Docker can automate much of the configuration for you.
- Recent versions of
. - A database dump of the full AGAGD schema, stored at
. (in the root directory of the repository)
If you wish to change the environmental variables, the .env
file to provides values for the environmental variables. Additional information about how docker-compose uses env-files can be found on Environmental File.
These values will be used by both the database and the app. Now, run either:
$ docker-compose up --build
Note: Python 3.7+ is not fully supported by the AGAGD Application. More information can be found in issue #112.
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-python3.yml up --build
Wait for the database to initialize and the app to start up. (there will be something like spawned uWSGI worker
in the logs)
You should now be serving the app at http://localhost:8000.
- New changes will only be picked up when you re-build the container, e.g. with
docker-compose up --force-recreate --build
. - The database/tables will persist between builds and runs. If you need to clear out the database and start over from scratch, run
docker-compose down
and thendocker volume rm agagd_database
. - By default, the fake_data fixture data will be re-installed on every run of the app. This may erase any local changes you made previously. To disable this functionality, you can create a
file and setLOAD_FIXTURES
. See the docker-compose documentation for more information on overriding docker-compose values.