How can you make the blockchain even more secure? Link it to the real world! Let's add a timestamp:
# => 2018-03-17 14:12:01 +0100
or in Epoch time (that is, seconds since January 1st, 1970)
# => 1521292321
Note: You can use
to convert Epoch time back
to the standard "classic" format: 1521292321 )
# => 2018-03-17 14:12:01 +0100
Now the blockchain must always move forward, that is, you can only add a new block if the timestamp is bigger / younger than the previous block's timestamp.
Unbreakable. Unbreakable. Unbreakable. What else?
Let's add the proof-of-work difficulty (e.g. '00', '000', '0000' etc.) to the hash to make the difficulty unbreakable / unchangeable too!
Last but not least let's drop the "pre-calculated" hash attribute and let's always calculate the hash on demand e.g.:
def hash
Digest::SHA256.hexdigest( "#{nonce}#{time}#{difficulty}#{prev}#{data}" )
Remember: Calculating the block's (crypto) hash is fast, fast, fast. What take's time depending on the proof-of-work difficulty is finding the nonce, that is, the lucky number used once.
All together now. Resulting in:
require 'digest'
require 'pp' ## pp = pretty print
class Block
attr_reader :data
attr_reader :prev
attr_reader :difficulty
attr_reader :time
attr_reader :nonce # number used once - lucky (mining) lottery number
def hash
Digest::SHA256.hexdigest( "#{nonce}#{time}#{difficulty}#{prev}#{data}" )
def initialize(data, prev, difficulty: '0000' )
@data = data
@prev = prev
@difficulty = difficulty
@nonce, @time = compute_hash_with_proof_of_work( difficulty )
def compute_hash_with_proof_of_work( difficulty='00' )
nonce = 0
time =
loop do
hash = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest( "#{nonce}#{time}#{difficulty}#{prev}#{data}" )
if hash.start_with?( difficulty )
return [nonce,time] ## bingo! proof of work if hash starts with leading zeros (00)
nonce += 1 ## keep trying (and trying and trying)
end # loop
end # method compute_hash_with_proof_of_work
end # class Block
Proof of the pudding. Let's build a new (more secure) blockchain from scratch (zero). Genesis!
b0 = 'Hello, Cryptos!', '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' )
#=> #<Block:0x4d00700
# @data="Hello, Cryptos!",
# @difficulty="0000",
# @nonce=215028,
# @prev="0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
# @time=1521292321>
Let's mine (build) some more blocks linked (chained) together with crypto hashes:
b1 = 'Hello, Cryptos! - Hello, Cryptos!', b0.hash )
#=> #<Block:0x4ed7940
# @data="Hello, Cryptos! - Hello, Cryptos!",
# @difficulty="0000",
# @nonce=3264,
# @prev="0000071b9c71675db90b0bb819236d76be97ac75f9f379d078456495133b18c6",
# @time=1521292325>
b2 = 'Your Name Here', b1.hash )
#=> #<Block:0x2f297e8
# @data="Your Name Here",
# @difficulty="0000",
# @nonce=81552,
# @prev="0000a6f83a7883891afea2536891df228a1c527add36c1cc38999e566eeed6a7",
# @time=1521292325>
b3 = 'Data Data Data Data', b2.hash )
#=> #<Block:0x4dbd9d0
# @data="Data Data Data Data",
# @difficulty="0000",
# @nonce=43010,
# @prev="00009b581870a4e0792f84786e1d089e32f2820459cd878298c6b62974afd0bc",
# @time=1521292326>
Blockchain broken? Let's run all the tests checking up on the chained / linked (crypto) hashes, timestamps, proof-of-work difficulty and more:
## shortcut convenience helper
def sha256( data )
Digest::SHA256.hexdigest( data )
b0.hash == sha256( "#{b0.nonce}#{b0.time}#{b0.difficulty}#{b0.prev}#{}" )
# => true
b1.hash == sha256( "#{b1.nonce}#{b1.time}#{b1.difficulty}#{b1.prev}#{}" )
# => true
b2.hash == sha256( "#{b2.nonce}#{b2.time}#{b2.difficulty}#{b2.prev}#{}" )
# => true
b3.hash == sha256( "#{b3.nonce}#{b3.time}#{b3.difficulty}#{b3.prev}#{}" )
# => true
# check proof-of-work difficulty (e.g. '0000')
b0.hash.start_with?( b0.difficulty )
# => true
b1.hash.start_with?( b1.difficulty )
# => true
b2.hash.start_with?( b2.difficulty )
# => true
b3.hash.start_with?( b3.difficulty )
# => true
## check chained / linked hashes
b0.prev == '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
#=> true
b1.prev == b0.hash
#=> true
b2.prev == b1.hash
#=> true
b3.prev == b2.hash
#=> true
# check time moving forward; timestamp always greater/bigger/younger
b1.time > b0.time
#=> true
b2.time > b1.time
#=> true
b3.time > b2.time
#=> true > b3.time ## back to the future (not yet) possible :-)
#=> true
All true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true. All in order? Yes. The blockchain is (almost) unbreakable.