The yaml file listed here allows to 'register' a model to a AI and ML platform. The goal is to define overall Model metadata in a standard way so that you can bring a model at any part of the lifecycle within the workflow system, if you so desire. For example someone might just want to train a model, or someone might have trained a model somewhere else, and would just like to serve. If they enter during training part, then some parts of the serving template should be filled automatically. Someone else might have a need to just convert their model to ONNX format and deploy.
Even in serving, there will be different ways to describe your Model given how you have packaged them (container, or split pre-processing, prediction, post processing, and that too differs based on different model types).
Training section is very evolved, and can handle multiple usecases. For serving, this starts with a sample for container based Model, but we hope to evolve in future.
name: (Required) name of this model file
description: (Optional) description of this model file
author: (Required for trainable)
name: (Required for trainable) name of this training job's author
email: (Required for trainable) email of this training job's author
framework: (Required)
name: (Required) ML/DL framework format that the model is stored as.
version: (Optional) Framework version used for this model
runtimes: (Required for trainable)
name: (Required for trainable) programming language for the model runtime
version: (Required for trainable) programming language version for the model runtime
labels: (Optional list) labels and tags for this model
- url: (Optional) Link to the ML/DL model page.
- pipeline_uuids: (Optional) Linkage with a list of execuable pipelines.
license: (Optional) License for this model.
domain: (Optional) Domain metadata for this model.
purpose: (Optional) Purpose of this model, e.g. binary_classification
website: (Optional) Links that explain this model in more details
train: (optional)
trainable: (optional) Indicate the model is trainable. Default: False
tested_platforms(optional list): platform on which this model can trained (current options: wml, ffdl, kubeflow)
model_source: (Required for trainable)
initial_model: (Required for trainable)
data_store: (Required) datastore for the model code source
bucket: (Required) Bucket that has the model code source
path: (Required) Bucket path that has the model code source
url: (Optional) Link to the model
initial_model_local: (Optional)
path: (Optional) Initial model code in the user local machine
model_training_results: (Required for trainable)
trained_model: (Required for trainable)
data_store: (Required) datastore for the training result source
bucket: (Required) Bucket that has the training result source
path: (Required) Bucket path that has the training result source
url: (Optional) Link to the model
trained_model_local: (Optional)
path: (Optional) Path to pull trained model in the user local machine
data_source: (Optional)
training_data: (Required for trainable)
data_store: (Required) datastore for the model data source
bucket: (Required) Bucket that has the model data source
path: (Required) Bucket path that has the model data source
url: (Optional) Link to the model
training_data_local: (Optional)
path: (Optional) Initial data files in the user local machine
mount_type: (Required) object storage mount type
evaluation_metrics: (optional) Define the metrics for the training job.
type: (Required) evaluation_metrics type
in: (Required) Path to store the evaluation_metrics
training_container_image: (Optional)
container_image_url: (Optional) Custom training container image url
container_store: (Optional) container_store for the custom training image
execution: (Required for trainable)
command: (Required) Entrypoint commands to execute model code
name: (Required) T-shirt size for training on Watson Machine Learning
nodes: (Required) Number of nodes needed for this training job. Default: 1
training_params: (Optional) list of hyperparameters for the training model
- (optional) list of key(param name):value(param value)
serve: (Optional)
servable: (Optional) Indicate the model is servable without training. Default: False
tested_platforms (optional list): platform on which this model can served (current options: kubernetes, knative, seldon, wml, kfserving)
model_source: (Optional) - (Required if servable is true)
servable_model: (Required for s3 or url type)
data_store: (Required for s3 type) datastore for the model source
bucket: (Required for s3 type) Bucket that has the model source
path: (Required for s3 type) Source path to the model
url: (Required for url type) Source URL for the model
servable_model_local: (Optional)
path: (Optional) Servable model path in the user local machine
serving_container_image: (Required for container type)
container_image_url: (Required for container type) Container image to serve the model.
container_store: (Optional) container_store name
score: (Optional)
scorable: (Optional) Indicate the model is scorable. Default: False
model_feature_schema_source: (Required if scorable is true)
scorable_model: (Required for s3 or url type)
data_store: (Required for s3 type) datastore for the model source
bucket: (Required for s3 type) Bucket that has the model source
data_store_file_paths: (Required for s3 type) Source path to the model schema, features and test files
url: (Required for url type) Source URL for the model
secorable_model_local: (Required if local)
path: (Optional) Servable model path in the user local machine
metrics: Metrics for scoring
data (Optional)
source_id: (Optional) Extension file id regarding the data source.
domain: (Optional) Metadata about the data domain.
website: (Optional) Links to the data description
license: (Optional) Data license
data_stores: (Optional) - (Required for trainable)
- name: (Required) name of the data_stores
endpoing: (Required) Object Storage endpoint URL or public Object Storage key link.
access_key_id: (Required) Object Storage access_key_id
secret_access_key: (Required) Object secret_access_key
data_stores_file_paths: (Optional) -
- name: (Required) name of the data_store_file_path
key: value
process: (Optional)
- name: (Required) Script Process name. Can mix any kind of process here
params: (Optional) Free flowing list of key:value paisrs
staging_dir: (Optional) Staging directory within the local machine
trained_model_path: (Optional) trained model path within the object storage bucket
container_stores: (Optional)
- name: (Required) name of the container_store
container_registry: (Required) container registry for this container_store
container_registry_token: (Required if container registry is private) container registry token
convert: (Optional)
onnx_convertable: (Optional) Enable convertion to ONNX format.
The model needs to be either trainable or servable. Default: False
model_source: (Required for onnx_convertable) Model binary path that needs the format conversion.
data_store: (Required) datastore for the model source
bucket: (Required) Bucket that has the model source
path: (Required) Bucket path that has the model source
url: (Optional) Link to the model
bucket:(Required) Bucket to store the onnx model
path: (Required) Bucket path to store the onnx model
url: (Optional) Link to the converted model
tf_inputs: (Required for TensorFlow model) Input placeholder and shapes of the model.
tf_outputs: (Required for TensorFlow model) Output placeholders of the model.
tf_rtol: (Optional) Relative tolerance for TensorFlow
tf_atol: (Optional) Absolute tolerance for TensorFlow