- Terminal and shell (zsh)
- Version control with Git
- README with Markdown
- API Blueprint
Web Development:
- JavaScript, Node.js
- HTML, Handlebars, EJS
- CSS, PostCSS, Stylus
- npm, Yarn, Bower
- Express, Feathers, Hapi, Koa
- Axios, SuperAgent
- jQuery, Zepto
- Angular 2
- Vue.js
- React.js
- Webpack
- PM2
Web Application:
- Application CORS
- Environment Variables
- NeDB
- MongoDB, Mongoose
- PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB, SQLite, Sequelize
- Local Password
- OAuth, Passport
- GitHub
- Mocha, Karma, Jasmine
- Chai, Chai HTTP
- PhantomJS, Electron, Selenium, Nightmare
Continuous Integration/Deployment/Delivery:
- Travis CI
- Snap CI
- GitLab CI
- Codeship
- professional developer workflow, program (input, process, output), software development life cycle (waterfall, agile, scrum, kanban, lean), semantic versioning
- operating system (Macintosh, Linux: Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, CentOS), code editors (Vim, Atom) and its various plugins
- terminal and shell scripting, Git version control and GitHub, a bit of automation, terminal multiplexer (tmux)
- HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6) and Node.js + npm/yarn, with its specific concepts of AJAX, callback, promise, async/await, also day-to-day tools like nodemon and PM2
- Node.js web frameworks: Express.js, Hapi, Restify, Koa, LoopBack, Seneca
- problem solving, knowledge discovery, documentation (Markdown), code reviews, debugging, refactoring, error handling
- data structures (string, number, boolean, array, queue, graph, linked list), algorithms and pseudocode (sort, search, queue), programming, and its paradigms (imperative like procedural, declarative like functional, object-oriented, event-driven reactive, immutability, etc)
- functional: pure function (slice, filter, reject, map, reduce), techniques (closure, currying, recursion, functors, streams, monad), first-class & higher order function, immutable variables, referential transparency, lambda calculus
- client-server separation, application architecture (SPA, MVC, MVVM, routing) and their libraries/frameworks (jQuery, Backbone, Angular, Vue, React + JSX with state management Redux or MobX), build system (Webpack, Rollup, Gulp, Grunt), diagram with D3.js
- user interface and experience design (Inkscape, GIMP, ImageMagick, Sketch), product development, design sprint, building MVP applications like catalogue, directory, forums, commerce, ereader, procurement, chat, game, simulation, productivity tools, social network
- preprocessing of HTML (Jade, EJS, Handlebars) and CSS (Flexbox, Sass, Less, Stylus), UI libraries/frameworks (Bootstrap, Foundation, Semantic UI, Material Design)
- data modeling and schema, query and CRUD operations, and the database with SQL (relation: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite) and its ORM (Sequelize, Knex.js), also NoSQL (document: MongoDB+Mongoose, key-value store: Redis, Firebase)
- testing (assertion, unit, integration, e2e, test double) with test framework (mocha, chai, jasmine), TDD/BDD/ATDD
- RESTful HTTP API, request (cURL, HTTPie, Postman), authentication/authorization (basic, token/JWT, OAuth, passwordless), roles, session, polling, webhook, API design (API Blueprint, RAML, Swagger, Apiary, Mashape), 3rd party APIs, realtime with websocket/, multimedia with WebRTC
- API: GitHub, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Google Maps, Mapbox, Instagram, Slack, YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Wikipedia, IMDB, Zapier, Mailgun, SendGrid, Algolia, Braintree, Stripe, Twilio, Contentful, Prismic
- deployment to server (Nginx, Apache), PaaS (Heroku, OpenShift, Firebase), VPS (DigitalOcean, Linode), cloud (Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure)
- system administration and networking (domain management, DNS)
- devops to streamlining and automation (development, build, package, and distribution), continuous automated analysis/integration/deployment/delivery with SaaS (Travis, Jenkins, Codeship, Snap CI), containerization (Docker, rkt, Kubernetes), microservices (REST, gRPC)
- apps/websites/services analytics (Segment, Google Analytics, Piwik, Mixpanel, Clicky, Heap), measurement benchmark of load speed (PageSpeed) and monitoring (New Relic)
- mobile (Android or iOS) with React Native and Realm
- query language for API with GraphQL and Relay
- management with Holacracy
Based on personal preferences:
- JavaScript (ECMAScript)
- CoffeeScript
- TypeScript
- Elm
- Dart
- PureScript
- NativeScript
- Go
- Python
- Ruby
- Swift
- Perl
- Hack
- Java
- Groovy
- Kotlin
- Scala
- Crystal
- Clojure
- C
- C#
- C++
- Rust
- Haskell
- Erlang
- Elixir
- Julia
- Nim
- Pony
- Racket
- Haxe
- F#
- OCaml
Explore more via Programming languages Showcase on GitHub.