Mean grain orientation calculation #2282
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Well... this is the function as I find it in MTEX 5.11.2 for orientations... and it looks like it references a function written for quaternion versions of the orientations... function [m, o, lambda, eigv] = mean(o,varargin)
% mean of a list of orientations, principle axes and moments of inertia
% Syntax
% [m, q, lambda, V] = mean(ori)
% [m, q, lambda, V] = mean(ori,'robust')
% [m, q, lambda, V] = mean(ori,'weights',weights)
% Input
% ori - list of @orientation
% Options
% weights - list of weights
% Output
% m - mean @orientation
% o - crystallographic equivalent @orientation projected to fundamental region
% lambda - principle moments of inertia
% V - principle axes of inertia (@orientation)
% See also
% BinghamODF
if isempty(o)
m = o;
m.a = NaN; m.b = NaN; m.c = NaN; m.d = NaN; m.i = false;
if nargout > 2, lambda = zeros(1,4); end
if nargout > 3, eigv = eye(4); end
elseif isscalar(o)
m = o;
if nargout > 1
eigv = eye(4);
lambda = [1,0,0,0];
if check_option(varargin,'noSymmetry')
[m, lambda, eigv] = mean@quaternion(o,varargin{:});
s = size(o);
% first approximation
m = get_option(varargin,'q0');
if isempty(m), m = o.subSet(find(~isnan(o.a),1)); end
% project around q_mean
o = project2FundamentalRegion(o,m);
% compute mean without symmetry
[m, lambda, eigv] = mean@quaternion(o,varargin{:});
d = abs(quat_dot(o,m));
if min(d(:)) < cos(10*degree)
o = project2FundamentalRegion(o,m);
[m, lambda, eigv] = mean@quaternion(o,varargin{:});
if nargout > 1, o = reshape(project2FundamentalRegion(o,m),s); end
m.i = false; the quaternion "mean" function it references is this one, I believe: function [qm, lambda, V] = mean(q,varargin)
% mean of a list of quaternions, principle axes and moments of inertia
% Syntax
% [m, lambda, V] = mean(q)
% [m, lambda, V] = mean(q,'robust')
% [m, lambda, V] = mean(q,'weights',weights)
% Input
% q - list of @quaternion
% weights - list of weights
% Output
% m - mean orientation
% lambda - principle moments of inertia
% V - principle axes of inertia (@quaternion)
% See also
% orientation/mean
qm = q;
if isempty(q) || all(isnan(q.a(:)))
[qm.a,qm.b,qm.c,qm.d] = deal(nan,nan,nan,nan);
lambda = [0 0 0 1];
if nargout == 3, V = nan(4); end
elseif isscalar(q)
lambda = [0 0 0 1];
if nargout == 3
T = qq(q,varargin{:});
[V, lambda] = eig(T);
lambda = diag(lambda).';
% shall we apply the robust algorithm?
isRobust = check_option(varargin,'robust');
if isRobust, varargin = delete_option(varargin,'robust'); end
T = qq(q,varargin{:});
[V, lambda] = eig(T);
lambda = diag(lambda).';
[~,pos] = max(lambda);
VV = V(:,pos);
qm.a = VV(1); qm.b = VV(2); qm.c = VV(3); qm.d = VV(4);
if isa(qm,'rotation'), qm.i = false; end
if isRobust && length(q)>4
omega = angle(qm,q,'noSymmetry');
id = omega <= quantile(omega,0.8)*2.5;
if all(id), return; end
if nargout == 3
[qm,lambda, V] = mean(q.subSet(id),varargin{:});
[qm,lambda] = mean(q.subSet(id),varargin{:});
end |
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Hello everybody,
I was wondering, can anybody explain to me how the mean orientation of a grain is calculated? I am wondering since this is not a scalar value, and I am not sure how the orientations in each point inside the grain are averaged.
Kind regards,
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