MINOS uses WebSockets for communication between the server and client modules.
A typical communication flow:
- Initialize and start the simulator using the
message. - Run simulator by sending
messages and processing the returned observations. - Send
message to reset simulator state and rerun usingaction
. - Send a
message to load new scene andstart
to start acting in the environment. - Send a
message to terminate simulation.
The environment, agent and sensor configurations can be specified through preset configuration files under the minos/config directory. Finer or dynamic configuration can be implemented by direct API calls, but these files are a good start for familiarization with the overall configuration space.
- The default sensor configuration is in minos/config/sensors.yml. It specifies the parameters for the default set of sensors and is commented at a high level. Refer to the sensor API section below for more details.
- The default agent configuration is in minos/config/agent_continuous.yml. Comments are in the file, and details in the agent API section. Alternative agent configurations can be found in minos/config/agent_gridworld.yml and minos/config/agent_firstperson.yml. The latter agent is convenient for smooth human control.
- Various environment and task configuration presets are found in minos/config/envs.
- Object instance replacement macros (for now, used to substitute closed and semi-open doors with only their door frame) are specified in minos/config/replace_doors.json.
- The default configuration set is assembled in minos/config/index.json.
The simulator API is implemented in minos/lib/Simulator.py. The main functions have pydoc strings, and are also described below.
Initializes the simulator (called once). See
for configuration options. -
Resets and starts the simulation (initializes the simulator if not already initialized). See
for configuration options. Callstart
after any major configuration changes such as scene change. -
Reconfigures the simulator. All old configuration parameters are kept, only changes to configuration need to be specified.
{ agent: { ... }, # Agent options (see agent configuration section) scene: { fullId: ... }, # Load options for scene observations: { # What type of observations to return (requires corresponding sensor specification) color: true, forces: false, objects: false, depth: false, audio: false, map: false }, sensors: [ # Sensor specification array (see sensor configuration section) {...}, ... ], start: 'random', # Start state goal: 'random', # Goal state (see goal configuration) navmap: { # Navigation map configuration ... } }
{ eyeHeight: 1.09 # m height eye level radius: 0.1 # 10cm radius cylinder mass: 32.0 # agent mass in kg coeffRestitution: 0.0 # ratio of relative velocity before and after collision in direction of collision normal stepAcceleration: 20.0 # base linear acceleration for steps in m/s^2 maxSpeed: 2.0 # maximum agent linear speed in m/s linearFriction: 0.5 # coefficient of friction applied to linear speed every step (k in F=-k*m*v/dt) turnAcceleration: 12.5663706144 # turn acceleration in rad/s^2 maxAngularSpeed: 12.5663706144 # maximum turn rate in rad/s angularFriction: 1.0 # coefficient of angular friction applied every step (k in tau=-k*m*w/dt) radialClearance: 0.2 # clearance to leave from center of agent for shortest path computations }
{ fullId: "mp3d.17DRP5sb8fy", # id of scene to load archOnly: false, # (optional) include objects or just load the scene retexture: false, # (optional) retexturing of scene hideCategories: ["plant", "door", "person"], # (optional) array of categories to hide (default is none) level: 0, # (optional) restrict loading to only specified house level room: 0 # (optional) restrict loading to only specified room }
Sensor configurations are specified in a
array where each member has the following structure:{ name: "name", # readable name for this sensor (group) type: "color|semantic|normal|depth|force|audio", configuration: "positional|radial|radial-group", # type of position provided position: [[x0,y0,z0], [r0,y0,t0], ...], # position of each sensor element in agent-centric coordinate frame (+x=right, +y=up, -z=forward). For radial, given as radius, height, theta ccw from +z). For radial-group, specifies origin of radial disk. orientation: [[x0,y0,z0], ...], # orientation of each sensor element in agent-centric coordinate frame. For radial group, specifies orientation of first element, subsequent ones are rotated around the up axis. radial: [r,k,thetaStart,thetaEnd], # Required for radial-group: radius, number of points, angle start and end measured ccw from +z resolution: [w0,h0] # resolution of sensor (width,height) for rgb|depth, or (timeInSec) for audio, or (dx,dy,dz) for force # sensor-specific encoding of return data encoding: "rgba|gray|objectId|objectType|roomId|roomType|xyza|depth|raw_contact|pcm" }
Default is
position on floor (sampled uniformly from positions where agent can stand).Default is
which selects a random navigatable position.To specify a point as a goal (with radius r as a distance threshold):
{ 'type': 'position', 'position': [x, y, z], 'radius': r }
To specify object categories as goals and select a random instance of the category as the goal:
{ 'type': 'object', 'categories': ['arch', 'door'], 'select': 'random' }
To specify room types as goals and select the random room of the category as the goal:
{ 'type': 'room', 'roomTypes': ['bedroom', 'bathroom'], 'select': 'random' }
To specify instances of a model id as a goal, and select the closest from start as the goal:
{ 'type': 'object', 'modelIds': ['3dw.abc...', '3dw.efg...'], 'select': 'closest' }
To specify a specific object id as a goal:
{ 'type': 'object', 'objectIds': ['0_12'] }
To specify a specific room id as the goal:
{ 'type': 'room', 'roomIds': ['0_1'] }
A navigation map can be used in the simulator to provide walkable tiles and shortest path computations. Recomputation of the navigation map can be slow so it is disabled by default.
{ recompute: undefined, // true = force recomputing instead of using precomputed navigation map // otherwise, precomputed navigation map is loaded if available // if not available, falls back to recomputing the navigation map autoUpdate: false // Whether to automatically update shortest path computation on step }
Performs specified action with given input arguments. See Agent section below for list of actions supported.
{ name: 'forwards', # Name of action distance: 1 # Additional arguments to action (action specific) }
{ "time": 1.5, # time in seconds since start of current episode "collision": true, # whether a collision between the agent and environment was detected this step "observation": { "sensors": [ # returned observations for all active sensors { "name": "rgb1", "frame": [pixels], "shape": [w,h,d], "encoding": "rgba", ... }, { "name": "force1", [fx0,fy0,fz0,...], "shape": [k,n,3], "encoding": "raw_contact", ... }, { "name": "objectmask", "frame": [pixels], "shape": [w,h,1], "encoding": "indexed", "index": [object ids], "counts": {index to count}, }, { "name": "audio1", "frame": [buffer], "shape": [k,n], "encoding": "pcm", ... } ], "measurements": { # returned non-sensor measurements (goal distance and direction) "distance_to_goal": [d0,d1,...], "offset_to_goal": [dx0,dy0,dz0,dx1,dy1,dz1,...], "direction_to_goal": [dx0,dy0,dz0,dx1,dy1,dz1,...], "shortest_path_to_goal": {"distance": d, "direction": [dx,dy,dz]} }, "roomInfo": { # current room information "id": "0_1", "roomType": "Bathroom" }, "map": { # top-down map image with shortest path plotted "data": [pixels], "shape": [w,h,4] } }, "info": { "agent_state": {"position": [x,y,z], "orientation":[dx,dy,dz]}, # current agent state }, "success": false, # whether this step ended with success for the episode task "measurements": [m0, m1, m2, m3, ...] # arbitrary measurement values returned by measurement_fun function specified in config }
Resets the simulator to an initial state.
Closes the current connection with the simulator server
Actions supported by default agent:
# Generic actions
{ name: 'idle' }
{ name: 'moveTo', position: <vector3>, angle: <radians> }
# Movement
{ name: 'forwards', strength: <multiplier> }
{ name: 'backwards', strength: <multiplier> }
{ name: 'strafeLeft', strength: <multiplier> }
{ name: 'strafeRight', strength: <multiplier> }
# Rotation
{ name: 'turnLeft', strength: <multiplier> }
{ name: 'turnRight', strength: <multiplier> }
# Look
{ name: 'lookUp', angle: <radians> }
{ name: 'lookDown', angle: <radians> }