Checks whether the output contains the expected value
// @t "can concat" concatanate('string1', 'something els') contains 'string1'
Checks whether the expected value is deep equal to actual value
// @t "assigns correctly" myAssign({ foo: 1 }, { foo: 2}) deep-equals { foo: 2 }
Checks whether the expected value is equal to the actual value
// @t "can sum" sum(1, 2) equals 3
Checks whether the expected value is not equal to the actual value. (Opposite of equals
// @t "can sum" sum(1, 2) is-not 4
Checks whether the given emmet expression matches the generated DOM
// @t "has new div" FooSpan({children: 'bar'}) matches-dom span#foo{bar}
Checks whether the invokation would throw.
// @t "throws on null engine" executeTest({engine: null}) throws Error