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Polak is a toy programming language build on top of Ruby language.


First, check if you have Ruby installed, version 2.0 and above is recommended, but should work also with 1.9.



To run interpreter, run:

ruby interpreter.rb

To run evaluator, run:

bundle exec rake console

To run all tests (specs), run:

bundle exec rspec spec


Data types

>> 2
#=> 2

>> prawda
#=> true

>> falsz
#=> false

Arithmetic operations

>> 2 + 2
#=> 4

>> 2 - 2
#=> 0

>> 2 / 2
#=> 1

>> 2 * 2
#=> 4

>> .
#=> nic

Variable assignments

>> niech x = 2
#=> {:x=>>2<}

0.1.0 >> niech x = 3
Nie mogę przypisać zmiennej bo jest przypisana wczesniej, użyj niech! aby przypisać
#=> SyntaxError

0.1.0 >> niech! x = 4
#=> {:x=>>4<}

Boolean operators

>> (1 == 2) i (1 == 3)
#=> false

>> (1 == 2) i (1 == 1)
#=> false

>> (1 == 1) i (2 == 2)
#=> true


>> jezeli (1 == 2) to { 1 } albo { 2 }
#=> 2

>> jezeli (1 == 1) to { 1 } albo { 1 }
#=> 1

Function calling

>> niech y = f(x) { x * x }

>> y(2)
#=> 4

>> niech silnia = f(n) { jezeli (n == 1) to { 1 } albo { n * (silnia(n - 1)) } }
#=> {:formal=>["n"], :body=>>jezeli (n == 1) to { 1 } albo { n * silnia(n - 1) }<, :environment=>{}, :silnia=>{:formal=>["n"], :body=>>jezeli (n == 1) to { 1 } albo { n * silnia(n - 1) }<, :environment=>{:formal=>["n"], :body=>>jezeli (n == 1) to { 1 } albo { n * silnia(n - 1) }<, :environment=>{}}}}

>> silnia(1)
#=> 1

>> silnia(2)
#=> 2

>> silnia(3)
#=> 6

>> silnia(4)
#=> 24

>> niech suma = f(x,y) { x + y }
#=> {:suma=>{:formal=>["x", "y"], :body=>>x + y<, :environment=>{}}}

>> suma(1,2)
#=> 3

>> niech odwroc = f(l) { jezeli (Lista.koniec?(l)) to { . } albo { Lista(odwroc(Lista.ogon(l)),Lista.glowa(l)) } }
#=> {:odwroc=>{:formal=>["l"], :body=>>jezeli (Lista.koniec?) to { nic } albo { Lista(odwroc(l),l) }<, :environment=>{}}}

>> odwroc(Lista(1,.))
#=> Lista(nic,1)

>> odwroc(Lista(1,Lista(2,Lista(3,.))))
#=> Lista(Lista(Lista(nic,3),2),1)

Data structures

>> Lista(1,2)
#=> 2

Build in functions

>> Lista.glowa(Lista(1,2))
#=> 1

>> Lista.ogon(Lista(1,2))
#=> 2

>> Lista.koniec?(.)
#=> true

>> niech x = 2
#=> {:x=>>2<}

>> niech y = 4
#=> {:x=>>2<, :y=>>4<}

>> Lista.glowa(Lista(x,y))
#=> 2

>> Lista(1,Lista(2,.))
#=> Lista(1,Lista(2,nic))


Version 0.1.0

  • Number is the only data type
  • Basic arithmetic operetion on integers
  • Conditional
  • Function and variable assignment
  • Functions definitions and calling
  • Recursive functions


Copyright (c) 2013 Michał Darda [email protected], see