For a full list of changes see:
WFS-layers can now have a filter for fetching features:
- Admin users can set filter to layer "attributes"
- oskariorg/oskari-docs#228
Log levels can now be updated programmatically:
- Admin users can set log levels at runtime (no UI for this yet)
- Helps debugging issues in production
- For details: oskariorg#658
Improved support for clustered server environment:
- Caches communicate removals/flushes between cluster nodes
- Programmatically setting log level is communicated between cluster nodes
- Documentation available in
Redis PubSub integration rewrite:
- fi.nls.oskari.cache.JedisSubscriber has been deprecated
- Use org.oskari.cluster.ClusterManager instead
Identifying Oskari instance in HTTP requests:
- Added
for identifying Oskari to services. Adds headers:- User-agent header with Oskari/[version] based on metadata in jar-file
- Referer with value from oskari.domain in
- OSM Search channel and layer tile proxying now sends client identifiers to the service
Other improvements and changes:
- Improvements on WMS capabilities parsing
- Improvements on MIF/MID file reading when importing datasets
- Fix for feature data export on Excel format
- Logging reduced in layer tile proxy and printing for HTTP 404 answers from service
- Other improvements
Library updates:
- Updated commons-lang 3.8.1 -> 3.11
- Dropped commons-lang 2 (updated code to use version 3)
Changes coordinates type from string to double on search channels and search results. Frontend assumes numbers on 2.0 and most of the code casts numbers to strings just for the SearchResultItem setter.
For a full list of changes see:
If you are migrating an older instance to 2.0.0 make sure you migrate to 1.56.0 first and start your server at least once with a version based on Oskari 1.56.0. This is a required step as the database needs to be migrated to a specific state before migrating to 2.0.0 and beyond.
This release aims to be functionally same as 1.56.0 but we have included a couple of bug fixes.
GroupId for all Oskari Maven artifacts in oskari-server is now org.oskari
Much of the artifactIds have also been changed to match the folder they are in.
Details can be found in Migration Guide.
We have updated a bunch of libraries that require changes to applications based on Oskari. The changes required are detailed in the Migration Guide and you can also take a look at changes for the sample-server-extension to give you a better idea what these mean for your app.
Bigger upgrades include:
- GeoTools 19.2 -> 23.2
- Java Topology Suite (JTS) 1.14.0 -> 1.16.1
- Spring Framework 4.3.26 ->
- Spring Security etc 4.2.14 -> 5.2.8
- Mapbox Vector Tile library 2.0.0 -> 3.1.0
- Flyway 4.2 -> 6.5.5
- GeoServer 2.13.2 -> 2.17.2 (WPS-modules updated in pre-built package)
- Dropped Ibatis (everything now uses MyBatis instead)
Spring is now managed with "Bill Of Materials" so it's easier for an application to use the same version as Oskari-server without re-declaring the version (spring artifacts are in managed dependencies so you don't have to declare version for them on your app).
The updates introduce a bunch of code changes that are required to be matched on applications based on Oskari. These include Java-package changes and even some API changes for Java classes. Details can be found in Migration Guide.
Support for setup.json files have been dropped. While this might feel like a downgrade it actually makes creating initial content for applications simpler and easier to understand. Everything is now done using Flyway-migrations and everything you could do with a setup.json you can do with migrations. For the oskari-server core modules this includes creating database tables for empty database and populating them with initial content. We have dropped all the 1.x migrations and with that have been able to cleanup the codebase a fair bit.
We also improved the helpers that can be used with application specific Flyway-modules to make registering bundles, map layer and appsetup inserts/updates easier in applications. We also renamed some of the database tables so table names are now consistent.
Because of Flyway API changes you will need to modify your application specific migrations. Details can be found in Migration Guide.
- Line color for printing has been fixed (now uses defined style again)
- Fixed a caching issue when printing user generated content after changing styling
- Fixed an issue with creating PDF having solid lines
For a full list of changes see:
This release migrates the database migration status tables in preparation for updating to latest version of the Flyway library. This will bring Postgres 12 support for Oskari in the next release. This is also a required version step between versions so you will need to upgrade to this version before upgraging to the next one. We are currently planning on labeling the next version 2.0 as it will have some manual steps that are required when upgrading to it. We are also planning on keeping functional changes low or none for 2.0 to minimize the chance of something breaking as the main focus for the next release is massive library updates.
User generated content styling has been harmonized at DB level. The styles are now stored similar to styles for WFS-layers enabling more flexible styling in the future. This also adds clustering support for my places etc.
The my places API has been partially changed (=layer metadata) from WFS-T to direct DB access. This gives us more flexibility and works towards removing the "internal" GeoServer we currently use with Oskari. The user content is/has been loaded through db -> GeoServer -> Oskari-server -> browser which adds more serialization/deserialization steps than it needs and creates unnecessary overhead for the functionality. Also we don't really need an internal GeoServer on Oskari for making this work as we are doing very simple things with it and it's one component more that is harder to update automatically with releases/bundled setup. Unfortunately we can't remove it for the 2.0 release but it's something we are working towards when we can for some future Oskari version.
While we are working on removing the internal GeoServer there will be some layers configured automatically for the internal GeoServer that might not work properly. They don't hurt but it might look a bit messy. We will try removing the deprecated configuration for 2.0 version as well. These deprecated layers were used by Oskari when user generated content was loaded as WMS-layers to the browser. Now that they are used as WFS-layers we have cleaned up some views on the database but not the configuration on the GeoServer that tries using them. Again, not a problem but it might look a bit messy if you take a look inside the "internal" GeoServer.
Added MIF/MID-parser implementation! GDAL no longer needs to be installed and configured for Oskari to support this import file type and it was the last one to use it so it doesn't need to be installed at all anymore.
Added GPX 1.0 support for userlayer import (previously only 1.1)
- GeoTools/GeoServer Maven repository has been updated. Builds should now work properly out of the box again (without configuring mirrors for geotools repositories yourself).
- Improved styling support for printout
- Added support for vector tile layers requiring credentials (proxy support)
- Improved support for "capabilities"/describe feature type update for OGC API Features
- OGC API Features conformance URL updated for the WFS-client
- Fixed an issue with WMS-layers capabilities parsing where style was missing.
- Capabilities caching improvements
- Fix for analysis publish permission
- Fix for "Clipping" analysis
- Added configuration for my places GFI-formatting for making it work with WFS-formatters
- Instance domain is now always included in embedded maps permitted domains
- Library updates: Jackson, Log4j2, Flyway
For a full list of changes see:
- Added bundle registrations for new bundles: admin-layereditor and layerlist
- Fixed metadata id and legend image handling on server-side for admin-layereditor
- Fixed user content/temporary features input for analysis
- Additional permissions checks added for analysis
For a full list of changes see:
WFS integrations:
- Improvements for error handling on WFS integrations (missing schemas and handling unexpected output formats etc)
- Transport related code has been mostly removed from the server code base and will continue to be removed
- Database tables used by transport have been removed with relevant content migrated: oskariorg#509
Layer admininistration:
- new helpers and action route (LayerAdmin) added for the new map layer admin functionality UI (Old ones will be deprecated and removed in a future release)
- Adding layers with LayerHelper from Flyway migrations now uses the same JSON-format, validations and functionality as the new admin UI
- We will continue refining these so they are subject to change in the near future still (at least capabilities handling needs some cleanup)
- GetHierarchicalMapLayerGroups action route can now be used to fetch layers based on id (instead of always returning whole set of layers)
- GetAllRolesAndPermissionTypes action route has been renamed LayerAdminMetadata
Imported datasets (userlayer):
- GPX imports are now read using custom parser implemented in Java (working towards removing an extra step of installing GDAL for Oskari-server)
- Error handling improved for invalid userlayer imports, inconsistent data and styling improvements
- Feature attributes are now sorted based on the imported dataset
Statistical data integrations:
- Multiple improvements for parsing statistical data from PXWeb data sources
- Improvements on handling cached data for indicator lists
Technical changes for enabling server clustering:
- Allow persistent user sessions with Redis. Configuration: oskariorg#491
- Add health and status urls with customizable health checks: oskariorg#493
- Bundle registrations and link param handlers for 3D related bundles added (enabling apps to use these more easily)
- Fix properties configuration and added some URL-parsing methods for IOHelper
- Layer coverage information improvements. We identified some problem points and added error handling.
- Unnecessary logging removed
- Removed dependencies that were no longer used
- Updated libraries
For a full list of changes see:
Fixes an issue with permissions handling and removes all EDIT_LAYER permissions from database. If you ARE using this permission you can skip the migration but its heavily recommended to run it. All layers with VIEW_LAYER permission have had this permission so it's unlikely that it is used properly at this moment.
For a full list of changes see:
- Fixed an issue where cached data was not flushed after changes in permissions
- Improved background processing for statistical maps functionality
- The forced migration to the new WFS-system has been added (transport is no longer used)
- Fixed an issue with filters in the new WFS-system that caused problems with GeoServer stability
- Added support for arcs and surface geometries on the new WFS-system
- Improved parsing for WFS-services that use mixed geometry types
- Reduced logging for WFS-system on common error scenarios
- Fixed an issue with user content label styling
- Fixed an issue in data provider renaming
- Enabled setup-scripts to insert appsetups that can be loaded with id-reference (instead of uuid)
- Added a default schedule for background capabilities update worker (so configuring automatic updates as admin actually does something)
- Added new action routes to get instance roles, permission types and layers in preparation for new admin functionality
Note! The transport code has not been removed from this release but it hasn't been tested either. If you must and are willing to put in the effort to go around the forced migration you can try using it but know that it will be removed in the near future.
For a full list of changes see:
- Fix WFS-based search channels permission checks
- Fix backend for the content-editor functionality for services requiring authentication
- Fix an issue with empty userlayer tiles
- Allow admins to force the new WFS-backend to use GML as outputFormat instead of preferring JSON (usable for services that don't handle outputFormat parameter properly)
For a full list of changes see:
- New WFS-integration backend is now the default replacing the transport webapp! Requires manual updates. See migration guide
- Lots of improvements over 1.52 to the new WFS-integration backend
- CSRF protection has been removed from the webapp as the implementation was problematic with 3rd party cookie blocking. Instructions for configuring nginx to handle CSRF has been added. See migration guide
- Permissions system has been rewritten. Modifying layer url or technical name no longer loses permissions set for the layer
- Added frontend request priority queue implementation using Service Worker (Service Worker code is in the server repository)
- Audit log implementation has been added
- AppSetups can now use specific publish template to override the global template
- Printing WFS-layers now use true vector features for PDFs
- Improvements on printing WMTS-layers
- Oskari now has a default favicon (customizable in
- More services migrated from Ibatis to Mybatis
- Fixes to analysis functionality
- User session timeout handling improvements
- OpenStreetMap search channel now supports limiting queries to certain bbox
- Server-side localizations are now in UTF-8 to support more languages
- Improvements on parsing indicators from the thematic datasource UN stats (
- Improvements for handling problematic regions from statistical region sets
- Library updates
For a full list of changes see:
- WMS-layers can now be printed with non-default styles
- CSV/Excel export of feature data now supports numeric data properly
- Login now redirects to the referrer page (page where the login was submitted from) instead of root page to allow views like embedded maps have login functionality.
- Fixed and issue with userlayer SLD to show correct line styles for polygons. Requires manual migration for transport based service to work properly (SLDs are not used by the new WFS-system).
- Fixed an issue where having 3rd party cookie support disabled might lead to embedded maps not starting properly
- Fixed an issue where the users default my places layer was shown without a name in embedded maps if it hadn't been renamed from the default
- Added initial support for thematic datasource UN stats (
- Most of the database operations have been moved from Ibatis to Mybatis. The remaining ones will be migrated at a later date and any new ones should use Mybatis.
- Spring configurations/annotations are now scanned from org.oskari.* packages in addition to fi.nls.oskari.*
- Compilation of codebase is now tested with OpenJDK 8 & 11 and Oracle Java 11
- Removed support for double line style for features as it hasn't been implemented
- French localizations added
- Library updates
This is the first version including the new WFS-integration system:
- Due to replace the current "transport" webapp removing Jetty requirement as server software
- Reads in WFS 1.1.0 and WFS 3.0.0
- Outputs GeoJSON or Mapbox vector tiles (user selectable by admin to optimize for service content)
- My places, userlayers and analysis (user generated content) are supported by the new system
- Supports feature caching (and protects services with circuit breaker like transport)
- Configuration options added to enable custom tile grids to be used with MVT (Works for EPSG:3857 and EPSG:3067 out of the box)
- Doesn't support printing WFS-layers yet
- Doesn't support WFS 2.0.0 yet
- See migration guide for details how to test it out (not enabled by default on this release)
For a full list of changes see:
- Fixes for my places and userlayer line/border styles
- Fix metadata search/CSW integration
For a full list of changes see:
- Changed logging implementation to log4j version 2.x. See for configuration changes.
- Statistical data sources, region sets and indicators can now fallback to unlocalized name instead of assuming each language having a localized value.
- Statistical region sets are now sorted based on the order number in oskari_maplayer_group_link database table.
- Statistical data source URLs can now have a placeholder for language. When used the indicators are loaded with all languages configured to Oskari to get localized names.
- Layer coverage can now be ignored by adding ignoreCoverage: true in oskari_maplayer.attributes for misconfigured services. Workaround for an issue where layers from misconfigured services are hidden from the map when user browses to a viewport out of the layers coverage area described in GetCapabilities response.
- Upgraded JTS to match GeoTools version to prevent duplicated versions and conflicting classes.
- Improved KML parsing for userlayer imports.
- Improvements on the WFS-MVT/GeoJSON client/server implementation GetWFSVectorTile/GetWFSFeatures action routes.
- Added new action route for getting localized attribute names for WFS-layers "GetLocalizedPropertyNames".
- Improvements to userlayer style handling.
- Fixed SLDs for user generated layers (myplaces, analysis, userlayer) to work with the new GeoServer version. See MigrationGuide for details.
- Fixed GeoServer REST API client and injecting SLDs when using the setup app and the new GeoServer version now works properly.
- Improved the setup app oskariorg#331
- The database tables now have some comments added on them. These are used to generate documentation but are also there to help navigating the database.
- Enabled support for asynchronous controllers for Spring. These can be used for creating action routes supporting long polling XHRs.
- Added initial WFS 3 client.
Adds Jetty 9 support for oskari-server.
Note! This version is no longer compatible with Jetty 8. See migration notes!
For a full list of changes see:
- JSP-files modified to match the new frontend build. See migrationguide for details.
- search-service-nls removed from oskari-server as it's adapters for NLS Finland specific search channels. See migrationguide for details.
- Added initial support for vectortile based layers
- URLencoding added for some outgoing requests to improve parameters handling
- Improved SearchChannel.isValidSearchTerm() error handling so single erratic search channel doesn't prevent search results from showing.
- Applications now halt on startup if migrations are not successfully completed. You can use the old functionality (force startup after bad migration) by having db.ignoreMigrationFailures=true on
- Statistical regionsets that are hosted as resource-files can now have numeric IDs and are read as UTF-8 to support wider range of characters
- The server now filters out statistical indicators without names so the UI doesn't list empty/undefined indicators.
- Error handling improved for CSW metadata parsing
- Customized labels fixed for myplaces when a new/empty database is populated
- Fix an issue with XML-parsing when Xalan library is in the classpath (For example SAML has Xalan)
- Fix for layer group matching on database populator/layers now get proper groups
- Removed "startup" info for bundles from database. All required bundles now have to be included in the frontend build.
- oskari-server now has a new "example" app that replaces the previous "sample" app to make it clearer it's an example that can be used to demo the software, but will change in releases so you shouldn't use it as your own geoportal if you wish to have control over content and/or functionalities included in it.
- There's a new URL parameter for skipping the guided tour: showIntro=false
- Print-functionality now supports ArcGIS REST raster layers.
- PropertyUtil.getNecessary() now throws NoSuchElementException instead of plain RuntimeException so misconfigurations are easier to separate from actual errors.
- Library updates
For a full list of changes see:
- A new flag for "internal layers" has been added for map layers. Internal layers are not sent to the frontend in map layer listings. Baselayers for user generated content and layers for statistical regional divisions have been flagged as "internal".
- "Global" forced proxy: mapfull config and GetHierarchicalMapLayerGroups action route now support a flag to force all layers to be proxied via oskari-server with forceProxy=true
- Scale line calculation in printouts (PDF) has been corrected
- Added cross-site request forgery protection (login/logout and any POST-requests need to include a token). Note! Any customized JSP pages might need to be modified to include the token.
- jQuery has been updated to 3.3.1 from 1.10.2. The old version works as well but remember to update the script tag on any customized JSP.
- Printout now supports user generated content layers (my places, userlayer, analysis)
- Improved security for user generated statistical datasets.
- User registration now shows the users username on password reset page.
- Axis order issue has been fixed on MyPlaces WFS-T payload (previously features could end up with the wrong axis order on certain map projections).
- Regional divisions for statistical map that are used from resource-files (not from WFS-service) now support different map projections.
Fix for determining coordinate systems when importing userlayers/imported datasets.
For a full list of changes see:
- Migration from OpenLayers 2 to OpenLayers 4 (see
- Improvements to userlayer/imported datasets handling
- Statistical maps PXWeb adapter improvements
- Statistical datasource/indicator listings now include regionset and time-variable metadata where available
- Statistical maps error handling improvements
- Layer order modification in hierarchical layers have been fixed
- GetAppSetup can now include common urls as environmental metadata (like login/register) configured in
- Maplayer capabilities caching improvements
- Added Admin route for flushing caches (/action?action_route=Cache&name=[cache name])
- Domain check for published maps is now case-insensitive
- Added server functionalities for handling user generated statistical indicators
- Print functionality now handles layers that require credentials properly
- Saving a view/state of the geoportal now uses the current view as base instead of the system default (Fixes an issue with projection support and saving views)
- Timeseries control can now be included in embedded maps
- Added a concept of "internal layers" that are part of oskari_maplayer table, but are not intended for public view (like baselayers for my places etc)
- Clean up deprecated code
For a full list of changes see:
- Imported dataset/userlayer coverage/extent is now transformed properly for embedded maps. Fixes an issue where the layer was immediately hidden by the frontend on embedded map.
- Fixed an issue where layer/group sorting order wasn't saved properly on the hierarchical layer listing admin functions
- Added more detailed ordering information for layers as hierarchical layer listing. Layers and groups can now be sorted as a mixed set instead of subgroups always being before any layers in the group.
For a full list of changes see:
- Fixed secure flag so unsecure services (e.g. WMS) are proxied like before on secured Oskari instances
- GetHierarchicalMapLayerGroups action route response changed to return layers as a flat array beside the groups structure
- Layers can now belong to multiple groups (previously caused layer listing to fail)
- Userlayer/dataset import extent information is now properly transformed so coverage area can be sent for the frontend
- Appsetups without mapfull.conf.mapOptions (relying on defaults) couldn't be used to publish maps. MapOptions config is now optional for publishing.
- Fixed multiple issues for adding, editing and deleting dataprovider/groups via the admin user interface (both hierarchichal admin and the classical one work now).
- Layer ids are now always used in layer JSON sent to the frontend (previously it could be an "external id" when configured)
- oskari_maplayer no longer has the external_id column. It has been moved to another table, made unique and only the mapLayers URL-parameter handling cares about it anymore. Migration for database have been provided to replace external ids in mapfull.state.selectedLayers and configs for BackgroundLayerSelectionPlugin and LayerSelectionPlugin.
- PermissionService changed to return permissions as a Set instead of a List
For a full list of changes see:
Also check the for actions required on upgrade
- The layer JSON now includes information about supported projections.
- Layers can have "forced SRS" which are included to the supported projections even if the capabilities response doesn't include it.
- Supported projections are no longer stored as a long list in a separate database table, but are filtered to only include projections supported by the Oskari instance (only include ones that are used in appsetups) and saved as part of the layer information.
- New action route has been added for triggering capabilities update on layer(s)
- ViewService now includes a method to find out projections used in the appsetups.
- GetAppSetup response now includes more information about the Oskari environment like the default appsetups.
- Publish functionality now uses the map options (like projection information/zoom levels etc) from the appsetup where the user is publishing the embedded map
- Listing users saved views and embedded maps now include the projection information so frontend can handle different projections properly.
- WMTS-layers TileMatrixSetId is now sent for the frontend based on the projection the frontend is using.
The new printout implementation has been deemed production ready and as such the old one has been removed. The implementation is baked into oskari-map.war so server setup is a bit more admin-friendly.
- Database tables around maplayers have been renamed to be more in line with the group/organization naming and accommodate the new folder-like structure of layer groups (previously referred to as Inspire-themes).
- Layers can now belong to multiple groups.
- The layer listing action route "GetMapLayers" have been replaced with "GetHierarchicalMapLayerGroups".
- Added error handling for layer capabilities parsing where layer didn't have any keywords.
- Added a new service-module for parsing and generating GeoJSON.
- Regionsets for thematic maps can now be added as resources files in GeoJSON format (in addition to reading the regions from a WFS-service).
- Fixed an issue where having myplaces layers as initial selected layers prevented the feature from working properly on OpenLayers 3+ based maps.
- Updated the linked jQuery version from 1.7.2 on Geoportal and 1.7.1 on published maps to 1.10.2 on both.
- Handling user imported datasets (userlayer) have been improved.
- Added serverside functionality for updating userlayer style and other information after it has been imported.
- Improved layer metadata (CSW) parsing.
For a full list of changes see:
- Forced migration! Appsetups having the old statsgrid bundle are migrated to use the new one.
- UserIndicator migration: data and region references are migrated to be compatible with the new statsgrid functionality.
- PX-Web adapter for statistical maps has been improved.
- Sotkanet adapter now fetches data in json format instead of csv.
- Error handling and projection support improved for regionsets in statistical maps.
- Indicator data caching improvements
Capabilities for WMS and WMTS services can now be updated automatically (scheduled update). The parsing has been improved and includes changes to the service API (oskariorg#86)
- oskari_layergroup table renamed to oskari_dataprovider
- oskari_maplayer.groupid column renamed oskari_maplayer.dataprovider_id
- portti_inspiretheme table renamed to oskari_maplayer_group
- oskari_maplayer_themes table renamed to oskari_maplayer_group_link
- oskari_maplayer_group_link.themeid column renamed oskari_maplayer_group_link.groupid
Added new config options for oskari(/transport) for controlling when to stop sending requests to service that doesn't answer fast enough (service might be slowed down by getting too many requests and we don't want to pile up requests that will fail):
# milliseconds as observation window for counting failures before stop sending more WFS-requests to a problematic service (defaults 100 seconds)
oskari.transport.rollingwindow = 100000
# amount of WFS-requests that need to fail/layer in rolling window to do a cooldown (circuit break)
oskari.transport.failrequests = 5
# milliseconds to wait after circuit break until start sending new WFS-requests to problematic WFS-service (defaults 20 seconds)
oskari.transport.sleepwindow = 20000
Also increased the defaut timeout from 15 seconds to 25 - configurable with:
oskari.transport.job.timeoutms = 25000
- GetFeatureInfo responses handling improved and configuration options added to allow more tags in the response (oskariorg#133)
- Environmental configs moved out of mapfull bundle's config to a new "env" key under GetAppSetup response.
- Database table name changes for inspire themes/layer groups/dataproviders
- WCS-client is now available as service-wcs (oskariorg#89)
- Metadata search by area projection support improved.
- IOHelper improvements for example on URL-parameter handling.
- Fixes for handling analysis related data.
- Analysis and Userlayers now use MyBatis instead of IBatis. Any Ibatis configuration can be removed from oskari-server-extensions and database settings are now completely configured in
- Added an action route for getting default views of the system in preparation of larger projection support functionality.
- WFS-service timeout defaults changed/configuration options added (oskariorg#92)
- New action routes for MyPlaces functionality in preparation of OpenLayers 4 based myplaces.
- Initial version of download basket functionality has been added to oskari-server (oskariorg#74)
- Logging improvements.
Now configured to reject external entities in XML.
The extent of a layer is described with an envelope in WGS84 coordinates. Currently the envelope is reprojected to the currently used coordinate system by reprojecting the bottom left corner and the upper right corner coordinates and forming another envelope from those. This often creates creates unwanted results especially when dealing with huge extents (for example (-180,45),(180,90)) or when using for example North Pole LAEA projections.
This functionality has been improved by generating a polygon from the envelope with (possibly) more than five coordinates (each corner + the first corner again for closing the ring) via linear interpolation. The generated polygon is then transformed to the target coordinate system.
Oskari-server now requires Java 8.
Updated libs:
- Postgres JDBC from 9.3-1102-jdbc41 to 42.1.4
- Jedis from 2.7.2 to 2.9.0
- MyBatis from 3.4.1 to 3.4.5
- jsoup from 1.7.2 to 1.10.3
- Jackson from 2.5.4 to 2.9.0
- Axiom from 1.2.15 to 1.2.20
- Dropwizard metrics from 3.1.0 to 3.2.4
Added error handling to state handling. State cookie parsing no longer assumes that referenced bundles are part of the appsetup.
Style-tags in GFI html response were interfering with global Oskari CSS. Response html is now sanitized with Jsoup if presentation type is TEXT which removes potentially dangerous script injections as well. Only tags in in Jsoup "relaxed" whitelist are allowed.
Separate terms of use for map publishing functionality can now be configured in
The code will look for publish terms first and default to the generic terms config if not found. Both properties can be localized by adding .fi/.en etc language code at the end of the key. The value will be populated to publisher/publisher2 bundle configs.
New imported userlayers now maintain order for feature properties (user_layer-table's fields-column stored as JSON array instead of object).
The database access library has been updated from Ibatis to Mybatis. UserLayerDbService has been changed to be suitable for new Mybatis implementation. Old iBATIS implementation isn't compatible with new UserLayerDbService. Now layer, style and data inserts are handled in one transaction.
Added error codes (e.g. invalid_file) to response instead of textual messages to support localization in the frontend.
Added feature count to layerJSON response. Also adds a warning object with skipped_features to layerJSON response if feature(s) were skipped (no geometry object or geometry is null) during import.
Improved data quality information parsing for metadata.
New configuration option for filtering out field values from MetadataSearchOptions query:<field name>.blacklist=<comma separated list of values>
Added initial autocomplete support for search channels. Any search channel that can support autocompletion can implement a new SearchAutocomplete interface to participate on the autocomplete results.
See service-search-nls/src/main/java/fi/nls/oskari/search/channel/ for an example.
Polygon style now supports no fill and no stroke. The condition is expressed as allowed null color string values for "fill_color" and "border_color" in UserLayerStyle/AnalysisStyle/MyPlaceCategory/WFSLayerStore.
New Maven module service-print which provides built-in png/pdf generation for replacing the current servlet-printout once it has been proved production ready.
WMS-layers GFI functionality can now be enabled/disabled overwriting layer capabilities by adding a configuration in database oskari_maplayer.attributes:
"isQueryable" : false
Modifying layers registered to Oskari always updated "params" and "attributes" fields even if the client didn't send them. Now they are modified only if new values are sent in the request and like other parameters can be omitted without problem.
Added a database connection helper in shared-test-resources/TestHelper. Provide database credentials/url with env property:
# linux
export oskari_db_test_props=/opt/
# windows
set oskari_db_test_props=C:/somefolder/
Use assumeTrue to check for db connection WHEN test relies on database connection as it might not always be available depending on the build environment:
public void testingDB() {
DataSource ds = TestHelper.getDBforUnitTest();
// TODO: use ds for tests
The TestHelper reads the properties to PropertyUtil so remember to clean up after a test using database:
public static void teardown() {
Removed countries listing resource JSON. Instead uses a CountryFilter operation to fetch the countries from the service.
Removed serval API integration and now only including the monitor API.
The database access library has been updated from iBATIS to MyBatis. DatabaseUserService now uses MybatisRoleService and MybatisUserService.
Services have been migrated from Ibatis to MyBatis library:
- KeywordService
- KeywordRelationService
- AnalysisService
- AnalyisisStyleService
- AnalysisAndStyleService removed because it's not used
- UserService
- RoleService
Ibatis is still used by some services, but any new functionality should be implemented with MyBatis.
Printout no longer assumes Redis is on localhost. Configurable in print-properties with:
Removed spammy log messages when results were not found.
There was some missing validations and funky looking error handling/messaging on the user registration feature. It has been rewritten:
- registration starts by just entering email address
- invalid/expired tokens are now handled by showing a page where user can continue and not the "next step" with an error message.
- tokens are now refreshed when the user requests another one so users can't get stuck with an expired token and no means of resetting it.
- mails now use HTML-templates that are customizable for the Oskari instance
- passwords now have configurable strength check
- new users are written to db after they have completed the registration (previously when the initial email was sent for confirmation)
- emails and usernames are now checked in case-insensitive fashion
- user content (myplaces, saved views, embedded maps, userlayers, analysis, indicators) is now removed from the database with the user.
To customize password requirements configure
# min length for user password
# Require lower and UPPER chars
# Number of days that registration/passwd recover links are valid
To customize email-templates configure (add files in classpath for example under jetty/resources/templates):
# defaults
# on registration init
# on registration init if there's already a user account with the email
# on "forgot my password"
# on "forgot my password" when there's no user account associated with the email
# you can specify localized versions by adding the language code at the end of the property key
The default templates are stored in control-users/src/main/resources/fi/nls/oskari/control/users/service The templates receive variables for:
- URL to continue the process (link_to_continue)
- number of days before the token expires (days_to_expire)
Fixed an issue where GetRegions action route returns the geometry reference point incorrect projection.
Fixed an issue where data quality fields were not parsed correctly from CSW response.
Layer urls are modified for the frontend if the Oskari instance is running in a secure URL (https://). Most services only provide http urls and won't work properly if the map is loaded using https. For any layer where url doesn't start with https:// or / the url is modified to use a proxied url with GetLayerTile action route. Previously the protocol was replaced with https:// and to preserve this functionality you can add a property for
Shapefile import now tries to find cpg file for identifying the character encoding to be used. This fixes an issue where scandic letters are shown wrong with imported Shapefiles.
The original Shapefile standard defines to use ISO-8859-1 for dpf file encoding. So by default Shapefile is parsed using ISO-8859-1. Optional cpg file can be used to specify the code page for identifying the character set to be used. Also the header of dbf has a reference to a code page (encoding) but unfortunately GeoTools can't handle it reliably. So if you want to use different encoding, you should include cpg file which describes used encoding. e.g. to use UTF-8 encoding create a myshapename.cpg with a texteditor and insert 5 characters (and nothing more): UTF-8.
The map element now includes the class "published" as some features detect "embedded mode" using it. It was already present in the published JSP in webapp-map but missing from the default. This fixes an issue where some frontend features were started in "geoportal mode" on published maps with oskari-server-extensions (namely statsgrid2016 and maplegend).
The simple System.out/err logger can now be configured with environment variable "oskari.syslog.level" with a value of debug, info, warn or error. Defaults to debug as before.
Removed fi.nls.oskari.util.PrintOutHelper as it's not used anywhere. Use JSONHelper.isEqual(JSONArray jsonArray1, JSONArray jsonArray2) for comparing arrays instead.
SearchResultItem.setVillage() and getVillage() have been deprecated and replaced with setRegion() and getRegion(). JSON-presentation of result items now include a region key in addition to the village key with the same value. The village key will be removed in the future.
WFSSearchChannels defaults config is migrated automatically renaming "village" to "region".
SearchOptions action route can now be configured to ignore some of the channels available in the system. This is done by configuring a comma-separated list of channel ids in
Additional bundles can be whitelisted for publishing using a new property in
Defaults to maprotator and maplegend as new bundles that can be published. The value of the property is a comma-separated list of bundle ids. If the payload from the browser has a configuration to a bundle that is whitelisted the bundle is added to the published map view using the default startup from portti_bundle database table. The configuration and state for the bundle are merged with the values from the browser before saving to the database.
My places layers used in embedded maps are shown as WMS-layers to the frontend, but have some custom behavior on the server. OpenLayers 3 defaults to WMS version 1.3.0 which might cause problems with coordinate order on some instances. My places layers that are used in embedded maps now use WMS 1.1.0 as a workaround for this.
Map clicks/GetFeatureInfo requests for my places layers should now properly work in embedded maps in projections other than EPSG:3067.
The link between a custom SLD-style and a WFS-layer is now removed by database constraint when a layer is removed. This fixes an issue where the link prevented a WFS-layer with custom style being removed properly.
The GetRegions action route now returns the geometry as GeoJSON and reference point for the region in addition to id and name. The action route now requires srs-parameter to be sent and any statslayer rows in the database should include the srs_name value.
Datasources configuration can now have an info-object including a url key for more information about the datasource. The frontend will provide a link with the datasource name in attribution information when provided.
The UserLayerProcessor parses features' property_json JSONObject to new actual properties. Now GFI popup and Feature Data table show user data correctly.
selected_feature_params and feature_params_locales are set empty from portti_wfs_layer table to get all non-geometry feature properties.
Properties: uuid, user_layer_id, feature_id, created, updated and attention_text comes from user_layer_data table and are excluded from feature properties.
The datasource configuration didn't work properly before when datasource creation was done by Oskari: all the database modules used the default datasource. For most use cases this is acceptable, but the problem emerges when using different database connections for "core" oskari, myplaces, analysis and userlayers.
You can now specify additional connections per flyway module. These are the defaults:
If you would want to store myplaces to different database you can add the properties:
If the user/pass is the same, you can leave them out and it will default to db.username/db.password property values. Note! Ibatis-mappings for analysis and userlayers still have hardcoded values as JNDI-name so you might need to override files under "servlet-map/src/main/resources/META-INF": SqlMapConfig_Analysis.xml and SqlMapConfig_UserLayer.xml.
Date parsing has been improved. Any non-parseable dates are now used as is from the XML. This fixes an issue where CSW data with dates having for example only year or year and month failed parsing and the user was presented with an empty result.
URL-parameter "metadata" with a value of metadata uuid can now be used to open the metadata info flyout on startup. Requires metadataflyout bundle to be present in the appsetup and CSW-service configured in Oskari.
Added a way to add an "always on" filter to CSW-searches. This can be done by adding properties to
Include some randomly named field to this property like "alwaysOnFilter":,alwaysOnFilter
You can do a like filter by just naming the filter property and providing it a default value for the:
This will result in the query having a like filter:
<ogc:PropertyIsLike escapeChar="/" matchCase="true" singleChar="?" wildCard="*">
If you want to do an exact match you can include filterOp=COMP_EQUAL as additional property:
This will result in the query having an exact filter:
<ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo matchCase="false">
fi.nls.oskari.control.view.modifier.param,ParamHandler has been moved from control-base to fi.nls.oskari.view.modifier.ParamHandler in service-control Maven module. Please update any references to point to the new package.
Layers that already use secure url or have no protocol/domain as part of the url are no longer prefixed when used in https-enabled Oskari-instance.
The default pages have been visually improved and the default role for registered user is no longer hardcoded as "User". The default role can be configured with (defaults to "User"):
Any parameters from registration form prefixed with "user_" like "user_phone" will be saved to attributes JSON in database table oskari_users. This allows more customization for fields to use on registration.
OpenTripPlanner defaults changed: max walk distance has been updated from 1000 to 1000000.
Routing action route now provides the otpURL key in response for users having the admin role. The value is the url that is used to call OpenTripPlanner so make the feature easier to debug.
Modifying handler so at field values now can define space replaced char. If space is wanted to replace some character then following properties can be defined in properties file: = ?
This is done because of GeoNetwork cannot query GetRecord for special cases. For example: space are not allowed when searching OrganisationName for LocalisedCharacterString.
Removed SearchUtil.maxCount and SearchWorker.maxCount. The same value is now returned by SearchService.getMaxResultsCount() and can be configured with
Classes extending SearchChannel have a new function getMaxResults() which looks for a property:[CHANNEL_ID].maxFeatures=100
and defaults to 'search.max.results' property. This can be used to configure channel-specific limits. They also have a new function getMaxResults(int max) that you can use to pass the requested count from search criteria. This will return the requested count if it's smaller than the set limit for the channel. Each SearchChannel should resolve maximum results to return by calling getMaxResults(searchCriteria.getMaxResults()).
WFS 2.0.0 service responses (feature-engine parsing) can now be logged for debugging with
Coordinate transforms changed in Oskari to work the same way even when the Geotools flag for enforced coordinate order is used (system property org.geotools.referencing.forceXY=true). This is always true when for example Geoserver is running on the same appserver as Oskari).
Thanks @kessu:
Geometry transform improvements and AxisOrder management for all projections as lon,lat in geometries.
New property configuration in for file import to set default source Crs. Default is used when source crs is not found in import file (SHP and MIF):
Improvements in DescribeFeatureType parser / wfs 2.0
Improvements in map click buffer tolerance calculation when map crs is geographical (degree units)
Optional configuration available for wfs layers (oskari_maplayer attributes column):
{ "reverseXY": { "EPSG:4326":true }, "longSrsName":{ "EPSG:4326":true } }
These are helpful if the WFS-service uses different coordinate order than what is assumed or expects the long version of SRS name: - "reverseXY": lat,lon order in wfs service - "longSrsName": long srsName syntax in GetFeature
Refactored layer-mapping for statistics layers. Removed source_property and layer_property and added config as JSON with the value of source_property as value in { "regionType" : [value] } for layers that are mapped to SotkaNET and KAPA datasource plugins. Other datasources have an empty config as they didn't use the columns. Config can be used as datasource specific layer configuration that the corresponding plugin can use to provide customized handling for layer.
Removed action routes that were not used by old or new statsgrid implementation: GetSotkaRegion, GetIndicatorSelectorMetadata, GetIndicatorsMetadata
Renamed classes to make it easier to separate between the two and corresponding functions: StatisticalIndicatorSelectors -> StatisticalIndicatorDataModel StatisticalIndicatorSelector -> StatisticalIndicatorDataDimension
Refactored the indicator listing functionality for datasource adapters. There's a new method update() that should begin processing the datasource for indicators and call onIndicatorProcessed() method for any indicators that are suitable for using in Oskari. This will be called from a background thread. For very user specific content and fast datasource you can also override getIndicatorSet() method to return the user indicators directly. This way the update will not be called as it's triggered by the default implementation of getIndicatorSet().
Added a scheduled task to update statistical datasources data to cache. It runs by default at 4 AM each night, but can be configured in
oskari.scheduler.job.StatisticsDatasources.cronLine=0 0 4 * * ?
To disable running it you can set the value to empty
Statistical datasource configuration in the database can now include hints for sorting indicator dimension values:
"hints" : {
"dimensions" : [ {
"id" : "year",
"sort" : "DESC"
}, {
"id" : "gender",
"default" : "total"
Where id value will match the id of a datadimension item in indicator datamodel. Other keys affect the order of allowed values for that dimension. Sort (if present) will be done first with either DESC or ASC value. If default is present the matching allowed value will be moved as the first value in allowed values.
Added list operations for JedisManager: pushToList() and popList(). Added convenience method for checking if a key holds value (returns length of the value. Assumes string value): getValueStringLength().
Removed GetInspireThemes action route as it has been deprecated for a while and it's not used by anything in the front-end code. InspireThemes with GET request works as a replacement, but offers also admin functions with other request types.
Removed GetSupportedLocales action route as the information is part of the GetAppSetup response.
The managed dependency of java3d.vecmath version 1.3.1 has been updated to new version 1.5.2. The groupid for the library has changed between versions and is now javax.vecmath. You should update any dependencies using it from:
To the new one:
Added "oskari.transport.port" property handling so transport configuration can be configured (as oskari.transport.domain and oskari.transport.url) in if default values are not used.
Removed default search channel settings from (previously had OpenStreetMap as default). Now all available search channels that return true from SearchableChannel.isDefault() are used. The properties below can be used for keeping the previous behavior:
# comma-separated list of id for search channel that will be used (defaulted to) if none are explicitly configured
# comma-separated list of search channel ids used by GetSearchResult
Note! if actionhandler.GetSearchResult.channels is used any additional default channels are not included in the search (like wfs-channels). To get wfs-channels working you need to blacklist individual channels you don't want to include instead of whitelisting:
# blacklist single channel with id "CHANNEL_ID"
IOHelper: Added a new convenience method setupBasicAuth(connection, user, pass) which sets up basic auth for the given connection. JSONHelper: Added a new convenience method createJSONArray(json, bln) to easily create empty arrays from null/problematic JSON param. content-resources/ViewHelper: Added convenience methods for easily adding a bundle to default views. Flyway migrations can use them like this to add a bundle to default and user type views if the view doesn't have the bundle already:
public class Vxx_yy__add_bundle_to_views implements JdbcMigration {
private static final String BUNDLE_ID = "[replace with bundle id]";
public void migrate(Connection connection) throws Exception {
final ArrayList<Long> views = ViewHelper.getUserAndDefaultViewIds(connection);
for(Long viewId : views){
if (ViewHelper.viewContainsBundle(connection, BUNDLE_ID, viewId)) {
ViewHelper.addBundleWithDefaults(connection, viewId, BUNDLE_ID);
Updated MyBatis version from 3.2.7 to 3.4.1. New module service-mybatis for common helpers/typehandlers to be used with MyBatis.
GetSearchResult action route now supports channels-parameter for client-specified search channels. The value is a comma-separated list of channel ids.
Added three new interface methods for SearchableChannel and default implementations for them on the SearchChannel base class:
// should the channel be used for searching when none has been selected (defaults true)
boolean isDefaultChannel();
// does the user have permission to use this channel (defaults true)
boolean hasPermission(User user);
* JSON presentation of channel localization like
* {
* "en" : {
* "name" : "Channel name",
* "desc" : "This channel is used for..."
* }
* }
* Defaults to name as channel ID for the default language
* @return
JSONObject getUILabels();
Added a new hook for search service to enable SearchChannel factories: ChannelProvider. On startup the search service will find any @Oskari annotated classes extending ChannelProvider and add any search channels they returns with getChannels() method. Any changes to factory-provided channels are propagated to the available channels in SearchService on runtime using an included SearchChannelChangeListener interface implementation.
Search service now adds all default search channels as targets for searches when none is specified.
Added TM35LehtijakoSearchChannel class to allow both reverse geocoding and normal searches for map sheets in Finland. Also added support for "scale" parameter in GetReverseGeocodingResultHandler for reverse geocoding search channels.
Added a new module service-search-wfs based on Changed the code to use MyBatis instead of Ibatis for more programmatic setup of database usage. This enables WFS-services registered as maplayers to be used as sources for search channels. The frontend bundle to enable configuration is found at Oskari/bundles/tampere/admin-wfs-search-channel. Documentation for using and extending the functionality will be added to in the near future.
New server-side functionality for statistical datasources integration. The code has been redesigned to read statistical data from multiple datasources with a plugin architecture to interpret statistics APIs to common internal format usable by the new frontend implementation. Documentation for using and extending the functionality will be added to in the near future.
A gigantic migration is being done for publish template and published maps on the system. Please see Migration Guide for details.
Added initial support for user registration. The functionality can be enabled by adding properties:
allow.registration=true<sender email>
When building as an oskari-server-extension you need to also add the dependency:
Code moved from service-search-nls to service-cws for metadata search functionality since it's not NLS spesific.
Fixed ELFGeoLocatorSearchChannel common fields override to just handle scale in spesific way. Other common fields are now properly inherited from base functionality.
Browser version information is no longer supported since frontend doesn't send it anymore. This results in some IE 6-8 specific code being removed.
Added optional language variable to search result items. Added configurable rank based on result item type for search channels common functionalities:
# default rank for all items from channel
# type-based rank for place and amenity types
Updated What3Words searchchannel now returns the language information for results.
Updated What3Words searchchannel to API version 2.
-added coverage geometry -added crs-info -optional metadata rating added (service.metadata.rating - property) -optional license info added( - property)
Now uses -property for injecting terms url to publisher bundle like with LogoPlugin.
Statsgrid is now allowed in published map. It will replace publishedgrid in the future, but currently both are allowed.
The Publish action route has been deprecated for a while and is now removed. AppSetup is the current implementation for map publisher server side functionality.
Now recognizes special style named "oskari_none": tile images are not rendered when style is selected.
The publish template for new Oskari installations with the default setup is now Openlayers 3 based. We are planning to update existing installs in the next release or so with the kind of "recommended, but optional" migration that we are doing for publisher in this release. See for details.
When using the DatabaseUserService for user management the user password is now encrypted with bcrypt instead of MD5. Both are supported for logging in, but new passwords are saved using bcrypt.
AppSetup now includes markers for the env properties.
SLD Style setup and management is added for wfs layers (versions 1.1.0 and 2.0.0) in admin layer selector.
WFS 2.0.0 / Feature engine
Feature highlighting is now supported for wfs 2.0.0 layers.
{"cascading":true} setup is optionally available in oskari_maplayer attributes-column for wfs 2.0.0 layers.
(In this case bbox filter is used in MapClick / GetFeature request. Use this septup, if service doesn't support intersect filter.)
Previously removed retried files by removing _ in names other than the last tag
- termsofuse__mappublication__en.html
- termsofuse_mappublication.html
Fixed to work as intended
- termsofuse__mappublication__en.html
- termsofuse__mappublication.html
Added source column to portti_backendstatus table in preparation for multiple service status sources.
Restrict oskari_maplayer and oskari_capabilities_cache tables version column to not null and default to empty string. Cleanup any cached capabilities with null version (there might be many, this is the main reason for the hotfix).
Now tries to locate "articles"/content by reducing tags if the exact match doesn't get a hit.
For example with default settings a call to /action?action_route=GetArticlesByTag&tags=termsofuse%2C+mappublication%2C+en tries to locate page under articlesByTag folder with filenames in the following order:
- termsofuse__mappublication__en.html
- termsofuse__mappublication__en.json
- termsofuse__mappublication.html
- termsofuse__mappublication.json
- termsofuse.html
- termsofuse.json
The first one matching is returned and if none of these are found a message telling to add a file under articlesByTag is displayed.
Cached capabilities might be faulty in the database. The GetWSCapabilities action route now tries to fetch capabilities from the service in such case.
Added errorhandling for missing dates on CSW response.
Adds toolbar bundle with no default buttons to all views with type PUBLISHED that don't have it already. Configures MarkerPlugin to NOT add it's button to toolbar as it's not supported and should be part of publish template. Toolbar is required for mobile mode functionality in maps and any old published maps don't have it if the user hasn't selected the history/measurement tools for the map.
Added viewport metadata-tag for published maps.
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
Geotools version has been updated to 14.2. Custom JSP-files need to be updated. See for details.
AppSetup now includes generic information about the environment like languages and available locales.
A bugfix to legend image parsing when there were multiple styles with the same name.
Multiple parser configs are now allowed for same feature type (layer name) (wfs 2). Parser configs are defined in oskari_wfs_parser_config table.
ResolveDepth attribute setup is added for wfs layers in admin layer selector.
WMS service capabilities parsing is improved and prepared to support service versions. It is now possible to add WMS layers both 1.1.1 and 1.3.0 versions under same wms service in admin layer selector.
Capabilities cache was layertype and service url based, It is now now layertype, service url and version based.
New service for Feedback
action route
New Open311 feedback implementation for feedback service
Added indexes for oskari_resource and oskari_permission tables.
New title
column inserted into oskari_wfs_parser_config table.
New url parameter &what3words for positioning the map in startup e.g.
New handler for feedback requests. Look at documentation for more details.
2 new properties must be defined in
#Api key for posting feedback (Open311 api_key parameter value, only required for posting user's feeback data)
#test api base url
WfsLayerPlugin config can now be configured with if defaults are not working for your environment:
These will write the host and contextPath to the plugins config if they are not configured in database view.
Populate missing projection definitions for mapfull config projectionDefs. It uses the projection defs in: control-base\src\main\resources\fi\nls\oskari\control\view\modifier\bundle\epsg_proj4_formats.json
Populate svgMarkers for mapfull config, it uses for populate SVG markers JSONArray in: control-base\src\main\resources\fi\nls\oskari\control\view\modifier\bundle\svg-markers.json
Now returns now exact xsd types for feature properties
Earlier version responsed generalized types (text or numeric).
New extra request parameter &simple=true
is available for the earlier response behaviour
Changed PARAM_SRS value from "epsg" to "srs". This affects GetMapLayers which now assumes the projection is sent in srs-parameter. The parameter in most action routes for transmitting projection information is "srs" so this is a consistency improvement.
New action route. Transforms point-coordinates from projection to another.
Transformation class can be configured with property projection.library.class
(defaults to
Takes lan
, lot
, srs
and targetSRS
parameters and returns a JSONObject with transformed result:
lan: 123,
lot : 456,
srs : "EPSG:789"
New action parameter channels_ids for selecting a spesific reverse search channel(s) instead all available channels e.g. &action_route=GetReverseGeocodingResult&lang=fi&epsg=EPSG:3067&lon=368978.93&lat=6670688.861&channel_ids=WHAT3WORDS_CHANNEL
When coordinatetool bundle is part of the setup. And it has configuration to do client-side transforms the handler populates missing projection definitions for mapfull config projectionDefs. It uses the same mechanic as mapfullhandler and the same projection defs in:
Coordinatetool is now allowed bundle for publisher.
Additional permissions can now be configured with
permission.types = EDIT_LAYER_CONTENT tasoa layer
These permissions will then be shown by the admin-layerrights bundle in Oskari frontend.
WFS-T functionality is added to oskari-server package. User roles can be granted a EDIT_LAYER_CONTENT permission that will enable them to edit features on a WFS-service. This requires the content-editor bundle in Oskari frontend to provide the user-interface.
WFS 2.0.0
WFS layer's current coordinate reference system (crs) is now Transport session's crs (was layer config crs). This reduces coordinate transformations and process better result.
WFS / manual refresh
One new property ''success_nop'' added to notify-job-completed response. There is no need to the client to act for this layer, when success_nop is true (e.g. refresh feature data)
Apache commons-collections library upgraded 3.2.1 -> 3.2.2 for security reasons.
Enabled reverse geocoding for ELFGeoLocatorSearchChannel.
Openlayers3 sends WTMS-request parameters in camelCase while Openlayers2 always sends params in CAPS. GetLayerTileHandler has been modified to accept wmts-parameters in any letter case.
Added data identification date and type to metadata search results.
Now expects UTF-8 input and writes UTF-8 as output. Fixes an issue where user-generated my places with name containing non-ascii characters prevented IE11 from showing my places.
MapfullHandler now fills in missing projection configurations for mapfull bundle/proj4js when a view is loaded:
"projectionDefs": {
"EPSG:4326": "+title=WGS 84 +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
These can still be configured to the database as part of mapfull-bundles config and database are used when configured. The automation uses configurations from:
Missing configurations can be added to the file or to the view in database.
SearchableChannel interface changes:
Removed deprecated method - handle channel specific config in channels code instead:
void setProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue).
Added SearchChannel methods to SearchableChannel interface:
void init(); // any initialization should be performed here
Capabilities getCapabilities(); // COORD, TEXT or BOTH. Defaults to TEXT on SearchChannel
boolean isValidSearchTerm(SearchCriteria criteria); // defaults true on SearchChannel
void calculateCommonFields(final SearchResultItem item); // Setup zoomlevel based on item type on SearchChannel
ChannelSearchResult reverseGeocode(SearchCriteria criteria) throws IllegalSearchCriteriaException; // reverse geocode impl
Any legacy SearchChannel implementation should implement these or inherit the SearchChannel class for defaults. SearchChannels can now be used for text and/or reverse geocoding. The capabilities should be used to indicate if the implementation provides one or both.
Added IOHelper convenience method for just adding one param to an URL:
public static String addUrlParam(final String url, String key, String value)
String url = IOHelper.addUrlParam("", "q", "test");
Data import is improved
- Long files names do not break the import any more.
- There is no empty my data layer any more, if feature geometry import fails.
New maven module for any open data sources usable for searches. New search channel implementation for What3Words service. Apikey is required:
- Get it from here
- Configure it to[YOUR APIKEY]
actionhandler.GetSearchResult.channels=[Add "WHAT3WORDS_CHANNEL" to list]
The channel can also be used for reverse geocoding (for example with findbycoordinates frontend-bundle).
Action route "GetReverseGeocodingResult" doesn't need the channels configuration any more:
The action route uses all search channels that have the reverse geocoding capability by default. The channels-property can be used as whitelist search channels to pick which ones to use.
OpenStreetMapSearchChannel moved to service-search-opendata which is now a dependency for control-example.
The init-command now uses layer visibility setting and prevents calls to wfs-service for layers that are hidden.
oskari_jaas_users tables login/password field types changed to text to not needlessly restrict the length of password (or username).
Parameter handlers now implement the Comparable interface and are sorted by priority order (prio 1 is executed before prio 500):
- The default priority is 500
- coord and address handlers have priority of 10 so by default they are executed before others
- showMarker and isCenterMarker have much lower priority since they use the map center information and any handler that modifies the map location need to be executed before these
Geometry clip method (IntersectionFeatureCollection2) improved in Geoserver wps methods
Fixed the datasource reference issue in CSWCoverageUpdateService. The scheduled job now gets datasource the same way as flyway db migrations.
CreateAnalysisLayer now copies the DOWNLOAD permission from original layer as well as VIEW_LAYER and VIEW_PUBLISHED.
JSP-files no longer link startup.js as it's no longer needed.
View loaded by the viewId-parameter now works again for views that have disabled the only_uuid flag.
Flyway-migration can now be disabled by using with
Using more than one server and starting them simultaneously might result in deadlock on flyway database tables. You can use this as a workaroung to have one node migrate the database and the other ones configured to ignore the migration using this property.
Moved override JSP-files from webapp/jsp to webapp/WEB-INF/jsp as this is the default override location for JSP-files.
Disabled X-Frame-Options header set by spring security by default. It prevented published maps from loading when used directly from Jetty without front-proxy (for example localhost) to override this behaviour.
Published maps are now checked for referer domain correctly when opened. To disable check you can define unrestricted domains in (* = allow all):
New property for wfs read timeout in
Re-run fixed version of a flyway migration pre-populating capabilities information in the database (oskari_maplayer.capabilities). The previous script didn't work correctly for layers having capital letters in the URL since the URL is normalized to lowercase in oskari_capabilities_cache.
Legend image handling fixed for layers that require credentials. Style-specific legends are now used correctly when proxying.
Changed service to support OpenTripPlanner services. Service parses data to plan, requestParameters and success parameter. If OpenTripPlanner response contains error block then success response param is false and there are no plan block
Service response is same as OpenTripPlanner response with these conditions:
- point lat and lon coordinates are transferred to map projection
- geoJSON presentation added to each itinerary (plan/itineraries/itenerary) . GeoJSON tells whole route each itinerary.
- geoJSON presentation added to each leg legGeometry (plan/itineraries/itinerary/legs/leg/legGeometry). GeoJSON tells leg route.
To be able to use this you need to have the following parameters defined in properties:
- routing.url (route service url)
- routing.srs (coordinate system used by route service provider)
- routing.default.maxwalkdistance (default max walk distance in meters)
- routing.default.mode (default mode)
Optional parameters in properties:
- routing.user (username required by the route service provider)
- routing.password (password required by the route service provider)
- routing.forceXY (force change XY axels)
Fixed earlier Java-based flyway migrations to use SQL instead of existing services. This enables smoother upgrade experience since SQL targets the versioned schema while services assume the most recent schema when used.
Removed outdated view description files from resources/json/views.
Flyway migration for Oskari core db is ran when setup files have the base database created (create, setup, bundles phases have been run). To disable the migration in "partial" setup scripts, these need to be tagged with "isPartial" : true on the JSON.
Added migration helper for handling the replacement of publisher bundle with publisher2. The sample flyway module has an example how to use it in application installations.
Added a temporary setup-script for an app using Openlayers 3 components on published map (setup/app-tmp-ol3.json). This will be modified and removed once the OL3 functionality reaches maturity. After that the original publisher template will be modified to use OL3.
Now prevents view loading with id when onlyUUID-flag in on.
Now provides prefixed urls for maplayers is request.isSecure() or parameter ssl=[true|false] is provided. The prefix is configurable in (defaults to https://):
This handling was already present for selected layers and now it's used for GetMapLayers also. The functionality removes the protocol part of layer url and servers the url prefixed by the value defined in properties. This enables custom proxying for services that don't have https enabled.
Added handling for WMTS-layers with resourceURL.
When adding layers the capabilities parser now includes layer styles and infoformats correctly.
Improvements in analysis methods:
Better management of unauthorized data
Aggregate, Spatial join and Difference methods improved
sld_muutos_n1.sld style updated in Geoserver Styles / used in analysis method difference
LayerJSONFormatterWMTS now includes tileUrl to JSON for layers with resourceURLs. The browser code uses this if present, but defaults to the basic url. This means that proxying WMTS-layers with resourceURLs now work correctly.
GetGtWMSCapabilities now includes method to parse String into WMSCapabilities to make it work better with cached capabilities XMLs from CapabilitiesService. Also added styles parsing from capabilities.
WMS capabilities are now parsed when layers are added (previously when they are loaded by user). Pre-parsed capabilities are saved to database table oskari_maplayer in the capabilities column. Flyway migration has been implemented for existing layers.
OskariLayer now has a field for pre-parsed capabilities JSON. This is generated when saving a layer and served to browser instead of parsed just-in-time when layers are loaded.
LayerJSONFormatter now has convenience methods to operate the "admin" only data.
Added functionality for saving / restoring a user defined default view.
Loading the system default view can be forced by using an additional URL-parameter 'reset=true'. This is useful if the personalized view is faulty.
Fixed an issue where unexpected zip contents could result in an infinity loop in CreateUserLayerHandler.
Error handling improved in analysis functionality.
1.32.4 script goes through all registered WMTS-layers and resolves resourceURL information for them. Updates the options database column when needed.
URL-parameters are now properly handled again (fixes the link tool).
If a capabilities document is saved in the database, it will no longer be overwritten with an empty document when capabilities fetch timeouts or in other problem scenarios.
Capabilities fetch default timeout increased from 15 seconds to 30 seconds. Still configurable in
# seconds for timeout
Improved feature id handling in query filters (fi.nls.oskari.wfs.WFSFilterBuilder)
SpatineoServalUpdateService now cleans up the datasource it uses correctly.
SaveLayer now generates resourceURL information for WMTS-layers and saves them in layers options-field.
GetMapLayers now include the original legendimage urls for password protected layers for users that have permission to edit layers. This fixes an issue where legend image was overwritten with the proxy url when editing layers.
GetLayerTile now supports style-specific legendimages.
Servlet-printout now uses options from layer JSON to get WMTS resourceUrl specific information (previously used the Openlayers2 specific JSON capabilities).
Added initial support for WMTS-layers using KVP urls.
geoserver-ext/geoserver-rest-client now has a simple REST client for Geoserver. It's used by content-resources GeoserverPopulator which can be used by a new webapp named "setup". This enables you to setup geoserver for myplaces, analysis and userlayers with the projection that is needed and also adds datastores with the credentials and url as configured in
To use the setup webapp copy the setup.war under oskari-server/webapp-setup/target/ to {JETTY_HOME}/webapps. Then access Jetty in http://localhost:8080/setup (default url, modify host/port if needed). It shows the geoserver specific properties needed for by the client and asks for projection. When it completes it shows a message indicating success/error and properties that need updating. This also updates the baselayers in oskari_maplayer database table for projection, geoserver url and credentials.
The relevant properties are:
After running the setup you should delete the setup.war under {JETTY_HOME}/webapps since access is not restricted in any way. Tested on Geoserver 2.7.1. Atleast on 2.5.2 the REST API is a bit different so this might not work correctly (namespace for datastore is handled with uri instead of prefix to be more specific).
Improved error handling when client disconnects before WFSJob finishes. References for jobs were not properly cleared which resulted in memory leaks.
The search channel should now properly handle coordinate transforms even if coordinate order is forced in geotools using the system property "org.geotools.referencing.forceXY". When using projection that is affected by this setting and have the system property, you need to define an override in
Using the system property might affect other parts of Oskari as well. We will fix the issues as they are noticed.
Changed default views to show two OpenStreetMap layers. Also changed map coordinate reference system from EPSG:3067 to EPSG:4326.
IOHelper now throws an IOException when getting a HTTP 401 response instead of return the string "401". (and -IbatisImpl) has been moved to a new package: fi.nls.oskari.service.capabilities. CapabilitiesCacheService.getCapabilities() returns cached capabilities from the db or if not present queries the service and updates the database. The capabilities network request timeouts after 15 seconds by default. You can configure the timeout with
# seconds for timeout
The database table portti_capabilities_cache is replaced with oskari_capabilities_cache table. Capabilities are mapped based on service url and type (WMS/WMTS) instead of layer ids to prevent duplication. The migration for 1.32 will take some time since the cache is prepopulated from the services as a flyway migration. This depends on the amount of layers that need to be fetched.
WMTS layer capabilities have been dropped from the oskari_maplayer table. The are now cached as the original XML in oskari_capabilities_cache. This makes Openlayers 3 migration easier since the JSON was OL2 specific.
Added time dimension support for WMS layers. WebMapService and JSONs for layers now include time parameter from layers getCapabilities.
Removed fi.nls.oskari.util.GetWMSCapabilities. Functionality has been moved to fi.nls.oskari.service.capabilities.CapabilitiesCacheServiceIbatisImpl in service-map.
New action route 'GetLayerCapabilities' returns the cached capabilities for a registered layer (if the user has permission for requested layer). This enables Oskari to get rid of Openlayers 2 specific JSON format for WMTS-layers.
GetLayerTile no longer tries to connect a service when url (usually legendimage) is null or empty.
Moved DataSourceHelper to service-base. It's now a singleton.
Fixed an issue where map click handling assumed metric coordinate units.
Improvements in the boundary tile check
Resultset content format is changed. There is now one record for each property with aggregate function values
Fixes an issue where users myplaces layers were not tagged as "published" when used in an embedded maps. This prevented using previously unpublished myplaces layers in embedded maps.
Fixed portti_view metadata column upgrade so it's part of the "empty db" setup so views can be inserted by DBHandler. Flyway SQL-script changed to a Java-upgrade which checks if the column is already part of the setup.
Added "Metrics" action route that is accessible by admins. This returns metrics in JSON format including metrics for:
- processing times and call counts for action routes
- processing times and call counts for proxied layer tiles
- garbage collector
- threads
- memory
BundleService can now be instructed to cache bundle templates.
Added a metadata field for Views. This will be used to store for example publisher specific information about the view.
ConversionHelper.asSet(T... type) added as a convenience method to get arrays as sets.
DBHandler now allows further customization using command line parameters/env properties (thanks hatapitk):
Using env property 'oskari.resourceOverlayDir' one can override default setup files by providing an overriding file with the same name and in the same directory structure in the referenced 'overlay' directory.
Maven assembly plugin can be used to create a bundled runnable jar for standalone use
Command line parameter can be used to reference an override properties-file to be used to f. ex. provide database credentials.
See oskari-server/content-resources/ for details.
To blacklist/block action routes define existing route keys as comma-separated value for property:
actioncontrol.blacklist=Users, ManageRoles
To whitelist (use only mentioned) action routes define existing route keys as comma-separated value for property:
actioncontrol.whitelist=GetAppSetup, GetSupportedLocales
Note! This can also be used to replace existing handler with a custom implementation by blacklisting the existing one and programmatically adding the custom implementation on startup by calling (true as third parameter to skip black/whitelist check):
ActionControl.addAction("ActionKey", new MyActionHandler(), true);
boolean bln = actionParams.getHttpParam("booleanParamKey", true);
Metrics for action route handling (processing time/call counts) are now recorded by default in ActionControl. To disable metrics gathering add this configuration to
The gathered metrics are available by calling ActionControl.getMetrics().
GetAppSetupHandler now updates views usages to portti_view usagecount and used columns.
- usagecount column tells how many times view has been used
- used column tells the last time when view was used
CreateAnalysisLayerHandler can now be used to generate aggregated values without saving as analysislayer.
GetLayerTileHandler can now be used to get legendImages which need authentication via proxy.
GetLayerTileHandler now has default timeouts for connect (1 second) and read (5 seconds). These can be configured in (defined in ms):
GetLayerTileHandler now records metrics for proxied services by default. To disable metrics gathering add this configuration to
The servlet-map module has been replaced with Spring-based servlet ( It uses programmatic initialization instead of a web.xml and can utilize SAML-security module (servlet-saml-config), but drops configurable database JNDI-names and JAAS-support. JNDI-names need to be configured in Ibatis SQLMapConfig.xml in addition to if not using the defaults. Ibatis will be replaced with Mybatis in the future which will solve this issue.
See for further info.
Added localization support for server-side HTML/Login form.
- Thymeleaf support
- LDAP login
- spring-boot setup (or otherwise try to restore standalone-jetty packaging)
- documentation of SAML features to
- documentation about customizing the webapp
- Mybatis at least for Userlayers/Analysis (Myplaces already migrated)
New module providing SAML2 support for servlet-map. Add it to your webapp with servlet-map to gain SAML-functionality:
Has been updated to use the new servlet-map.
Moved out of oskari-server modules and Jetty-bundle from should be used instead.
This new module has some common helper classes for webapps.
Myplaces services have been moved from service-map to service-myplaces. The database access library has been updated from Ibatis to Mybatis.
New service requests route from the defined route service provider and parses data to geoJson and route instructions. Uses OpenTripPlanner route interface by default. To be able to use this you need to have the following parameters defined in properties:
- routing.url (route service url)
- routing.user (username required by the route service provider)
- routing.password (password required by the route service provider)
- routing.srs (coordinate system used bu route service provider)
New action route "RoutingHandler" added for handling route request. Gets route parameters from frotend end returns route geometry as geoJson and route instructions as json.
Servlet-API upgraded from 2.4 to 3.1.0 in preparation of replacing current servlet-map/webapp-map with spring counterparts from oskari-spring repository.
Other updates:
- Jackson 1.9.11 -> 2.5.4
- Jedis 2.6.0 -> 2.7.2
- Axiom 1.2.14 -> 1.2.15
- org.codehaus.woodstox:stax2-api 3.1.1 -> 3.1.4
- com.fasterxml.woodstox:woodstox-core 4.4.1 -> 5.0.1
Note that both Jackson 1.x and 2.x are used currently. 1.x is mostly used in WFS/transport since CometD needs it.
db.additional.pools has been changed to db.additional.modules to better describe it. The default value is the same (under servlet-map/src/main/resources/ It is now used to keep track of DB-modules for the FlywayDB migration.
The database is now automatically upgraded using FlywayDB library. The default upgrade setup is configured in servlet-map/src/main/resources/ and the migration is triggered by The database is separated to 4 modules: oskari, myplaces, analysis and userlayer. Each has its own status table for keeping track of the database.
Application specific update scripts can be added by adding a module in the property:
This will result a table called oskari_status_myapplication to the database and migration scripts will be searched from the classpath under the path /flyway/myapplication by default. The scripts are executed with the default Oskari datasource. To customize the used datasource, script locations, status table name in the database define these properties in
db.myapplication.url=[db url]
db.myapplication.username=[db user]
db.myapplication.password=[db pass]
For further information about script naming etc see
Session id is now always sent as cookie when getting layer permissions. The default cookie name is 'JSESSIONID' and can be overridden in with 'oskari.cookie.session' as before.
- add coordinatetool bundle to portti_bundle table
- add used and usagecount for portti_view
No longer sends session id as part of url, but as cookie.
Geotools version has been updated to 13.1. The new Geotools version no longer supports Java 6 so Oskari now requires Java 7 as well. Geoserver and WPS extensions have been upgraded for version 2.7.1. See for details.
ASDI application specific artifacts have been removed from oskari-server. They can now be accessed in:
ELFGeolocator can now be configured to other projections than the default EPSG:4258. This is done with by providing the srs name as a property value with key ''
PropertyUtil now has a convenience method for getting properties that might be localized:
final Object urlObj = PropertyUtil.getLocalizableProperty("", null);
// single value configured
if(urlObj instanceof String) {
JSONHelper.putValue(config, "url", urlObj);
// localized values configured
else if(urlObj instanceof Map) {
Map<String, String> values = (Map<String, String>) urlObj;
JSONHelper.putValue(config, "url", new JSONObject(values));
This will result in { "url" : "single value" } or
{ "url" : {
"en" : "en value",
"fi" : "fi value"
With properties '' for single value and '' and '' for multiple values
If GDAL cannot determine CRS from the data, the import now assumes the current maps CRS (previously assumed EPSG:2393).
MapfullHandler now populates map link and terms of use urls for LogoPlugin config based on properties if available:
Properties can also have localized values with keys like '' and ''. Existing config will NOT be overwritten, the values are only populated if they don't exist in the database for the view.
ActionParameters now has a getAPIkey() method. Currently returns session id.
GetAppSetup now includes an apikey in user data.
Now builds transport.war instead of transport-0.0.1.war as this is the default Oskari frontend uses.
Separated userlayers triggers to a separate file and created a setup.json for other userlayer related things. The default setup (content-resources/src/main/resources/setup/app-default.json) now populates the database with more content than before and creates tables for analysis and userlayers as well as myplaces.
It also setups 3 views with different levels of Oskari installations:
- view that includes bundles that can be used with having just webapp-map (default-view.json)
- publisher template (publisher-template-view.json)
- view that includes bundles using webapp-map and transport (requires redis as well) (default-transport-view.json)
- view that includes the whole stack: webapp-map/transport/printout/geoserver (requires redis as well) (default-full-view.json)
These can be accessed by adding url parameter viewId with value of the view number listed above (for example viewId=4). The view definition files can be found in content-resources/src/main/resources/json/views.
The myplaces/userlayer/analysis baselayers SQLs have been updated to point to a geoserver running on http://localhost:8080/geoserver (previously the same, but port 8084).
Look at
Improvements in Excel/csv export (metadata request url, expanding object column values, reforming jsonarrays)'
Improved the new generic WFS path parser for complex featuretypes (WFS 2.0.0 services) Instruction under\md\documentation\backend\ Initial WFS 2.0.0 parser configs are now in new DB table oskari_wfs_parser_config
Fixed database create script to include the new column:
This fixes the initial database creation on new installs.
Typed as 'text', contains JSON describing the layer.
Enables heatmap-enabling parameters to be saved for layer:
{ geometryProperty : 'geom', heatmap : ['property1', 'property2', 'similar to wfs selected properties'] }
Run on oskaridb:
Run on oskaridb:
Previously Import-bundle statement had the value 'rpc'. Updates it to correct 'findbycoordinates'. Run on oskaridb:
New bundle: heatmap (see frontend notes for configuration options):
Added an example SQL how to easily register a bundle and link it to a view:
OskariLayers will now load the attributes value from DB and expose it with the same name in JSON-presentation.
GFI support is added for arcgis93layer
Moved Log4JLogger from under servlet-transport to a new service so it can be used with other modules as well.
Changed Job from abstract class to an interface and added AbstractJob to be a drop-in replacement for Job.
JSONLocalized class now tries to get the value with default language if requested language is not available. This helps when a language is added to Oskari installation and all data producers, Inspire-themes and maplayers lack the localized name.
JobQueue now removes any existing job with the same key when adding a job.
GetReverseGeocodingResult configuration changed. Previously used search channel based properties for buffer and maxfeatures, now they are configured for the actionhandler:
OLD:<channel id>service.buffer=1000<channel id>service.maxfeatures=1
The maxfeatures is channel based currently so you will end up with a result count of (maxfeatures * channels configured). This will most propably be changed to an enforced limit across channels in the future.
CreateUserLayer now support files whose names contains dot(s).
GetArticlesByTag can now be configured to serve files in classpath. The handler gets a comma-separated list of tags as parameter such as "userguide,en". This is used as filename, but characters ' ' (space), ',' (comma), '.' (dot), '/' (slash) and '\' (backslash) are replaced with '_'. Initially tries to load filename with .html extension then with .json extension. To get an article (with example tags above) this way requires a file named "userguide_en.html" or "userguide_en.json" in a classpath under a directory configured in like this:
Removed deprecated classes: MetadataCatalogueSearchCriteria
and Csw202ResultsDoc
now has toJSON() method to construct the response for searches in similar fashion all over Oskari.
now uses SearchResultItem.toJSON() to create the response.
Added a hook for custom result parser in MetadataCatalogueChannelSearchService
. Result parser must extend/be assignable to
and can be configured with property:<fqcn extending>
now uses SearchResultItem.toJSON() to create the response.
MetadataCatalogueChannelSearchService now requests the output schema
instead of csw:IsoRecord
Location type based scaling is available when locating the search item Default setup is in ELFGEOLOCATOR_CHANNEL.json Override setup will be set in
(#) Optional setup for location type based scaling - default is oskari-server\service-search-nls\src\main\resources\fi\nls\oskari\search\channel\ELFGEOLOCATOR_CHANNEL.json (#) e.g.
Added new generic WFS path parser for complex featuretypes Instruction under\md\documentation\backend\ Sample complex wfs layer insert script in \elf-oskari-server-extensions\elf-resources\resources\sql\elf-nls_fi-lod0ad-Cascading-wfslayer.sql
Moved duplicated code from FEMaplayerJob
and WFSMaplayerJob
to common baseclass OWSMaplayerJob
Moved helper methods from OWSMaplayerJob to JobHelper class.
Removed job validation from OWS/FE/MaplayerJobs - validation should now be done by creating a JobValidator
with the job and calling validator.validateJob(). This enables custom handling for validation errors.
Added initial merge for ArcGis REST-layer support. There are still some missing parts which needs to
be included with documentation to make it usable.
Layer scale limit of -1 is now handled as no limit like in other parts of Oskari.
FeatureEngine jobs http requests now respect the timeout limits set with properties (ms values):
Moved OWSLayerJob.Type enum to own file as JobType.
Maplayer jobs are now managed as Hystrix Commands ( instead of the custom threaded approach using JobQueue in service-base. This should put less strain on overloaded services as requests are short-circuited when problems occur.
Properties to configure job execution are:
Where pool size is the thread pool size, limit is queue to keep when all threads are in use after which jobs will be rejected until threads become available. Any job will be canceled after timeoutms milliseconds if it hasn't completed until then. Any errors occuring on job execution will trigger a message to the websocket error-channel.
Added metrics indicators with Metrics can be accessed as JSON by adding fi.nls.oskari.transport.StatusServlet to the web.xml (requires admin user to access the servlet).
The JSON-format for metrics is not set in stone and can change in the near future.
Added a new TransportResultProcessor class which injects a requestId (received from client) to all responses.
Some refactoring for websocket messsage parsing.
Added a new status-channel for websocket-communication. Messages are sent to browser when a job starts and when it completes. Also added a requestId attribute for requests which is passed on in responses so client knows for which request the response is.
Errors while making requests/parsing features are now throwing exceptions instead of acting as everything is ok. This triggers the correct error handling when tracking request status.
Added the Hystrix stream servlet for Hystrix Dashboard usage. HystrixMetricsStreamServlet can be removed from the web.xml to disable this.
Added StatusServlet to expose metrics as JSON. It can be removed from the web.xml to disable the functionality.
Added functionality for additional response headers when serving jsp pages. = IE=edge
Log4JLogger is now accessible to servlet-map (new dependency service-logging).
PrincipalAuthenticationFilter now always trims usernames before using them (removes leading and trailing whitespace).
Improvements in analysis / in spatial join method when second layer is analysis layer
- build "mvn clean install" in \oskari-server\geoserver-ext\wps\IntersectionFeatureCollection2 directory and copy IntersectionFeatureCollection2-2.5.2.jar from target directory to [GeoServer home]\webapps\geoserver\WEB-INF\lib and restart Geoserver (jetty)
Fixed ZoomParamHandler in control-base to use parameter as is without any special handling. The code previously changed zoomLevel 8 to 7 if parameter "ver" was not included in the url. This kind of application specific parameter handling should be implemented as param-preprocessor functionality: (search for preprocessor) inside jars now include version, git commit id and timestamp of build. ELF-specific artifacts have been moved to
Usernames in external systems can be longer than current column size - adjusted to 128 characters.
User UUID should be unique - added constraint.
Added column for users email.
User can now store additional attribute data as JSON.
DatabaseUserService now has a method (saveUser) to ensure the user and his/her roles are up-to-date in the database (inserting if missing). Usable when combined with external login service which should populate users to Oskari based on external user data (for example SAML-message). Added support for saving and loading additional user attributes to/from database. User email is now saved to the database.
IOHelper now has convenience method to write the Content-type header. HTTP params can now be generated to properly encoded string for encoding POST payload or GET querystring with IOHelper.getParams(). User class now has methods to attach additional attributes for the user. PropertyUtil.getNecessary() has a new overloaded version that takes an optional detailed message. The message is attached to the exception so it is shown in the server logs. Message should be used to tell why the property is necessary. Added User.toJSON()/parse() and Role.toJSON()/parse() methods.
OskariMarkFactory now follows Oskari versioning so changes are updated correctly when building a new version.
New action route "GetReverseGeocodingResult" works as a generic reverse geocoding handler that uses search implementation for getting actual results. Configure the channel to use with property (supports multiple channels as comma-separated list):
actionhandler.GetReverseGeocodingResult.channels=<search channel id e.g. NLS_NEAREST_FEATURE_CHANNEL>
GetViews action route now requires a non-guest user. GetCurrentUser now returns user data in response in addition to the UUID in the header.
Added a new search channel "NLSNearestFeatureSearchChannel" that supports reverse geocoding. Uses the service at and should be configured with properties:<username><password>
Fixed an issue with default SLD. Added geometry type rules. Feature engine parser factories are now syncronized (WFS feature parsing failed in some cases). Feature engine GFI search tolerance fix.
Added a new ActionHandler for route 'SearchChannel'. This lists all annotated SearchChannels and their debug data. Fixed an issue with Users action route where receiving empty password would update the password.
Added a helper class for projection transformations:
PropertyUtil now always trims property values for leading and trailing spaces. PropertyUtil now has a convenience method to get numeric properties as double precision. Cache now correctly removes oldest cached item when it's overflowing.
GetStatsTile no longer passes SLD-parameters twice. This makes the geoserver URL significantly shorter.
Fixed an issue on password protected layers proxy GetLayerTileHandler where the layer resource was used as a class member. This caused random errors for loading layer tiles on protected layers.
Added support for search result scaling by type. Deprecated zoomLevel for search result item as level is dependent on number of zoom levels and service can be called from multiple maps having different number of zoom levels available. Scale can be configured for search channel by search result item type[channel id].scale.[type]=1234
and a generic default scale[channel id].scale=4321
If scale configurations are provided the search results will include scale hints for the frontend in it's response. Scale setup is automatic for search channels extending and is based on items type and properties mentioned above. To change how scale is calculated in custom channel override the SearchChannel.calculateCommonFields(SearchResultItem item) method.
Added an interface method that can be used to query configuration for search channels. To add channel specific debug data, override the getDebugData() method and append the channel specific debug data to the map returned from super.getDebugData().
SearchWorker now adds zoomScale for results if it's present and a bbox if westboundlon is present. Search channels should set the bbox properties only if they make sense.
Removed the hardcoded zoom levels for channel REGISTER_OF_NOMENCLATURE_CHANNEL in service-search-nls. To get similar zoom functionalities for the search results using the channel, configure with:
# Luontonimet, maasto
# Luontonimet, vesistö
# Kulttuurinimet, asutus
# Kulttuurinimet, muut
Harcoded zoom levels were also removed from KTJ_KII_CHANNEL channel. To get similar zoom functionalities for the search results using the channel, configure with:
New printout properties to support GetLayerTile action route for authorised map tiles
mapproducer.localurl.match=/web (prefixes to match as local resources)
mapproducer.localurl.prefix=http://localhost:8080 (prefix to be added to local resource urls)
mapproducer.referer=referer info for maptile requests
mapproducer.logo=<resource-name-without-path> (relative-to fi/nls/oskari/printout/printing/page)
Sector processing added to the "Sector and zones" method - make build under ..oskari-server/geoserver-exp/wps/ZoneSectorFeatureCollection path; mvn clean install - copy new ZoneSectorFeatureCollection2-2.5.2.jar to your geoserver/WEB-INF/lib path from the oskari-server/geoserver-exp/wps/ZoneSectorFeatureCollection/target path
Check that analysis intersection methods have uptodate .jar in geoserver/WEB-INF/lib path - IntersectionFeatureCollection2-2.5.2.jar is the current version - if not, build a new version oskari-server/geoserver-exp/wps/IntersectionFeatureCollection2 path as above and copy to ...lib path
Fixes an issues with caching. Issue only affects relatively large caches (over 1000 map layers etc)
Fixed a concurrency issue when cache limit was reached. Also added support for configuring cache-limits with properties:
Limit configured with properties is always used if configured (prefer config over code-assumptions). If configuration doesn't exist code can try detecting reasonable limits automatically or use the default (1000). Also log-level changed to WARN when a cache overflows since it most likely affects performance negatively.
Now calculates cache-limit automatically based on the amount of map layers/inspirethemes are present.
Fixed a problem with updating layer capabilities into database. This affected 1.25.0-1.25.2. Any layers added with the affected versions will not have for example GFI-capabilities. Open the layer in admin-layerselector and save the layer (nothing needs to be changed in the form) to update the database and fix this issue.
Fixed an issue where editing an embedded map gave the user wrong URL for the edited map.
Now always writes response to Redis (for transport). Returns WFS-layer configuration as response for admin-users only (for admin-layerselector)
Add RPC-bundle to the publish template and all new embedded maps will get the functionality:
To add the functionality to existing embedded maps, add the bundle to all views of type 'PUBLISHED'.
Run SQLs:
The table is populated by scheduled job described in service-cws:
Add a property for scheduling in
oskari.scheduler.job.CSWCoverageImport.cronLine=0 1 * * * ?
The CSW service is configured by:
Oskari 1.25+ will reference views with their UUIDs rather than ids. Loading a view with id is still supported. Run the node.js upgrade script under content-resources/db-upgrade:
SCRIPT=1.25/01-generate-uuids-for-views node app.js
NOTE! This will replace any existing UUIDs (they haven't been used in Oskari before). After this, you can add a constraint for portti_view by running the SQL in:
Publisher and personaldata bundles in frontend now use embedded map urls provided by backend. The URLs will now always use the views UUID instead of ID and the above database changes will generate unique UUIDs for all present views. PublishHandler will also generate UUIDs for all new published views. To configure correct urls based on your environment you can configure:
or for heavily language-specific urls:${uuid}${uuid}
Both accept also URLs without protocol (//myhost/map) or host (/map)- frontend will include the missing parts based on browser location. If the above are not configured the URLs default to using:
The above property values are combined: oskari.domain + + "?lang=${lang}&uuid=${uuid}
Note! Views added by 1.25.0 can only be loaded by it's uuid. To make a view available by viewId change the boolean flag "only_uuid" in portti_view database table. Exception to this is any view defined as default view.
The portti_view and portti_view_supplement have had 1:1 relation. To remove complexity portti_view_supplement has now been removed and the columns that are actually used have been moved to portti_view with same names (except pubdomain -> domain):
Removed redundant marker button from published map tools. Run the node.js upgrade script under content-resources/db-upgrade:
SCRIPT=1.25/02-remove-marker-buttons-from-published-views node app.js
This will remove marker-tool from previously published maps.
AuthenticationFilter can now be configured to use lowercase usernames when querying database for users and adding users to database. To enable this add a property to
Notice that when using this check that the existing usernames in database are in lowercase format. This can be useful if the authentication module (like JAAS-LDAP) handles usernames case-insensitively.
Fixed an issue with user logout functionality.
Moved CSW related code from service-map to a new module.
Includes a scheduled job to update coverage data for layers with metadata-identifier. Coverage data is stored in oskari_maplayer_metadata as WKT in EPSG:4326 projection.
Added basic scheduler functionality as a common service package. See in service-scheduler for details.
Added a new scheduler task for utilising a service availability functionality provided by Spatineo. Not included by default in servlet. See in service-spatineo-monitor for details.
GetGeoPointDataService now uses credentials for layer when making a GetFeatureInfo request to a WMS service.
Improved GPX data import.
Added a simple helper class for projection transforms and WKT handling:
Layer coverage data is now loaded from oskari_maplayer_metadata based on metadataid (previously from portti_maplayer_metadata based on layerId). Coverage data is transformed to requested projection when layers are loaded. now has a method getUrl() which returns URL pointing to that view. It uses properties to contruct the url with placeholders for view uuid and language:
view.published.url =${uuid}?lang=${lang}
If 'view.published.url' is not defined uses a default by combining 'oskari.domain' and ''.
Added a common base class that can be extended for scheduled tasks 'fi.nls.oskari.worker.ScheduledJob'. Note that a scheduler such as the one provided in module service-scheduler needs to be included for scheduling to actually happen.
fi.nls.oskari.domain.Role now has a static method to determine default role for logged in user as well as admin role. The role names can be configured with properties and such match the role names in the database:
oskari.user.role.admin = Admin
oskari.user.role.loggedIn = User
Moved common annotation processing classes from service-control to service-base.
Added a new custom annotation @Oskari("key"). This can be used as a common way to mark classes extending OskariComponent. To get a map of annotated classes (key is annotation value):
Map<String, OskariComponent> allComponents = fi.nls.oskari.service.OskariComponentManager.getComponentsOfType(OskariComponent.class);
Service-search currently triggers the annotation processing. To use annotations without using service-search use a similar META-INF/services setup that service-search includes.
IOHelper now has a method getConnectionFromProps("prefix") which gives a HttpURLConnection based on properties prefixed with given string: - [propertiesPrefix]url=[url to call for this service] (required) - [propertiesPrefix]user=[username for basic auth] (optional) - [propertiesPrefix]pass=[password for basic auth] (optional) - [propertiesPrefix]header.[header name]=[header value] (optional)
Search channels can now be added to Oskari by extending and annotating the implementing class with @Oskari("searchChannelID"). Channels are detected with:
final Map<String, SearchChannel> annotatedChannels = OskariComponentManager.getComponentsOfType(SearchChannel.class);
The legacy way of providing classname in properties is also supported but discouraged.
SearchableChannel.setProperty() has been deprecated and will be removed in future release. SearchChannels should use PropertyUtil or other internal means to get configuration.
SearchChannel baseclass has getConnection() method which returns a HttpURLConnection based on properties prefixed with '[channel id].service.'.
Migrated search channels to use annotated approach and getConnection() from baseclass so credential handling is consistent.
New bundle registration: rpc. Enables postMessage communication with embedded map. Added to publish template.
ActionControl now catches exceptions on ActionHandler.init() and teardown(). A single faulty ActionHandler no longer breaks the initialization. The same errorhandling was added for ViewModifierManager.
Enabled customized HTML string cleaning.
Moved common annotation processing classes from service-control to service-base.
GetViewsHandler now returns view URLs in response.
Added new action route for fetching CSW metadata. Requires a geonetwork base URL in properties under service.metadata.url.
Enabled customized HTML tags for GFI content.
Added service-csw as a new dependency, it has code that was previously part of service-map.
Excluded specific GML properties from parsed features.
The preprocess-method call was commented out on Oskari versions 1.24.0-1.24.4. This is a serious security issue as many of the admin functionalities depend on preprocess() to check that the user is an admin. On affected versions even Guest-users can use the admin functionalities.
The 'publishedstatehandler' bundle was missing from publish template. As a result any published maps with history-tools are broken. Updated publish template is provided in content-resources/src/main/resources/json/views/publisher-template-view.json and an SQL to fix existing template is in content-resources/src/main/resources/sql/upgrade/1.24.4/add_publishedstatehandler_to_published_maps.sql.
Notice that these won't fix previously published maps with history-tools. To fix them you need to add 'publishedstatehandler' bundle to views of type 'PUBLISHED'. Also make sure you have the 'publishedstatehandler' bundle included in minified JS.
Now checks if publish template view has 'publishedmyplaces2' included and removes it from the view if user isn't allowed to add draw tools for map.
Changed feature property values handling so empty value maps are treated as [null] and not as empty JSON object.
Changed feature property values handling so empty values are treated as [null] and not as empty JSON object. Also added some debug logging for property handling.
Geotools have been updated to version 11.2.
The UUID column in PORTTI_VIEW changes its type to UUID instead of varchar. It's still blank by default, but a view can be referenced by uuid in addition to id. The upgrade SQL has a commented section to autogenerate UUID values.
Username/password fields have been added for OSKARI_MAPLAYER. If used the maptile requests are proxied through oskari-server to the actual service.
Extensions for Geoserver have been updated to compile for Geoserver 2.5.2 and matching Geotools 11.2. No code changes was required so extensions are still usable with Geoserver 2.4.2/Geotools 10.2 (by reverting pom.xmls to previous versions).
GetWFSLayerConfiguration now does additional handling for layers created by users. As result those layers should now get feature data in published maps.
PublishHandler will now delete layer data from Redis for layers created by users when such layer is published. This will result in transport getting the updated data about layer being published and ultimately end up serving feature data in published maps.
CreateUserLayer now prevents Guest-users to import data.
Added convenience method to ActionParameters: requireLoggedInUser() and requireAdminUser() which will throw ActionDeniedException if user is guest/not an admin.
Added new base-class for layers created by users: Analysis, UserLayer and MyPlaceCategory extend this.
Implemented GPX and MIF/MID dataset import with GeoTools OGR plugin. To be able to use it, the GDAL library file needs to be included in the environment variable PATH (Windows) or LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Linux).
The Windows .dll file and dependencies can be downloaded e.g. at Actual .dll file needs to be renamed as gdal.dll or referenced in the environment variable GDAL_LIBRARY_NAME. The Linux version of GDAL including the needed .so file is probably available in the package repository of your distribution. It can also be compiled from the source code, see The import functionality was tested with GDAL 1.11.0.
For further reference, see the OGR GeoTools plugin instructions at
Check that you have these registered in portti_bundle database-table or check the upgrade 1.23 for details. The bundles are now part of the default configuration for admin user:
- admin/admin: will be used as generic admin bundle in the future and at this time allows to manage default views location and layers
- framework/admin-users: for managing users
Precompiled versions of code is now available. Only 1.23-SNAPSHOT currently available, but versions start to pile up on releases.
Add these to your pom.xml to use the pre-compiled Maven-artifacts today:
<name> repository</name>
<name> snapshot repository</name>
oskari_org_snapshot is only needed if using SNAPSHOT-versions (github develop branch version)
New action handler 'Cache' for admin users to check the status of caching.
New action handler 'SystemViews' can be asked to list configured default views (returns global and role-based) and update location/maplayers of given view. Used by generic admin bundles default views functionality.
DBHandler can now insert layers described in JSON format (under src/main/resources/json/layers). The support is minimal at the moment but will improve.
DBHandler can now process "selectedLayers" property in view.json. The property should be an array with layer.json file references that will be inserted to the database if (or matching layer in DB will be used if such exists with same url and name). The views mapfull-bundle will have these layers automatically mapped in it's selected layers.
DBHandler has been split to some helper classes for inserting views and layers.
IbatisRoleService now has findRoleByName(name) method
Added external folder and moved jetty-jaas.xml, and jndi-login.conf files there. Therefore these files need to be manually modified to match the system configuration. These files are unnecessary inside the war package and therefore removed. Added jetty9-jaas profile to address jetty version related differences. Added jetty9-ldap-jaas profile to address jetty version related differences.
Added remove(name), getSize(), getKeys() methods to fi.nls.oskari.cache.Cache
The basehandler for Rest-type requests now checks for header 'X-HTTP-Method-Override' in request and prefers it over request method when determining which method to forward execution to.
InspireThemeService now has findMaplayersByTheme(themeId) method
InspireThemeService and LayerGroupService now have findByName(name) method that is used to map themes/layergroups for layer when automatically inserted. The implementation is not solid enough to be used otherwise.
OskariLayerService now has findByUrlAndName(url, name) method that returns layers matching given url and name
LayerJSONFormatter has initial (and minimal) implementation for parsing JSON to an OskariLayer object.
ViewService now has a method to update config/state/startup of single bundle in a given view.
New action handler 'InspireThemes' implements a Rest type approach for managing inspire themes: insert/update/delete/listing.
Should now setup language correctly when an existing cookie is found.
GetWSCapabilities action route now supports WMTS-layers for parsing capabilities in a JSON structure similar to WMS-layers.
SaveLayer action route now support WMTS layers.
IOHelper now has a constructUrl(baseUrl, paramsMap) method that can be used to create URLs safely with URL-encoded param values.
GetWSCapabilitiesHandler now accepts type parameter and by default parses WMS capabilities as before, but with type 'wmtslayer' proxies the response XML to client as is. Also 'wmsurl'-parameter has been changed to 'url'.
SaveLayerHandler now accepts WMTS-layers and has some changed parameters:
- wmsName is now layerName
- wmsUrl is now layerUrl
SaveLayerHandler propably will see some changes for WMTS-layer in near future.
Changed capabilities cache table data size from 20000 characters to text to enable bigger capabilities documents.
Added keyword tables that are required by admin-layerselector when adding new layers.
Changed role mapping for users to be based on user id instead of username.
Added new module for administration
New handler for listing, adding, editing and removing users
ConversionHelper.getBoolean(null, true) now works correctly and returns the defaultValue instead of false with null parameter.
ConversionHelper, XmlHelper and JSONHelper have some additional helper methods.
Many customizable operations have been moved out of the MapfullServlet code and into ServletFilters and ServletContextListener.
Now uses OskariContextInitializer to setup the environment for the servlet-map: checks connection pools, populates properties and database connection on context initialization. See the server log for initialization messages.
Now uses configurable OskariRequestFilter to setup the httpRequest for servlet:
- locale (based on http-param/cookie)
- login form url/fieldnames and logout url for logged in users
- userprincipal (should be disabled by setting property oskari.request.handlePrincipal=false in if your servlet container handles user principal with JAAS (ldap or other authentication)
JAASAuthenticationFilter is now PrincipalAuthenticationFilter:
- handles login/logout functionality for users based on request.getUserPrincipal().
- adds users to oskari database based on request.getUserPrincipal() and request.isUserInRole()
- automatical user insertion can be disabled with property auth.add.missing.users=false
- external role names can be mapped to Oskari role names with new table oskari_role_external_mapping with role_id pointing to Oskari role and name having the value of the external role name
Added request logging support. Tries to write them into logs directory and prints out a message if it doesn't exist.
Removed src/main/webapp (JSPs) from under standalone-jetty. Build now uses the JSPs from under webapp-map so there's no need to copy/paste them on changes.
New custom-parser option for transport to handle complex services. Example groovy-scripts for handling some services.
Split into servlet and webapp packages to be more in line with map-packages. The deployable war-file is now located webapp-transport/target.
No longer sets system property for geotools (org.geotools.referencing.forceXY) so it's safe to use with other webapps in the same JVM.
fi/nls/oskari/transport/ has been renamed and some of the property keys have been renamed to match the ones used in
- serviceURL-> oskari.domain
- serviceURLParam -> oskari.ajax.url.prefix
- serviceURLSessionParam-> oskari.cookie.session
- oskari.cookie.route is newly configurable, defaults to ROUTEID
- serviceURLLiferayPath is now obsolete and any additional parameters for API url should now be added to oskari.ajax.url.prefix as on
- redisHostname -> redis.hostname
- redisPort -> redis.port
Transport now initializes by reading properties files in this order:
Moved JobQueue/Job from transport into service-base. Added teardown() hook for Job.
Added ResultProcessor interface for transport. WFSLayerJobs don't need reference to TransportService anymore, but instance of ResultProcessor so they can be used elsewhere also. TransportService implements ResultProcessor by forwarding the messages to cometd.
WFSLayerStore now extends WFSLayerConfiguration instead of copy-paste methods. Also cleaned wfs configuration a bit by removing obsolete fields like testlocation/testzoom etc.
Removed build profiles, custom resources for transport can now be given with maven property "transport.resourceDir" (via maven profile etc)
WFS/feature-engine Fixed map click to return features to frontend. WFS: 1st Attempt to use GeoTools forceXy for CRS only when drawing PNG result images. WFS/feature-engine Finished feature engine groovy script configuration from database. ELF: Included INSPIRE SLD resources to servlet-transport/src/main/resources. ELF: Included a PoC groovy scripts for AU and GN reading to servlet-transport/src/main/resources. ELF: Added database setup JSON and SQL scripts for 3 GN and 1 AU layer ELF: SLD, groovy and db setup script placement may change to some app specific resources module in the future.
A new module has been added for user management. Oskari now has database tables for users and roles and a new UserService implementation utilizing them (DatabaseUserService). The DatabaseUserService is now configured as default in but can be overridden by
Servlet for map application has been separated into servlet code and webapp with JSPs and webapp configuration (webapp-map). Building the webapp-map is essentially the same as building servlet-map before this.
Servlet aggregate pom.xml (servlet-map-pom.xml) has been removed since the parent pom now builds the servlet, webapp and standalone so you can use mvn clean install on the oskari-server root to build the modules.
The user login handling has been taken out of the servlet implementation and a reference JAAS configuration is now available in webapp-map. The login form field names have changes to reflect this.
Servlet no longer handles login but expects a fi.nls.oskari.domain.User class object to be present in http session with key 'fi.nls.oskari.domain.User' if the user is logged in. The User object should be added to session in a servletfilter handling the login as in servlet-map/
Building the webapp-map with mvn clean install -Pjetty-jaas will create a war file that has JAAS enabled and login working out of the box.
The separation of servlet-map to wepapp/servlet allows for new packaging "standalone-jetty" that uses preconfigured embedded jetty to serve basic oskari-map functionality without the need to install any server software. Some default values for properties containing URLs have been changed in to make the configuration easier and some new properties describing the run environment has been added to configure the running environment (domain/path to map application).
The database used should now have postgis extension enabled to successfully run the whole default setup! The default setup will now do a whole lot more (creates also myplaces, users and JAAS tables etc). Lots of setup files have been merged and renamed since some have become irrelevant. Many SQL-files have been renamed and some have been separated into smaller pieces.
Property keys in have been changed to use the same ones as utilized by other properties:
- datasource ->
- url -> db.url
- user -> db.username
- pass -> db.password
Also and now override so each component can be configured to use the same credentials/urls with single properties file.
The property_json
feature property of userlayers now gets parsed to json before sending to clients.
All feature requests now include the geometry property, even if configured in the database not to request map tiles.
Now validates WFS-T from frontend a bit more thorougly. Also lets Guest users to insert features to a myplaces layer which is marked as "draw layer" ie. is published as public drawable layer.
External libs are now handled as an in-project repository. The location of libs is defined in oskari-server/pom.xml as a repository. The files can still be installed into local repository as before but it's not mandatory.
No longer formats style/styles array with hard coded "default". Instead uses oskari_maplayer tables style to create the JSON values.
Docs has been removed from oskari-server repository and they are now available in and along with frontend documentation
Fixed resource leaking when loading font. Tmp-files were being created recklessly, now caches the font after loading it.
Also enabled the use of another font in classpath, previously font was hardcoded into dot-markers. Now the font specified in SLD is used with a fallback to dot-markers if specified font can't be loaded.
SearchCriteria no longer has reference to MetadataCatalogueSearchCriteria. SearchCriteria.addParam() can be used to provide search channel additional criterias.
SearchResultItem now has addValue() that can be used to provide calling component additional search result values.
CacheManager is now available and can be used to provide simple in-memory caches. This will most likely be developed further to allow configurable custom cache implementations that can be used to wrap functionality used by caching libraries (similar to UserService and Logger).
Jetty-maven-plugin is no longer started automatically on install step. To start jetty on install you can use profile jetty-profile:
mvn clean install -Pjetty-profile
Setup-files can now refer to another setup-file. This removes much boilerplate for registering bundles and should make the files simpler.
Myplaces trigger has been updated to do initial update timestamp on insert as well (thanks posiki).
CreateAnalysisLayer action route now returns a proper analysislayer json (same as GetAnalysisLayersHandler)
JSON for analysislayer is now created based on Analysis object with the help of AnalysisHelper. This will propably be refactored in the future to use the LayerJSONFormatter and the misleading AnalysisLayer class will propably be removed in favor of the Analysis class.
AnalysisDataService refactored a bit and to
Now handles publish permissions correctly (previously checked layer id for 'base_' prefix and used deprecated portti_layerclass db table).
Now allows selected roles to publish maps with drawtools. Roles allowed to publish draw tools is configured with property "actionhandler.Publish.drawToolsRoles".
Now has a method for creating myplaces layer as wmslayer (used in published maps)
Now has a method for checking permissions based on category id/place id
MapfullHandler now uses the MyPlacesService for creating json for myplaces layer.
Now handles layers with non-numeric ids correctly (same fix as with PublishHandler and 'base_' prefix on layer name)
Now uses template view as basis for existing maps as well. Merges plugin configs sent by client with existing bundle configs. Overrides user configs with template configs on merge so client can't change terms of use URLs etc. Note! Publish template plugins shouldn't have any configurations that can be overridden by user.
Geotools ScaleDenominatorMin is now set to OskariLayer as max scale and vice versa since this is how Oskari components expect to have these values.
Most maven modules under oskari-server now share the maven parent defined in oskari-server/pom.xml. Properties are injected at compile time and a custom build profile for tomcat has been added (mvn -f servlet-map-pom.xml install -P tomcat-profile). See docs/Customizing property values how to customize build for your own properties.
Updated GeoTools version 10.2. The version is now the same all over Oskari modules (previously 2.7.5 and 9.1).
Updated GeoTools can't parse empty Abstract-tags for WFSLayer SLDs. Script to update any existing SLDs in database (portti_wfs_layer_style table) can be run with the command SCRIPT=remove-empty-abstract-from-SLD node app.js in content-resources/db-upgrade (check the config.js first for database settings).
Removed some hardcodings:
- fi.nls.oskari.control.view.modifier.bundle.MapfullHandler
Previously hardcoded myplaces layer wmsurl: "/karttatiili/myplaces?myCat=" can now be configured with property 'myplaces.client.wmsurl'
- fi.nls.oskari.control.view.GetAppSetupHandler
Previously hardcoded prefix for secure urls (prefix to make easier proxy forwards) "/paikkatietoikkuna" can now be configured with property 'actionhandler.GetAppSetup.secureAjaxUrlPrefix'
LayerJSONFormatterWMS now checks if the layer already has a legend image url configured (by admin) instead of always overwriting it based on capabilities.
Have been deprecated. The required parts have been moved to service-map and the currently recommended backend component for WFS-functionality is the transport-servlet.
The deprecated modules can still be found inside oskari-server/deprecated folder.
Added override properties handling. Tries to search for file '' in classpath and if found, overrides default values loaded from if
It's now possible to add preprocessors for ParamHandlers used in GetAppSetup. Check service-control/ for more info about preprocessing parameters.
Refactored actionhandlers a bit for cleaner implementation for saving views. Views and Bundles can now be copied with clone() method. In the process also ViewService includes methods addView(View) and updatePublishedMap(View) and the old versions with second parameters have been deprecated.
Moved to service-base so it can be used by Role-class to load information about admin role.
The Platform-specific map parameter has been changed from Map<String, Object> to Map<Object, Object> and a convenience method has been added to main UserService to call getRoles without parameters.
Now has a method getAdminRole() which returns a role reference. Replaces the getAdminRoleName() which has been deprecated. Now uses UserService to load information about admin role, but still gets the admin role name from properties as before.
Styles will now longer be sent with value "null", but an empty string
MapClick will now send an empty list as response when done so client knows that any data gotten for WMSlayers can be shown.
Default highlight style for lines now doesn't use "fill" and areas 50%
Now uses parameter correctly again (not trying to get a property with param value).
Added getGuestUser() method for UserService. Implementations should override it and return a Guest user with a Guest role so permission mappings can be done correctly.
Added ibatis caching for Inspire-themes, views, wfs-layers and backendstatus operations.
Added oskariui style classes to index.jsp to fix layout.
Removed Guest user role hardcoding and now uses UserService.getGuestUser() to create a guest user.
Maplayer DB structure and JSON formatting has been simplified so all layers are now located in oskari_maplayer database table and all JSON formatting should be done with instead of former MapLayerWorker. All layers should now be referenced with OskariLayer instead of (Map-)Layer classes and they should be loaded using OskariLayerService instead of MapLayerService. Additional upgrade is required - instructions can be found here.
ParamHandlers now have access to the ActionParams instance for the request. This means they can determine how to handle a parameter depending on other parameters.
Added upgrade SQLs that can be run to update database structure on version update. See Upgrade documentation for details
Added a new commandline parameter "-Doskari.addview={file under resources/json/views}" to add a view without setup file
Added setupfiles:
- to initialize an empty base db with -Doskari.setup=create-empty-db
- to register bundles with -Doskari.setup=postgres-register-bundles
These can be used to initialize the database step-by-step. Also added an example setup for parcel application (-Doskari.setup=postgres-parcel).
Added debugging methods to ignore SSL certificate errors. This can be used for existing code by adding properties (NOTE! This is global setting for all connections through IOHelper):
Individual connections can use these by calling IOHelper-methods:
public static void trustAllCerts(final HttpURLConnection connection) throws IOException
public static void trustAllHosts(final HttpURLConnection connection) throws IOException
Now reads an file from classpath to override default values.
Action handler has been refactored and indicators/regions listing now uses Redis for caching if available
Now has a convenience method to check if user has any of the roles in given String array (containing rolenames)
Permitted roles for executing the action is now configurable with property 'actionhandler.GetWSCapabilitiesHandler.roles'
- Support for new link parameter "degrees" was added that lets the map start at a rotated angle (requires maprotator on frontend to work)