- Update font-weight on the menu
- Remove references to Roboto and Arial fonts and replaced with Red Hat Display and Red Hat Text
- Remove references to Montserrat font
- Increase font-size to min 16px
- Update handleLogin event, to hide user's name if both first and last names are missing
- Update displayName variable to contain user's last name in addition to user's first name
- Update import url of myuw-app-styles
- Update profile button to strengthen the contrast between the background and foreground on hover effect
- Update README with releasing information and import path usage recommendation
- Remove the media query style rule
- Change the width of #myuw-profile-nav from 320px to 230px
- Prevent body from scrolling when the menu modal is open
- Decrease the width of profile menu on smaller screens
- Add invisible backdrop behind active profile menu
- Ensure focus state is visible
- Improve navigating through profile menu items
- Updates to background-color attribute weren't working; now they are.
- Event handlers get cleaned up on disconnect, preventing duplicates, memory leaks, etc.
- Escape key dismisses the menu.
- Elements are hidden with the semantically-appropriate
attribute. - Example page uses more modern idioms.
- Simplify/flatten component structure by extracting event handler methods and removing unnecessary property binding logic.
- Whitespace & style changes
- Check for valid references before messing with DOM elements/variables
- Component listens for a CustomEvent called "myuw-login" and sets up its appearance accordingly. See the README usage guide.
- Polyfills included in demo page
- Fixed appearance in Firefox
- Set standard top-bar button margin on containing element
- Removed left-only margin to better support usage outside of myuw-app-bar
- Add use of a CSS variable for menu link color (myuw-menu-color)
- Adjust circle button appearance to be centered better
- Add font weight CSS variable