Mahoney, M. J., Johnson, L. K., Silge, J., Frick, H., Kuhn, M., and Beier, C. M. In Review. Assessing the performance of spatial cross-validation approaches for models of spatially structured data. [PDF]
Mahoney, M. J., Johnson, L. K., and Beier, C. M. 2023. AI for shrubland identification and mapping. In Sun Z, Cristea N, Rivas P (eds.), _Artificial Intelligence in Earth Science_, 295-316. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-323-91737-7. [PDF]
Mahoney, M. J., Johnson, L. K., Guinan, A. Z., and Beier, C. M. 2022. Classification and mapping of low‑statured ’shrubland’ cover types in post‑agricultural landscapes of the US Northeast. The International Journal of Remote Sensing, 43(19‑24), 7117‑7138. [PDF] -
+Mahoney, M. J., Johnson, L. K., Guinan, A. Z., and Beier, C. M. 2022. Classification and mapping of low‑statured ’shrubland’ cover types in post‑agricultural landscapes of the US Northeast. The International Journal of Remote Sensing, 43(19‑24), 7117‑7138. [PDF]
Johnson, L. K., Mahoney, M. J., Bevilacqua, E., Stehman, S. V., Domke, G. M., and Beier, C. M. In Review. Fine-resolution landscape-scale biomass mapping using a spatiotemporal patchwork of LiDAR coverages. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 114: 103059. [PDF]
-Mahoney, M. J., Johnson, L. K., Bevilacqua, E., and Beier, C. M. 2022. Ground noise filtering produces inferior models of forest aboveground biomass. GIScience and Remote Sensing 59(1): 1266-1280. [PDF] -
-Mahoney, M. J., Beier, CM, and Ackerman, AC. 2022. unifir: A Unifying API for Interacting with Unity from R. Journal of Open Source Software 7(73): 4388. [PDF] -
-- Tamiminia, H., Salehi, B., Mahdianpari, M., Beier, C. M., Johnson, L. K., Phoenix, D. B., and, Mahoney, M. J. 2022. Decision tree-based machine learning models for above-ground biomass estimation using multi-source remote sensing data and object-based image analysis. Geocarto International. -
-Mahoney, M. J., Beier, CM, and Ackerman, AC. 2022. terrainr: An R package for creating immersive virtual environments. Journal of Open Source Software 7(69): 4060. [PDF] -
+Mahoney, M. J., Johnson, L. K., Bevilacqua, E., and Beier, C. M. 2022. Ground noise filtering produces inferior models of forest aboveground biomass. GIScience and Remote Sensing 59(1): 1266-1280. [PDF]
+Mahoney, M. J., Beier, CM, and Ackerman, AC. 2022. unifir: A Unifying API for Interacting with Unity from R. Journal of Open Source Software 7(73): 4388. [PDF]
+Tamiminia, H., Salehi, B., Mahdianpari, M., Beier, C. M., Johnson, L. K., Phoenix, D. B., and, Mahoney, M. J. 2022. Decision tree-based machine learning models for above-ground biomass estimation using multi-source remote sensing data and object-based image analysis. Geocarto International.
+Mahoney, M. J., Beier, CM, and Ackerman, AC. 2022. terrainr: An R package for creating immersive virtual environments. Journal of Open Source Software 7(69): 4060. [PDF]
Mahoney, M. J., Beier, CM, and Ackerman, AC. 2021. Interactive landscape simulations for visual resource assessment. VRSC 2021 Conference Proceedings. [PDF] -
+Mahoney, M. J., Beier, CM, and Ackerman, AC. 2021. Interactive landscape simulations for visual resource assessment. VRSC 2021 Conference Proceedings. [PDF]
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+Mahoney, M. J., and Stella, JC. 2020. Stem size selectivity is stronger than species preferences for beaver, a central place forager. Forest Ecology and Management 475: 118331. [PDF]