Frequently asked usage questions and answers.
If you observe any issues or bugs, please check the log files in logs/<timestamp>/simserver.log and logs/<timestamp>/simulator.log
to and include them in a new issue that you open on the github repository.
The fov
parameter in config/sensors.yml
controls the vertical field of view. The horizontal field of view is determined by the aspect ratio of the image and the vertical field of view.
To obtain observations of per-pixel object or room category labels, you can use the objectType
or roomType
sensor types respectively (enabled through --sensor objectType
or --sensor roomType
). Object and room instance masks (unique id for each instance) are provided through the objectId
and roomId
sensors. To use objectType
or roomType
sensors please set the category-to-index mapping through the --objecttypes_file
and --roomtypes_file
arguments. Predefined mappings for SUNCG are available in minos/server/node_modules/sstk/server/static/data/suncg/objectTypes.csv
and minos/server/node_modules/sstk/server/static/data/suncg/roomTypes.csv
respectively. The category index and instance index masks can be combined to obtain category instance masks. The room instance index mask roomId
is a linearized index of room node id x_y
in ascending sorted order of x+y
starting from index 1 (index 0 corresponds to none).
Information about the shortest path is given at each step in ["observation"]["measurements"]["shortest_path_to_goal"]
. If the map sensor is enabled (through --sensors map
) then there will also be data in ["observation"]["map"]
giving a top-down image view of the environment, and the shortest path from the current agent position to the goal.
The observations
parameter defined in minos/config/
controls which sensor types will return data on each step. You can control which of these sensors are enabled using the command line arguments --depth
or --sensors
, or alternatively set the observations
parameter directly in
It is possible to run the code on machines without a full X server session using the xvfb-run tool (or a special build of headless-gl if you use nVidia GPUs). See for details. You can prefix command calls to the simulator with xvfb-run
in this way: e.g., NODE_BASE_URL=~\work xvfb-run -s "-ac -screen 0 1280x1024x24" python3 --env_config objectgoal_suncg_mf
. If you still have issues, check that the LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT
environment variable is not defined. If it is defined, you can use unset LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT
to undefine it. A detailed discussion of this problem is in #5. In case you ecounter problems, please run xvfb-run -s "-ac -screen 0 1280x1024x24" xvinfo
and/or xvfb-run -s "-ac -screen 0 1280x1024x24" glxinfo
and follow up by reporting these outputs and your overall machine configuration in that github issue.
The splits are stored as part of the presampled episode files in minos/data/episodes_states.suncg.csv.bz2 and minos/data/episodes_states.mp3d.csv.bz2. To set the split from which episodes will be picked, you can either pass an episode_schedule
parameter to the RoomSimulator
constructor, or use the set_episode_schedule
call to the RoomSimulator
. The strings train
, val
, and test
are the three valid options, and they will correspondingly select the subset of episodes for the given split (from the above two files by default, or other episode_states files if you set the states_file
parameter to a different file). You can further restrict the episodes that will be used by a particular RoomSimulator
through the episode_filter
parameter in the env config files. This is an arbitrary python function that can check the value of any of the columns in the episode_states csv files and return a boolean for whether the episode should be included. For example, you can filter on sceneId
and roomId
to select only episodes in a specific house and room.
2018-12-05 14:24:19,724 ERROR b'THREE.WebGLRenderer: WEBGL_depth_texture extension not supported.'
2018-12-05 14:24:19,724 ERROR b'THREE.WebGLRenderer: OES_texture_float_linear extension not supported.'
2018-12-05 14:24:19,724 ERROR b'THREE.WebGLRenderer: OES_texture_half_float extension not supported.'
2018-12-05 14:24:19,724 ERROR b'THREE.WebGLRenderer: OES_texture_half_float_linear extension not supported.'
2018-12-05 14:24:19,724 ERROR b'THREE.WebGLRenderer: OES_standard_derivatives extension not supported.'
These messages are expected and safe to ignore.
Please check that you define the $NODE_BASE_URL
environment variable and that it points to the parent directory containing the extracted suncg
and mp3d
We actually use our own fork of the python socketIO client package to fix issues with binary mode transport. Confirm that when you run pip install -r requirements.txt
our fork of the package is downloaded and installed. It should be listed as . If you still get errors from the socketIO_client package, try to clone the code from the repository, and install it manually using pip3 install -e /path/to/socketIO-client-2
. This issue has been observed primarily on systems with anaconda installations.
This is due to an issue with the precompiled headless-gl nvidia GPU driver. You can resolve this by following the steps in stackgl/headless-gl#65 (comment) . When you obtain a freshly compiled webgl.node file, overwrite the file in node_modules/gl/build/Release/webgl.node
with the file rebuilt on your system (copied from headless-gl/build/Release/webgl.node
). It is good to check that there are no other copies of the webgl.node
file in your minos directory tree that have not been updated.