NDAudioSuite is an iOS audio file streaming engine that is easy to install and use. It also includes a lightweight file downloader API that helps manage files on an iOS device.
- iOS 8.0
NDAudioSuite is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'NDAudioSuite'
If you would like to test a beta version of NDAudioSuite, you can install the latest from develop:
pod 'NDAudioSuite', :git => 'https://github.com/metova/NDAudioSuite.git', :branch => 'develop'
NDAudioPlayer has 4 optional delegate methods that you can use to implement audio streaming into your app. They are:
- (void) NDAudioPlayerIsReady: (NDAudioPlayer * _Nonnull)sender
This method tells the delegate that the internal AVPlayer is ready. Generally, you will probably not need to implement this. There are some cases, however, where you may wish to know whether the AVPlayer is ready to start streaming your audio.
- (void) NDAudioPlayerPlaylistIsDone: (NDAudioPlayer * _Nonnull)sender
As the name implies, this method is called when the playlist you provide NDAudioPlayer has been played through.
- (void) NDAudioPlayerTrackIsDone: (NDAudioPlayer * _Nonnull)sender nextTrackIndex:(NSInteger)index
This is called when NDAudioPlayer is finished playing the current track. The nextTrackIndex parameter tells you what index of your playlist is playing next
- (void) NDAudioPlayerTimeIsUpdated: (NDAudioPlayer * _Nonnull)sender withCurrentTime:(CGFloat)currentTime
This method is called as often as you prefer (default is every 1 second). You can change the frequency by setting the timeScale
property on NDAudioSuite. (where '1' = 1 second).
Most often, this can be used to update audio track progress.
In order to play your audio, you will need to do 2 things:
First, create an instance of NDAudioSuite.
NDAudioSuite myPlayer = [NDAudioSuite new];
let myPlayer = NDAudioSuite()
Second, call prepareToPlay:atIndex:atVolume
, passing in your playlist (an array of string type URLs), where in the playlist to begin playing the audio, and the volume at which you want the audio played.
[self.myPlayer prepareToPlay:self.myPlaylist atIndex:index atVolume:volume];
myPlayer.prepareToPlay(myPlaylist, atIndex: index, atVolume:volume)
Note: The audio session type can also be configured by setting the property audioSessionCategory
to the audio session category of your choosing. The default value is AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord
As you would expect, there are 4 methods that allow you to play, pause, resume, and stop your audio
- (void)playAudio
- (void)pauseAudio
- (void)resumeAudio
- (void)stopAudio
There are also methods that allow you to turn on shuffling, skip ahead 1 track, and skip back 1 track
- (void) shuffleTracks:(BOOL)enable
- (NSInteger) skipTrack
- (NSInteger) previousTrack
If you need the current(playing) track's index, you can use:
- (NSInteger)getCurrentTrackIndex
It is possible to set the audio volume after initial setup by using:
- (void) setAudioVolume:(CGFloat)newVolume
You can get the current volume with:
- (CGFloat)getAudioVolume
You can also get the total duration of the current track:
- (CGFloat) getTotalDuration
Volume can be faded out using intervals that you set:
- (void)fadeOutWithIntervals:(CGFloat)interval
No audio player pod would be complete without the ability to rewind and fast forward audio. NDAudioSuite has you covered on that!
- (void)fastForwardToTime:(CGFloat)time
- (void)rewindToTime:(CGFloat) time
Note: Use the FF/RW methods in conjunction with audioTimeIsUpdated:withCurrentTime:
in order to move forwards and backwards at whatever intervals you'd like.
Finally, you can always set a new playlist for your NDAudioSuite object.
- (void)setPlaylistToArray:(NSMutableArray * _Nonnull)newPlaylist
NDAudioDownloadManager has only 1 delegate method which notifies you when a file has been downloaded. It is called as many times as you call downloadFileFromURL:withName:andExtension:completion
- (void) NDAudioDownloadManager:(NDAudioDownloadManager *_Nonnull)sender currentDownloadIsCompleteWithRemainingDownloads:(NSUInteger)count
NDAudioDownloadManager has 4 methods that help you manage downloading files; the aforementioned downloadFileFromURL:withName:andExtension:completion
along with 2 more:
- (NSURL *__nullable)getDownloadedFileFromDiskWithName:(NSString *_Nonnull)fileToBePlayed andExtension:(NSString *_Nonnull)extension
- (NSArray *__nullable)getAllDownloadedFilesFromDiskWithExtension:(NSString *_Nonnull)extension
- (void)deleteFromDiskFileWithURL:(NSURL *_Nonnull)url
The method names are self explanatory. For Swift, the 2 non-void methods above return an Optional.
NDAudioDownloadManager also has 2 method that help you with getting and removing extensions from file names
- (NSString *_Nonnull)getExtensionFromFile:(NSString *_Nonnull)fileNameWithExtension
- (NSString *_Nonnull)removeExtensionFromFile:(NSString *_Nonnull)fileName
NDAudioSuite is owned and maintained by Metova Inc.
If you would like to contribute to NDAudioSuite, see our CONTRIBUTING guidelines.
NDAudioSuite is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.