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Codebook: nordatlantisk-ft


This codebook provides descriptions of the nordatlantisk-ft data set, i.e. of all files in ../data/. Variables are described for each file individually with information on connections to other variables within the pipeline to create the data set. All data, unless otherwise specified, is retrieved from the records of Folketinget1, the parliament of Denmark.

All data is available in rds format that can be read in an R Session via readRDS(). Where data is also available in csv format, the tabular metadata is provided in json files at ../data/processed/csv according to the W3C Metadata Vocabulary for Tabular Data2.

File and Variable Descriptions


MP_names is provided in csv and rds formats in ../data/processed. The csv file serves as starting point for building the data set, as the workflow pipeline3 retrieves data from Folketingets Open Data Portal based on which MPs are listed in this file. This repository is shipped with a list of all Folketinget MPs that have represented the Faroe Islands and Greenland from 2004 until January 2024, which results in 20 MPs.

##      surname first_name MP_id origin party start_date end_date
## 1     Olsvig       Sara    13     GL    IA         NA       NA
## 2 Lund Olsen      Johan   277     GL    IA         NA       NA
## 3   Jakobsen      Doris   294     GL   SIU         NA       NA
## 4   Johansen  Lars-Emil   670     GL   SIU         NA       NA
## 5     Kleist     Kuupik   672     GL    IA         NA       NA
## 6     Rossen      Sofia  1484     GL    IA         NA       NA

Descriptions of all variables in MP_names are provided in the following sections. The only variable necessary to execute the workflow is stored as MP_names$MP_id.


All surname(s) are stored as values of the type character. Names are spelled according to standardised orthography and, in terms of morphology, in nominative (Faroese) resp. absolutive (Greenlandic) case. Because there may be multiple MPs with the same surname(s), refer to MP_names$MP_id instead for reliable identification.

This column is not necessary for successfully executing the workflow pipeline, but it can be used to map MP names to the corresponding IDs for increased readability of resulting plots.

## [1] "Olsvig"     "Lund Olsen" "Jakobsen"   "Johansen"   "Kleist"
## [6] "Rossen"


All first names are stored as values of the type character. Names are spelled according to standardised orthography and, morphologically, in nominative (Faroese) resp. absolutive (Greenlandic) case. Because there may be multiple MPs with the same first name(s), refer to MP_names$MP_id instead for reliable identification.

This column is not necessary for successfully executing the workflow pipeline, but it can be used to map MPs’ names to the corresponding IDs for increased readability of resulting plots.

## [1] "Sara"      "Johan"     "Doris"     "Lars-Emil" "Kuupik"    "Sofia"


Each MP is assigned an ID by Folketingets åbne data service (ODA). Each MP_id thus is a unique identifier for one member of Folketinget. All IDs are stored as values of the type integer as factor variable. It is possible to use these IDs e.g. for querying the the online database to retrieve documents that relate to a given MP or to find out which parliamentary processes this MP has been engaged in.

MP_id is the only necessary column in MP_names for successfully executing the workflow pipeline.

## [1] 13   277  294  670  672  1484
## 20 Levels: 13 277 294 670 672 1484 6689 14000 15757 15758 18688 20635 ... 20349

This variable corresponds to the aktørid variable and the Aktør resource in the Folketing online database. Note that in Folketinget’s data model, ministries, parliamentary commissions, NGOs etc. are also listed as Aktør with their resp. aktørid.


origin indicates whether an MP was elected in either Greenland (GL) or the Faroe Islands (FO). This variable is stored as value of the type integer as factor variable. Note that this only indicates where the MP in question ran for office. MPs with ties to Greenland or the Faroe Islands who won a Folketinget mandate in a continental election district are thus not part of this data set, as they are not considered Northatlantic MPs.

## GL FO
## 12  8


The political party that each MP belongs to is stored as value of the type integer as factor variable. As per January 2024, there have been two MPs from Greenland who left their party – Siumut, in both cases – during their time in office. For now, these cases are stored as a separate character string (SIU et al.).

##         IA        SIU SIU et al.          A          B          C          E
##          6          4          2          1          2          2          3

Since 2004, Greenlandic MPs have belonged to two political parties while MPs from Faroe Islands were members of four different political parties. They are listed below with additional information on their positions from the ParlGov dataset4.

Party Full Name Party Family Origin Left-Right State-Market Liberty-Authority Anti-Pro EU
IA Inuit Ataqatigiit Communist/Socialist GL 1.3 1.4 3 3.3
SIU Siumut Social Democracy GL 3.3 3.5 3.5 8.1
A Fólkaflokkurin Conservative FO 7.4 6.4 6.9 7.9
B Sambandsflokkurin Conservative FO 7.4 6.4 6.9 7.9
C Javnaðarflokkurin Social Democracy FO 3.3 3.5 3.5 8.1
E Tjóðveldi Communist/Socialist FO 1.3 1.4 3 3.3

See Ackrén 20155 for an analysis of the development of Greenlandic political parties until 2014. For overviews of the Faroese political party system see West 2022 in Faroese6 and West 2020 in Danish7. Harder 20228 provides a list of all Greenlandic and Faroese MPs and their party association(s) going back until 1953.


For now, start_date is an empty placeholder variable. It will provide information on which date the MPs joined Folketinget.

## [1] NA NA NA NA NA NA


For now, end_date is an empty placeholder variable. It will provide information on which date the MPs left Folketinget.

## [1] NA NA NA NA NA NA


northatlantic_votes is provided as rds file in ../data/processed/. After all votes cast by the MPs specified in MP_names are downloaded, they are processed and then stored in this file. The unprocessed raw data is available as csv file in ../data/raw/. As per January 2024, northatlantic_votes.rds contains 36876 observations of 4 variables.

##   vote_id vote_type_id ballot_id MP_id
## 1     177            3         1    13
## 2     356            3         2    13
## 3  113827            3       283    13
## 4  114006            3       284    13
## 5  114185            3       285    13
## 6  114364            3       286    13

Descriptions of all variables in northatlantic_votes are provided in the following sections.


All votes cast in Folketinget are assigned an ID by Folketingets åbne data service (ODA). Each vote ID is thus a unique identifier for one vote cast in Folketinget. All IDs are stored as values of the type integer as factor variable.

This variable corresponds to the id variable and the Stemme resource in the Folketing online database.

## [1] 177    356    113827 114006 114185 114364
## 36876 Levels: 1000151 1000154 1000159 1000160 1000330 1000333 1000338 ... 999978


All votes cast in Folketinget are recorded using numeric values that correspond to the MP’s decision. All Vote Type IDs are stored as values of the type integer as factor variable.

ID Result English n
1 for for 319
2 imod against 241
3 fravær absence 36184
4 hverken for eller imod abstention 132

This variable corresponds to the typeid variable and the Stemmetype resource in the Folketing online database.

## [1] 3 3 3 3 3 3
## Levels: 1 2 3 4


All ballot procedures in Folketinget are assigned an ID by Folketingets åbne data service (ODA). Each ballot ID is thus a unique identifier for one ballot in Folketinget. All IDs are stored as values of the type integer as factor variable.

This variable corresponds to the ballot_results_ft$ballot_id variable and the Afstemning resource in the Folketing online database. Take care not to confuse ballot_id with ballot_results_ft$ballot_nr.

## [1] 1   2   283 284 285 286
## 9317 Levels: 1 10 100 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 ... 999


See MP_names$MP_id.

## [1] 13 13 13 13 13 13
## 20 Levels: 12283 13 14000 1484 15757 15758 15881 1833 18688 20349 20635 ... 672


northatlantic_votes_raw is provided as csv file in ../data/raw/. It contains the downloaded data on voting records before any preprocessing. The processed data is available as rds file in ../data/processed. As per January 2024, northatlantic_votes_raw.csv contains 36876 observations of 5 variables.

##       id typeid afstemningid aktørid         opdateringsdato
## 1    177      3            1      13 2014-09-09T09:05:59.653
## 2    356      3            2      13 2014-09-09T09:25:05.717
## 3 113827      3          283      13     2014-09-22T15:44:12
## 4 114006      3          284      13     2014-09-22T15:44:12
## 5 114185      3          285      13     2014-09-22T15:44:12
## 6 114364      3          286      13     2014-09-22T15:44:12

Descriptions of all variables in northatlantic_votes_raw are provided in the following sections.


See northatlantic_votes$vote_id. In the raw data, id is stored as integer value.

## [1]    177    356 113827 114006 114185 114364


See northatlantic_votes$vote_type_id. In the raw data, typeid is stored as integer value.

## [1] 3 3 3 3 3 3


See northatlantic_votes$ballot_id. In the raw data, afstemningid is stored as integer value.

Take care not to confuse afstemningid with ballot_results_ft$ballot_nr.

## [1]   1   2 283 284 285 286


For all records kept in the Folketing online database, the time stamp of its last update is stored in opdateringsdato. All dates are stored as values of the type character. The time stamps are formatted as %Y-%m-%dT%T, with some values even at split second level.

This variable is eliminated from northatlantic_votes as a result of data processing.

## [1] "2014-09-09T09:05:59.653" "2014-09-09T09:25:05.717"
## [3] "2014-09-22T15:44:12"     "2014-09-22T15:44:12"
## [5] "2014-09-22T15:44:12"     "2014-09-22T15:44:12"


ballot_results_ft is provided as rds file in ../data/processed/. After all ballots are downloaded, they are processed and then stored in this file. The unprocessed raw data is available as csv file in ../data/raw/. As per January 2024, ballot_results_ft.rds contains 9469 observations of 13 variables.

## 'data.frame':    9469 obs. of  13 variables:
##  $ ballot_id           : Factor w/ 9469 levels "1","10","100",..: 7752 7753 7754 7755 7067 7068 7069 7070 7071 7072 ...
##  $ meeting_id          : Factor w/ 942 levels "10231","10232",..: 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 ...
##  $ ballot_pass         : logi  FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE ...
##  $ ballot_date         : Date, format: "2020-03-12" "2020-03-12" ...
##  $ ft_for              : num  3 95 95 95 92 12 92 96 96 98 ...
##  $ ft_against          : num  92 0 0 0 0 81 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ ft_abstention       : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ ft_absent           : num  84 84 84 84 87 86 87 83 83 81 ...
##  $ ft_process_id       : Factor w/ 7024 levels "100011","100025",..: 3093 3094 3095 3096 3036 3098 3099 3076 3100 3104 ...
##  $ ballot_nr           : Factor w/ 745 levels "1","10","100",..: 186 187 188 189 191 192 193 194 195 196 ...
##  $ ballot_type_id      : Factor w/ 4 levels "1","2","3","4": 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ comment             : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ ballot_result_string: chr  "Forslaget blev forkastet. For stemte 3 (NB, Simon Emil Ammitzbøll-Bille (UFG)), imod stemte 92 (S, V, DF, RV, S"| __truncated__ "Forslaget blev vedtaget. For stemte 95 (S, V, DF, RV, SF, EL, KF, NB, LA, Simon Emil Ammitzbøll-Bille (UFG), Su"| __truncated__ "Forslaget blev vedtaget. For stemte 95 (S, V, DF, RV, SF, EL, KF, NB, LA, Sikandar Siddique (UFG), Uffe Elbæk ("| __truncated__ "Forslaget blev vedtaget. For stemte 95 (S, V, DF, RV, SF, EL, KF, NB, LA, Sikandar Siddique (UFG), Uffe Elbæk ("| __truncated__ ...

Descriptions of all variables in ballot_results_ft are provided in the following sections.


See northatlantic_votes$ballot_id. Take care not to confuse ballot_id with ballot_nr.

## [1] 8042 8043 8044 8045 7425 7426
## 9469 Levels: 1 10 100 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 ... 999


All meetings in Folketinget are assigned an ID by Folketingets åbne data service (ODA). Each meeting ID is thus a unique identifier for one meeting in Folketinget. All IDs are stored as values of the type integer as factor variable.

This variable corresponds to the mødeid variable and the Møde resource in the Folketing online database.

This variable is eliminated when joining ballot_results_ft and northatlantic_votes to northatlantic_ft.

## [1] 10231 10232 10237 10237 10244 10244
## 942 Levels: 10231 10232 10237 10244 10245 10249 10254 10259 10272 ... 9817


The result of all ballots in Folketinget is stored in ballot_pass as logical variable. If parliament votes in favor of a proposal, it passes and ballot_pass is assigned TRUE; if parliament votes a proposal down, it does not pass and ballot_pass is assigned FALSE.

This variable corresponds to the vedtaget variable in the Afstemning resource in the Folketing online database.



The date on which each ballot takes place in Folketinget is stored as value of the type double. Calendar information is formatted as %Y-%m-%d, the earliest entry being from 2004-10-07 and the most recent entry from 2023-12-21 as per January 2024.

This variable is added to the data using the get_meeting_dates() function.

## [1] "2020-03-12" "2020-03-12" "2020-03-17" "2020-03-17" "2020-03-19"
## [6] "2020-03-19"


In ft_for, the number of votes cast in favor of a proposal is stored as numeric value of the type double. Since the record keeping of Folketinget is inconsistent regarding the coding of ballot results, values for this variable are calculated in two steps. First, using the retrieved raw data, get_missing_info() sums up all recorded individual votes in favor of the proposal using the switch() function on every row where ballot_info_raw$typeid equals 1. The results of a considerable share of ballots are recorded only using a – Danish – character string instead of in a list of votes. In these cases, the number of votes in favor of those proposals is extracted with clean_ballot_results() using the strex package and then added to the number of approving votes from the first step.

The maximum value stored in ft_for is 162 and the minimum value stored in ft_for is 0. As the total number of MPs in Folketinget is 179, the value of ft_for cannot be greater than 179.

## [1]  3 95 95 95 92 12


In ft_against, the number of votes cast against a proposal is stored as numeric value of the type double. Since the record keeping of Folketinget is inconsistent regarding the coding of ballot results, values for this variable are calculated in two steps. First, using the retrieved raw data, get_missing_info() sums up all recorded individual votes in favor of the proposal using the switch() function on every row where ballot_info_raw$typeid equals 2. The results of a considerable share of ballots are recorded only using a – Danish – character string instead of in a list of votes. In these cases, the number of no-votes is extracted with clean_ballot_results() using the strex package and then added to the number of no-votes from the first step.

The maximum value stored in ft_against is 124 and the minimum value stored in ft_against is 0. As the total number of MPs in Folketinget is 179, the value of ft_against cannot be greater than 179.

## [1] 92  0  0  0  0 81


In ft_abstention, the number of abstaining votes is stored as numeric value of the type double. Since the record keeping of Folketinget is inconsistent regarding the coding of ballot results, values for this variable are calculated in two steps. First, using the retrieved raw data, get_missing_info() sums up all recorded individual abstaining votes using the switch() function on every row where ballot_info_raw$typeid equals 4. The results of a considerable share of ballots are recorded only using a – Danish – character string instead of in a list of votes. In these cases, the number of abstentions is extracted with clean_ballot_results() using the strex package and then added to the number of abstaining votes from the first step.

The maximum value stored in ft_abstention is 160 and the minimum value stored in ft_abstention is 0. As the total number of MPs in Folketinget is 179, the value of ft_abstention cannot be greater than 179.

## [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0


In ft_absent, the number of MPs who were absent for each ballot is stored as numeric value of the type double. Since the record keeping of Folketinget is inconsistent regarding the coding of ballot results, values for this variable are calculated by substracting ft_for, ft_against and ft_abstention from 179, the total number of MPs in Folketinget, using clean_ballot_results().

The maximum value stored in ft_absent is 89 and the minimum value stored in ft_absent is 0. As the total number of MPs in Folketinget is 179, the value of ft_absent cannot be greater than 179.

## [1] 84 84 84 84 87 86


All legislative processes in Folketinget are assigned an ID by Folketingets åbne data service (ODA). Each process ID is thus a unique identifier for one process relating to legislation in Folketinget. All IDs are stored as values of the type integer as factor variable.

This variable corresponds to the sagstrinid variable and the Sagstrin resource in the Folketing online database.

This variable is eliminated when joining ballot_results_ft and northatlantic_votes to northatlantic_ft.

## [1] 210645 210647 210665 210678 208578 210739
## 7024 Levels: 100011 100025 100046 100061 100122 100140 100154 1002 ... 99960


In addition to the ballot_id, all ballot procedures in Folketinget are also assigned a number by Folketingets åbne data service (ODA). Each ballot number is thus another identifier for one ballot in Folketinget. All ballot numbers are stored as values of the type integer as factor variable.

This variable corresponds to the ballot_info_raw$nummer variable in the Afstemning resource in the Folketing online database. Take care not to confuse ballot_nr with ballot_id.

## [1] 266 267 268 269 270 271
## 745 Levels: 1 10 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 11 110 111 112 ... 99


All ballot procedures in Folketinget are categorised using numeric values that correspond to the type of ballot. All Ballot Type IDs are stored as values of the type integer as factor variable.

ID Type English n
1 Endelig vedtagelse Final Adoption 5356
2 Udvalgsindstilling Committee Recommendation Report 14
3 Forslag til vedtagelse Proposed Adoption 859
4 Ændringsforslag Amendment 3240

This variable corresponds to typeid variable in ballot_info_raw and the type variable in the Afstemningstype resource in the Folketing online database.

## [1] 4 1 1 1 1 4
## Levels: 1 2 3 4


If necessary, comments on each ballot are stored as values of the type character in Danish language. A Folketing wording standard for comment does not seem to exist, so the sentence structures and vocabulary differs a lot between observations. As per January 2024, there are 450 observations with comments (total number of observations: 9469). Comments on ballot results mostly regard human or technical errors, for example:

Danish English
Ved en fejl er der ikke registreret stemmeafgivning fra X’ plads. By mistake, no vote was registeret at X’ seat.
Ved en fejl stemte X for/imod/hverken for eller imod forslaget. By mistake, X voted for/against/neither for nor against the proposal.
Ved en fejl har X ikke fået stemt. By mistake, X could not vote.
Ved en fejl fik X ikke afgivet sin stemme. By mistake, X could not cast a vote.
Ved en fejl er Xs stemme registeret i Ys navn. By mistake, X’ vote was registered as a vote by Y.
X stemte ved en fejl fra Y’s plads. By mistake, X voted from Y’s seat.
10 i X stemte ved en fejl for/imod/hverken for eller imod forslaget. By mistake, 10 MPs from party X voted for/against/neither for nor against the proposal.
Ved en fejl er der registreret en stemme på X. By mistake, a vote by X was recorded.
X undlod ved en fejl at stemme. By mistake, X did not cast a vote.
Omafstemning Voting Repeated
## [1] NA
## [2] NA
## [3] NA
## [4] NA
## [5] NA
## [6] "På grund af en fejl er Jens Joels (S) og Lars Christian Lilleholts (V) stemmer registreret som værende for forslaget. De stemte imod."


In ballot_result_string, ballot results are stored as values of the type character in Danish language. The variable indicates whether the proposal was adopted or not; how many votes were in favor resp. against or abstentions, and from which political parties these votes came. A Folketing wording standard for ballot_result_string does not seem to exist, so the sentence structures and vocabulary differs a lot between observations.

As per January 2024, there are 6581 observations with result character strings (total number of observations: 9469). For the observations where ballot_result_string is not NA, the values are used to calculate ft_for, ft_against and ft_abstention. Information on absent MPs is not provided in ballot_result_string but can be inferred from the other values.

##  chr [1:9469] "Forslaget blev forkastet. For stemte 3 (NB, Simon Emil Ammitzbøll-Bille (UFG)), imod stemte 92 (S, V, DF, RV, S"| __truncated__ ...


ballot_info_raw is provided as csv file in ../data/raw/. It contains the downloaded data on voting records before any preprocessing. The processed data is available as rds file in ../data/processed. As per January 2024, ballot_info_raw.csv contains 9469 observations of 9 variables.

##   id nummer
## 1  1    411
## 2  2    412
## 3  3      1
## 4  4      7
## 5  5    412
## 6  6    410
##                                                                                                                                                  konklusion
## 1   Vedtaget\n\n108 stemmer for forslaget (V, S, DF, RV, SF, EL, LA, KF, UFG)\n\n0 stemmer imod forslaget\n\n0 stemmer hverken for eller imod forslaget\n\n
## 2       Vedtaget\n\n98 stemmer for forslaget (V, S, DF, RV, SF, EL)\n\n10 stemmer imod forslaget (LA, KF)\n\n0 stemmer hverken for eller imod forslaget\n\n
## 3       Vedtaget\n\n59 stemmer for forslaget (S, RV, SF, EL)\n\n54 stemmer imod forslaget (V, DF, LA, KF)\n\n0 stemmer hverken for eller imod forslaget\n\n
## 4     Vedtaget\n\n72 stemmer for forslaget (S, DF, RV, SF, EL)\n\n10 stemmer imod forslaget (LA, KF)\n\n26 stemmer hverken for eller imod forslaget (V)\n\n
## 5       Vedtaget\n\n98 stemmer for forslaget (V, S, DF, RV, SF, EL)\n\n10 stemmer imod forslaget (LA, KF)\n\n0 stemmer hverken for eller imod forslaget\n\n
## 6 \nVedtaget\n\n104 stemmer for forslaget (V, S, DF, RV, SF, EL, LA, KF, UFG)\n\n0 stemmer imod forslaget\n\n0 stemmer hverken for eller imod forslaget\n\n
##   vedtaget kommentar mødeid typeid sagstrinid         opdateringsdato
## 1     TRUE      <NA>     17      2         NA 2014-09-09T09:05:59.653
## 2     TRUE      <NA>     18      1       4849 2014-09-09T09:25:05.717
## 3     TRUE               41      3      17351  2018-01-24T16:46:33.99
## 4     TRUE              156      1      18370  2018-01-25T10:25:25.64
## 5     TRUE               18      1       4849  2017-08-10T12:57:52.27
## 6     TRUE               15      1      16581 2017-08-10T12:57:52.257

Descriptions of all variables in ballot_info_raw are provided in the following sections.


See ballot_result_ft$ballot_id. Take care not to confuse id with nummer. In the raw data, id is stored as integer value.

## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6


See ballot_results_ft$ballot_nr. Take care not to confuse nummer with id. In the raw data, nummer is stored as integer value.

## [1] 411 412   1   7 412 410


See ballot_results_ft$ballot_result_string. In the raw data, konklusion is stored as character value.

## [1] "Vedtaget\n\n108 stemmer for forslaget (V, S, DF, RV, SF, EL, LA, KF, UFG)\n\n0 stemmer imod forslaget\n\n0 stemmer hverken for eller imod forslaget\n\n"
## [2] "Vedtaget\n\n98 stemmer for forslaget (V, S, DF, RV, SF, EL)\n\n10 stemmer imod forslaget (LA, KF)\n\n0 stemmer hverken for eller imod forslaget\n\n"
## [3] "Vedtaget\n\n59 stemmer for forslaget (S, RV, SF, EL)\n\n54 stemmer imod forslaget (V, DF, LA, KF)\n\n0 stemmer hverken for eller imod forslaget\n\n"
## [4] "Vedtaget\n\n72 stemmer for forslaget (S, DF, RV, SF, EL)\n\n10 stemmer imod forslaget (LA, KF)\n\n26 stemmer hverken for eller imod forslaget (V)\n\n"
## [5] "Vedtaget\n\n98 stemmer for forslaget (V, S, DF, RV, SF, EL)\n\n10 stemmer imod forslaget (LA, KF)\n\n0 stemmer hverken for eller imod forslaget\n\n"
## [6] "\nVedtaget\n\n104 stemmer for forslaget (V, S, DF, RV, SF, EL, LA, KF, UFG)\n\n0 stemmer imod forslaget\n\n0 stemmer hverken for eller imod forslaget\n\n"


See ballot_results_ft$ballot_pass. In the raw data, vedtaget is stored as logical value.



See ballot_results_ft$comment. In the raw data, kommentar is stored as character value.

## [1] NA NA "" "" "" ""


See ballot_results_ft$meeting_id. In the raw data, mødeid is stored as integer value.

## [1]  17  18  41 156  18  15


See ballot_results_ft$ballot_type_id. In the raw data, typeid is stored as integer value.

## [1] 2 1 3 1 1 1


See ballot_results_ft$ft_process_id. In the raw data, sagstrinid is stored as integer value.

## [1]    NA  4849 17351 18370  4849 16581


For all records kept in the Folketing online database, the time stamp of its last update is stored in opdateringsdato. All dates are stored as values of the type character. The time stamps are formatted as %Y-%m-%dT%T, with some values even at split second level.

This variable is eliminated from ballot_results_ft as a result of data processing.

## [1] "2014-09-09T09:05:59.653" "2014-09-09T09:25:05.717"
## [3] "2018-01-24T16:46:33.99"  "2018-01-25T10:25:25.64"
## [5] "2017-08-10T12:57:52.27"  "2017-08-10T12:57:52.257"


northatlantic_ft is the resulting product of the targets pipeline and is provided as both rds file in ../data/processed and csv file in ../data/processed/csv. It contains data on voting records of the MPs specified in MP_names, created by processing and joining ballot_results_ft and northatlantic_votes. As per January 2024, northatlantic_ft contains 36876 observations of 13 variables.

## 'data.frame':    36876 obs. of  13 variables:
##  $ ballot_id           : Factor w/ 9469 levels "1","10","100",..: 1 1109 2011 2022 2033 2044 2054 2065 2074 2085 ...
##  $ MP_id               : Factor w/ 20 levels "12283","13","14000",..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ vote_type_id        : Factor w/ 4 levels "1","2","3","4": 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
##  $ vote_id             : Factor w/ 36876 levels "1000151","1000154",..: 17242 24913 2940 2984 3028 3072 3116 3160 3204 3248 ...
##  $ ballot_pass         : logi  TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
##  $ ft_for              : num  108 98 91 92 58 98 93 54 59 105 ...
##  $ ft_against          : num  0 10 13 13 45 8 13 51 32 0 ...
##  $ ft_abstention       : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 ...
##  $ ft_absent           : num  71 71 75 74 76 73 73 74 75 74 ...
##  $ ballot_date         : Date, format: "2014-09-09" "2014-09-09" ...
##  $ ballot_type_id      : Factor w/ 4 levels "1","2","3","4": 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ comment             : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ ballot_result_string: chr  "Vedtaget\n\n108 stemmer for forslaget (V, S, DF, RV, SF, EL, LA, KF, UFG)\n\n0 stemmer imod forslaget\n\n0 stem"| __truncated__ "Vedtaget\n\n98 stemmer for forslaget (V, S, DF, RV, SF, EL)\n\n10 stemmer imod forslaget (LA, KF)\n\n0 stemmer "| __truncated__ "Vedtaget\n\n91 stemmer for forslaget (V, S, RV, SF, EL, LA, KF, UFG)\n\n13 stemmer imod forslaget (DF)\n\n0 ste"| __truncated__ "Vedtaget\n\n92 stemmer for forslaget (V, S, RV, SF, EL, LA, KF, UFG)\n\n13 stemmer imod forslaget (DF)\n\n0 ste"| __truncated__ ...

Descriptions of all variables in northatlantic_ft are provided in the following sections.


ballot_id is created by using join_results() on northatlantic_votes and ballot_results_ft. See northatlantic_votes$ballot_id.

##  Factor w/ 9469 levels "1","10","100",..: 1 1109 2011 2022 2033 2044 2054 2065 2074 2085 ...


MP_id is created by using join_results() on northatlantic_votes and ballot_results_ft. See northatlantic_votes$MP_id.

##  Factor w/ 20 levels "12283","13","14000",..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...


northatlantic_ft is a result of join_results() in which vote_type_id is joined from northatlantic_votes$vote_type_id. See northatlantic_votes$vote_type_id.

##  Factor w/ 4 levels "1","2","3","4": 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...


See ballot_results_ft$ballot_pass.

##  logi [1:36876] TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...


See ballot_results_ft$ft_for.

##  num [1:36876] 108 98 91 92 58 98 93 54 59 105 ...


See ballot_results_ft$ft_against.

##  num [1:36876] 0 10 13 13 45 8 13 51 32 0 ...


See ballot_results_ft$ft_abstention.

##  num [1:36876] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 ...


See ballot_results_ft$ft_absent.

##  num [1:36876] 71 71 75 74 76 73 73 74 75 74 ...


See ballot_results_ft$ballot_date.

##  Date[1:36876], format: "2014-09-09" "2014-09-09" "2014-01-23" "2014-01-23" "2014-01-23" ...


See ballot_results_ft$ballot_type_id.

##  Factor w/ 4 levels "1","2","3","4": 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...


See ballot_results_ft$comment.

##  chr [1:36876] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...


See ballot_results_ft$ballot_result_string.

##  chr [1:36876] "Vedtaget\n\n108 stemmer for forslaget (V, S, DF, RV, SF, EL, LA, KF, UFG)\n\n0 stemmer imod forslaget\n\n0 stem"| __truncated__ ...



  1. Folketinget. 2024. “Folketingets Åbne Data.”

  2. W3C. 2015. “W3C Recommendation: Metadata Vocabulary for Tabular Data.”

  3. See ../ or ../_targets.R

  4. Döring, Holger, Constantin Huber, and Philip Manow. 2022. “ParlGov 2022 Release.” Harvard Dataverse.

  5. Ackrén, Maria. 2015. “The Political Parties in Greenland and Their Development.” In States Falling Apart? Secessionist and Autonomy Movements in Europe, 317–35. Publications of the Institute of Federalism Fribourg University Switzerland 10. Bern: Stämpfli Verlag.

  6. West, Hallbera. 2022. “Skipanarligar Fortreytir Og Føroysk Stjórnarviðurskifti.” Fróðskaparrit 68 (December): 87–110.

  7. West, Hallbera. 2020. “Færøsk Politik – Mellem Gamle Politiske Traditioner Og Ny Forvaltningspraksis.” Økonomi & Politik 93 (4): 11–23.

  8. Harder, Mette Marie Stæhr. 2022. “Supplerende Materiale: Færøske Og Grønlandske Mandater i Folketinget.” Politica 54 (1).