 @@ +/* eslint-env meteor */ import { HTML } from 'meteor/htmljs'; import { HTMLTools } from 'meteor/html-tools'; -import { BlazeTools} from 'meteor/blaze-tools'; - -var Scanner = HTMLTools.Scanner; -var getContent = HTMLTools.Parse.getContent; - -var CharRef = HTML.CharRef; -var Comment = HTML.Comment; -var TemplateTag = HTMLTools.TemplateTag; -var Attrs = HTML.Attrs; - -var BR = HTML.BR; -var HR = HTML.HR; -var INPUT = HTML.INPUT; -var A = HTML.A; -var DIV = HTML.DIV; -var P = HTML.P; -var TEXTAREA = HTML.TEXTAREA; -var SCRIPT = HTML.SCRIPT; -var STYLE = HTML.STYLE; - -Tinytest.add("html-tools - parser getContent", function (test) { - - var succeed = function (input, expected) { - var endPos = input.indexOf('^^^'); - if (endPos < 0) - endPos = input.length; - - var scanner = new Scanner(input.replace('^^^', '')); - var result = getContent(scanner); +import { BlazeTools } from 'meteor/blaze-tools'; + +const { Scanner } = HTMLTools; +const { getContent } = HTMLTools.Parse; + +const { CharRef } = HTML; +const { Comment } = HTML; +const { TemplateTag } = HTMLTools; +const { Attrs } = HTML; + +const { BR } = HTML; +const { HR } = HTML; +const { INPUT } = HTML; +const { A } = HTML; +const { DIV } = HTML; +const { P } = HTML; +const { TEXTAREA } = HTML; +const { SCRIPT } = HTML; +const { STYLE } = HTML; + +Tinytest.add('html-tools - parser getContent', function (test) { + const succeed = function (input, expected) { + let endPos = input.indexOf('^^^'); + if (endPos < 0) endPos = input.length; + + const scanner = new Scanner(input.replace('^^^', '')); + const result = getContent(scanner); test.equal(scanner.pos, endPos); test.equal(BlazeTools.toJS(result), BlazeTools.toJS(expected)); }; - var fatal = function (input, messageContains) { - var scanner = new Scanner(input); - var error; + const fatal = function (input, messageContains) { + const scanner = new Scanner(input); + let error; try { getContent(scanner); } catch (e) { error = e; } test.isTrue(error); - if (messageContains) - test.isTrue(messageContains && error.message.indexOf(messageContains) >= 0, error.message); + if (messageContains) test.isTrue(messageContains && error.message.indexOf(messageContains) >= 0, error.message); }; succeed('', null); succeed('abc', 'abc'); succeed('abc^^^', 'abc'); - succeed('a<b', ['a', CharRef({html: '<', str: '<'}), 'b']); + succeed('a<b', ['a', CharRef({ html: '<', str: '<' }), 'b']); succeed('', Comment(' x ')); - succeed('∾̳', CharRef({html: '∾̳', str: '\u223e\u0333'})); - succeed('𝕫', CharRef({html: '𝕫', str: '\ud835\udd6b'})); - succeed('&&>&g>;', ['&&>&g', CharRef({html: '>', str: '>'}), ';']); + succeed('∾̳', CharRef({ html: '∾̳', str: '\u223e\u0333' })); + succeed('𝕫', CharRef({ html: '𝕫', str: '\ud835\udd6b' })); + succeed('&&>&g>;', ['&&>&g', CharRef({ html: '>', str: '>' }), ';']); // Can't have an unescaped `&` if followed by certain names like `gt` fatal('>&'); @@ -65,24 +63,24 @@ Tinytest.add("html-tools - parser getContent", function (test) { succeed('
', BR()); fatal('
', 'self-close'); - succeed('
', HR({id:'foo'})); - succeed('
', HR({id:[CharRef({html:'<', str:'<'}), + succeed('
', HR({ id: 'foo' })); + succeed('
', HR({ id: [CharRef({ html: '<', str: '<' }), 'foo', - CharRef({html:'>', str:'>'})]})); - succeed('', INPUT({selected: ''})); - succeed('', INPUT({selected: ''})); - succeed('', INPUT({selected: ''})); - var FOO = HTML.getTag('foo'); - succeed('', FOO({bar: ''})); - succeed('', FOO({bar: '', baz: ''})); + CharRef({ html: '>', str: '>' })] })); + succeed('', INPUT({ selected: '' })); + succeed('', INPUT({ selected: '' })); + succeed('', INPUT({ selected: '' })); + const FOO = HTML.getTag('foo'); + succeed('', FOO({ bar: '' })); + succeed('', FOO({ bar: '', baz: '' })); succeed('', - FOO({bar: 'x', baz: '', qux: 'y', blah: ''})); + FOO({ bar: 'x', baz: '', qux: 'y', blah: '' })); succeed('', - FOO({bar: 'x', baz: '', qux: 'y', blah: ''})); + FOO({ bar: 'x', baz: '', qux: 'y', blah: '' })); fatal(''); fatal(''); fatal(''); - succeed('
', BR({x: '&&&'})); + succeed('
', BR({ x: '&&&' })); succeed('

', [BR(), BR(), BR()]); succeed('aaa
', ['aaa', BR(), '\nbbb', BR(), '\nccc', BR()]); @@ -95,17 +93,17 @@ Tinytest.add("html-tools - parser getContent", function (test) { fatal('
Apple', - A({href: "http://www.apple.com/"}, 'Apple')); + A({ href: 'http://www.apple.com/' }, 'Apple')); (function () { - var A = HTML.getTag('a'); - var B = HTML.getTag('b'); - var C = HTML.getTag('c'); - var D = HTML.getTag('d'); + const a = HTML.getTag('a'); + const b = HTML.getTag('b'); + const c = HTML.getTag('c'); + const d = HTML.getTag('d'); succeed('12345678', - [A('1', B('2', C('3', D('4'), '5'), '6'), '7'), '8']); - })(); + [a('1', b('2', c('3', d('4'), '5'), '6'), '7'), '8']); + }()); fatal('hello there world'); @@ -115,84 +113,84 @@ Tinytest.add("html-tools - parser getContent", function (test) { fatal('Foo'); fatal('Foo'); - succeed('', TEXTAREA({value: "asdf"})); - succeed('', TEXTAREA({x: "y", value: "asdf"})); - succeed('', TEXTAREA({value: "

"})); + succeed('', TEXTAREA({ value: 'asdf' })); + succeed('', TEXTAREA({ x: 'y', value: 'asdf' })); + succeed('', TEXTAREA({ value: '

' })); succeed('', - TEXTAREA({value: ["a", CharRef({html: '&', str: '&'}), "b"]})); - succeed('', TEXTAREA({value: "', TEXTAREA({ value: '\n', TEXTAREA()); - succeed('', TEXTAREA({value: "asdf"})); - succeed('', TEXTAREA({value: "\nasdf"})); - succeed('', TEXTAREA({value: "\n"})); - succeed('', TEXTAREA({value: "asdf\n"})); - succeed('', TEXTAREA({value: ""})); - succeed('', TEXTAREA({value: "asdf"})); + succeed('', TEXTAREA({ value: 'asdf' })); + succeed('', TEXTAREA({ value: '\nasdf' })); + succeed('', TEXTAREA({ value: '\n' })); + succeed('', TEXTAREA({ value: 'asdf\n' })); + succeed('', TEXTAREA({ value: '' })); + succeed('', TEXTAREA({ value: 'asdf' })); fatal(''); - succeed('', TEXTAREA({value: "&"})); + succeed('', TEXTAREA({ value: '&' })); succeed('asdf', - [TEXTAREA({value: "x

', [DIV("x"), TEXTAREA()]); + succeed('
', [DIV('x'), TEXTAREA()]); // CR/LF behavior - succeed('', BR({x:''})); - succeed('', BR({x:''})); - succeed('
', BR({x:'y'})); - succeed('
', BR({x:'y'})); - succeed('
', BR({x:'y'})); - succeed('
', BR({x:'y'})); - succeed('
', BR({x:'y'})); + succeed('', BR({ x: '' })); + succeed('', BR({ x: '' })); + succeed('
', BR({ x: 'y' })); + succeed('
', BR({ x: 'y' })); + succeed('
', BR({ x: 'y' })); + succeed('
', BR({ x: 'y' })); + succeed('
', BR({ x: 'y' })); succeed('', Comment('\n')); succeed('', Comment('\n')); - succeed('', TEXTAREA({value: 'a\nb\nc'})); - succeed('', TEXTAREA({value: 'a\nb\nc'})); - succeed('
', BR({x:'\n\n'})); - succeed('
', BR({x:'\n\n'})); - succeed('
', BR({x:'y'})); + succeed('', TEXTAREA({ value: 'a\nb\nc' })); + succeed('', TEXTAREA({ value: 'a\nb\nc' })); + succeed('
', BR({ x: '\n\n' })); + succeed('
', BR({ x: '\n\n' })); + succeed('
', BR({ x: 'y' })); fatal('
'); - succeed('',SCRIPT('var x="
";')); - succeed('',SCRIPT('var x=1 && 0;')); - - succeed('', SCRIPT("asdf")); - succeed('', SCRIPT({x: "y"}, "asdf")); - succeed('', SCRIPT("

")); - succeed('', SCRIPT("a&b")); - succeed('', SCRIPT("\n', SCRIPT("\n")); - succeed('', SCRIPT("")); - succeed('', SCRIPT("asdf")); + succeed('', SCRIPT('const x="

";')); + succeed('', SCRIPT('const x=1 && 0;')); + + succeed('', SCRIPT('asdf')); + succeed('', SCRIPT({ x: 'y' }, 'asdf')); + succeed('', SCRIPT('

')); + succeed('', SCRIPT('a&b')); + succeed('', SCRIPT('\n', SCRIPT('\n')); + succeed('', SCRIPT('')); + succeed('', SCRIPT('asdf')); fatal('', SCRIPT("&davidgreenspan;")); - succeed('', SCRIPT("&")); + succeed('', SCRIPT('&davidgreenspan;')); + succeed('', SCRIPT('&')); succeed('asdf', - [SCRIPT("asdf', STYLE("asdf")); - succeed('', STYLE({x: "y"}, "asdf")); - succeed('', STYLE("

")); - succeed('', STYLE("a&b")); - succeed('', STYLE("\n', STYLE("\n")); - succeed('', STYLE("")); - succeed('', STYLE("asdf")); + [SCRIPT('asdf', STYLE('asdf')); + succeed('', STYLE({ x: 'y' }, 'asdf')); + succeed('', STYLE('

')); + succeed('', STYLE('a&b')); + succeed('', STYLE('\n', STYLE('\n')); + succeed('', STYLE('')); + succeed('', STYLE('asdf')); fatal('', STYLE("&davidgreenspan;")); - succeed('', STYLE("&")); + succeed('', STYLE('&davidgreenspan;')); + succeed('', STYLE('&')); succeed('asdf', - [STYLE("


")), - BlazeTools.toJS(DIV(P({id:'foo'}, 'Hello')))); +Tinytest.add('html-tools - parseFragment', function (test) { + test.equal(BlazeTools.toJS(HTMLTools.parseFragment('


')), + BlazeTools.toJS(DIV(P({ id: 'foo' }, 'Hello')))); ['asdf
', '{{!foo}}
', '{{!foo}}
', 'asdf', '{{!foo}}', '{{!foo}} '].forEach(function (badFrag) { @@ -202,24 +200,24 @@ Tinytest.add("html-tools - parseFragment", function (test) { }); (function () { - var p = HTMLTools.parseFragment('

'); + const p = HTMLTools.parseFragment('

'); test.equal(p.tagName, 'p'); test.equal(p.attrs, null); test.isTrue(p instanceof HTML.Tag); test.equal(p.children.length, 0); - })(); + }()); (function () { - var p = HTMLTools.parseFragment('


'); + const p = HTMLTools.parseFragment('


'); test.equal(p.tagName, 'p'); test.equal(p.attrs, null); test.isTrue(p instanceof HTML.Tag); test.equal(p.children.length, 1); test.equal(p.children[0], 'x'); - })(); + }()); (function () { - var p = HTMLTools.parseFragment('


'); + const p = HTMLTools.parseFragment('


'); test.equal(p.tagName, 'p'); test.equal(p.attrs, null); test.isTrue(p instanceof HTML.Tag); @@ -229,10 +227,10 @@ Tinytest.add("html-tools - parseFragment", function (test) { test.isTrue(p.children[1] instanceof HTML.CharRef); test.equal(p.children[1].html, 'A'); test.equal(p.children[1].str, 'A'); - })(); + }()); (function () { - var pp = HTMLTools.parseFragment('



'); + const pp = HTMLTools.parseFragment('



'); test.isTrue(pp instanceof Array); test.equal(pp.length, 2); @@ -247,56 +245,52 @@ Tinytest.add("html-tools - parseFragment", function (test) { test.isTrue(pp[1] instanceof HTML.Tag); test.equal(pp[1].children.length, 1); test.equal(pp[1].children[0], 'y'); - })(); + }()); - var scanner = new Scanner('asdf'); + const scanner = new Scanner('asdf'); scanner.pos = 1; test.equal(HTMLTools.parseFragment(scanner), 'sdf'); test.throws(function () { - var scanner = new Scanner('asdf

'); - scanner.pos = 1; - HTMLTools.parseFragment(scanner); + const scannerTest = new Scanner('asdf

'); + scannerTest.pos = 1; + HTMLTools.parseFragment(scannerTest); }); }); -Tinytest.add("html-tools - getTemplateTag", function (test) { - +Tinytest.add('html-tools - getTemplateTag', function (test) { // match a simple tag consisting of `{{`, an optional `!`, one // or more ASCII letters, spaces or html tags, and a closing `}}`. - var mustache = /^\{\{(!?[a-zA-Z 0-9]+)\}\}/; + const mustache = /^\{\{(!?[a-zA-Z 0-9]+)\}\}/; // This implementation of `getTemplateTag` looks for "{{" and if it // finds it, it will match the regex above or fail fatally trying. // The object it returns is opaque to the tokenizer/parser and can // be anything we want. - var getTemplateTag = function (scanner, position) { - if (! (scanner.peek() === '{' && // one-char peek is just an optimization - scanner.rest().slice(0, 2) === '{{')) + const getTemplateTag = function (scanner, position) { + // one-char peek is just an optimization + if (!(scanner.peek() === '{' && scanner.rest().slice(0, 2) === '{{')) { return null; + } - var match = mustache.exec(scanner.rest()); - if (! match) - scanner.fatal("Bad mustache"); + const match = mustache.exec(scanner.rest()); + if (!match) scanner.fatal(`Bad mustache at ${position}`); scanner.pos += match[0].length; - if (match[1].charAt(0) === '!') - return null; // `{{!foo}}` is like a comment + if (match[1].charAt(0) === '!') return null; // `{{!foo}}` is like a comment return TemplateTag({ stuff: match[1] }); }; + const succeed = function (input, expected) { + let endPos = input.indexOf('^^^'); + if (endPos < 0) endPos = input.length; - var succeed = function (input, expected) { - var endPos = input.indexOf('^^^'); - if (endPos < 0) - endPos = input.length; - - var scanner = new Scanner(input.replace('^^^', '')); + const scanner = new Scanner(input.replace('^^^', '')); scanner.getTemplateTag = getTemplateTag; - var result; + let result; try { result = getContent(scanner); } catch (e) { @@ -306,31 +300,30 @@ Tinytest.add("html-tools - getTemplateTag", function (test) { test.equal(BlazeTools.toJS(result), BlazeTools.toJS(expected)); }; - var fatal = function (input, messageContains) { - var scanner = new Scanner(input); + const fatal = function (input, messageContains) { + const scanner = new Scanner(input); scanner.getTemplateTag = getTemplateTag; - var error; + let error; try { getContent(scanner); } catch (e) { error = e; } test.isTrue(error); - if (messageContains) - test.isTrue(messageContains && error.message.indexOf(messageContains) >= 0, error.message); + if (messageContains) test.isTrue(messageContains && error.message.indexOf(messageContains) >= 0, error.message); }; - succeed('{{foo}}', TemplateTag({stuff: 'foo'})); + succeed('{{foo}}', TemplateTag({ stuff: 'foo' })); succeed('{{foo}}', - A({href: "http://www.apple.com/"}, TemplateTag({stuff: 'foo'}))); + A({ href: 'http://www.apple.com/' }, TemplateTag({ stuff: 'foo' }))); // tags not parsed in comments - succeed('', Comment("{{foo}}")); - succeed('', Comment("{{foo")); + succeed('', Comment('{{foo}}')); + succeed('', Comment('{{foo')); - succeed('&am{{foo}}p;', ['&am', TemplateTag({stuff: 'foo'}), 'p;']); + succeed('&am{{foo}}p;', ['&am', TemplateTag({ stuff: 'foo' }), 'p;']); // can't start a mustache and not finish it fatal('{{foo'); @@ -343,58 +336,58 @@ Tinytest.add("html-tools - getTemplateTag", function (test) { // single curly brace is no biggie succeed('a{b', 'a{b'); - succeed('
', BR({x:'{'})); - succeed('
', BR({x:'{foo}'})); + succeed('
', BR({ x: '{' })); + succeed('
', BR({ x: '{foo}' })); - succeed('
', BR(Attrs(TemplateTag({stuff: 'x'})))); - succeed('
', BR(Attrs(TemplateTag({stuff: 'x'}), - TemplateTag({stuff: 'y'})))); - succeed('
', BR(Attrs({y: ''}, TemplateTag({stuff: 'x'})))); + succeed('
', BR(Attrs(TemplateTag({ stuff: 'x' })))); + succeed('
', BR(Attrs(TemplateTag({ stuff: 'x' }), + TemplateTag({ stuff: 'y' })))); + succeed('
', BR(Attrs({ y: '' }, TemplateTag({ stuff: 'x' })))); fatal('
'); fatal('
'); - succeed('
', BR({x: TemplateTag({stuff: 'y'}), z: ''})); - succeed('
', BR({x: ['y', TemplateTag({stuff: 'z'}), 'w']})); - succeed('
', BR({x: ['y', TemplateTag({stuff: 'z'}), 'w']})); - succeed('
', BR({x: ['y ', TemplateTag({stuff: 'z'}), - TemplateTag({stuff: 'w'}), ' v']})); + succeed('
', BR({ x: TemplateTag({ stuff: 'y' }), z: '' })); + succeed('
', BR({ x: ['y', TemplateTag({ stuff: 'z' }), 'w'] })); + succeed('
', BR({ x: ['y', TemplateTag({ stuff: 'z' }), 'w'] })); + succeed('
', BR({ x: ['y ', TemplateTag({ stuff: 'z' }), + TemplateTag({ stuff: 'w' }), ' v'] })); // Slash is parsed as part of unquoted attribute! This is consistent with // the HTML tokenization spec. It seems odd for some inputs but is probably // for cases like `` or ``. - succeed('
', BR({x: [TemplateTag({stuff: 'y'}), '/']})); - succeed('
', BR({x: [TemplateTag({stuff: 'z'}), - TemplateTag({stuff: 'w'})]})); + succeed('
', BR({ x: [TemplateTag({ stuff: 'y' }), '/'] })); + succeed('
', BR({ x: [TemplateTag({ stuff: 'z' }), + TemplateTag({ stuff: 'w' })] })); fatal('
'); - succeed('
', BR({x:CharRef({html: '&', str: '&'})})); + succeed('
', BR({ x: CharRef({ html: '&', str: '&' }) })); // check tokenization of stache tags with spaces - succeed('
', BR(Attrs(TemplateTag({stuff: 'x 1'})))); - succeed('
', BR(Attrs(TemplateTag({stuff: 'x 1'}), - TemplateTag({stuff: 'y 2'})))); - succeed('
', BR(Attrs({y:''}, TemplateTag({stuff: 'x 1'})))); + succeed('
', BR(Attrs(TemplateTag({ stuff: 'x 1' })))); + succeed('
', BR(Attrs(TemplateTag({ stuff: 'x 1' }), + TemplateTag({ stuff: 'y 2' })))); + succeed('
', BR(Attrs({ y: '' }, TemplateTag({ stuff: 'x 1' })))); fatal('
'); fatal('
'); - succeed('
', BR({x: TemplateTag({stuff: 'y 2'}), z: ''})); - succeed('
', BR({x: ['y', TemplateTag({stuff: 'z 3'}), 'w']})); - succeed('
', BR({x: ['y', TemplateTag({stuff: 'z 3'}), 'w']})); - succeed('
', BR({x: ['y ', TemplateTag({stuff: 'z 3'}), - TemplateTag({stuff: 'w 4'}), ' v']})); - succeed('
', BR({x: [TemplateTag({stuff: 'y 2'}), '/']})); - succeed('
', BR({x: [TemplateTag({stuff: 'z 3'}), - TemplateTag({stuff: 'w 4'})]})); + succeed('
', BR({ x: TemplateTag({ stuff: 'y 2' }), z: '' })); + succeed('
', BR({ x: ['y', TemplateTag({ stuff: 'z 3' }), 'w'] })); + succeed('
', BR({ x: ['y', TemplateTag({ stuff: 'z 3' }), 'w'] })); + succeed('
', BR({ x: ['y ', TemplateTag({ stuff: 'z 3' }), + TemplateTag({ stuff: 'w 4' }), ' v'] })); + succeed('
', BR({ x: [TemplateTag({ stuff: 'y 2' }), '/'] })); + succeed('
', BR({ x: [TemplateTag({ stuff: 'z 3' }), + TemplateTag({ stuff: 'w 4' })] })); succeed('

', P()); - succeed('x{{foo}}{{bar}}y', ['x', TemplateTag({stuff: 'foo'}), - TemplateTag({stuff: 'bar'}), 'y']); + succeed('x{{foo}}{{bar}}y', ['x', TemplateTag({ stuff: 'foo' }), + TemplateTag({ stuff: 'bar' }), 'y']); succeed('x{{!foo}}{{!bar}}y', 'xy'); - succeed('x{{!foo}}{{bar}}y', ['x', TemplateTag({stuff: 'bar'}), 'y']); - succeed('x{{foo}}{{!bar}}y', ['x', TemplateTag({stuff: 'foo'}), 'y']); + succeed('x{{!foo}}{{bar}}y', ['x', TemplateTag({ stuff: 'bar' }), 'y']); + succeed('x{{foo}}{{!bar}}y', ['x', TemplateTag({ stuff: 'foo' }), 'y']); succeed('
', DIV()); succeed('
', DIV(BR())); - succeed('
{{!foo}} {{!bar}}
', DIV(" ")); - succeed('
', DIV(" ", BR(), " ")); + succeed('
{{!foo}} {{!bar}}
', DIV(' ')); + succeed('
', DIV(' ', BR(), ' ')); succeed('{{!
}}', null); succeed('{{!
}}', null); @@ -402,7 +395,6 @@ Tinytest.add("html-tools - getTemplateTag", function (test) { succeed('{{!foo}}', null); succeed('', - TEXTAREA(Attrs({x:"1"}, TemplateTag({stuff: 'a'}), - TemplateTag({stuff: 'b'})))); - + TEXTAREA(Attrs({ x: '1' }, TemplateTag({ stuff: 'a' }), + TemplateTag({ stuff: 'b' })))); }); diff --git a/packages/html-tools/scanner.js b/packages/html-tools/scanner.js index 6f1b51726..07ce48fa9 100644 --- a/packages/html-tools/scanner.js +++ b/packages/html-tools/scanner.js @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ // * `scanner.peek()` - returns the character at `pos` // * `scanner.isEOF()` - true if `pos` is at or beyond the end of `input` // * `scanner.fatal(msg)` - throw an error indicating a problem at `pos` - export function Scanner (input) { this.input = input; // public, read-only this.pos = 0; // public, read-write @@ -23,31 +22,32 @@ Scanner.prototype.isEOF = function () { return this.pos >= this.input.length; }; -Scanner.prototype.fatal = function (msg) { - // despite this default, you should always provide a message! - msg = (msg || "Parse error"); +Scanner.prototype.fatal = function (msg = 'Parse error') { + const CONTEXT_AMOUNT = 20; + + const { input } = this; + const { pos } = this; + + let pastInput = input.substring(pos - CONTEXT_AMOUNT - 1, pos); - var CONTEXT_AMOUNT = 20; + if (pastInput.length > CONTEXT_AMOUNT) pastInput = `...${pastInput.substring(-CONTEXT_AMOUNT)}`; - var input = this.input; - var pos = this.pos; - var pastInput = input.substring(pos - CONTEXT_AMOUNT - 1, pos); - if (pastInput.length > CONTEXT_AMOUNT) - pastInput = '...' + pastInput.substring(-CONTEXT_AMOUNT); + let upcomingInput = input.substring(pos, pos + CONTEXT_AMOUNT + 1); - var upcomingInput = input.substring(pos, pos + CONTEXT_AMOUNT + 1); - if (upcomingInput.length > CONTEXT_AMOUNT) - upcomingInput = upcomingInput.substring(0, CONTEXT_AMOUNT) + '...'; + if (upcomingInput.length > CONTEXT_AMOUNT) upcomingInput = `${upcomingInput.substring(0, CONTEXT_AMOUNT)}...`; - var positionDisplay = ((pastInput + upcomingInput).replace(/\n/g, ' ') + '\n' + - (new Array(pastInput.length + 1).join(' ')) + "^"); + const positionDisplay = (`${(pastInput + upcomingInput) + .replace(/\n/g, ' ')}\n${new Array(pastInput.length + 1) + .join(' ')}^`); - var e = new Error(msg + "\n" + positionDisplay); + const e = new Error(`${msg}\n${positionDisplay}`); e.offset = pos; - var allPastInput = input.substring(0, pos); + const allPastInput = input.substring(0, pos); + e.line = (1 + (allPastInput.match(/\n/g) || []).length); e.col = (1 + pos - allPastInput.lastIndexOf('\n')); + e.scanner = this; throw e; @@ -70,11 +70,10 @@ Scanner.prototype.peek = function () { // current position is not advanced and a falsy value (typically null) // is returned. export function makeRegexMatcher(regex) { - return function (scanner) { - var match = regex.exec(scanner.rest()); + return (scanner) => { + const match = regex.exec(scanner.rest()); - if (! match) - return null; + if (!match) return null; scanner.pos += match[0].length; return match[1] || match[0]; diff --git a/packages/html-tools/templatetag.js b/packages/html-tools/templatetag.js index 3bc952db7..ae453652e 100644 --- a/packages/html-tools/templatetag.js +++ b/packages/html-tools/templatetag.js @@ -1,29 +1,15 @@ -// _assign is like _.extend or the upcoming Object.assign. -// Copy src's own, enumerable properties onto tgt and return -// tgt. -var _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; -var _assign = function (tgt, src) { - for (var k in src) { - if (_hasOwnProperty.call(src, k)) - tgt[k] = src[k]; - } - return tgt; -}; - - -export function TemplateTag (props) { - if (! (this instanceof TemplateTag)) +export function TemplateTag(props) { + if (!(this instanceof TemplateTag)) { // called without `new` - return new TemplateTag; + return new TemplateTag(); + } - if (props) - _assign(this, props); + if (props) Object.assign(this, props); } -_assign(TemplateTag.prototype, { +Object.assign(TemplateTag.prototype, { constructorName: 'TemplateTag', - toJS: function (visitor) { - return visitor.generateCall(this.constructorName, - _assign({}, this)); - } + toJS(visitor) { + return visitor.generateCall(this.constructorName, Object.assign({}, this)); + }, }); diff --git a/packages/html-tools/tokenize.js b/packages/html-tools/tokenize.js index 55cbd3ecf..23a97d1b2 100644 --- a/packages/html-tools/tokenize.js +++ b/packages/html-tools/tokenize.js @@ -53,68 +53,66 @@ import { makeRegexMatcher } from './scanner'; // keep in mind as we go along that an LF might be represented by CRLF or CR. // In most cases, it doesn't actually matter what combination of whitespace // characters are present (e.g. inside tags). -var HTML_SPACE = /^[\f\n\r\t ]/; +const HTML_SPACE = /^[\f\n\r\t ]/; -var convertCRLF = function (str) { +const convertCRLF = function (str) { return str.replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n'); }; -export function getComment (scanner) { - if (scanner.rest().slice(0, 4) !== ''); - if (closePos < 0) - scanner.fatal("Unclosed HTML comment"); + const closePos = rest.indexOf('-->'); + if (closePos < 0) scanner.fatal('Unclosed HTML comment'); - var commentContents = rest.slice(0, closePos); - if (commentContents.slice(-1) === '-') - scanner.fatal("HTML comment must end at first `--`"); - if (commentContents.indexOf("--") >= 0) - scanner.fatal("HTML comment cannot contain `--` anywhere"); - if (commentContents.indexOf('\u0000') >= 0) - scanner.fatal("HTML comment cannot contain NULL"); + const commentContents = rest.slice(0, closePos); + if (commentContents.slice(-1) === '-') scanner.fatal('HTML comment must end at first `--`'); + if (commentContents.indexOf('--') >= 0) scanner.fatal('HTML comment cannot contain `--` anywhere'); + if (commentContents.indexOf('\u0000') >= 0) scanner.fatal('HTML comment cannot contain NULL'); scanner.pos += closePos + 3; - return { t: 'Comment', - v: convertCRLF(commentContents) }; + return { + t: 'Comment', + v: convertCRLF(commentContents), + }; } -var skipSpaces = function (scanner) { - while (HTML_SPACE.test(scanner.peek())) +const skipSpaces = function (scanner) { + while (HTML_SPACE.test(scanner.peek())) { scanner.pos++; + } }; -var requireSpaces = function (scanner) { - if (! HTML_SPACE.test(scanner.peek())) - scanner.fatal("Expected space"); +const requireSpaces = function (scanner) { + if (!HTML_SPACE.test(scanner.peek())) scanner.fatal('Expected space'); skipSpaces(scanner); }; -var getDoctypeQuotedString = function (scanner) { - var quote = scanner.peek(); - if (! (quote === '"' || quote === "'")) - scanner.fatal("Expected single or double quote in DOCTYPE"); +const getDoctypeQuotedString = function (scanner) { + const quote = scanner.peek(); + if (!(quote === '"' || quote === "'")) scanner.fatal('Expected single or double quote in DOCTYPE'); scanner.pos++; - if (scanner.peek() === quote) + if (scanner.peek() === quote) { // prevent a falsy return value (empty string) - scanner.fatal("Malformed DOCTYPE"); + scanner.fatal('Malformed DOCTYPE'); + } - var str = ''; - var ch; + let str = ''; + let ch; while ((ch = scanner.peek()), ch !== quote) { - if ((! ch) || (ch === '\u0000') || (ch === '>')) - scanner.fatal("Malformed DOCTYPE"); + if ((!ch) || (ch === '\u0000') || (ch === '>')) { + scanner.fatal('Malformed DOCTYPE'); + } + str += ch; scanner.pos++; } @@ -127,23 +125,20 @@ var getDoctypeQuotedString = function (scanner) { // See http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/syntax.html#the-doctype. // // If `getDocType` sees "') || (ch === '\u0000')) - scanner.fatal('Malformed DOCTYPE'); - var name = ch; + let ch = scanner.peek(); + if ((!ch) || (ch === '>') || (ch === '\u0000')) scanner.fatal('Malformed DOCTYPE'); + let name = ch; scanner.pos++; - while ((ch = scanner.peek()), ! (HTML_SPACE.test(ch) || ch === '>')) { - if ((! ch) || (ch === '\u0000')) - scanner.fatal('Malformed DOCTYPE'); + while ((ch = scanner.peek()), !(HTML_SPACE.test(ch) || ch === '>')) { + if ((!ch) || (ch === '\u0000')) scanner.fatal('Malformed DOCTYPE'); name += ch; scanner.pos++; } @@ -152,23 +147,22 @@ export function getDoctype (scanner) { // Now we're looking at a space or a `>`. skipSpaces(scanner); - var systemId = null; - var publicId = null; + let systemId = null; + let publicId = null; if (scanner.peek() !== '>') { // Now we're essentially in the "After DOCTYPE name state" of the tokenizer, // but we're not looking at space or `>`. // this should be "public" or "system". - var publicOrSystem = asciiLowerCase(scanner.rest().slice(0, 6)); + const publicOrSystem = asciiLowerCase(scanner.rest().slice(0, 6)); if (publicOrSystem === 'system') { scanner.pos += 6; requireSpaces(scanner); systemId = getDoctypeQuotedString(scanner); skipSpaces(scanner); - if (scanner.peek() !== '>') - scanner.fatal("Malformed DOCTYPE"); + if (scanner.peek() !== '>') scanner.fatal('Malformed DOCTYPE'); } else if (publicOrSystem === 'public') { scanner.pos += 6; requireSpaces(scanner); @@ -178,127 +172,60 @@ export function getDoctype (scanner) { if (scanner.peek() !== '>') { systemId = getDoctypeQuotedString(scanner); skipSpaces(scanner); - if (scanner.peek() !== '>') - scanner.fatal("Malformed DOCTYPE"); + if (scanner.peek() !== '>') scanner.fatal('Malformed DOCTYPE'); } } } else { - scanner.fatal("Expected PUBLIC or SYSTEM in DOCTYPE"); + scanner.fatal('Expected PUBLIC or SYSTEM in DOCTYPE'); } } // looking at `>` scanner.pos++; - var result = { t: 'Doctype', - v: scanner.input.slice(start, scanner.pos), - name: name }; + const result = { + t: 'Doctype', + v: scanner.input.slice(start, scanner.pos), + name, + }; - if (systemId) - result.systemId = systemId; - if (publicId) - result.publicId = publicId; + if (systemId) result.systemId = systemId; + if (publicId) result.publicId = publicId; return result; } // The special character `{` is only allowed as the first character // of a Chars, so that we have a chance to detect template tags. -var getChars = makeRegexMatcher(/^[^&<\u0000][^&<\u0000{]*/); +const getChars = makeRegexMatcher(/^[^&<\u0000][^&<\u0000{]*/); -var assertIsTemplateTag = function (x) { - if (! (x instanceof TemplateTag)) - throw new Error("Expected an instance of HTMLTools.TemplateTag"); +const assertIsTemplateTag = function (x) { + if (!(x instanceof TemplateTag)) throw new Error('Expected an instance of HTMLTools.TemplateTag'); return x; }; -// Returns the next HTML token, or `null` if we reach EOF. -// -// Note that if we have a `getTemplateTag` function that sometimes -// consumes characters and emits nothing (e.g. in the case of template -// comments), we may go from not-at-EOF to at-EOF and return `null`, -// while otherwise we always find some token to return. -export function getHTMLToken (scanner, dataMode) { - var result = null; - if (scanner.getTemplateTag) { - // Try to parse a template tag by calling out to the provided - // `getTemplateTag` function. If the function returns `null` but - // consumes characters, it must have parsed a comment or something, - // so we loop and try it again. If it ever returns `null` without - // consuming anything, that means it didn't see anything interesting - // so we look for a normal token. If it returns a truthy value, - // the value must be instanceof HTMLTools.TemplateTag. We wrap it - // in a Special token. - var lastPos = scanner.pos; - result = scanner.getTemplateTag( - scanner, - (dataMode === 'rcdata' ? TEMPLATE_TAG_POSITION.IN_RCDATA : - (dataMode === 'rawtext' ? TEMPLATE_TAG_POSITION.IN_RAWTEXT : - TEMPLATE_TAG_POSITION.ELEMENT))); - - if (result) - return { t: 'TemplateTag', v: assertIsTemplateTag(result) }; - else if (scanner.pos > lastPos) - return null; - } - - var chars = getChars(scanner); - if (chars) - return { t: 'Chars', - v: convertCRLF(chars) }; - - var ch = scanner.peek(); - if (! ch) - return null; // EOF - - if (ch === '\u0000') - scanner.fatal("Illegal NULL character"); - - if (ch === '&') { - if (dataMode !== 'rawtext') { - var charRef = getCharacterReference(scanner); - if (charRef) - return charRef; - } - - scanner.pos++; - return { t: 'Chars', - v: '&' }; - } - - // If we're here, we're looking at `<`. - - if (scanner.peek() === '<' && dataMode) { - // don't interpret tags - scanner.pos++; - return { t: 'Chars', - v: '<' }; - } - - // `getTag` will claim anything starting with `<` not followed by `!`. - // `getComment` takes `")), + test.equal(getComment(new Scanner('')), { t: 'Comment', v: ' hello ' }); - ignore(""); - ignore("'); + ignore('', ' hello - - world '); }); -Tinytest.add("html-tools - doctype", function (test) { - var succeed = function (input, expectedProps) { - var scanner = new Scanner(input); - var result = getDoctype(scanner); +Tinytest.add('html-tools - doctype', function (test) { + const succeed = function (input, expectedProps) { + const scanner = new Scanner(input); + const result = getDoctype(scanner); test.isTrue(result); test.equal(scanner.pos, result.v.length); test.equal(input.slice(0, result.v.length), result.v); - var actualProps = Object.assign({}, result); + const actualProps = Object.assign({}, result); delete actualProps.t; delete actualProps.v; test.equal(actualProps, expectedProps); }; - var fatal = function (input, messageContains) { - var scanner = new Scanner(input); - var error; + const fatal = function (input, messageContains) { + const scanner = new Scanner(input); + let error; try { getDoctype(scanner); } catch (e) { error = e; } test.isTrue(error); - if (messageContains) - test.isTrue(error.message.indexOf(messageContains) >= 0, error.message); + if (messageContains) test.isTrue(error.message.indexOf(messageContains) >= 0, error.message); }; - test.equal(getDoctype(new Scanner("x")), + test.equal(getDoctype(new Scanner('x')), { t: 'Doctype', v: '', name: 'html' }); @@ -132,12 +130,12 @@ Tinytest.add("html-tools - doctype", function (test) { publicId: '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN', systemId: 'http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd' }); - succeed('', {name: 'html'}); - succeed('', {name: 'html'}); - succeed('', {name: 'html'}); - succeed('', {name: 'html'}); - succeed('', {name: 'html'}); - succeed('', {name: 'html'}); + succeed('', { name: 'html' }); + succeed('', { name: 'html' }); + succeed('', { name: 'html' }); + succeed('', { name: 'html' }); + succeed('', { name: 'html' }); + succeed('', { name: 'html' }); fatal('', 'Malformed DOCTYPE'); fatal('', {name: 'html', systemId: 'about:legacy-compat'}); - succeed('', {name: 'html', systemId: 'about:legacy-compat'}); - succeed("", {name: 'html', systemId: 'about:legacy-compat'}); - succeed("", {name: 'html', systemId: 'about:legacy-compat'}); - succeed('', {name: 'html', systemId: 'about:legacy-compat'}); + succeed('', { name: 'html', systemId: 'about:legacy-compat' }); + succeed('', { name: 'html', systemId: 'about:legacy-compat' }); + succeed("", { name: 'html', systemId: 'about:legacy-compat' }); + succeed("", { name: 'html', systemId: 'about:legacy-compat' }); + succeed('', { name: 'html', systemId: 'about:legacy-compat' }); fatal('', 'Expected PUBLIC or SYSTEM'); fatal('', 'Expected space'); @@ -171,26 +169,26 @@ Tinytest.add("html-tools - doctype", function (test) { succeed('', { name: 'html', - publicId: '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN'}); + publicId: '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN' }); succeed('', { name: 'html', - publicId: '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN'}); + publicId: '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN' }); succeed('', { name: 'html', publicId: '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN', - systemId: 'http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd'}); + systemId: 'http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd' }); succeed('', { name: 'html', publicId: '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN', - systemId: 'http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd'}); + systemId: 'http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd' }); succeed('', { name: 'html', publicId: '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN', - systemId: 'http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd'}); + systemId: 'http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd' }); succeed('', { name: 'html', publicId: '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN', - systemId: 'http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd'}); + systemId: 'http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd' }); fatal(''); }); -Tinytest.add("html-tools - tokenize", function (test) { - - var fatal = function (input, messageContains) { - var error; +Tinytest.add('html-tools - tokenize', function (test) { + const fatal = function (input, messageContains) { + let error; try { tokenize(input); } catch (e) { error = e; } test.isTrue(error); - if (messageContains) - test.isTrue(error.message.indexOf(messageContains) >= 0, error.message); + if (messageContains) test.isTrue(error.message.indexOf(messageContains) >= 0, error.message); }; test.equal(tokenize(''), []); - test.equal(tokenize('abc'), [{t: 'Chars', v: 'abc'}]); - test.equal(tokenize('&'), [{t: 'Chars', v: '&'}]); - test.equal(tokenize('&'), [{t: 'CharRef', v: '&', cp: [38]}]); + test.equal(tokenize('abc'), [{ t: 'Chars', v: 'abc' }]); + test.equal(tokenize('&'), [{ t: 'Chars', v: '&' }]); + test.equal(tokenize('&'), [{ t: 'CharRef', v: '&', cp: [38] }]); test.equal(tokenize('ok fine'), - [{t: 'Chars', v: 'ok'}, - {t: 'CharRef', v: ' ', cp: [32]}, - {t: 'Chars', v: 'fine'}]); + [{ t: 'Chars', v: 'ok' }, + { t: 'CharRef', v: ' ', cp: [32] }, + { t: 'Chars', v: 'fine' }]); test.equal(tokenize('ac'), - [{t: 'Chars', - v: 'a'}, - {t: 'Comment', - v: 'b'}, - {t: 'Chars', - v: 'c'}]); + [{ t: 'Chars', + v: 'a' }, + { t: 'Comment', + v: 'b' }, + { t: 'Chars', + v: 'c' }]); - test.equal(tokenize('
'), [{t: 'Tag', n: 'a'}]); + test.equal(tokenize(''), [{ t: 'Tag', n: 'a' }]); fatal('<'); fatal(''), - [{t: 'Tag', n: 'x', - attrs: { a: [{t: 'Chars', v: 'b'}] }, - isSelfClosing: true}]); + [{ t: 'Tag', +n: 'x', + attrs: { a: [{ t: 'Chars', v: 'b' }] }, + isSelfClosing: true }]); test.equal(tokenize('X'), - [{t: 'Tag', n: 'a'}, - {t: 'Chars', v: 'X'}, - {t: 'Tag', n: 'a', isEnd: true}]); + [{ t: 'Tag', n: 'a' }, + { t: 'Chars', v: 'X' }, + { t: 'Tag', n: 'a', isEnd: true }]); fatal(''); // duplicate attribute value test.equal(tokenize(''), - [{t: 'Tag', n: 'a', attrs: { b: [] }}]); + [{ t: 'Tag', n: 'a', attrs: { b: [] } }]); fatal('< a>'); fatal('< /a>'); fatal(''); // Slash does not end an unquoted attribute, interestingly test.equal(tokenize(''), - [{t: 'Tag', n: 'a', attrs: { b: [{t: 'Chars', v: '/'}] }}]); + [{ t: 'Tag', n: 'a', attrs: { b: [{ t: 'Chars', v: '/' }] } }]); test.equal(tokenize(''), - [{t: 'Tag', n: 'a', - attrs: { b: [{t: 'Chars', v: 'c'}], - d: [{t: 'Chars', v: 'e'}], - f: [{t: 'Chars', v: 'g'}], - h: [] }}]); + [{ t: 'Tag', +n: 'a', + attrs: { b: [{ t: 'Chars', v: 'c' }], + d: [{ t: 'Chars', v: 'e' }], + f: [{ t: 'Chars', v: 'g' }], + h: [] } }]); fatal(''); fatal(''); fatal(''); - test.equal(tokenize(''), [{t: 'Tag', n: 'a', isSelfClosing: true}]); + test.equal(tokenize(''), [{ t: 'Tag', n: 'a', isSelfClosing: true }]); fatal(''); fatal(''); @@ -287,50 +285,55 @@ Tinytest.add("html-tools - tokenize", function (test) { fatal(''); test.equal(tokenize(''), - [{t: 'Tag', n: 'a#', - attrs: { b0: [{t: 'Chars', v: 'c@'}], - d1: [{t: 'Chars', v: 'e2'}], - 'f#': [{t: 'Chars', v: 'g '}], - h: [] }}]); + [{ t: 'Tag', +n: 'a#', + attrs: { b0: [{ t: 'Chars', v: 'c@' }], + d1: [{ t: 'Chars', v: 'e2' }], + 'f#': [{ t: 'Chars', v: 'g ' }], + h: [] } }]); test.equal(tokenize('
'), - [{t: 'Tag', n: 'div', attrs: { 'class': [] }}, - {t: 'Tag', n: 'div', isEnd: true}]); + [{ t: 'Tag', n: 'div', attrs: { class: [] } }, + { t: 'Tag', n: 'div', isEnd: true }]); test.equal(tokenize('
'), - [{t: 'Tag', n: 'div', attrs: { 'class': [{t: 'Chars', v: '&'}] }}]); + [{ t: 'Tag', n: 'div', attrs: { class: [{ t: 'Chars', v: '&' }] } }]); test.equal(tokenize('
'), - [{t: 'Tag', n: 'div', attrs: { 'class': [{t: 'Chars', v: '&'}] }}]); + [{ t: 'Tag', n: 'div', attrs: { class: [{ t: 'Chars', v: '&' }] } }]); test.equal(tokenize('
'), - [{t: 'Tag', n: 'div', attrs: { 'class': [{t: 'CharRef', v: '&', cp: [38]}] }}]); + [{ t: 'Tag', n: 'div', attrs: { class: [{ t: 'CharRef', v: '&', cp: [38] }] } }]); test.equal(tokenize('
'), - [{t: 'Tag', n: 'div', attrs: { 'class': [ - {t: 'Chars', v: 'aa&'}, - {t: 'CharRef', v: '𝕫', cp: [120171]}, - {t: 'CharRef', v: '∾̳', cp: [8766, 819]}, - {t: 'Chars', v: '&bb'} - ] }}]); + [{ t: 'Tag', +n: 'div', +attrs: { class: [ + { t: 'Chars', v: 'aa&' }, + { t: 'CharRef', v: '𝕫', cp: [120171] }, + { t: 'CharRef', v: '∾̳', cp: [8766, 819] }, + { t: 'Chars', v: '&bb' }, + ] } }]); test.equal(tokenize('
'), - [{t: 'Tag', n: 'div', attrs: { 'class': [ - {t: 'Chars', v: 'aa &'}, - {t: 'CharRef', v: '𝕫', cp: [120171]}, - {t: 'CharRef', v: '∾̳', cp: [8766, 819]}, - {t: 'Chars', v: '& bb'} - ] }}]); + [{ t: 'Tag', +n: 'div', +attrs: { class: [ + { t: 'Chars', v: 'aa &' }, + { t: 'CharRef', v: '𝕫', cp: [120171] }, + { t: 'CharRef', v: '∾̳', cp: [8766, 819] }, + { t: 'Chars', v: '& bb' }, + ] } }]); test.equal(tokenize(''), - [{t: 'Tag', n: 'a', attrs: { b: [{t: 'Chars', v: '\'`<>&'}] }}]); + [{ t: 'Tag', n: 'a', attrs: { b: [{ t: 'Chars', v: '\'`<>&' }] } }]); test.equal(tokenize('&\'>'), - [{t: 'Tag', n: 'a', attrs: { b: [{t: 'Chars', v: '"`<>&'}] }}]); + [{ t: 'Tag', n: 'a', attrs: { b: [{ t: 'Chars', v: '"`<>&' }] } }]); fatal('>'); fatal('>c'); test.equal(tokenize(''), - [{t: 'Tag', n: 'a', attrs: { b: [{t: 'Chars', v: '>c' }] }}]); + [{ t: 'Tag', n: 'a', attrs: { b: [{ t: 'Chars', v: '>c' }] } }]); test.equal(tokenize(''), - [{t: 'Tag', n: 'a', attrs: { b: [{t: 'Chars', v: '>c' }] }}]); + [{ t: 'Tag', n: 'a', attrs: { b: [{ t: 'Chars', v: '>c' }] } }]); fatal(''); fatal(''); fatal(''); diff --git a/packages/html-tools/utils.js b/packages/html-tools/utils.js index 195fa725a..b2ccdcc5d 100644 --- a/packages/html-tools/utils.js +++ b/packages/html-tools/utils.js @@ -6,22 +6,11 @@ export function asciiLowerCase (str) { }); } -var svgCamelCaseAttributes = 'attributeName attributeType baseFrequency baseProfile calcMode clipPathUnits contentScriptType contentStyleType diffuseConstant edgeMode externalResourcesRequired filterRes filterUnits glyphRef glyphRef gradientTransform gradientTransform gradientUnits gradientUnits kernelMatrix kernelUnitLength kernelUnitLength kernelUnitLength keyPoints keySplines keyTimes lengthAdjust limitingConeAngle markerHeight markerUnits markerWidth maskContentUnits maskUnits numOctaves pathLength patternContentUnits patternTransform patternUnits pointsAtX pointsAtY pointsAtZ preserveAlpha preserveAspectRatio primitiveUnits refX refY repeatCount repeatDur requiredExtensions requiredFeatures specularConstant specularExponent specularExponent spreadMethod spreadMethod startOffset stdDeviation stitchTiles surfaceScale surfaceScale systemLanguage tableValues targetX targetY textLength textLength viewBox viewTarget xChannelSelector yChannelSelector zoomAndPan'.split(' '); - -var properAttributeCaseMap = (function (map) { - for (var i = 0; i < svgCamelCaseAttributes.length; i++) { - var a = svgCamelCaseAttributes[i]; - map[asciiLowerCase(a)] = a; - } - return map; -})({}); - -var properTagCaseMap = (function (map) { - var knownElements = HTML.knownElementNames; - for (var i = 0; i < knownElements.length; i++) { - var a = knownElements[i]; +const _properTagCaseMap = (map => { + const knownElements = HTML.knownElementNames; + knownElements.forEach(a => { map[asciiLowerCase(a)] = a; - } + }); return map; })({}); @@ -30,19 +19,26 @@ var properTagCaseMap = (function (map) { // Modern browsers let you embed SVG in HTML, but SVG elements are special // in that they have a case-sensitive DOM API (nodeName, getAttribute, // setAttribute). For example, it has to be `setAttribute("viewBox")`, -// not `"viewbox"`. However, the browser's HTML parser is NOT case sensitive +// not `"viewbox"`. However, the browser's HTML parser is NOT case-sensitive // and will fix the case for you, so if you write `` // you actually get a `"viewBox"` attribute. Any HTML-parsing toolchain // must do the same. export function properCaseTagName (name) { - var lowered = asciiLowerCase(name); - return properTagCaseMap.hasOwnProperty(lowered) ? - properTagCaseMap[lowered] : lowered; + const lowered = asciiLowerCase(name); + return _properTagCaseMap.hasOwnProperty(lowered) ? _properTagCaseMap[lowered] : lowered; } +const svgCamelCaseAttributes = 'attributeName attributeType baseFrequency baseProfile calcMode clipPathUnits contentScriptType contentStyleType diffuseConstant edgeMode externalResourcesRequired filterRes filterUnits glyphRef glyphRef gradientTransform gradientTransform gradientUnits gradientUnits kernelMatrix kernelUnitLength kernelUnitLength kernelUnitLength keyPoints keySplines keyTimes lengthAdjust limitingConeAngle markerHeight markerUnits markerWidth maskContentUnits maskUnits numOctaves pathLength patternContentUnits patternTransform patternUnits pointsAtX pointsAtY pointsAtZ preserveAlpha preserveAspectRatio primitiveUnits refX refY repeatCount repeatDur requiredExtensions requiredFeatures specularConstant specularExponent specularExponent spreadMethod spreadMethod startOffset stdDeviation stitchTiles surfaceScale surfaceScale systemLanguage tableValues targetX targetY textLength textLength viewBox viewTarget xChannelSelector yChannelSelector zoomAndPan'.split(' '); + +const _properAttributeCaseMap = (map => { + svgCamelCaseAttributes.forEach(a => { + map[asciiLowerCase(a)] = a; + }); + return map; +})({}); + // See docs for properCaseTagName. export function properCaseAttributeName(name) { - var lowered = asciiLowerCase(name); - return properAttributeCaseMap.hasOwnProperty(lowered) ? - properAttributeCaseMap[lowered] : lowered; + const lowered = asciiLowerCase(name); + return _properAttributeCaseMap.hasOwnProperty(lowered) ? _properAttributeCaseMap[lowered] : lowered; } diff --git a/packages/htmljs/README.md b/packages/htmljs/README.md index d2b06c4b0..1ac4d80b6 100644 --- a/packages/htmljs/README.md +++ b/packages/htmljs/README.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ syntax. It is used to render content in Blaze and to represent templates during compilation. ``` -var UL = HTML.UL, LI = HTML.LI, B = HTML.B; +let UL = HTML.UL, LI = HTML.LI, B = HTML.B; HTML.toHTML( UL({id: 'mylist'}, @@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ it must be written as `HTML.Attrs(attrs1, attrs2, ...)`, as in this example: ``` -var extraAttrs = {'class': "container"}; +let extraAttrs = {'class': "container"}; -var div = HTML.DIV(HTML.Attrs({id: "main"}, extraAttrs), +let div = HTML.DIV(HTML.Attrs({id: "main"}, extraAttrs), "This is the content."); div.attrs // => [{id: "main"}, {'class': "container"}] diff --git a/packages/htmljs/html.js b/packages/htmljs/html.js index db6ef3b99..7539da095 100644 --- a/packages/htmljs/html.js +++ b/packages/htmljs/html.js @@ -1,30 +1,75 @@ +export const Tag = function () { +}; -export const Tag = function () {}; Tag.prototype.tagName = ''; // this will be set per Tag subclass Tag.prototype.attrs = null; Tag.prototype.children = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze([]) : []; -Tag.prototype.htmljsType = Tag.htmljsType = ['Tag']; +Tag.htmljsType = ['Tag']; +Tag.prototype.htmljsType = Tag.htmljsType; + +export function isConstructedObject(x) { + // Figure out if `x` is "an instance of some class" or just a plain + // object literal. It correctly treats an object literal like + // `{ constructor: ... }` as an object literal. It won't detect + // instances of classes that lack a `constructor` property (e.g. + // if you assign to a prototype when setting up the class as in: + // `Foo = function () { ... }; Foo.prototype = { ... }`, then + // `(new Foo).constructor` is `Object`, not `Foo`). + if (!x || (typeof x !== 'object')) return false; + + // Is this a plain object? + let plain; + + if (Object.getPrototypeOf(x) === null) { + plain = true; + } else { + let proto = x; + + while (Object.getPrototypeOf(proto) !== null) { + proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto); + } + + plain = Object.getPrototypeOf(x) === proto; + } + + return !plain && (typeof x.constructor === 'function') && (x instanceof x.constructor); +} + +// Not an HTMLjs node, but a wrapper to pass multiple attrs dictionaries +// to a tag (for the purpose of implementing dynamic attributes). +export function Attrs(...args) { + // Work with or without `new`. If not called with `new`, + // perform instantiation by recursively calling this constructor. + // We can't pass varargs, so pass no args. + const instance = (this instanceof Attrs) ? this : new Attrs(); + + instance.value = args; + + return instance; +} // Given "p" create the function `HTML.P`. -var makeTagConstructor = function (tagName) { - // Tag is the per-tagName constructor of a HTML.Tag subclass - var HTMLTag = function (...args) { +const makeTagConstructor = function (tagName) { + // Tag is the per-tagName constructor of an HTML.Tag subclass + const HTMLTag = function (...args) { // Work with or without `new`. If not called with `new`, // perform instantiation by recursively calling this constructor. // We can't pass varargs, so pass no args. - var instance = (this instanceof Tag) ? this : new HTMLTag; + const instance = (this instanceof Tag) ? this : new HTMLTag(); + + let i = 0; + const attrs = args.length && args[0]; - var i = 0; - var attrs = args.length && args[0]; if (attrs && (typeof attrs === 'object')) { - // Treat vanilla JS object as an attributes dictionary. - if (! isConstructedObject(attrs)) { + // Treat vanilla JS objects as an attributes' dictionary. + if (!isConstructedObject(attrs)) { instance.attrs = attrs; i++; } else if (attrs instanceof Attrs) { - var array = attrs.value; + const array = attrs.value; + if (array.length === 1) { - instance.attrs = array[0]; + instance.attrs = array[0]; /* eslint prefer-destructuring: ["error", {VariableDeclarator: {array: true}}] */ } else if (array.length > 1) { instance.attrs = array; } @@ -32,76 +77,60 @@ var makeTagConstructor = function (tagName) { } } - // If no children, don't create an array at all, use the prototype's // (frozen, empty) array. This way we don't create an empty array // every time someone creates a tag without `new` and this constructor // calls itself with no arguments (above). - if (i < args.length) + if (i < args.length) { instance.children = args.slice(i); + } return instance; }; - HTMLTag.prototype = new Tag; + + HTMLTag.prototype = new Tag(); HTMLTag.prototype.constructor = HTMLTag; HTMLTag.prototype.tagName = tagName; return HTMLTag; }; -// Not an HTMLjs node, but a wrapper to pass multiple attrs dictionaries -// to a tag (for the purpose of implementing dynamic attributes). -export function Attrs(...args) { - // Work with or without `new`. If not called with `new`, - // perform instantiation by recursively calling this constructor. - // We can't pass varargs, so pass no args. - var instance = (this instanceof Attrs) ? this : new Attrs; - - instance.value = args; +// KNOWN ELEMENTS +export const HTMLTags = {}; - return instance; +export function getSymbolName(tagName) { + // "foo-bar" -> "FOO_BAR" + return tagName.toUpperCase().replace(/-/g, '_'); } -////////////////////////////// KNOWN ELEMENTS -export const HTMLTags = {}; +export function getTag(tagName) { + const symbolName = getSymbolName(tagName); -export function getTag (tagName) { - var symbolName = getSymbolName(tagName); - if (symbolName === tagName) // all-caps tagName - throw new Error("Use the lowercase or camelCase form of '" + tagName + "' here"); + if (symbolName === tagName) { + // all-caps tagName + throw new Error(`Use the lowercase or camelCase form of "${tagName}" here`); + } - if (! HTMLTags[symbolName]) + if (!HTMLTags[symbolName]) { HTMLTags[symbolName] = makeTagConstructor(tagName); + } return HTMLTags[symbolName]; } -export function ensureTag(tagName) { - getTag(tagName); // don't return it -} - -export function isTagEnsured (tagName) { - return isKnownElement(tagName); -} - -export function getSymbolName (tagName) { - // "foo-bar" -> "FOO_BAR" - return tagName.toUpperCase().replace(/-/g, '_'); -} - +// HTML + SVG element names export const knownHTMLElementNames = 'a abbr acronym address applet area article aside audio b base basefont bdi bdo big blockquote body br button canvas caption center cite code col colgroup command data datagrid datalist dd del details dfn dir div dl dt em embed eventsource fieldset figcaption figure font footer form frame frameset h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head header hgroup hr html i iframe img input ins isindex kbd keygen label legend li link main map mark menu meta meter nav noframes noscript object ol optgroup option output p param pre progress q rp rt ruby s samp script section select small source span strike strong style sub summary sup table tbody td textarea tfoot th thead time title tr track tt u ul var video wbr'.split(' '); -// (we add the SVG ones below) - +// We add the SVG one's below export const knownSVGElementNames = 'altGlyph altGlyphDef altGlyphItem animate animateColor animateMotion animateTransform circle clipPath color-profile cursor defs desc ellipse feBlend feColorMatrix feComponentTransfer feComposite feConvolveMatrix feDiffuseLighting feDisplacementMap feDistantLight feFlood feFuncA feFuncB feFuncG feFuncR feGaussianBlur feImage feMerge feMergeNode feMorphology feOffset fePointLight feSpecularLighting feSpotLight feTile feTurbulence filter font font-face font-face-format font-face-name font-face-src font-face-uri foreignObject g glyph glyphRef hkern image line linearGradient marker mask metadata missing-glyph path pattern polygon polyline radialGradient rect set stop style svg switch symbol text textPath title tref tspan use view vkern'.split(' '); // Append SVG element names to list of known element names export const knownElementNames = knownHTMLElementNames.concat(knownSVGElementNames); +// VOID element names export const voidElementNames = 'area base br col command embed hr img input keygen link meta param source track wbr'.split(' '); - -var voidElementSet = new Set(voidElementNames); -var knownElementSet = new Set(knownElementNames); -var knownSVGElementSet = new Set(knownSVGElementNames); +const knownElementSet = new Set(knownElementNames); +const knownSVGElementSet = new Set(knownSVGElementNames); +const voidElementSet = new Set(voidElementNames); export function isKnownElement(tagName) { return knownElementSet.has(tagName); @@ -115,124 +144,119 @@ export function isVoidElement(tagName) { return voidElementSet.has(tagName); } +export function isTagEnsured(tagName) { + return isKnownElement(tagName); +} + +export function ensureTag(tagName) { + getTag(tagName); // don't return it +} // Ensure tags for all known elements knownElementNames.forEach(ensureTag); - export function CharRef(attrs) { - if (! (this instanceof CharRef)) + if (!(this instanceof CharRef)) { // called without `new` return new CharRef(attrs); + } - if (! (attrs && attrs.html && attrs.str)) - throw new Error( - "HTML.CharRef must be constructed with ({html:..., str:...})"); + if (!(attrs && attrs.html && attrs.str)) { + throw new Error('HTML.CharRef must be constructed with ({html:..., str:...})'); + } this.html = attrs.html; this.str = attrs.str; } -CharRef.prototype.htmljsType = CharRef.htmljsType = ['CharRef']; + +CharRef.htmljsType = ['CharRef']; +CharRef.prototype.htmljsType = CharRef.htmljsType; export function Comment(value) { - if (! (this instanceof Comment)) + if (!(this instanceof Comment)) { // called without `new` return new Comment(value); + } - if (typeof value !== 'string') + if (typeof value !== 'string') { throw new Error('HTML.Comment must be constructed with a string'); + } this.value = value; + // Kill illegal hyphens in comment value (no way to escape them in HTML) this.sanitizedValue = value.replace(/^-|--+|-$/g, ''); } -Comment.prototype.htmljsType = Comment.htmljsType = ['Comment']; + +Comment.htmljsType = ['Comment']; +Comment.prototype.htmljsType = Comment.htmljsType; export function Raw(value) { - if (! (this instanceof Raw)) + if (!(this instanceof Raw)) { // called without `new` return new Raw(value); + } - if (typeof value !== 'string') + if (typeof value !== 'string') { throw new Error('HTML.Raw must be constructed with a string'); + } this.value = value; } -Raw.prototype.htmljsType = Raw.htmljsType = ['Raw']; +Raw.htmljsType = ['Raw']; +Raw.prototype.htmljsType = Raw.htmljsType; -export function isArray (x) { +export function isArray(x) { return x instanceof Array || Array.isArray(x); } -export function isConstructedObject (x) { - // Figure out if `x` is "an instance of some class" or just a plain - // object literal. It correctly treats an object literal like - // `{ constructor: ... }` as an object literal. It won't detect - // instances of classes that lack a `constructor` property (e.g. - // if you assign to a prototype when setting up the class as in: - // `Foo = function () { ... }; Foo.prototype = { ... }`, then - // `(new Foo).constructor` is `Object`, not `Foo`). - if(!x || (typeof x !== 'object')) return false; - // Is this a plain object? - let plain = false; - if(Object.getPrototypeOf(x) === null) { - plain = true; - } else { - let proto = x; - while(Object.getPrototypeOf(proto) !== null) { - proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto); - } - plain = Object.getPrototypeOf(x) === proto; - } - - return !plain && - (typeof x.constructor === 'function') && - (x instanceof x.constructor); -} - -export function isNully (node) { - if (node == null) +export function isNully(node) { + if (node == null) { // null or undefined return true; - - if (isArray(node)) { - // is it an empty array or an array of all nully items? - for (var i = 0; i < node.length; i++) - if (! isNully(node[i])) - return false; - return true; } - return false; + return isArray(node) && node.every(isNully); } -export function isValidAttributeName (name) { - return /^[:_A-Za-z][:_A-Za-z0-9.\-]*/.test(name); +export function isValidAttributeName(name) { + return /^[:_A-Za-z][:_A-Za-z\d.-]*/.test(name); } // If `attrs` is an array of attributes dictionaries, combines them -// into one. Removes attributes that are "nully." -export function flattenAttributes (attrs) { - if (! attrs) +// into one. Remove attributes that are "nully." +export function flattenAttributes(attrs) { + if (!attrs) { return attrs; + } - var isList = isArray(attrs); - if (isList && attrs.length === 0) + const isList = isArray(attrs); + + if (isList && attrs.length === 0) { return null; + } + + const result = {}; + const n = (isList ? attrs.length : 1); - var result = {}; - for (var i = 0, N = (isList ? attrs.length : 1); i < N; i++) { - var oneAttrs = (isList ? attrs[i] : attrs); - if ((typeof oneAttrs !== 'object') || - isConstructedObject(oneAttrs)) - throw new Error("Expected plain JS object as attrs, found: " + oneAttrs); - for (var name in oneAttrs) { - if (! isValidAttributeName(name)) - throw new Error("Illegal HTML attribute name: " + name); - var value = oneAttrs[name]; - if (! isNully(value)) + for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { + const oneAttrs = (isList ? attrs[i] : attrs); + + if ((typeof oneAttrs !== 'object') || isConstructedObject(oneAttrs)) { + throw new Error(`Expected plain JS object as attrs, found: ${oneAttrs}`); + } + + for (const name in oneAttrs) { + if (!isValidAttributeName(name)) { + throw new Error(`Illegal HTML attribute name: ${name}`); + } + + const value = oneAttrs[name]; + + if (!isNully(value)) { result[name] = value; + } } } diff --git a/packages/htmljs/htmljs_test.js b/packages/htmljs/htmljs_test.js index c20722ee5..bef1e3746 100644 --- a/packages/htmljs/htmljs_test.js +++ b/packages/htmljs/htmljs_test.js @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ +/* eslint-env meteor */ import { HTML } from 'meteor/htmljs'; -Tinytest.add("htmljs - getTag", function (test) { - var FOO = HTML.getTag('foo'); +Tinytest.add('htmljs - getTag', function (test) { + const FOO = HTML.getTag('foo'); test.isTrue(HTML.FOO === FOO); - var x = FOO(); + const x = FOO(); test.equal(x.tagName, 'foo'); test.isTrue(x instanceof HTML.FOO); @@ -11,31 +12,32 @@ Tinytest.add("htmljs - getTag", function (test) { test.equal(x.children, []); test.equal(x.attrs, null); - test.isTrue((new FOO) instanceof HTML.FOO); - test.isTrue((new FOO) instanceof HTML.Tag); - test.isFalse((new HTML.P) instanceof HTML.FOO); + test.isTrue((new FOO()) instanceof HTML.FOO); + test.isTrue((new FOO()) instanceof HTML.Tag); + test.isFalse((new HTML.P()) instanceof HTML.FOO); - var result = HTML.ensureTag('Bar'); + const result = HTML.ensureTag('Bar'); // void function's return checked intentionally test.equal(typeof result, 'undefined'); - var BAR = HTML.BAR; + + const { BAR } = HTML; test.equal(BAR().tagName, 'Bar'); }); -Tinytest.add("htmljs - construction", function (test) { - var A = HTML.getTag('a'); - var B = HTML.getTag('b'); - var C = HTML.getTag('c'); +Tinytest.add('htmljs - construction', function (test) { + const A = HTML.getTag('a'); + const B = HTML.getTag('b'); + const C = HTML.getTag('c'); - var a = A(0, B({q:0}, C(A(B({})), 'foo'))); + const a = A(0, B({ q: 0 }, C(A(B({})), 'foo'))); test.equal(a.tagName, 'a'); test.equal(a.attrs, null); test.equal(a.children.length, 2); test.equal(a.children[0], 0); - var b = a.children[1]; + const b = a.children[1]; test.equal(b.tagName, 'b'); - test.equal(b.attrs, {q:0}); + test.equal(b.attrs, { q: 0 }); test.equal(b.children.length, 1); - var c = b.children[0]; + const c = b.children[0]; test.equal(c.tagName, 'c'); test.equal(c.attrs, null); test.equal(c.children.length, 2); @@ -47,51 +49,51 @@ Tinytest.add("htmljs - construction", function (test) { test.equal(c.children[0].children[0].attrs, {}); test.equal(c.children[1], 'foo'); - var a2 = new A({m:1}, {n:2}, B(), {o:3}, 'foo'); + const a2 = new A({ m: 1 }, { n: 2 }, B(), { o: 3 }, 'foo'); test.equal(a2.tagName, 'a'); - test.equal(a2.attrs, {m:1}); + test.equal(a2.attrs, { m: 1 }); test.equal(a2.children.length, 4); - test.equal(a2.children[0], {n:2}); + test.equal(a2.children[0], { n: 2 }); test.equal(a2.children[1].tagName, 'b'); - test.equal(a2.children[2], {o:3}); + test.equal(a2.children[2], { o: 3 }); test.equal(a2.children[3], 'foo'); // tests of HTML.isConstructedObject (indirectly) - test.equal(A({x:1}).children.length, 0); - var f = function () {}; - test.equal(A(new f).children.length, 1); - test.equal(A(new Date).children.length, 1); - test.equal(A({constructor: 'blah'}).children.length, 0); - test.equal(A({constructor: Object}).children.length, 0); - - test.equal(HTML.toHTML(HTML.CharRef({html: '&', str: '&'})), '&'); + test.equal(A({ x: 1 }).children.length, 0); + const F = function () { + }; + + test.equal(A(new F()).children.length, 1); + test.equal(A(new Date()).children.length, 1); + test.equal(A({ constructor: 'blah' }).children.length, 0); + test.equal(A({ constructor: Object }).children.length, 0); + + test.equal(HTML.toHTML(HTML.CharRef({ html: '&', str: '&' })), '&'); test.throws(function () { - HTML.CharRef({html: '&'}); // no 'str' + HTML.CharRef({ html: '&' }); // no 'str' }); }); // copied from here https://github.com/meteor/blaze/blob/ed9299ea32afdd04f33124957f22ce2b18b7f3ff/packages/html-tools/utils.js#L3 -// to avoid circular dependency between htmljs and html-tools pacakge. +// to avoid circular dependency between htmljs and html-tools package. // this circular dependency was blocking the publish process. -var asciiLowerCase = function (str) { +const asciiLowerCase = function (str) { return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (c) { return String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0) + 32); }); }; -Tinytest.add("htmljs - utils", function (test) { - - test.notEqual("\u00c9".toLowerCase(), "\u00c9"); - test.equal(asciiLowerCase("\u00c9"), "\u00c9"); - - test.equal(asciiLowerCase("Hello There"), "hello there"); +Tinytest.add('htmljs - utils', function (test) { + test.notEqual('\u00c9'.toLowerCase(), '\u00c9'); + test.equal(asciiLowerCase('\u00c9'), '\u00c9'); - test.isTrue(HTML.isVoidElement("br")); - test.isFalse(HTML.isVoidElement("div")); - test.isTrue(HTML.isKnownElement("div")); + test.equal(asciiLowerCase('Hello There'), 'hello there'); + test.isTrue(HTML.isVoidElement('br')); + test.isFalse(HTML.isVoidElement('div')); + test.isTrue(HTML.isKnownElement('div')); }); -Tinytest.add("htmljs - details", function (test) { - test.equal(HTML.toHTML(false), "false"); +Tinytest.add('htmljs - details', function (test) { + test.equal(HTML.toHTML(false), 'false'); }); diff --git a/packages/htmljs/package.js b/packages/htmljs/package.js index 1b9c26bc5..f084839a0 100644 --- a/packages/htmljs/package.js +++ b/packages/htmljs/package.js @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ +/* eslint-env meteor */ Package.describe({ name: 'htmljs', - summary: "Small library for expressing HTML trees", - version: '1.1.1', - git: 'https://github.com/meteor/blaze.git' + summary: 'Small library for expressing HTML trees', + version: '1.2.0', + git: 'https://github.com/meteor/blaze.git', }); Package.onUse(function (api) { @@ -19,6 +20,6 @@ Package.onTest(function (api) { api.use('htmljs'); api.addFiles([ - 'htmljs_test.js' + 'htmljs_test.js', ]); }); diff --git a/packages/htmljs/preamble.js b/packages/htmljs/preamble.js index 7bff32886..d8e13cd58 100644 --- a/packages/htmljs/preamble.js +++ b/packages/htmljs/preamble.js @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import { ToTextVisitor, toHTML, TEXTMODE, - toText + toText, } from './visitors'; diff --git a/packages/htmljs/visitors.js b/packages/htmljs/visitors.js index 467fb4929..cf21f8a17 100644 --- a/packages/htmljs/visitors.js +++ b/packages/htmljs/visitors.js @@ -10,109 +10,106 @@ import { isVoidElement, } from './html'; - -var IDENTITY = function (x) { return x; }; - -// _assign is like _.extend or the upcoming Object.assign. -// Copy src's own, enumerable properties onto tgt and return -// tgt. -var _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; -var _assign = function (tgt, src) { - for (var k in src) { - if (_hasOwnProperty.call(src, k)) - tgt[k] = src[k]; - } - return tgt; -}; +const IDENTITY = x => x; export const Visitor = function (props) { - _assign(this, props); + Object.assign(this, props); }; Visitor.def = function (options) { - _assign(this.prototype, options); + Object.assign(this.prototype, options); }; Visitor.extend = function (options) { - var curType = this; - var subType = function HTMLVisitorSubtype(/*arguments*/) { - Visitor.apply(this, arguments); + const CurType = this; + const subType = function HTMLVisitorSubtype(...args) { + Visitor.apply(this, args); }; - subType.prototype = new curType; - subType.extend = curType.extend; - subType.def = curType.def; - if (options) - _assign(subType.prototype, options); + subType.prototype = new CurType(); + subType.extend = CurType.extend; + subType.def = CurType.def; + + if (options) { + Object.assign(subType.prototype, options); + } + return subType; }; Visitor.def({ - visit: function (content/*, ...*/) { - if (content == null) + visit(...args) { + const [content] = args; + + if (content == null) { // null or undefined. - return this.visitNull.apply(this, arguments); + return this.visitNull.apply(this, args); + } if (typeof content === 'object') { if (content.htmljsType) { switch (content.htmljsType) { - case Tag.htmljsType: - return this.visitTag.apply(this, arguments); - case CharRef.htmljsType: - return this.visitCharRef.apply(this, arguments); - case Comment.htmljsType: - return this.visitComment.apply(this, arguments); - case Raw.htmljsType: - return this.visitRaw.apply(this, arguments); - default: - throw new Error("Unknown htmljs type: " + content.htmljsType); + case Tag.htmljsType: + return this.visitTag.apply(this, arguments); + case CharRef.htmljsType: + return this.visitCharRef.apply(this, arguments); + case Comment.htmljsType: + return this.visitComment.apply(this, arguments); + case Raw.htmljsType: + return this.visitRaw.apply(this, arguments); + default: + throw new Error(`Unknown htmljs type: ${content.htmljsType}`); } } - if (isArray(content)) - return this.visitArray.apply(this, arguments); + if (isArray(content)) return this.visitArray.apply(this, arguments); return this.visitObject.apply(this, arguments); - - } else if ((typeof content === 'string') || - (typeof content === 'boolean') || - (typeof content === 'number')) { + } + if ((typeof content === 'string') || + (typeof content === 'boolean') || + (typeof content === 'number')) { return this.visitPrimitive.apply(this, arguments); - - } else if (typeof content === 'function') { + } + if (typeof content === 'function') { return this.visitFunction.apply(this, arguments); } - throw new Error("Unexpected object in htmljs: " + content); - + throw new Error(`Unexpected object in htmljs: ${content}`); }, - visitNull: function (nullOrUndefined/*, ...*/) {}, - visitPrimitive: function (stringBooleanOrNumber/*, ...*/) {}, - visitArray: function (array/*, ...*/) {}, - visitComment: function (comment/*, ...*/) {}, - visitCharRef: function (charRef/*, ...*/) {}, - visitRaw: function (raw/*, ...*/) {}, - visitTag: function (tag/*, ...*/) {}, - visitObject: function (obj/*, ...*/) { - throw new Error("Unexpected object in htmljs: " + obj); + visitNull(nullOrUndefined/* , ... */) { + }, + visitPrimitive(stringBooleanOrNumber/* , ... */) { + }, + visitArray(array/* , ... */) { + }, + visitComment(comment/* , ... */) { + }, + visitCharRef(charRef/* , ... */) { + }, + visitRaw(raw/* , ... */) { + }, + visitTag(tag/* , ... */) { + }, + visitObject(obj/* , ... */) { + throw new Error(`Unexpected object in htmljs: ${obj}`); + }, + visitFunction(fn/* , ... */) { + throw new Error(`Unexpected function in htmljs: ${fn}`); }, - visitFunction: function (fn/*, ...*/) { - throw new Error("Unexpected function in htmljs: " + fn); - } }); export const TransformingVisitor = Visitor.extend(); TransformingVisitor.def({ visitNull: IDENTITY, visitPrimitive: IDENTITY, - visitArray: function (array, ...args) { - var result = array; - for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { - var oldItem = array[i]; - var newItem = this.visit(oldItem, ...args); + visitArray(array, ...args) { + let result = array; + for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { + const oldItem = array[i]; + const newItem = this.visit(oldItem, ...args); if (newItem !== oldItem) { // copy `array` on write - if (result === array) - result = array.slice(); + if (result === array) result = array.slice(); result[i] = newItem; } } @@ -121,50 +118,48 @@ TransformingVisitor.def({ visitComment: IDENTITY, visitCharRef: IDENTITY, visitRaw: IDENTITY, - visitObject: function(obj, ...args){ + visitObject(obj, ...args) { // Don't parse Markdown & RCData as HTML - if (obj.textMode != null){ + if (obj.textMode != null) { return obj; } if ('content' in obj) { obj.content = this.visit(obj.content, ...args); } - if ('elseContent' in obj){ + if ('elseContent' in obj) { obj.elseContent = this.visit(obj.elseContent, ...args); } return obj; }, visitFunction: IDENTITY, - visitTag: function (tag, ...args) { - var oldChildren = tag.children; - var newChildren = this.visitChildren(oldChildren, ...args); + visitTag(tag, ...args) { + const oldChildren = tag.children; + const newChildren = this.visitChildren(oldChildren, ...args); - var oldAttrs = tag.attrs; - var newAttrs = this.visitAttributes(oldAttrs, ...args); + const oldAttrs = tag.attrs; + const newAttrs = this.visitAttributes(oldAttrs, ...args); - if (newAttrs === oldAttrs && newChildren === oldChildren) - return tag; + if (newAttrs === oldAttrs && newChildren === oldChildren) return tag; - var newTag = getTag(tag.tagName).apply(null, newChildren); + const newTag = getTag(tag.tagName).apply(null, newChildren); newTag.attrs = newAttrs; return newTag; }, - visitChildren: function (children, ...args) { + visitChildren(children, ...args) { return this.visitArray(children, ...args); }, // Transform the `.attrs` property of a tag, which may be a dictionary, // an array, or in some uses, a foreign object (such as // a template tag). - visitAttributes: function (attrs, ...args) { + visitAttributes(attrs, ...args) { if (isArray(attrs)) { - var result = attrs; - for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { - var oldItem = attrs[i]; - var newItem = this.visitAttributes(oldItem, ...args); + let result = attrs; + for (let i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { + const oldItem = attrs[i]; + const newItem = this.visitAttributes(oldItem, ...args); if (newItem !== oldItem) { // copy on write - if (result === attrs) - result = attrs.slice(); + if (result === attrs) result = attrs.slice(); result[i] = newItem; } } @@ -181,72 +176,82 @@ TransformingVisitor.def({ "visitAttributes for this case."); } - var oldAttrs = attrs; - var newAttrs = oldAttrs; + const oldAttrs = attrs; + let newAttrs = oldAttrs; if (oldAttrs) { - var attrArgs = [null, null]; + const attrArgs = [null, null]; attrArgs.push.apply(attrArgs, arguments); - for (var k in oldAttrs) { - var oldValue = oldAttrs[k]; + Object.getOwnPropertyNames(oldAttrs).forEach(k => { + const oldValue = oldAttrs[k]; attrArgs[0] = k; attrArgs[1] = oldValue; - var newValue = this.visitAttribute.apply(this, attrArgs); + const newValue = this.visitAttribute.apply(this, attrArgs); if (newValue !== oldValue) { // copy on write - if (newAttrs === oldAttrs) - newAttrs = _assign({}, oldAttrs); + if (newAttrs === oldAttrs) { + newAttrs = Object.assign({}, oldAttrs); + } + newAttrs[k] = newValue; } - } + }); } return newAttrs; }, // Transform the value of one attribute name/value in an // attributes dictionary. - visitAttribute: function (name, value, tag, ...args) { + visitAttribute(name, value, tag, ...args) { return this.visit(value, ...args); - } + }, }); +// Escaping modes for outputting text when generating HTML. +export const TEXTMODE = { + STRING: 1, + RCDATA: 2, + ATTRIBUTE: 3, +}; + +export function toHTML(content) { + return (new ToHTMLVisitor()).visit(content); +} export const ToTextVisitor = Visitor.extend(); ToTextVisitor.def({ - visitNull: function (nullOrUndefined) { + visitNull() { return ''; }, - visitPrimitive: function (stringBooleanOrNumber) { - var str = String(stringBooleanOrNumber); + visitPrimitive(stringBooleanOrNumber) { + const str = String(stringBooleanOrNumber); if (this.textMode === TEXTMODE.RCDATA) { return str.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/'; + visitComment(comment) { + return ``; }, - visitCharRef: function (charRef) { + visitCharRef(charRef) { return charRef.html; }, - visitRaw: function (raw) { + visitRaw(raw) { return raw.value; }, - visitTag: function (tag) { - var attrStrs = []; + visitTag(tag) { + const attrStrs = []; - var tagName = tag.tagName; - var children = tag.children; + const { tagName } = tag; + let { children } = tag; - var attrs = tag.attrs; + let { attrs } = tag; if (attrs) { attrs = flattenAttributes(attrs); - for (var k in attrs) { + Object.getOwnPropertyNames(attrs).forEach(k => { if (k === 'value' && tagName === 'textarea') { children = [attrs[k], children]; } else { - var v = this.toText(attrs[k], TEXTMODE.ATTRIBUTE); - attrStrs.push(' ' + k + '="' + v + '"'); + const v = this.toText(attrs[k], TEXTMODE.ATTRIBUTE); + attrStrs.push(` ${k}="${v}"`); } - } + }); } - var startTag = '<' + tagName + attrStrs.join('') + '>'; + const startTag = `<${tagName}${attrStrs.join('')}>`; - var childStrs = []; - var content; + const childStrs = []; + let content; if (tagName === 'textarea') { - - for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) - childStrs.push(this.toText(children[i], TEXTMODE.RCDATA)); + for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) childStrs.push(this.toText(children[i], TEXTMODE.RCDATA)); content = childStrs.join(''); - if (content.slice(0, 1) === '\n') - // TEXTAREA will absorb a newline, so if we see one, add - // another one. - content = '\n' + content; - + if (content.slice(0, 1) === '\n') { + // TEXTAREA will absorb a newline, so if we see one, add another one. + content = `\n${content}`; + } } else { - for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) - childStrs.push(this.visit(children[i])); + for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) childStrs.push(this.visit(children[i])); content = childStrs.join(''); } - var result = startTag + content; + let result = startTag + content; - if (children.length || ! isVoidElement(tagName)) { + if (children.length || !isVoidElement(tagName)) { // "Void" elements like BR are the only ones that don't get a close // tag in HTML5. They shouldn't have contents, either, so we could // throw an error upon seeing contents here. - result += ''; + result += ``; } return result; }, - visitObject: function (x) { - throw new Error("Unexpected object in htmljs in toHTML: " + x); + visitObject(x) { + throw new Error(`Unexpected object in htmljs in toHTML: ${x}`); }, - toText: function (node, textMode) { + toText(node, textMode) { return toText(node, textMode); - } + }, }); - - - -////////////////////////////// TOHTML - -export function toHTML(content) { - return (new ToHTMLVisitor).visit(content); -} - -// Escaping modes for outputting text when generating HTML. -export const TEXTMODE = { - STRING: 1, - RCDATA: 2, - ATTRIBUTE: 3 -}; - - -export function toText(content, textMode) { - if (! textMode) - throw new Error("textMode required for HTML.toText"); - if (! (textMode === TEXTMODE.STRING || - textMode === TEXTMODE.RCDATA || - textMode === TEXTMODE.ATTRIBUTE)) - throw new Error("Unknown textMode: " + textMode); - - var visitor = new ToTextVisitor({textMode: textMode}); - return visitor.visit(content); -}