- Support React 17
- Fixes bug on unmounting compononent with disablesImagesLoaded set to true
- columnWidth TypeScript interface now also supports HTMLElement or null
- transitionDuration TypeScript interface now also supports a string
- Adds ability to pass in
options to be passed on by React Masonry Component - Adds
type to the transitionDuration property on the Options TypeScript Interface
- Removes old imagesloaded listeners so there is only ever 1 active listener.
- Correctly cleans up reference to imagesloaded handlers when the component is unmounted
- Allows gutter to be a number or string (Typescript)
- Refactors item reloading to prevent race conditions
- Removes string style refs
- Updates React peer dependencies to include [email protected]
- Uses Lodash library as dependency instead of individual lodash methods
- Fixes children.length check on diff
- Adds
to TypeScript Masonry options Interface
- Adds support for TypeScript string columnWidth
- Switch to create-react-class and prop-types libraries
- Correctly removes onRemoveComplete listener
- Fixes
- DEV-ONLY Adds eslint
- Fixes es6 syntax used in index.js
- reverted 5.0.0 change
- Fixes removing first element
- old children are now passed to the diffing algorithm without filtering
- Handle
callback handlers as part of the component
- Fixes TypeScript to use
export as namespace
- Fixes unmount when monitor children resize is disabled
- Removes willReceiveProps function as not needed
- Make resizable children trigger masonry layout
- Removes willReceiveProps function as possibly not needed
- Exports component as
to support import statement
- Adds Typescript 2.0 typings definition
- Fixes unknownProps error (no longer passes unknown props to masonry el)
- Add onImagesLoaded event
- Use lodash.assign instead of own extend function
- Add option to fire imagesloaded after each image is loaded
- Call masonry.destroy() on component unmount
- Fix layout of prepended elements
- Fix peer dependency typos...(derp)
- Update React peer dependencies to include >=15.0.0
- Update masonry-layout to ^4.0.0
- Add peer dependency on React >= 0.14
- No longer need to pass in React or execute component as a function
- Use NPM dependencies instead of forked dependencies
- Allow addition of custom props
- Remove < React 0.14 compatibility.
- Compatible with React 0.14 and above only