FUTure Urban-Regional Environment Simulation
Module r.futures.potential is calling Rscript binary and it can't find it. Try to reinstall GRASS, during installation it looks for it. Alternatively look where R is installed and add the path to the binary to your PATH variable.
You are attempting to write output potential.csv file where you don't have permission, such as in C:, change working directory (in GUI menu in Settings) or change directory in terminal to where you can create files.
During running r.futures.potential it can't find required R packages, although I have them installed.
Try to install them again from within GRASS terminal: launch R interactively and install the packages.
Module r.futures.potential is calling Rscript binary and it can't find it. Providing you have R installed, open a new terminal and run:
which R
In the GRASS terminal now append this path to PATH variable:
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin/"
Reopen GUI with g.gui
, or run r.futures.potential from terminal.