layout | title | navigation_weight |
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Documentation |
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- [ChangeLog][changelog]
- [Frequently Asked Questions][faq]
- [Manual][manual]
- [Wiki MilkyTracker guide][wiki]
- Quick reference printouts (.PDF) and [how to use them][quick-ref-readme]
- [MilkyTracker edit mode on OS X][quick-ref-milky-mac]
- [MilkyTracker edit mode on Windows & SDL][quick-ref-milky-winsdl]
- [Fasttracker II edit mode OS X][quick-ref-ft2-mac]
- [Fasttracker II edit mode Windows & SDL][quick-ref-ft2-win]
- A colourful [command reference][command-ref] produced by [Sahemera][sahemera]
- MilkyTracker Basic Tutorial ► by jivatma (web archive)
- [Fasttracker II Manual][ft2-manual] (.PDF)
- [Techniques of Chipping][techniques-of-chipping] by Vhiiula/Analogik
- Tracker's Handbook v0.5 by Cools/Hertz
- [HTML][trackers-handbook-html]
- [Online ►][trackers-handbook-online]
- [Plain text][trackers-handbook-text]
- [Tracking Principles][tracking-principles] by Yosfits
- [TraxWeekly, the complete archive 1995–1998][trax-weekly]
- [Unofficial XM Spec][XMSPEC]
- XM Katai struct reader/writer
[changelog]: {% link docs/ %} [faq]: {% link docs/FAQ.html %} [wiki]: [manual]: {% link docs/manual/MilkyTracker.html %} [quick-ref-readme]: {% link docs/QuickReferenceReadMe.txt %} [quick-ref-milky-mac]: {% link docs/QuickReferenceMTOSX.pdf %} [quick-ref-milky-winsdl]: {% link docs/QuickReferenceMTWinSDL.pdf %} [quick-ref-ft2-mac]: {% link docs/QuickReferenceFT2OSX.pdf %} [quick-ref-ft2-win]: {% link docs/QuickReferenceFT2WinSDL.pdf %} [command-ref]: {% link docs/milky_tracker_effect_reference_guide_by_sahemera.png %} [sahemera]:
[ft2-manual]: {% link docs/FT2.pdf %} [techniques-of-chipping]: {% link docs/Vhiiula-TechniquesOfChipping.txt %} [trackers-handbook-html]: {% link docs/ %} [trackers-handbook-online]: [trackers-handbook-text]: {% link docs/ %} [tracking-principles]: {% link docs/Tracking Principles.html %} [trax-weekly]: {% link docs/ %}
[ASCIISYNTH]: {% link docs/ASCIISYNTH.txt %} [ASCIISTEP16]: {% link docs/ASCIISTEP16.txt %} [XMSPEC]: {% link docs/XM_file_format.pdf %}