Merge magicspace changes (update)
Merge magicspace changes (update)
Use npm run for better compatibility
Use npm run for better compatibility
Root jest.config.js only if any test
Root jest.config.js only if any test
Merge magicspace changes (update)
Merge magicspace changes (update)
Update entrances eslint enable/disable
Update entrances eslint enable/disable
Merge magicspace changes (update)
Merge magicspace changes (update)
Associate boilerplate.json to jsonc
Associate boilerplate.json to jsonc
Merge magicspace changes (update)
Merge magicspace changes (update)
Better initial overrides for eslint
Better initial overrides for eslint
Remove dual module format support
Remove dual module format support
Merge magicspace changes (update)
Merge magicspace changes (update)
Add package manage gitignore files
Add package manage gitignore files
Merge magicspace changes (update)
Merge magicspace changes (update)
Eslint config rename to .eslintrc.json
Eslint config rename to .eslintrc.json