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File metadata and controls

334 lines (275 loc) · 7.89 KB
title summary
Output Configuration
Learn how to configure Output.

Output Configuration

Currently, Gravity supports the following Output plugins:

  • async-kafka: Sends the Input message to Kafka asynchronously.
  • mysql: Writes data in MySQL.
  • elasticsearch: Stores and index data in Elasticsearch.

async-kafka configuration

For async-kafka, Gravity can guarantee data with the same primary key will be delivered to the same partition sequentially.

If there is a change in the primary key, there is no such guarantee. For example, for a MySQL table

  id int,
  v int,

INSERT INTO test (id, v) VALUES (1, 1); // (1, 1)
UPDATE test set v = 2 WHERE id = 1; //(1, 1) --> (1, 2)
UPDATE test set id = 2 WHERE id = 1; // (1, 2) --> (2, 2)

There is no guarantee that event (1, 1) --> (1, 2) happens before (1, 2) --> (2, 2). These two events may be sent to different kafka partitions.

# The connection configuration of Kafka 
# Required
type = "async-kafka"

output-format = "json" # json or pb
schema-version = "0.1"

# required
broker-addrs = ["localhost:9092"]
mode = "async"

# kafka SASL
# optional
enable = false
user = ""
password = ""

# Kafka topic route
# required
match-schema = "test"
match-table = "test_table"
dml-topic = "test.test_table"

The DML JSON format output by Kafka is as follows:

   "version": "2.0",
      "c":"2016-10-21 05:33:54.631000+08:00",
      "comment":"I am a creature of light."
      "c":"2016-10-21 05:33:37.523000"

In the above configuration:

  • type indicates the operation type. The value can be insert, update, delete, and ddl.
  • data indicates the current data of this row.
  • old indicates the old data of this row (It has a value only when type is update).

The time field is output in the rfc3399 format according to the string.

The DDL JSON format output by Kafka is as follows:

   "version": "2.0",
   "statement": " alter table test.t add column v int"

mysql configuration

# The connection configuration of the target MySQL cluster
# Required
type = "mysql"

enable-ddl = true # support create & alter table for now. schema and table names will be modified according to routes.

host = ""
username = ""
password = ""
port = 3306
max-open = 20 # optional, max connections
max-idle = 20 # optional, suggest to be the same as max-open

# The routing configuration of the target MySQL cluster. "*" is supported for `match-schema` and `match-table`.
# Required
match-schema = "test"
match-table = "test_source_table_*"
target-schema = "test"
target-table = "test_target_table"

# The execution engine configuration of MySQL
# Optional
type = "mysql-replace-engine"

# Whether to enable the write operation of the bidirectional synchronization identifier
tag-internal-txn = false

In the above configuration, if tag-internal-txn is set to "true" as follows, Gravity gets the internal identifier of bidirectional synchronization when writing data in the MySQL cluster (by wrapping in the Gravity internal table transaction). If ignore-bidirectional-data is configured in the source cluster, the write traffic from Gravity can be ignored.

type = "mysql-replace-engine"

# "true" means enabling the write operation of the bidirectional synchronization identifier.
tag-internal-txn = false

elasticsearch configuration

Important notices:

  • this plugin is still in beta
  • it only supports Elasticsearch version 6.x
type = "elasticsearch"

# Whether to ignore 400(bad request) responses.
# Elasticsearch will return 400 when the index name is invalid or the document parsing error.
# it is disabled by default, so the synchronization will be failed when the remote server returned a 400 error.
ignore-bad-request = true

# The server configuration of Elasticsearch
# Required
urls = [""]
sniff = false
# http timeout, default is 1000ms
timeout = 500

# The basic auth configuration
# Optional
username = ""
password = ""

# The routing configuration
# Required
match-schema = "test"
match-table = "test_source_table_*"
target-index = "test-index" # the default value is the table name of each DML msg
target-type = "_doc" # the default value is 'doc'
# Whether to ignore a DML msg without a primary key.
# output will use the primary key as the id of the document, so the synchronized table must have a primary key.
# it is disabled by default, so the synchronization will be failed when a DML message has no primary key.
ignore-no-primary-key = false

esmodel configuration

Important notices:

  • this plugin is still in beta
  • it supports Elasticsearch version 7.x and 6.x
  • it support for dynamically creating indexes
  • it supports one-to-one and one-to-many table relationships.
  • temporarily does not support many-to-many relationships

configuration demo:

type = "esmodel"

# Whether to ignore 400(bad request) responses.
# Elasticsearch will return 400 when the index name is invalid or the document parsing error.
# it is disabled by default, so the synchronization will be failed when the remote server returned a 400 error.
ignore-bad-request = true

# The server configuration of Elasticsearch
# Required
urls = [""]
sniff = false
# http timeout, default is 1000ms
timeout = 500
# retry count,default 3 

# The basic auth configuration
# Optional
username = ""
password = ""

# master table strategy
match-schema = "test"
# main table
match-table = "student"
# index name
# Type name, 7.x item is invalid
#shards number
#replicas number
#Included columns, default all
include-column = []
#Excluded column, default empty
exclude-column = []

# columns convert strategy
name = "studentName"

# one-to-one table strategy
match-schema = "test"
match-table = "student_detail"
# foreign key column
fk-column = "student_id"
#Included columns, default all
include-column = []
#Excluded column, default empty
exclude-column = []
# Mode, 1: sub-object, 2: index extend
mode = 2
# Property object name, valid when mode is 1.
property-name = "studentDetail"
# Attribute prefix, can be ignored when mode is 1.
property-pre = "sd_"

# columns convert strategy
introduce = "introduceInfo"

# another one-to-one table strategy
match-schema = "test"
match-table = "student_class"
fk-column = "student_id"
include-column = []
exclude-column = []
mode = 1
property-name = "studentClass"
property-pre = ""

name = "className"

# one-to-more table strategy
match-schema = "test"
match-table = "student_parent"
# foreign key column
fk-column = "student_id"
#Included columns, default all
include-column = []
#Excluded column, default empty
exclude-column = []
# Property object name
property-name = "studentParent"

# columns convert strategy
name = "parentName"