Thanks for helping to make Brick better! Brick as a project is spread out over several repositories- one for the site, one for the main project, and one for each individual component.
If you're filing an issue or submitting a pull request, please try to file it in the right place:
- The Brick Project - the overall project. Use this repository for question about usage, distribution, overall compatibility, and discussing possible new features/components.
- Brick website - Issues with the website, such as issues with the documentation or examples.
Individual component repositories:
- brick-action
- brick-appbar
- brick-calendar
- brick-deck
- brick-flipbox
- brick-form
- brick-layout
- brick-menu
- brick-storage-indexeddb
- brick-tabbar
Brick has a .jshintrc
file to enforce coding style and best practices. Please run JSHint if you are modifying JavaScript files to verify they conform.
Be respectful of other contributors to the project. The core Brick team is small, and Web Components are a young maturing technology. Others may not know the APIs and best practices as well as you do, so be gentle with newbie questions. A good attitude will be valued above good code.