diff --git a/doc/guide/emacs.md b/doc/guide/emacs.md index a03b51987..dae2b5a22 100644 --- a/doc/guide/emacs.md +++ b/doc/guide/emacs.md @@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ To add Gambit and Gerbil modes, go to the bottom of `package.el` and add the fol Save the file with `:w` and close the buffer with `SPC b d`. You should arrive back at the Doom Emacs splash screen. +In order to fetch and install these packaged you must first exit doom emacs using `SPC q K` and then run `doom sync`. + Let's create a convenient key sequence that opens a Gerbil REPL in a nice window layout. Type `SPC f P` again and choose `config.el`. This opens the private configuration file for your Doom Emacs installation.