Releases: nationalarchives/ds-caselaw-editor-ui
Releases · nationalarchives/ds-caselaw-editor-ui
Fixes breaking bug in v1.18.0
What's Changed
- Allow assigned-to to be unset by @dragon-dxw in #890
Full Changelog: v1.18.0...v1.18.1
What's Changed
- add time class and timedate by @Donna-H in #870
- style guide notes form component by @Terry-Price in #880
- Add assignment dropdown to judgment sidebar by @timcowlishaw in #841
- Consistency of headings in judgment publish/hold workflow by @timcowlishaw in #885
- Style component divider in style guide to make it look nicer by @Terry-Price in #886
- Fix metadata input panel styles by @Terry-Price in #889
- Remove Judgment class from EUI by @jacksonj04 in #877
Full Changelog: v1.17.4...v1.18.0
What's Changed
- Remove doubled 'context' in template parameters. by @timcowlishaw in #825
- Style guide/validation messages by @Terry-Price in #819
- Use new flash notification messages site-wide by @timcowlishaw in #829
- Use new tabs site wide by @Donna-H in #835
- Summary panel component by @rsulxo in #817
- use general button styles for judgment toolbar by @timcowlishaw in #842
- Restrict list of users in the assignment drop-down menu by @jacksonj04 in #832
- Ensure we can unhold judgments by @dragon-dxw in #852
- Update ds-caselaw-marklogic-api-client requirement from ~=5.2.5 to ~=5.2.6 by @dependabot in #855
- Invalidate editor and assets caches too by @dragon-dxw in #865
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.17.3...v1.17.4
What's Changed
- Dependabot updates
- Style guide/tabs by @Terry-Price in #803
- Put a judgment on hold by @Donna-H in #808
- Chore/switch to djlint by @timcowlishaw in #811
- Update translations file by @jacksonj04 in #818
- Add 'report a problem' link by @jacksonj04 in #729
Full Changelog: v1.17.2...v1.17.3
What's Changed
- Graduate the metadata box from labs by @jacksonj04 in #795
- Bump boto3 from 1.26.89 to 1.26.95 by @dependabot in #793
- added colour swatches to style guide by @Terry-Price in #796
Full Changelog: v1.17.1...v1.17.2
What's Changed
- Autofill court codes by @dragon-dxw in #762
- Create styleguide page by @timcowlishaw in #786
- Use TDR reference in full-text metadata panel, not URI by @jacksonj04 in #780
- Add styling to publish page by @timcowlishaw in #776
Full Changelog: v1.17.0...v1.17.1
What's Changed
- Add new publish page workflow by @jacksonj04 in #767
- Judgment status indicator by @jacksonj04 in #775
- Refactor "publish a judgment" workflow by @jacksonj04 in #759
- Simplify secondary button class by @Terry-Price in #771
- Limit length of version strings in regex by @jacksonj04 in #763
Version bumps
- Bump ipdb from 0.13.11 to 0.13.13 by @dependabot in #766
- Bump botocore from 1.29.86 to 1.29.88 by @dependabot in #765
- Bump botocore from 1.29.88 to 1.29.89 by @dependabot in #769
- Bump django-anymail[mailgun] from 9.0 to 9.1 by @dependabot in #770
- Bump boto3 from 1.26.86 to 1.26.89 by @dependabot in #768
- Bump webpack from 5.68.0 to 5.76.0 by @dependabot in #774
Full Changelog: v1.16.1...v1.17.0
What's Changed
- Revert unwanted changes to judgments_list_item.html by @jacksonj04 in #758
Full Changelog: v1.16.0...v1.16.1
What's Changed
- Implement mock Judgment for testing by @jacksonj04 in #744
- Add metadata box to judgment full-text view by @jacksonj04 in #751
- Create new labs view by @jacksonj04 in #752
- Add metadata box to labs by @jacksonj04 in #757
- Fixed LocalStack setup script by @jacksonj04 in #748
- Fix mixed display styles for the breadcrumb bar by @jacksonj04 in #750
- Remove double header from labs template by @jacksonj04 in #756
Version bumps
- Bump pytest from 7.2.1 to 7.2.2 by @dependabot in #741
- Update setuptools requirement from ~=67.4.0 to ~=67.5.1 by @dependabot in #742
- Bump botocore from 1.29.83 to 1.29.84 by @dependabot in #743
- Bump mypy from 1.0.1 to 1.1.1 by @dependabot in #747
- Bump botocore from 1.29.84 to 1.29.85 by @dependabot in #746
- Bump boto3 from 1.26.80 to 1.26.85 by @dependabot in #745
- Update setuptools requirement from ~=67.5.1 to ~=67.6.0 by @dependabot in #754
- Bump botocore from 1.29.85 to 1.29.86 by @dependabot in #755
- Bump boto3 from 1.26.85 to 1.26.86 by @dependabot in #753
Full Changelog: v1.15.0...v1.16.0
What's Changed
- (testing) Embedded PDF view by @jacksonj04 in #730
- Remove line-locations from localisation files by @jacksonj04 in #734
Version bumps
- Bump botocore from 1.29.80 to 1.29.81 by @dependabot in #731
- Bump django-environ from 0.9.0 to 0.10.0 by @dependabot in #736
- Update cryptography requirement from ~=39.0.1 to ~=39.0.2 by @dependabot in #737
- Bump botocore from 1.29.81 to 1.29.83 by @dependabot in #738
Full Changelog: v1.14.0...v1.15.0