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How to upgrade to 1.0.0 or newer

dblock edited this page Nov 17, 2012 · 5 revisions

There're several backward incompatible changes.

  1. Model.slug and Model.slug_history are replaced by Model._slugs, a single field of Array type. If you are migrating from an older version you need to copy all slugs from the Model.slug and Model.slug_history into a new field called _slugs. See the "Data Migration" section below.

  2. If you're using a block to define a slug in Mongoid 0.10, you must change it to return a slug. The older version would automatically convert it to a valid slug, which is no longer the case. For example

    slug :first, :last do |doc|
        [ doc.first, doc.last ].compact.join(" ")


    slug :first, :last do |doc|
        [ doc.first, doc.last ].compact.join(" ").to_url

Data Migration

It is recommended to do the data migration in code. If you can take downtime, the process is pretty straightforward, copy the data. You can also do a slow migration without any production impact, described below.

Migration with Downtime

  1. Declare the _slugs array in any model that use Mongoid slug:

    field :_slugs, type: Array, default: []
  2. Copy the value from the slug field to _slugs. Also copy the value from the slug history array if you used slug history. The current slug should be the last entry in the _slugs array (e.g _slugs = ["old_slug", "current_slug"]). You can use dynamic fields for this before Mongoid slug is updated to 1.0:

    def copy_slug(e)
      slugs = []
      if e[:slug_history] != nil
        e[:slug_history].each do |h|
          slugs << h unless (h == nil || h == "")
      slugs << e[:slug]
      e[:_slugs] = slugs
      p " - #{e[:_slugs]}"
  3. Verify that the copying in the second step was successful and upgrade Mongoid slug.

Slow Migration

Important: please note that the following instructions do not support migrating slug history, which you're welcome to contribute.

Important: The slow migration is community contributed. Please report any issues with the v0.10.0-mongoid3-with-slugs branch in step #1 in the @dblock fork issue tracker.

  1. Upgrade to Mongoid 3.x and use a forked 0.10 implementation of Mongoid slug from Change your Gemfile reference to:

    gem "mongoid_slug", :git => "", :branch => "v0.10.0-mongoid3-with-slugs"

The code in this fork will write both the slug and the _slugs fields when a document is updated. You can see the implementation here.

  1. Now that any new update creates a corresponding _slugs array, you can do the copy for any old record with a Rake task.

    namespace :db do
      namespace :slugs do
        desc "Migrate all model slugs."
        task :migrate => :environment do
          Dir[File.join(Rails.root, "app/models/**/*.rb")].each do |f|
            klass = File.basename(f, ".rb").camelize.constantize
            next unless klass.respond_to? :slug
   "Migrating #{klass.count} #{klass} instance(s) ..."
            count = 0
            klass.all.each do |instance|
              raise "missing slug: #{instance.inspect}" if instance.slug.blank?
              next unless instance[:_slugs].empty?
              klass.collection.where({ _id: }).update({ "$set" => { _slugs: [ instance.slug ] }})
              count += 1
   " => #{count}" if count > 0
  2. Upgrade to the latest Mongoid slug 2.x.

    gem "mongoid_slug", "~> 2.0"
  3. Remove the old slug field.

    namespace :db do
      namespace :slugs do
        desc "Remove all obsolete model slugs."
        task :remove => :environment do
          Dir[File.join(Rails.root, "app/models/**/*.rb")].each do |f|
            klass = File.basename(f, ".rb").camelize.constantize
            next unless klass.respond_to? :slug
            slugs_count = klass.where({ slug: { "$exists" => 1 }}).count
   "Removing :slug in #{slugs_count} #{klass} instance(s) ..."
            klass.collection.indexes.drop rescue nil
            klass.collection.where({ slug: { "$exists" => 1 }}).update({ "$unset" => { slug: 1 } }, { multi: true })

Preserving Backward Compatibility

If you have processes that rely on the old slug value, you may choose to write it every time a slug changes. This can be achieved with a monkey patch.

module Mongoid
  module Slug

    alias_method :__build_slug, :build_slug

    def build_slug
      self["slug"] = self.slug

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