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Add an openApiGenerator block into your build.gradle file:

openApiGenerator {
   schemas {
       apiV1 {
            inputSpec = "$projectDir/src/main/resources/openapi-v1.yml"

or a full example:

openApiGenerator {
    sourceSet = "main"
    outputDir = project.layout.buildDirectory.dir("generated/openapi")
    suffix = "Dto"
    jsonSupport = "jackson"
    enableValidation = true
    schemas {    
        // Custom name for this schema
        apiV1 {         
            inputSpec = "$projectDir/src/main/resources/openapi-v1.yml"
            packageName = "${}.${}.api.v1.model"
            validationApi = "jakarta-3.0"
            builderMethodPrefix = "set"
            warnings {
                failOnWarnings = true

            // This would overwrite any global configuration
            enumDescriptionExtraction {
                enabled = true
                prefixMatcher = "`__ENUM__`:"
                failOnIncompleteDescriptions = true

            // Additional format type mapping
            formatTypeMapping {
                formatType = "username"
                classType = "com.package.UserName"
                conversion.fromCustomType = "getValue"
                conversion.toCustomType = "UserName#fromString"

            // Additional format type mapping
            formatTypeMapping {
                formatType = "password"
                classType = "com.package.Password"
                disableMissingConversionWarning = true

            // Additional class mapping
            classMapping {
                fromClass = "List"
                toClass = "java.util.ArrayList"
                disableMissingConversionWarning = true
            // Additional DTO mapping
            dtoMapping {
                dtoName = "AddressDto"
                customType = "com.package.CustomAddress"
                conversion.fromCustomType = "toDto"
                conversion.toCustomType = "CustomAddress#fromDto"
            // Additional mapping removing 'ApiV1' from the generated classname
            constantSchemaNameMapping {
                constant = "ApiV1"
                replacement = ""
            getterSuffixes {
                requiredSuffix = "Req"
                requiredNullableSuffix = "Opt"
                optionalSuffix = "Opt"
                optionalNullableSuffix = "Tristate"                
            validationMethods {
                getterSuffix = "Raw"
                modifier = "public"
                deprecatedAnnotation = true
        // Custom name for this schema
        apiV2 {         
            inputSpec = "$projectDir/src/main/resources/openapi-v2.yml"
            packageName = "${}.${}.api.v2.model"
            // No specific config for enum description extraction
            // or mappings. Will inherit the global configuration
    // Global configuration for enum description extraction, 
    // used in case no specific configuration is present
    enumDescriptionExtraction {
        enabled = true
        prefixMatcher = "`__ENUM__`:"
        failOnIncompleteDescriptions = true

    // Global format type mapping which gets applied to each schema
    formatTypeMapping {
        formatType = "username"
        classType = "com.package.UserName"

    // Global format type mapping which gets applied to each schema
    formatTypeMapping {
        formatType = "password"
        classType = "com.package.Password"

    // Global class mapping which gets applied to each schema
    classMapping {
        fromClass = "List"
        toClass = "java.util.ArrayList"
    // Global schema name mapping which removes any '.' from the schema name for the classnames
    constantSchemaNameMapping {
        constant = "."
        replacement = ""
    getterSuffixes {
        // global config goes here
    validationMethods {
       // global config goes here
    stagedBuilder {
        enabled = true

Add in the schemas block for each specification a new block with custom name (apiV1 and apiV2 in the example above) and configure the generation with the following attributes for each schema:

Some options are configurable globally, that means they can be configured on the root level (see the example above) which applies automatically to all configured specifications. The globally configured options can be overridden for each specification if necessary.

Key Configurable globally Data Type Default Description
sourceSet String main Source set to which the generated classes should be added.
inputSpec String The OpenApi 3.x specification location.
outputDir String / Provider[Directory] project.layout.buildDirectory.dir("generated/openapi") The location in which the generated sources should be stored. Can either be set as String or as Provider[Directory], which is the result of calling project.layout.buildDirectory.dir("directory/inside/the/build/directory").
resolveInputSpecs boolean true Input specifications are resolved for task input calculation for gradle. This requires parsing the specification to identify remote specifications. This can be disabled if needed, see Incremental build and remote specifications.
packageName String ${}.${}.api.model Name of the package for the generated classes.
suffix String Suffix which gets appended to each generated class. The classes are unchanged if no suffix is provided.
jsonSupport String jackson Used json support library. Possible values are jackson or none.
enableValidation Boolean false Enables the generation of annotations for bean validation. Select with validationApi the used packages.
nonStrictOneOfValidation Boolean false If enabled, a DTO with oneOf composition with discriminator does not validate if the data is valid against exactly one schema. It will only validate if the data is valid against the schema described by the discriminator.
validationApi String jakarta-2 Defines the used annotations (either from javax.* or jakarta.* package). Possible values are jakarta-2 and jakarta-3. Use for Java Bean validation 2.0 or Jakarta Bean validation jakarata-2 and for Jakarta Bean validation 3.0 jakarta-3.
builderMethodPrefix String Prefix for the setter method-name of builders. The default empty string leads to setter method-names equally to the corresponding fieldname.
excludeSchemas List[String] [] Excludes the given schemas from generation. This can be used in case unsupported features are used, e.g. URL-references or unsupported compositions.

The plugin creates for each schema a task named generate{NAME}Model where {NAME} is replaced by the used name for the schema, in the example above a task generateApiV1Model and a task generateApiV2Model would get created. The tasks are automatically registered as dependency of the corresponding java-compile task.

Staged Builder

The plugin generates a staged builder for each DTO, see Staged Builder for more information. The staged builder can be configured globally and / or for each schema separately.

Currently, the only option is to enable or disable the staged builder while the staged builder is enabled by default.

stagedBuilder {
    enabled = true

Class Mappings

The plugin allows one to map specific standard java classes, used in the DTO to custom types. The mapping is not applied to generated DTO classes itself, this only includes the java class used for properties in the DTO. The following example would use the custom List implementation com.package.CustomList for lists instead of java.util.List.

classMapping {
    fromClass = "List"
    toClass = "com.package.CustomList"
    conversion.fromCustomType = "asList"
    conversion.toCustomType = "CustomList#fromList"
    disableMissingConversionWarning = false

Key Data Type Default Description
fromClass String The class used in the DTO's by the plugin which should get replaced
toClass String Fully qualified classname used in the DTO's instead of the fromClass
conversion.fromCustomType String The conversion used to convert properties of type toClass to fromClass. Possible definitions: Conversion for Mappings
conversion.toCustomType String The conversion used to convert properties of type fromClass to toClass. Possible definitions: Conversion for Mappings
disableMissingConversionWarning boolean false Set this property to true in case no warning should get emitted if no conversion is specified. This can be helpful in case the used type is designed to be used with serialisation and validation frameworks and a conversion does not make sense.

Repeat this block for each class mapping.

Format Type Mappings

The plugin also allows using custom classes for specific properties in the OpenApi specification. The properties must be of type string and the format is a custom name which can be referenced in the plugin configuration to use the custom class. For example the spec

      type: string
      format: username

and a formatTypeMapping block in the configuration

formatTypeMapping {
    formatType = "username"
    classType = "com.package.UserName"
    conversion.fromCustomType = "getValue"
    conversion.toCustomType = "UserName#fromString"

will use the class com.package.UserName for the property userName.

Key Data Type Default Description
formatType String The format used in the type which should get replaced.
classType String Fully qualified classname used in the DTO's for the types with the format formatType.
conversion.fromCustomType String The conversion used to convert properties of type classType to the type with format formatType. Possible definitions: Conversion for Mappings
conversion.toCustomType String The conversion used to convert properties of type with format formatType to classType. Possible definitions: Conversion for Mappings
disableMissingConversionWarning boolean false Set this property to true in case no warning should get emitted if no conversion is specified. This can be helpful in case the used type is designed to be used with serialisation and validation frameworks and a conversion does not make sense.

Repeat this block for each format type mapping.

DTO Mapping

The plugin allows to replace a a generated DTO with a custom class.

dtoMapping {
    dtoName = "AddressDto"
    customType = "com.package.CustomAddress"
    conversion.fromCustomType = "toDto"
    conversion.toCustomType = "CustomAddress#fromDto"
Key Data Type Default Description
dtoName String The name of the DTO which should get replaced. The complete name including the suffix should be used.
customType String Fully qualified classname used instead of the class dtoName
conversion.fromCustomType String The conversion used to convert properties of type customType to dtoName. Possible definitions: Conversion for Mappings
conversion.toCustomType String The conversion used to convert properties of type dtoName to customType. Possible definitions: Conversion for Mappings
disableMissingConversionWarning boolean false Set this property to true in case no warning should get emitted if no conversion is specified. This can be helpful in case the used type is designed to be used with serialisation and validation frameworks and a conversion does not make sense.

Conversions for mappings

The conversion can be defined in one of the following ways:

Type Description Example
instance method If a class provides a method to convert to the other type which can be called directly. conversion.fromCustomType = "getValue"
static method The static factory method can either be a static method of the custom type itself or a static method of any other factory class. A fully qualified classname is necessary for arbitrary factory class to generate proper import statements.
The method name an the class is separated by a #.
conversion.toCustomType = "UserName#fromString"
conversion.toCustomType = "com.package.UserNameFactory#fromString"

Format type mappings and class mappings could also be used without conversion. In this case, the custom types are directly used in the DTO with the following consequences:

  • The custom type is serialized by Jackson, therefore one needs to configure Jackson to properly serialize and deserialize the custom type.
  • Automatic validation will most likely not be possible, as the standard validation frameworks like hibernate can only validate the standard java types. The plugin does not generate any validation annotations for custom types without mapping.

The plugin provides warnings for defined mappings without conversion to be able to ensure one does not encounter one of the mentioned issues with mappings without conversions.

Schema Name Mappings

The schema name defines the generated classname of the DTO's. Constant mappings can be configured to adjust the generated classname. For example a dot in the schema name is no legal Java identifier and is therefore escaped with an underscore. If this is not desired, a constant mapping can be configured to remove the underscore (or any other character or string):

// Removes the points from the schema for generating classnames
constantSchemaNameMapping {
    constant = "."
    replacement = ""

Multiple configured constant mappings are applied in the order they are configured.

Enum description extraction

Enables and configures the extraction of a description for enums from the openapi specification. The enumDescriptionExtraction block is optional.

enumDescriptionExtraction {
    enabled = true
    prefixMatcher = "`__ENUM__`:"
    failOnIncompleteDescriptions = true
Key Data Type Default Description
enabled Boolean false Enables the extraction of descriptions for enum from the openapi specification.
prefixMatcher String The prefix which matches the start of the description for the enums.
failOnIncompleteDescriptions Boolean false Either no description or a description for each members of an enum must be present if set, otherwise the generation will fail.

Getter suffixes

This generator differentiates between 4 different properties (see chapter Nullability):

  • Required
  • Required and nullable
  • Optional
  • Optional and nullable

It is possible to customize the suffixes of these getters:

getterSuffixes {
    requiredSuffix = ""
    requiredNullableSuffix = "Opt"
    optionalSuffix = "Opt"
    optionalNullableSuffix = "Tristate"                
Key Data Type Default Description
requiredSuffix String Suffix added to the getter methods for required properties
requiredNullableSuffix String Opt Suffix added to the getter methods for required and nullable properties
optionalSuffix String Opt Suffix added to the getter methods for optional properties
optionalNullableSuffix String Tristate Suffix added to the getter methods for optional and nullable properties

Validation Methods

This generator creates classes where null is not used, either not as return value or as argument. Nullable or optional properties are wrapped for example with java.util.Optional. Frameworks for serialisation or validation require to operate with nullable objects. The current supported framework for serialisation (Jackson) is able to work with private methods which are generated by the plugin. The reference implementation for bean validation (hibernate) is also able to work with private methods, but other frameworks like Spring (although may using hibernate) require to have public methods for validation.

Therefore, the generator allows to customize the generation of validation methods. It allows to change the access modifier of validations methods. Additionally, a deprecated annotation can be added to each validation method, to point out that these methods should not be used in the code manually by the programmer but automatically by frameworks. For getters of properties used for validation, a suffix can be configured to avoid the clash with the standard methods which return wrapped objects instead of nullable objects.

The following is an example to configure the generator to generate public validation methods and marked as deprecated which can be used together with the validation in Spring.

validationMethods {
    modifier = "public"
    deprecatedAnnotation = true
Key Data Type Default Description
getterSuffix String Raw Suffix which is added to properties of getters which are only used for validation
modifier String private Modifier for validation methods. Can be one of public, protected, package-private or private
deprecatedAnnotation boolean false Determines if the validation methods should be annotated with deprecated.

See the Spring-Example (build.gradle) which makes use of this configuration.


Warnings can be configured within a warnings block:

warnings {
    disableWarnings = false
    failOnWarnings = true
    failOnUnsupportedValidation = true
    failOnMissingConversion = true
Key Data Type Default Description
disableWarnings boolean false Disables the generation of the warnings, i.e. emits no warnings in the gradle output
failOnWarnings boolean false Global setting to fail on warnings. Will be used as default for every warning type if not configured explicitly.
failOnUnsupportedValidation boolean value of failOnWarnings Fail on unsupported validations. Uses failOnWarnings if omitted.
failOnMissingConversion boolean value of failOnWarnings Fail on missing conversions in class mappings or format type mappings. Uses failOnWarnings if omitted.