A PHP/MySQL Secret Santa pairing class
Pieced this together to make a small website for me and my friends to draw for our anually Secret Santa event.
Enter your database credentials in the class file and import the sql structure from secretsanta.sql
private $database = [
'server' => '',
'username' => '',
'password' => '',
'database' => ''
require_once 'SecretSanta.php';
$secretSanta = new \neamtua\SecretSanta();
Generating pairs. The function will check if pairs have already been generated so it doesn't keep overriding them.
Get the list of people from the database. Use this to generate a dropdown for people to choose their name from and get their pairing.
$santas = $secretSanta->getListOfPeople();
Get the pairing of a user. Will only return the pairing the first time it's called for a specific user so that people will not be tempted to take a look at other people's santas.
$giftee = $secretSanta->showGiftee($santaId);
Reset the pairings. Use this for next year's draw.