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XML Query Language

Thilo Molitor edited this page Sep 8, 2024 · 32 revisions


To query single values out of a complex XML stanza, we use a XML query language inspired by XPath, but not compatible with it. Instead, our language, as implemented in Monal, is a strict superset of Prosody's query language as documented in Prosody's documentation of util.stanza. This makes it possible to copy over queries from Prosody and directly use them in Monal without any modification.

The MLXMLNode methods

All incoming and outgoing XMPP stanzas are parsed to/from an instance of nested MLXMLNode elements. This class therefore provides some methods for creating such elements as well as querying them.

Creating an MLXMLNode

There are several initializers for MLXMLNode:

-(id) initWithElement:(NSString*) element;
-(id) initWithElement:(NSString*) element andNamespace:(NSString*) xmlns;
-(id) initWithElement:(NSString*) element andNamespace:(NSString*) xmlns withAttributes:(NSDictionary*) attributes andChildren:(NSArray*) children andData:(NSString* _Nullable) data;
-(id) initWithElement:(NSString*) element withAttributes:(NSDictionary*) attributes andChildren:(NSArray*) children andData:(NSString* _Nullable) data;
-(id) initWithElement:(NSString*) element andData:(NSString* _Nullable) data;
-(id) initWithElement:(NSString*) element andNamespace:(NSString*) xmlns andData:(NSString* _Nullable) data;

The initializers not taking a namespace argument will create XML nodes that automatically inherit the namespace of their containing node, once added to a tree of XML nodes.

When nesting MLXMLNodes , it looks like this:

MLXMLNode* exampleNode = [[MLXMLNode alloc] initWithElement:@"credentials" andNamespace:@"urn:xmpp:extdisco:2" withAttributes:@{} andChildren:@[
    [[MLXMLNode alloc] initWithElement:@"service"  withAttributes:@{
        @"type": service[@"type"],
        @"host": service[@"host"],
        @"port": service[@"port"],
    } andChildren:@[] andData:nil]
] andData:nil]

Querying a (possibly nested) MLXMLNode

All XML queries are implemented as an interface of MLXMLNode as well. For XML queries this class has three different methods:

-(NSArray*) find:(NSString* _Nonnull) queryString, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1, 2)
-(id) findFirst:(NSString* _Nonnull) queryString, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1, 2)
-(BOOL) check:(NSString* _Nonnull) queryString, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1, 2)

find: will return an NSArray listing all results matching your query, findFirst: will only return the first result of your query. This should be used, if you are certain that there should only be one element matching (or none at all). check: can be used to determine if find: would return an empty NSArray.

All three methods take a string argument possibly containing printf style format specifiers including the %@ specifier as supported by NSString.stringWithFormat: and a variable argument list for providing these format specifiers.

The Query Language

The query language consists of a path followed by an optional extraction command and conversion command and is parsed by complex regular expressions in MLXMLNode.m. These regular expressions and the usage of the xml language throughout Monal were security audited in 2024. If the following description talks about the find: method, the findFirst: and check: methods are automatically included.

Path Segments

The path is built of /-separated segments each representing an XML node, selected by either an XML namespace or an element name or both. The XML namespace is wrapped in { } and prefixes the element name. Each path segment is used to select all XML nodes matching the criteria listed in this path segment. The special wildcard value * for element name or namespace mean "any namespace" or "any element".

If the namespace is omitted, the namespace of the parent node in the XML tree the query is acted upon is used (or * , if there is no parent node). The namespace of the parent node is used even if the find: method is executed on a child XML node, see example 1. The element name can not be omitted and should be set to * if unknown.

If the path begins with a '/' that means the following first path segment is to be used to select the node the find: method is called upon, if the leading / is omitted, the first path segment is used to select the child nodes the of the node the find:method is called upon.

Example 1:

<message from='[email protected]' id='some_id' xmlns='jabber:client'>
    <body>Message text</body>
    <body xmlns='urn:some:different:namespace'>This will NOT be used</body>
MLXMLNode* message = <the stanza above as MLXMLNode tree>;
NSArray<NSString*>* bodyStrings = [message find:@"body#"];

MLAssert(bodyStrings.count == 1, @"Only one body text should be returned!");
MLAssert([bodyStrings[0] isEqualToString:@"Message text", @"The body with inherited namespace 'jabber:client' should be used!");

More selection criteria

  • Not element name:
    If you want to select all XML nodes not having a specified name, you'll have to prefix the element name with !. This will negate the selection, e.g. !text will select all XML nodes not named text, see example 2.
  • Element attribute equals value:
    If you want to select XML nodes on the basis of their XML attributes, you can list those attributes as attributeName=valuepairs each inside < >, see example 3. You can use format string specifiers in the value part of those pairs to replace those with the variadic arguments of find:. The order of variadic arguments has to resemble all format specifiers of the complete query string given to find: Note: the value part of those pairs can not be omitted, use regular expression matching to select for mere XML attribute presence (e.g. <attributeName~^.*$>).
  • Element attribute matches regular expression:
    To select XML nodes on the basis of their XML attributes, but using a regular expression, you'll have to use attributeName~regex pairs inside < >. No format string specifiers will be repaced inside your regular expression following the ~. You'll have to use ^ and $ to match begin and end of the attribute string yourself, e.g. <attributeName~.> will match all attribute values having at least one character, while <attributeName~^.$> will match all attribute values having exactly one character.

Example 2:

    <not-well-formed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'/>
MLXMLNode* streamError = <the stanza above as MLXMLNode tree>;
NSString* errorReason = [streamError findFirst:@"{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams}!text$"];

MLAssert([errorReason isEqualToString:@"not-well-formed", @"The extracted error should be 'not-well-formed'!");

Example 3:

<iq id='605818D4-4D16-4ACC-B003-BFA3E11849E1' to='[email protected]/Monal-iOS.15e153a8' xmlns='jabber:client' type='result' from='[email protected]'>
    <pubsub xmlns=''>
        <subscription node='eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.devicelist' subid='6795F13596465' subscription='subscribed' jid='[email protected]'/>
MLXMLNode* iq = <the stanza above as MLXMLNode tree>;
NSString* subscriptionStatus = [iq findFirst:@"/<type=result>/{}pubsub/subscription<node=%@><jid=%@>@subscription", @"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.devicelist", @"[email protected]"];

MLAssert([subscriptionStatus isEqualToString:@"subscribed", @"The extracted value of the subscription attribute should be 'subscribed'!");

Extraction Commands

An extraction command can be appended to the last path segment. Without those extraction commands, find: will return the full MLXMLNode matching the selection criteria of the XML query. If you rather want to read a special attribute, element value etc. of the full XML node, you'll have to use one of these extractions commands:

  • @attributeName:
    This will return the value of the attribute named after the @ as NSString, use a conversion command to convert the value to other data types.
  • @@: This will return all attributes of the selected XML node as key-value-pairs of an NSDictionary.
  • #: This will return the text contents of the selected XML node as NSString, use a conversion command to convert the value to other data types.
  • $: This will return the element name of the selected XML node as NSString. This is only really useful if the last path segment contained a wildcard element name or its element name was negated. A Conversion command can be used to convert the returned element name to other data types as well.

For data-form (XEP-0004) subqueries, see the corresponding section below.

Conversion Commands

Conversion commands can be used to convert the returned NSString of an extraction command to some other data type. Conversion commands can not be used without an extraction command and must be separated from the preceeding extraction command by a pipe symbol (|). The following conversions are currently defined:

  • bool:
    This will convert the extracted NSString to an NSNumber representing a BOOL. true/1 becomes @YES and false/0 becomes @NO. This is in accordance to the representation of truth values in XMPP.
  • int:
    This will convert the extracted NSString to an NSNumber representing a NSInteger (integerValue attribute).
  • uint:
    This will convert the extracted NSString to an NSNumber representing a NSUInteger (unsignedIntegerValue attribute).
  • double:
    This will convert the extracted NSString to an NSNumber representing a double (doubleValue attribute).
  • datetime:
    This will use the HelperTools method parseDateTimeString: to parse the given NSString into an NSDate object.
  • base64:
    This will use the HelperTools method dataWithBase64EncodedString: to parse the given NSString into an NSData object.
  • uuid:
    This will try to parse the given NSString into an NSUUID object using the initWithUUIDString initializer of NSUUID. This will return nil for an invalid string, which will omit this result from the NSArray returned by find:.
  • uuidcast:
    This will do the same as the uuid conversion command for valid uuid strings, but use the HelperToolsmethod stringToUUID to cast any other given string to a UUIDv4 by hashing it using SHA256 and arranging the result to resemble a valid UUIDv4.

The data-forms (XEP-0004) query language extension

To query fields etc. of a XEP-0004 data-form, the last path segment of an XML query can contain a data-forms subquery.
