- Below are useful networking tools that I use daily for troubleshooting any networking issues. Maybe there are more.
- Tests connectivity to a specific IP address or hostname.
- ping sends ICMP echo requests to a specified address to check connectivity.
ping google.com
ping -c 4
- Displays the route packets take to a network host. so basically check the network hops your packets take to a certain destination
traceroute google.com
traceroute -I
- Reads and writes data across network connections using TCP or UDP.
nc -zv google.com 80
nc -l 1234 # Listen on port 1234
- Connects to another host using the Telnet protocol.
telnet google.com 80
- Queries DNS to obtain domain name or IP address mapping.
nslookup google.com
- Queries DNS servers for information about domains. (Advanced version of nslookup)
dig google.com
dig google.com ANY
- Shows/manages network interfaces, routing, and addresses.
ip addr show
ip route show
ip link set eth0 up
- Configures network interfaces.
ifconfig eth0 up
- Displays network connections, routing tables, interface statistics.
netstat -an
netstat -r
- Dumps socket statistics, similar to netstat.
ss -tuln
ss -s
- Captures and analyzes network traffic.
tcpdump -i eth0
tcpdump -i eth0 -w capture.pcap
- Measures network bandwidth.
iperf -s # Start server
iperf -c server_ip # Connect to server
- Combines ping and traceroute functionality.
mtr google.com
mtr -r google.com
Displays or modifies the IP routing table.
route -n
route add default gw
- Network exploration tool and security/port scanner. (check which ports are open for a certain domain or IP)
nmap google.com
nmap -sP
- Queries the WHOIS database for information about domains. - who owns the domain and belongs to etc
whois google.com
- Displays and modifies the ARP table. (ARP is the mapping of MAC addresses to IP addresses)
arp -a
arp -d
- Shows or sets the system's hostname.
hostname new-hostname
- Lists open files and network connections.
lsof -i :80
lsof -i tcp
- Sends ARP requests to test the reachability of hosts.
- Disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface.
ncdu /
- Network traffic monitor.
vnstat -l # Live mode
vnstat -d # Daily statistics
- Command-line network protocol analyzer (part of the Wireshark suite).
tshark -i eth0
tshark -r capture.pcap
- Network tool to send custom TCP/IP packets. (NOT MAINTAINED anymore)
hping3 -S -p 80 google.com
hping3 --flood -V -u -p 80 google.com
- nload
- nethogs
- conntrack
- ssdp
- iw
- iwlist
- iwconfig