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Code Generator for MongoDB PHP Library

This subproject is used to generate the code that is committed to the repository. The generator directory is not included in mongodb/mongodb package and is not installed by Composer.


Updating the generated code can be done only by modifying the code generator, or its configuration.

To run the generator, you need to have PHP 8.1+ installed and Composer.

  1. Move to the generator directory: cd generator
  2. Install dependencies: composer install
  3. Run the generator: ./generate


The generator/config/*.yaml files contains the list of operators and stages that are supported by the library.


Field Type Description
name string The name of the argument. If it starts with $, the dollar is trimmed from the class property name
type list of string The list of accepted types
description string The description of the argument from MongoDB's documentation
optional boolean Whether the argument is optional or not
valueMin number The minimum value for a numeric argument
valueMax number The maximum value for a numeric argument
variadic string If sent, the argument is variadic. Defines the format array for a list or object for a map
variadicMin integer The minimum number of arguments for a variadic parameter
default scalar or array The default value for the argument
mergeObject bool Default false. If true, the value must be an object and the properties of the value object are merged into the parent operator. $group stage uses it for the fields

Test pipelines

Each operator can contain a tests section with a list if pipelines. To represent specific BSON objects, it is necessary to use Yaml tags:

BSON Type Example
Regex !bson_regex '^abc'
!bson_regex ['^abc', 'i']
Int64 !bson_int64 '123456789'
Decimal128 !bson_decimal128 '0.9'
UTCDateTime !bson_utcdatetime 0
ObjectId !bson_ObjectId '5a9427648b0beebeb69589a1
Binary !bson_binary 'IA=='
Binary UUID !bson_uuid 'fac32260-b511-4c69-8485-a2be5b7dda9e'

To add new test cases to operators, you can get inspiration from the official MongoDB documentation and use the generator/js2yaml.html web page to manually convert a pipeline array from JS to Yaml.