- Dedicated Freeboard-SK Chart Plotter widget. The widget automatically loads the app and supports single sign on using the same user as defined in KIP. Special thanks to Adrian!
- Removed Data Chart's scale grace-factor improving scale definition control.
- Updated demo configuration to reflect latest text color feature and include Freeboard-SK widget on page 2.
- Exposed the ability to set Value scale range in Data Chart widget
- Invalid "request pending authorization" message displayed after toggling Switch control using the Boolean Control Panel.
- Added Dataset configuration guidance to UI.
- Chromium menu icon layout issues.
- Data Chart empty datapoint when no value received within sample period.
- Race Timer Start/Pause state when switching day/night modes.
- Zone alarms triggers incorrectly when using both 0 and undefined in a zone scales.
- Prevent endless login loop by adding support for NEVER expires user session token.
- Update left over Historical Data tab descriptions to reference Datasets and Data Chart widget.
- New Data Chart Widget replacing Historical Widget. Data Chart supports data streaming and Simple Moving Average Series and min, max and average lines over dataset duration.
- KIP compatibility for remote access using Victron's VRM Portal.
- Removal of theming engine. KIP only uses what was previously labeled as the Modern Dark theme.
- Upgraded to Node.js v18+.
- Upgrade to Angular 17.2
- Migration to Angular MDC components
- Migration to Standalone components
- New Dataset Service architecture for future support of Signal K Playback and History APIs
- Upgrade to latest Chart.js
- Package dependency updates
- Boolean Control Panel Widget: Added Push button and Light indicator controls
- Application loading spinner animation during KIP startup replacing the blank screen visible on slow network/devices improving user experience
- Boolean Control Panel Widget Options: Ability to change control position, layout clean up and enhanced responsive design
- Date & Time Widget Options: Added pre populated selection list of available Time Zones enhancing usability
- Auto Night Mode feature now based on environment.mode path aligning to latest Signal K specifications. The change is backward compatible
- Improved Settings / Storage tab [object Object] error message when Signal K server's Application Storage service is not accessible from KIP
- New Boolean Switches Widget. The first addition to a new series of multi-paths boolean Widgets
- Automatic server URL discovery simplifying basic KIP configuration
- Request/Response 403 Status Code message improving end user troubleshooting when using PUT operations. Applies to Boolean and AP widgets.
- Sass styles cleanup reducing css files size
- Dependency cleanup reducing install time and removing unnecessary package installation
- KIP dependency version update
- Can't save Widget Options with Widgets that have optional configuration features when paths are not available/supplied from Signal K
- Widget Options/Paths form UI validation issues providing cleaner user feedback
- AP compass dial numbers not visible in all themes. Special thanks to @rezder
- Course Over Ground indicator added to Wind Widget
- Wind Widget "Laylines" feature label is incorrect and port/starboard wind shift colors are inverted
- Fix Widget Options path filtering with performance improvements
- null path values causing errors, preventing proper value types assignment and default source selection
- Help text and color update
- Progressive Web Application feature for mobile devices
- Random conflicting double tab action on mobile devices causing screen zoom instead of Night Mode activation
- Removed widget data stream filtering of null values
- Help and data browser navigation actions skipping current widget active page
- Gesture Support: Added horizontal Swipe to cycle pages and Double Tab to toggle night mode
- Numeric, Date and Text Widgets: Added configurable color support
- Wind Widget: Added Next Waypoint bearing indicator
- Added support for Widget data expiration (TTL). Previously Widget stayed still when a source stopped sending data or the server connection was lost.
- Strengthen Widget configuration management when adding new KIP properties
- Numeric Widget HH:MM:SS conversion unit broken
- Wind Widget speed value indicator sometimes doing a full rotating when passing over zero degrees
- Added support for Signal K Source Priorities
- Added Signal K RFC 3339 datetime types improving path selection filtering of Date value display Widget and string Widgets
- Added configuration copy from/to all Scopes feature
- Path value of null and undefined causing tofix() failure
- Historic DataSet widget - initial value incorrect and persisted forever
- Typo in "Night Vision" description under the General settings tab
- Add missing SampleTime path property in some rare cases
- Fixed old configuration Device Token upgrade issue
- Fixed upgrading global scope version 1 configuration file with improved UI
- npm package cleanup
- Option to enable automatic day and night modes activation based on sun phases
- Path data throttling feature added to Widget Options Paths providing greater flexibility and UI experience
- automatic upgrade of older KIP v6 configuration
- Package description typo and changelog updates
- Cleaner Wind Widget styles and layout with improved visual experience
- 178-wind-gauge-jumping-through-n-0-degrees by @godind in #200
- Unit label typo. Help hyperlinks by @godind in #201
- AP and linear gauge styles by @godind in #202
- Help typo fix by @godind in #203
- Latitude and Longitude format by @godind in #204
- numeric with decimal and long/lat by @godind in #205
- West Longitudes show negatives by @godind in #206
- App-help-styling-to-Angular by @godind in #207
- Bump @babel/traverse from 7.23.0 to 7.23.2 by @dependabot in #194
- KIP icon update
- Object reference error and polyfills by @godind in https://github.com/mxtommy/Kip/commit/73f47aec694ccfe6ea2f1b92ad23dcc53b41e09f
- Breaking Change - KIP configuration sharing using Signal K user key data storage feature
- Support for Signal K User authentication
- KIP authentication flow and UI
- Race Timer widget
- Data/time Widget. Special thanks to techgardeners
- Ah and kWh units support. Special thanks to amirlanesman
- New Storage Service
- New Authentication Service
- New App bootstrap Init Service
- Button/Switch Widget UI improvement to On/Off status indicator
- Upgrade to Angular 14
- Performance improvements with reduction of Angular Change Detection
- Reduced bundle size
- Streamlined Widget framework to facilitate Widget contribution and creation
- Migration to RxJS WebSocket
- Improved JavaScript Web Token (JWT) management using HTTP Interceptor
- Improved management of Signal K communications reducing server buffer overflow and server-side termination exceptions handling.
- Support for Signal K Delta Metadata updates
- Retirement of full.service in favor of the Delta service for improved performance, reduced CPU load and code simplification
- Kip configuration data split into Connection and Configuration files enhancing KIP configuration sharing
- Enhanced Request Service support
- Enhanced Console logging for improved tracing and debugging
- Added the ability to add a display text to the Blank widget. Special thanks to techgardeners
- Various dependency upgrades
- Code cleanup and documentation
- widget-numeric.component.html code typo preventing proper theme rendering. Special thanks to mhaberler
- Issue where simple linear gauge assumes min value=0. Special thanks to amirlanesman
- Fix spelling in datasets configuration. Special thanks to philipa
- Angular production build script update
- fixed historical widget axis and label theming color, thanks VibroAxe
- Platform update to Node 14, Angular and Angular Material 12
- Upgrade to Awesomefont6 with new icon style classes update
- Retired old node-sass in favor of new Sass module
- Dependencies updated to latest
- App manifest added, thanks VibroAxe
- Added new ng server dev configuration with map files enabling debugger breakpoints. Use: ng server --configuration=dev to enable VS Code debugger map file and inline break points.
- Fixed issue: Latest Master doesn't build #111 - NG-Canvas-Gauge package dependency
- Fix Kip N2K Autopilot gauge buttons layout and modes feature. AP Gauge should work with Raymarine Seatalk, N2K APs and SmartPilots connected to Seatalk-STNG-Converter device. Latest n2k-signalk (2.5.2+) and signalk-autopilot (v1.2.5+) plugin are required.
- Fix bug in ng-Gauges initialization
- Don't error out on missing notification method
- Add some more help videos
- Option to make historical graphs vertical, thanks ahm4711!
- Fix bad base href in V1.2.0
- Zones!!!
- Set zones in Settings, give range and state for that range.
- Warnings and alarms generated when in range.
- Radial / Linear Gauges show zones. Sets colors on gauge and red value on warn/alarm.
- Numeric widget alarming on Zones. Red text on warning, flashing red background on alarm.
- New Data Browser feature!
- Start of a Help section (still needs some more content, feel free to suggest ideas!)
- Enable/Disable different notification sounds in settings (normal/warning/alarm/etc)
- Added choice between numeric and cardinal ticks on compass (0,90,180,270 vs N,E,S,W)
- Allow paths that do not exist in path input.
- Added percent unit
- Optimize font size calculations by up to 50x on numeric widget
- Added a new color option on linear gauges (No Progress). Makes it just the needle, useful for example rudder position
- Refactor alarms/notification service.
- Fix blank config version
- Update Dependencies to latest (Angular 11)
- Fix full tree API parsing (might not work with very old server versions though...) (commit 30220f0)
- Fix various small typos / small bugs
- Position updates are in deg, but KIP expects rad. Convert deg to rad on incoming position data.
- Fix metadata parsing
- Don't save unlock status in config (not needed)
- Add hPA/mbar units
- Fix unit selection on historical widgets
- Fix base Href
- A lot of code cleanup!
- UI refresh/cleanup
- Updated dependencies to latest Angular/etc
- Path selection dropdown in Widget settings modal replaced with auto-complete. Also has path description if available
- Config has UUID to that instance (for identifying to server)
- Settings page has updates per second graph
- Start of support for metadata in widgets
- additional notifications settings
- fix Wind gauge wind sectors theming
- Widget select modal refactor into groups
- updated navbar styling
- Theme work/cleanup
- Work on ng gauges
- Tooltip for long messages, and hide badge when 0 unacknowledged alarms
- Respect methods for alarms!
- add ngcanvasgauges and new modern theme (thanks godind!)
- new Theme change event allowing widgets to subscribe to theme changes (thanks godind!)
- Historical Graph color change on theme update
- Update WidgetString to use canvas like numeric widget for dynamic font size
- Latitude/Longitude Unit format
- Load / Save config from server!
- Notifications service for application status (snackbar)
- Deleting the last widget in a page deletes the page!
- Signal K Notifications in menubar!
- iFrame to embed something in kip
- Unit defaults!
- Performance fixes for large numeric widgets
- Bugfixes
- Numeric Min/Max
- Updated NPM dependencies
- Show connection lost overlay on closed websocket connection
- Only resize Steelseries Gauges once a second (helps in resizing)
- Add Frequency Units
- Put Support! On/Off and Momentary support on boolean state
- Request R/W token from Signal K Server
- Fix bug related to source parsing in deltas
Note, Any configs stored in browser will be lost as config format has changed.
- Performance gain in Numeric widget in large fonts
- Sailgauge updates (laylines, wind sectors, general refactor)
- Simplified source selection in the code
- Removed Derived Data
- Added Percentage unit, and stopped showing "no unit" on numeric
- Updated Angular from v4 to v5 and also all dependencies to latest version
- Complete re-write of widget settings modal for future ease of coding
- Complete re-write of unit conversion service. Now if metadata specifies unit, it only offers you compatible units
- Gauge Background and frame color options!
- new Signal K Theme
- Hash based routing
- Start of Boolean state widget
- default to /signalk in url
- fix select dialogs (missing mat-form-field)
- Fix typo in settings page
- Tutorial Widget
- fix new page bug (had to reload to access it)
- Derived Data - true wind and dow
- Sailgauge (True wind)
- Demo default config
- Load/Save Config
- Get a few themes going, theme wind gauge