The main purpose of the reaction analyzer package is to measure the reaction times of various nodes within a ROS-based
autonomous driving simulation environment by subscribing to pre-determined topics. This tool is particularly useful for
evaluating the performance of perception, planning, and control pipelines in response to dynamic changes in the
environment, such as sudden obstacles. To be able to measure both control outputs and perception outputs, it was
necessary to divide the node into two running_mode: planning_control
and perception_planning
In this mode, the reaction analyzer creates a dummy publisher for the PredictedObjects and PointCloud2 topics. In the
beginning of the test, it publishes the initial position of the ego vehicle and the goal position to set the test
environment. Then, it spawns a sudden obstacle in front of the ego vehicle. After the obstacle is spawned, it starts to
search reacted messages of the planning and control nodes in the pre-determined topics. When all the topics are reacted,
it calculates the reaction time of the nodes and statistics by comparing reacted_times
of each of the nodes
with spawn_cmd_time
, and it creates a csv file to store the results.
In this mode, the reaction analyzer reads the rosbag files which are recorded from AWSIM, and it creates a topic
publisher for each topic inside the rosbag to replay the rosbag. It reads two rosbag files: path_bag_without_object
and path_bag_with_object
. Firstly, it replays the path_bag_without_object
to set the initial position of the ego
vehicle and the goal position. After spawn_time_after_init
seconds , it replays the path_bag_with_object
to spawn a
sudden obstacle in front of the ego vehicle. After the obstacle is spawned, it starts to search the reacted messages of
the perception and planning nodes in the pre-determined topics. When all the topics are reacted, it calculates the
reaction time of the nodes and statistics by comparing reacted_times
of each of the nodes with spawn_cmd_time
, and
it creates a csv file to store the results.
To get better analyze for Perception & Sensing pipeline, the reaction analyzer can publish the point cloud messages in 3
different ways: async_header_sync_publish
, sync_header_sync_publish
or async_publish
. (T
is the period of the
lidar's output)
: It publishes the point cloud messages synchronously with asynchronous header times. It means that each of the lidar's output will be published at the same time, but the headers of the point cloud messages includes different timestamps because of the phase difference.sync_header_sync_publish
: It publishes the point cloud messages synchronously with synchronous header times. It means that each of the lidar's output will be published at the same time, and the headers of the point cloud messages includes the same timestamps.async_publish
: It publishes the point cloud messages asynchronously. It means that each of the lidar's output will be published at different times.
The common parameters you need to define for both running modes are output_file_path
, test_iteration
and reaction_chain
list. output_file_path
is the output file path is the path where the results and statistics
will be stored. test_iteration
defines how many tests will be performed. The reaction_chain
list is the list of the
pre-defined topics you want to measure their reaction times.
IMPORTANT: Ensure the reaction_chain
list is correctly defined:
- For
mode, do not defineControl
nodes. - For
mode, do not definePerception
- Download the demonstration test map from the
link here. After
extract the zip file and use its path as
in the following commands.
- You need to define only Planning and Control nodes in the
list. With the default parameters, you can start to test with the following command:
ros2 launch reaction_analyzer reaction_analyzer.launch.xml running_mode:=planning_control vehicle_model:=sample_vehicle sensor_model:=sample_sensor_kit map_path:=[MAP_PATH]
After the command, the simple_planning_simulator
and the reaction_analyzer
will be launched. It will automatically
start to test. After the test is completed, the results will be stored in the output_file_path
you defined.
- Download the rosbag files from the Google Drive link here.
- Extract the zip file and set the path of the
files to parameterspath_bag_without_object
. - You can start to test with the following command:
ros2 launch reaction_analyzer reaction_analyzer.launch.xml running_mode:=perception_planning vehicle_model:=sample_vehicle sensor_model:=awsim_labs_sensor_kit map_path:=[MAP_PATH]
After the command, the e2e_simulator
and the reaction_analyzer
will be launched. It will automatically start
to test. After the test is completed, the results will be stored in the output_file_path
you defined.
If you want to run the reaction analyzer with your custom test environment, you need to redefine some of the
The parameters you need to redefine are initialization_pose
, entity_params
, goal_pose
, and topic_publisher
for perception_planning
mode) parameters.
- To set
: - Run the AWSIM environment. Tutorial for AWSIM can be found here.
- Run the e2e_simulator with the following command:
ros2 launch autoware_launch e2e_simulator.launch.xml vehicle_model:=sample_vehicle sensor_model:=awsim_labs_sensor_kit map_path:=[MAP_PATH]
- After EGO is initialized, you can move the ego vehicle to the desired position by using the
button in the RViz. - After the EGO stopped in desired position, please localize the dummy obstacle by using the traffic controller. You can
control the traffic by pressing
After localize EGO and dummy vehicle, we should write the positions of these entities in the map frame
in reaction_analyzer.param.yaml
. To achieve this:
- Get initialization pose from
topic. - Get entity params from
topic. - Get goal pose from
PS: initialization_pose
is only valid for planning_control
- After the parameters were noted, we should record the rosbags for the test. To record the rosbags, you can use the following command:
ros2 bag record --all
- You should record two rosbags: one without the object and one with the object. You can use the traffic controller to spawn the object in front of the EGO vehicle or remove it.
NOTE: You should record the rosbags in the same environment with the same position of the EGO vehicle. You don't need to run Autoware while recording.
- After you record the rosbags, you can set the
parameters with the paths of the recorded rosbags.
The results will be stored in the csv
file format and written to the output_file_path
you defined. It shows each
pipeline of the Autoware by using header timestamp of the messages, and it reports Node Latency
, Pipeline Latency
and Total Latency
for each of the nodes.
Node Latency
: The time difference between previous and current node's reaction timestamps. If it is the first node in the pipeline, it is same asPipeline Latency
.Pipeline Latency
: The time difference between published time of the message and pipeline header time.Total Latency
: The time difference between the message's published timestamp and the spawn obstacle command sent timestamp.
Name | Type | Description |
timer_period |
double | [s] Period for the main processing timer. |
test_iteration |
int | Number of iterations for the test. |
output_file_path |
string | Directory path where test results and statistics will be stored. |
spawn_time_after_init |
double | [s] Time delay after initialization before spawning objects. Only valid perception_planning mode. |
spawn_distance_threshold |
double | [m] Distance threshold for spawning objects. Only valid planning_control mode. |
poses.initialization_pose |
struct | Initial pose of the vehicle, containing x , y , z , roll , pitch , and yaw fields. Only valid planning_control mode. |
poses.entity_params |
struct | Parameters for entities (e.g., obstacles), containing x , y , z , roll , pitch , yaw , x_dimension , y_dimension , and z_dimension . |
poses.goal_pose |
struct | Goal pose of the vehicle, containing x , y , z , roll , pitch , and yaw fields. |
topic_publisher.path_bag_without_object |
string | Path to the ROS bag file without objects. Only valid perception_planning mode. |
topic_publisher.path_bag_with_object |
string | Path to the ROS bag file with objects. Only valid perception_planning mode. |
topic_publisher.spawned_pointcloud_sampling_distance |
double | [m] Sampling distance for point clouds of spawned objects. Only valid planning_control mode. |
topic_publisher.dummy_perception_publisher_period |
double | [s] Publishing period for the dummy perception data. Only valid planning_control mode. |
topic_publisher.pointcloud_publisher.pointcloud_publisher_type |
string | Defines how the PointCloud2 messages are going to be published. Modes explained above. |
topic_publisher.pointcloud_publisher.pointcloud_publisher_period |
double | [s] Publishing period of the PointCloud2 messages. |
topic_publisher.pointcloud_publisher.publish_only_pointcloud_with_object |
bool | Default false. Publish only the point cloud messages with the object. |
reaction_params.first_brake_params.debug_control_commands |
bool | Debug publish flag. |
reaction_params.first_brake_params.control_cmd_buffer_time_interval |
double | [s] Time interval for buffering control commands. |
reaction_params.first_brake_params.min_number_descending_order_control_cmd |
int | Minimum number of control commands in descending order for triggering brake. |
reaction_params.first_brake_params.min_jerk_for_brake_cmd |
double | [m/s³] Minimum jerk value for issuing a brake command. |
reaction_params.search_zero_vel_params.max_looking_distance |
double | [m] Maximum looking distance for zero velocity on trajectory |
reaction_params.search_entity_params.search_radius |
double | [m] Searching radius for spawned entity. Distance between ego pose and entity pose. |
reaction_chain |
struct | List of the nodes with their topics and topic's message types. |
Reaction analyzer has some limitation like
. It is currently supporting following list: -
Publisher Message Types:
Subscriber Message Types:
Reaction Types:
- The reaction analyzer can be improved by adding more reaction types. Currently, it is supporting only
reaction types. It can be extended by adding more reaction types for each of the message types.