(Published by IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters). Published version RAL paper and preprint version arxiv paper
- Preprocess raw data
- Apply data augmentation on the training data
- Train initial panoptic model using AppleA_train
- Preapre train/test unlabeled datsets for multiple run
- Generate panoptic pseudo-labels for finetuning the initial model
- Train iteratively using pseudo labels
- Evaluate the model
- Detectron2
- Python 3.8
- Pytorch 1.9
- CUDA 10.2
- Pycocotools 2.0
- clone this repository and go to root folder
cd ssl_flower_semantic
- create environment
pip install -r det2_requirements.yml
- This codebase is heavily based on Detectron2 and a semantic segmentation refinement method RGR. Install both and keep RGR in the root folder
- Download the raw data from multi-species-flower. The folder structure will be
├── imgs
│ ├── AppleA
│ ├── AppleA_train
│ ├── AppleB
│ ├── Peach
│ └── Pear
└── labels
├── AppleA
│ └── gt_frames
├── AppleA_train
│ └── gt_frames
├── AppleB
│ └── gt_frames
├── Peach
│ └── gt_frames
└── Pear
└── gt_frames
- run the following script from root to generate the train/test split for CV experiments
python ./dataset/data_aug_train_CV.py --CV 1 --dataset AppleA
For example the data folder structure for CV=1 in data root directory will be as follows
├── AppleA
│ └── CV1
│ ├── test_imgs
│ └── train_imgs
├── AppleB
│ └── CV1
│ ├── test_imgs
│ └── train_imgs
├── Peach
│ └── CV1
│ ├── test_imgs
│ └── train_imgs
└── Pear
└── CV1
├── test_imgs
└── train_imgs
- To test the models, download CV1 models from models
├── SL
│ └── AppleA_train
├── SSL
│ ├── AppleA
│ │ └── CV1
│ │ └── iter3
│ ├── AppleB
│ │ └── CV1
│ │ └── iter3
│ ├── Peach
│ │ └── CV1
│ │ └── iter6
│ └── Pear
│ └── CV1
│ └── iter3
├── AppleA
│ └── CV1
│ └── iter2
├── AppleB
│ └── CV1
│ └── iter2
├── Peach
│ └── CV1
│ └── iter6
└── Pear
└── CV1
└── iter3
- run the following script to evaluate the CV models
python utils/sliding_windows_RGR.py --CV 1 --data_set AppleB --ssl_iter 3 --isLocal 1 --gpu_id 0 --model_type SSL
[x] To train the SL model using augmented AppleA train set:
- run the following script from root to prepare training data
python ./dataset/data_aug_train.py --dataset AppleA_train
- go to root directory and run
for ITER in ssl_iter; do bash train_ssl_2gpus.sh model_type ${ITER} --label_percent GPUS data_set CV; done
for ITER in 0; do bash train_ssl_2gpus.sh SL ${ITER} 100 2 AppleA_train 0; done
[x] To train the SSL model on the unlabeled data using AppleA trained model:
- go to root directory and run
for ITER in 1 2 3; do bash train_ssl_2gpus.sh SSL ${ITER} 100 2 AppleA_train 2; done
If you find this work helpful in your research, please cite using the following bibtex
author={Siddique, Abubakar and Tabb, Amy and Medeiros, Henry},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
title={Self-Supervised Learning for Panoptic Segmentation of Multiple Fruit Flower Species},