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Sahay App Toolkit

A react-native framework that provides a suite of UI Components that can help you setup any content related application.


Content based apps are prevalent in various domains ranging from fitness based apps, language learning course based applications to mental health or meditation based applications. Sahay Hindi- meaning enabling/empowering framework for empoweringdevelopers to build content based applications

API Functionality

How to build your own App ?

git clone
cd Sahay
npm install

Next if you want to create your own component of type say multichoice component

export const customMultiChoice = () : ReactElement => {

        <SahayFrameWork data={yourContent} themeColor={yourPreferedColor} type={componentTypes.MULTI_CHOICE_COMPONENT}/>


If you want this to be under your Navigation, simply click on AppNavigator and add the corresponding scene

    title="Your Component Name"

and add this in your AppNavigator.types

export enum NavigationScenes {
 YOUR_MULTICHOICE_COMPONENT = 'MultiChoiceComponentName'

Along with this we also share a visualization tool for designers/developers to build app components by simple drag and drop, which can be later integrated with the app.


A sample application for enabling users with English speaking skills using the Sahay app framework


All Libraries used are majorly from the react-native-community umbrella and holds corresponding license information under MIT License. For a complete updated list of libraries being used, check package.json


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