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Create a new pull request by comparing changes across two branches. If you need to, you can also . Learn more about diff comparisons here.
base repository: mit-ll/em-download-opensky
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base: v1.0
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head repository: mit-ll/em-download-opensky
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: main
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  • 7 commits
  • 30 files changed
  • 3 contributors

Commits on Dec 16, 2020

  1. Add DOI badge

    aweinert-MIT authored Dec 16, 2020
    Copy the full SHA
    c548191 View commit details
  2. [ImgBot] Optimize images

    *Total -- 12,115.12kb -> 11,876.83kb (1.97%)
    /doc/permission_denied.png -- 83.56kb -> 45.73kb (45.27%)
    /doc/max_alt_agl_queries.png -- 70.14kb -> 40.13kb (42.79%)
    /doc/ATW.png -- 755.93kb -> 736.34kb (2.59%)
    /doc/BZN.png -- 934.98kb -> 912.73kb (2.38%)
    /doc/polybox_conus_bcd.png -- 479.35kb -> 471.30kb (1.68%)
    /doc/polybox_conus_d.png -- 472.39kb -> 464.69kb (1.63%)
    /doc/polybox_usa_bcd.png -- 429.08kb -> 422.15kb (1.61%)
    /doc/polyunion_nyc_bos_bcd.png -- 2,237.58kb -> 2,210.72kb (1.2%)
    /doc/polyunion_nyc_bos_d.png -- 2,233.33kb -> 2,206.54kb (1.2%)
    /doc/polybox_nyc_bos_d.png -- 2,221.65kb -> 2,195.03kb (1.2%)
    /doc/polybox_nyc_bos_bcd.png -- 2,197.13kb -> 2,171.48kb (1.17%)
    Signed-off-by: ImgBotApp <>
    ImgBotApp committed Dec 16, 2020
    Copy the full SHA
    6a93e55 View commit details
  3. Merge pull request #1 from Airspace-Encounter-Models/imgbot

    [ImgBot] Optimize images
    aweinert-MIT authored Dec 16, 2020
    Copy the full SHA
    f5528ac View commit details
  4. Merge pull request #2 from Airspace-Encounter-Models/main

    Optimize images
    aweinert-MIT authored Dec 16, 2020
    Copy the full SHA
    3cdc986 View commit details
  5. Fixed function name

    aweinert-MIT authored Dec 16, 2020
    Copy the full SHA
    3f2a7f8 View commit details

Commits on Feb 29, 2024

  1. style: miss_hit & copyright

    - add .gitattributes and miss_hit.cfg
    - Format using mh_style --fix
    - Update copyright year to 2024
    aweinert-MIT committed Feb 29, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    b09e4c9 View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    6a0df35 View commit details
239 changes: 239 additions & 0 deletions .gitattributes
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
# Details per file setting:
# text These files should be normalized (i.e. convert CRLF to LF).
# binary These files are binary and should be left untouched.
# Original source that has subsequently been modified
# Auto detect
## Handle line endings automatically for files detected as
## text and leave all files detected as binary untouched.
## This will handle all files NOT defined below.
* text=auto

# Source code
*.bash text eol=lf
*.bat text eol=crlf
*.cfg text eol=lf
*.cmd text eol=crlf
*.coffee text
*.css text diff=css
*.htm text diff=html
*.html text diff=html
*.ipynb text
*.inc text
*.ini text
*.js text
*.json text
*.jsx text
*.less text
*.ls text
*.m text eol=lf
*.map text -diff
*.od text
*.onlydata text
*.php text diff=php
*.pl text
*.ps1 text eol=crlf
*.pxd text diff=python eol=lf
*.py text diff=python eol=lf
*.py3 text diff=python eol=lf
*.pyw text diff=python eol=lf
*.pyx text diff=python eol=lf
*.pyz text diff=python eol=lf
*.pyi text diff=python eol=lf
*.rb text diff=ruby
*.sass text
*.scm text
*.scss text diff=css
*.sh text eol=lf
*.sql text
*.styl text
*.tag text
*.ts text
*.tsx text
*.xml text
*.xhtml text diff=html
*.yaml text eol=lf

# MATLAB Binary files
*.p binary
*.mex* binary
*.fig binary
*.mat binary
*.mdl binary
*.slx binary
*.mdlp binary
*.slxp binary
*.sldd binary
*.mltbx binary
*.mlappinstall binary
*.mlpkginstall binary
*.mn binary

# Python Binary files
*.db binary
*.p binary
*.pkl binary
*.pickle binary
*.pyc binary export-ignore
*.pyo binary export-ignore
*.pyd binary

# Docker
Dockerfile text

# Documentation
*.ipynb text
*.markdown text diff=markdown
*.md text diff=markdown
*.mdwn text diff=markdown
*.mdown text diff=markdown
*.mkd text diff=markdown
*.mkdn text diff=markdown
*.mdtxt text
*.mdtext text
*.txt text eol=lf
copyright text
license text
NEWS text
readme text
*README* text
TODO text

# Templates
*.dot text
*.ejs text
*.haml text
*.handlebars text
*.hbs text
*.hbt text
*.jade text
*.latte text
*.mustache text
*.njk text
*.phtml text
*.tmpl text
*.tpl text
*.twig text
*.vue text

# Configs
*.cnf text
*.conf text
*.config text
.editorconfig text
.env text
.gitattributes text
.gitconfig text
.htaccess text
*.lock text -diff
package.json text eol=lf
package-lock.json text -diff
pnpm-lock.yaml text eol=lf -diff
yarn.lock text -diff
*.toml text
*.yaml text
*.yml text
browserslist text
Makefile text
makefile text

# Heroku
Procfile text

# Graphics
*.ai binary
*.bmp binary
*.eps binary
*.gif binary
*.gifv binary
*.ico binary
*.jng binary
*.jp2 binary
*.jpg binary
*.jpeg binary
*.jpx binary
*.jxr binary
*.pdf binary
*.png binary
*.psb binary
*.psd binary
# SVG treated as an asset (binary) by default.
*.svg text
# If you want to treat it as binary,
# use the following line instead.
# *.svg binary
*.svgz binary
*.tif binary
*.tiff binary
*.wbmp binary
*.webp binary

# Audio
*.kar binary
*.m4a binary
*.mid binary
*.midi binary
*.mp3 binary
*.ogg binary
*.ra binary

# Video
*.3gpp binary
*.3gp binary
*.as binary
*.asf binary
*.asx binary
*.fla binary
*.flv binary
*.m4v binary
*.mng binary
*.mov binary
*.mp4 binary
*.mpeg binary
*.mpg binary
*.ogv binary
*.swc binary
*.swf binary
*.webm binary

# Archives
*.7z binary
*.gz binary
*.jar binary
*.rar binary
*.tar binary
*.zip binary

# Fonts
*.ttf binary
*.eot binary
*.otf binary
*.woff binary
*.woff2 binary

# Executables
*.exe binary
*.pyc binary

# RC files (like .babelrc or .eslintrc)
*.*rc text

# Ignore files (like .npmignore or .gitignore)
*.*ignore text

# Enable syntax highlighting for files with `.gitattributes` extensions.
*.gitattributes linguist-language=gitattributes