- Penn Station
- Pulled away from blogs
- Leaving Twitter
- App.net
- WordPress and Tumblr
- Interview with Leah Culver
- Toward decentralization
- Domain names
- Syndication
- RSS for microblogs
- JSON Feed
- Introducing Micro.blog
- External blogs with WordPress
- Alternative platforms
- Micro.blog and feeds
- Part of the web
- Migration
- Blogging workflow
- Why indie microblogging
- Interview with Brent Simmons
- Permanence
- Silos
- Cross-posting
- Owning your content
- Microformats
- Building blocks
- IndieAuth
- Micropub
- Webmention
- Bridgy
- Blog archive format
- Interview with Tantek Çelik and Aaron Parecki
- Photography
- Influence and reposts
- UI impacts behavior
- Using HTML
- Starting a new photo blog
- Sunlit and photo feeds