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What is Dag?

Dag is a programming language that can be compiled to CUDA. The compilation scheme for Dag involves generating many alternatives, both in terms of instruction orderings and in terms of structuring the sequence of kernel launches to achieve maximal parallelism.

This GitHub repository contains the source code for dagc, a Dag-to-CUDA compiler. We also direct the interested reader to the website for this project, which includes a more detailed technical discussion of this compiler.


Structuring a GPU program requires many conscious decisions on the programmer's part. What sections should be kernel launches? Where should I allocate an array to store the results of this kernel launch? Once these decisions are made, the programmer must re-implement the code to assign partitions of data to each CUDA thread (involving manual indexing) and to copy data back and forth between the host and device.

Providing a high-level source language for structuring CUDA programs allows for a compiler to automatically try many alternative strategies for structuring the output CUDA program, and to equally-automatically partition and transfer the data.

Installation instructions

To build this compiler, you will need to install OCaml version 4.05.0, along with the core and ppx_jane packages. Run make install to accomplish this—this will require sudo access, so please inspect the Makefile before running this.

Once you have installed this, you can build the compiler binary by running make. This creates a binary dagc that can be run on input Dag programs.


Run ./dagc <file-name> to compile a dag file, examples of which are included in the examples and tests directory. This treats the last function declaration in the file as the function that will be called externally by the cpp main function. To compile a different function, run ./dagc <file-name> -f <func-name>.

Pass the -verbose flag to see all alternatives considered, including the intermediate representations.

Walkthrough of an example program

This is what a Dag program looks like:

  int[][] multiplyMatrixMatrix(int[][] m1, int[][] m2) {
    return for (int[] row : m1) {
      return for (int[] col : transpose(m2)) {
	return reduce(+, 0, zip_with(*, row, col));

An equivalent Dag program with descriptive function names would be this:

  int dot(int[] xs, int[] ys) {
    return reduce(+, 0, zip_with(*, xs, ys));

  int[] multiplyMatrixVector(int[][] m, int[] v) {
    return for (int[] row : m) {
      return dot(row, v);

  int[][] multiplyMatrixMatrix(int[][] m1, int[][] m2) {
    return for (int[] row : m1) {
      return multiplyMatrixVector(transpose(m2), row);

The fundamental building blocks of a Dag program are the for-expression and the parallel primitives, like reduce, zip_with, and filter_with.

A for-expression (not statement!) semantically corresponds to a map operation and operationally corresponds to either a CUDA kernel launch or a sequential for loop. For example, take the expression:

  for (int d : zip_with(-, xs, ys)) {
    int d_squared = d * d;
    return d_squared;

This is an expression of type int[] and can be used anywhere an int array is expected. The expression denotes an array where the ith element is the square of the difference between the ith element of xs and the ith element of ys.

Run tests

We include a testing harness for verifying the correctness and performance of the output CUDA. The harness is set up for running CUDA version 7.5, compute architecture 2.0.

Here is an example usage of the testing harness:

$ cd tests
$ ../dagc mmult_test.dag # Creates
$ ./ mmult # Creates binary from and mmult_main.c
$ ./dagtest # Runs the output binary to verify correctness/performance


Nick Roberts, Dan Cascaval

This project was made for the Fall 2018 iteration of the 15-418 Parallel Computing course at Carnegie Mellon University.