From 03a7b193ac469dc2f3afadcc482cccb43db6f733 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: nc-minh Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2021 15:45:39 +0700 Subject: [PATCH] :zap: Improve performance --- | 56 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 55a78b2..210c53f 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -18,52 +18,52 @@ git commit -m':tada: Begin a project' |:---------------------------|:---------------------------------------------------------| | Begin a project | :tada: `:tada:` | | Code fall in love | :revolving_hearts: `:revolving_hearts:` | -| :four_leaf_clover: ---CREATE--- | | being chased by a DEADLINE | :sob: `:sob:` | -| Improve structure / format of the code | :art: `:art:` | -| Improve performance | :zap: `:zap:` | +| Tests | :rotating_light: `:rotating_light:` | +| Write bad code that needs to be improved | :poop: `:poop:` | +| Introduce breaking changes | :boom: `:boom:` | +| Write code drunkenly | :beers: `:beers:` | +| Catch errors | :goal_net: `:goal_net:` | +| :four_leaf_clover: ---CREATE--- | | New feature | :sparkles: `:sparkles:` | -| Fix a bug | :bug: `:bug:` | +| Work in progress | :construction: `:construction:` | | Add or update documentation | :memo: `:memo:` | | Add or update the UI and style files. | :lipstick: `:lipstick:` | -| :hourglass: ---UPDATE--- | -| Tests | :rotating_light: `:rotating_light:` | -| Work in progress | :construction: `:construction:` | -| Remove code, files or folder | :fire: `:fire:` | -| Refactor code | :recycle: `:recycle:` | -| Remove dead code | :coffin: `:coffin:` | -| Fix security issues | :lock: `:lock:` | -| :hocho: ---DELELE--- | -| Downgrade dependencies | :arrow_down: `:arrow_down:` | -| Upgrade dependencies | :arrow_up: `:arrow_up:` | | Add a dependency | :heavy_plus_sign: `:heavy_plus_sign:` | -| Remove a dependency | :heavy_minus_sign: `:heavy_minus_sign:` | | Add or update CI build system | :construction_worker: `:construction_worker:` | | Add or update analytics or track code | :chart_with_upwards_trend: `:chart_with_upwards_trend:` | | Add or update configuration files | :wrench: `:wrench:` | -| Fix typos | :pencil2: `:pencil2:` | -| Write bad code that needs to be improved | :poop: `:poop:` | -| Merge branches | :twisted_rightwards_arrows: `:twisted_rightwards_arrows:` | | Add or update compiled files or packages | :package: `:package:` | -| Update code due to external API changes | :alien: `:alien:` | -| Move or rename resources (e.g.: files, paths, routes) | :truck: `:truck:` | -| Add or update license | :page_facing_up: `:page_facing_up:` | -| Introduce breaking changes | :boom: `:boom:` | | Add or update assets | :bento: `:bento:` | | Add or update comments in source code | :bulb: `:bulb:` | -| Write code drunkenly | :beers: `:beers:` | | Add or update text and literals | :speech_balloon: `:speech_balloon:` | -| Perform database related changes | :card_file_box: `card_file_box:` | | Add or update logs | :loud_sound: `:loud_sound:` | -| Remove logs | :mute: `:mute:` | | Add or update contributor(s) | :busts_in_silhouette: `:busts_in_silhouette:` | -| Work on responsive design | :iphone: `:iphone:` | | Add or update a .gitignore file | :see_no_evil: `:see_no_evil:` | | Add or update image(s) | :camera_flash: `:camera_flash:` | +| Add or update license | :page_facing_up: `:page_facing_up:` | +| Add or update animations and transitions | :dizzy: `:dizzy:` | | Perform experiments | :alembic: `:alembic:` | +| :hourglass: ---UPDATE--- | +| Work on responsive design | :iphone: `:iphone:` | +| Perform database related changes | :card_file_box: `card_file_box:` | +| Downgrade dependencies | :arrow_down: `:arrow_down:` | +| Upgrade dependencies | :arrow_up: `:arrow_up:` | +| Fix a bug | :bug: `:bug:` | +| Improve structure / format of the code | :art: `:art:` | +| Improve performance | :zap: `:zap:` | +| Refactor code | :recycle: `:recycle:` | +| Fix security issues | :lock: `:lock:` | +| Fix typos | :pencil2: `:pencil2:` | +| Merge branches | :twisted_rightwards_arrows: `:twisted_rightwards_arrows:` | +| Update code due to external API changes | :alien: `:alien:` | +| Move or rename resources (e.g.: files, paths, routes) | :truck: `:truck:` | | Improve SEO | :mag: `:mag:` | -| Add or update animations and transitions | :dizzy: `:dizzy:` | -| Catch errors | :goal_net: `:goal_net:` | +| :hocho: ---DELELE--- | +| Remove dead code | :coffin: `:coffin:` | +| Remove code, files or folder | :fire: `:fire:` | +| Remove a dependency | :heavy_minus_sign: `:heavy_minus_sign:` | +| Remove logs | :mute: `:mute:` |