This file provides a history of the changes in the repo.
- Re-introduced deployment to TestPyPi in GitHub workflow
- Implemented deployment to PyPi in GitHub workflow
- Outlined how to install praudio via GitHub and PyPi in README
- Implemented deployment to TestPyPi conditional to tagging
- Implemented build-n-deploy job in Github actions to build distribution and upload it on Test PyPi
- Added as long_description in
- Fixed numpy to version 1.20.3 in requirements.txt
- Compiled README file
- Implemented ConfigSaver with unittests
- Storing configurations in preprocess entry point
- Implemented preprocess endpoint
- Implemented creation function for ConfigLoader
- Implemented creation function for BatchFilePreprocessorCreator
- Implemented unittests
- Fixed bug in test_configvalidator. Now we remove the temporary dir hierarchy at the end of unittest
- Implemented configuration loading and validation
- Implemented unittests for ConfigLoader and ConfigValidator
- Implemented FilePreprocessorCreator
- Implemented BatchFilePreprocessorCreator
- Implemented relative unittests
- Implemented TransformationsChainCreator with unittests
- Implemented TransformationFactory with unittests
- Removed dummy.wav file at root of test directory. Using file in dummydataset folder instead for tests.
- Implemented FilePreprocessor
- Implemented BatchFilePreprocessor
- Implemented abstract Saver
- Implemented utility functions to create directory hierarchy with and without file in input
- Implemented relative unittests
- Using an enumeration class for referring to transforms types instead of strings
- Updated all transforms to use TransformTypes class
- MagnitudeSpectrogram and PowerSpectrogram have an STFT object, instead of inheriting from it
- Updated unittests to reflect changes
- Implemented batch transformations in TransformsChain
- Implemented unittests for TransformsChain
- Implemented Log transform with unittests
- Implemented scaling transforms (Scaler base class, MinMaxScaler, Standardiser, RowStandardiser)
- Added NotA2DSignalError
- Implemented unittests
- Implemented MagnitudeSpectrogram
- Implemented PowerSpectrogram
- Implemented MelSpectrogram
- Implemented MFCCSpectrogram
- Implemented unittests
- Implemented Short-Time Fourier Transform object
- Implemented STFT unittests
- Implemented NumpySaver object
- Implemented abstract interface for transforms
- Implemented unittests for NumpySaver
- Implemented Loader object
- Implemented Signal object
- Implemented FileExtensionError
- Implemented unittests for all new objects
- Added Makefile with quick commands for installing, linter, testing, typehint
- Added mypy and pylint config files
- Added dummy file and unittest for testing Github Actions works
- Laid out repo structure