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Releases: needle-mirror/com.unity.textmeshpro


26 May 07:22
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1.3.0-preview Pre-release

[1.3.0] - 2018-05-30


  • Revamped UI to conform to Unity Human Interface Guidelines.


26 May 07:20
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[1.1.0] - 2017-11-14


  • New menu option added to Import Examples and additional content like Font Assets, Materials Presets, etc for TextMesh Pro. This new menu option is located in "Window -> TextMeshPro -> Import Examples and Extra Content".
  • New menu option added to Convert existing project files and assets created with either the Source Code or DLL only version of TextMesh Pro. Please be sure to backup your project before using this option. The new menu option is located in "Window -> TextMeshPro -> Project Files GUID Remapping Tool".
  • Added Assembly Definitions for the TMP Runtime and Editor scripts.
  • Added support for the UI DirtyLayoutCallback, DirtyVerticesCallback and DirtyMaterialCallback.


26 May 07:20
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[1.1.0] - 2017-11-14


  • New menu option added to Import Examples and additional content like Font Assets, Materials Presets, etc for TextMesh Pro. This new menu option is located in "Window -> TextMeshPro -> Import Examples and Extra Content".
  • New menu option added to Convert existing project files and assets created with either the Source Code or DLL only version of TextMesh Pro. Please be sure to backup your project before using this option. The new menu option is located in "Window -> TextMeshPro -> Convert TMP Project Files to UPM".
  • Added Assembly Definitions for the TMP Runtime and Editor scripts.
  • Added support for the UI DirtyLayoutCallback, DirtyVerticesCallback and DirtyMaterialCallback.


26 May 07:19
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This is the first release of the TextMesh Pro UPM package. This release is based on the latest release of TextMesh Pro which is 1.0.55.xx.0b12.

See the following link for the Release Notes for version 1.0.55.xx.0b12 of TextMesh Pro.

[1.0.60] - 2017-11-14


  • New menu option added to Import Examples and additional content like Font Assets, Materials Presets, etc for TextMesh Pro. This new menu option is located in "Window -> TextMeshPro -> Import Examples and Extra Content".
  • New menu option added to Convert existing project files and assets created with either the Source Code or DLL only version of TextMesh Pro. Please be sure to backup your project before using this option. The new menu option is located in "Window -> TextMeshPro -> Convert TMP Project Files to UPM".
  • Added Assembly Definitions for the TMP Runtime and Editor scripts.



26 May 07:23
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[1.4.0] - 2019-03-07


  • Same release as 1.4.0-preview.3a.


26 May 07:23
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[2.0.0] - 2019-03-01


  • Added dependency on the UGUI package version 1.0.0.


26 May 07:23
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1.4.0-preview.3a Pre-release

[1.4.0-preview.3a] - 2019-02-28


  • Improved performance of the Project Files GUID Remapping Tool.
  • Fixed an issue with the TMP_FontAsset.TryAddCharacters() functions which was resulting in an error when added characters exceeded the capacity of the atlas texture.
  • Updated TMP_FontAsset.TryAddCharacters functions to add new overloads returning list of characters that could not be added.
  • Added function in OnEnable of FontAsset Editor's to clean up Fallback list to remove any null / empty entries.
  • Added support for Stereo rendering to the TMP Distance Field and Mobile Distance Field shaders.


26 May 07:23
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1.4.0-preview.2a Pre-release

[1.4.0-preview.2a] - 2019-02-14


  • Fixed an issue with SDF Scale handling where the text object would not render correctly after the object scale had been set to zero.
  • Fixed an issue with the TMP_UpdateManager where text objects were not getting unregistered correctly.
  • Any changes to Font Asset Creation Settings' padding, atlas width and / or atlas height will now result in all Material Presets for the given font asset to also be updated.
  • Added new section in the TMP Settings related to the new Dynamic Font System.
  • Added new property in the Dynamic Font System section to determine if OpenType Font Features will be retrieved from source font files at runtime as new characters are added to font assets. Glyph Adjustment Data (Kerning) is the only feature currently supported.
  • Fix an issue where font assets created at runtime were not getting their asset version number set to "1.1.0".
  • Improved parsing of the text file used in the Font Asset Creator and "Characters from File" option to handle UTF16 "\u" and UTF32 "\U" escape character sequences.
  • Fixed a Null Reference Error (NRE) that could occur when using the &ltfont&gt tag with an invalid font name followed by the &ltsprite&gt tag.
  • The Glyph Adjustment Table presentation and internal data structure has been changed to facilitate the future addition of OpenType font features. See for more details.
  • Fixed an issue with the &ltrotate&gt tag incorrectly affecting character spacing.


26 May 07:22
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[1.3.0] - 2018-08-09


  • Revamped UI to conform to Unity Human Interface Guidelines.
  • Updated the title text on the Font Asset Creator window tab to "Font Asset Creator".
  • Using TMP_Text.SetCharArray() with an empty char[] array will now clear the text.
  • Made a small improvement to the TMP Input Field when using nested 2d RectMasks.
  • Renamed symbol defines used by TMP to append TMP_ in front of the define to avoid potential conflicts with user defines.
  • Improved the Project Files GUID Remapping tool to allow specifying a target folder to scan.
  • Added the ability to cancel the scanning process used by the Project Files GUID Remapping tool.
  • Moved TMP Settings to universal settings window in 2018.3 and above.
  • Changing style sheet in the TMP Settings will now be reflected automatically on existing text objects in the editor.
  • Added new function TMP_StyleSheet.UpdateStyleSheet() to update the internal reference to which style sheet text objects should be using in conjunction with the style tag.


26 May 07:22
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[1.2.4] - 2018-06-10


  • Fixed a minor issue when using Justified and Flush alignment in conjunction with \u00A0.
  • The Font Asset creationSettings field is no longer an Editor only serialized field.