workshop 0 2016.9.29 ~ 2016.11.18 @Seoul National University
by Nahee Kim
worksho0는 누구든지 computational media를 활용한 표현 가능성을 실험해볼 수 있는 장입니다. 무언가에 제한되지 않고, 가장 자유롭게 computational media를 다룰 수 있는 개인/집단이 되는 것을 지향합니다.
8명의 참가자와 도우미들 그리고 Nahee kim은 함께 공부하고 생각을 나누면서 워크샵 자체와 최종 결과물 모두를 작업으로 진행할 예정입니다. 마지막에 열리는 showcase에서 각 참가자는 작업 과정과 결과물을 공유하는 전시회이자 작은 파티를 개최합니다.
In workshop0, any participant can experiment with the possibility of expressing using computational media.
We hope we could be a group that freely imagines through the computational media without being limited to technical implementations.
Eight participants, two TAs and Nahee will make this workshop together. In the last week, each participant will display the process and results of their project at the final show.
week 0 - face tracking - cognition || simple Snapchat filters || p5.js / opencv (T.A. [Eunjee Sung][ejlink]) [ejlink]: "Go Eunjee")
( [example][examplelink] | [intro slide][introslidelink] | [js101][js101link] | [main slide][mainslidelink] ) [examplelink]: "Go ex" [introslidelink]: "Go slide" [js101link]: "Go slide js" [mainslidelink]: "Go slide main"
week 1 - blob - movement || fluttering creatures in a browser || p5.js / simple physics engine (T.A. [Eunjee Sung][ejlink])
( [example1][examplelink1-1] | [example2][examplelink1-2] | [example-js][examplelink1-3] ) [examplelink1-1]: "Go att repel" [examplelink1-2]: "Go blob" [examplelink1-3]: "Go js"
week 2 - terminal - system || imaginary space in Terminal || terminal / linux command (T.A. [Eunjee Sung][ejlink])
( [slide1][week2-slide1] ) [week2-slide1]: "Go week2-slide1"
week 3 - wekinator - prediction || where is my cursor heading? || p5.js / simple machine learning (T.A. Sungmuk Im)
week 4 - ssh - network || hacking cheap computers || Raspberry pi 3 / linux command (T.A. [Eunjee Sung][ejlink])
( [slide1][week4-slide1] ) [week4-slide1]: "Go week4-slide1"
week 5 - Arduino - sense || 1px theater || Arduino uno / Neopixel (T.A. Sungmuk Im)
week 6 - Final showcase (open to public)
Online exhibition of homework sketches
( [][w0] ) [w0]: "Go w0"
Wednesday 6-8pm
online(Google Hangout: nahbee10) & offline(@SNU : 64-302)
Please sign up before you visit -> [Sign up sheet][bookinglink] [bookinglink]: "go booking"
workshop0 final show & presentation
@Sangsu-Dong, Seoul NOV 17 2016, 7-10pm
Eight participants exhibited their final works.
About fifty people came to see the exhibition.