We are glad you're here! First-time and returning contributors are welcome to add bug fixes and new integrations. If you are unsure about the direction of an enhancement or if it would be generally useful, feel free to open an issue or a work-in-progress pull request and ask for input.
Thank you!
- Fork the library on github
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
Install the test dependencies
bundle install --with test sidekiq --binstubs
Run the tests with and make sure they all pass
bundle exec rake
Further information on installing and running the tests can be found in the testing guide
- Write API docs for your contributions using YARD
- Generate the API documentation locally
bundle exec rake yard
- Review your changes by opening
If you're a member of the core team, follow these instructions for releasing bugsnag-ruby.
- Create a Rubygems account
- Get James/Simon to add you as contributor on bugsnag-ruby in Rubygems
if necessary -
Commit/push your changes
git add VERSION CHANGELOG.md README.md git commit -m "Release v6.x.x" git push origin master
Release to rubygems
gem build bugsnag.gemspec gem push bugsnag-[version].gem
Update the version running in the bugsnag-website project
Update the setup guides for Ruby (and its frameworks) with any new content.