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This page is automatically constructed from the configuration file and is meant as an easier way to see what surveys are included in the configuration file


This table lists all the different backgrounds in the configuration file that can be added to the footprint figure by inputting a string instead of a Healpix map.

Experiment ID Description File
Planck PLANCK-DUSTPOL Polarized dust emission map from Planck commander component separation. sqrt(Q^2 + U^2) Link
Planck PLANCK-DUST Planck commander thermal dust map Link
Planck PLANCK-SYNCH Planck commander synchrotron map Link
Planck PLANCK-SYNCHPOL Planck commander synchrotron polarization map. sqrt(Q^2 + U^2) Link

CMB Temperature Anisotropy Surveys

This next table lists all the surveys associated with CMB temperature anisotropy experiments

Experiment ID Description File
Planck PLANCK-UT78 Planck UT78 Mask Link
WMAP WMAP-TEMP-MASK Temperature data analysis mask Link
ACT ACT All ACT survey regions
ACT ACT-EQU Observations of the EQU region of the ACT experiment at 148 GHz in Seasons 3 and 4. Healpix mapping of the released WCS hitmaps. Link
ACT ACT-SOUTH Observations of the South region of the ACT experiment at 148 GHz in Seasons 2, 3, and 4. Healpix mapping of the released WCS hitmaps. Link
SPT SPT-release1 The SPT observations from their data release 1. Healpix mapping of their released 150 GHz ZEA hitmap. Link
SPT SPT-SZ-5H30-55 SPT-SZ patch centered at RA 5h30 and Dec -55
SPT SPT-SZ-23H30-55 SPT-SZ patch centered at RA 23h30 and Dec -55
SPT SPT-SZ-21H-60 SPT-SZ patch centered at RA 21h30 and Dec -60
SPT SPT-SZ-3H30-60 SPT-SZ patch centered at RA 3h30 and Dec -60
SPT SPT-SZ-21H-50 SPT-SZ patch centered at RA 21h and Dec -50
SPT SPT-SZ-4H10-50 SPT-SZ patch centered at RA 4h10 and Dec -50
SPT SPT-SZ-0H50-50 SPT-SZ patch centered at RA 0h50 and Dec -50
SPT SPT-SZ-2H30-50 SPT-SZ patch centered at RA 2h30 and Dec -50
SPT SPT-SZ-1H-60 SPT-SZ patch centered at RA 1h and Dec -60
SPT SPT-SZ-5H30-45 SPT-SZ patch centered at RA 5h30 and Dec -45
SPT SPT-SZ-6H30-55 SPT-SZ patch centered at RA 6h30 and Dec -55
SPT SPT-SZ-23H-62.5 SPT-SZ patch centered at RA 23h and Dec -62.5
SPT SPT-SZ-21H-42.5 SPT-SZ patch centered at RA 21h and Dec -42.5
SPT SPT-SZ-22H30-55 SPT-SZ patch centered at RA 22h30 and Dec -55
SPT SPT-SZ-23H-45 SPT-SZ patch centered at RA 23h and Dec -45
SPT SPT-SZ-6H-62.5 SPT-SZ patch centered at RA 6h and Dec -62.5
SPT SPT-SZ-3H30-42.5 SPT-SZ patch centered at RA 3h30 and Dec -42.5
SPT SPT-SZ-1H-42.5 SPT-SZ patch centered at RA 1h and Dec -42.5
SPT SPT-SZ-6H30-45 SPT-SZ patch centered at RA 6h30 and Dec -45
SPT SPT-SZ SPT-SZ full survey footprint consisting of 19 contiguous rectangular patches

CMB Polarization Surveys

This next table lists all the surveys associated with CMB polarization experiments

Experiment ID Description File
Planck PLANCK-UP78 Planck UP78 Mask Link
WMAP WMAP-POL-MASK Polarization data analysis mask Link
ACTPol ACTPOL ACTPol regions from 2013-2014 observations
ACTPol ACTPOL-D5 ACTPol Region D5 in 2013-2014 observations Link
ACTPol ACTPOL-D6 ACTPol Region D6 in 2014-2014 observations Link
ACTPol ACTPOL-D56-PA1 ACTPol Region D56 PA1 in 2013-2014 observations Link
ACTPol ACTPOL-D56-PA2 ACTPol Region D56 PA2 in 2013-2014 observations Link
QUIET QUIET-Q-CMB-1 Plot of the CMB-1 field for QUIET's Q band. Link
QUIET QUIET-Q-CMB-2 Plot of the CMB-2 field for QUIET's Q band. Link
QUIET QUIET-Q-CMB-3 Plot of the CMB-3 field for QUIET's Q band. Link
QUIET QUIET-Q-CMB-4 Plot of the CMB-4 field for QUIET's Q band. Link
QUIET QUIET-W-CMB-1 Plot of the CMB-1 field for QUIET's W band. Link
QUIET QUIET-W-CMB-2 Plot of the CMB-2 field for QUIET's W band. Link
QUIET QUIET-W-CMB-3 Plot of the CMB-3 field for QUIET's W band. Link
QUIET QUIET-W-CMB-4 Plot of the CMB-4 field for QUIET's W band. Link
QUIET QUIET-Q-CMB Plot of all the CMB patches for QUIET Q band.
QUIET QUIET-W-CMB Plot of all the CMB patches for QUIET W band.
QUIET QUIET-Q-GAL Plot of all the galaxy patches for QUIET Q band.
QUIET QUIET-W-GAL Plot of all the galaxy patches for QUIET W band.
QUIET QUIET-Q Plot of all the fields for QUIET (CMB+galaxy) Q band.
QUIET QUIET-W Plot of all the fields for QUIET (CMB+galaxy) W band.
QUIET QUIET-Q-G-1 Plot of the G-1 galaxy field for QUIET's Q band. Link
QUIET QUIET-Q-G-2 Plot of the G-2 galaxy field for QUIET's Q band. Link
QUIET QUIET-W-G-1 Plot of the G-1 galaxy field for QUIET's W band. Link
QUIET QUIET-W-G-2 Plot of the G-2 galaxy field for QUIET's W band. Link
BICEP2 BICEP2-CONVEX Plot of the CMB patch for BICEP2. Based off of their released field outline, but modified so that the polygon is convex and healpy.query_polygon() works
BICEP2 BICEP2 Plot of the actual CMB patch for BICEP2. Link
POLARBEAR POLARBEAR Plots of the all the patches for the first season of PB observations. Positions and sizes are taken from table in paper.
POLARBEAR POLARBEAR-RA23 Plots of the RA23 patch for PB. Position is taken from table in paper and size is chosen so that fraction of sky is consistent with paper.
POLARBEAR POLARBEAR-RA12 Plots of the RA12 patch for PB. Position is taken from table in paper and size is chosen so that fraction of sky is consistent with paper.
POLARBEAR POLARBEAR-RA4p5 Plots of the RA4p5 patch for PB. Position is taken from table in paper and size is chosen so that fraction of sky is consistent with paper.
BOOMERANG B03 Plot of the shallow and deep regions for B03. Generated from vertices read off from figure in paper.
BOOMERANG B03-SHALLOW Plot of the shallow region for B03. Generated from vertices read off from figure in paper.
BOOMERANG B03-DEEP Plot of the deep region for B03. Generated from vertices read off from figure in paper.
SPIDER SPIDER-90 Preliminary hits map for the 90 GHz detectors on SPIDER Link
SPIDER SPIDER-150 Preliminary hits map for the 150 GHz detectors on SPIDER Link

Large-Scale Structure Surveys

This next table lists all the surveys associated with LSS surveys

Experiment ID Description File
BOSS BOSS-LSS A binned map from the LSS DR10 source catalog. Link
BOSS BOSS-LSS-RANDOM2 A binned map from the LSS-RANDOM2 DR10 source catalog. Link
BOSS BOSS-QSO A binned map from the BOSS QSO DR12 source catalog. Link
DECam DES-polygon Planned five-year DES survey footprint in polygon form
HSC HSC-FALL1-EQ Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Fall-1 equatorial survey.
HSC HSC-FALL2-EQ Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Fall-2 equatorial survey.
HSC HSC-SPRING-EQ Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Spring equatorial survey.
HSC HSC-NORTH Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam North survey.
WiggleZ WIGGLEZ-0H WiggleZ 0hr field
WiggleZ WIGGLEZ-1H WiggleZ 1hr field
WiggleZ WIGGLEZ-3H WiggleZ 3hr field
WiggleZ WIGGLEZ-9H WiggleZ 9hr field
WiggleZ WIGGLEZ-11H WiggleZ 11hr field
WiggleZ WIGGLEZ-15H WiggleZ 15hr field
WiggleZ WIGGLEZ-22H WiggleZ 22hr field
WFIRST WFIRST-HLS Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope High Latitude Survey from the Science Definition Team report 2015; combination of nine individual rectangular regions
WFIRST WFIRST-HLS-vertex Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope High Latitude Survey from the Science Definition Team report 2015; single list of vertices
WFIRST WFIRST-HLS-1 Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope High Latitude Survey - rectangular region 1
WFIRST WFIRST-HLS-2 Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope High Latitude Survey - rectangular region 2
WFIRST WFIRST-HLS-3 Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope High Latitude Survey - rectangular region 3
WFIRST WFIRST-HLS-4 Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope High Latitude Survey - rectangular region 4
WFIRST WFIRST-HLS-5 Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope High Latitude Survey - rectangular region 5
WFIRST WFIRST-HLS-6 Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope High Latitude Survey - rectangular region 6
WFIRST WFIRST-HLS-7 Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope High Latitude Survey - rectangular region 7
WFIRST WFIRST-HLS-8 Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope High Latitude Survey - rectangular region 8
WFIRST WFIRST-HLS-9 Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope High Latitude Survey - rectangular region 9
KIDS KIDS-N-1 Kilo-Degree Survey northern patch 1
KIDS KIDS-N-1a Kilo-Degree Survey northern patch 1, part of outline on one side of 180 degrees RA
KIDS KIDS-N-1b Kilo-Degree Survey northern patch 1, part of outline on other side of 180 degrees RA
KIDS KIDS-N-2 Kilo-Degree Survey northern patch 2
KIDS KIDS-N Kilo-Degree Survey north patches
KIDS KIDS-S Kilo-Degree Survey southern patch
KIDS KIDS Kilo-Degree Survey north and south patches
LSST LSST LSST G band nvisits map Link
CFHTLENS CFHTLENS-W1 Approximation of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey W1 region
CFHTLENS CFHTLENS-W2 Approximation of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey W2 region
CFHTLENS CFHTLENS-W3 Approximation of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey W3 region
CFHTLENS CFHTLENS-W4 Approximation of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey W4 region
CFHTLENS CFHTLENS The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey regions
VIPERS VIPERS-W1 Approximation of the VIPERS galaxy sample
VIPERS VIPERS-W4 Approximation of the VIPERS galaxy sample
VIPERS VIPERS VIPERS galaxy sample regions