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Appify - a tiny frontend framework

A tiny framework for developing complex HTML5 web applications in a simple way using:

  • Responsive layout
  • Touch events
  • CSS3 Transitions
  • MVVM pattern
  • MVP pattern
  • Offline Application Cache API
  • Storage API
  • Geolocation HTML5 API
  • Notification API
  • Push State API (for history Page mechanism)
  • Advanced Javascript API such as: Battery Status, Acceloremeter, Orientation).

The goal of appify is to provide a good starting point to develop an HTML5 mobile web app in Java. The philosophy is to have the skeleton (Controllers, Offline, Geolocation, etc.) of your app written in Java and your View in pure HTML5.

Furthermore, Appify provide a simple way to reuse:

  • your Views written in HTML5
  • your data bindings written in VueJs (or other libraries)
  • your code written in Java

Appify enables developers to write the View in HTML/CSS and the frontend Controller logic in Java. You can reuse all your Java business logic and your Java POJO Model in the offered VMMV pattern.

Appify is a young project i'm working hard for docs and other modules compatibility. Stay tuned for updates and docs.

#Getting started with Appify: ##Introduction Appify was developed mainly for Java Web developers. If you have skills on HTML5 and Javascript and you want to develop your application logic in Java using pure HTML5 only for the view, you are using the right framework. The reuse of the code is critical and its maintanability too.... Java has a good infrastrucuture for getting these features and a good distribution mechanism for sharing your builds with other developers. The mix between Java and all others web technologies is possible thanks to the GWT compiler a great toolkit developed by Google and now maintained as a community project. GWT enable your Java project to be compiled in Javascript and executed as a normal webapp frontend application in a browser. If you want to use Appify, you have to start a simple GWT project and inherits the right module in your gwt.xml file:

<inherits name="it.appify.App" />


Now your are ready to use all Appify features. First of all you have to declare your web app inteface. Appify offers some annotations to make the development of your web app fast and easy. Infact the webapp interface can be annotated with some web app capabilities and inject them in your webapp such as: Geolocation, Storage, Application Cache, Notification, Offline support, and many others.

@it.appify.annotations.WebApp(appStateType = AppModel.class)
public interface ExampleApp extends WebApp<AppModel> {


In this code section we have declared our webapp interface and annotated it with @WebApp annotation. Note that we have to pass the application state model type to the WebApp annotation. This is the only mandatory step to "appify" our app. The AppModel class will contains all data representing your application state. The application state will be injected and presented to the HTML5 view. This is possible thanks to the MVVM pattern offered by the Appify framework.

In your GWT EntryPoint you have to create your app in a very simple way:

ExampleApp myApp = GWT.create(ExampleApp.class);

GWT.create starts the magic: your annotated WebApp interface will be processed and the appify framework will generate the interface realization. The generated webapp results in a kind of skeleton of your app. All your app features will be injected in order to the declared webapp annotations. In this first example we have declared a webapp with no particular features but we can develop a simple app by adding to our project the views and the controllers. If you want to add some others features to your app you can annotate your webapp interface with others non-manadatory annotations such as Geolocation, Storage, Offline, etc. See at appify annotations for all features you can enable in your app. Once you get a reference to the skeleton app, you can start it:

myApp.startApp(new AppModel());

Controller annotations:


Developing a controller with Appify is very simple. Controller is a class annotated with @Controller annotation. The controller can be bound to a View (in Appify a view is a page) by its name. So if you want to bind a MenuController to your main page you have yo annotate your MainPage class with a @Controller and pass the page name to page parameter.

@Controller(page = "mainPage")
public class MainPageMenuController {

	private WebApp<EmsMobileModel> app;

	public MainPageMenuController(WebApp<EmsMobileModel> app) { = app;

Now suppose we have this HTML code for our menu view, controller can intercept all events from this HTML page because we have declared it with the id "mainPage":

<div class="app-page" id="mainPage" data-page="mainPage">
	<div class="snap-drawers">
		<div class="snap-drawer snap-drawer-left">
			<div class="app-section">
				<a id="checkInBtn" class="btn btn-block">Check In</a>
				<button id="manageEquipButton" class="btn btn-block">Equipments</button>
				<button id="lastEmergencyBtn" class="btn btn-block">Last Call</button>
		<div class="snap-drawer snap-drawer-right"></div>


So if you want to intercept the click event on the button with id "checkInBtn" contained in the "mainPage" page you have to write this simple code in your controller class:

@ViewHandler(eventType = "click", viewId = "checkInBtn")
	public void onCheckInStart() {

Classes annotated with @Controller annotation MUST have a constructor with a WebApp type parameter. This constructor will enables the framework to inject the WebApp skeleton. Webapp skeleton enable you to develop your controllers to trigger a page transition, obtain your current app state, get current visualized page reference, change some view behavior like CSS toggles, show modals, show tooltips and popovers, and to read and write the persistent storage. For all WebApp API skeleton you can see at the WebApp API.


Appify can inject the desired view element in your controller. If you have the need to get a reference to an input text element you can declare it as a field of your controller class:

	private Element inputText;

Note that you have to provide at least some getters and setters of your private fields. Getters and Setters will enable Appify to correctly inject your view element in your controller. Alternatively you can use the public modifier for your UI fields. Note that all ViewElement (ui fields) are simply DOM elements. GWT offers its Element class and a great mechanism that wraps an HTML DOM Element in a Java Object.


If you need to intercpet the data behind the user interaction with a view you have to use the @ViewModelHandler annotation. @ViewModelHandler is a special @ViewHandler for intercept events from a @ViewElement and its related model data. This annotation is useful for List, Combo or Radio Button HTML elements. In general all user interactions with a UI field bound with a model can be intercepted trough a @ViewModelHandler. The example above shows how you can get the described behavior in a few lines of code:

@ViewModelHandler(modelType = Item.class, viewId = "itemList")
	public void onItemReceived(Item i) {
		GWT.log("Received item from itemList: " + i.getCode() + " - "
				+ i.getName());

The onItemReceived method will receive the data behind a list of items when the user will click on an item in the list. The viewId MUST correspond simply to the id of our HTML list. Note that ViewModelHandler need to know the model type in terms of fields bound to our views, in this case the HTML list and the "code" and "name" fields wrapped in the Item class. The declaration of the binding between View and Model is made trough special attributes that can be used in your HTML page. We will call this attributes directives. For all supported directives see the relative Appendix 'Appify supported Directives'.

Service annotations:

Services are simple classes delegated to some kind of background logic execution with singleton scope. To make a class an Appify Service you need to use the related annotations set.


Service annotation is the main annotation for service discovering. Appify will inject your app in a Service class and will start your service calling the method annotated with the Start annotation. So if you want to create a service you just need to do this:

public class MyService {

	private WebApp<AppState> app;

	public MyService(WebApp<AppState> app) { = app;


@Service annotation is strictly related with #Start annotation. A service class will be started by Appify if there is at least one public method annotated with the @Start annotation.

	public void startMyService() {
		//after and every 10 seconds notify the user if something was changed
		Scheduler.get().scheduleFixedPeriod(new RepeatingCommand() {

			public boolean execute() {
				//notify the user somthing happened
				return true;
		}, 10000);


Appify WebApp annotations:


You can enable Geolocation support by adding this simple annotation. You can use annotation parameter to configure your geolocation behavior.

@Geolocation(enableHighAccuracy=true, maxAge=5000, timeout=4000)
@it.appify.annotations.WebApp(appStateType = AppModel.class)
public interface ExampleApp extends WebApp<AppModel> {


Now you can use the Geolocation Service:

				new GeolocationCallback() {

					public void onPosition(Geoposition position) {
						GWT.log("onPosition geolocation service");


					public void onError(int code, String msg) {
						GWT.log("onError geolocation service");



Battery service enables your app to obtain the Battery service for reading battery level and get charging information from your device.

@it.appify.annotations.WebApp(appStateType = AppModel.class)
public interface ExampleApp extends WebApp<AppModel> {

				new BatteryStatusCallback() {

					public void onBatteryStatus(BatteryStatus currentStatus) {
						double level = currentStatus.getLevel();
						EmsMobileModel model = app
								.<EmsMobileModel> getCurrentAppState();

						if (level < 0.4) {
						} else if (level > 0.4 && level < 0.6) {
						} else if (level > 0.6) {


Offline annotation makes your app offline-first enabling your app to access the HTML5 Application Cache receive events and get connection status informations:

@it.appify.annotations.WebApp(appStateType = AppModel.class)
public interface ExampleApp extends WebApp<AppModel> {

				new CheckConnectedCallback() {

					public void onOnline() {
						//your device is connected to the internet

					public void onOffline() {
						//your app is offline


If you need to persist application state in the storage you can annotate your web app with this annotation. Using Storage annotation will enable you to get a Storage Service and to obtain a great Appify behavior. Once Storage was activated your application state will be persisted every time you call the updateAppState method of your app. Without the Storage feature the updateAppState method will affect only the view but changes will not be persisted so a simple refresh of your page will reset all your application state.

@Storage(modelType = AppModel.class)
@it.appify.annotations.WebApp(appStateType = AppModel.class)
public interface ExampleApp extends WebApp<AppModel> {

AppModel model = app.<AppModel> getCurrentAppState();
/*will affect the view and persist in the local storage your app state*/
AppModel model = app.<AppModel> getCurrentAppState();
/*persist only in the local storage your app state*/
app.getStorageService().store(AppModel.class.toString(), model);

Javascript API

If you prefer, you can use the Javascript Api version of Appify:

//construct your appify object
var myapp = new;

//define your model
var mymodel = {title: 'Title', content: 'Lorem Ipsum...'};

//let's start your app

//navigate trough pages

//update model view 
mymodel.title='New Title';


Actually Appify rely on these modules:

  • App.Js for the View and the Page transition.
  • VueJs for the MVVM pattern.
  • Zepto or Jquery for access the DOM.
  • Ratchet for view components
  • Some other libraries like popover and snapjs for particular view behavior
  • GWT for compiling your Java Controllers and Models in Javasvcript

These modules (except of GWT) are not mandatory and you can use what you prefer, for example for the MVVM instead of VueJs you can use AngularJs. This is not a priority requirement, but it's planned in the road-map and will be provided in the next future.




Appify supported Directives