From 1ff9133b4a207cb1c65e40464a1ac1baf520deb5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Aleksey Nemiro Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2016 22:36:03 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] v1.11 * New structure of the repository; * Added the ability to upload large files; * Strong name. Fixed #12 Fixed #13 --- Release => | 132 +- | 62 +- | 135 + bin/ | 6 - bin/net35/Nemiro.OAuth.XML | 9540 ----------------- bin/net35/Nemiro.OAuth.dll | Bin 126464 -> 0 bytes bin/net40/Nemiro.OAuth.XML | 9540 ----------------- bin/net40/Nemiro.OAuth.dll | Bin 126976 -> 0 bytes bin/net45/Nemiro.OAuth.XML | 9540 ----------------- bin/net45/Nemiro.OAuth.dll | Bin 126976 -> 0 bytes bin/net451/Nemiro.OAuth.XML | 9540 ----------------- bin/net451/Nemiro.OAuth.dll | Bin 126976 -> 0 bytes .../AspNetWebFormsCustomClient.VB.sln | 22 + .../AspNetWebFormsCustomClient.VB.vbproj | 16 +- .../Default.aspx | 0 .../Default.aspx.designer.vb | 0 .../Default.aspx.vb | 0 .../ExternalLoginResult.aspx | 0 .../ExternalLoginResult.aspx.designer.vb | 0 .../ExternalLoginResult.aspx.vb | 0 .../AspNetWebFormsCustomClient.VB/Global.asax | 0 .../Global.asax.vb | 0 .../My Project/Application.Designer.vb | 0 .../My Project/Application.myapp | 0 .../My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb | 0 .../My 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.../DropboxExample/InputBox.Designer.cs | 2 +- {src => examples}/DropboxExample/InputBox.cs | 2 +- .../DropboxExample/InputBox.resx | 0 {src => examples}/DropboxExample/LICENSE | 0 .../DropboxExample/MainForm.Designer.cs | 2 +- {src => examples}/DropboxExample/MainForm.cs | 34 +- .../DropboxExample/MainForm.resx | 0 {src => examples}/DropboxExample/Program.cs | 2 +- .../DropboxExample/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 6 +- .../Properties/Resources.Designer.cs | 0 .../DropboxExample/Properties/Resources.resx | 0 .../Properties/Settings.Designer.cs | 0 .../Properties/Settings.settings | 0 .../DropboxExample/ | 0 .../DropboxExample/Resources/alert.png | Bin .../DropboxExample/Resources/bin.png | Bin .../DropboxExample/Resources/disk.png | Bin .../DropboxExample/Resources/disk__plus.png | Bin .../Resources/document__pencil.png | Bin .../DropboxExample/Resources/error.png | Bin .../DropboxExample/Resources/folder__plus.png | Bin .../DropboxExample/Resources/loader1.gif | Bin .../DropboxExample/Resources/loader2.gif | Bin .../DropboxExample/Resources/success.png | Bin .../DropboxExample/Upload.Designer.cs | 51 +- {src => examples}/DropboxExample/Upload.cs | 78 +- {src => examples}/DropboxExample/Upload.resx | 0 {src => examples}/DropboxExample/app.config | 14 +- {src => examples}/DropboxExample/dropbox.ico | Bin examples/DropboxExample/packages.config | 5 + {src => examples}/DropboxExample/preview.png | Bin .../GoogleDriveWebForms/Default.aspx | 0 .../GoogleDriveWebForms/Default.aspx.cs | 46 +- .../Default.aspx.designer.cs | 0 .../ExternalLoginResult.aspx | 0 .../ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs | 0 .../ExternalLoginResult.aspx.designer.cs | 0 .../GoogleDriveWebForms/Global.asax | 0 .../GoogleDriveWebForms/Global.asax.cs | 0 .../GoogleDriveWebForms.csproj | 24 +- .../GoogleDriveWebForms.sln | 8 +- .../Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 0 .../GoogleDriveWebForms/Web.Debug.config | 0 .../GoogleDriveWebForms/Web.Release.config | 0 examples/GoogleDriveWebForms/Web.config | 20 + examples/GoogleDriveWebForms/packages.config | 4 + .../GrantTypeClientCredentials.sln | 22 + .../GrantTypeClientCredentials.vbproj | 11 +- .../GrantTypeClientCredentials/Module1.vb | 0 .../My Project/Application.Designer.vb | 0 .../My Project/Application.myapp | 0 .../My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb | 0 .../My Project/Resources.Designer.vb | 0 .../My Project/Resources.resx | 0 .../My Project/Settings.Designer.vb | 0 .../My Project/Settings.settings | 0 .../GrantTypeClientCredentials/app.config | 0 .../packages.config | 4 + .../MyDropBox/App.config | 12 +- .../MyDropBox/Form1.Designer.cs | 0 .../MyDropBox => examples}/MyDropBox/Form1.cs | 75 +- .../MyDropBox/Form1.resx | 0 .../MyDropBox/MyDropBox.csproj | 12 +- {src => examples}/MyDropBox/MyDropBox.sln | 2 +- .../MyDropBox/Program.cs | 3 - .../MyDropBox/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 0 .../Properties/Resources.Designer.cs | 0 .../MyDropBox/Properties/Resources.resx | 0 .../MyDropBox/Properties/Settings.Designer.cs | 0 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| 0 .../Properties/Settings.settings | 0 .../Test.CSharp.WinForms.csproj | 11 +- .../VkontakteFriends.Designer.cs | 0 .../Test.CSharp.WinForms/VkontakteFriends.cs | 0 .../VkontakteFriends.resx | 0 .../Test}/Test.CSharp.WinForms/app.config | 0 .../Test/Test.CSharp.WinForms/packages.config | 4 + .../Test}/Test.Resources/Images.Designer.cs | 0 examples/Test/Test.Resources/Images.resx | 187 + .../Test.Resources/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 0 .../Test}/Test.Resources/ReadMe.txt | 0 .../Test/Test.Resources/Resources/amazon.dat | Bin 0 -> 3390 bytes .../Test.Resources/Resources/amazon100.dat | Bin 0 -> 6724 bytes .../Test.Resources/Resources/assembla.dat | Bin 0 -> 5218 bytes .../Test/Test.Resources/Resources/codeproject | Bin 0 -> 7384 bytes .../Test/Test.Resources/Resources/dropbox.dat | Bin 0 -> 4576 bytes .../Test/Test.Resources/Resources/empty.dat | Bin 0 -> 609 bytes .../Test/Test.Resources/Resources/error.dat | Bin 0 -> 1380 bytes .../Test.Resources/Resources/facebook100.dat | Bin 0 -> 942 bytes .../Test.Resources/Resources/foursquare.dat | Bin 0 -> 4469 bytes .../Test.Resources/Resources/github100.dat | Bin 0 -> 2344 bytes .../Test.Resources/Resources/google100.dat | Bin 0 -> 2144 bytes .../Test.Resources/Resources/instagram.dat | Bin 0 -> 3353 bytes .../Test.Resources/Resources/linkedin.dat | Bin 0 -> 1890 bytes .../Test/Test.Resources/Resources/live.dat | Bin 0 -> 3157 bytes .../Test.Resources/Resources/mail.ru100.dat | Bin 0 -> 3793 bytes .../Resources/odnoklassniki100.dat | Bin 0 -> 9055 bytes .../Test.Resources/Resources/soundcloud.dat | Bin 0 -> 1958 bytes .../Test.Resources/Resources/sourceforge.dat | Bin 0 -> 2851 bytes .../Test/Test.Resources/Resources/tumblr.dat | Bin 0 -> 1821 bytes .../Test.Resources/Resources/twitter100.dat | Bin 0 -> 1800 bytes .../Test/Test.Resources/Resources/vk100.dat | Bin 0 -> 3457 bytes .../Test/Test.Resources/Resources/yahoo.dat | Bin 0 -> 3972 bytes .../Test.Resources/Resources/yandex100.dat | Bin 0 -> 2726 bytes .../Test}/Test.Resources/Strings.Designer.cs | 0 .../Test}/Test.Resources/Strings.resx | 0 .../Test.Resources/ | 0 .../Test}/Test.Resources/ | 0 .../Test.Resources/Test.Resources.csproj | 5 + examples/Test/Test.Resources/packages.config | 4 + .../Test}/Test.VB.AspMvc/Content/Site.css | 0 .../Controllers/HomeController.vb | 0 .../Test}/Test.VB.AspMvc/Global.asax | 0 .../Test}/Test.VB.AspMvc/Global.asax.vb | 0 .../My Project/Application.Designer.vb | 0 .../My Project/Application.myapp | 0 .../Test.VB.AspMvc/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb | 0 .../My Project/Resources.Designer.vb | 0 .../Test.VB.AspMvc/My Project/Resources.resx | 0 .../My Project/Settings.Designer.vb | 0 .../My Project/Settings.settings | 0 .../Test.VB.AspMvc/Test.VB.AspMvc.vbproj | 35 +- .../Views/Home/ExternalLoginResult.vbhtml | 0 .../Test.VB.AspMvc/Views/Home/Index.vbhtml | 0 .../Test.VB.AspMvc/Views/Shared/Error.vbhtml | 0 .../Views/Shared/_Layout.vbhtml | 0 .../Test/Test.VB.AspMvc}/Views/Web.config | 0 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.../Test.VB.WinForms/VkontakteFriends.vb | 0 .../Test/Test.VB.WinForms/packages.config | 4 + examples/Test/Test.sln | 84 + .../TwitterExample.VB/App.config | 0 {src => examples}/TwitterExample.VB/LICENSE | 0 .../TwitterExample.VB/MainForm.Designer.vb | 2 +- .../TwitterExample.VB/MainForm.resx | 0 .../TwitterExample.VB/MainForm.vb | 12 +- .../My Project/Application.Designer.vb | 0 .../My Project/Application.myapp | 0 .../My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb | 0 .../My Project/Resources.Designer.vb | 0 .../My Project/Resources.resx | 0 .../My Project/Settings.Designer.vb | 0 .../My Project/Settings.settings | 0 .../TwitterExample.VB/My Project/app.manifest | 0 .../TwitterExample.VB/ | 0 .../TwitterExample.VB/Resources/alert.png | Bin .../TwitterExample.VB/Resources/error.png | Bin .../TwitterExample.VB/Resources/loader1.gif | Bin .../TwitterExample.VB/Resources/loader2.gif | Bin .../TwitterExample.VB/Resources/success.png | Bin .../TwitterExample.VB/TwitterExample.VB.sln | 22 + 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examples}/GoogleDriveWebForms/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs (100%) rename {src/GoogleDriveWebForms => examples}/GoogleDriveWebForms/Web.Debug.config (100%) rename {src/GoogleDriveWebForms => examples}/GoogleDriveWebForms/Web.Release.config (100%) create mode 100644 examples/GoogleDriveWebForms/Web.config create mode 100644 examples/GoogleDriveWebForms/packages.config create mode 100644 examples/GrantTypeClientCredentials/GrantTypeClientCredentials.sln rename {src => examples}/GrantTypeClientCredentials/GrantTypeClientCredentials.vbproj (93%) rename {src => examples}/GrantTypeClientCredentials/Module1.vb (100%) rename {src => examples}/GrantTypeClientCredentials/My Project/Application.Designer.vb (100%) rename {src => examples}/GrantTypeClientCredentials/My Project/Application.myapp (100%) rename {src => examples}/GrantTypeClientCredentials/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb (100%) rename {src => examples}/GrantTypeClientCredentials/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb (100%) rename {src => examples}/GrantTypeClientCredentials/My Project/Resources.resx (100%) rename {src => examples}/GrantTypeClientCredentials/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb (100%) rename {src => examples}/GrantTypeClientCredentials/My Project/Settings.settings (100%) rename {src => examples}/GrantTypeClientCredentials/app.config (100%) create mode 100644 examples/GrantTypeClientCredentials/packages.config rename {src/MyDropBox => examples}/MyDropBox/App.config (65%) rename {src/MyDropBox => examples}/MyDropBox/Form1.Designer.cs (100%) rename {src/MyDropBox => examples}/MyDropBox/Form1.cs (71%) rename {src/MyDropBox => examples}/MyDropBox/Form1.resx (100%) rename {src/MyDropBox => examples}/MyDropBox/MyDropBox.csproj (87%) rename {src => examples}/MyDropBox/MyDropBox.sln (92%) rename {src/MyDropBox => examples}/MyDropBox/Program.cs (81%) rename {src/MyDropBox => examples}/MyDropBox/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs (100%) rename {src/MyDropBox => examples}/MyDropBox/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs (100%) rename {src/MyDropBox => examples}/MyDropBox/Properties/Resources.resx (100%) rename {src/MyDropBox => examples}/MyDropBox/Properties/Settings.Designer.cs (100%) rename {src/MyDropBox => examples}/MyDropBox/Properties/Settings.settings (100%) rename {src => examples}/MyDropBox/Watch on YouTube.url (100%) create mode 100644 examples/MyDropBox/packages.config rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.CSharp.AspMvc/Content/Site.css (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.CSharp.AspMvc/Controllers/HomeController.cs (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.CSharp.AspMvc/Global.asax (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.CSharp.AspMvc/Global.asax.cs (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.CSharp.AspMvc/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.CSharp.AspMvc/Test.CSharp.AspMvc.csproj (75%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.CSharp.AspMvc/Views/Home/ExternalLoginResult.cshtml (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.CSharp.AspMvc/Views/Home/Index.cshtml (100%) rename 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{src => examples/Test}/Test.CSharp.WinForms/Test.CSharp.WinForms.csproj (93%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.CSharp.WinForms/VkontakteFriends.Designer.cs (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.CSharp.WinForms/VkontakteFriends.cs (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.CSharp.WinForms/VkontakteFriends.resx (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.CSharp.WinForms/app.config (100%) create mode 100644 examples/Test/Test.CSharp.WinForms/packages.config rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.Resources/Images.Designer.cs (100%) create mode 100644 examples/Test/Test.Resources/Images.resx rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.Resources/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.Resources/ReadMe.txt (100%) create mode 100644 examples/Test/Test.Resources/Resources/amazon.dat create mode 100644 examples/Test/Test.Resources/Resources/amazon100.dat create mode 100644 examples/Test/Test.Resources/Resources/assembla.dat create mode 100644 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(100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.VB.AspMvc/Global.asax.vb (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.VB.AspMvc/My Project/Application.Designer.vb (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.VB.AspMvc/My Project/Application.myapp (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.VB.AspMvc/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.VB.AspMvc/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.VB.AspMvc/My Project/Resources.resx (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.VB.AspMvc/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.VB.AspMvc/My Project/Settings.settings (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.VB.AspMvc/Test.VB.AspMvc.vbproj (81%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.VB.AspMvc/Views/Home/ExternalLoginResult.vbhtml (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.VB.AspMvc/Views/Home/Index.vbhtml (100%) rename {src => examples/Test}/Test.VB.AspMvc/Views/Shared/Error.vbhtml (100%) rename {src => 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(100%) rename {src => examples}/TwitterExample.VB/Resources/alert.png (100%) rename {src => examples}/TwitterExample.VB/Resources/error.png (100%) rename {src => examples}/TwitterExample.VB/Resources/loader1.gif (100%) rename {src => examples}/TwitterExample.VB/Resources/loader2.gif (100%) rename {src => examples}/TwitterExample.VB/Resources/success.png (100%) create mode 100644 examples/TwitterExample.VB/TwitterExample.VB.sln rename {src => examples}/TwitterExample.VB/TwitterExample.VB.vbproj (91%) rename {src => examples}/TwitterExample.VB/TwitterItem.Designer.vb (98%) rename {src => examples}/TwitterExample.VB/TwitterItem.resx (100%) rename {src => examples}/TwitterExample.VB/TwitterItem.vb (97%) create mode 100644 examples/TwitterExample.VB/packages.config rename {src => examples}/TwitterExample.VB/preview.png (100%) rename {src => examples}/TwitterExample.VB/twitter.ico (100%) rename {src/WebForms35 => examples}/WebForms35/Default.aspx (100%) rename {src/WebForms35 => 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delete mode 100644 src/AspNetWebFormsCustomClient.VB/AspNetWebFormsCustomClient.VB.vbproj.user delete mode 100644 src/AspNetWebFormsCustomClient/AspNetWebFormsCustomClient.csproj.user delete mode 100644 src/AspNetWebFormsMulticlients/AspNetWebFormsMulticlients.csproj.user delete mode 100644 src/AspWebFormsPopup/AspWebFormsPopup.csproj.user delete mode 100644 src/CodeProjectForumViewer/packages.config delete mode 100644 src/DropBoxWebForms/DropBoxWebForms/DropBoxWebForms.csproj.user delete mode 100644 src/DropboxExample/packages.config delete mode 100644 src/GoogleDriveWebForms/GoogleDriveWebForms/GoogleDriveWebForms.csproj.user delete mode 100644 src/MyDropBox/MyDropBox/packages.config delete mode 100644 src/Nemiro.OAuth/Nemiro.OAuth.csproj.user create mode 100644 src/Nemiro.OAuth/Nemiro.OAuth.snk delete mode 100644 src/Nemiro.OAuth/Resources/Media Kit.txt create mode 100644 src/Nemiro.OAuth/Resources/ create mode 100644 src/Nemiro.OAuth/StreamWriteEventArgs.cs delete mode 100644 src/ delete mode 100644 src/Test.CSharp.AspMvc/Test.CSharp.AspMvc.csproj.user delete mode 100644 src/Test.CSharp.AspMvc/bin/System.Web.Mvc.dll delete mode 100644 src/Test.CSharp.AspMvc/bin/System.Web.WebPages.dll delete mode 100644 src/Test.CSharp.AspWebForms/Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.csproj.user delete mode 100644 src/Test.CSharp.AspWebForms/Web.config delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/Content/js/MicrosoftAjax.debug.js delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/Content/js/MicrosoftAjax.js delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/Content/js/MicrosoftMvcAjax.debug.js delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/Content/js/MicrosoftMvcAjax.js delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/Content/js/MicrosoftMvcValidation.debug.js delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/Content/js/MicrosoftMvcValidation.js delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/Content/js/jquery-1.5.1.js delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/Content/js/modernizr-1.7.js delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/Content/js/modernizr-1.7.min.js delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/Global.asax delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/Test.OAuthWeb.csproj.user delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/Views/Shared/Facebook.cshtml delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/Views/Shared/Google.cshtml delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/Views/Shared/Mail.Ru.cshtml delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/Views/Shared/Twitter.cshtml delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/Views/Shared/VK.cshtml delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/Views/Shared/Yandex.cshtml delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/Views/_ViewStart.cshtml delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/bin/System.Web.Mvc.dll delete mode 100644 src/Test.OAuthWeb/bin/System.Web.WebPages.dll delete mode 100644 src/Test.VB.AspMvc/Test.VB.AspMvc.vbproj.user delete mode 100644 src/Test.VB.AspMvc/Views/Web.config delete mode 100644 src/Test.VB.AspMvc/bin/System.Web.Mvc.dll delete mode 100644 src/Test.VB.AspMvc/bin/System.Web.WebPages.dll delete mode 100644 src/Test.VB.AspWebForms/Test.VB.AspWebForms.vbproj.user delete mode 100644 src/TestProject1/TestProject1.csproj.user delete mode 100644 src/TwitterExample.VB/TwitterExample.VB.vbproj.user delete mode 100644 src/TwitterExample.VB/packages.config delete mode 100644 src/WebAndLoadTest/LoadTest1.loadtest delete mode 100644 src/WebAndLoadTest/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs delete mode 100644 src/WebAndLoadTest/WebAndLoadTest.csproj delete mode 100644 src/WebAndLoadTest/WebTest1.webtest delete mode 100644 src/WebForms35/WebForms35/WebForms35.csproj.user diff --git a/Release b/ similarity index 55% rename from Release rename to index dca6473..38f0c1b 100644 --- a/Release +++ b/ @@ -1,115 +1,153 @@ -### Nemiro.OAuth Release Notes +# Change Log This document summarizes the changes in recent releases. -#### v1.10 (June 21, 2015) +## [v1.11] - unreleased + +This release includes minor fixes and enhancements. + +### Added +* Added parameter names encoding; +* Added the ability to upload large files; +* Strong name. + +### Thanks +* [Nicola Bizzoca]( +* [Michael Collins]( + +## [v1.10] - 2015-06-21 This version includes fixes for .NET 3.5 and common enhancements. -* Fixed bug in the WriteToRequestStream for .NET Framework 3.5; +### Added +* Added the ability to use any multipart requests (not only `multipart/form-data`); + +### Removed +* Removed the obsolete overload of the `GetUserInfo`. + +### Fixed +* Fixed bug in the `WriteToRequestStream` for .NET Framework 3.5; * Fixed error: "Inheritance security rules violated while overriding member: UniValue.GetObjectData...". An error was detected in projects .NET Framework 3.5; * Fixed client for LinkedIn (updated default scope); -* Added the ability to use any multipart requests (not only multipart/form-data); -* Removed the obsolete overload of the GetUserInfo. - -##### Thanks: +### Thanks * [Ramil Khazhiev]( * [Asi Nehrim]( * [CodeProject Member 11728803]( -#### v1.9 (March 19, 2015) +## [v1.9] - 2015-03-19 This version includes fixes and enhancements. +### Added * In the method GetUserInfo added ability to specify an access token; -* In the web methods of the OAuthUtility class added ability to specify an access token; +* In the web methods of the `OAuthUtility` class added ability to specify an access token; +* Implemented refreshing and revoking an access token for providers that support it. + +### Changed +* Updated URLs in the `GoogleClient`; +* Reworked the `AccessToken` class; + +### Fixed * Fixed JSON: * single quotes replaced by double; * names are placed in quotation marks; * added encoding special characters, and unicode characters; * fixed the decimal separator for numbers. * Fixed bug with overwriting the query parameters in obtaining authorization address; -* Fixed UserInfo mapper for LinkedIn; -* Fixed typo (internal): Requet -> Requests; -* Updated URLs in the GoogleClient; -* Reworked the AccessToken class; -* Implemented refreshing and revoking an access token for providers that support it. - -##### Thanks: +* Fixed `UserInfo` mapper for LinkedIn; +* Fixed typo (internal): `Requet` -> `Requests`; +### Thanks * [Mike Norgate]( -* [sdbarron]( +* [Steve Barron]( -#### v1.8 (March 8, 2015) +## [v1.8] - 2015-03-08 This version includes enhancements for customization. -* Fixed bug with DefaultScope and Scope; +### Added * Added the ability to register multiple client with the same name; * Added decoding html-entities in the processing of a callback address, if provider, for some reason, perform encoding (potential problem is detected in Foursquare); -* Allowed to specify the GrantType after an instance of a client; -* Opened access (public modifier) to basic properties of the OAuth protocol; * Added OAuth client for Assembla; -* Deleted file of the obsolete Helper class (obsolete since v1.4; use OAuthUtility). -##### Thanks: +### Changed +* Allowed to specify the `GrantType` after an instance of a client; +* Opened access (public modifier) to basic properties of the OAuth protocol; + +### Removed +* Deleted file of the obsolete `Helper` class (obsolete since v1.4; use `OAuthUtility`). +### Fixed +* Fixed bug with `DefaultScope` and `Scope`; + +### Thanks * [Nacer]( * [codexboise]( -#### v1.7 (February 11, 2015) +## [v1.7] - 2015-02-11 The version improved for Windows Forms projects. +### Added * Added a data binding for API responses; -* Added ability to specify grant_type: authorization_code (default), password and client_credentials; +* Added ability to specify `grant_type`: `authorization_code` (default), `password` and `client_credentials`; * Added OAuth clients for: CodeProject and SourceForge. -#### v1.6 (January 04, 2015) +## [v1.6] - 2015-01-04 The version includes minor improvements. -* Added OAuthManager.GetClientTypeByName method to obtain the type of client; +### Added +* Added `OAuthManager.GetClientTypeByName` method to obtain the type of client; * Added default scope. -#### v1.5 (December 27, 2014) +## [v1.5] - 2014-12-27 In this version were made significant changes and improvements, which are mainly aimed at simplifying integration with a variety of API. -* Improved transmission parameters in the web request, added support for file transfer; -* Added support for requests: PUT and DELETE; +### Added +* Added support for requests: `PUT` and `DELETE`; * Added methods to perform asynchronous requests; -* Simplified mechanism for generating and usage of the authorization header; * Added support for Unicode to URL encoding method (RFC-3986); -* Unified mechanism for handling responses in various data formats (XML, JSON, PLAIN). Created universal type - UniValue. -* Added OAuth clients for: Instagram and Tumblr. +* Added OAuth clients for: Instagram and Tumblr; +* Unified mechanism for handling responses in various data formats (XML, JSON, PLAIN). Created universal type - `UniValue`. -#### v1.4 (November 2, 2014) +### Changed +* Improved transmission parameters in the web request, added support for file transfer; +* Simplified mechanism for generating and usage of the authorization header. -* Fixed SSL3 problem, completely; -* Fixed problems with Content-Type; -* Fixed minor bugs in OAuthClient (for OAuth 1.0); -* Username-getting for Yandex; -* The Helpers class marked as [Obsolete]. Created new class - OAuthUtility; -* Methods for signature moved to the OAuthUtility class; -* Improved class OAuthAuthorization, added SetSignature method; +## [v1.4] - 2014-11-02 + +### Added * Added the ability to register the clients class by provider name; * Added OAuth clients for: Dropbox, Foursquare, LinkedIn, SoundCloud and Yahoo! -#### v1.3 (October 23, 2014) +### Changed +* The `Helpers` class marked as `[Obsolete]`. Created new class - `OAuthUtility`; +* Methods for signature moved to the `OAuthUtility` class; +* Improved class `OAuthAuthorization`, added SetSignature method; + +### Fixed +* Fixed SSL3 problem, completely; +* Fixed problems with `Content-Type`; +* Fixed minor bugs in `OAuthClient` (for OAuth 1.0); +* Username-getting for Yandex; + +## [v1.3] - 2014-10-23 +### Fixed * Fixed SSL3 problem. -#### v1.2 (October 8, 2014) +## [v1.2] - 2014-10-08 +### Changed * Updated protocol for * Improved client for VKontakte: added the ability to receive an email address. - -##### Thanks: +### Thanks * [Aleksander (KamAz) Kryatov]( - -#### v1.1 (July 20, 2014) + +## [v1.1] - 2014-07-20 * First version released. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index 9813210..6db5986 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -### Nemiro.OAuth +# Nemiro.OAuth **Nemiro.OAuth** is a class library for authorization via **OAuth** protocol in **.NET Framework**. @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ To install **Nemiro.OAuth**, run the following command in the **Package Manager `PM> Install-Package Nemiro.OAuth` -#### Demo +## Demo -### Features +## Features * Support OAuth 1.0 and 2.0; * Obtaining basic information about users: ID, name, sex, date of birth, email address and telephone number; @@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ Less code, more functionality! -### System Requirements +## System Requirements -* Microsoft Windows XP, 7 or later with .NET Framework 3.5, 4.0 or 4.5 -* Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (recommended Professional Edition with Service Pack 1) or later. +* Microsoft Windows XP, 7 or later with .NET Framework 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 or 4.6 +* Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 (recommended Professional Edition with Service Pack 1) or later. -### How to use +## How to use 1\. Create an application at the **OAuth** provider site. @@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ For example, **Facebook**: ```C# OAuthManager.RegisterClient ( - "facebook", - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" + "facebook", + "1435890426686808", + "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" ); ``` @@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ OAuthManager.RegisterClient ```VBNet OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ ( - "facebook", - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" + "facebook", + "1435890426686808", + "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" ) ``` @@ -66,22 +66,22 @@ For example: ```C# public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - Response.Write(String.Format("Provider: {0}
", result.ProviderName)); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}
", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}
", user.DisplayName)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Email: {0}", user.Email)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - } + protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) + { + var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); + Response.Write(String.Format("Provider: {0}
", result.ProviderName)); + if (result.IsSuccessfully) + { + var user = result.UserInfo; + Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}
", user.UserId)); + Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}
", user.DisplayName)); + Response.Write(String.Format("Email: {0}", user.Email)); + } + else + { + Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); + } + } } ``` @@ -125,6 +125,6 @@ OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("facebook", returnUrl) ### See Also * [Guide Nemiro.OAuth]( -* [Web Demo]( -* [Nemiro.OAuth.LoginForms]( +* [Online Demo]( +* [Forms for Windows Applications]( * [Other projects]( diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6459c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +# Nemiro.OAuth + +**Nemiro.OAuth** – это библиотека классов для реализации авторизации клиентов по протоколу **OAuth** в проектах **.NET Framework**. + +Библиотека предоставляет полностью готовые клиенты **OAuth** для популярных веб-сайтов с реализованными базовыми функциями получения информации о пользователях. + +Библиотека в первую очередь создавалась для использования в веб-проектах (**ASP.NET MVC**, **WebForms**), но она также может быть использована в консольных приложениях, проектах **Windows Forms** и, теоретически, в других типах проектов. + +Исходный код **Nemiro.OAuth** поставляется на условиях лицензии **Apache License Version 2.0**. + +Для установки **Nemiro.OAuth** выполните следующую команду в консоли диспетчера пакетов (**Package Manager Console**): + +`PM> Install-Package Nemiro.OAuth` + +## Демонстрация + +Посмотреть на работу библиотеки **Nemiro.OAuth** можно на демонстрационном сайте: + + + +## Особенности + +* Поддержка протоколов **OAuth 1.0** и **2.0**; +* Получение базовой информации о пользователях (при наличии): ID, полное имя, пол, дата рождения, email и номер телефона; +* **OAuth**-клиенты «из коробки» для: **Amazon**, **Assembla**, **CodeProject**, **Dropbox**, **Facebook**, **Foursquare**, **GitHub**, **Google**, **Instagram**, **LinkedIn**, **Microsoft Live**, **Mail.Ru**, **Odnoklassniki**, **SoundCloud**, **SourceForge**, **Tumblr**, **Twitter**, **VK**, **Yahoo!**, **Yandex**; +* Базовые классы для создания собственных клиентов; +* Унифицированные методы работы с разнообразными **API**. + +Меньше кода, больше возможностей! + +### Требования + +* Microsoft Windows XP, 7 или новее с .NET Framework 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 или 4.6 +* Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 (редакция Professional Edition с Service Pack 1 или выше) или новее. + +### Использование + +1\. На сайте поставщика **OAuth** зарегистрируйте своё приложение. + +2\. Поставщик выдаст идентификатор и секретный ключ вашего приложения. +Используйте их при регистрации поставщика в своём проекте. +В веб-проектах это лучше всего делать в файле `Global.asax` в обработчике события `Application_Start`. + +Например, **Facebook**: + +**C#** +```C# +OAuthManager.RegisterClient +( + "facebook", + "1435890426686808", + "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" +); +``` + +**Visual Basic .NET** +```VBNet +OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ +( + "facebook", + "1435890426686808", + "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" +) +``` + +3\. Создайте страницу обратного вызова и добавьте код получения информации из профиля пользователя с сайта поставщика. + +Например: + +**C#** +```C# +public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page +{ + protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) + { + var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); + Response.Write(String.Format("Поставщик: {0}
", result.ProviderName)); + if (result.IsSuccessfully) + { + var user = result.UserInfo; + Response.Write(String.Format("Идентификатор: {0}
", user.UserId)); + Response.Write(String.Format("Отображаемое имя: {0}
", user.DisplayName)); + Response.Write(String.Format("Электронная почта: {0}", user.Email)); + } + else + { + Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); + } + } +} +``` + +**Visual Basic .NET** +```VBNet +Public Class ExternalLoginResult + Inherits System.Web.UI.Page + + Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load + Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() + Response.Write(String.Format("Provider: {0}
", result.ProviderName)) + If result.IsSuccessfully Then + Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo + Response.Write(String.Format("Идентификатор: {0}
", user.UserId)) + Response.Write(String.Format("Отображаемое имя: {0}
", user.DisplayName)) + Response.Write(String.Format("Электронная почта: {0}", user.Email)) + Else + Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.ToString()) + End If + End Sub + +End Class +``` + +4\. Создайте ссылку для перенаправления пользователя на сайт поставщика **OAuth** для авторизации. + +**C#** +```C# +string returnUrl = new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri; +OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("facebook", returnUrl); +``` + +**Visual Basic .NET** +```VBNet +Dim returnUrl As String = New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri +OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("facebook", returnUrl) +``` + +5\. Наслаждайтесь! + +### См. также + +* [Справочник]( +* [Online-демонстрация]( +* [Готовые формы для Windows Forms]( +* [Другие проекты]( diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/ deleted file mode 100644 index 60a74c0..0000000 --- a/bin/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -Select the assembly for your .NET Framework version: -* net35 - .NET Framework 3.5 -* net40 - .NET Framework 4.0 -* net45 - .NET Framework 4.5 - -Main platform is .NET Framework 4.0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin/net35/Nemiro.OAuth.XML b/bin/net35/Nemiro.OAuth.XML deleted file mode 100644 index a3747bd..0000000 --- a/bin/net35/Nemiro.OAuth.XML +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9540 +0,0 @@ - - - - Nemiro.OAuth - - - - - The universal type that represents a value. - - - represents any type of data. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the with a specified value. - - The value. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the with a specified value and attributes. - - The value. - The collection of an attributes. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the with a specified value and reference to parent. - - The value. - The instance of the . - - - - Initializes a new instance of the with a specified value, attributes and reference to parent. - - The value. - The collection of an attributes. - The instance of the . - - - - Copies items of the to a new Dictionary<string, object>. - - - A Dictionary<string, object> containing copies of the elements of the . - A null value, if the property is false or the is empty. - - - - - Copies items of the to a new . - - - A containing copies of the elements of the . - A null value, if the property is false or the is empty. - - - - - Returns a array that represents the current . - - - A array containing the current . - A null value, if the property and is false or the is empty. - - - - - Determines whether the contains the specified key. - - The key to locate in the . - true if the is not null and contains an element with the specified ; otherwise, false. - is null. - - - - Determines whether the contains the specified key. - - The key to locate in the . - true if the is not null and contains an element with the specified ; otherwise, false. - - - - Adds the specified key and value to the . - - The key of the element to add. - The value of the element to add. - - Returns the added element. - - - - If the current is not a collection ( is false), it will automatically be converted to the collection. - If the current is not empty, then it will be assigned a key ____ in a new collection. - - - - - - Adds the specified key and value to the . - - The key of the element to add. - The value of the element to add. - The reference to parent of the elemet to add. - - Returns the added element. - - - - If the current is not a collection ( is false), it will automatically be converted to the collection. - If the current is not empty, then it will be assigned a key ____ in a new collection. - - - - - - Removes the value with the specified key from the . - - The key of the element to remove. - - true if the element is successfully found and removed; otherwise, false. - This method returns false if key is not found in the or is not collection ( is false). - - - - - Parses the and converts to . - - The reference to the collection, which will be placed the result of parsing . - The for parsing. - The reference to parent. - - - - Returns the of the specified attribute. - - The name of the attribute whose value you want to get. - - - - Returns parent for new instance of . - - - - - Initializes a new instance. - - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified . - - The value. - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified and . - - The value. - The collection of an attributes. - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified and reference to . - - The value. - The instance of the . - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified , and reference to . - - The value. - The instance of the . - The collection of an attributes. - - - - Initializes an empty instance with a specified and reference to . - - The collection of an attributes. - The instance of the . - - - - Converts the specified JSON string to an . - - A string containing a JSON data to parse. - A new instance. - is null. - The length exceeds the value of . - The recursion limit defined by was exceeded. - contains an unexpected character sequence. - is a dictionary type and a non-string key value was encountered. - includes member definitions that are not available on the target type. - It is not possible to convert to the target type. - - - - Converts the specified XML string to an . - - A string containing a XML data to parse. - A new instance. - is null. - - - - Converts the specified parameters string to an . - - A string containing an url parameters to parse. - A new instance. - contains an CR or LF characters. - - If is null or empty, the function returns an instance. - - - - - Converts the specified JSON string to an . A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded. - - A string containing a JSON data to parse. - If successful, this parameter takes the result of parsing data. - true if s was converted successfully; otherwise, false. - - - - Converts the specified XML string to an . A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded. - - A string containing a XML data to parse. - If successful, this parameter takes the result of parsing data. - true if s was converted successfully; otherwise, false. - - - - Converts the specified url parameters string to an . A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded. - - A string containing an url parameters to parse. - If successful, this parameter takes the result of parsing data. - true if s was converted successfully; otherwise, false. - - - - Indicates whether the specified value is null or an . - - The instance to test. - true if the parameter is null or is false; otherwise, false. - - - - Gets the underlying type code of the . - - - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent value using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A value equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - - - Converts the value this instance to an equivalent 8-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 8-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent Unicode character using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A Unicode character equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A instance equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent number using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A number equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent double-precision floating-point number using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A double-precision floating-point number equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 16-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 16-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 32-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 32-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 64-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 64-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 8-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 8-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent single-precision floating-point number using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A single-precision floating-point number equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A instance equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an of the specified that has an equivalent value, using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - The to which the value of this instance is converted. - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An instance of type whose value is equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 16-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 32-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 32-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 64-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 64-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. - - A new object that is a copy of this instance. - - - - Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. - - An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. - - - - Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. - - An System.Collections.IEnumerator<UniValue> object that can be used to iterate through the collection. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Serves as a hash function for a particular type. - - A hash code for the current . - - - - Returns a string that represents the current . - - - - - Determines whether two object instances are equal. - - The object to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified object is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Determines whether two instances are equal. - - The to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Determines whether this instance and another specified object have the same value. - - The string to compare to this instance of the . - true if the value of the parameter is the same as this instance; otherwise, false. - - - - Determines whether this string and a specified object have the same value. A parameter specifies the culture, case, and sort rules used in the comparison. - - The string to compare to this instance. - One of the enumeration values that specifies how the strings will be compared. - true if the value of the parameter is the same as this instance; otherwise, false. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a Dictionary<string, object>. - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an array. - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an array. - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a array. - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from Dictionary<string, object>. - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from array. - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from array. - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Indicate whether two are not equal. - - The first instance. - The second instance. - - - - Indicate whether two are equal. - - The first instance. - The second instance. - - - - Indicate whether and are not equal. - - The instance. - The string. - - - - Indicate whether and are equal. - - The instance. - The string. - - - - Returns an that can be bound to a data source from an object that does not implement an itself. - - - - - Returns a collection of custom attributes for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the class name of this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the name of this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns a type converter for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the default event for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the default property for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns an editor of the specified type for this instance of a component. - - A that represents the editor for this object. - - - - Returns the events for this instance of a component using the specified attribute array as a filter. - - An array of type that is used as a filter. - - - - Returns the events for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the properties for this instance of a component using the attribute array as a filter. - - An array of type that is used as a filter. - - - - Returns the properties for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns an object that contains the property described by the specified property descriptor. - - A that represents the property whose owner is to be found. - - - - Gets or sets the value. - - - - - Gets a collection of string keys and values of the current . - - - Has a null value, if the property is false. - - - - - Gets or sets an attributes of the XML item (only for XML). - - - - - Gets the value associated with the specified key of the . - - The key of the value to get. - - - - Gets the value associated with the specified index of the . - - The index of the value to get. - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to array. - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to numeric type. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current object has a value. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current object has an attributes (only for xml data type). - - - - - Gets the number of elements actually contained in the . - - - - - Gets or sets the key for the current item, if the current item included into the collection. - - - Assigned automatically when parsing data of JSON, XML or query string. - root for root elements. - value for . - ____ for new collections created by the developer manually. - - - - - The parent of the current item, if the current item included into the collection. - - - - - Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is array. - - - This affects the representation of the object as a string. For arrays in a JSON is not use the . - - - - - Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the type is unreferenced. - - - - - Represents the empty . - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the collection is a collection of objects. - - - - - Implements a parameter of url. - - - - - Implements a HTTP paramter. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the parameter. - The value of the parameter. - The content-type of the parameter. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the parameter. - The value of the parameter. - The type of the parameter. - The content-type of the parameter. - - - - Returns a string that represents the current parameter. - - - - - Gets or sets parameter name. - - - - - Gets or sets parameter value. - - - - - Gets or sets Content-Type. - - - - - Gets or sets type of the parameter. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified parameter name and value. - - The parameter value. - The parameter name. - - - - Represents a class that extends the class by adding methods for use with query parameters. - - - - - Convert the to list of the . - - The . - - - - Returns a string of query parameters without a separator. - - The . - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified separator. - - The . - The separator of query parameters. For example: & - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - The . - Disables parameters encoding. - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified separator and encoding parameters. - - The . - The separator of query parameters. - Disables parameters encoding. - - - - Sorts the by alphabetically and returns a new . - - The . - - - - Removes the value with the specified key from the . - - The . - The key of the element to remove. - - - - The exception occurs when you try to access a provider by provider name. If the name is incorrect, or does not exist. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - An object array that contains zero or more objects to format. - - - - The exception that is thrown when trying to access an unregistered OAuth client. - - - Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The following example illustrates a situation in which the is thrown. - - string url = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook"); - // ... - - - Dim url As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook"); - ' ... - - ClientIsNotRegisteredException - To solve the problem enough to register the client. - - // facebook client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - ' facebook client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - Enjoy! - - string url = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook"); - // ... - - - Dim url As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook"); - ' ... - - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - OAuth client for Google. - - -

Register and Configure a Google Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Google Developers Console and Create Project. - - Create new project button - - Enter the project name and click the Create. - - Create new project form - - - Click to the Credential menu in the APIs & OAuth. - - - Credential menu - - - For desktop application, click the Create new Client ID, select Installed application and Other. - - - Click the Create Client ID to complete. - - - Create new Client ID for desktop application - - - You will get the Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Create new Client ID for desktop application - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ) - - For web projects create another Client ID. In the form select the Web application and specify return addresses. - - Create new Client ID for web application - - - For more details, please visit Google Developers Console Help. - -
- - The following example shows how to use the in Console Applications. - For desktop applications, the user will need to manually enter authorization code. - - class Program - { - static void Main(string[] args) - { - try - { - var google = new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ); - - // open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(google.AuthorizationUrl); - - // waiting of entering the access code - string code = ""; - while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) - { - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:"); - code = Console.ReadLine(); - } - - Console.WriteLine(); - - // set authorization code - google.AuthorizationCode = code; - // get user info - var user = google.GetUserInfo(); - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId); - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName); - Console.WriteLine("Email: {0}", user.Email); - } - catch (Exception ex) - { - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); - } - Console.ReadKey(); - } - } - - - Module Module1 - - Sub Main() - Try - Dim google As New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ' open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(google.AuthorizationUrl) - - ' waiting of entering the access code - Dim code As String = "" - Do While String.IsNullOrEmpty(code) - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:") - code = Console.ReadLine() - Loop - - ' set authorization code - google.AuthorizationCode = code - - ' get user info - Dim user As UserInfo = google.GetUserInfo() - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - Console.WriteLine("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Catch ex As Exception - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) - End Try - Console.ReadKey() - End Sub - - End Module - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Google - Access code - User info - In a web projects you can use the and . - The following example shows how use the in ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "SI5bIZkrSB5rO03YF-CdsCJC" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "SI5bIZkrSB5rO03YF-CdsCJC" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The GoogleLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult GoogleLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function GoogleLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Google. - - public ActionResult GoogleLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Google", Url.Action("GoogleLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function GoogleLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Google", Url.Action("GoogleLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the GoogleLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with Google", "GoogleLogin") - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Represents base properties and method for OAuth 2.0 client. - - - For more details, please visit . - - - - - Represents base class for OAuth client classes. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The address for login. - The address for the access token. - The application identifier obtained from the provider website. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - - is null or empty. - -or- - is null or empty. - -or- - is null or empty. - -or- - is null or empty. - - - - - Redirects a client to the Authorization URL. - - - Use this method only for web applications (ASP .NET). - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - This is method is implemented at the protocol level ( & ). - - The is null or empty. - - - - Sends a request to revoke the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be revoked. - - Provider does not support revoking the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Gets the user details via API of the provider. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - This is method is implemented at the client level. - - - - - Creates a shallow copy of the current object. - - The query parameters for new copy object. - The new return URL for new copy object. - A shallow copy of the current object. - - Method creates a copy of the current object, removes tokens, change the return address, query parameters and state. - Unfortunately, I made a mistake in architecture, so I had to make this method. - - - - - - Creates a shallow copy of the current object. - - A shallow copy of the current object. - - Method creates a copy of the current object, removes tokens, change the return address, query parameters and state. - Unfortunately, I made a mistake in architecture, so I had to make this method. - - - - - - Returns the specified access token or the current access token. - - May contain an access token, which will be refunded. - Indicates the need to check the parameter refresh_token in the access token. Default: false. - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - - - - Unique provider name. - - - Client classes are required to implement this property. - The provider name must be unique. - - - - public override string ProviderName - { - get - { - return "KGB"; - } - } - - - - - - Gets the endpoint of the authorization. - - - This property is implemented at the protocol level ( & ). - - - - - Gets or sets an access token. - - - - - Gets an access token value. - - - - - Gets or sets access code for access token requests. - - - - - Gets or sets unique request identifier. - For clients the value sets is automatically. - - - - - Gets or sets the application identifier. - - - - - Gets or sets the application secret key. - - - - - Gets or sets the base address for login. - - - - - Gets or sets the address for the access token. - - - - - Gets the version of the OAuth protocol. - - - - - Gets or sets return URL. - - - At this address provider will return the user authorization results. - For many providers are needed configuration of the application on the provider website. - - - - - Gets or sets additional query parameters. - - - These parameters will be transferred to the provider. - - - - - Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current client supports revoking access token. - - - - - Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current client supports refreshing access token. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The address for login. - The address for the access token. - The application identifier. - The application secret key. - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - The scope of the access request. - - - - - The deault scope. - - - - - The separator in the scope list. - - - - - Gets or sets grant type. - - - - - Gets or sets username if is password or client_credentials. - - - - - Gets or sets password if is password or client_credentials. - - - - - Gets the endpoint of the authorization. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the Google Developers Console. - The Client Secret obtained from the Google Developers Console. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Sends a request to revoke the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be revoked. - - Provider does not support revoking the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - In order to Google returned the refresh_token, when receiving an access token, you must specify access_type=offline. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - { - Parameters = new NameValueCollection { { "access_type", "offline" } } - } - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) With _ - { - .Parameters = New NameValueCollection() From {{"access_type", "offline"}} - } - ) - - For more details, please see Google Documentation. - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - Unique provider name: Google. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - Represents the empty results of the query. - - - The class is used to determine sends a request to the remote server or not. - - - - - Represents the base class for results of remote requests. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The request results. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The content type of the response. - The source of the response. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The content type of the response. - The source of the response. - The HTTP headers of the response. - The HTTP status code of the response. - - - - Parses the source to the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Gets or sets the HTTP status code of the output returned to the client. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current request result is successful or not. - - - Successful result - is a response code from 200 to 299. - - - - - Gets or sets the content type of the response. - - - - - Gets or sets the http headers of the response. - - - - - Gets the Content-Disposition header of the response. - - - - - Gets the file name, if is file. - - - - - Gets or sets the source of the response. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is file or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the is empty or not. - - - - - Gets or sets the processed result of the response. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is XML or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is array or not. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current request result is successful or not. - - Always has the value false. - - - - Класс ресурса со строгой типизацией для поиска локализованных строк и т.д. - - - - - Возвращает кэшированный экземпляр ResourceManager, использованный этим классом. - - - - - Перезаписывает свойство CurrentUICulture текущего потока для всех - обращений к ресурсу с помощью этого класса ресурса со строгой типизацией. - - - - - Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Drawing.Bitmap. - - - - - Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Aleksey Sergeevich Nemiro is a Russian developer of applications and websites, - author of articles on programming and information technology. - - Aleksey was born on October 3, 1983 in the city of Vladivostok (Primorsky Krai, Russia). - In 2009, Aleksey migrated to the city of Yoshkar-Ola (Mari El, Russia). - - Started programming in 1998 on the G-Basic and QBasic. - - At various times worked with programming languages and technologies: - Visaul Basic, Delphi, C, Visual C++, Java, PHP, ASP VBScript and JScript [остаток строки не уместился]";. - - - - - The access token class for OAuth 1.0. - - - - - Represents base properties and method for access token results. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Result of request to the OAuth server. - - - - Returns the . - - - - - Converts the specified string to an . - - A string containing an access token to parse. - A new instance. - - - - Converts the specified string to an . - - Type Inherited from the that should be returned. - A string containing an access token to parse. - A new instance. - - - - Indicates whether the specified value is null or an . - - The instance to test. - true if the parameter is null or is false; otherwise, false. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - The access token issued by the authorization server. - - - - - Represents the empty . - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the is empty or not. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Result of request to the OAuth server. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Returns the . - - - - - Converts the specified string to an . - - A string containing an access token to parse. - A new instance. - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - The access token issued by the authorization server. - - - - - The access token issued by the authorization server. - - - - - The access token class for OAuth 2.0. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Result of request to the OAuth server. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified access token and refresh token. - - The access token. - The refresh token. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified access token and refresh token. - - The access token. - The refresh token. - The token type. For example: bearer. Default: null. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Returns the . - - - - - Converts the specified string to an . - - A string containing an access token to parse. - A new instance. - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - The access token issued by the authorization server. - - - - - The lifetime in seconds of the access token. - - - - - The refresh token, which can be used to obtain new - access tokens using the same authorization grant. - - - - - The scope of the access token. - - - - - The type of the token issued. Value is case insensitive. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when server of API returns error. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while accessing the network. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The content type of the server request result. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The content type of the server request result. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - The HTTP headers of the output. - The HTTP status code of the output. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Instance of the . - - - - - Gets the HTTP status code of the output returned to the client. - - - - - Gets the content type of the response. - - - - - Gets the http headers of the response. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified and error message. - - The result of the request. - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - The content type of the server request result. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - The content type of the server request result. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and a error message. - - The result of the request. - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - The content type of the server request result. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and a error message. - - The result of the request. - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - The content type of the server request result. - - - - OAuth client for Twitter. - - -

Register and Configure a Twitter Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Consumer ID and Consumer Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Twitter Application Management and Create a New App. - - Create a New App button - - Fill out the form and click the Create your Twitter application. - For web project, set a Callback URL. - - Create a New App form - - - Open the application page and click to the API Keys. - - - API Keys link - - - You can see API Key and API secret, this is Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Client ID and Client Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new TwitterClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New TwitterClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Twitter Developers Documentation. - -
- -

Console Applications

- The following example shows how to use the in Console Applications. - For desktop applications, the user will need to manually enter authorization code. - - class Program - { - static void Main(string[] args) - { - try - { - var twitter = new TwitterClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ); - - // open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(twitter.AuthorizationUrl); - - // waiting of entering the access code - string code = ""; - while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) - { - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:"); - code = Console.ReadLine(); - } - - Console.WriteLine(); - - // set authorization code - twitter.AuthorizationCode = code; - // get user info - var user = twitter.GetUserInfo(); - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId); - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName); - } - catch (Exception ex) - { - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); - } - Console.ReadKey(); - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Module Module1 - - Sub Main() - Try - Dim twitter As New TwitterClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ' open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(twitter.AuthorizationUrl) - - ' waiting of entering the access code - Dim code As String = "" - Do While String.IsNullOrEmpty(code) - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:") - code = Console.ReadLine() - Loop - - ' set authorization code - twitter.AuthorizationCode = code - - ' get user info - Dim user As UserInfo = twitter.GetUserInfo() - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - Catch ex As Exception - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) - End Try - Console.ReadKey() - End Sub - - End Module - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Twitter - Access code - User info -

ASP .NET WebForms

- In a web projects you can use the and . - The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new TwitterClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New TwitterClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkTwitter" runat="server" - Text="Log in with Twitter" onclick="lnkTwitter_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkTwitter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Twitter", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkTwitter_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkTwitter.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Twitter", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - - NOTE: Do not forget to adjust the Callback URL in the Twitter Application Settings. -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Represents base properties and method for OAuth 1.0 client. - - - For more details, please visit . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The address for the request token. - The address for login. - The address for the access token. - The application identifier. - The application secret key. - The name of hashing algorithm to calculate the signature: HMAC-SHA1 (default) or PLAINTEXT. - The is null or empty. - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request. - - For more details, please visit - - - - Gets signature for the current request. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - - - - Gets the request token from the remote server. - - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - - - Gets or sets the address for the request token. - - - - - Get the authorization parameters. - - - - - Gets the endpoint of the authorization. - - - - - Gets or sets the request token. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The API Key obtained from the Twitter Application Management. - The API Secret obtained from the Twitter Application Management. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - Unique provider name: Twitter. - - - - - OAuth client for LinkedIn. - - -

Register and Configure a LinkedIn Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open and sigin to the LinkedIn for Developers, and Add new app. - - In the application settings you can found Api Key and Secret Key. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new LinkedInClient - ( - "75vufylz829iim", - "VOf14z4T1jie4ezS" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New LinkedInClient _ - ( - "75vufylz829iim", - "VOf14z4T1jie4ezS" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit LinkedIn for Developers. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Api Key obtained from the LinkedIn Dashboard. - The Secret Key obtained from the LinkedIn Dashboard. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: LinkedIn. - - - - - OAuth client for SoundCloud. - - -

Register and Configure a SoundCloud Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the SoundCloud for Developers and Register a new app. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new SoundCloudClient - ( - "42b58d31e399664a3fb8503bfcaaa9ba", - "f9d85648da59fb95ec131b40c7645c31" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New SoundCloudClient _ - ( - "42b58d31e399664a3fb8503bfcaaa9ba", - "f9d85648da59fb95ec131b40c7645c31" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit SoundCloud for Developers. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the SoundCloud Applications. - The Client Secret obtained from the SoundCloud Applications. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: SoundCloud. - - - - - Implements a form parameter. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified parameter name and value. - - The parameter value. - The parameter name. - - - - Represents data mapping collection for API results. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - The data type. - The data format. For example: "dd.MM.yyyy" for dates, or: "00" for numerics, etc. - Custom parser of the data. - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - The data type. - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - The data type. - The data format. For example: "dd.MM.yyyy" for dates, or: "00" for numerics, etc. - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - Custom parser of the data. - - - - The list of url encding methods. - - - - - Without encoding. - - - - - for POST requests when a conetent-type is x-www-form-urlencoded. - And for other requests. - - - - - x-www-form-urlencoded (spaces encoded as plus (+) signs). - - - - - RFC 3986 (spaces encoded as %20). - - - - - OAuth client for CodeProject. - - -

Register and Configure a CodeProject Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - - Register a new client. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new CodeProjectClient - ( - "92mWWELc2DjcL-6tu7L1Py6yllleqSCt", - "YJXrk_Vzz4Ps02GqmaUY-aSLucxh4kfLq6oq0CtiukPfvbzb9yQG69NeDr2yiV9M" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New CodeProjectClient _ - ( - "92mWWELc2DjcL-6tu7L1Py6yllleqSCt", - "YJXrk_Vzz4Ps02GqmaUY-aSLucxh4kfLq6oq0CtiukPfvbzb9yQG69NeDr2yiV9M" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please see CodeProject API Documentation. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the CodeProject Web API Clients. - The Client Secret obtained from the CodeProject Web API Clients. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: CodeProject. - - - - - OAuth client for Microsoft Live. - - -

Register and Configure a Live Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Live Connect App Management and Create a New Application. - - Create a New Application - - Specify the application name, read terms of use and click the I accept. - - Create a New Application form - - Open the App Settings and add return URLs. You can't use localhost. - - Redirect URLs - - On the App Settings page, you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Cleint ID and Client Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new LiveClient - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New LiveClient _ - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit to the MSDN. - -
- - The following example shows how to add the Microsoft Live OAuth Client to ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new LiveClient - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New LiveClient _ - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The LiveLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult LiveLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function LiveLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Microsoft Live. - - public ActionResult LiveLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Live", Url.Action("LiveLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function LiveLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Live", Url.Action("LiveLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the LiveLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with Microsoft Live", "LiveLogin") - - Result shown in the images below. - Microsoft Live Sign in - User Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the Live Connect App Management. - The Client Secret obtained from the Live Connect App Management. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - In order to Microsoft Live returned the refresh_token, when receiving an access token, you must specify the scope wl.offline_access. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new LiveClient - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - { - Scope = "wl.offline_access" - } - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New LiveClient _ - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) With { .Scope = "wl.offline_access" } - ) - - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - Unique provider name: Live. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when HttpContext.Current is null (Nothing in Visual Basic). - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when you attempt to register the already registered client. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the provider. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the provider and client. - - - - Gets an error message. - - - - - OAuth client for Amazon. - - -

Register and Configure Amazon Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - You need to register as developer in the App Console. - - - Sign in to the App Console - - - In the App Console register new application. - - - Register new application - - - Specify one or more return URLs. Access to any other address will be denied. - - - NOTE: Amazon supports only addresses over HTTPS (excluding localhost). - - - For example: - - - http://localhost:59962/Home/ExternalLoginResult - http://localhost/ - - - - Allowed Return URLs - - Do not forget to save your changes. - Use application Client ID and Client Secret when creating an instance of the class. - - Allowed Return URLs - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new AmazonClient - ( - "amzn1.application-oa2-client.f0ffe4edc256488dae00dcaf96d75d1b", - "764dcefe49b441c8c6244c93e5d5d04de54fda6dfdc83da9693bf346f4dc4515" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New AmazonClient _ - ( - "amzn1.application-oa2-client.f0ffe4edc256488dae00dcaf96d75d1b", - "764dcefe49b441c8c6244c93e5d5d04de54fda6dfdc83da9693bf346f4dc4515" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please see Amazon Developer Documentation. - -
- - The following example shows how to add the Amazon OAuth Client to ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new AmazonClient - ( - "amzn1.application-oa2-client.f0ffe4edc256488dae00dcaf96d75d1b", - "764dcefe49b441c8c6244c93e5d5d04de54fda6dfdc83da9693bf346f4dc4515" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New AmazonClient _ - ( - "amzn1.application-oa2-client.f0ffe4edc256488dae00dcaf96d75d1b", - "764dcefe49b441c8c6244c93e5d5d04de54fda6dfdc83da9693bf346f4dc4515" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The ExternalLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult ExternalLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function ExternalLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Now you can easily redirect user to login page. - - // NOTE: use httpS scheme for real websites - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Amazon", Url.Action("ExternalLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - // for example, MVC redirection from Action: - // return Redirect(authUrl); - - - ' NOTE: use httpS scheme for real websites - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Amazon", Url.Action("ExternalLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - ' for example, MVC redirection from Action - ' Return Redirect(authUrl) - - Result shown in the images below. - Amazon Sign in - Amazon User Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The client ID obtained from the App Console. - The client secret obtained from the App Console. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - Unique provider name: Amazon. - - - - - Additional type for references. - - - - - Represents the signature of the request. This is a helper class to simplify debugging. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of hashing algorithm to calculate the signature: HMAC-SHA1 (default) or PLAINTEXT. - The secret key for encryption. - Base string of the signature. - - is not suppored. - - - - - Returns the of the current object. - - - - - Gets the secret key for encryption. - - - - - Gets the name of hashing algorithm to calculate the signature: HMAC-SHA1 or PLAINTEXT. - - - - - Get base string of the signature. - - - - - Gets the signature. - - - - - Implements a value of the HTTP paramter. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Returns an encoded string of the value. - - - - - Returns an encoded string of the value. - - - - - Returns a string that represents the current value. - - - - - Returns a byte array that represents the current value. - - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the array of the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Gets or sets value. - - - - - OAuth client for Dropbox. - - -

Register and Configure a Dropbox Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Dropbox App Console and Create app. - Choose the Dropbox API app type. - - In the application settings you can found App key and App secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new DropboxClient - ( - "0le6wsyp3y085wy", - "48afwq9yth83y7u" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New DropboxClient _ - ( - "0le6wsyp3y085wy", - "48afwq9yth83y7u" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Dropbox Platform Help. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The App key obtained from the Dropbox App Console. - The App secret obtained from the Dropbox App Console. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Sends a request to revoke the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be revoked. - - Provider does not support revoking the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Unique provider name: Dropbox. - - - - - Variants of the signature encryption. - - - - - HMAC-SHA1 - - - - - RSA-SHA1 - - - - - PLAINTEXT - - - - - Represents helper class for management of OAuth clients. - - - You can use this class to register clients in your project. - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - - - - - Initializes the . - - - - - The method is called when the interval elapsed. - - Instance of the object that raised the event. - The event data. - - - - Adds the specified request to the collection. - - The unique request key. - The client name. - The client instance. - - - - Removes the request from collection. - - The unique request key to remove.. - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The client instance. - is null or empty. - If you attempt to register the already registered client. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The client instance. - The any name of the client. For example: Test, Release, Project #1, Ku!, etc. - is null or empty. - If you attempt to register the already registered client. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Test", - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Test", - new FacebookClient - ( - "00000000000000", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Release", - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Release", - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Test", - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Test", - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "00000000000000", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Release", - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Release", - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. (the main method) - - The client instance. - The any name of the client. For example: Test, Release, Project #1, Ku!, etc. - is null or empty. - If you attempt to register the already registered client. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Test", - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Test", - new FacebookClient - ( - "00000000000000", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Release", - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Release", - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Test", - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Test", - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "00000000000000", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Release", - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Release", - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The provider name. - The application identifier obtained from the provider website. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - , or is null or empty. - Provider not found by . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "facebook" - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "facebook", - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The provider name. - The application identifier obtained from the provider website. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - List of scope that will be requested from the provider. Only for OAuth 2.0. - Additional parameters to be passed to the constructor of the client class. - Additional parameters that will be transferred to the provider website. - , or is null or empty. - Provider not found by . - The not suppored . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "facebook" - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "facebook", - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The provider name. And may also contain any client name for for division into groups. - The application identifier obtained from the provider website. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - Additional parameters to be passed to the constructor of the client class. - List of scope that will be requested from the provider. Only for OAuth 2.0. - Additional parameters that will be transferred to the provider website. - , or is null or empty. - Provider not found by . - The not suppored . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "facebook" - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "facebook", - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - - - You can register multiple clients to a single provider. - The following example shows how to do it. - - - var clientName = ClientName.Create("Debug", "Facebook"); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - clientName - "000000000000000000", - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" - ); - - clientName = ClientName.Create("Any name", "Facebook"); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - clientName - "111111111111111111", - "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" - ); - - - Dim name As ClientName = ClientName.Create("Debug", "Facebook") - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - name, - "000000000000000000", - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" - ) - - name As ClientName = ClientName.Create("Any name", "Facebook") - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - name, - "111111111111111111", - "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" - ) - - - - - - Checks registered provider with the specified name or not. - - The provider name or client name. - - - - Returns type of client by name. - - The provider name. - - - - Gets the list of all clients. - - - - - Gets the list of active requests. - - - - - Gets the list of registered clients. - - - - - OAuth client for Tumblr. - - -

Register and Configure a Tumblr Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Tumblr Dashboard, and Register an application. - - In the application settings you can found Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new TumblrClient - ( - "2EZbsj2oF8OAouPlDWSVnESetAchImzPLV4q0IcQH7DGKECuzJ", - "4WZ3HBDwNuz5ZDZY8qyK1qA5QFHEJY7gkPK6ooYFCN4yw6crKd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New TumblrClient _ - ( - "2EZbsj2oF8OAouPlDWSVnESetAchImzPLV4q0IcQH7DGKECuzJ", - "4WZ3HBDwNuz5ZDZY8qyK1qA5QFHEJY7gkPK6ooYFCN4yw6crKd" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Tumblr API Documentation. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Consumer Key obtained from the Tumblr Dashboard. - The Consumer Secret obtained from the Tumblr Dashboard. - - - - Gets an user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Tumblr. - - - - - OAuth client for SourceForge. - - -

Register a SourceForge Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Consumer ID and Consumer Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the SourceForge Authorized Applications and Register New Application. - - You can see Consumer Key and Consumer Secret, use this for creating an instance of the . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new SourceForgeClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New SourceForgeClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Allura API. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Consumer Key obtained from the SourceForge OAuth applications. - The Consumer Secret obtained from the SourceForge OAuth applications. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - Name of the user whose data should be obtained. - - - - Gets the request token from the remote server. - - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - - - Unique provider name: SourceForge. - - - - - OAuth client for Mail.Ru. - - - Mail.Ru is a popular email service, search engine, social network, photo & video hosting, blogs and another services in Russia and CIS. -

Register and Configure a Mail.Ru Site

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Unfortunately, the interface is only in Russian. - You must have a confirmed account in Mail.Ru. - Open Sites page and click Connect a New Site. - - Create a New Site button - - Accept the terms of the agreement. - - Terms - - Enter the site name, URL and click the Next button. - - Site name and URL - - Download the receiver.html file and place it in the root directory of your site. - This step can be skipped (Пропустить). - - receiver.html file - - The last step you will find the Client ID and Client Secret. - - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Cleint ID and Client Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new MailRuClient - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New MailRuClient _ - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit to the Mail.Ru API Documentation. - -
- -

Windows Forms

- The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Add a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new MailRuClient - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New MailRuClient _ - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Add a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Mail.Ru - Mail.Ru User Info -


- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new MailRuClient - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New MailRuClient _ - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The MailRuLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult MailRuLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function MailRuLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Mail.Ru. - - public ActionResult MailRuLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru", Url.Action("MailRuLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function MailRuLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru", Url.Action("MailRuLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the MailRuLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with Mail.Ru", "MailRuLogin") - - NOTE: For proper processing, you will need to download and put on your site a receiver.html file. -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID. - The Client Secret. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - The access token must contain the user ID in the parameter x_mailru_vid. - - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - Unique provider name: Mail.Ru. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - Implements a file to transfer in a HTTP request. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Content of the file. - Name of the file. - The name of the parameter. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the parameter. - The posted file. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Content of the file. - Name of the file. - The name of the parameter. - MIME type of the file. - - - - Gets or sets the filename. - - - - - Represents authorization results. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - The ID of the authorization request. - - - - - OAuth version. For example: 1.0, 2.0. - - - - - Provider and custom client name. - - - - - Provider name. For example: facebook, twitter, google. - - - - - The access token which is used to query the provider. - - - - - The user profile details that is returned from the provider. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the authorization is successful. - - - - - Gets error info when the authorization is not successful. - - - - - Gets the user ID that is returned from the provider. - - - - - Gets the username that is returned from the provider. - - - - - Gets the access token value. - - - - - Represents the access token exception. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified message. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - Represents the user profile info. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The data source. - The mapping rules. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The data source. - The mapping rules. - - - - Returns the or . - - - - - Gets or sets a collection containing the API request results. - - - - - Gets or sets the user ID. - - - - - Gets or sets the username. - - - - - Gets or sets the first name of the user. - - - - - Gets or sets the last name of the user. - - - - - Gets or sets the display name of the user. - - - - - Gets or sets user email address. - - - - - Gets or sets user phone. - - - - - Gets or sets user birthday. - - - - - Gets or sets user url. - - - - - Gets or sets user image url. - - - - - Gets or sets gender of the user. - - - - - Gets the first and last name. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when a user fails to login. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - OAuth client for Yahoo. - - -

Register and Configure a Yahoo Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Consumer ID and Consumer Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open Yahoo Developer Network and Create a Project. - - In the application settings you can found Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - Note that Yahoo! does not work with the localhost. Use only a real servers. Make sure that your application on the Yahoo! dashboard configured correctly. - Yahoo! has a pretty flimsy OAuth interface. If something is done or configured incorrectly, the work will be nothing. But in general, the client is tested and works. - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new YahooClient - ( - "dj0yJmk9Qm1vZ3p2TmtQUm4zJmQ9WVdrOU4wbGlkWGxJTkc4bWNHbzlNQS0tJnM9Y29uc3VtZXJzZWNyZXQmeD0xZQ--", - "a55738627652db0acfe464de2d9be13963b0ba1f" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New YahooClient _ - ( - "dj0yJmk9Qm1vZ3p2TmtQUm4zJmQ9WVdrOU4wbGlkWGxJTkc4bWNHbzlNQS0tJnM9Y29uc3VtZXJzZWNyZXQmeD0xZQ--", - "a55738627652db0acfe464de2d9be13963b0ba1f" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Yahoo Developer Network. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Consumer Key obtained from the Yahoo Developer Dashboard. - The Consumer Secret obtained from the Yahoo Developer Dashboard. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Access token must contain the user ID in the parameter xoauth_yahoo_guid. - - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - (!) - To update the access token, you must specify the return address that was used in obtaining the access token. - - - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - An exception occurs if there is no authorization code. - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - Callback address that was used in obtaining the access token. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - (!) - To update the access token, you must specify the return address that was used in obtaining the access token. - - - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - An exception occurs if there is no authorization code. - - - - Unique provider name: Yahoo. - - - - - OAuth client for VK (VKontakte). - - - VK (VKontakte) is "Russian Facebook". :-) -

Register and Configure a VKontakte Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the VK App development and click Create an Application. - - Create an Application button - - Specify the application name and type, and click the Connect Application. - - Creating an application - - Confirm by SMS. - - Confirmation - - - In the Application Settings you can found Application ID and Secure key, this is Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - NOTE: Change application status to Application ON and visible to all. - - Application settings - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new VkontakteClient - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New VkontakteClient _ - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ) - - For web projects, enable Open API, set Site address and configure Base domain in the Open API section. - - Base domains - - - For more details, please see VK App development. - -
- -

Windows Forms

- The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Insert a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // vk(ontakte) client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new VkontakteClient - ( - // application id - "4457505", - // secure secret - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - { - // display=popup - to open a popup window - Parameters = new NameValueCollection { { "display", "popup" } } - } - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' vk(ontakte) client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New VkontakteClient _ - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) With _ - { - .Parameters = New NameValueCollection() From {{"display", "popup"}} - } - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Add a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("vk")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("vk")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with VK(ontakte) - VK User Info -


- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new VkontakteClient - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New VkontakteClient _ - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The VkontakteLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult VkontakteLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function VkontakteLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Vkontakte. - - public ActionResult VkontakteLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("vk", Url.Action("VkontakteLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function VkontakteLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("vk", Url.Action("VkontakteLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the VkontakteLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with VK(ontakte)", "VkontakteLogin") - -

ASP .NET WebForms

- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new VkontakteClient - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New VkontakteClient _ - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkVkontakte" runat="server" - Text="Log in with VK(ontakte)" onclick="lnkVkontakte_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkVkontakte_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("vk", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkVkontakte_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkVkontakte.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("vk", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Application ID obtained from the VK App development. - The Secure Key obtained from the VK App development. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: VK. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - Represents the request token results. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The request result. - The address of the authorization. - The query parameters. Will be used in the formation of the authorization address. - - - - Returns the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Gets the OAuth token. - - - - - Gets the token secret. - - - - - The parameter is used to differentiate from previous versions of the protocol. - - - - - Gets the address of the authorization. - - - - - Collection of HTTP parameters. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The collection of parameters. - - If the parameter has a value of null (Nothing for VB), it will not be added to the collection. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The body of a request. - - If the parameter has a value of null (Nothing for VB), it will not be added to the collection. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The body of a request. - - If the parameter has a value of null (Nothing for VB), it will not be added to the collection. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The array of parameters. - - If the parameter has a value of null (Nothing for VB), it will not be added to the collection. - - - - - Adds a parameter to the end of the collection. - - The parameter to be added to the collection. - - - - Adds a parameter to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The parameter value. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of the parameter. - The parameter value. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of the parameter. - The value of the parameter. - The type of the parameter. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The posted file. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The posted file. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The name of the file. - The Content-Type of the file. - The content of the file. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The name of the file. - The content of the file. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The name of the file. - The Content-Type of the file. - The file stream. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The name of the file. - The file stream. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The content of the request. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The content of the request. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The content of the request. - - - - Adds the items of the specified collection to the end of the current instance of the . - - The collection whose items should be added to the end of the current instance of the . - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The parameter value. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The parameter value. - - - - Adds file as content to the end of the collection. - - The posted file. - - - - Adds content to the end of the collection. - - The Content-Type of the . - The content value. - - - - Inserts an element into the instance of the at the specified index. - - The zero-based index at which item should be inserted. - The to insert. - - - - Inserts the elements of a collection into the instance of the at the specified index. - - The zero-based index at which the new elements should be inserted. - The collection whose elements should be inserted into the instance of the . - - - - Removes the first occurrence of a specific parameter from the . - - The parameter to remove from the . - - true if is successfully removed; otherwise, false. - This method also returns false if was not found in the . - - - - - Removes all the elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate. - - The delegate that defines the conditions of the elements to remove. - The number of elements removed from the . - - - - Removes the element at the specified index of the . - - The zero-based index of the element to remove. - - - - Removes a range of elements from the . - - The zero-based starting index of the range of elements to remove. - The number of elements to remove. - - - - Removes all elements from the . - - - - - Updates status of the collection. - - - - - Checks parameters types. - - The type for checking. - - - - Returns a string query parameters encoded by default method (). - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified separator. - - The separator of query parameters. For example: & - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified separator and encoding parameters. - - The separator of query parameters. - The type of the encoder. - The types of parameters to be used. - - - - Copies elements of the to a new instance. - - The true value included into the results only the parameters. The default value is false - all parameters. - - - - Gets a body for the request. - - - - - Writes the parameters to the request. - - The instance of the request. - - - - Writes a file to the request. - - The name of the parameter. - The filename. - The Content-Type of the file. - The content of the file. - The output stream instance. - - - - Writes a form-data parameter to the request. - - The name of the parameter. - The value of the parameter. - The output stream instance. - - - - Writes any parameter to the request. - - The Content-Type of the . - The content value. - The instance of the output stream. - - - - The assignment operator for array of the . - - The array that will be used as the . - New instance of the . - - - - The assignment operator for the . - - The collection that will be used as the . - New instance of the . - - - - The assignment operator for the byte array. - - The byte array of the request body. - New instance of the . - - - - The assignment operator for the . - - The instance of the of the request body. - New instance of the . - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current collection has a files. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current collection has a . - - - - - Gets a boundary for a request. - - - - - Gets or sets code page for parameters encoding. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when adding a to the and collection has one a . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - OAuth client for Assembla. - - -

Register and Configure an Assembla Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - - Register a new OAuth application. - - In the application settings you can found Application ID and Application Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new AssemblaClient - ( - "bOS4QkXnmr5jhdacwqjQXA", - "701ee6dedf74fc4ad75bfa7476666a2f" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New AssemblaClient _ - ( - "bOS4QkXnmr5jhdacwqjQXA", - "701ee6dedf74fc4ad75bfa7476666a2f" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Assembla API Documentation Site. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Application ID obtained from the Assembla Applications Manager. - The Application Secret obtained from the Assembla Applications Manager. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Assembla. - - - - - The for . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Returns a collection of property descriptors for the object represented by this type descriptor. - - - - - The properties collection. - - - - - Implements a request body. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Represents a method that is called for parsing item of the API data. - - The instance to parse. - - - - References a method to be called when a corresponding asynchronous web request completes. - - The result of the asynchronous web request. - - - - Represents data mapping item for API results. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Gets or sets the key name in the data source. - - - - - Gets or set the property name in the destination object. - - - - - Gets or sets the data type of the property in the destination object. - - - - - Gets or sets the data format. - - - - - Gets or sets a custom parser of the data. - - - - - Represents the request item to OAuth server. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The instance of the OAuth client. - The client name. - - - - Gets name of the client. - - - - - Gets instance of the OAuth client. - - - - - Gets date and time creation of the request. - - - - - Represents a HTTP authorization header. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with specific authorization type and value. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class from specific source. - - - - - Removes the value with the specified key from the . - - The key of the element to remove. - - true if the element is successfully found and removed; otherwise, false. - This method returns false if key is not found in the or is not collection. - - - - - Returns OAuth string of the current object for Authorization header. - - - - - Invoked before sending a web request. - - HTTP Method of the request: POST, PUT, GET or DELETE. - URL of the web request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - >Parameters of the web request. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Gets or sets authorization method. - - - - - Gets or sets parameters of the authorization. - - - - - Authorization parameters. - - - - - Sorted authorization parameters. - - - - - Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key. - - The key of the value to get or set. - - - - The list of access token types. - - - - - Bearer - - - - - OAuth - - - - - Represents the name of the client. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The provider name. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The client name. Any string. - The provider name. - - - - Returns a new instance with a specified . - - - - - Returns a new instance with a specified and . - - - - - Converts a specified string to . - - The string to parse. - - - - Encodes a string. - - The string to encode. - - - - Decodes a string. - - The string to decode. - - - - Escapes a special characters in a string. - - The string to escape. - - - - Converts any escaped characters in the input string. - - The input string containing the value to convert. - - - - Returns a string that represents the current . - - - - - Determines whether two object instances are equal. - - The object to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified object is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Determines whether two object instances are equal. - - The instance of to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified instance is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Serves as a hash function for a particular type. - - A hash code for the current . - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Indicate whether two are not equal. - - The first instance. - The second instance. - - - - Indicate whether two are equal. - - The first instance. - The second instance. - - - - Gets the client name. - - - - - Gets the provider name. - - - - - Gets a md5 hash code for the current instance of the . - - - - - Represents the collection of the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the with a specified reference to parent. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the by other an instance of the . - - - - - Adds the specified key and value to the collection. - - The key of the element to add. - The value of the element to add. - - - - Determines whether the collection contains the specified key. - - The key to locate in the collection. - is null. - - - - Removes the value with the specified key from the collection. - - The key of the element to remove. - - true if the element is successfully found and removed; otherwise, false. - - - - - Returns a string that represents the current . - - - - - Determines whether two object instances are equal. - - The object to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified object is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Returns a string that represents the specified item of the . - - The item to converted. - - - - Returns a string that represents the specified instance. - - The value to converted. - - - - Adds the specified item to the . - - The item to add. - - - - Removes all items from the collection. - - - - - Determines whether the collection contains a specific value. - - The object to locate in the collection. - - - - Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the collection. - - The object to remove from the collection. - - - - Gets the value associated with the specified key. - - The key whose value to get. - When this method returns, the value associated with the specified key, if the key is found; otherwise, the . - - - - [Is not implemented] Copies the elements of the collection to an , starting at a particular index. - - The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from collection. The must have zero-based indexing. - The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. - - - - Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. - - - - - Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Returns instance from . - - The value from which will be returned the . - - - - Gets or sets items of the collection. - - - - - The reference to parent. - - - - - Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key. - - The key of the value to get or set. - - - - Gets or sets the element at the specified index. - - The zero-based index of the element to get or set. - - - - Gets a collection containing the keys in the collection. - - - - - Gets a collection containing the values in the collection. - - - - - Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. - - - - - Gets a collection containing the keys in the collection. - - - - - Gets a collection containing the values in the collection. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. Always false. - - - - - Represents property description of a class. - - - - - The data reader. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Returns whether resetting an object changes its value. - - The component to test for reset capability. - - - - Gets the current value of the property on a component. - - The component with the property for which to retrieve the value. - - - - Resets the value for this property of the component to the default value. - - The component with the property value that is to be reset to the default value. - - - - Sets the value of the component to a different value. - - The component with the property value that is to be set. - The new value. - - - - Determines a value indicating whether the value of this property needs to be persisted. - - The component with the property to be examined for persistence. - - - - Gets a value indicating whether this property is read-only. - - - - - Gets the type of the property. - - - - - Gets the type of the component this property is bound to. - - - - - Represents helper class for sessions management of OAuth. - - - Mainly the class is intended for web projects. - But you can use some methods of the class in desktop applications together with the WebBrowser control. - - The methods , - , - and - - will not work in desktop applications. - - - -

ASP .NET WebForms

- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To redirect the user to the login page is used the method. - Processing of the authorization results is performed by . - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new TwitterClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New TwitterClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkTwitter" runat="server" - Text="Log in with Twitter" onclick="lnkTwitter_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkTwitter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Twitter", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkTwitter_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkTwitter.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Twitter", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - -

Windows Forms

- The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - Methods redirection in Windows Forms applications do not work. To get the address of the authorization is used. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Add a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new MailRuClient - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New MailRuClient _ - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Add a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - -
- - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider with specified parameters. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization query. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider, query parameters and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization query. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider, query parameters and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization query. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider with specified parameters. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization URL. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider, query parameters and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization URL. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider, query parameters and return URL. - - - The provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user; or the name of the registered client. - - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization URL. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the current URL. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use the overloads or . - - - Returns the verification results. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the specified URL. - - Address at which to perform the verification. - - Returns the verification results. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the specified request identifier and the code of the authorization. - - Request identifier. - The authorization code received from the provider server. - - Returns the verification results. - - - This method is intended for internal use. It is recommended to use the overload or . - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the current URL and removes the request from memory. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use the overloads or . - - - Returns the verification results. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the specified URL, and removes the request from memory. - - Address at which to perform the verification. - - Returns the verification results. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the specified request identifier and the code of the authorization, and removes the request from memory. - - Request identifier. - The authorization code received from the provider server. - - Returns the verification results. - - - This method is intended for internal use. It is recommended to use the overload or . - - - - - OAuth client for Odnoklassniki. - - - Odnoklassniki is a social network service for classmates and old friends. It is popular in Russia and CIS. -

Register and Configure a Odnoklassniki Site

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open My Games page and click My Uploaded Games. - - My Games in the footer menu - - - My Uploaded Games - - Click Add App. - - Add App button - - Enter the Title, Shortname, Description, Image link and App link. Select Application type (External type) and Permission. - - - (!) - - It is important to provide a link to the application (App link).
- You must use this link as the return URL. Even for desktop applications.
- You can use localhost for desktop applications.
- It is important to specify the type of application: External. -
- - App form - - In your email box you will find email message with the Client ID, Client Secret and Public key. - - Email message - - - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new OdnoklassnikiClient - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New OdnoklassnikiClient _ - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit to the Odnoklassniki API Documentation. - -
- -

Windows Forms

- The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Add a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // odnoklassniki client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new OdnoklassnikiClient - ( - // application ID - "1094959360", - // sectet key - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - // public key - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) { ReturnUrl = "http://localhost" } // return url - it's important - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' odnoklassniki client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New OdnoklassnikiClient _ - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) With { .ReturnUrl = "http://localhost" } - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Add a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Odnoklassniki")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Odnoklassniki")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - -


- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new OdnoklassnikiClient - ( - // application ID - "1094959360", - // sectet key - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - // public key - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New OdnoklassnikiClient _ - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The OdnoklassnikiLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult OdnoklassnikiLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function OdnoklassnikiLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Odnoklassniki. - - public ActionResult OdnoklassnikiLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Odnoklassniki", Url.Action("OdnoklassnikiLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function OdnoklassnikiLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Odnoklassniki", Url.Action("OdnoklassnikiLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the OdnoklassnikiLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with Odnoklassniki", "OdnoklassnikiLogin") - -

ASP .NET WebForms

- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new OdnoklassnikiClient - ( - // application ID - "1094959360", - // sectet key - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - // public key - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New OdnoklassnikiClient _ - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Email: {0}", user.Email)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Email: {0}", user.Email)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkOdnoklassniki" runat="server" - Text="Log in with Odnoklassniki" onclick="lnkOdnoklassniki_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkOdnoklassniki_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Odnoklassniki", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkOdnoklassniki_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkOdnoklassniki.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Odnoklassniki", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID. - The Client Secret. - The Public Key. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Odnoklassniki. - - - - - Public Key for access to API. - - - - - The list of the types a HTTP parameters. - - - - - Unformed parameter. - - - - - Parameter of the query string. - - - - - Parameter of the form. - - - - - File. - - - - - Body of the request. - - - - - OAuth client for Instagram. - - -

Register and Configure a Instagram Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Register as Developer and Register new Client ID. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Key. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new InstagramClient - ( - "215a1941ebed4e4fa74e94dd84762836", - "ba53a710e1624870bc066e7a9ae38601" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New InstagramClient _ - ( - "215a1941ebed4e4fa74e94dd84762836", - "ba53a710e1624870bc066e7a9ae38601" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Instagram Developer Documentation. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the Instagram Manage Clients. - The Client Secret obtained from the Instagram Manage Clients. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Instagram. - - - - - OAuth client for Yandex. - - - Yandex is a popular search engine in Russia and CIS. -

Register and Configure a Yandex Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the register new application page, fill out the form and click Save. - NOTE: Russian language is available on the - Specify the application name and set permissions. - - To access a users profile, select Yandex.Username: Date of birth; Email address; User name, surname and gender. - This minimum permissions that are required to work. - - For web project, set a Callback URI. - NOTE: For desktop applications set Callback URI to - - Register new application - - - In the next step you will see an Application ID and Application password, this is Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Client ID and Client Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new YandexClient - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New YandexClient _ - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Yandex OAuth Documentation. - -
- -

Console Applications

- The following example shows how to use the in Console Applications. - For desktop applications, the user will need to manually enter authorization code. - - class Program - { - static void Main(string[] args) - { - try - { - var yandex = new YandexClient - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ); - - // open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(yandex.AuthorizationUrl); - - // waiting of entering the access code - string code = ""; - while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) - { - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:"); - code = Console.ReadLine(); - } - - Console.WriteLine(); - - // set authorization code - yandex.AuthorizationCode = code; - // get user info - var user = yandex.GetUserInfo(); - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId); - Console.WriteLine("E-Mail: {0}", user.Email); - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName); - Console.WriteLine("Birthday: {0}", user.Birthday); - Console.WriteLine("Sex: {0}", user.Sex); - } - catch (Exception ex) - { - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); - } - Console.ReadKey(); - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Module Module1 - - Sub Main() - Try - Dim yandex As New YandexClient _ - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ' open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(yandex.AuthorizationUrl) - - ' waiting of entering the access code - Dim code As String = "" - Do While String.IsNullOrEmpty(code) - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:") - code = Console.ReadLine() - Loop - - ' set authorization code - yandex.AuthorizationCode = code - - ' get user info - Dim user As UserInfo = yandex.GetUserInfo() - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - Console.WriteLine("E-Mail: {0}", user.Email) - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - Console.WriteLine("Birthday: {0}", user.Birthday) - Console.WriteLine("Sex: {0}", user.Sex) - Catch ex As Exception - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) - End Try - Console.ReadKey() - End Sub - - End Module - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Yandex - Access code - User info -

ASP .NET WebForms

- In a web projects you can use the and . - The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new YandexClient - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New YandexClient _ - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("E-Mail: {0}<br />", user.Email)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("E-Mail: {0}<br />", user.Email)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkYandex" runat="server" - Text="Log in with Yandex" onclick="lnkYandex_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkYandex_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Yandex", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkYandex_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkYandex.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Yandex", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - - NOTE: Do not forget to adjust the Callback URI in the Yandex Application Settings. -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Application ID. - The Application Password. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - Unique provider name: Yandex. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - Represents authorization parameters for OAuth 1.0. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with specific value. - - - - - Updates the nonce and the timestamp. - - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request (OAuth 1.0). - - For more details, please visit - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request (OAuth 1.0). - - For more details, please visit - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Sets signature. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - - - - Sets signature. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - - - - Sets signature. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The query parameters. - - - - Sets signature. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The query parameters. - - - - Gets or sets the consumer key. - - - - - Gets or sets the consumer secret. - - - - - Gets or sets the token. - - - - - Gets or sets the secret token. - - - - - Gets or sets the signature method. - - - - - Gets or sets the nonce. - - - - - Gets or sets the timestamp. - - - - - Gets or sets the version of the OAuth. - - - - - Gets or sets the signature. - - - - - Gets or sets the callback address. - - - - - Gets or sets the verifier code. - - - - - Represents the authorization grant type. - - - - - Using an authorization code to confirm the identity (grant type is authorization_code). - - - - - Using username and password (grant type is password). - - - - - Using basic authorization with username and password (grant type is client_credentials). - - - - - Using a token to refreshing the access token (grant type is refresh_token). - - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified . - - The value of grant type. - - - - Returns a string that represents the current . - - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Gets or sets the value. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current value is authorization_code or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current value is password or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current value is client_credentials or not. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when has more than one . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - The exception that is thrown when a resource owner or authorization server denied the request. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - Represents the error results of the query. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The request results. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current request result is successful or not. - - Always has the value false. - - - - OAuth client for Facebook. - - -

Register and Configure a Facebook Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - You need to register as developer. - - Open the Facebook Developers and Create a New App. - - Create new application menu - - Specify the application name and click the Create App. - - Create new application form - - - In the application dashboard you can found App ID and App Secret, this is Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - App ID and App Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - You can use the App ID and App Secret for desktop, mobile and web projects. -

The application availability

- - To manage the status of the application, you must provide contact information. - - - Enter a contact email on the Settings page. - - - Contact Email - - - And now, you can change availability status of the application on the Status & Review page. - - - Make App Public - -

Configure application for web projects

- For web projects, configure return URLs. - - Open the application Settings and click Advanced tab. - - - Advanced tab - - - You must add the return URLs to the Valid OAuth redirect URIs field of the Security section. - - Do not forget to save your changes. - NOTE: If the application will be used for web and desktop, then also add URL: - NOTE: Enable Client OAuth Login if it's disabled. - - Valid OAuth redirect URIs - - - For more details, please see Facebook Developer Documentation. - -
- - The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Insert a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // facebook client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - // app id - "1435890426686808", - // app secret - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - { - // display=popup - to open a popup window - Parameters = new NameValueCollection { { "display", "popup" } } - } - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' facebook client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) With _ - { - .Parameters = New NameValueCollection() From {{"display", "popup"}} - } - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Insert a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Facebook - Facebook User Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The App ID obtained from the Facebook Developers. - The App Secret obtained from the Facebook Developers. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - For more details, please see User method in Guide of Facebook Graph API. - - - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Sends a request to revoke the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be revoked. - - Provider does not support revoking the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Unique provider name: Facebook. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - OAuth client for GitHub. - - -

Register and Configure a GitHub Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - - Register a new OAuth application. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GitHubClient - ( - "e14122695d88f5c95bce", - "cde23ec001c5180e01e865f4efb57cb0bc848c16" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GitHubClient _ - ( - "e14122695d88f5c95bce", - "cde23ec001c5180e01e865f4efb57cb0bc848c16" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please see GitHub Development Guides. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the GitHub Applications. - The Client Secret obtained from the GitHub Applications. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: GitHub. - - - - - Provides helpers methods for OAuth. - - - - - Unreserved characters for the method. - - - - - - - - This is main helper class. - - - - - Percent encoding. - - The text to encode. - The object that specifies the encoding scheme. - - For more details, please see: - - - - - - - - - Percent encoding. - - The text to encode. - - - - Encodes a URL string using the specified encoding object. - - The text to encode. - The type of the encoder. - - - - Encodes a URL string using the specified encoding object. - - The text to encode. - The object that specifies the encoding scheme. - The type of the encoder. - - - - Encodes a string into JavaScript string. - - The string to encode. - - - - Generate timestamp for a signature (only for OAuth 1.0). - - - - The timestamp value MUST be a positive integer. Unless otherwise - specified by the server's documentation, the timestamp is expressed - in the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. - - For more details, please see: - - - - - Generate random key. - - - - - Compute MD5 hash. - - Value that must be processed. - - - - Converts the string value to its equivalent string representation that is encoded with base-64 digits. - - A composite format string for encoding to Base64. - An object array that contains zero or more objects to format. - The string representation, in base 64. - - - - Performs a request using a GET method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs a request using a POST method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for web request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs a request using a PUT method. - - URL to which will be sent to the request. - Parameters to be passed to the request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for the request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs a request using a DELETE method. - - URL to which will be sent to the request. - Parameters to be passed to the request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for the request. - Access token to be used in the request. - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs a request. - - HTTP Method: POST (default), PUT, GET or DELETE. - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for web request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Reads results of the web request to the string. - - instance. - - - - Performs an async request using a GET method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs an async request using a POST method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs an async request using a PUT method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs an async request using a DELETE method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs an async request. - - HTTP Method: POST (default), PUT, GET or DELETE. - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async web request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Gets the value of the specified , if the is a . - - Source of data. - The key is to be obtained. - - - - Returns a string containing a number. - - The value for processing. - - - - Gets signature for the current request. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - The authorization parameters. - - - - Gets signature for the current request. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - The authorization parameters. - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request (OAuth 1.0). - - For more details, please visit - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request (OAuth 1.0). - - For more details, please visit - - - - Very sexy list. - - - - - No sex. - - :o) - - - - Male. - - - - - Female. - - - - - Programmer. - - - - - Deep Thought. - - - - - The list of authorization type. - - - - - Basic - - - - - Bearer - - - - - Digest - - - - - OAuth - - - - - OAuth client for Foursquare. - - -

Register and Configure a Foursquare Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Foursquare App and Create app. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FoursquareClient - ( - "LHYZN1KUXN50L141QCQFNNVOYBGUE3G3FCWFZ3EEZTOZHY5Q", - "HWXYFLLSS2IUQ0H4XNCDAZEFZKIU3MZRP5G55TNBDHRPNOQT" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FoursquareClient _ - ( - "LHYZN1KUXN50L141QCQFNNVOYBGUE3G3FCWFZ3EEZTOZHY5Q", - "HWXYFLLSS2IUQ0H4XNCDAZEFZKIU3MZRP5G55TNBDHRPNOQT" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Foursquare for Developers. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the Foursquare Apps. - The Client Secret obtained from the Foursquare Apps. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Foursquare. - - -
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Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the with a specified value. - - The value. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the with a specified value and attributes. - - The value. - The collection of an attributes. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the with a specified value and reference to parent. - - The value. - The instance of the . - - - - Initializes a new instance of the with a specified value, attributes and reference to parent. - - The value. - The collection of an attributes. - The instance of the . - - - - Copies items of the to a new Dictionary<string, object>. - - - A Dictionary<string, object> containing copies of the elements of the . - A null value, if the property is false or the is empty. - - - - - Copies items of the to a new . - - - A containing copies of the elements of the . - A null value, if the property is false or the is empty. - - - - - Returns a array that represents the current . - - - A array containing the current . - A null value, if the property and is false or the is empty. - - - - - Determines whether the contains the specified key. - - The key to locate in the . - true if the is not null and contains an element with the specified ; otherwise, false. - is null. - - - - Determines whether the contains the specified key. - - The key to locate in the . - true if the is not null and contains an element with the specified ; otherwise, false. - - - - Adds the specified key and value to the . - - The key of the element to add. - The value of the element to add. - - Returns the added element. - - - - If the current is not a collection ( is false), it will automatically be converted to the collection. - If the current is not empty, then it will be assigned a key ____ in a new collection. - - - - - - Adds the specified key and value to the . - - The key of the element to add. - The value of the element to add. - The reference to parent of the elemet to add. - - Returns the added element. - - - - If the current is not a collection ( is false), it will automatically be converted to the collection. - If the current is not empty, then it will be assigned a key ____ in a new collection. - - - - - - Removes the value with the specified key from the . - - The key of the element to remove. - - true if the element is successfully found and removed; otherwise, false. - This method returns false if key is not found in the or is not collection ( is false). - - - - - Parses the and converts to . - - The reference to the collection, which will be placed the result of parsing . - The for parsing. - The reference to parent. - - - - Returns the of the specified attribute. - - The name of the attribute whose value you want to get. - - - - Returns parent for new instance of . - - - - - Initializes a new instance. - - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified . - - The value. - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified and . - - The value. - The collection of an attributes. - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified and reference to . - - The value. - The instance of the . - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified , and reference to . - - The value. - The instance of the . - The collection of an attributes. - - - - Initializes an empty instance with a specified and reference to . - - The collection of an attributes. - The instance of the . - - - - Converts the specified JSON string to an . - - A string containing a JSON data to parse. - A new instance. - is null. - The length exceeds the value of . - The recursion limit defined by was exceeded. - contains an unexpected character sequence. - is a dictionary type and a non-string key value was encountered. - includes member definitions that are not available on the target type. - It is not possible to convert to the target type. - - - - Converts the specified XML string to an . - - A string containing a XML data to parse. - A new instance. - is null. - - - - Converts the specified parameters string to an . - - A string containing an url parameters to parse. - A new instance. - contains an CR or LF characters. - - If is null or empty, the function returns an instance. - - - - - Converts the specified JSON string to an . A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded. - - A string containing a JSON data to parse. - If successful, this parameter takes the result of parsing data. - true if s was converted successfully; otherwise, false. - - - - Converts the specified XML string to an . A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded. - - A string containing a XML data to parse. - If successful, this parameter takes the result of parsing data. - true if s was converted successfully; otherwise, false. - - - - Converts the specified url parameters string to an . A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded. - - A string containing an url parameters to parse. - If successful, this parameter takes the result of parsing data. - true if s was converted successfully; otherwise, false. - - - - Indicates whether the specified value is null or an . - - The instance to test. - true if the parameter is null or is false; otherwise, false. - - - - Gets the underlying type code of the . - - - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent value using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A value equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - - - Converts the value this instance to an equivalent 8-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 8-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent Unicode character using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A Unicode character equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A instance equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent number using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A number equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent double-precision floating-point number using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A double-precision floating-point number equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 16-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 16-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 32-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 32-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 64-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 64-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 8-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 8-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent single-precision floating-point number using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A single-precision floating-point number equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A instance equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an of the specified that has an equivalent value, using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - The to which the value of this instance is converted. - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An instance of type whose value is equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 16-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 32-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 32-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 64-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 64-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. - - A new object that is a copy of this instance. - - - - Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. - - An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. - - - - Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. - - An System.Collections.IEnumerator<UniValue> object that can be used to iterate through the collection. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Serves as a hash function for a particular type. - - A hash code for the current . - - - - Returns a string that represents the current . - - - - - Determines whether two object instances are equal. - - The object to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified object is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Determines whether two instances are equal. - - The to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Determines whether this instance and another specified object have the same value. - - The string to compare to this instance of the . - true if the value of the parameter is the same as this instance; otherwise, false. - - - - Determines whether this string and a specified object have the same value. A parameter specifies the culture, case, and sort rules used in the comparison. - - The string to compare to this instance. - One of the enumeration values that specifies how the strings will be compared. - true if the value of the parameter is the same as this instance; otherwise, false. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a Dictionary<string, object>. - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an array. - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an array. - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a array. - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from Dictionary<string, object>. - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from array. - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from array. - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Indicate whether two are not equal. - - The first instance. - The second instance. - - - - Indicate whether two are equal. - - The first instance. - The second instance. - - - - Indicate whether and are not equal. - - The instance. - The string. - - - - Indicate whether and are equal. - - The instance. - The string. - - - - Returns an that can be bound to a data source from an object that does not implement an itself. - - - - - Returns a collection of custom attributes for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the class name of this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the name of this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns a type converter for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the default event for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the default property for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns an editor of the specified type for this instance of a component. - - A that represents the editor for this object. - - - - Returns the events for this instance of a component using the specified attribute array as a filter. - - An array of type that is used as a filter. - - - - Returns the events for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the properties for this instance of a component using the attribute array as a filter. - - An array of type that is used as a filter. - - - - Returns the properties for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns an object that contains the property described by the specified property descriptor. - - A that represents the property whose owner is to be found. - - - - Gets or sets the value. - - - - - Gets a collection of string keys and values of the current . - - - Has a null value, if the property is false. - - - - - Gets or sets an attributes of the XML item (only for XML). - - - - - Gets the value associated with the specified key of the . - - The key of the value to get. - - - - Gets the value associated with the specified index of the . - - The index of the value to get. - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to array. - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to numeric type. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current object has a value. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current object has an attributes (only for xml data type). - - - - - Gets the number of elements actually contained in the . - - - - - Gets or sets the key for the current item, if the current item included into the collection. - - - Assigned automatically when parsing data of JSON, XML or query string. - root for root elements. - value for . - ____ for new collections created by the developer manually. - - - - - The parent of the current item, if the current item included into the collection. - - - - - Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is array. - - - This affects the representation of the object as a string. For arrays in a JSON is not use the . - - - - - Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the type is unreferenced. - - - - - Represents the empty . - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the collection is a collection of objects. - - - - - Implements a parameter of url. - - - - - Implements a HTTP paramter. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the parameter. - The value of the parameter. - The content-type of the parameter. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the parameter. - The value of the parameter. - The type of the parameter. - The content-type of the parameter. - - - - Returns a string that represents the current parameter. - - - - - Gets or sets parameter name. - - - - - Gets or sets parameter value. - - - - - Gets or sets Content-Type. - - - - - Gets or sets type of the parameter. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified parameter name and value. - - The parameter value. - The parameter name. - - - - Represents a class that extends the class by adding methods for use with query parameters. - - - - - Convert the to list of the . - - The . - - - - Returns a string of query parameters without a separator. - - The . - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified separator. - - The . - The separator of query parameters. For example: & - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - The . - Disables parameters encoding. - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified separator and encoding parameters. - - The . - The separator of query parameters. - Disables parameters encoding. - - - - Sorts the by alphabetically and returns a new . - - The . - - - - Removes the value with the specified key from the . - - The . - The key of the element to remove. - - - - The exception occurs when you try to access a provider by provider name. If the name is incorrect, or does not exist. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - An object array that contains zero or more objects to format. - - - - The exception that is thrown when trying to access an unregistered OAuth client. - - - Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The following example illustrates a situation in which the is thrown. - - string url = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook"); - // ... - - - Dim url As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook"); - ' ... - - ClientIsNotRegisteredException - To solve the problem enough to register the client. - - // facebook client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - ' facebook client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - Enjoy! - - string url = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook"); - // ... - - - Dim url As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook"); - ' ... - - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - OAuth client for Google. - - -

Register and Configure a Google Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Google Developers Console and Create Project. - - Create new project button - - Enter the project name and click the Create. - - Create new project form - - - Click to the Credential menu in the APIs & OAuth. - - - Credential menu - - - For desktop application, click the Create new Client ID, select Installed application and Other. - - - Click the Create Client ID to complete. - - - Create new Client ID for desktop application - - - You will get the Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Create new Client ID for desktop application - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ) - - For web projects create another Client ID. In the form select the Web application and specify return addresses. - - Create new Client ID for web application - - - For more details, please visit Google Developers Console Help. - -
- - The following example shows how to use the in Console Applications. - For desktop applications, the user will need to manually enter authorization code. - - class Program - { - static void Main(string[] args) - { - try - { - var google = new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ); - - // open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(google.AuthorizationUrl); - - // waiting of entering the access code - string code = ""; - while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) - { - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:"); - code = Console.ReadLine(); - } - - Console.WriteLine(); - - // set authorization code - google.AuthorizationCode = code; - // get user info - var user = google.GetUserInfo(); - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId); - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName); - Console.WriteLine("Email: {0}", user.Email); - } - catch (Exception ex) - { - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); - } - Console.ReadKey(); - } - } - - - Module Module1 - - Sub Main() - Try - Dim google As New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ' open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(google.AuthorizationUrl) - - ' waiting of entering the access code - Dim code As String = "" - Do While String.IsNullOrEmpty(code) - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:") - code = Console.ReadLine() - Loop - - ' set authorization code - google.AuthorizationCode = code - - ' get user info - Dim user As UserInfo = google.GetUserInfo() - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - Console.WriteLine("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Catch ex As Exception - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) - End Try - Console.ReadKey() - End Sub - - End Module - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Google - Access code - User info - In a web projects you can use the and . - The following example shows how use the in ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "SI5bIZkrSB5rO03YF-CdsCJC" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "SI5bIZkrSB5rO03YF-CdsCJC" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The GoogleLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult GoogleLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function GoogleLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Google. - - public ActionResult GoogleLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Google", Url.Action("GoogleLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function GoogleLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Google", Url.Action("GoogleLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the GoogleLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with Google", "GoogleLogin") - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Represents base properties and method for OAuth 2.0 client. - - - For more details, please visit . - - - - - Represents base class for OAuth client classes. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The address for login. - The address for the access token. - The application identifier obtained from the provider website. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - - is null or empty. - -or- - is null or empty. - -or- - is null or empty. - -or- - is null or empty. - - - - - Redirects a client to the Authorization URL. - - - Use this method only for web applications (ASP .NET). - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - This is method is implemented at the protocol level ( & ). - - The is null or empty. - - - - Sends a request to revoke the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be revoked. - - Provider does not support revoking the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Gets the user details via API of the provider. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - This is method is implemented at the client level. - - - - - Creates a shallow copy of the current object. - - The query parameters for new copy object. - The new return URL for new copy object. - A shallow copy of the current object. - - Method creates a copy of the current object, removes tokens, change the return address, query parameters and state. - Unfortunately, I made a mistake in architecture, so I had to make this method. - - - - - - Creates a shallow copy of the current object. - - A shallow copy of the current object. - - Method creates a copy of the current object, removes tokens, change the return address, query parameters and state. - Unfortunately, I made a mistake in architecture, so I had to make this method. - - - - - - Returns the specified access token or the current access token. - - May contain an access token, which will be refunded. - Indicates the need to check the parameter refresh_token in the access token. Default: false. - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - - - - Unique provider name. - - - Client classes are required to implement this property. - The provider name must be unique. - - - - public override string ProviderName - { - get - { - return "KGB"; - } - } - - - - - - Gets the endpoint of the authorization. - - - This property is implemented at the protocol level ( & ). - - - - - Gets or sets an access token. - - - - - Gets an access token value. - - - - - Gets or sets access code for access token requests. - - - - - Gets or sets unique request identifier. - For clients the value sets is automatically. - - - - - Gets or sets the application identifier. - - - - - Gets or sets the application secret key. - - - - - Gets or sets the base address for login. - - - - - Gets or sets the address for the access token. - - - - - Gets the version of the OAuth protocol. - - - - - Gets or sets return URL. - - - At this address provider will return the user authorization results. - For many providers are needed configuration of the application on the provider website. - - - - - Gets or sets additional query parameters. - - - These parameters will be transferred to the provider. - - - - - Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current client supports revoking access token. - - - - - Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current client supports refreshing access token. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The address for login. - The address for the access token. - The application identifier. - The application secret key. - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - The scope of the access request. - - - - - The deault scope. - - - - - The separator in the scope list. - - - - - Gets or sets grant type. - - - - - Gets or sets username if is password or client_credentials. - - - - - Gets or sets password if is password or client_credentials. - - - - - Gets the endpoint of the authorization. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the Google Developers Console. - The Client Secret obtained from the Google Developers Console. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Sends a request to revoke the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be revoked. - - Provider does not support revoking the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - In order to Google returned the refresh_token, when receiving an access token, you must specify access_type=offline. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - { - Parameters = new NameValueCollection { { "access_type", "offline" } } - } - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) With _ - { - .Parameters = New NameValueCollection() From {{"access_type", "offline"}} - } - ) - - For more details, please see Google Documentation. - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - Unique provider name: Google. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - Represents the empty results of the query. - - - The class is used to determine sends a request to the remote server or not. - - - - - Represents the base class for results of remote requests. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The request results. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The content type of the response. - The source of the response. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The content type of the response. - The source of the response. - The HTTP headers of the response. - The HTTP status code of the response. - - - - Parses the source to the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Gets or sets the HTTP status code of the output returned to the client. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current request result is successful or not. - - - Successful result - is a response code from 200 to 299. - - - - - Gets or sets the content type of the response. - - - - - Gets or sets the http headers of the response. - - - - - Gets the Content-Disposition header of the response. - - - - - Gets the file name, if is file. - - - - - Gets or sets the source of the response. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is file or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the is empty or not. - - - - - Gets or sets the processed result of the response. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is XML or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is array or not. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current request result is successful or not. - - Always has the value false. - - - - Класс ресурса со строгой типизацией для поиска локализованных строк и т.д. - - - - - Возвращает кэшированный экземпляр ResourceManager, использованный этим классом. - - - - - Перезаписывает свойство CurrentUICulture текущего потока для всех - обращений к ресурсу с помощью этого класса ресурса со строгой типизацией. - - - - - Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Drawing.Bitmap. - - - - - Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Aleksey Sergeevich Nemiro is a Russian developer of applications and websites, - author of articles on programming and information technology. - - Aleksey was born on October 3, 1983 in the city of Vladivostok (Primorsky Krai, Russia). - In 2009, Aleksey migrated to the city of Yoshkar-Ola (Mari El, Russia). - - Started programming in 1998 on the G-Basic and QBasic. - - At various times worked with programming languages and technologies: - Visaul Basic, Delphi, C, Visual C++, Java, PHP, ASP VBScript and JScript [остаток строки не уместился]";. - - - - - The access token class for OAuth 1.0. - - - - - Represents base properties and method for access token results. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Result of request to the OAuth server. - - - - Returns the . - - - - - Converts the specified string to an . - - A string containing an access token to parse. - A new instance. - - - - Converts the specified string to an . - - Type Inherited from the that should be returned. - A string containing an access token to parse. - A new instance. - - - - Indicates whether the specified value is null or an . - - The instance to test. - true if the parameter is null or is false; otherwise, false. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - The access token issued by the authorization server. - - - - - Represents the empty . - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the is empty or not. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Result of request to the OAuth server. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Returns the . - - - - - Converts the specified string to an . - - A string containing an access token to parse. - A new instance. - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - The access token issued by the authorization server. - - - - - The access token issued by the authorization server. - - - - - The access token class for OAuth 2.0. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Result of request to the OAuth server. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified access token and refresh token. - - The access token. - The refresh token. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified access token and refresh token. - - The access token. - The refresh token. - The token type. For example: bearer. Default: null. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Returns the . - - - - - Converts the specified string to an . - - A string containing an access token to parse. - A new instance. - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - The access token issued by the authorization server. - - - - - The lifetime in seconds of the access token. - - - - - The refresh token, which can be used to obtain new - access tokens using the same authorization grant. - - - - - The scope of the access token. - - - - - The type of the token issued. Value is case insensitive. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when server of API returns error. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while accessing the network. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The content type of the server request result. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The content type of the server request result. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - The HTTP headers of the output. - The HTTP status code of the output. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Instance of the . - - - - - Gets the HTTP status code of the output returned to the client. - - - - - Gets the content type of the response. - - - - - Gets the http headers of the response. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified and error message. - - The result of the request. - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - The content type of the server request result. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - The content type of the server request result. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and a error message. - - The result of the request. - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - The content type of the server request result. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and a error message. - - The result of the request. - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - The content type of the server request result. - - - - OAuth client for Twitter. - - -

Register and Configure a Twitter Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Consumer ID and Consumer Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Twitter Application Management and Create a New App. - - Create a New App button - - Fill out the form and click the Create your Twitter application. - For web project, set a Callback URL. - - Create a New App form - - - Open the application page and click to the API Keys. - - - API Keys link - - - You can see API Key and API secret, this is Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Client ID and Client Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new TwitterClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New TwitterClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Twitter Developers Documentation. - -
- -

Console Applications

- The following example shows how to use the in Console Applications. - For desktop applications, the user will need to manually enter authorization code. - - class Program - { - static void Main(string[] args) - { - try - { - var twitter = new TwitterClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ); - - // open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(twitter.AuthorizationUrl); - - // waiting of entering the access code - string code = ""; - while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) - { - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:"); - code = Console.ReadLine(); - } - - Console.WriteLine(); - - // set authorization code - twitter.AuthorizationCode = code; - // get user info - var user = twitter.GetUserInfo(); - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId); - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName); - } - catch (Exception ex) - { - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); - } - Console.ReadKey(); - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Module Module1 - - Sub Main() - Try - Dim twitter As New TwitterClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ' open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(twitter.AuthorizationUrl) - - ' waiting of entering the access code - Dim code As String = "" - Do While String.IsNullOrEmpty(code) - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:") - code = Console.ReadLine() - Loop - - ' set authorization code - twitter.AuthorizationCode = code - - ' get user info - Dim user As UserInfo = twitter.GetUserInfo() - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - Catch ex As Exception - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) - End Try - Console.ReadKey() - End Sub - - End Module - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Twitter - Access code - User info -

ASP .NET WebForms

- In a web projects you can use the and . - The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new TwitterClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New TwitterClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkTwitter" runat="server" - Text="Log in with Twitter" onclick="lnkTwitter_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkTwitter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Twitter", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkTwitter_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkTwitter.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Twitter", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - - NOTE: Do not forget to adjust the Callback URL in the Twitter Application Settings. -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Represents base properties and method for OAuth 1.0 client. - - - For more details, please visit . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The address for the request token. - The address for login. - The address for the access token. - The application identifier. - The application secret key. - The name of hashing algorithm to calculate the signature: HMAC-SHA1 (default) or PLAINTEXT. - The is null or empty. - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request. - - For more details, please visit - - - - Gets signature for the current request. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - - - - Gets the request token from the remote server. - - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - - - Gets or sets the address for the request token. - - - - - Get the authorization parameters. - - - - - Gets the endpoint of the authorization. - - - - - Gets or sets the request token. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The API Key obtained from the Twitter Application Management. - The API Secret obtained from the Twitter Application Management. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - Unique provider name: Twitter. - - - - - OAuth client for LinkedIn. - - -

Register and Configure a LinkedIn Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open and sigin to the LinkedIn for Developers, and Add new app. - - In the application settings you can found Api Key and Secret Key. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new LinkedInClient - ( - "75vufylz829iim", - "VOf14z4T1jie4ezS" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New LinkedInClient _ - ( - "75vufylz829iim", - "VOf14z4T1jie4ezS" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit LinkedIn for Developers. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Api Key obtained from the LinkedIn Dashboard. - The Secret Key obtained from the LinkedIn Dashboard. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: LinkedIn. - - - - - OAuth client for SoundCloud. - - -

Register and Configure a SoundCloud Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the SoundCloud for Developers and Register a new app. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new SoundCloudClient - ( - "42b58d31e399664a3fb8503bfcaaa9ba", - "f9d85648da59fb95ec131b40c7645c31" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New SoundCloudClient _ - ( - "42b58d31e399664a3fb8503bfcaaa9ba", - "f9d85648da59fb95ec131b40c7645c31" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit SoundCloud for Developers. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the SoundCloud Applications. - The Client Secret obtained from the SoundCloud Applications. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: SoundCloud. - - - - - Implements a form parameter. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified parameter name and value. - - The parameter value. - The parameter name. - - - - Represents data mapping collection for API results. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - The data type. - The data format. For example: "dd.MM.yyyy" for dates, or: "00" for numerics, etc. - Custom parser of the data. - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - The data type. - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - The data type. - The data format. For example: "dd.MM.yyyy" for dates, or: "00" for numerics, etc. - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - Custom parser of the data. - - - - The list of url encding methods. - - - - - Without encoding. - - - - - for POST requests when a conetent-type is x-www-form-urlencoded. - And for other requests. - - - - - x-www-form-urlencoded (spaces encoded as plus (+) signs). - - - - - RFC 3986 (spaces encoded as %20). - - - - - OAuth client for CodeProject. - - -

Register and Configure a CodeProject Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - - Register a new client. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new CodeProjectClient - ( - "92mWWELc2DjcL-6tu7L1Py6yllleqSCt", - "YJXrk_Vzz4Ps02GqmaUY-aSLucxh4kfLq6oq0CtiukPfvbzb9yQG69NeDr2yiV9M" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New CodeProjectClient _ - ( - "92mWWELc2DjcL-6tu7L1Py6yllleqSCt", - "YJXrk_Vzz4Ps02GqmaUY-aSLucxh4kfLq6oq0CtiukPfvbzb9yQG69NeDr2yiV9M" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please see CodeProject API Documentation. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the CodeProject Web API Clients. - The Client Secret obtained from the CodeProject Web API Clients. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: CodeProject. - - - - - OAuth client for Microsoft Live. - - -

Register and Configure a Live Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Live Connect App Management and Create a New Application. - - Create a New Application - - Specify the application name, read terms of use and click the I accept. - - Create a New Application form - - Open the App Settings and add return URLs. You can't use localhost. - - Redirect URLs - - On the App Settings page, you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Cleint ID and Client Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new LiveClient - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New LiveClient _ - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit to the MSDN. - -
- - The following example shows how to add the Microsoft Live OAuth Client to ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new LiveClient - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New LiveClient _ - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The LiveLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult LiveLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function LiveLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Microsoft Live. - - public ActionResult LiveLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Live", Url.Action("LiveLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function LiveLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Live", Url.Action("LiveLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the LiveLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with Microsoft Live", "LiveLogin") - - Result shown in the images below. - Microsoft Live Sign in - User Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the Live Connect App Management. - The Client Secret obtained from the Live Connect App Management. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - In order to Microsoft Live returned the refresh_token, when receiving an access token, you must specify the scope wl.offline_access. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new LiveClient - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - { - Scope = "wl.offline_access" - } - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New LiveClient _ - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) With { .Scope = "wl.offline_access" } - ) - - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - Unique provider name: Live. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when HttpContext.Current is null (Nothing in Visual Basic). - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when you attempt to register the already registered client. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the provider. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the provider and client. - - - - Gets an error message. - - - - - OAuth client for Amazon. - - -

Register and Configure Amazon Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - You need to register as developer in the App Console. - - - Sign in to the App Console - - - In the App Console register new application. - - - Register new application - - - Specify one or more return URLs. Access to any other address will be denied. - - - NOTE: Amazon supports only addresses over HTTPS (excluding localhost). - - - For example: - - - http://localhost:59962/Home/ExternalLoginResult - http://localhost/ - - - - Allowed Return URLs - - Do not forget to save your changes. - Use application Client ID and Client Secret when creating an instance of the class. - - Allowed Return URLs - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new AmazonClient - ( - "amzn1.application-oa2-client.f0ffe4edc256488dae00dcaf96d75d1b", - "764dcefe49b441c8c6244c93e5d5d04de54fda6dfdc83da9693bf346f4dc4515" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New AmazonClient _ - ( - "amzn1.application-oa2-client.f0ffe4edc256488dae00dcaf96d75d1b", - "764dcefe49b441c8c6244c93e5d5d04de54fda6dfdc83da9693bf346f4dc4515" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please see Amazon Developer Documentation. - -
- - The following example shows how to add the Amazon OAuth Client to ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new AmazonClient - ( - "amzn1.application-oa2-client.f0ffe4edc256488dae00dcaf96d75d1b", - "764dcefe49b441c8c6244c93e5d5d04de54fda6dfdc83da9693bf346f4dc4515" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New AmazonClient _ - ( - "amzn1.application-oa2-client.f0ffe4edc256488dae00dcaf96d75d1b", - "764dcefe49b441c8c6244c93e5d5d04de54fda6dfdc83da9693bf346f4dc4515" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The ExternalLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult ExternalLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function ExternalLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Now you can easily redirect user to login page. - - // NOTE: use httpS scheme for real websites - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Amazon", Url.Action("ExternalLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - // for example, MVC redirection from Action: - // return Redirect(authUrl); - - - ' NOTE: use httpS scheme for real websites - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Amazon", Url.Action("ExternalLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - ' for example, MVC redirection from Action - ' Return Redirect(authUrl) - - Result shown in the images below. - Amazon Sign in - Amazon User Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The client ID obtained from the App Console. - The client secret obtained from the App Console. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - Unique provider name: Amazon. - - - - - Additional type for references. - - - - - Represents the signature of the request. This is a helper class to simplify debugging. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of hashing algorithm to calculate the signature: HMAC-SHA1 (default) or PLAINTEXT. - The secret key for encryption. - Base string of the signature. - - is not suppored. - - - - - Returns the of the current object. - - - - - Gets the secret key for encryption. - - - - - Gets the name of hashing algorithm to calculate the signature: HMAC-SHA1 or PLAINTEXT. - - - - - Get base string of the signature. - - - - - Gets the signature. - - - - - Implements a value of the HTTP paramter. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Returns an encoded string of the value. - - - - - Returns an encoded string of the value. - - - - - Returns a string that represents the current value. - - - - - Returns a byte array that represents the current value. - - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the array of the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Gets or sets value. - - - - - OAuth client for Dropbox. - - -

Register and Configure a Dropbox Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Dropbox App Console and Create app. - Choose the Dropbox API app type. - - In the application settings you can found App key and App secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new DropboxClient - ( - "0le6wsyp3y085wy", - "48afwq9yth83y7u" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New DropboxClient _ - ( - "0le6wsyp3y085wy", - "48afwq9yth83y7u" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Dropbox Platform Help. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The App key obtained from the Dropbox App Console. - The App secret obtained from the Dropbox App Console. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Sends a request to revoke the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be revoked. - - Provider does not support revoking the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Unique provider name: Dropbox. - - - - - Variants of the signature encryption. - - - - - HMAC-SHA1 - - - - - RSA-SHA1 - - - - - PLAINTEXT - - - - - Represents helper class for management of OAuth clients. - - - You can use this class to register clients in your project. - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - - - - - Initializes the . - - - - - The method is called when the interval elapsed. - - Instance of the object that raised the event. - The event data. - - - - Adds the specified request to the collection. - - The unique request key. - The client name. - The client instance. - - - - Removes the request from collection. - - The unique request key to remove.. - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The client instance. - is null or empty. - If you attempt to register the already registered client. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The client instance. - The any name of the client. For example: Test, Release, Project #1, Ku!, etc. - is null or empty. - If you attempt to register the already registered client. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Test", - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Test", - new FacebookClient - ( - "00000000000000", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Release", - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Release", - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Test", - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Test", - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "00000000000000", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Release", - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Release", - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. (the main method) - - The client instance. - The any name of the client. For example: Test, Release, Project #1, Ku!, etc. - is null or empty. - If you attempt to register the already registered client. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Test", - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Test", - new FacebookClient - ( - "00000000000000", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Release", - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Release", - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Test", - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Test", - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "00000000000000", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Release", - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Release", - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The provider name. - The application identifier obtained from the provider website. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - , or is null or empty. - Provider not found by . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "facebook" - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "facebook", - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The provider name. - The application identifier obtained from the provider website. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - List of scope that will be requested from the provider. Only for OAuth 2.0. - Additional parameters to be passed to the constructor of the client class. - Additional parameters that will be transferred to the provider website. - , or is null or empty. - Provider not found by . - The not suppored . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "facebook" - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "facebook", - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The provider name. And may also contain any client name for for division into groups. - The application identifier obtained from the provider website. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - Additional parameters to be passed to the constructor of the client class. - List of scope that will be requested from the provider. Only for OAuth 2.0. - Additional parameters that will be transferred to the provider website. - , or is null or empty. - Provider not found by . - The not suppored . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "facebook" - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "facebook", - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - - - You can register multiple clients to a single provider. - The following example shows how to do it. - - - var clientName = ClientName.Create("Debug", "Facebook"); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - clientName - "000000000000000000", - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" - ); - - clientName = ClientName.Create("Any name", "Facebook"); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - clientName - "111111111111111111", - "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" - ); - - - Dim name As ClientName = ClientName.Create("Debug", "Facebook") - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - name, - "000000000000000000", - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" - ) - - name As ClientName = ClientName.Create("Any name", "Facebook") - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - name, - "111111111111111111", - "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" - ) - - - - - - Checks registered provider with the specified name or not. - - The provider name or client name. - - - - Returns type of client by name. - - The provider name. - - - - Gets the list of all clients. - - - - - Gets the list of active requests. - - - - - Gets the list of registered clients. - - - - - OAuth client for Tumblr. - - -

Register and Configure a Tumblr Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Tumblr Dashboard, and Register an application. - - In the application settings you can found Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new TumblrClient - ( - "2EZbsj2oF8OAouPlDWSVnESetAchImzPLV4q0IcQH7DGKECuzJ", - "4WZ3HBDwNuz5ZDZY8qyK1qA5QFHEJY7gkPK6ooYFCN4yw6crKd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New TumblrClient _ - ( - "2EZbsj2oF8OAouPlDWSVnESetAchImzPLV4q0IcQH7DGKECuzJ", - "4WZ3HBDwNuz5ZDZY8qyK1qA5QFHEJY7gkPK6ooYFCN4yw6crKd" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Tumblr API Documentation. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Consumer Key obtained from the Tumblr Dashboard. - The Consumer Secret obtained from the Tumblr Dashboard. - - - - Gets an user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Tumblr. - - - - - OAuth client for SourceForge. - - -

Register a SourceForge Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Consumer ID and Consumer Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the SourceForge Authorized Applications and Register New Application. - - You can see Consumer Key and Consumer Secret, use this for creating an instance of the . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new SourceForgeClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New SourceForgeClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Allura API. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Consumer Key obtained from the SourceForge OAuth applications. - The Consumer Secret obtained from the SourceForge OAuth applications. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - Name of the user whose data should be obtained. - - - - Gets the request token from the remote server. - - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - - - Unique provider name: SourceForge. - - - - - OAuth client for Mail.Ru. - - - Mail.Ru is a popular email service, search engine, social network, photo & video hosting, blogs and another services in Russia and CIS. -

Register and Configure a Mail.Ru Site

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Unfortunately, the interface is only in Russian. - You must have a confirmed account in Mail.Ru. - Open Sites page and click Connect a New Site. - - Create a New Site button - - Accept the terms of the agreement. - - Terms - - Enter the site name, URL and click the Next button. - - Site name and URL - - Download the receiver.html file and place it in the root directory of your site. - This step can be skipped (Пропустить). - - receiver.html file - - The last step you will find the Client ID and Client Secret. - - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Cleint ID and Client Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new MailRuClient - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New MailRuClient _ - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit to the Mail.Ru API Documentation. - -
- -

Windows Forms

- The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Add a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new MailRuClient - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New MailRuClient _ - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Add a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Mail.Ru - Mail.Ru User Info -


- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new MailRuClient - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New MailRuClient _ - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The MailRuLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult MailRuLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function MailRuLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Mail.Ru. - - public ActionResult MailRuLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru", Url.Action("MailRuLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function MailRuLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru", Url.Action("MailRuLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the MailRuLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with Mail.Ru", "MailRuLogin") - - NOTE: For proper processing, you will need to download and put on your site a receiver.html file. -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID. - The Client Secret. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - The access token must contain the user ID in the parameter x_mailru_vid. - - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - Unique provider name: Mail.Ru. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - Implements a file to transfer in a HTTP request. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Content of the file. - Name of the file. - The name of the parameter. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the parameter. - The posted file. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Content of the file. - Name of the file. - The name of the parameter. - MIME type of the file. - - - - Gets or sets the filename. - - - - - Represents authorization results. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - The ID of the authorization request. - - - - - OAuth version. For example: 1.0, 2.0. - - - - - Provider and custom client name. - - - - - Provider name. For example: facebook, twitter, google. - - - - - The access token which is used to query the provider. - - - - - The user profile details that is returned from the provider. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the authorization is successful. - - - - - Gets error info when the authorization is not successful. - - - - - Gets the user ID that is returned from the provider. - - - - - Gets the username that is returned from the provider. - - - - - Gets the access token value. - - - - - Represents the access token exception. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified message. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - Represents the user profile info. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The data source. - The mapping rules. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The data source. - The mapping rules. - - - - Returns the or . - - - - - Gets or sets a collection containing the API request results. - - - - - Gets or sets the user ID. - - - - - Gets or sets the username. - - - - - Gets or sets the first name of the user. - - - - - Gets or sets the last name of the user. - - - - - Gets or sets the display name of the user. - - - - - Gets or sets user email address. - - - - - Gets or sets user phone. - - - - - Gets or sets user birthday. - - - - - Gets or sets user url. - - - - - Gets or sets user image url. - - - - - Gets or sets gender of the user. - - - - - Gets the first and last name. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when a user fails to login. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - OAuth client for Yahoo. - - -

Register and Configure a Yahoo Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Consumer ID and Consumer Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open Yahoo Developer Network and Create a Project. - - In the application settings you can found Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - Note that Yahoo! does not work with the localhost. Use only a real servers. Make sure that your application on the Yahoo! dashboard configured correctly. - Yahoo! has a pretty flimsy OAuth interface. If something is done or configured incorrectly, the work will be nothing. But in general, the client is tested and works. - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new YahooClient - ( - "dj0yJmk9Qm1vZ3p2TmtQUm4zJmQ9WVdrOU4wbGlkWGxJTkc4bWNHbzlNQS0tJnM9Y29uc3VtZXJzZWNyZXQmeD0xZQ--", - "a55738627652db0acfe464de2d9be13963b0ba1f" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New YahooClient _ - ( - "dj0yJmk9Qm1vZ3p2TmtQUm4zJmQ9WVdrOU4wbGlkWGxJTkc4bWNHbzlNQS0tJnM9Y29uc3VtZXJzZWNyZXQmeD0xZQ--", - "a55738627652db0acfe464de2d9be13963b0ba1f" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Yahoo Developer Network. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Consumer Key obtained from the Yahoo Developer Dashboard. - The Consumer Secret obtained from the Yahoo Developer Dashboard. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Access token must contain the user ID in the parameter xoauth_yahoo_guid. - - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - (!) - To update the access token, you must specify the return address that was used in obtaining the access token. - - - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - An exception occurs if there is no authorization code. - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - Callback address that was used in obtaining the access token. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - (!) - To update the access token, you must specify the return address that was used in obtaining the access token. - - - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - An exception occurs if there is no authorization code. - - - - Unique provider name: Yahoo. - - - - - OAuth client for VK (VKontakte). - - - VK (VKontakte) is "Russian Facebook". :-) -

Register and Configure a VKontakte Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the VK App development and click Create an Application. - - Create an Application button - - Specify the application name and type, and click the Connect Application. - - Creating an application - - Confirm by SMS. - - Confirmation - - - In the Application Settings you can found Application ID and Secure key, this is Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - NOTE: Change application status to Application ON and visible to all. - - Application settings - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new VkontakteClient - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New VkontakteClient _ - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ) - - For web projects, enable Open API, set Site address and configure Base domain in the Open API section. - - Base domains - - - For more details, please see VK App development. - -
- -

Windows Forms

- The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Insert a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // vk(ontakte) client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new VkontakteClient - ( - // application id - "4457505", - // secure secret - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - { - // display=popup - to open a popup window - Parameters = new NameValueCollection { { "display", "popup" } } - } - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' vk(ontakte) client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New VkontakteClient _ - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) With _ - { - .Parameters = New NameValueCollection() From {{"display", "popup"}} - } - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Add a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("vk")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("vk")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with VK(ontakte) - VK User Info -


- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new VkontakteClient - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New VkontakteClient _ - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The VkontakteLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult VkontakteLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function VkontakteLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Vkontakte. - - public ActionResult VkontakteLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("vk", Url.Action("VkontakteLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function VkontakteLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("vk", Url.Action("VkontakteLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the VkontakteLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with VK(ontakte)", "VkontakteLogin") - -

ASP .NET WebForms

- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new VkontakteClient - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New VkontakteClient _ - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkVkontakte" runat="server" - Text="Log in with VK(ontakte)" onclick="lnkVkontakte_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkVkontakte_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("vk", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkVkontakte_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkVkontakte.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("vk", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Application ID obtained from the VK App development. - The Secure Key obtained from the VK App development. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: VK. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - Represents the request token results. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The request result. - The address of the authorization. - The query parameters. Will be used in the formation of the authorization address. - - - - Returns the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Gets the OAuth token. - - - - - Gets the token secret. - - - - - The parameter is used to differentiate from previous versions of the protocol. - - - - - Gets the address of the authorization. - - - - - Collection of HTTP parameters. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The collection of parameters. - - If the parameter has a value of null (Nothing for VB), it will not be added to the collection. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The body of a request. - - If the parameter has a value of null (Nothing for VB), it will not be added to the collection. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The body of a request. - - If the parameter has a value of null (Nothing for VB), it will not be added to the collection. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The array of parameters. - - If the parameter has a value of null (Nothing for VB), it will not be added to the collection. - - - - - Adds a parameter to the end of the collection. - - The parameter to be added to the collection. - - - - Adds a parameter to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The parameter value. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of the parameter. - The parameter value. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of the parameter. - The value of the parameter. - The type of the parameter. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The posted file. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The posted file. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The name of the file. - The Content-Type of the file. - The content of the file. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The name of the file. - The content of the file. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The name of the file. - The Content-Type of the file. - The file stream. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The name of the file. - The file stream. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The content of the request. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The content of the request. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The content of the request. - - - - Adds the items of the specified collection to the end of the current instance of the . - - The collection whose items should be added to the end of the current instance of the . - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The parameter value. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The parameter value. - - - - Adds file as content to the end of the collection. - - The posted file. - - - - Adds content to the end of the collection. - - The Content-Type of the . - The content value. - - - - Inserts an element into the instance of the at the specified index. - - The zero-based index at which item should be inserted. - The to insert. - - - - Inserts the elements of a collection into the instance of the at the specified index. - - The zero-based index at which the new elements should be inserted. - The collection whose elements should be inserted into the instance of the . - - - - Removes the first occurrence of a specific parameter from the . - - The parameter to remove from the . - - true if is successfully removed; otherwise, false. - This method also returns false if was not found in the . - - - - - Removes all the elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate. - - The delegate that defines the conditions of the elements to remove. - The number of elements removed from the . - - - - Removes the element at the specified index of the . - - The zero-based index of the element to remove. - - - - Removes a range of elements from the . - - The zero-based starting index of the range of elements to remove. - The number of elements to remove. - - - - Removes all elements from the . - - - - - Updates status of the collection. - - - - - Checks parameters types. - - The type for checking. - - - - Returns a string query parameters encoded by default method (). - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified separator. - - The separator of query parameters. For example: & - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified separator and encoding parameters. - - The separator of query parameters. - The type of the encoder. - The types of parameters to be used. - - - - Copies elements of the to a new instance. - - The true value included into the results only the parameters. The default value is false - all parameters. - - - - Gets a body for the request. - - - - - Writes the parameters to the request. - - The instance of the request. - - - - Writes a file to the request. - - The name of the parameter. - The filename. - The Content-Type of the file. - The content of the file. - The output stream instance. - - - - Writes a form-data parameter to the request. - - The name of the parameter. - The value of the parameter. - The output stream instance. - - - - Writes any parameter to the request. - - The Content-Type of the . - The content value. - The instance of the output stream. - - - - The assignment operator for array of the . - - The array that will be used as the . - New instance of the . - - - - The assignment operator for the . - - The collection that will be used as the . - New instance of the . - - - - The assignment operator for the byte array. - - The byte array of the request body. - New instance of the . - - - - The assignment operator for the . - - The instance of the of the request body. - New instance of the . - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current collection has a files. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current collection has a . - - - - - Gets a boundary for a request. - - - - - Gets or sets code page for parameters encoding. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when adding a to the and collection has one a . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - OAuth client for Assembla. - - -

Register and Configure an Assembla Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - - Register a new OAuth application. - - In the application settings you can found Application ID and Application Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new AssemblaClient - ( - "bOS4QkXnmr5jhdacwqjQXA", - "701ee6dedf74fc4ad75bfa7476666a2f" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New AssemblaClient _ - ( - "bOS4QkXnmr5jhdacwqjQXA", - "701ee6dedf74fc4ad75bfa7476666a2f" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Assembla API Documentation Site. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Application ID obtained from the Assembla Applications Manager. - The Application Secret obtained from the Assembla Applications Manager. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Assembla. - - - - - The for . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Returns a collection of property descriptors for the object represented by this type descriptor. - - - - - The properties collection. - - - - - Implements a request body. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Represents a method that is called for parsing item of the API data. - - The instance to parse. - - - - References a method to be called when a corresponding asynchronous web request completes. - - The result of the asynchronous web request. - - - - Represents data mapping item for API results. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Gets or sets the key name in the data source. - - - - - Gets or set the property name in the destination object. - - - - - Gets or sets the data type of the property in the destination object. - - - - - Gets or sets the data format. - - - - - Gets or sets a custom parser of the data. - - - - - Represents the request item to OAuth server. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The instance of the OAuth client. - The client name. - - - - Gets name of the client. - - - - - Gets instance of the OAuth client. - - - - - Gets date and time creation of the request. - - - - - Represents a HTTP authorization header. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with specific authorization type and value. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class from specific source. - - - - - Removes the value with the specified key from the . - - The key of the element to remove. - - true if the element is successfully found and removed; otherwise, false. - This method returns false if key is not found in the or is not collection. - - - - - Returns OAuth string of the current object for Authorization header. - - - - - Invoked before sending a web request. - - HTTP Method of the request: POST, PUT, GET or DELETE. - URL of the web request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - >Parameters of the web request. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Gets or sets authorization method. - - - - - Gets or sets parameters of the authorization. - - - - - Authorization parameters. - - - - - Sorted authorization parameters. - - - - - Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key. - - The key of the value to get or set. - - - - The list of access token types. - - - - - Bearer - - - - - OAuth - - - - - Represents the name of the client. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The provider name. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The client name. Any string. - The provider name. - - - - Returns a new instance with a specified . - - - - - Returns a new instance with a specified and . - - - - - Converts a specified string to . - - The string to parse. - - - - Encodes a string. - - The string to encode. - - - - Decodes a string. - - The string to decode. - - - - Escapes a special characters in a string. - - The string to escape. - - - - Converts any escaped characters in the input string. - - The input string containing the value to convert. - - - - Returns a string that represents the current . - - - - - Determines whether two object instances are equal. - - The object to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified object is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Determines whether two object instances are equal. - - The instance of to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified instance is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Serves as a hash function for a particular type. - - A hash code for the current . - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Indicate whether two are not equal. - - The first instance. - The second instance. - - - - Indicate whether two are equal. - - The first instance. - The second instance. - - - - Gets the client name. - - - - - Gets the provider name. - - - - - Gets a md5 hash code for the current instance of the . - - - - - Represents the collection of the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the with a specified reference to parent. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the by other an instance of the . - - - - - Adds the specified key and value to the collection. - - The key of the element to add. - The value of the element to add. - - - - Determines whether the collection contains the specified key. - - The key to locate in the collection. - is null. - - - - Removes the value with the specified key from the collection. - - The key of the element to remove. - - true if the element is successfully found and removed; otherwise, false. - - - - - Returns a string that represents the current . - - - - - Determines whether two object instances are equal. - - The object to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified object is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Returns a string that represents the specified item of the . - - The item to converted. - - - - Returns a string that represents the specified instance. - - The value to converted. - - - - Adds the specified item to the . - - The item to add. - - - - Removes all items from the collection. - - - - - Determines whether the collection contains a specific value. - - The object to locate in the collection. - - - - Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the collection. - - The object to remove from the collection. - - - - Gets the value associated with the specified key. - - The key whose value to get. - When this method returns, the value associated with the specified key, if the key is found; otherwise, the . - - - - [Is not implemented] Copies the elements of the collection to an , starting at a particular index. - - The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from collection. The must have zero-based indexing. - The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. - - - - Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. - - - - - Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Returns instance from . - - The value from which will be returned the . - - - - Gets or sets items of the collection. - - - - - The reference to parent. - - - - - Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key. - - The key of the value to get or set. - - - - Gets or sets the element at the specified index. - - The zero-based index of the element to get or set. - - - - Gets a collection containing the keys in the collection. - - - - - Gets a collection containing the values in the collection. - - - - - Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. - - - - - Gets a collection containing the keys in the collection. - - - - - Gets a collection containing the values in the collection. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. Always false. - - - - - Represents property description of a class. - - - - - The data reader. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Returns whether resetting an object changes its value. - - The component to test for reset capability. - - - - Gets the current value of the property on a component. - - The component with the property for which to retrieve the value. - - - - Resets the value for this property of the component to the default value. - - The component with the property value that is to be reset to the default value. - - - - Sets the value of the component to a different value. - - The component with the property value that is to be set. - The new value. - - - - Determines a value indicating whether the value of this property needs to be persisted. - - The component with the property to be examined for persistence. - - - - Gets a value indicating whether this property is read-only. - - - - - Gets the type of the property. - - - - - Gets the type of the component this property is bound to. - - - - - Represents helper class for sessions management of OAuth. - - - Mainly the class is intended for web projects. - But you can use some methods of the class in desktop applications together with the WebBrowser control. - - The methods , - , - and - - will not work in desktop applications. - - - -

ASP .NET WebForms

- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To redirect the user to the login page is used the method. - Processing of the authorization results is performed by . - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new TwitterClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New TwitterClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkTwitter" runat="server" - Text="Log in with Twitter" onclick="lnkTwitter_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkTwitter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Twitter", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkTwitter_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkTwitter.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Twitter", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - -

Windows Forms

- The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - Methods redirection in Windows Forms applications do not work. To get the address of the authorization is used. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Add a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new MailRuClient - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New MailRuClient _ - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Add a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - -
- - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider with specified parameters. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization query. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider, query parameters and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization query. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider, query parameters and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization query. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider with specified parameters. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization URL. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider, query parameters and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization URL. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider, query parameters and return URL. - - - The provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user; or the name of the registered client. - - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization URL. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the current URL. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use the overloads or . - - - Returns the verification results. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the specified URL. - - Address at which to perform the verification. - - Returns the verification results. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the specified request identifier and the code of the authorization. - - Request identifier. - The authorization code received from the provider server. - - Returns the verification results. - - - This method is intended for internal use. It is recommended to use the overload or . - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the current URL and removes the request from memory. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use the overloads or . - - - Returns the verification results. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the specified URL, and removes the request from memory. - - Address at which to perform the verification. - - Returns the verification results. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the specified request identifier and the code of the authorization, and removes the request from memory. - - Request identifier. - The authorization code received from the provider server. - - Returns the verification results. - - - This method is intended for internal use. It is recommended to use the overload or . - - - - - OAuth client for Odnoklassniki. - - - Odnoklassniki is a social network service for classmates and old friends. It is popular in Russia and CIS. -

Register and Configure a Odnoklassniki Site

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open My Games page and click My Uploaded Games. - - My Games in the footer menu - - - My Uploaded Games - - Click Add App. - - Add App button - - Enter the Title, Shortname, Description, Image link and App link. Select Application type (External type) and Permission. - - - (!) - - It is important to provide a link to the application (App link).
- You must use this link as the return URL. Even for desktop applications.
- You can use localhost for desktop applications.
- It is important to specify the type of application: External. -
- - App form - - In your email box you will find email message with the Client ID, Client Secret and Public key. - - Email message - - - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new OdnoklassnikiClient - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New OdnoklassnikiClient _ - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit to the Odnoklassniki API Documentation. - -
- -

Windows Forms

- The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Add a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // odnoklassniki client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new OdnoklassnikiClient - ( - // application ID - "1094959360", - // sectet key - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - // public key - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) { ReturnUrl = "http://localhost" } // return url - it's important - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' odnoklassniki client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New OdnoklassnikiClient _ - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) With { .ReturnUrl = "http://localhost" } - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Add a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Odnoklassniki")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Odnoklassniki")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - -


- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new OdnoklassnikiClient - ( - // application ID - "1094959360", - // sectet key - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - // public key - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New OdnoklassnikiClient _ - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The OdnoklassnikiLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult OdnoklassnikiLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function OdnoklassnikiLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Odnoklassniki. - - public ActionResult OdnoklassnikiLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Odnoklassniki", Url.Action("OdnoklassnikiLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function OdnoklassnikiLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Odnoklassniki", Url.Action("OdnoklassnikiLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the OdnoklassnikiLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with Odnoklassniki", "OdnoklassnikiLogin") - -

ASP .NET WebForms

- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new OdnoklassnikiClient - ( - // application ID - "1094959360", - // sectet key - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - // public key - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New OdnoklassnikiClient _ - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Email: {0}", user.Email)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Email: {0}", user.Email)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkOdnoklassniki" runat="server" - Text="Log in with Odnoklassniki" onclick="lnkOdnoklassniki_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkOdnoklassniki_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Odnoklassniki", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkOdnoklassniki_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkOdnoklassniki.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Odnoklassniki", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID. - The Client Secret. - The Public Key. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Odnoklassniki. - - - - - Public Key for access to API. - - - - - The list of the types a HTTP parameters. - - - - - Unformed parameter. - - - - - Parameter of the query string. - - - - - Parameter of the form. - - - - - File. - - - - - Body of the request. - - - - - OAuth client for Instagram. - - -

Register and Configure a Instagram Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Register as Developer and Register new Client ID. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Key. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new InstagramClient - ( - "215a1941ebed4e4fa74e94dd84762836", - "ba53a710e1624870bc066e7a9ae38601" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New InstagramClient _ - ( - "215a1941ebed4e4fa74e94dd84762836", - "ba53a710e1624870bc066e7a9ae38601" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Instagram Developer Documentation. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the Instagram Manage Clients. - The Client Secret obtained from the Instagram Manage Clients. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Instagram. - - - - - OAuth client for Yandex. - - - Yandex is a popular search engine in Russia and CIS. -

Register and Configure a Yandex Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the register new application page, fill out the form and click Save. - NOTE: Russian language is available on the - Specify the application name and set permissions. - - To access a users profile, select Yandex.Username: Date of birth; Email address; User name, surname and gender. - This minimum permissions that are required to work. - - For web project, set a Callback URI. - NOTE: For desktop applications set Callback URI to - - Register new application - - - In the next step you will see an Application ID and Application password, this is Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Client ID and Client Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new YandexClient - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New YandexClient _ - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Yandex OAuth Documentation. - -
- -

Console Applications

- The following example shows how to use the in Console Applications. - For desktop applications, the user will need to manually enter authorization code. - - class Program - { - static void Main(string[] args) - { - try - { - var yandex = new YandexClient - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ); - - // open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(yandex.AuthorizationUrl); - - // waiting of entering the access code - string code = ""; - while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) - { - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:"); - code = Console.ReadLine(); - } - - Console.WriteLine(); - - // set authorization code - yandex.AuthorizationCode = code; - // get user info - var user = yandex.GetUserInfo(); - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId); - Console.WriteLine("E-Mail: {0}", user.Email); - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName); - Console.WriteLine("Birthday: {0}", user.Birthday); - Console.WriteLine("Sex: {0}", user.Sex); - } - catch (Exception ex) - { - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); - } - Console.ReadKey(); - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Module Module1 - - Sub Main() - Try - Dim yandex As New YandexClient _ - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ' open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(yandex.AuthorizationUrl) - - ' waiting of entering the access code - Dim code As String = "" - Do While String.IsNullOrEmpty(code) - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:") - code = Console.ReadLine() - Loop - - ' set authorization code - yandex.AuthorizationCode = code - - ' get user info - Dim user As UserInfo = yandex.GetUserInfo() - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - Console.WriteLine("E-Mail: {0}", user.Email) - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - Console.WriteLine("Birthday: {0}", user.Birthday) - Console.WriteLine("Sex: {0}", user.Sex) - Catch ex As Exception - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) - End Try - Console.ReadKey() - End Sub - - End Module - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Yandex - Access code - User info -

ASP .NET WebForms

- In a web projects you can use the and . - The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new YandexClient - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New YandexClient _ - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("E-Mail: {0}<br />", user.Email)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("E-Mail: {0}<br />", user.Email)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkYandex" runat="server" - Text="Log in with Yandex" onclick="lnkYandex_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkYandex_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Yandex", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkYandex_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkYandex.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Yandex", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - - NOTE: Do not forget to adjust the Callback URI in the Yandex Application Settings. -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Application ID. - The Application Password. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - Unique provider name: Yandex. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - Represents authorization parameters for OAuth 1.0. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with specific value. - - - - - Updates the nonce and the timestamp. - - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request (OAuth 1.0). - - For more details, please visit - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request (OAuth 1.0). - - For more details, please visit - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Sets signature. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - - - - Sets signature. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - - - - Sets signature. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The query parameters. - - - - Sets signature. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The query parameters. - - - - Gets or sets the consumer key. - - - - - Gets or sets the consumer secret. - - - - - Gets or sets the token. - - - - - Gets or sets the secret token. - - - - - Gets or sets the signature method. - - - - - Gets or sets the nonce. - - - - - Gets or sets the timestamp. - - - - - Gets or sets the version of the OAuth. - - - - - Gets or sets the signature. - - - - - Gets or sets the callback address. - - - - - Gets or sets the verifier code. - - - - - Represents the authorization grant type. - - - - - Using an authorization code to confirm the identity (grant type is authorization_code). - - - - - Using username and password (grant type is password). - - - - - Using basic authorization with username and password (grant type is client_credentials). - - - - - Using a token to refreshing the access token (grant type is refresh_token). - - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified . - - The value of grant type. - - - - Returns a string that represents the current . - - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Gets or sets the value. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current value is authorization_code or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current value is password or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current value is client_credentials or not. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when has more than one . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - The exception that is thrown when a resource owner or authorization server denied the request. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - Represents the error results of the query. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The request results. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current request result is successful or not. - - Always has the value false. - - - - OAuth client for Facebook. - - -

Register and Configure a Facebook Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - You need to register as developer. - - Open the Facebook Developers and Create a New App. - - Create new application menu - - Specify the application name and click the Create App. - - Create new application form - - - In the application dashboard you can found App ID and App Secret, this is Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - App ID and App Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - You can use the App ID and App Secret for desktop, mobile and web projects. -

The application availability

- - To manage the status of the application, you must provide contact information. - - - Enter a contact email on the Settings page. - - - Contact Email - - - And now, you can change availability status of the application on the Status & Review page. - - - Make App Public - -

Configure application for web projects

- For web projects, configure return URLs. - - Open the application Settings and click Advanced tab. - - - Advanced tab - - - You must add the return URLs to the Valid OAuth redirect URIs field of the Security section. - - Do not forget to save your changes. - NOTE: If the application will be used for web and desktop, then also add URL: - NOTE: Enable Client OAuth Login if it's disabled. - - Valid OAuth redirect URIs - - - For more details, please see Facebook Developer Documentation. - -
- - The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Insert a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // facebook client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - // app id - "1435890426686808", - // app secret - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - { - // display=popup - to open a popup window - Parameters = new NameValueCollection { { "display", "popup" } } - } - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' facebook client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) With _ - { - .Parameters = New NameValueCollection() From {{"display", "popup"}} - } - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Insert a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Facebook - Facebook User Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The App ID obtained from the Facebook Developers. - The App Secret obtained from the Facebook Developers. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - For more details, please see User method in Guide of Facebook Graph API. - - - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Sends a request to revoke the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be revoked. - - Provider does not support revoking the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Unique provider name: Facebook. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - OAuth client for GitHub. - - -

Register and Configure a GitHub Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - - Register a new OAuth application. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GitHubClient - ( - "e14122695d88f5c95bce", - "cde23ec001c5180e01e865f4efb57cb0bc848c16" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GitHubClient _ - ( - "e14122695d88f5c95bce", - "cde23ec001c5180e01e865f4efb57cb0bc848c16" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please see GitHub Development Guides. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the GitHub Applications. - The Client Secret obtained from the GitHub Applications. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: GitHub. - - - - - Provides helpers methods for OAuth. - - - - - Unreserved characters for the method. - - - - - - - - This is main helper class. - - - - - Percent encoding. - - The text to encode. - The object that specifies the encoding scheme. - - For more details, please see: - - - - - - - - - Percent encoding. - - The text to encode. - - - - Encodes a URL string using the specified encoding object. - - The text to encode. - The type of the encoder. - - - - Encodes a URL string using the specified encoding object. - - The text to encode. - The object that specifies the encoding scheme. - The type of the encoder. - - - - Encodes a string into JavaScript string. - - The string to encode. - - - - Generate timestamp for a signature (only for OAuth 1.0). - - - - The timestamp value MUST be a positive integer. Unless otherwise - specified by the server's documentation, the timestamp is expressed - in the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. - - For more details, please see: - - - - - Generate random key. - - - - - Compute MD5 hash. - - Value that must be processed. - - - - Converts the string value to its equivalent string representation that is encoded with base-64 digits. - - A composite format string for encoding to Base64. - An object array that contains zero or more objects to format. - The string representation, in base 64. - - - - Performs a request using a GET method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs a request using a POST method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for web request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs a request using a PUT method. - - URL to which will be sent to the request. - Parameters to be passed to the request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for the request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs a request using a DELETE method. - - URL to which will be sent to the request. - Parameters to be passed to the request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for the request. - Access token to be used in the request. - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs a request. - - HTTP Method: POST (default), PUT, GET or DELETE. - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for web request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Reads results of the web request to the string. - - instance. - - - - Performs an async request using a GET method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs an async request using a POST method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs an async request using a PUT method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs an async request using a DELETE method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs an async request. - - HTTP Method: POST (default), PUT, GET or DELETE. - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async web request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Gets the value of the specified , if the is a . - - Source of data. - The key is to be obtained. - - - - Returns a string containing a number. - - The value for processing. - - - - Gets signature for the current request. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - The authorization parameters. - - - - Gets signature for the current request. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - The authorization parameters. - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request (OAuth 1.0). - - For more details, please visit - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request (OAuth 1.0). - - For more details, please visit - - - - Very sexy list. - - - - - No sex. - - :o) - - - - Male. - - - - - Female. - - - - - Programmer. - - - - - Deep Thought. - - - - - The list of authorization type. - - - - - Basic - - - - - Bearer - - - - - Digest - - - - - OAuth - - - - - OAuth client for Foursquare. - - -

Register and Configure a Foursquare Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Foursquare App and Create app. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FoursquareClient - ( - "LHYZN1KUXN50L141QCQFNNVOYBGUE3G3FCWFZ3EEZTOZHY5Q", - "HWXYFLLSS2IUQ0H4XNCDAZEFZKIU3MZRP5G55TNBDHRPNOQT" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FoursquareClient _ - ( - "LHYZN1KUXN50L141QCQFNNVOYBGUE3G3FCWFZ3EEZTOZHY5Q", - "HWXYFLLSS2IUQ0H4XNCDAZEFZKIU3MZRP5G55TNBDHRPNOQT" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Foursquare for Developers. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the Foursquare Apps. - The Client Secret obtained from the Foursquare Apps. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Foursquare. - - -
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a/bin/net45/Nemiro.OAuth.XML +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9540 +0,0 @@ - - - - Nemiro.OAuth - - - -

- Represents base properties and method for access token results. - - - - - Represents the base class for results of remote requests. - - - - - The universal type that represents a value. - - - represents any type of data. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the with a specified value. - - The value. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the with a specified value and attributes. - - The value. - The collection of an attributes. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the with a specified value and reference to parent. - - The value. - The instance of the . - - - - Initializes a new instance of the with a specified value, attributes and reference to parent. - - The value. - The collection of an attributes. - The instance of the . - - - - Copies items of the to a new Dictionary<string, object>. - - - A Dictionary<string, object> containing copies of the elements of the . - A null value, if the property is false or the is empty. - - - - - Copies items of the to a new . - - - A containing copies of the elements of the . - A null value, if the property is false or the is empty. - - - - - Returns a array that represents the current . - - - A array containing the current . - A null value, if the property and is false or the is empty. - - - - - Determines whether the contains the specified key. - - The key to locate in the . - true if the is not null and contains an element with the specified ; otherwise, false. - is null. - - - - Determines whether the contains the specified key. - - The key to locate in the . - true if the is not null and contains an element with the specified ; otherwise, false. - - - - Adds the specified key and value to the . - - The key of the element to add. - The value of the element to add. - - Returns the added element. - - - - If the current is not a collection ( is false), it will automatically be converted to the collection. - If the current is not empty, then it will be assigned a key ____ in a new collection. - - - - - - Adds the specified key and value to the . - - The key of the element to add. - The value of the element to add. - The reference to parent of the elemet to add. - - Returns the added element. - - - - If the current is not a collection ( is false), it will automatically be converted to the collection. - If the current is not empty, then it will be assigned a key ____ in a new collection. - - - - - - Removes the value with the specified key from the . - - The key of the element to remove. - - true if the element is successfully found and removed; otherwise, false. - This method returns false if key is not found in the or is not collection ( is false). - - - - - Parses the and converts to . - - The reference to the collection, which will be placed the result of parsing . - The for parsing. - The reference to parent. - - - - Returns the of the specified attribute. - - The name of the attribute whose value you want to get. - - - - Returns parent for new instance of . - - - - - Initializes a new instance. - - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified . - - The value. - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified and . - - The value. - The collection of an attributes. - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified and reference to . - - The value. - The instance of the . - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified , and reference to . - - The value. - The instance of the . - The collection of an attributes. - - - - Initializes an empty instance with a specified and reference to . - - The collection of an attributes. - The instance of the . - - - - Converts the specified JSON string to an . - - A string containing a JSON data to parse. - A new instance. - is null. - The length exceeds the value of . - The recursion limit defined by was exceeded. - contains an unexpected character sequence. - is a dictionary type and a non-string key value was encountered. - includes member definitions that are not available on the target type. - It is not possible to convert to the target type. - - - - Converts the specified XML string to an . - - A string containing a XML data to parse. - A new instance. - is null. - - - - Converts the specified parameters string to an . - - A string containing an url parameters to parse. - A new instance. - contains an CR or LF characters. - - If is null or empty, the function returns an instance. - - - - - Converts the specified JSON string to an . A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded. - - A string containing a JSON data to parse. - If successful, this parameter takes the result of parsing data. - true if s was converted successfully; otherwise, false. - - - - Converts the specified XML string to an . A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded. - - A string containing a XML data to parse. - If successful, this parameter takes the result of parsing data. - true if s was converted successfully; otherwise, false. - - - - Converts the specified url parameters string to an . A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded. - - A string containing an url parameters to parse. - If successful, this parameter takes the result of parsing data. - true if s was converted successfully; otherwise, false. - - - - Indicates whether the specified value is null or an . - - The instance to test. - true if the parameter is null or is false; otherwise, false. - - - - Gets the underlying type code of the . - - - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent value using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A value equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - - - Converts the value this instance to an equivalent 8-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 8-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent Unicode character using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A Unicode character equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A instance equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent number using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A number equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent double-precision floating-point number using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A double-precision floating-point number equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 16-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 16-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 32-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 32-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 64-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 64-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 8-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 8-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent single-precision floating-point number using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A single-precision floating-point number equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A instance equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an of the specified that has an equivalent value, using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - The to which the value of this instance is converted. - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An instance of type whose value is equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 16-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 32-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 32-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 64-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 64-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. - - A new object that is a copy of this instance. - - - - Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. - - An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. - - - - Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. - - An System.Collections.IEnumerator<UniValue> object that can be used to iterate through the collection. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Serves as a hash function for a particular type. - - A hash code for the current . - - - - Returns a string that represents the current . - - - - - Determines whether two object instances are equal. - - The object to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified object is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Determines whether two instances are equal. - - The to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Determines whether this instance and another specified object have the same value. - - The string to compare to this instance of the . - true if the value of the parameter is the same as this instance; otherwise, false. - - - - Determines whether this string and a specified object have the same value. A parameter specifies the culture, case, and sort rules used in the comparison. - - The string to compare to this instance. - One of the enumeration values that specifies how the strings will be compared. - true if the value of the parameter is the same as this instance; otherwise, false. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a Dictionary<string, object>. - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an array. - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an array. - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a array. - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from Dictionary<string, object>. - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from array. - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from array. - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Indicate whether two are not equal. - - The first instance. - The second instance. - - - - Indicate whether two are equal. - - The first instance. - The second instance. - - - - Indicate whether and are not equal. - - The instance. - The string. - - - - Indicate whether and are equal. - - The instance. - The string. - - - - Returns an that can be bound to a data source from an object that does not implement an itself. - - - - - Returns a collection of custom attributes for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the class name of this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the name of this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns a type converter for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the default event for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the default property for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns an editor of the specified type for this instance of a component. - - A that represents the editor for this object. - - - - Returns the events for this instance of a component using the specified attribute array as a filter. - - An array of type that is used as a filter. - - - - Returns the events for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the properties for this instance of a component using the attribute array as a filter. - - An array of type that is used as a filter. - - - - Returns the properties for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns an object that contains the property described by the specified property descriptor. - - A that represents the property whose owner is to be found. - - - - Gets or sets the value. - - - - - Gets a collection of string keys and values of the current . - - - Has a null value, if the property is false. - - - - - Gets or sets an attributes of the XML item (only for XML). - - - - - Gets the value associated with the specified key of the . - - The key of the value to get. - - - - Gets the value associated with the specified index of the . - - The index of the value to get. - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to array. - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to numeric type. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current object has a value. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current object has an attributes (only for xml data type). - - - - - Gets the number of elements actually contained in the . - - - - - Gets or sets the key for the current item, if the current item included into the collection. - - - Assigned automatically when parsing data of JSON, XML or query string. - root for root elements. - value for . - ____ for new collections created by the developer manually. - - - - - The parent of the current item, if the current item included into the collection. - - - - - Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is array. - - - This affects the representation of the object as a string. For arrays in a JSON is not use the . - - - - - Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the type is unreferenced. - - - - - Represents the empty . - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the collection is a collection of objects. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The request results. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The content type of the response. - The source of the response. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The content type of the response. - The source of the response. - The HTTP headers of the response. - The HTTP status code of the response. - - - - Parses the source to the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Gets or sets the HTTP status code of the output returned to the client. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current request result is successful or not. - - - Successful result - is a response code from 200 to 299. - - - - - Gets or sets the content type of the response. - - - - - Gets or sets the http headers of the response. - - - - - Gets the Content-Disposition header of the response. - - - - - Gets the file name, if is file. - - - - - Gets or sets the source of the response. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is file or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the is empty or not. - - - - - Gets or sets the processed result of the response. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is XML or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is array or not. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Result of request to the OAuth server. - - - - Returns the . - - - - - Converts the specified string to an . - - A string containing an access token to parse. - A new instance. - - - - Converts the specified string to an . - - Type Inherited from the that should be returned. - A string containing an access token to parse. - A new instance. - - - - Indicates whether the specified value is null or an . - - The instance to test. - true if the parameter is null or is false; otherwise, false. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - The access token issued by the authorization server. - - - - - Represents the empty . - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the is empty or not. - - - - - Represents authorization results. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - The ID of the authorization request. - - - - - OAuth version. For example: 1.0, 2.0. - - - - - Provider and custom client name. - - - - - Provider name. For example: facebook, twitter, google. - - - - - The access token which is used to query the provider. - - - - - The user profile details that is returned from the provider. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the authorization is successful. - - - - - Gets error info when the authorization is not successful. - - - - - Gets the user ID that is returned from the provider. - - - - - Gets the username that is returned from the provider. - - - - - Gets the access token value. - - - - - Represents the name of the client. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The provider name. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The client name. Any string. - The provider name. - - - - Returns a new instance with a specified . - - - - - Returns a new instance with a specified and . - - - - - Converts a specified string to . - - The string to parse. - - - - Encodes a string. - - The string to encode. - - - - Decodes a string. - - The string to decode. - - - - Escapes a special characters in a string. - - The string to escape. - - - - Converts any escaped characters in the input string. - - The input string containing the value to convert. - - - - Returns a string that represents the current . - - - - - Determines whether two object instances are equal. - - The object to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified object is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Determines whether two object instances are equal. - - The instance of to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified instance is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Serves as a hash function for a particular type. - - A hash code for the current . - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Indicate whether two are not equal. - - The first instance. - The second instance. - - - - Indicate whether two are equal. - - The first instance. - The second instance. - - - - Gets the client name. - - - - - Gets the provider name. - - - - - Gets a md5 hash code for the current instance of the . - - - - - OAuth client for Google. - - -

Register and Configure a Google Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Google Developers Console and Create Project. - - Create new project button - - Enter the project name and click the Create. - - Create new project form - - - Click to the Credential menu in the APIs & OAuth. - - - Credential menu - - - For desktop application, click the Create new Client ID, select Installed application and Other. - - - Click the Create Client ID to complete. - - - Create new Client ID for desktop application - - - You will get the Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Create new Client ID for desktop application - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ) - - For web projects create another Client ID. In the form select the Web application and specify return addresses. - - Create new Client ID for web application - - - For more details, please visit Google Developers Console Help. - -
- - The following example shows how to use the in Console Applications. - For desktop applications, the user will need to manually enter authorization code. - - class Program - { - static void Main(string[] args) - { - try - { - var google = new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ); - - // open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(google.AuthorizationUrl); - - // waiting of entering the access code - string code = ""; - while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) - { - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:"); - code = Console.ReadLine(); - } - - Console.WriteLine(); - - // set authorization code - google.AuthorizationCode = code; - // get user info - var user = google.GetUserInfo(); - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId); - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName); - Console.WriteLine("Email: {0}", user.Email); - } - catch (Exception ex) - { - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); - } - Console.ReadKey(); - } - } - - - Module Module1 - - Sub Main() - Try - Dim google As New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ' open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(google.AuthorizationUrl) - - ' waiting of entering the access code - Dim code As String = "" - Do While String.IsNullOrEmpty(code) - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:") - code = Console.ReadLine() - Loop - - ' set authorization code - google.AuthorizationCode = code - - ' get user info - Dim user As UserInfo = google.GetUserInfo() - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - Console.WriteLine("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Catch ex As Exception - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) - End Try - Console.ReadKey() - End Sub - - End Module - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Google - Access code - User info - In a web projects you can use the and . - The following example shows how use the in ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "SI5bIZkrSB5rO03YF-CdsCJC" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "SI5bIZkrSB5rO03YF-CdsCJC" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The GoogleLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult GoogleLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function GoogleLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Google. - - public ActionResult GoogleLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Google", Url.Action("GoogleLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function GoogleLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Google", Url.Action("GoogleLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the GoogleLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with Google", "GoogleLogin") - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Represents base properties and method for OAuth 2.0 client. - - - For more details, please visit . - - - - - Represents base class for OAuth client classes. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The address for login. - The address for the access token. - The application identifier obtained from the provider website. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - - is null or empty. - -or- - is null or empty. - -or- - is null or empty. - -or- - is null or empty. - - - - - Redirects a client to the Authorization URL. - - - Use this method only for web applications (ASP .NET). - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - This is method is implemented at the protocol level ( & ). - - The is null or empty. - - - - Sends a request to revoke the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be revoked. - - Provider does not support revoking the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Gets the user details via API of the provider. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - This is method is implemented at the client level. - - - - - Creates a shallow copy of the current object. - - The query parameters for new copy object. - The new return URL for new copy object. - A shallow copy of the current object. - - Method creates a copy of the current object, removes tokens, change the return address, query parameters and state. - Unfortunately, I made a mistake in architecture, so I had to make this method. - - - - - - Creates a shallow copy of the current object. - - A shallow copy of the current object. - - Method creates a copy of the current object, removes tokens, change the return address, query parameters and state. - Unfortunately, I made a mistake in architecture, so I had to make this method. - - - - - - Returns the specified access token or the current access token. - - May contain an access token, which will be refunded. - Indicates the need to check the parameter refresh_token in the access token. Default: false. - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - - - - Unique provider name. - - - Client classes are required to implement this property. - The provider name must be unique. - - - - public override string ProviderName - { - get - { - return "KGB"; - } - } - - - - - - Gets the endpoint of the authorization. - - - This property is implemented at the protocol level ( & ). - - - - - Gets or sets an access token. - - - - - Gets an access token value. - - - - - Gets or sets access code for access token requests. - - - - - Gets or sets unique request identifier. - For clients the value sets is automatically. - - - - - Gets or sets the application identifier. - - - - - Gets or sets the application secret key. - - - - - Gets or sets the base address for login. - - - - - Gets or sets the address for the access token. - - - - - Gets the version of the OAuth protocol. - - - - - Gets or sets return URL. - - - At this address provider will return the user authorization results. - For many providers are needed configuration of the application on the provider website. - - - - - Gets or sets additional query parameters. - - - These parameters will be transferred to the provider. - - - - - Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current client supports revoking access token. - - - - - Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current client supports refreshing access token. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The address for login. - The address for the access token. - The application identifier. - The application secret key. - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - The scope of the access request. - - - - - The deault scope. - - - - - The separator in the scope list. - - - - - Gets or sets grant type. - - - - - Gets or sets username if is password or client_credentials. - - - - - Gets or sets password if is password or client_credentials. - - - - - Gets the endpoint of the authorization. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the Google Developers Console. - The Client Secret obtained from the Google Developers Console. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Sends a request to revoke the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be revoked. - - Provider does not support revoking the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - In order to Google returned the refresh_token, when receiving an access token, you must specify access_type=offline. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - { - Parameters = new NameValueCollection { { "access_type", "offline" } } - } - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) With _ - { - .Parameters = New NameValueCollection() From {{"access_type", "offline"}} - } - ) - - For more details, please see Google Documentation. - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - Unique provider name: Google. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - OAuth client for Amazon. - - -

Register and Configure Amazon Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - You need to register as developer in the App Console. - - - Sign in to the App Console - - - In the App Console register new application. - - - Register new application - - - Specify one or more return URLs. Access to any other address will be denied. - - - NOTE: Amazon supports only addresses over HTTPS (excluding localhost). - - - For example: - - - http://localhost:59962/Home/ExternalLoginResult - http://localhost/ - - - - Allowed Return URLs - - Do not forget to save your changes. - Use application Client ID and Client Secret when creating an instance of the class. - - Allowed Return URLs - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new AmazonClient - ( - "amzn1.application-oa2-client.f0ffe4edc256488dae00dcaf96d75d1b", - "764dcefe49b441c8c6244c93e5d5d04de54fda6dfdc83da9693bf346f4dc4515" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New AmazonClient _ - ( - "amzn1.application-oa2-client.f0ffe4edc256488dae00dcaf96d75d1b", - "764dcefe49b441c8c6244c93e5d5d04de54fda6dfdc83da9693bf346f4dc4515" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please see Amazon Developer Documentation. - -
- - The following example shows how to add the Amazon OAuth Client to ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new AmazonClient - ( - "amzn1.application-oa2-client.f0ffe4edc256488dae00dcaf96d75d1b", - "764dcefe49b441c8c6244c93e5d5d04de54fda6dfdc83da9693bf346f4dc4515" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New AmazonClient _ - ( - "amzn1.application-oa2-client.f0ffe4edc256488dae00dcaf96d75d1b", - "764dcefe49b441c8c6244c93e5d5d04de54fda6dfdc83da9693bf346f4dc4515" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The ExternalLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult ExternalLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function ExternalLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Now you can easily redirect user to login page. - - // NOTE: use httpS scheme for real websites - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Amazon", Url.Action("ExternalLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - // for example, MVC redirection from Action: - // return Redirect(authUrl); - - - ' NOTE: use httpS scheme for real websites - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Amazon", Url.Action("ExternalLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - ' for example, MVC redirection from Action - ' Return Redirect(authUrl) - - Result shown in the images below. - Amazon Sign in - Amazon User Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The client ID obtained from the App Console. - The client secret obtained from the App Console. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - Unique provider name: Amazon. - - - - - OAuth client for Microsoft Live. - - -

Register and Configure a Live Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Live Connect App Management and Create a New Application. - - Create a New Application - - Specify the application name, read terms of use and click the I accept. - - Create a New Application form - - Open the App Settings and add return URLs. You can't use localhost. - - Redirect URLs - - On the App Settings page, you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Cleint ID and Client Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new LiveClient - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New LiveClient _ - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit to the MSDN. - -
- - The following example shows how to add the Microsoft Live OAuth Client to ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new LiveClient - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New LiveClient _ - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The LiveLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult LiveLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function LiveLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Microsoft Live. - - public ActionResult LiveLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Live", Url.Action("LiveLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function LiveLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Live", Url.Action("LiveLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the LiveLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with Microsoft Live", "LiveLogin") - - Result shown in the images below. - Microsoft Live Sign in - User Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the Live Connect App Management. - The Client Secret obtained from the Live Connect App Management. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - In order to Microsoft Live returned the refresh_token, when receiving an access token, you must specify the scope wl.offline_access. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new LiveClient - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - { - Scope = "wl.offline_access" - } - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New LiveClient _ - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) With { .Scope = "wl.offline_access" } - ) - - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - Unique provider name: Live. - - - - - OAuth client for GitHub. - - -

Register and Configure a GitHub Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - - Register a new OAuth application. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GitHubClient - ( - "e14122695d88f5c95bce", - "cde23ec001c5180e01e865f4efb57cb0bc848c16" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GitHubClient _ - ( - "e14122695d88f5c95bce", - "cde23ec001c5180e01e865f4efb57cb0bc848c16" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please see GitHub Development Guides. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the GitHub Applications. - The Client Secret obtained from the GitHub Applications. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: GitHub. - - - - - OAuth client for Dropbox. - - -

Register and Configure a Dropbox Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Dropbox App Console and Create app. - Choose the Dropbox API app type. - - In the application settings you can found App key and App secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new DropboxClient - ( - "0le6wsyp3y085wy", - "48afwq9yth83y7u" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New DropboxClient _ - ( - "0le6wsyp3y085wy", - "48afwq9yth83y7u" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Dropbox Platform Help. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The App key obtained from the Dropbox App Console. - The App secret obtained from the Dropbox App Console. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Sends a request to revoke the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be revoked. - - Provider does not support revoking the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Unique provider name: Dropbox. - - - - - OAuth client for Foursquare. - - -

Register and Configure a Foursquare Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Foursquare App and Create app. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FoursquareClient - ( - "LHYZN1KUXN50L141QCQFNNVOYBGUE3G3FCWFZ3EEZTOZHY5Q", - "HWXYFLLSS2IUQ0H4XNCDAZEFZKIU3MZRP5G55TNBDHRPNOQT" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FoursquareClient _ - ( - "LHYZN1KUXN50L141QCQFNNVOYBGUE3G3FCWFZ3EEZTOZHY5Q", - "HWXYFLLSS2IUQ0H4XNCDAZEFZKIU3MZRP5G55TNBDHRPNOQT" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Foursquare for Developers. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the Foursquare Apps. - The Client Secret obtained from the Foursquare Apps. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Foursquare. - - - - - OAuth client for SoundCloud. - - -

Register and Configure a SoundCloud Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the SoundCloud for Developers and Register a new app. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new SoundCloudClient - ( - "42b58d31e399664a3fb8503bfcaaa9ba", - "f9d85648da59fb95ec131b40c7645c31" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New SoundCloudClient _ - ( - "42b58d31e399664a3fb8503bfcaaa9ba", - "f9d85648da59fb95ec131b40c7645c31" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit SoundCloud for Developers. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the SoundCloud Applications. - The Client Secret obtained from the SoundCloud Applications. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: SoundCloud. - - - - - OAuth client for SourceForge. - - -

Register a SourceForge Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Consumer ID and Consumer Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the SourceForge Authorized Applications and Register New Application. - - You can see Consumer Key and Consumer Secret, use this for creating an instance of the . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new SourceForgeClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New SourceForgeClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Allura API. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Represents base properties and method for OAuth 1.0 client. - - - For more details, please visit . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The address for the request token. - The address for login. - The address for the access token. - The application identifier. - The application secret key. - The name of hashing algorithm to calculate the signature: HMAC-SHA1 (default) or PLAINTEXT. - The is null or empty. - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request. - - For more details, please visit - - - - Gets signature for the current request. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - - - - Gets the request token from the remote server. - - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - - - Gets or sets the address for the request token. - - - - - Get the authorization parameters. - - - - - Gets the endpoint of the authorization. - - - - - Gets or sets the request token. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Consumer Key obtained from the SourceForge OAuth applications. - The Consumer Secret obtained from the SourceForge OAuth applications. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - Name of the user whose data should be obtained. - - - - Gets the request token from the remote server. - - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - - - Unique provider name: SourceForge. - - - - - OAuth client for Yahoo. - - -

Register and Configure a Yahoo Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Consumer ID and Consumer Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open Yahoo Developer Network and Create a Project. - - In the application settings you can found Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - Note that Yahoo! does not work with the localhost. Use only a real servers. Make sure that your application on the Yahoo! dashboard configured correctly. - Yahoo! has a pretty flimsy OAuth interface. If something is done or configured incorrectly, the work will be nothing. But in general, the client is tested and works. - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new YahooClient - ( - "dj0yJmk9Qm1vZ3p2TmtQUm4zJmQ9WVdrOU4wbGlkWGxJTkc4bWNHbzlNQS0tJnM9Y29uc3VtZXJzZWNyZXQmeD0xZQ--", - "a55738627652db0acfe464de2d9be13963b0ba1f" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New YahooClient _ - ( - "dj0yJmk9Qm1vZ3p2TmtQUm4zJmQ9WVdrOU4wbGlkWGxJTkc4bWNHbzlNQS0tJnM9Y29uc3VtZXJzZWNyZXQmeD0xZQ--", - "a55738627652db0acfe464de2d9be13963b0ba1f" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Yahoo Developer Network. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Consumer Key obtained from the Yahoo Developer Dashboard. - The Consumer Secret obtained from the Yahoo Developer Dashboard. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Access token must contain the user ID in the parameter xoauth_yahoo_guid. - - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - (!) - To update the access token, you must specify the return address that was used in obtaining the access token. - - - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - An exception occurs if there is no authorization code. - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - Callback address that was used in obtaining the access token. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - (!) - To update the access token, you must specify the return address that was used in obtaining the access token. - - - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - An exception occurs if there is no authorization code. - - - - Unique provider name: Yahoo. - - - - - OAuth client for LinkedIn. - - -

Register and Configure a LinkedIn Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open and sigin to the LinkedIn for Developers, and Add new app. - - In the application settings you can found Api Key and Secret Key. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new LinkedInClient - ( - "75vufylz829iim", - "VOf14z4T1jie4ezS" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New LinkedInClient _ - ( - "75vufylz829iim", - "VOf14z4T1jie4ezS" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit LinkedIn for Developers. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Api Key obtained from the LinkedIn Dashboard. - The Secret Key obtained from the LinkedIn Dashboard. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: LinkedIn. - - - - - OAuth client for Tumblr. - - -

Register and Configure a Tumblr Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Tumblr Dashboard, and Register an application. - - In the application settings you can found Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new TumblrClient - ( - "2EZbsj2oF8OAouPlDWSVnESetAchImzPLV4q0IcQH7DGKECuzJ", - "4WZ3HBDwNuz5ZDZY8qyK1qA5QFHEJY7gkPK6ooYFCN4yw6crKd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New TumblrClient _ - ( - "2EZbsj2oF8OAouPlDWSVnESetAchImzPLV4q0IcQH7DGKECuzJ", - "4WZ3HBDwNuz5ZDZY8qyK1qA5QFHEJY7gkPK6ooYFCN4yw6crKd" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Tumblr API Documentation. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Consumer Key obtained from the Tumblr Dashboard. - The Consumer Secret obtained from the Tumblr Dashboard. - - - - Gets an user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Tumblr. - - - - - OAuth client for Instagram. - - -

Register and Configure a Instagram Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Register as Developer and Register new Client ID. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Key. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new InstagramClient - ( - "215a1941ebed4e4fa74e94dd84762836", - "ba53a710e1624870bc066e7a9ae38601" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New InstagramClient _ - ( - "215a1941ebed4e4fa74e94dd84762836", - "ba53a710e1624870bc066e7a9ae38601" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Instagram Developer Documentation. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the Instagram Manage Clients. - The Client Secret obtained from the Instagram Manage Clients. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Instagram. - - - - - OAuth client for CodeProject. - - -

Register and Configure a CodeProject Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - - Register a new client. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new CodeProjectClient - ( - "92mWWELc2DjcL-6tu7L1Py6yllleqSCt", - "YJXrk_Vzz4Ps02GqmaUY-aSLucxh4kfLq6oq0CtiukPfvbzb9yQG69NeDr2yiV9M" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New CodeProjectClient _ - ( - "92mWWELc2DjcL-6tu7L1Py6yllleqSCt", - "YJXrk_Vzz4Ps02GqmaUY-aSLucxh4kfLq6oq0CtiukPfvbzb9yQG69NeDr2yiV9M" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please see CodeProject API Documentation. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the CodeProject Web API Clients. - The Client Secret obtained from the CodeProject Web API Clients. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: CodeProject. - - - - - OAuth client for Assembla. - - -

Register and Configure an Assembla Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - - Register a new OAuth application. - - In the application settings you can found Application ID and Application Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new AssemblaClient - ( - "bOS4QkXnmr5jhdacwqjQXA", - "701ee6dedf74fc4ad75bfa7476666a2f" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New AssemblaClient _ - ( - "bOS4QkXnmr5jhdacwqjQXA", - "701ee6dedf74fc4ad75bfa7476666a2f" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Assembla API Documentation Site. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Application ID obtained from the Assembla Applications Manager. - The Application Secret obtained from the Assembla Applications Manager. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Assembla. - - - - - The list of access token types. - - - - - Bearer - - - - - OAuth - - - - - The list of authorization type. - - - - - Basic - - - - - Bearer - - - - - Digest - - - - - OAuth - - - - - The list of the types a HTTP parameters. - - - - - Unformed parameter. - - - - - Parameter of the query string. - - - - - Parameter of the form. - - - - - File. - - - - - Body of the request. - - - - - Very sexy list. - - - - - No sex. - - :o) - - - - Male. - - - - - Female. - - - - - Programmer. - - - - - Deep Thought. - - - - - The list of url encding methods. - - - - - Without encoding. - - - - - for POST requests when a conetent-type is x-www-form-urlencoded. - And for other requests. - - - - - x-www-form-urlencoded (spaces encoded as plus (+) signs). - - - - - RFC 3986 (spaces encoded as %20). - - - - - Represents the access token exception. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while accessing the network. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The content type of the server request result. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The content type of the server request result. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - The HTTP headers of the output. - The HTTP status code of the output. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Instance of the . - - - - - Gets the HTTP status code of the output returned to the client. - - - - - Gets the content type of the response. - - - - - Gets the http headers of the response. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified message. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - The exception that is thrown when server of API returns error. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified and error message. - - The result of the request. - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - The content type of the server request result. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - The content type of the server request result. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and a error message. - - The result of the request. - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - The content type of the server request result. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and a error message. - - The result of the request. - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - The content type of the server request result. - - - - OAuth client for Facebook. - - -

Register and Configure a Facebook Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - You need to register as developer. - - Open the Facebook Developers and Create a New App. - - Create new application menu - - Specify the application name and click the Create App. - - Create new application form - - - In the application dashboard you can found App ID and App Secret, this is Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - App ID and App Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - You can use the App ID and App Secret for desktop, mobile and web projects. -

The application availability

- - To manage the status of the application, you must provide contact information. - - - Enter a contact email on the Settings page. - - - Contact Email - - - And now, you can change availability status of the application on the Status & Review page. - - - Make App Public - -

Configure application for web projects

- For web projects, configure return URLs. - - Open the application Settings and click Advanced tab. - - - Advanced tab - - - You must add the return URLs to the Valid OAuth redirect URIs field of the Security section. - - Do not forget to save your changes. - NOTE: If the application will be used for web and desktop, then also add URL: - NOTE: Enable Client OAuth Login if it's disabled. - - Valid OAuth redirect URIs - - - For more details, please see Facebook Developer Documentation. - -
- - The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Insert a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // facebook client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - // app id - "1435890426686808", - // app secret - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - { - // display=popup - to open a popup window - Parameters = new NameValueCollection { { "display", "popup" } } - } - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' facebook client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) With _ - { - .Parameters = New NameValueCollection() From {{"display", "popup"}} - } - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Insert a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Facebook - Facebook User Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The App ID obtained from the Facebook Developers. - The App Secret obtained from the Facebook Developers. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - For more details, please see User method in Guide of Facebook Graph API. - - - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Sends a request to revoke the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be revoked. - - Provider does not support revoking the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Unique provider name: Facebook. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - OAuth client for Odnoklassniki. - - - Odnoklassniki is a social network service for classmates and old friends. It is popular in Russia and CIS. -

Register and Configure a Odnoklassniki Site

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open My Games page and click My Uploaded Games. - - My Games in the footer menu - - - My Uploaded Games - - Click Add App. - - Add App button - - Enter the Title, Shortname, Description, Image link and App link. Select Application type (External type) and Permission. - - - (!) - - It is important to provide a link to the application (App link).
- You must use this link as the return URL. Even for desktop applications.
- You can use localhost for desktop applications.
- It is important to specify the type of application: External. -
- - App form - - In your email box you will find email message with the Client ID, Client Secret and Public key. - - Email message - - - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new OdnoklassnikiClient - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New OdnoklassnikiClient _ - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit to the Odnoklassniki API Documentation. - -
- -

Windows Forms

- The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Add a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // odnoklassniki client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new OdnoklassnikiClient - ( - // application ID - "1094959360", - // sectet key - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - // public key - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) { ReturnUrl = "http://localhost" } // return url - it's important - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' odnoklassniki client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New OdnoklassnikiClient _ - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) With { .ReturnUrl = "http://localhost" } - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Add a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Odnoklassniki")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Odnoklassniki")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - -


- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new OdnoklassnikiClient - ( - // application ID - "1094959360", - // sectet key - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - // public key - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New OdnoklassnikiClient _ - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The OdnoklassnikiLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult OdnoklassnikiLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function OdnoklassnikiLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Odnoklassniki. - - public ActionResult OdnoklassnikiLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Odnoklassniki", Url.Action("OdnoklassnikiLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function OdnoklassnikiLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Odnoklassniki", Url.Action("OdnoklassnikiLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the OdnoklassnikiLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with Odnoklassniki", "OdnoklassnikiLogin") - -

ASP .NET WebForms

- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new OdnoklassnikiClient - ( - // application ID - "1094959360", - // sectet key - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - // public key - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New OdnoklassnikiClient _ - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Email: {0}", user.Email)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Email: {0}", user.Email)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkOdnoklassniki" runat="server" - Text="Log in with Odnoklassniki" onclick="lnkOdnoklassniki_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkOdnoklassniki_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Odnoklassniki", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkOdnoklassniki_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkOdnoklassniki.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Odnoklassniki", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID. - The Client Secret. - The Public Key. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Odnoklassniki. - - - - - Public Key for access to API. - - - - - Represents a method that is called for parsing item of the API data. - - The instance to parse. - - - - References a method to be called when a corresponding asynchronous web request completes. - - The result of the asynchronous web request. - - - - Represents the error results of the query. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The request results. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current request result is successful or not. - - Always has the value false. - - - - The exception that is thrown when a resource owner or authorization server denied the request. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when a user fails to login. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - The exception that is thrown when trying to access an unregistered OAuth client. - - - Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The following example illustrates a situation in which the is thrown. - - string url = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook"); - // ... - - - Dim url As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook"); - ' ... - - ClientIsNotRegisteredException - To solve the problem enough to register the client. - - // facebook client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - ' facebook client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - Enjoy! - - string url = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook"); - // ... - - - Dim url As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook"); - ' ... - - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Represents the empty results of the query. - - - The class is used to determine sends a request to the remote server or not. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current request result is successful or not. - - Always has the value false. - - - - The exception that is thrown when you attempt to register the already registered client. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the provider. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the provider and client. - - - - Gets an error message. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when has more than one . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - The exception that is thrown when HttpContext.Current is null (Nothing in Visual Basic). - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - The exception occurs when you try to access a provider by provider name. If the name is incorrect, or does not exist. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - An object array that contains zero or more objects to format. - - - - The exception that is thrown when adding a to the and collection has one a . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - Represents a HTTP authorization header. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with specific authorization type and value. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class from specific source. - - - - - Removes the value with the specified key from the . - - The key of the element to remove. - - true if the element is successfully found and removed; otherwise, false. - This method returns false if key is not found in the or is not collection. - - - - - Returns OAuth string of the current object for Authorization header. - - - - - Invoked before sending a web request. - - HTTP Method of the request: POST, PUT, GET or DELETE. - URL of the web request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - >Parameters of the web request. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Gets or sets authorization method. - - - - - Gets or sets parameters of the authorization. - - - - - Authorization parameters. - - - - - Sorted authorization parameters. - - - - - Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key. - - The key of the value to get or set. - - - - Implements a file to transfer in a HTTP request. - - - - - Implements a HTTP paramter. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the parameter. - The value of the parameter. - The content-type of the parameter. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the parameter. - The value of the parameter. - The type of the parameter. - The content-type of the parameter. - - - - Returns a string that represents the current parameter. - - - - - Gets or sets parameter name. - - - - - Gets or sets parameter value. - - - - - Gets or sets Content-Type. - - - - - Gets or sets type of the parameter. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Content of the file. - Name of the file. - The name of the parameter. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the parameter. - The posted file. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Content of the file. - Name of the file. - The name of the parameter. - MIME type of the file. - - - - Gets or sets the filename. - - - - - Collection of HTTP parameters. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The collection of parameters. - - If the parameter has a value of null (Nothing for VB), it will not be added to the collection. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The body of a request. - - If the parameter has a value of null (Nothing for VB), it will not be added to the collection. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The body of a request. - - If the parameter has a value of null (Nothing for VB), it will not be added to the collection. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The array of parameters. - - If the parameter has a value of null (Nothing for VB), it will not be added to the collection. - - - - - Adds a parameter to the end of the collection. - - The parameter to be added to the collection. - - - - Adds a parameter to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The parameter value. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of the parameter. - The parameter value. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of the parameter. - The value of the parameter. - The type of the parameter. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The posted file. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The posted file. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The name of the file. - The Content-Type of the file. - The content of the file. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The name of the file. - The content of the file. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The name of the file. - The Content-Type of the file. - The file stream. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The name of the file. - The file stream. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The content of the request. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The content of the request. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The content of the request. - - - - Adds the items of the specified collection to the end of the current instance of the . - - The collection whose items should be added to the end of the current instance of the . - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The parameter value. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The parameter value. - - - - Adds file as content to the end of the collection. - - The posted file. - - - - Adds content to the end of the collection. - - The Content-Type of the . - The content value. - - - - Inserts an element into the instance of the at the specified index. - - The zero-based index at which item should be inserted. - The to insert. - - - - Inserts the elements of a collection into the instance of the at the specified index. - - The zero-based index at which the new elements should be inserted. - The collection whose elements should be inserted into the instance of the . - - - - Removes the first occurrence of a specific parameter from the . - - The parameter to remove from the . - - true if is successfully removed; otherwise, false. - This method also returns false if was not found in the . - - - - - Removes all the elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate. - - The delegate that defines the conditions of the elements to remove. - The number of elements removed from the . - - - - Removes the element at the specified index of the . - - The zero-based index of the element to remove. - - - - Removes a range of elements from the . - - The zero-based starting index of the range of elements to remove. - The number of elements to remove. - - - - Removes all elements from the . - - - - - Updates status of the collection. - - - - - Checks parameters types. - - The type for checking. - - - - Returns a string query parameters encoded by default method (). - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified separator. - - The separator of query parameters. For example: & - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified separator and encoding parameters. - - The separator of query parameters. - The type of the encoder. - The types of parameters to be used. - - - - Copies elements of the to a new instance. - - The true value included into the results only the parameters. The default value is false - all parameters. - - - - Gets a body for the request. - - - - - Writes the parameters to the request. - - The instance of the request. - - - - Writes a file to the request. - - The name of the parameter. - The filename. - The Content-Type of the file. - The content of the file. - The output stream instance. - - - - Writes a form-data parameter to the request. - - The name of the parameter. - The value of the parameter. - The output stream instance. - - - - Writes any parameter to the request. - - The Content-Type of the . - The content value. - The instance of the output stream. - - - - The assignment operator for array of the . - - The array that will be used as the . - New instance of the . - - - - The assignment operator for the . - - The collection that will be used as the . - New instance of the . - - - - The assignment operator for the byte array. - - The byte array of the request body. - New instance of the . - - - - The assignment operator for the . - - The instance of the of the request body. - New instance of the . - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current collection has a files. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current collection has a . - - - - - Gets a boundary for a request. - - - - - Gets or sets code page for parameters encoding. - - - - - Implements a value of the HTTP paramter. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Returns an encoded string of the value. - - - - - Returns an encoded string of the value. - - - - - Returns a string that represents the current value. - - - - - Returns a byte array that represents the current value. - - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the array of the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Gets or sets value. - - - - - Implements a request body. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - The access token class for OAuth 2.0. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Result of request to the OAuth server. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified access token and refresh token. - - The access token. - The refresh token. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified access token and refresh token. - - The access token. - The refresh token. - The token type. For example: bearer. Default: null. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Returns the . - - - - - Converts the specified string to an . - - A string containing an access token to parse. - A new instance. - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - The access token issued by the authorization server. - - - - - The lifetime in seconds of the access token. - - - - - The refresh token, which can be used to obtain new - access tokens using the same authorization grant. - - - - - The scope of the access token. - - - - - The type of the token issued. Value is case insensitive. - - - - - Represents the authorization grant type. - - - - - Using an authorization code to confirm the identity (grant type is authorization_code). - - - - - Using username and password (grant type is password). - - - - - Using basic authorization with username and password (grant type is client_credentials). - - - - - Using a token to refreshing the access token (grant type is refresh_token). - - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified . - - The value of grant type. - - - - Returns a string that represents the current . - - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Gets or sets the value. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current value is authorization_code or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current value is password or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current value is client_credentials or not. - - - - - Provides helpers methods for OAuth. - - - - - Unreserved characters for the method. - - - - - - - - This is main helper class. - - - - - Percent encoding. - - The text to encode. - The object that specifies the encoding scheme. - - For more details, please see: - - - - - - - - - Percent encoding. - - The text to encode. - - - - Encodes a URL string using the specified encoding object. - - The text to encode. - The type of the encoder. - - - - Encodes a URL string using the specified encoding object. - - The text to encode. - The object that specifies the encoding scheme. - The type of the encoder. - - - - Encodes a string into JavaScript string. - - The string to encode. - - - - Generate timestamp for a signature (only for OAuth 1.0). - - - - The timestamp value MUST be a positive integer. Unless otherwise - specified by the server's documentation, the timestamp is expressed - in the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. - - For more details, please see: - - - - - Generate random key. - - - - - Compute MD5 hash. - - Value that must be processed. - - - - Converts the string value to its equivalent string representation that is encoded with base-64 digits. - - A composite format string for encoding to Base64. - An object array that contains zero or more objects to format. - The string representation, in base 64. - - - - Performs a request using a GET method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs a request using a POST method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for web request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs a request using a PUT method. - - URL to which will be sent to the request. - Parameters to be passed to the request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for the request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs a request using a DELETE method. - - URL to which will be sent to the request. - Parameters to be passed to the request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for the request. - Access token to be used in the request. - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs a request. - - HTTP Method: POST (default), PUT, GET or DELETE. - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for web request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Reads results of the web request to the string. - - instance. - - - - Performs an async request using a GET method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs an async request using a POST method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs an async request using a PUT method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs an async request using a DELETE method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs an async request. - - HTTP Method: POST (default), PUT, GET or DELETE. - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async web request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Gets the value of the specified , if the is a . - - Source of data. - The key is to be obtained. - - - - Returns a string containing a number. - - The value for processing. - - - - Gets signature for the current request. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - The authorization parameters. - - - - Gets signature for the current request. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - The authorization parameters. - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request (OAuth 1.0). - - For more details, please visit - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request (OAuth 1.0). - - For more details, please visit - - - - Represents a class that extends the class by adding methods for use with query parameters. - - - - - Convert the to list of the . - - The . - - - - Returns a string of query parameters without a separator. - - The . - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified separator. - - The . - The separator of query parameters. For example: & - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - The . - Disables parameters encoding. - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified separator and encoding parameters. - - The . - The separator of query parameters. - Disables parameters encoding. - - - - Sorts the by alphabetically and returns a new . - - The . - - - - Removes the value with the specified key from the . - - The . - The key of the element to remove. - - - - Represents the request item to OAuth server. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The instance of the OAuth client. - The client name. - - - - Gets name of the client. - - - - - Gets instance of the OAuth client. - - - - - Gets date and time creation of the request. - - - - - Represents helper class for sessions management of OAuth. - - - Mainly the class is intended for web projects. - But you can use some methods of the class in desktop applications together with the WebBrowser control. - - The methods , - , - and - - will not work in desktop applications. - - - -

ASP .NET WebForms

- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To redirect the user to the login page is used the method. - Processing of the authorization results is performed by . - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new TwitterClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New TwitterClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkTwitter" runat="server" - Text="Log in with Twitter" onclick="lnkTwitter_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkTwitter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Twitter", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkTwitter_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkTwitter.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Twitter", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - -

Windows Forms

- The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - Methods redirection in Windows Forms applications do not work. To get the address of the authorization is used. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Add a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new MailRuClient - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New MailRuClient _ - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Add a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - -
- - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider with specified parameters. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization query. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider, query parameters and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization query. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider, query parameters and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization query. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider with specified parameters. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization URL. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider, query parameters and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization URL. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider, query parameters and return URL. - - - The provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user; or the name of the registered client. - - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization URL. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the current URL. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use the overloads or . - - - Returns the verification results. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the specified URL. - - Address at which to perform the verification. - - Returns the verification results. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the specified request identifier and the code of the authorization. - - Request identifier. - The authorization code received from the provider server. - - Returns the verification results. - - - This method is intended for internal use. It is recommended to use the overload or . - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the current URL and removes the request from memory. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use the overloads or . - - - Returns the verification results. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the specified URL, and removes the request from memory. - - Address at which to perform the verification. - - Returns the verification results. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the specified request identifier and the code of the authorization, and removes the request from memory. - - Request identifier. - The authorization code received from the provider server. - - Returns the verification results. - - - This method is intended for internal use. It is recommended to use the overload or . - - - - - The access token class for OAuth 1.0. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Result of request to the OAuth server. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Returns the . - - - - - Converts the specified string to an . - - A string containing an access token to parse. - A new instance. - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - The access token issued by the authorization server. - - - - - The access token issued by the authorization server. - - - - - Класс ресурса со строгой типизацией для поиска локализованных строк и т.д. - - - - - Возвращает кэшированный экземпляр ResourceManager, использованный этим классом. - - - - - Перезаписывает свойство CurrentUICulture текущего потока для всех - обращений к ресурсу с помощью этого класса ресурса со строгой типизацией. - - - - - Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Drawing.Bitmap. - - - - - Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Aleksey Sergeevich Nemiro is a Russian developer of applications and websites, - author of articles on programming and information technology. - - Aleksey was born on October 3, 1983 in the city of Vladivostok (Primorsky Krai, Russia). - In 2009, Aleksey migrated to the city of Yoshkar-Ola (Mari El, Russia). - - Started programming in 1998 on the G-Basic and QBasic. - - At various times worked with programming languages and technologies: - Visaul Basic, Delphi, C, Visual C++, Java, PHP, ASP VBScript and JScript [остаток строки не уместился]";. - - - - - Represents authorization parameters for OAuth 1.0. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with specific value. - - - - - Updates the nonce and the timestamp. - - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request (OAuth 1.0). - - For more details, please visit - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request (OAuth 1.0). - - For more details, please visit - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Sets signature. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - - - - Sets signature. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - - - - Sets signature. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The query parameters. - - - - Sets signature. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The query parameters. - - - - Gets or sets the consumer key. - - - - - Gets or sets the consumer secret. - - - - - Gets or sets the token. - - - - - Gets or sets the secret token. - - - - - Gets or sets the signature method. - - - - - Gets or sets the nonce. - - - - - Gets or sets the timestamp. - - - - - Gets or sets the version of the OAuth. - - - - - Gets or sets the signature. - - - - - Gets or sets the callback address. - - - - - Gets or sets the verifier code. - - - - - OAuth client for Mail.Ru. - - - Mail.Ru is a popular email service, search engine, social network, photo & video hosting, blogs and another services in Russia and CIS. -

Register and Configure a Mail.Ru Site

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Unfortunately, the interface is only in Russian. - You must have a confirmed account in Mail.Ru. - Open Sites page and click Connect a New Site. - - Create a New Site button - - Accept the terms of the agreement. - - Terms - - Enter the site name, URL and click the Next button. - - Site name and URL - - Download the receiver.html file and place it in the root directory of your site. - This step can be skipped (Пропустить). - - receiver.html file - - The last step you will find the Client ID and Client Secret. - - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Cleint ID and Client Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new MailRuClient - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New MailRuClient _ - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit to the Mail.Ru API Documentation. - -
- -

Windows Forms

- The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Add a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new MailRuClient - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New MailRuClient _ - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Add a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Mail.Ru - Mail.Ru User Info -


- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new MailRuClient - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New MailRuClient _ - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The MailRuLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult MailRuLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function MailRuLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Mail.Ru. - - public ActionResult MailRuLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru", Url.Action("MailRuLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function MailRuLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru", Url.Action("MailRuLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the MailRuLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with Mail.Ru", "MailRuLogin") - - NOTE: For proper processing, you will need to download and put on your site a receiver.html file. -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID. - The Client Secret. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - The access token must contain the user ID in the parameter x_mailru_vid. - - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - Unique provider name: Mail.Ru. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - Represents helper class for management of OAuth clients. - - - You can use this class to register clients in your project. - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - - - - - Initializes the . - - - - - The method is called when the interval elapsed. - - Instance of the object that raised the event. - The event data. - - - - Adds the specified request to the collection. - - The unique request key. - The client name. - The client instance. - - - - Removes the request from collection. - - The unique request key to remove.. - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The client instance. - is null or empty. - If you attempt to register the already registered client. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The client instance. - The any name of the client. For example: Test, Release, Project #1, Ku!, etc. - is null or empty. - If you attempt to register the already registered client. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Test", - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Test", - new FacebookClient - ( - "00000000000000", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Release", - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Release", - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Test", - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Test", - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "00000000000000", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Release", - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Release", - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. (the main method) - - The client instance. - The any name of the client. For example: Test, Release, Project #1, Ku!, etc. - is null or empty. - If you attempt to register the already registered client. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Test", - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Test", - new FacebookClient - ( - "00000000000000", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Release", - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Release", - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Test", - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Test", - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "00000000000000", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Release", - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Release", - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The provider name. - The application identifier obtained from the provider website. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - , or is null or empty. - Provider not found by . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "facebook" - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "facebook", - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The provider name. - The application identifier obtained from the provider website. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - List of scope that will be requested from the provider. Only for OAuth 2.0. - Additional parameters to be passed to the constructor of the client class. - Additional parameters that will be transferred to the provider website. - , or is null or empty. - Provider not found by . - The not suppored . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "facebook" - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "facebook", - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The provider name. And may also contain any client name for for division into groups. - The application identifier obtained from the provider website. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - Additional parameters to be passed to the constructor of the client class. - List of scope that will be requested from the provider. Only for OAuth 2.0. - Additional parameters that will be transferred to the provider website. - , or is null or empty. - Provider not found by . - The not suppored . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "facebook" - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "facebook", - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - - - You can register multiple clients to a single provider. - The following example shows how to do it. - - - var clientName = ClientName.Create("Debug", "Facebook"); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - clientName - "000000000000000000", - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" - ); - - clientName = ClientName.Create("Any name", "Facebook"); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - clientName - "111111111111111111", - "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" - ); - - - Dim name As ClientName = ClientName.Create("Debug", "Facebook") - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - name, - "000000000000000000", - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" - ) - - name As ClientName = ClientName.Create("Any name", "Facebook") - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - name, - "111111111111111111", - "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" - ) - - - - - - Checks registered provider with the specified name or not. - - The provider name or client name. - - - - Returns type of client by name. - - The provider name. - - - - Gets the list of all clients. - - - - - Gets the list of active requests. - - - - - Gets the list of registered clients. - - - - - Variants of the signature encryption. - - - - - HMAC-SHA1 - - - - - RSA-SHA1 - - - - - PLAINTEXT - - - - - Represents the signature of the request. This is a helper class to simplify debugging. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of hashing algorithm to calculate the signature: HMAC-SHA1 (default) or PLAINTEXT. - The secret key for encryption. - Base string of the signature. - - is not suppored. - - - - - Returns the of the current object. - - - - - Gets the secret key for encryption. - - - - - Gets the name of hashing algorithm to calculate the signature: HMAC-SHA1 or PLAINTEXT. - - - - - Get base string of the signature. - - - - - Gets the signature. - - - - - Represents the request token results. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The request result. - The address of the authorization. - The query parameters. Will be used in the formation of the authorization address. - - - - Returns the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Gets the OAuth token. - - - - - Gets the token secret. - - - - - The parameter is used to differentiate from previous versions of the protocol. - - - - - Gets the address of the authorization. - - - - - OAuth client for Twitter. - - -

Register and Configure a Twitter Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Consumer ID and Consumer Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Twitter Application Management and Create a New App. - - Create a New App button - - Fill out the form and click the Create your Twitter application. - For web project, set a Callback URL. - - Create a New App form - - - Open the application page and click to the API Keys. - - - API Keys link - - - You can see API Key and API secret, this is Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Client ID and Client Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new TwitterClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New TwitterClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Twitter Developers Documentation. - -
- -

Console Applications

- The following example shows how to use the in Console Applications. - For desktop applications, the user will need to manually enter authorization code. - - class Program - { - static void Main(string[] args) - { - try - { - var twitter = new TwitterClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ); - - // open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(twitter.AuthorizationUrl); - - // waiting of entering the access code - string code = ""; - while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) - { - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:"); - code = Console.ReadLine(); - } - - Console.WriteLine(); - - // set authorization code - twitter.AuthorizationCode = code; - // get user info - var user = twitter.GetUserInfo(); - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId); - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName); - } - catch (Exception ex) - { - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); - } - Console.ReadKey(); - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Module Module1 - - Sub Main() - Try - Dim twitter As New TwitterClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ' open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(twitter.AuthorizationUrl) - - ' waiting of entering the access code - Dim code As String = "" - Do While String.IsNullOrEmpty(code) - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:") - code = Console.ReadLine() - Loop - - ' set authorization code - twitter.AuthorizationCode = code - - ' get user info - Dim user As UserInfo = twitter.GetUserInfo() - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - Catch ex As Exception - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) - End Try - Console.ReadKey() - End Sub - - End Module - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Twitter - Access code - User info -

ASP .NET WebForms

- In a web projects you can use the and . - The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new TwitterClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New TwitterClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkTwitter" runat="server" - Text="Log in with Twitter" onclick="lnkTwitter_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkTwitter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Twitter", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkTwitter_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkTwitter.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Twitter", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - - NOTE: Do not forget to adjust the Callback URL in the Twitter Application Settings. -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The API Key obtained from the Twitter Application Management. - The API Secret obtained from the Twitter Application Management. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - Unique provider name: Twitter. - - - - - OAuth client for VK (VKontakte). - - - VK (VKontakte) is "Russian Facebook". :-) -

Register and Configure a VKontakte Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the VK App development and click Create an Application. - - Create an Application button - - Specify the application name and type, and click the Connect Application. - - Creating an application - - Confirm by SMS. - - Confirmation - - - In the Application Settings you can found Application ID and Secure key, this is Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - NOTE: Change application status to Application ON and visible to all. - - Application settings - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new VkontakteClient - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New VkontakteClient _ - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ) - - For web projects, enable Open API, set Site address and configure Base domain in the Open API section. - - Base domains - - - For more details, please see VK App development. - -
- -

Windows Forms

- The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Insert a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // vk(ontakte) client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new VkontakteClient - ( - // application id - "4457505", - // secure secret - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - { - // display=popup - to open a popup window - Parameters = new NameValueCollection { { "display", "popup" } } - } - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' vk(ontakte) client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New VkontakteClient _ - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) With _ - { - .Parameters = New NameValueCollection() From {{"display", "popup"}} - } - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Add a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("vk")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("vk")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with VK(ontakte) - VK User Info -


- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new VkontakteClient - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New VkontakteClient _ - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The VkontakteLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult VkontakteLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function VkontakteLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Vkontakte. - - public ActionResult VkontakteLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("vk", Url.Action("VkontakteLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function VkontakteLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("vk", Url.Action("VkontakteLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the VkontakteLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with VK(ontakte)", "VkontakteLogin") - -

ASP .NET WebForms

- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new VkontakteClient - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New VkontakteClient _ - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkVkontakte" runat="server" - Text="Log in with VK(ontakte)" onclick="lnkVkontakte_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkVkontakte_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("vk", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkVkontakte_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkVkontakte.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("vk", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Application ID obtained from the VK App development. - The Secure Key obtained from the VK App development. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: VK. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - OAuth client for Yandex. - - - Yandex is a popular search engine in Russia and CIS. -

Register and Configure a Yandex Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the register new application page, fill out the form and click Save. - NOTE: Russian language is available on the - Specify the application name and set permissions. - - To access a users profile, select Yandex.Username: Date of birth; Email address; User name, surname and gender. - This minimum permissions that are required to work. - - For web project, set a Callback URI. - NOTE: For desktop applications set Callback URI to - - Register new application - - - In the next step you will see an Application ID and Application password, this is Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Client ID and Client Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new YandexClient - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New YandexClient _ - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Yandex OAuth Documentation. - -
- -

Console Applications

- The following example shows how to use the in Console Applications. - For desktop applications, the user will need to manually enter authorization code. - - class Program - { - static void Main(string[] args) - { - try - { - var yandex = new YandexClient - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ); - - // open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(yandex.AuthorizationUrl); - - // waiting of entering the access code - string code = ""; - while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) - { - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:"); - code = Console.ReadLine(); - } - - Console.WriteLine(); - - // set authorization code - yandex.AuthorizationCode = code; - // get user info - var user = yandex.GetUserInfo(); - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId); - Console.WriteLine("E-Mail: {0}", user.Email); - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName); - Console.WriteLine("Birthday: {0}", user.Birthday); - Console.WriteLine("Sex: {0}", user.Sex); - } - catch (Exception ex) - { - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); - } - Console.ReadKey(); - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Module Module1 - - Sub Main() - Try - Dim yandex As New YandexClient _ - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ' open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(yandex.AuthorizationUrl) - - ' waiting of entering the access code - Dim code As String = "" - Do While String.IsNullOrEmpty(code) - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:") - code = Console.ReadLine() - Loop - - ' set authorization code - yandex.AuthorizationCode = code - - ' get user info - Dim user As UserInfo = yandex.GetUserInfo() - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - Console.WriteLine("E-Mail: {0}", user.Email) - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - Console.WriteLine("Birthday: {0}", user.Birthday) - Console.WriteLine("Sex: {0}", user.Sex) - Catch ex As Exception - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) - End Try - Console.ReadKey() - End Sub - - End Module - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Yandex - Access code - User info -

ASP .NET WebForms

- In a web projects you can use the and . - The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new YandexClient - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New YandexClient _ - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("E-Mail: {0}<br />", user.Email)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("E-Mail: {0}<br />", user.Email)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkYandex" runat="server" - Text="Log in with Yandex" onclick="lnkYandex_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkYandex_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Yandex", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkYandex_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkYandex.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Yandex", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - - NOTE: Do not forget to adjust the Callback URI in the Yandex Application Settings. -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Application ID. - The Application Password. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - Unique provider name: Yandex. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - Implements a parameter of url. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified parameter name and value. - - The parameter value. - The parameter name. - - - - Represents property description of a class. - - - - - The data reader. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Returns whether resetting an object changes its value. - - The component to test for reset capability. - - - - Gets the current value of the property on a component. - - The component with the property for which to retrieve the value. - - - - Resets the value for this property of the component to the default value. - - The component with the property value that is to be reset to the default value. - - - - Sets the value of the component to a different value. - - The component with the property value that is to be set. - The new value. - - - - Determines a value indicating whether the value of this property needs to be persisted. - - The component with the property to be examined for persistence. - - - - Gets a value indicating whether this property is read-only. - - - - - Gets the type of the property. - - - - - Gets the type of the component this property is bound to. - - - - - The for . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Returns a collection of property descriptors for the object represented by this type descriptor. - - - - - The properties collection. - - - - - Additional type for references. - - - - - Represents the collection of the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the with a specified reference to parent. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the by other an instance of the . - - - - - Adds the specified key and value to the collection. - - The key of the element to add. - The value of the element to add. - - - - Determines whether the collection contains the specified key. - - The key to locate in the collection. - is null. - - - - Removes the value with the specified key from the collection. - - The key of the element to remove. - - true if the element is successfully found and removed; otherwise, false. - - - - - Returns a string that represents the current . - - - - - Determines whether two object instances are equal. - - The object to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified object is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Returns a string that represents the specified item of the . - - The item to converted. - - - - Returns a string that represents the specified instance. - - The value to converted. - - - - Adds the specified item to the . - - The item to add. - - - - Removes all items from the collection. - - - - - Determines whether the collection contains a specific value. - - The object to locate in the collection. - - - - Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the collection. - - The object to remove from the collection. - - - - Gets the value associated with the specified key. - - The key whose value to get. - When this method returns, the value associated with the specified key, if the key is found; otherwise, the . - - - - [Is not implemented] Copies the elements of the collection to an , starting at a particular index. - - The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from collection. The must have zero-based indexing. - The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. - - - - Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. - - - - - Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Returns instance from . - - The value from which will be returned the . - - - - Gets or sets items of the collection. - - - - - The reference to parent. - - - - - Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key. - - The key of the value to get or set. - - - - Gets or sets the element at the specified index. - - The zero-based index of the element to get or set. - - - - Gets a collection containing the keys in the collection. - - - - - Gets a collection containing the values in the collection. - - - - - Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. - - - - - Gets a collection containing the keys in the collection. - - - - - Gets a collection containing the values in the collection. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. Always false. - - - - - Represents the user profile info. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The data source. - The mapping rules. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The data source. - The mapping rules. - - - - Returns the or . - - - - - Gets or sets a collection containing the API request results. - - - - - Gets or sets the user ID. - - - - - Gets or sets the username. - - - - - Gets or sets the first name of the user. - - - - - Gets or sets the last name of the user. - - - - - Gets or sets the display name of the user. - - - - - Gets or sets user email address. - - - - - Gets or sets user phone. - - - - - Gets or sets user birthday. - - - - - Gets or sets user url. - - - - - Gets or sets user image url. - - - - - Gets or sets gender of the user. - - - - - Gets the first and last name. - - - - - Represents data mapping collection for API results. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - The data type. - The data format. For example: "dd.MM.yyyy" for dates, or: "00" for numerics, etc. - Custom parser of the data. - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - The data type. - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - The data type. - The data format. For example: "dd.MM.yyyy" for dates, or: "00" for numerics, etc. - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - Custom parser of the data. - - - - Represents data mapping item for API results. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Gets or sets the key name in the data source. - - - - - Gets or set the property name in the destination object. - - - - - Gets or sets the data type of the property in the destination object. - - - - - Gets or sets the data format. - - - - - Gets or sets a custom parser of the data. - - - - - Implements a form parameter. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified parameter name and value. - - The parameter value. - The parameter name. - - - diff --git a/bin/net45/Nemiro.OAuth.dll b/bin/net45/Nemiro.OAuth.dll deleted file mode 100644 index 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- - - A Dictionary<string, object> containing copies of the elements of the . - A null value, if the property is false or the is empty. - - - - - Copies items of the to a new . - - - A containing copies of the elements of the . - A null value, if the property is false or the is empty. - - - - - Returns a array that represents the current . - - - A array containing the current . - A null value, if the property and is false or the is empty. - - - - - Determines whether the contains the specified key. - - The key to locate in the . - true if the is not null and contains an element with the specified ; otherwise, false. - is null. - - - - Determines whether the contains the specified key. - - The key to locate in the . - true if the is not null and contains an element with the specified ; otherwise, false. - - - - Adds the specified key and value to the . - - The key of the element to add. - The value of the element to add. - - Returns the added element. - - - - If the current is not a collection ( is false), it will automatically be converted to the collection. - If the current is not empty, then it will be assigned a key ____ in a new collection. - - - - - - Adds the specified key and value to the . - - The key of the element to add. - The value of the element to add. - The reference to parent of the elemet to add. - - Returns the added element. - - - - If the current is not a collection ( is false), it will automatically be converted to the collection. - If the current is not empty, then it will be assigned a key ____ in a new collection. - - - - - - Removes the value with the specified key from the . - - The key of the element to remove. - - true if the element is successfully found and removed; otherwise, false. - This method returns false if key is not found in the or is not collection ( is false). - - - - - Parses the and converts to . - - The reference to the collection, which will be placed the result of parsing . - The for parsing. - The reference to parent. - - - - Returns the of the specified attribute. - - The name of the attribute whose value you want to get. - - - - Returns parent for new instance of . - - - - - Initializes a new instance. - - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified . - - The value. - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified and . - - The value. - The collection of an attributes. - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified and reference to . - - The value. - The instance of the . - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified , and reference to . - - The value. - The instance of the . - The collection of an attributes. - - - - Initializes an empty instance with a specified and reference to . - - The collection of an attributes. - The instance of the . - - - - Converts the specified JSON string to an . - - A string containing a JSON data to parse. - A new instance. - is null. - The length exceeds the value of . - The recursion limit defined by was exceeded. - contains an unexpected character sequence. - is a dictionary type and a non-string key value was encountered. - includes member definitions that are not available on the target type. - It is not possible to convert to the target type. - - - - Converts the specified XML string to an . - - A string containing a XML data to parse. - A new instance. - is null. - - - - Converts the specified parameters string to an . - - A string containing an url parameters to parse. - A new instance. - contains an CR or LF characters. - - If is null or empty, the function returns an instance. - - - - - Converts the specified JSON string to an . A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded. - - A string containing a JSON data to parse. - If successful, this parameter takes the result of parsing data. - true if s was converted successfully; otherwise, false. - - - - Converts the specified XML string to an . A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded. - - A string containing a XML data to parse. - If successful, this parameter takes the result of parsing data. - true if s was converted successfully; otherwise, false. - - - - Converts the specified url parameters string to an . A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded. - - A string containing an url parameters to parse. - If successful, this parameter takes the result of parsing data. - true if s was converted successfully; otherwise, false. - - - - Indicates whether the specified value is null or an . - - The instance to test. - true if the parameter is null or is false; otherwise, false. - - - - Gets the underlying type code of the . - - - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent value using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A value equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - - - Converts the value this instance to an equivalent 8-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 8-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent Unicode character using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A Unicode character equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A instance equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent number using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A number equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent double-precision floating-point number using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A double-precision floating-point number equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 16-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 16-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 32-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 32-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 64-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 64-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 8-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 8-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent single-precision floating-point number using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A single-precision floating-point number equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - A instance equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an of the specified that has an equivalent value, using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - The to which the value of this instance is converted. - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An instance of type whose value is equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 16-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 32-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 32-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 64-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. - - An interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. - An 64-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance. - - - - Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. - - A new object that is a copy of this instance. - - - - Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. - - An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. - - - - Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. - - An System.Collections.IEnumerator<UniValue> object that can be used to iterate through the collection. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Serves as a hash function for a particular type. - - A hash code for the current . - - - - Returns a string that represents the current . - - - - - Determines whether two object instances are equal. - - The object to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified object is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Determines whether two instances are equal. - - The to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Determines whether this instance and another specified object have the same value. - - The string to compare to this instance of the . - true if the value of the parameter is the same as this instance; otherwise, false. - - - - Determines whether this string and a specified object have the same value. A parameter specifies the culture, case, and sort rules used in the comparison. - - The string to compare to this instance. - One of the enumeration values that specifies how the strings will be compared. - true if the value of the parameter is the same as this instance; otherwise, false. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a Dictionary<string, object>. - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an array. - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an array. - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a array. - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as an . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Converts the as a . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from Dictionary<string, object>. - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from array. - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from array. - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Indicate whether two are not equal. - - The first instance. - The second instance. - - - - Indicate whether two are equal. - - The first instance. - The second instance. - - - - Indicate whether and are not equal. - - The instance. - The string. - - - - Indicate whether and are equal. - - The instance. - The string. - - - - Returns an that can be bound to a data source from an object that does not implement an itself. - - - - - Returns a collection of custom attributes for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the class name of this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the name of this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns a type converter for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the default event for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the default property for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns an editor of the specified type for this instance of a component. - - A that represents the editor for this object. - - - - Returns the events for this instance of a component using the specified attribute array as a filter. - - An array of type that is used as a filter. - - - - Returns the events for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns the properties for this instance of a component using the attribute array as a filter. - - An array of type that is used as a filter. - - - - Returns the properties for this instance of a component. - - - - - Returns an object that contains the property described by the specified property descriptor. - - A that represents the property whose owner is to be found. - - - - Gets or sets the value. - - - - - Gets a collection of string keys and values of the current . - - - Has a null value, if the property is false. - - - - - Gets or sets an attributes of the XML item (only for XML). - - - - - Gets the value associated with the specified key of the . - - The key of the value to get. - - - - Gets the value associated with the specified index of the . - - The index of the value to get. - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to array. - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to . - - - - - Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is equal to numeric type. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current object has a value. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current object has an attributes (only for xml data type). - - - - - Gets the number of elements actually contained in the . - - - - - Gets or sets the key for the current item, if the current item included into the collection. - - - Assigned automatically when parsing data of JSON, XML or query string. - root for root elements. - value for . - ____ for new collections created by the developer manually. - - - - - The parent of the current item, if the current item included into the collection. - - - - - Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the data type of the is array. - - - This affects the representation of the object as a string. For arrays in a JSON is not use the . - - - - - Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the type is unreferenced. - - - - - Represents the empty . - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the collection is a collection of objects. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The request results. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The content type of the response. - The source of the response. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The content type of the response. - The source of the response. - The HTTP headers of the response. - The HTTP status code of the response. - - - - Parses the source to the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Gets or sets the HTTP status code of the output returned to the client. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current request result is successful or not. - - - Successful result - is a response code from 200 to 299. - - - - - Gets or sets the content type of the response. - - - - - Gets or sets the http headers of the response. - - - - - Gets the Content-Disposition header of the response. - - - - - Gets the file name, if is file. - - - - - Gets or sets the source of the response. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is file or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the is empty or not. - - - - - Gets or sets the processed result of the response. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is XML or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating the is array or not. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Result of request to the OAuth server. - - - - Returns the . - - - - - Converts the specified string to an . - - A string containing an access token to parse. - A new instance. - - - - Converts the specified string to an . - - Type Inherited from the that should be returned. - A string containing an access token to parse. - A new instance. - - - - Indicates whether the specified value is null or an . - - The instance to test. - true if the parameter is null or is false; otherwise, false. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - The access token issued by the authorization server. - - - - - Represents the empty . - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the is empty or not. - - - - - Represents authorization results. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - The ID of the authorization request. - - - - - OAuth version. For example: 1.0, 2.0. - - - - - Provider and custom client name. - - - - - Provider name. For example: facebook, twitter, google. - - - - - The access token which is used to query the provider. - - - - - The user profile details that is returned from the provider. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the authorization is successful. - - - - - Gets error info when the authorization is not successful. - - - - - Gets the user ID that is returned from the provider. - - - - - Gets the username that is returned from the provider. - - - - - Gets the access token value. - - - - - Represents the name of the client. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The provider name. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The client name. Any string. - The provider name. - - - - Returns a new instance with a specified . - - - - - Returns a new instance with a specified and . - - - - - Converts a specified string to . - - The string to parse. - - - - Encodes a string. - - The string to encode. - - - - Decodes a string. - - The string to decode. - - - - Escapes a special characters in a string. - - The string to escape. - - - - Converts any escaped characters in the input string. - - The input string containing the value to convert. - - - - Returns a string that represents the current . - - - - - Determines whether two object instances are equal. - - The object to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified object is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Determines whether two object instances are equal. - - The instance of to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified instance is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Serves as a hash function for a particular type. - - A hash code for the current . - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Indicate whether two are not equal. - - The first instance. - The second instance. - - - - Indicate whether two are equal. - - The first instance. - The second instance. - - - - Gets the client name. - - - - - Gets the provider name. - - - - - Gets a md5 hash code for the current instance of the . - - - - - OAuth client for Google. - - -

Register and Configure a Google Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Google Developers Console and Create Project. - - Create new project button - - Enter the project name and click the Create. - - Create new project form - - - Click to the Credential menu in the APIs & OAuth. - - - Credential menu - - - For desktop application, click the Create new Client ID, select Installed application and Other. - - - Click the Create Client ID to complete. - - - Create new Client ID for desktop application - - - You will get the Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Create new Client ID for desktop application - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ) - - For web projects create another Client ID. In the form select the Web application and specify return addresses. - - Create new Client ID for web application - - - For more details, please visit Google Developers Console Help. - -
- - The following example shows how to use the in Console Applications. - For desktop applications, the user will need to manually enter authorization code. - - class Program - { - static void Main(string[] args) - { - try - { - var google = new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ); - - // open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(google.AuthorizationUrl); - - // waiting of entering the access code - string code = ""; - while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) - { - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:"); - code = Console.ReadLine(); - } - - Console.WriteLine(); - - // set authorization code - google.AuthorizationCode = code; - // get user info - var user = google.GetUserInfo(); - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId); - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName); - Console.WriteLine("Email: {0}", user.Email); - } - catch (Exception ex) - { - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); - } - Console.ReadKey(); - } - } - - - Module Module1 - - Sub Main() - Try - Dim google As New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ' open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(google.AuthorizationUrl) - - ' waiting of entering the access code - Dim code As String = "" - Do While String.IsNullOrEmpty(code) - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:") - code = Console.ReadLine() - Loop - - ' set authorization code - google.AuthorizationCode = code - - ' get user info - Dim user As UserInfo = google.GetUserInfo() - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - Console.WriteLine("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Catch ex As Exception - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) - End Try - Console.ReadKey() - End Sub - - End Module - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Google - Access code - User info - In a web projects you can use the and . - The following example shows how use the in ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "SI5bIZkrSB5rO03YF-CdsCJC" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "SI5bIZkrSB5rO03YF-CdsCJC" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The GoogleLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult GoogleLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function GoogleLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Google. - - public ActionResult GoogleLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Google", Url.Action("GoogleLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function GoogleLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Google", Url.Action("GoogleLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the GoogleLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with Google", "GoogleLogin") - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Represents base properties and method for OAuth 2.0 client. - - - For more details, please visit . - - - - - Represents base class for OAuth client classes. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The address for login. - The address for the access token. - The application identifier obtained from the provider website. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - - is null or empty. - -or- - is null or empty. - -or- - is null or empty. - -or- - is null or empty. - - - - - Redirects a client to the Authorization URL. - - - Use this method only for web applications (ASP .NET). - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - This is method is implemented at the protocol level ( & ). - - The is null or empty. - - - - Sends a request to revoke the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be revoked. - - Provider does not support revoking the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Gets the user details via API of the provider. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - This is method is implemented at the client level. - - - - - Creates a shallow copy of the current object. - - The query parameters for new copy object. - The new return URL for new copy object. - A shallow copy of the current object. - - Method creates a copy of the current object, removes tokens, change the return address, query parameters and state. - Unfortunately, I made a mistake in architecture, so I had to make this method. - - - - - - Creates a shallow copy of the current object. - - A shallow copy of the current object. - - Method creates a copy of the current object, removes tokens, change the return address, query parameters and state. - Unfortunately, I made a mistake in architecture, so I had to make this method. - - - - - - Returns the specified access token or the current access token. - - May contain an access token, which will be refunded. - Indicates the need to check the parameter refresh_token in the access token. Default: false. - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - - - - Unique provider name. - - - Client classes are required to implement this property. - The provider name must be unique. - - - - public override string ProviderName - { - get - { - return "KGB"; - } - } - - - - - - Gets the endpoint of the authorization. - - - This property is implemented at the protocol level ( & ). - - - - - Gets or sets an access token. - - - - - Gets an access token value. - - - - - Gets or sets access code for access token requests. - - - - - Gets or sets unique request identifier. - For clients the value sets is automatically. - - - - - Gets or sets the application identifier. - - - - - Gets or sets the application secret key. - - - - - Gets or sets the base address for login. - - - - - Gets or sets the address for the access token. - - - - - Gets the version of the OAuth protocol. - - - - - Gets or sets return URL. - - - At this address provider will return the user authorization results. - For many providers are needed configuration of the application on the provider website. - - - - - Gets or sets additional query parameters. - - - These parameters will be transferred to the provider. - - - - - Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current client supports revoking access token. - - - - - Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current client supports refreshing access token. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The address for login. - The address for the access token. - The application identifier. - The application secret key. - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - The scope of the access request. - - - - - The deault scope. - - - - - The separator in the scope list. - - - - - Gets or sets grant type. - - - - - Gets or sets username if is password or client_credentials. - - - - - Gets or sets password if is password or client_credentials. - - - - - Gets the endpoint of the authorization. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the Google Developers Console. - The Client Secret obtained from the Google Developers Console. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Sends a request to revoke the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be revoked. - - Provider does not support revoking the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - In order to Google returned the refresh_token, when receiving an access token, you must specify access_type=offline. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - { - Parameters = new NameValueCollection { { "access_type", "offline" } } - } - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) With _ - { - .Parameters = New NameValueCollection() From {{"access_type", "offline"}} - } - ) - - For more details, please see Google Documentation. - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - Unique provider name: Google. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - OAuth client for Amazon. - - -

Register and Configure Amazon Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - You need to register as developer in the App Console. - - - Sign in to the App Console - - - In the App Console register new application. - - - Register new application - - - Specify one or more return URLs. Access to any other address will be denied. - - - NOTE: Amazon supports only addresses over HTTPS (excluding localhost). - - - For example: - - - http://localhost:59962/Home/ExternalLoginResult - http://localhost/ - - - - Allowed Return URLs - - Do not forget to save your changes. - Use application Client ID and Client Secret when creating an instance of the class. - - Allowed Return URLs - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new AmazonClient - ( - "amzn1.application-oa2-client.f0ffe4edc256488dae00dcaf96d75d1b", - "764dcefe49b441c8c6244c93e5d5d04de54fda6dfdc83da9693bf346f4dc4515" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New AmazonClient _ - ( - "amzn1.application-oa2-client.f0ffe4edc256488dae00dcaf96d75d1b", - "764dcefe49b441c8c6244c93e5d5d04de54fda6dfdc83da9693bf346f4dc4515" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please see Amazon Developer Documentation. - -
- - The following example shows how to add the Amazon OAuth Client to ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new AmazonClient - ( - "amzn1.application-oa2-client.f0ffe4edc256488dae00dcaf96d75d1b", - "764dcefe49b441c8c6244c93e5d5d04de54fda6dfdc83da9693bf346f4dc4515" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New AmazonClient _ - ( - "amzn1.application-oa2-client.f0ffe4edc256488dae00dcaf96d75d1b", - "764dcefe49b441c8c6244c93e5d5d04de54fda6dfdc83da9693bf346f4dc4515" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The ExternalLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult ExternalLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function ExternalLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Now you can easily redirect user to login page. - - // NOTE: use httpS scheme for real websites - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Amazon", Url.Action("ExternalLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - // for example, MVC redirection from Action: - // return Redirect(authUrl); - - - ' NOTE: use httpS scheme for real websites - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Amazon", Url.Action("ExternalLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - ' for example, MVC redirection from Action - ' Return Redirect(authUrl) - - Result shown in the images below. - Amazon Sign in - Amazon User Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The client ID obtained from the App Console. - The client secret obtained from the App Console. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - Unique provider name: Amazon. - - - - - OAuth client for Microsoft Live. - - -

Register and Configure a Live Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Live Connect App Management and Create a New Application. - - Create a New Application - - Specify the application name, read terms of use and click the I accept. - - Create a New Application form - - Open the App Settings and add return URLs. You can't use localhost. - - Redirect URLs - - On the App Settings page, you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Cleint ID and Client Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new LiveClient - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New LiveClient _ - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit to the MSDN. - -
- - The following example shows how to add the Microsoft Live OAuth Client to ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new LiveClient - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New LiveClient _ - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The LiveLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult LiveLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function LiveLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Microsoft Live. - - public ActionResult LiveLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Live", Url.Action("LiveLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function LiveLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Live", Url.Action("LiveLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the LiveLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with Microsoft Live", "LiveLogin") - - Result shown in the images below. - Microsoft Live Sign in - User Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the Live Connect App Management. - The Client Secret obtained from the Live Connect App Management. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - In order to Microsoft Live returned the refresh_token, when receiving an access token, you must specify the scope wl.offline_access. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new LiveClient - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) - { - Scope = "wl.offline_access" - } - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New LiveClient _ - ( - "0000000040124265", - "6ViSGIbw9N59s5Ndsfz-zaeezlBt62Ep" - ) With { .Scope = "wl.offline_access" } - ) - - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - Unique provider name: Live. - - - - - OAuth client for GitHub. - - -

Register and Configure a GitHub Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - - Register a new OAuth application. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GitHubClient - ( - "e14122695d88f5c95bce", - "cde23ec001c5180e01e865f4efb57cb0bc848c16" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GitHubClient _ - ( - "e14122695d88f5c95bce", - "cde23ec001c5180e01e865f4efb57cb0bc848c16" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please see GitHub Development Guides. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the GitHub Applications. - The Client Secret obtained from the GitHub Applications. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: GitHub. - - - - - OAuth client for Dropbox. - - -

Register and Configure a Dropbox Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Dropbox App Console and Create app. - Choose the Dropbox API app type. - - In the application settings you can found App key and App secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new DropboxClient - ( - "0le6wsyp3y085wy", - "48afwq9yth83y7u" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New DropboxClient _ - ( - "0le6wsyp3y085wy", - "48afwq9yth83y7u" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Dropbox Platform Help. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The App key obtained from the Dropbox App Console. - The App secret obtained from the Dropbox App Console. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Sends a request to revoke the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be revoked. - - Provider does not support revoking the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Unique provider name: Dropbox. - - - - - OAuth client for Foursquare. - - -

Register and Configure a Foursquare Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Foursquare App and Create app. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FoursquareClient - ( - "LHYZN1KUXN50L141QCQFNNVOYBGUE3G3FCWFZ3EEZTOZHY5Q", - "HWXYFLLSS2IUQ0H4XNCDAZEFZKIU3MZRP5G55TNBDHRPNOQT" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FoursquareClient _ - ( - "LHYZN1KUXN50L141QCQFNNVOYBGUE3G3FCWFZ3EEZTOZHY5Q", - "HWXYFLLSS2IUQ0H4XNCDAZEFZKIU3MZRP5G55TNBDHRPNOQT" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Foursquare for Developers. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the Foursquare Apps. - The Client Secret obtained from the Foursquare Apps. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Foursquare. - - - - - OAuth client for SoundCloud. - - -

Register and Configure a SoundCloud Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the SoundCloud for Developers and Register a new app. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new SoundCloudClient - ( - "42b58d31e399664a3fb8503bfcaaa9ba", - "f9d85648da59fb95ec131b40c7645c31" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New SoundCloudClient _ - ( - "42b58d31e399664a3fb8503bfcaaa9ba", - "f9d85648da59fb95ec131b40c7645c31" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit SoundCloud for Developers. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the SoundCloud Applications. - The Client Secret obtained from the SoundCloud Applications. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: SoundCloud. - - - - - OAuth client for SourceForge. - - -

Register a SourceForge Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Consumer ID and Consumer Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the SourceForge Authorized Applications and Register New Application. - - You can see Consumer Key and Consumer Secret, use this for creating an instance of the . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new SourceForgeClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New SourceForgeClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Allura API. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Represents base properties and method for OAuth 1.0 client. - - - For more details, please visit . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The address for the request token. - The address for login. - The address for the access token. - The application identifier. - The application secret key. - The name of hashing algorithm to calculate the signature: HMAC-SHA1 (default) or PLAINTEXT. - The is null or empty. - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request. - - For more details, please visit - - - - Gets signature for the current request. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - - - - Gets the request token from the remote server. - - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - - - Gets or sets the address for the request token. - - - - - Get the authorization parameters. - - - - - Gets the endpoint of the authorization. - - - - - Gets or sets the request token. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Consumer Key obtained from the SourceForge OAuth applications. - The Consumer Secret obtained from the SourceForge OAuth applications. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - Name of the user whose data should be obtained. - - - - Gets the request token from the remote server. - - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - - - Unique provider name: SourceForge. - - - - - OAuth client for Yahoo. - - -

Register and Configure a Yahoo Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Consumer ID and Consumer Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open Yahoo Developer Network and Create a Project. - - In the application settings you can found Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - Note that Yahoo! does not work with the localhost. Use only a real servers. Make sure that your application on the Yahoo! dashboard configured correctly. - Yahoo! has a pretty flimsy OAuth interface. If something is done or configured incorrectly, the work will be nothing. But in general, the client is tested and works. - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new YahooClient - ( - "dj0yJmk9Qm1vZ3p2TmtQUm4zJmQ9WVdrOU4wbGlkWGxJTkc4bWNHbzlNQS0tJnM9Y29uc3VtZXJzZWNyZXQmeD0xZQ--", - "a55738627652db0acfe464de2d9be13963b0ba1f" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New YahooClient _ - ( - "dj0yJmk9Qm1vZ3p2TmtQUm4zJmQ9WVdrOU4wbGlkWGxJTkc4bWNHbzlNQS0tJnM9Y29uc3VtZXJzZWNyZXQmeD0xZQ--", - "a55738627652db0acfe464de2d9be13963b0ba1f" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Yahoo Developer Network. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Consumer Key obtained from the Yahoo Developer Dashboard. - The Consumer Secret obtained from the Yahoo Developer Dashboard. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Access token must contain the user ID in the parameter xoauth_yahoo_guid. - - - - - Gets the access token from the remote server. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - (!) - To update the access token, you must specify the return address that was used in obtaining the access token. - - - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - An exception occurs if there is no authorization code. - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - Callback address that was used in obtaining the access token. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - (!) - To update the access token, you must specify the return address that was used in obtaining the access token. - - - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - An exception occurs if there is no authorization code. - - - - Unique provider name: Yahoo. - - - - - OAuth client for LinkedIn. - - -

Register and Configure a LinkedIn Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open and sigin to the LinkedIn for Developers, and Add new app. - - In the application settings you can found Api Key and Secret Key. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new LinkedInClient - ( - "75vufylz829iim", - "VOf14z4T1jie4ezS" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New LinkedInClient _ - ( - "75vufylz829iim", - "VOf14z4T1jie4ezS" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit LinkedIn for Developers. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Api Key obtained from the LinkedIn Dashboard. - The Secret Key obtained from the LinkedIn Dashboard. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: LinkedIn. - - - - - OAuth client for Tumblr. - - -

Register and Configure a Tumblr Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Tumblr Dashboard, and Register an application. - - In the application settings you can found Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new TumblrClient - ( - "2EZbsj2oF8OAouPlDWSVnESetAchImzPLV4q0IcQH7DGKECuzJ", - "4WZ3HBDwNuz5ZDZY8qyK1qA5QFHEJY7gkPK6ooYFCN4yw6crKd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New TumblrClient _ - ( - "2EZbsj2oF8OAouPlDWSVnESetAchImzPLV4q0IcQH7DGKECuzJ", - "4WZ3HBDwNuz5ZDZY8qyK1qA5QFHEJY7gkPK6ooYFCN4yw6crKd" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Tumblr API Documentation. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Consumer Key obtained from the Tumblr Dashboard. - The Consumer Secret obtained from the Tumblr Dashboard. - - - - Gets an user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Tumblr. - - - - - OAuth client for Instagram. - - -

Register and Configure a Instagram Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Register as Developer and Register new Client ID. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Key. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new InstagramClient - ( - "215a1941ebed4e4fa74e94dd84762836", - "ba53a710e1624870bc066e7a9ae38601" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New InstagramClient _ - ( - "215a1941ebed4e4fa74e94dd84762836", - "ba53a710e1624870bc066e7a9ae38601" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Instagram Developer Documentation. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the Instagram Manage Clients. - The Client Secret obtained from the Instagram Manage Clients. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Instagram. - - - - - OAuth client for CodeProject. - - -

Register and Configure a CodeProject Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - - Register a new client. - - In the application settings you can found Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new CodeProjectClient - ( - "92mWWELc2DjcL-6tu7L1Py6yllleqSCt", - "YJXrk_Vzz4Ps02GqmaUY-aSLucxh4kfLq6oq0CtiukPfvbzb9yQG69NeDr2yiV9M" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New CodeProjectClient _ - ( - "92mWWELc2DjcL-6tu7L1Py6yllleqSCt", - "YJXrk_Vzz4Ps02GqmaUY-aSLucxh4kfLq6oq0CtiukPfvbzb9yQG69NeDr2yiV9M" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please see CodeProject API Documentation. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID obtained from the CodeProject Web API Clients. - The Client Secret obtained from the CodeProject Web API Clients. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: CodeProject. - - - - - OAuth client for Assembla. - - -

Register and Configure an Assembla Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - - Register a new OAuth application. - - In the application settings you can found Application ID and Application Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new AssemblaClient - ( - "bOS4QkXnmr5jhdacwqjQXA", - "701ee6dedf74fc4ad75bfa7476666a2f" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New AssemblaClient _ - ( - "bOS4QkXnmr5jhdacwqjQXA", - "701ee6dedf74fc4ad75bfa7476666a2f" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Assembla API Documentation Site. - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Application ID obtained from the Assembla Applications Manager. - The Application Secret obtained from the Assembla Applications Manager. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Assembla. - - - - - The list of access token types. - - - - - Bearer - - - - - OAuth - - - - - The list of authorization type. - - - - - Basic - - - - - Bearer - - - - - Digest - - - - - OAuth - - - - - The list of the types a HTTP parameters. - - - - - Unformed parameter. - - - - - Parameter of the query string. - - - - - Parameter of the form. - - - - - File. - - - - - Body of the request. - - - - - Very sexy list. - - - - - No sex. - - :o) - - - - Male. - - - - - Female. - - - - - Programmer. - - - - - Deep Thought. - - - - - The list of url encding methods. - - - - - Without encoding. - - - - - for POST requests when a conetent-type is x-www-form-urlencoded. - And for other requests. - - - - - x-www-form-urlencoded (spaces encoded as plus (+) signs). - - - - - RFC 3986 (spaces encoded as %20). - - - - - Represents the access token exception. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while accessing the network. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The content type of the server request result. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The content type of the server request result. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - The HTTP headers of the output. - The HTTP status code of the output. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Instance of the . - - - - - Gets the HTTP status code of the output returned to the client. - - - - - Gets the content type of the response. - - - - - Gets the http headers of the response. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified message. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - The exception that is thrown when server of API returns error. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified and error message. - - The result of the request. - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - The content type of the server request result. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The result of the request. - The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. - The content type of the server request result. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and a error message. - - The result of the request. - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - The content type of the server request result. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified server request result, content type and a error message. - - The result of the request. - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - The content type of the server request result. - - - - OAuth client for Facebook. - - -

Register and Configure a Facebook Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- - You need to register as developer. - - Open the Facebook Developers and Create a New App. - - Create new application menu - - Specify the application name and click the Create App. - - Create new application form - - - In the application dashboard you can found App ID and App Secret, this is Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - - App ID and App Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - You can use the App ID and App Secret for desktop, mobile and web projects. -

The application availability

- - To manage the status of the application, you must provide contact information. - - - Enter a contact email on the Settings page. - - - Contact Email - - - And now, you can change availability status of the application on the Status & Review page. - - - Make App Public - -

Configure application for web projects

- For web projects, configure return URLs. - - Open the application Settings and click Advanced tab. - - - Advanced tab - - - You must add the return URLs to the Valid OAuth redirect URIs field of the Security section. - - Do not forget to save your changes. - NOTE: If the application will be used for web and desktop, then also add URL: - NOTE: Enable Client OAuth Login if it's disabled. - - Valid OAuth redirect URIs - - - For more details, please see Facebook Developer Documentation. - -
- - The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Insert a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // facebook client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - // app id - "1435890426686808", - // app secret - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - { - // display=popup - to open a popup window - Parameters = new NameValueCollection { { "display", "popup" } } - } - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' facebook client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) With _ - { - .Parameters = New NameValueCollection() From {{"display", "popup"}} - } - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Insert a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Facebook - Facebook User Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The App ID obtained from the Facebook Developers. - The App Secret obtained from the Facebook Developers. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - For more details, please see User method in Guide of Facebook Graph API. - - - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - - - Sends a request to revoke the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be revoked. - - Provider does not support revoking the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - - - - - Unique provider name: Facebook. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - OAuth client for Odnoklassniki. - - - Odnoklassniki is a social network service for classmates and old friends. It is popular in Russia and CIS. -

Register and Configure a Odnoklassniki Site

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open My Games page and click My Uploaded Games. - - My Games in the footer menu - - - My Uploaded Games - - Click Add App. - - Add App button - - Enter the Title, Shortname, Description, Image link and App link. Select Application type (External type) and Permission. - - - (!) - - It is important to provide a link to the application (App link).
- You must use this link as the return URL. Even for desktop applications.
- You can use localhost for desktop applications.
- It is important to specify the type of application: External. -
- - App form - - In your email box you will find email message with the Client ID, Client Secret and Public key. - - Email message - - - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new OdnoklassnikiClient - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New OdnoklassnikiClient _ - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit to the Odnoklassniki API Documentation. - -
- -

Windows Forms

- The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Add a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // odnoklassniki client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new OdnoklassnikiClient - ( - // application ID - "1094959360", - // sectet key - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - // public key - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) { ReturnUrl = "http://localhost" } // return url - it's important - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' odnoklassniki client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New OdnoklassnikiClient _ - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) With { .ReturnUrl = "http://localhost" } - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Add a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Odnoklassniki")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Odnoklassniki")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - -


- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new OdnoklassnikiClient - ( - // application ID - "1094959360", - // sectet key - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - // public key - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New OdnoklassnikiClient _ - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The OdnoklassnikiLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult OdnoklassnikiLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function OdnoklassnikiLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Odnoklassniki. - - public ActionResult OdnoklassnikiLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Odnoklassniki", Url.Action("OdnoklassnikiLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function OdnoklassnikiLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Odnoklassniki", Url.Action("OdnoklassnikiLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the OdnoklassnikiLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with Odnoklassniki", "OdnoklassnikiLogin") - -

ASP .NET WebForms

- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new OdnoklassnikiClient - ( - // application ID - "1094959360", - // sectet key - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - // public key - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New OdnoklassnikiClient _ - ( - "1094959360", - "E45991423E8C5AE249B44E84", - "CBACMEECEBABABABA" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Email: {0}", user.Email)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Email: {0}", user.Email)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkOdnoklassniki" runat="server" - Text="Log in with Odnoklassniki" onclick="lnkOdnoklassniki_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkOdnoklassniki_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Odnoklassniki", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkOdnoklassniki_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkOdnoklassniki.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Odnoklassniki", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID. - The Client Secret. - The Public Key. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: Odnoklassniki. - - - - - Public Key for access to API. - - - - - Represents a method that is called for parsing item of the API data. - - The instance to parse. - - - - References a method to be called when a corresponding asynchronous web request completes. - - The result of the asynchronous web request. - - - - Represents the error results of the query. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The request results. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current request result is successful or not. - - Always has the value false. - - - - The exception that is thrown when a resource owner or authorization server denied the request. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when a user fails to login. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and the exception that is the cause of this exception. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - - - - The exception that is thrown when trying to access an unregistered OAuth client. - - - Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The following example illustrates a situation in which the is thrown. - - string url = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook"); - // ... - - - Dim url As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook"); - ' ... - - ClientIsNotRegisteredException - To solve the problem enough to register the client. - - // facebook client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - ' facebook client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - Enjoy! - - string url = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook"); - // ... - - - Dim url As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("facebook"); - ' ... - - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Represents the empty results of the query. - - - The class is used to determine sends a request to the remote server or not. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current request result is successful or not. - - Always has the value false. - - - - The exception that is thrown when you attempt to register the already registered client. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the provider. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the provider and client. - - - - Gets an error message. - - - - - The exception that is thrown when has more than one . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - The exception that is thrown when HttpContext.Current is null (Nothing in Visual Basic). - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - The exception occurs when you try to access a provider by provider name. If the name is incorrect, or does not exist. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message. - - The error message that explains the reason for this exception. - An object array that contains zero or more objects to format. - - - - The exception that is thrown when adding a to the and collection has one a . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - Represents a HTTP authorization header. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with specific authorization type and value. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class from specific source. - - - - - Removes the value with the specified key from the . - - The key of the element to remove. - - true if the element is successfully found and removed; otherwise, false. - This method returns false if key is not found in the or is not collection. - - - - - Returns OAuth string of the current object for Authorization header. - - - - - Invoked before sending a web request. - - HTTP Method of the request: POST, PUT, GET or DELETE. - URL of the web request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - >Parameters of the web request. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Gets or sets authorization method. - - - - - Gets or sets parameters of the authorization. - - - - - Authorization parameters. - - - - - Sorted authorization parameters. - - - - - Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key. - - The key of the value to get or set. - - - - Implements a file to transfer in a HTTP request. - - - - - Implements a HTTP paramter. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the parameter. - The value of the parameter. - The content-type of the parameter. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the parameter. - The value of the parameter. - The type of the parameter. - The content-type of the parameter. - - - - Returns a string that represents the current parameter. - - - - - Gets or sets parameter name. - - - - - Gets or sets parameter value. - - - - - Gets or sets Content-Type. - - - - - Gets or sets type of the parameter. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Content of the file. - Name of the file. - The name of the parameter. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of the parameter. - The posted file. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Content of the file. - Name of the file. - The name of the parameter. - MIME type of the file. - - - - Gets or sets the filename. - - - - - Collection of HTTP parameters. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The collection of parameters. - - If the parameter has a value of null (Nothing for VB), it will not be added to the collection. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The body of a request. - - If the parameter has a value of null (Nothing for VB), it will not be added to the collection. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The body of a request. - - If the parameter has a value of null (Nothing for VB), it will not be added to the collection. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The array of parameters. - - If the parameter has a value of null (Nothing for VB), it will not be added to the collection. - - - - - Adds a parameter to the end of the collection. - - The parameter to be added to the collection. - - - - Adds a parameter to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The parameter value. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of the parameter. - The parameter value. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of the parameter. - The value of the parameter. - The type of the parameter. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The posted file. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The posted file. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The name of the file. - The Content-Type of the file. - The content of the file. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The name of the file. - The content of the file. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The name of the file. - The Content-Type of the file. - The file stream. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The name of the file. - The file stream. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The content of the request. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The content of the request. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The content of the request. - - - - Adds the items of the specified collection to the end of the current instance of the . - - The collection whose items should be added to the end of the current instance of the . - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The parameter value. - - - - Adds a to the end of the collection. - - The name of parameter. - The parameter value. - - - - Adds file as content to the end of the collection. - - The posted file. - - - - Adds content to the end of the collection. - - The Content-Type of the . - The content value. - - - - Inserts an element into the instance of the at the specified index. - - The zero-based index at which item should be inserted. - The to insert. - - - - Inserts the elements of a collection into the instance of the at the specified index. - - The zero-based index at which the new elements should be inserted. - The collection whose elements should be inserted into the instance of the . - - - - Removes the first occurrence of a specific parameter from the . - - The parameter to remove from the . - - true if is successfully removed; otherwise, false. - This method also returns false if was not found in the . - - - - - Removes all the elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate. - - The delegate that defines the conditions of the elements to remove. - The number of elements removed from the . - - - - Removes the element at the specified index of the . - - The zero-based index of the element to remove. - - - - Removes a range of elements from the . - - The zero-based starting index of the range of elements to remove. - The number of elements to remove. - - - - Removes all elements from the . - - - - - Updates status of the collection. - - - - - Checks parameters types. - - The type for checking. - - - - Returns a string query parameters encoded by default method (). - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified separator. - - The separator of query parameters. For example: & - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified separator and encoding parameters. - - The separator of query parameters. - The type of the encoder. - The types of parameters to be used. - - - - Copies elements of the to a new instance. - - The true value included into the results only the parameters. The default value is false - all parameters. - - - - Gets a body for the request. - - - - - Writes the parameters to the request. - - The instance of the request. - - - - Writes a file to the request. - - The name of the parameter. - The filename. - The Content-Type of the file. - The content of the file. - The output stream instance. - - - - Writes a form-data parameter to the request. - - The name of the parameter. - The value of the parameter. - The output stream instance. - - - - Writes any parameter to the request. - - The Content-Type of the . - The content value. - The instance of the output stream. - - - - The assignment operator for array of the . - - The array that will be used as the . - New instance of the . - - - - The assignment operator for the . - - The collection that will be used as the . - New instance of the . - - - - The assignment operator for the byte array. - - The byte array of the request body. - New instance of the . - - - - The assignment operator for the . - - The instance of the of the request body. - New instance of the . - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current collection has a files. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current collection has a . - - - - - Gets a boundary for a request. - - - - - Gets or sets code page for parameters encoding. - - - - - Implements a value of the HTTP paramter. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Returns an encoded string of the value. - - - - - Returns an encoded string of the value. - - - - - Returns a string that represents the current value. - - - - - Returns a byte array that represents the current value. - - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the array of the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Implements the assignment operator for the . - - The value to be assigned. - New instance of the . - - - - Gets or sets value. - - - - - Implements a request body. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified value. - - The parameter value. - - - - The access token class for OAuth 2.0. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Result of request to the OAuth server. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified access token and refresh token. - - The access token. - The refresh token. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified access token and refresh token. - - The access token. - The refresh token. - The token type. For example: bearer. Default: null. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Returns the . - - - - - Converts the specified string to an . - - A string containing an access token to parse. - A new instance. - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - The access token issued by the authorization server. - - - - - The lifetime in seconds of the access token. - - - - - The refresh token, which can be used to obtain new - access tokens using the same authorization grant. - - - - - The scope of the access token. - - - - - The type of the token issued. Value is case insensitive. - - - - - Represents the authorization grant type. - - - - - Using an authorization code to confirm the identity (grant type is authorization_code). - - - - - Using username and password (grant type is password). - - - - - Using basic authorization with username and password (grant type is client_credentials). - - - - - Using a token to refreshing the access token (grant type is refresh_token). - - - - - Initializes a new instance with a specified . - - The value of grant type. - - - - Returns a string that represents the current . - - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Gets or sets the value. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current value is authorization_code or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current value is password or not. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the current value is client_credentials or not. - - - - - Provides helpers methods for OAuth. - - - - - Unreserved characters for the method. - - - - - - - - This is main helper class. - - - - - Percent encoding. - - The text to encode. - The object that specifies the encoding scheme. - - For more details, please see: - - - - - - - - - Percent encoding. - - The text to encode. - - - - Encodes a URL string using the specified encoding object. - - The text to encode. - The type of the encoder. - - - - Encodes a URL string using the specified encoding object. - - The text to encode. - The object that specifies the encoding scheme. - The type of the encoder. - - - - Encodes a string into JavaScript string. - - The string to encode. - - - - Generate timestamp for a signature (only for OAuth 1.0). - - - - The timestamp value MUST be a positive integer. Unless otherwise - specified by the server's documentation, the timestamp is expressed - in the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. - - For more details, please see: - - - - - Generate random key. - - - - - Compute MD5 hash. - - Value that must be processed. - - - - Converts the string value to its equivalent string representation that is encoded with base-64 digits. - - A composite format string for encoding to Base64. - An object array that contains zero or more objects to format. - The string representation, in base 64. - - - - Performs a request using a GET method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs a request using a POST method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for web request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs a request using a PUT method. - - URL to which will be sent to the request. - Parameters to be passed to the request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for the request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs a request using a DELETE method. - - URL to which will be sent to the request. - Parameters to be passed to the request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for the request. - Access token to be used in the request. - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs a request. - - HTTP Method: POST (default), PUT, GET or DELETE. - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for web request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Reads results of the web request to the string. - - instance. - - - - Performs an async request using a GET method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs an async request using a POST method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs an async request using a PUT method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs an async request using a DELETE method. - - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Performs an async request. - - HTTP Method: POST (default), PUT, GET or DELETE. - URL to which will be sent to request. - Parameters to be passed to request. - Authorization header value. - HTTP headers for request. - The value of the Content-Type HTTP header. - A delegate that, if provided, is called when an async web request is completed. - Access token to be used in the request. - - Can not be used simultaneously and . Use only one of these parameters. - - Returns an instance of the class, which contains the result of the request. - - - - The exception occurs when the query parameters are specified at the same time and . - - - - - Gets the value of the specified , if the is a . - - Source of data. - The key is to be obtained. - - - - Returns a string containing a number. - - The value for processing. - - - - Gets signature for the current request. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - The authorization parameters. - - - - Gets signature for the current request. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - The authorization parameters. - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request (OAuth 1.0). - - For more details, please visit - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request (OAuth 1.0). - - For more details, please visit - - - - Represents a class that extends the class by adding methods for use with query parameters. - - - - - Convert the to list of the . - - The . - - - - Returns a string of query parameters without a separator. - - The . - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified separator. - - The . - The separator of query parameters. For example: & - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified encoding parameters. - - The . - Disables parameters encoding. - - - - Returns a string of query parameters with a specified separator and encoding parameters. - - The . - The separator of query parameters. - Disables parameters encoding. - - - - Sorts the by alphabetically and returns a new . - - The . - - - - Removes the value with the specified key from the . - - The . - The key of the element to remove. - - - - Represents the request item to OAuth server. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The instance of the OAuth client. - The client name. - - - - Gets name of the client. - - - - - Gets instance of the OAuth client. - - - - - Gets date and time creation of the request. - - - - - Represents helper class for sessions management of OAuth. - - - Mainly the class is intended for web projects. - But you can use some methods of the class in desktop applications together with the WebBrowser control. - - The methods , - , - and - - will not work in desktop applications. - - - -

ASP .NET WebForms

- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To redirect the user to the login page is used the method. - Processing of the authorization results is performed by . - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new TwitterClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New TwitterClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkTwitter" runat="server" - Text="Log in with Twitter" onclick="lnkTwitter_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkTwitter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Twitter", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkTwitter_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkTwitter.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Twitter", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - -

Windows Forms

- The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - Methods redirection in Windows Forms applications do not work. To get the address of the authorization is used. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Add a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new MailRuClient - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New MailRuClient _ - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Add a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - -
- - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider with specified parameters. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization query. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider, query parameters and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization query. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Redirects current client to the authorization page of the specified provider, query parameters and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization query. - - is unregistered. Use the for OAuth clients registration. - - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use . - - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider with specified parameters. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization URL. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider, query parameters and return URL. - - Provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user. - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization URL. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Returns the authorization URL of the specified provider, query parameters and return URL. - - - The provider name, through which it is necessary to authorize the current user; or the name of the registered client. - - Additional parameters to be passed to the authorization URL. - The address to which the user is redirected after the authorization. - - The exception that is thrown when you try to access methods that are designed for web projects. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the current URL. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use the overloads or . - - - Returns the verification results. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the specified URL. - - Address at which to perform the verification. - - Returns the verification results. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the specified request identifier and the code of the authorization. - - Request identifier. - The authorization code received from the provider server. - - Returns the verification results. - - - This method is intended for internal use. It is recommended to use the overload or . - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the current URL and removes the request from memory. - - - The method will not work in desktop applications. For desktop applications you can use the overloads or . - - - Returns the verification results. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the specified URL, and removes the request from memory. - - Address at which to perform the verification. - - Returns the verification results. - - - - - Verifies the authorization results for the specified request identifier and the code of the authorization, and removes the request from memory. - - Request identifier. - The authorization code received from the provider server. - - Returns the verification results. - - - This method is intended for internal use. It is recommended to use the overload or . - - - - - The access token class for OAuth 1.0. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - Result of request to the OAuth server. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Returns the . - - - - - Converts the specified string to an . - - A string containing an access token to parse. - A new instance. - - - - Converts the to . - - The instance. - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - The access token issued by the authorization server. - - - - - The access token issued by the authorization server. - - - - - Класс ресурса со строгой типизацией для поиска локализованных строк и т.д. - - - - - Возвращает кэшированный экземпляр ResourceManager, использованный этим классом. - - - - - Перезаписывает свойство CurrentUICulture текущего потока для всех - обращений к ресурсу с помощью этого класса ресурса со строгой типизацией. - - - - - Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Drawing.Bitmap. - - - - - Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Aleksey Sergeevich Nemiro is a Russian developer of applications and websites, - author of articles on programming and information technology. - - Aleksey was born on October 3, 1983 in the city of Vladivostok (Primorsky Krai, Russia). - In 2009, Aleksey migrated to the city of Yoshkar-Ola (Mari El, Russia). - - Started programming in 1998 on the G-Basic and QBasic. - - At various times worked with programming languages and technologies: - Visaul Basic, Delphi, C, Visual C++, Java, PHP, ASP VBScript and JScript [остаток строки не уместился]";. - - - - - Represents authorization parameters for OAuth 1.0. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with specific value. - - - - - Updates the nonce and the timestamp. - - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request (OAuth 1.0). - - For more details, please visit - - - - Gets base string of the signature for current request (OAuth 1.0). - - For more details, please visit - - - - Creates a new instance from . - - The value from which will be created a new instance of the . - - - - Sets signature. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - - - - Sets signature. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The token secret. - The query parameters. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - - - - Sets signature. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The query parameters. - - - - Sets signature. - - The HTTP method: GET or POST. Default is POST. - The request URI. - The query parameters. - - - - Gets or sets the consumer key. - - - - - Gets or sets the consumer secret. - - - - - Gets or sets the token. - - - - - Gets or sets the secret token. - - - - - Gets or sets the signature method. - - - - - Gets or sets the nonce. - - - - - Gets or sets the timestamp. - - - - - Gets or sets the version of the OAuth. - - - - - Gets or sets the signature. - - - - - Gets or sets the callback address. - - - - - Gets or sets the verifier code. - - - - - OAuth client for Mail.Ru. - - - Mail.Ru is a popular email service, search engine, social network, photo & video hosting, blogs and another services in Russia and CIS. -

Register and Configure a Mail.Ru Site

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Unfortunately, the interface is only in Russian. - You must have a confirmed account in Mail.Ru. - Open Sites page and click Connect a New Site. - - Create a New Site button - - Accept the terms of the agreement. - - Terms - - Enter the site name, URL and click the Next button. - - Site name and URL - - Download the receiver.html file and place it in the root directory of your site. - This step can be skipped (Пропустить). - - receiver.html file - - The last step you will find the Client ID and Client Secret. - - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Cleint ID and Client Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new MailRuClient - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New MailRuClient _ - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit to the Mail.Ru API Documentation. - -
- -

Windows Forms

- The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Add a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new MailRuClient - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New MailRuClient _ - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Add a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Mail.Ru - Mail.Ru User Info -


- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new MailRuClient - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New MailRuClient _ - ( - "722701", - "d0622d3d9c9efc69e4ca42aa173b938a" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The MailRuLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult MailRuLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function MailRuLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", user.Email) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Mail.Ru. - - public ActionResult MailRuLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru", Url.Action("MailRuLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function MailRuLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru", Url.Action("MailRuLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the MailRuLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with Mail.Ru", "MailRuLogin") - - NOTE: For proper processing, you will need to download and put on your site a receiver.html file. -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Client ID. - The Client Secret. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - Returns an instance of the class, containing information about the user. - - - The access token must contain the user ID in the parameter x_mailru_vid. - - - - - - Sends a request to refresh the access token. - - May contain an access token, which should be refreshed. - - If parameter is not specified, it will use the current access token from the same property of the current class instance. - Token must contain the refresh_token, which was received together with the access token. - - - Provider does not support refreshing the access token, or the method is not implemented. - Use the property , to check the possibility of calling this method. - - - Access token is not found or is not specified. - -or- - refresh_token value is empty. - - Error during execution of a web request. - - - - Unique provider name: Mail.Ru. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - Represents helper class for management of OAuth clients. - - - You can use this class to register clients in your project. - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - - - - - Initializes the . - - - - - The method is called when the interval elapsed. - - Instance of the object that raised the event. - The event data. - - - - Adds the specified request to the collection. - - The unique request key. - The client name. - The client instance. - - - - Removes the request from collection. - - The unique request key to remove.. - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The client instance. - is null or empty. - If you attempt to register the already registered client. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The client instance. - The any name of the client. For example: Test, Release, Project #1, Ku!, etc. - is null or empty. - If you attempt to register the already registered client. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Test", - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Test", - new FacebookClient - ( - "00000000000000", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Release", - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Release", - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Test", - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Test", - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "00000000000000", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Release", - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Release", - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. (the main method) - - The client instance. - The any name of the client. For example: Test, Release, Project #1, Ku!, etc. - is null or empty. - If you attempt to register the already registered client. - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Test", - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Test", - new FacebookClient - ( - "00000000000000", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Release", - new GoogleClient - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "Release", - new FacebookClient - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Test", - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Test", - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "00000000000000", - "000000000000000000000000" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Release", - New GoogleClient _ - ( - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "Release", - New FacebookClient _ - ( - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The provider name. - The application identifier obtained from the provider website. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - , or is null or empty. - Provider not found by . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "facebook" - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "facebook", - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The provider name. - The application identifier obtained from the provider website. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - List of scope that will be requested from the provider. Only for OAuth 2.0. - Additional parameters to be passed to the constructor of the client class. - Additional parameters that will be transferred to the provider website. - , or is null or empty. - Provider not found by . - The not suppored . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "facebook" - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "facebook", - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - - - - - - Registers the specified client in the application. - - The provider name. And may also contain any client name for for division into groups. - The application identifier obtained from the provider website. - The application secret key obtained from the provider website. - Additional parameters to be passed to the constructor of the client class. - List of scope that will be requested from the provider. Only for OAuth 2.0. - Additional parameters that will be transferred to the provider website. - , or is null or empty. - Provider not found by . - The not suppored . - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - "facebook" - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "google", - "", - "AeEbEGQqoKgOZb41JUVLvEJL" - ) - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - "facebook", - "1435890426686808", - "c6057dfae399beee9e8dc46a4182e8fd" - ) - - - You can register multiple clients to a single provider. - The following example shows how to do it. - - - var clientName = ClientName.Create("Debug", "Facebook"); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - clientName - "000000000000000000", - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" - ); - - clientName = ClientName.Create("Any name", "Facebook"); - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - clientName - "111111111111111111", - "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" - ); - - - Dim name As ClientName = ClientName.Create("Debug", "Facebook") - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - name, - "000000000000000000", - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" - ) - - name As ClientName = ClientName.Create("Any name", "Facebook") - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - name, - "111111111111111111", - "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" - ) - - - - - - Checks registered provider with the specified name or not. - - The provider name or client name. - - - - Returns type of client by name. - - The provider name. - - - - Gets the list of all clients. - - - - - Gets the list of active requests. - - - - - Gets the list of registered clients. - - - - - Variants of the signature encryption. - - - - - HMAC-SHA1 - - - - - RSA-SHA1 - - - - - PLAINTEXT - - - - - Represents the signature of the request. This is a helper class to simplify debugging. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The name of hashing algorithm to calculate the signature: HMAC-SHA1 (default) or PLAINTEXT. - The secret key for encryption. - Base string of the signature. - - is not suppored. - - - - - Returns the of the current object. - - - - - Gets the secret key for encryption. - - - - - Gets the name of hashing algorithm to calculate the signature: HMAC-SHA1 or PLAINTEXT. - - - - - Get base string of the signature. - - - - - Gets the signature. - - - - - Represents the request token results. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The request result. - The address of the authorization. - The query parameters. Will be used in the formation of the authorization address. - - - - Returns the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Gets the OAuth token. - - - - - Gets the token secret. - - - - - The parameter is used to differentiate from previous versions of the protocol. - - - - - Gets the address of the authorization. - - - - - OAuth client for Twitter. - - -

Register and Configure a Twitter Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Consumer ID and Consumer Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the Twitter Application Management and Create a New App. - - Create a New App button - - Fill out the form and click the Create your Twitter application. - For web project, set a Callback URL. - - Create a New App form - - - Open the application page and click to the API Keys. - - - API Keys link - - - You can see API Key and API secret, this is Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Client ID and Client Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new TwitterClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New TwitterClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Twitter Developers Documentation. - -
- -

Console Applications

- The following example shows how to use the in Console Applications. - For desktop applications, the user will need to manually enter authorization code. - - class Program - { - static void Main(string[] args) - { - try - { - var twitter = new TwitterClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ); - - // open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(twitter.AuthorizationUrl); - - // waiting of entering the access code - string code = ""; - while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) - { - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:"); - code = Console.ReadLine(); - } - - Console.WriteLine(); - - // set authorization code - twitter.AuthorizationCode = code; - // get user info - var user = twitter.GetUserInfo(); - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId); - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName); - } - catch (Exception ex) - { - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); - } - Console.ReadKey(); - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Module Module1 - - Sub Main() - Try - Dim twitter As New TwitterClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ' open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(twitter.AuthorizationUrl) - - ' waiting of entering the access code - Dim code As String = "" - Do While String.IsNullOrEmpty(code) - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:") - code = Console.ReadLine() - Loop - - ' set authorization code - twitter.AuthorizationCode = code - - ' get user info - Dim user As UserInfo = twitter.GetUserInfo() - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - Catch ex As Exception - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) - End Try - Console.ReadKey() - End Sub - - End Module - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Twitter - Access code - User info -

ASP .NET WebForms

- In a web projects you can use the and . - The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new TwitterClient - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New TwitterClient _ - ( - "cXzSHLUy57C4gTBgMGRDuqQtr", - "3SSldiSb5H4XeEMOIIF4osPWxOy19jrveDcPHaWtHDQqgDYP9P" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkTwitter" runat="server" - Text="Log in with Twitter" onclick="lnkTwitter_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkTwitter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Twitter", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkTwitter_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkTwitter.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Twitter", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - - NOTE: Do not forget to adjust the Callback URL in the Twitter Application Settings. -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The API Key obtained from the Twitter Application Management. - The API Secret obtained from the Twitter Application Management. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - Unique provider name: Twitter. - - - - - OAuth client for VK (VKontakte). - - - VK (VKontakte) is "Russian Facebook". :-) -

Register and Configure a VKontakte Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the VK App development and click Create an Application. - - Create an Application button - - Specify the application name and type, and click the Connect Application. - - Creating an application - - Confirm by SMS. - - Confirmation - - - In the Application Settings you can found Application ID and Secure key, this is Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the class. - - NOTE: Change application status to Application ON and visible to all. - - Application settings - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new VkontakteClient - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New VkontakteClient _ - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ) - - For web projects, enable Open API, set Site address and configure Base domain in the Open API section. - - Base domains - - - For more details, please see VK App development. - -
- -

Windows Forms

- The following example shows how to use the in desktop applications. - To test the example, create a new Windows Forms project with two forms. Insert a Button to the Form1. - - public Form1() - { - InitializeComponent(); - button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); - } - - private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - // vk(ontakte) client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new VkontakteClient - ( - // application id - "4457505", - // secure secret - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - { - // display=popup - to open a popup window - Parameters = new NameValueCollection { { "display", "popup" } } - } - ); - } - - private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - var frm = new Form2(); - frm.ShowDialog(); - } - - - Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - ' vk(ontakte) client registration - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New VkontakteClient _ - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) With _ - { - .Parameters = New NameValueCollection() From {{"display", "popup"}} - } - ) - End Sub - - Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click - Call New Form2().ShowDialog() - End Sub - - Add a WebBrowser to the Form2. - - public Form2() - { - InitializeComponent(); - webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); - webBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("vk")); - } - - private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) - { - // waiting for results - if (e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") != -1 || e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") != -1) - { - // is the result, verify - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - // show user info - MessageBox.Show - ( - String.Format - ( - "User ID: {0}\r\nUsername: {1}\r\nDisplay Name: {2}\r\nE-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - result.UserInfo.DisplayName ?? result.UserInfo.FullName, - result.UserInfo.Email - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ); - } - else - { - // show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); - } - this.Close(); - } - } - - - Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load - WebBrowser1.Navigate(OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("vk")) - End Sub - - Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted - ' waiting for results - If Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Fragment.IndexOf("code=") = -1 OrElse Not e.Url.Query.IndexOf("oauth_verifier=") = -1 Then - ' is the result, verify - Dim result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(e.Url.ToString()) - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - ' show user info - MessageBox.Show _ - ( - String.Format _ - ( - "User ID: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Display Name: {2}{4}E-Mail: {3}", - result.UserInfo.UserId, - result.UserInfo.UserName, - If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.UserInfo.DisplayName), result.UserInfo.DisplayName, result.UserInfo.FullName), - result.UserInfo.Email, - vbNewLine - ), - "Successfully", - MessageBoxButtons.OK, - MessageBoxIcon.Information - ) - Else - ' show error message - MessageBox.Show(result.ErrorInfo.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) - End If - Me.Close() - End If - End Sub - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with VK(ontakte) - VK User Info -


- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET MVC Application. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - protected void Application_Start() - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new VkontakteClient - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ); - } - - - Sub Application_Start() - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New VkontakteClient _ - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ) - End Sub - - The VkontakteLoginResult method will handle authorization result. - - public ActionResult VkontakteLoginResult() - { - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - // NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}\r\n", user.UserId); - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\r\n", user.DisplayName); - return new ContentResult { Content = r.ToString(), ContentType = "text/plain" }; - } - - return new ContentResult - { - Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - ContentType = "text/plain" - }; - } - - - Public Function VkontakteLoginResult() As ActionResult - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - ' NOTE: For StringBuilder import the System.Text - Dim r As New StringBuilder() - r.AppendFormat("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - r.AppendLine() - r.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - Return New ContentResult With { .Content = r.ToString(), .ContentType = "text/plain" } - End If - - Return New ContentResult With _ - { - .Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message, - .ContentType = "text/plain" - } - End Function - - Add action method for redirection to the Vkontakte. - - public ActionResult VkontakteLogin() - { - string authUrl = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("vk", Url.Action("VkontakteLoginResult", "Home", null, null, Request.Url.Host)); - return Redirect(authUrl); - } - - - Public Function VkontakteLogin() As ActionResult - Dim authUrl As String = OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("vk", Url.Action("VkontakteLoginResult", "Home", Nothing, Nothing, Request.Url.Host)) - Return Redirect(authUrl) - End Function - - On a page add link to the VkontakteLogin method. - - @Html.ActionLink("Log in with VK(ontakte)", "VkontakteLogin") - -

ASP .NET WebForms

- The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new VkontakteClient - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New VkontakteClient _ - ( - "4457505", - "wW5lFMVbsw0XwYFgCGG0" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkVkontakte" runat="server" - Text="Log in with VK(ontakte)" onclick="lnkVkontakte_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkVkontakte_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("vk", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkVkontakte_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkVkontakte.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("vk", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Application ID obtained from the VK App development. - The Secure Key obtained from the VK App development. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - - Unique provider name: VK. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - OAuth client for Yandex. - - - Yandex is a popular search engine in Russia and CIS. -

Register and Configure a Yandex Application

- - - (!) - - Web Management Interface may change over time. Applications registration shown below may differ.
- If the interface is changed, you need to register the application and get Client ID and Client Secret. For web projects, configure return URLs.
- If you have any problems with this, please visit issues. If you do not find a solution to your problem, you can create a new question. -
- Open the register new application page, fill out the form and click Save. - NOTE: Russian language is available on the - Specify the application name and set permissions. - - To access a users profile, select Yandex.Username: Date of birth; Email address; User name, surname and gender. - This minimum permissions that are required to work. - - For web project, set a Callback URI. - NOTE: For desktop applications set Callback URI to - - Register new application - - - In the next step you will see an Application ID and Application password, this is Client ID and Client Secret. - Use this for creating an instance of the . - - - Client ID and Client Secret - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new YandexClient - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ); - - - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New YandexClient _ - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ) - - - For more details, please visit Yandex OAuth Documentation. - -
- -

Console Applications

- The following example shows how to use the in Console Applications. - For desktop applications, the user will need to manually enter authorization code. - - class Program - { - static void Main(string[] args) - { - try - { - var yandex = new YandexClient - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ); - - // open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(yandex.AuthorizationUrl); - - // waiting of entering the access code - string code = ""; - while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) - { - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:"); - code = Console.ReadLine(); - } - - Console.WriteLine(); - - // set authorization code - yandex.AuthorizationCode = code; - // get user info - var user = yandex.GetUserInfo(); - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId); - Console.WriteLine("E-Mail: {0}", user.Email); - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName); - Console.WriteLine("Birthday: {0}", user.Birthday); - Console.WriteLine("Sex: {0}", user.Sex); - } - catch (Exception ex) - { - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); - } - Console.ReadKey(); - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Module Module1 - - Sub Main() - Try - Dim yandex As New YandexClient _ - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ' open the login page in browser - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(yandex.AuthorizationUrl) - - ' waiting of entering the access code - Dim code As String = "" - Do While String.IsNullOrEmpty(code) - Console.WriteLine("Enter access code:") - code = Console.ReadLine() - Loop - - ' set authorization code - yandex.AuthorizationCode = code - - ' get user info - Dim user As UserInfo = yandex.GetUserInfo() - Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", user.UserId) - Console.WriteLine("E-Mail: {0}", user.Email) - Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", user.DisplayName) - Console.WriteLine("Birthday: {0}", user.Birthday) - Console.WriteLine("Sex: {0}", user.Sex) - Catch ex As Exception - Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) - End Try - Console.ReadKey() - End Sub - - End Module - - Result of the program is shown in the images below. - Log in with Yandex - Access code - User info -

ASP .NET WebForms

- In a web projects you can use the and . - The following example shows how to use the in ASP .NET WebForms. - To test the example, create a new ASP .NET WebForms (empty) project. Add Global.asax. - In the Application_Start event handler (Global.asax file) is registered the . - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.Security; - using System.Web.SessionState; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - using Nemiro.OAuth.Clients; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication - { - protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthManager.RegisterClient - ( - new YandexClient - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - Imports Nemiro.OAuth.Clients - - Public Class Global_asax - Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication - - Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) - OAuthManager.RegisterClient _ - ( - New YandexClient _ - ( - "0ee5f0bf2cd141a1b194a2b71b0332ce", - "59d76f7c09b54ad38e6b15f792da7a9a" - ) - ) - End Sub - - End Class - - Add ExternalLoginResult.aspx. - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ExternalLoginResult.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.ExternalLoginResult" %gt; - And add the following code. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class ExternalLoginResult : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - Response.Write("<pre>"); - var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization(); - if (result.IsSuccessfully) - { - var user = result.UserInfo; - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)); - Response.Write(String.Format("E-Mail: {0}<br />", user.Email)); - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)); - } - else - { - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message); - } - Response.Write("</pre>"); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class ExternalLoginResult - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load - Response.Write("<pre>") - Dim result As AuthorizationResult = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization() - If result.IsSuccessfully Then - Dim user As UserInfo = result.UserInfo - Response.Write(String.Format("User ID: {0}<br />", user.UserId)) - Response.Write(String.Format("E-Mail: {0}<br />", user.Email)) - Response.Write(String.Format("Name: {0}<br />", user.DisplayName)) - Else - Response.Write(result.ErrorInfo.Message) - End If - Response.Write("</pre>") - End Sub - - End Class - - Add Default.aspx and insert one LinkButton to the page. - - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test.CSharp.AspWebForms.Default" %> - - <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> - - <html xmlns=""> - <head runat="server"> - <title></title> - </head> - <body> - <form id="form1" runat="server"> - <div> - <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkYandex" runat="server" - Text="Log in with Yandex" onclick="lnkYandex_Click" /> - </div> - </form> - </body> - </html> - - Add a handler for a click on the link. - - using System; - using System.Collections.Generic; - using System.Linq; - using System.Web; - using System.Web.UI; - using System.Web.UI.WebControls; - using Nemiro.OAuth; - - namespace Test.CSharp.AspWebForms - { - public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page - { - protected void lnkYandex_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) - { - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Yandex", new Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri); - } - } - } - - - Imports Nemiro.OAuth - - Public Class _Default - Inherits System.Web.UI.Page - - Protected Sub lnkYandex_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkYandex.Click - OAuthWeb.RedirectToAuthorization("Yandex", New Uri(Request.Url, "ExternalLoginResult.aspx").AbsoluteUri) - End Sub - - End Class - - NOTE: Do not forget to adjust the Callback URI in the Yandex Application Settings. -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The Application ID. - The Application Password. - - - - Gets the user details. - - May contain an access token, which will have to be used in obtaining information about the user. - - - - Unique provider name: Yandex. - - - - - Return URL. - - - - - Implements a parameter of url. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified parameter name and value. - - The parameter value. - The parameter name. - - - - Represents property description of a class. - - - - - The data reader. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Returns whether resetting an object changes its value. - - The component to test for reset capability. - - - - Gets the current value of the property on a component. - - The component with the property for which to retrieve the value. - - - - Resets the value for this property of the component to the default value. - - The component with the property value that is to be reset to the default value. - - - - Sets the value of the component to a different value. - - The component with the property value that is to be set. - The new value. - - - - Determines a value indicating whether the value of this property needs to be persisted. - - The component with the property to be examined for persistence. - - - - Gets a value indicating whether this property is read-only. - - - - - Gets the type of the property. - - - - - Gets the type of the component this property is bound to. - - - - - The for . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Returns a collection of property descriptors for the object represented by this type descriptor. - - - - - The properties collection. - - - - - Additional type for references. - - - - - Represents the collection of the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the with a specified reference to parent. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the by other an instance of the . - - - - - Adds the specified key and value to the collection. - - The key of the element to add. - The value of the element to add. - - - - Determines whether the collection contains the specified key. - - The key to locate in the collection. - is null. - - - - Removes the value with the specified key from the collection. - - The key of the element to remove. - - true if the element is successfully found and removed; otherwise, false. - - - - - Returns a string that represents the current . - - - - - Determines whether two object instances are equal. - - The object to compare with the current instance of the . - true if the specified object is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. - - - - Returns a string that represents the specified item of the . - - The item to converted. - - - - Returns a string that represents the specified instance. - - The value to converted. - - - - Adds the specified item to the . - - The item to add. - - - - Removes all items from the collection. - - - - - Determines whether the collection contains a specific value. - - The object to locate in the collection. - - - - Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the collection. - - The object to remove from the collection. - - - - Gets the value associated with the specified key. - - The key whose value to get. - When this method returns, the value associated with the specified key, if the key is found; otherwise, the . - - - - [Is not implemented] Copies the elements of the collection to an , starting at a particular index. - - The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from collection. The must have zero-based indexing. - The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. - - - - Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. - - - - - Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the . - - The with data. - The for this serialization. - - - - Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object. - - The to populate with data. - The destination (see ) for this serialization. - - - - Returns instance from . - - The value from which will be returned the . - - - - Gets or sets items of the collection. - - - - - The reference to parent. - - - - - Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key. - - The key of the value to get or set. - - - - Gets or sets the element at the specified index. - - The zero-based index of the element to get or set. - - - - Gets a collection containing the keys in the collection. - - - - - Gets a collection containing the values in the collection. - - - - - Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. - - - - - Gets a collection containing the keys in the collection. - - - - - Gets a collection containing the values in the collection. - - - - - Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. Always false. - - - - - Represents the user profile info. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The data source. - The mapping rules. - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - The data source. - The mapping rules. - - - - Returns the or . - - - - - Gets or sets a collection containing the API request results. - - - - - Gets or sets the user ID. - - - - - Gets or sets the username. - - - - - Gets or sets the first name of the user. - - - - - Gets or sets the last name of the user. - - - - - Gets or sets the display name of the user. - - - - - Gets or sets user email address. - - - - - Gets or sets user phone. - - - - - Gets or sets user birthday. - - - - - Gets or sets user url. - - - - - Gets or sets user image url. - - - - - Gets or sets gender of the user. - - - - - Gets the first and last name. - - - - - Represents data mapping collection for API results. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - The data type. - The data format. For example: "dd.MM.yyyy" for dates, or: "00" for numerics, etc. - Custom parser of the data. - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - The data type. - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - The data type. - The data format. For example: "dd.MM.yyyy" for dates, or: "00" for numerics, etc. - - - - Adds the specified data mapping to the collection. - - The key name in the data source. - The property name in the destination object. - Custom parser of the data. - - - - Represents data mapping item for API results. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class. - - - - - Gets or sets the key name in the data source. - - - - - Gets or set the property name in the destination object. - - - - - Gets or sets the data type of the property in the destination object. - - - - - Gets or sets the data format. - - - - - Gets or sets a custom parser of the data. - - - - - Implements a form parameter. - - - - - Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified parameter name and value. - - The parameter value. - The parameter name. - -
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src/CodeProjectForumViewer/CodeProjectForumViewer.csproj rename to examples/CodeProjectForumViewer/CodeProjectForumViewer.csproj index 326ceb1..db8f636 100644 --- a/src/CodeProjectForumViewer/CodeProjectForumViewer.csproj +++ b/examples/CodeProjectForumViewer/CodeProjectForumViewer.csproj @@ -38,9 +38,13 @@ Resources\codeproject.ico - - False - ..\packages\Nemiro.OAuth.LoginForms.1.2\lib\net40\Nemiro.OAuth.LoginForms.dll + + packages\Nemiro.OAuth.1.11\lib\net40\Nemiro.OAuth.dll + True + + + packages\Nemiro.OAuth.LoginForms.1.4.2423\lib\net40\Nemiro.OAuth.LoginForms.dll + True @@ -100,16 +104,10 @@ - + - - - {00C92C2A-D6F0-4F92-9E92-30BC891FDEE1} - Nemiro.OAuth - - - - - - False + True True - 57447 + 10160 / - - + http://localhost:57447/ False False @@ -205,4 +218,18 @@ + + + Данный проект ссылается на пакеты NuGet, отсутствующие на этом компьютере. Используйте восстановление пакетов NuGet, чтобы скачать их. Дополнительную информацию см. по адресу: Отсутствует следующий файл: {0}. + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/DemoSite/DemoOAuth.sln b/examples/DemoSite/DemoOAuth.sln new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42c75a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/DemoSite/DemoOAuth.sln @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + +Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00 +# Visual Studio 14 +VisualStudioVersion = 14.0.25123.0 +MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1 +Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "DemoOAuth", "DemoOAuth.csproj", "{91CA89C3-446D-4AF1-905F-92ABD9452084}" +EndProject +Global + GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution + Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU + Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution + {91CA89C3-446D-4AF1-905F-92ABD9452084}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU + {91CA89C3-446D-4AF1-905F-92ABD9452084}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU + {91CA89C3-446D-4AF1-905F-92ABD9452084}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU + {91CA89C3-446D-4AF1-905F-92ABD9452084}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution + HideSolutionNode = FALSE + EndGlobalSection +EndGlobal diff --git a/examples/DemoSite/Global.asax b/examples/DemoSite/Global.asax new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7496ee --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/DemoSite/Global.asax @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +<%@ Application Codebehind="Global.asax.cs" Inherits="DemoOAuth.MvcApplication" Language="C#" %> diff --git a/src/Test.OAuthWeb/Global.asax.cs b/examples/DemoSite/Global.asax.cs similarity index 90% rename from src/Test.OAuthWeb/Global.asax.cs rename to examples/DemoSite/Global.asax.cs index 68f1ff4..ad8748f 100644 --- a/src/Test.OAuthWeb/Global.asax.cs +++ b/examples/DemoSite/Global.asax.cs @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ using System.Threading; using System.Collections.Specialized; -namespace Test.OAuthWeb +namespace DemoOAuth { public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication @@ -25,14 +25,7 @@ public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters) public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.IgnoreRoute("{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}"); - - routes.MapRoute - ( - "Api", - "Api/{action}/{method}", - new { controller = "Api", action = "Index", method = UrlParameter.Optional } - ); - + routes.MapRoute ( "Default", @@ -66,11 +59,11 @@ private void RegistrationOAuthClients() if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(clientName)) { continue; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[String.Format("oauth:{0}:id", clientName)])) { - throw new ArgumentNullException(String.Format(Test.Resources.Strings.ClientIdIsRequired, clientName)); + throw new ArgumentNullException(String.Format(DemoOAuth.Strings.ClientIdIsRequired, clientName)); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[String.Format("oauth:{0}:key", clientName)])) { - throw new ArgumentNullException(String.Format(Test.Resources.Strings.ClientKeyIsRequired, clientName)); + throw new ArgumentNullException(String.Format(DemoOAuth.Strings.ClientKeyIsRequired, clientName)); } // public key for @@ -79,7 +72,7 @@ private void RegistrationOAuthClients() { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[String.Format("oauth:{0}:publicKey", clientName)])) { - throw new ArgumentNullException(String.Format(Test.Resources.Strings.PublicKeyIsRequired, clientName)); + throw new ArgumentNullException(String.Format(DemoOAuth.Strings.PublicKeyIsRequired, clientName)); } args = new ArrayList(); args.Add(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[String.Format("oauth:{0}:publicKey", clientName)]); diff --git a/examples/DemoSite/Images.Designer.cs b/examples/DemoSite/Images.Designer.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..838ab9a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/DemoSite/Images.Designer.cs @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// +// Этот код создан программой. +// Исполняемая версия:4.0.30319.42000 +// +// Изменения в этом файле могут привести к неправильной работе и будут потеряны в случае +// повторной генерации кода. +// +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +namespace DemoOAuth { + using System; + + + /// + /// Класс ресурса со строгой типизацией для поиска локализованных строк и т.д. + /// + // Этот класс создан автоматически классом StronglyTypedResourceBuilder + // с помощью такого средства, как ResGen или Visual Studio. + // Чтобы добавить или удалить член, измените файл .ResX и снова запустите ResGen + // с параметром /str или перестройте свой проект VS. + [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder", "")] + [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()] + [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()] + public class Images { + + private static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager resourceMan; + + private static global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo resourceCulture; + + [global::System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")] + internal Images() { + } + + /// + /// Возвращает кэшированный экземпляр ResourceManager, использованный этим классом. + /// + [global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] + public static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager { + get { + if (object.ReferenceEquals(resourceMan, null)) { + global::System.Resources.ResourceManager temp = new global::System.Resources.ResourceManager("DemoOAuth.Images", typeof(Images).Assembly); + resourceMan = temp; + } + return resourceMan; + } + } + + /// + /// Перезаписывает свойство CurrentUICulture текущего потока для всех + /// обращений к ресурсу с помощью этого класса ресурса со строгой типизацией. + /// + [global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] + public static global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo Culture { + get { + return resourceCulture; + } + set { + resourceCulture = value; + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] amazon { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("amazon", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] assembla { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("assembla", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] codeproject { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("codeproject", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] dropbox { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("dropbox", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] empty { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("empty", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] error { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("error", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] facebook { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("facebook", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] foursquare { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("foursquare", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] github { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("github", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] google { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("google", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] instagram { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("instagram", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] linkedin { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("linkedin", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] live { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("live", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] mailru { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("mailru", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] odnoklassniki { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("odnoklassniki", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] soundcloud { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("soundcloud", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] sourceforge { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("sourceforge", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] tumblr { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("tumblr", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] twitter { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("twitter", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] vk { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("vk", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] yahoo { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("yahoo", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + + /// + /// Поиск локализованного ресурса типа System.Byte[]. + /// + public static byte[] yandex { + get { + object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("yandex", resourceCulture); + return ((byte[])(obj)); + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Images.resx b/examples/DemoSite/Images.resx similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Images.resx rename to examples/DemoSite/Images.resx diff --git a/examples/DemoSite/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/examples/DemoSite/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b89f88 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/DemoSite/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +using System.Reflection; +using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; +using System.Runtime.InteropServices; + +// Управление общими сведениями о сборке осуществляется с помощью +// набора атрибутов. Измените значения этих атрибутов для изменения сведений, +// связанных с этой сборкой. +[assembly: AssemblyTitle("DemoOAuth")] +[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] +[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] +[assembly: AssemblyProduct("DemoOAuth")] +[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © Aleksey Nemiro, 2016")] +[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] + +// Установка значения false в параметре ComVisible делает типы в этой сборке невидимыми +// для компонентов COM. Если требуется обратиться к типу в этой сборке через +// COM, задайте атрибуту ComVisible значение true для требуемого типа. +[assembly: ComVisible(false)] + +// Следующий GUID служит для идентификации библиотеки типов typelib, если этот проект видим для COM +[assembly: Guid("91ca89c3-446d-4af1-905f-92abd9452084")] + +// Сведения о версии сборки состоят из указанных ниже четырех значений: +// +// основной номер версии; +// дополнительный номер версии; +// номер сборки; +// редакция. +// +// Можно задать все значения или принять номер сборки и номер редакции по умолчанию, +// используя "*", как показано ниже: +[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] +[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] diff --git a/src/Test.OAuthWeb/ b/examples/DemoSite/ similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.OAuthWeb/ rename to examples/DemoSite/ diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/amazon.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/amazon.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/amazon.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/amazon.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/amazon100.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/amazon100.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/amazon100.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/amazon100.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/assembla.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/assembla.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/assembla.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/assembla.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/codeproject b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/codeproject similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/codeproject rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/codeproject diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/dropbox.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/dropbox.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/dropbox.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/dropbox.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/empty.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/empty.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/empty.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/empty.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/error.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/error.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/error.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/error.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/facebook100.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/facebook100.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/facebook100.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/facebook100.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/foursquare.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/foursquare.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/foursquare.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/foursquare.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/github100.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/github100.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/github100.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/github100.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/google100.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/google100.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/google100.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/google100.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/instagram.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/instagram.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/instagram.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/instagram.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/linkedin.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/linkedin.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/linkedin.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/linkedin.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/live.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/live.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/live.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/live.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/mail.ru100.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/mail.ru100.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/mail.ru100.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/mail.ru100.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/odnoklassniki100.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/odnoklassniki100.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/odnoklassniki100.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/odnoklassniki100.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/soundcloud.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/soundcloud.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/soundcloud.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/soundcloud.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/sourceforge.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/sourceforge.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/sourceforge.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/sourceforge.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/tumblr.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/tumblr.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/tumblr.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/tumblr.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/twitter100.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/twitter100.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/twitter100.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/twitter100.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/vk100.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/vk100.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/vk100.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/vk100.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/yahoo.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/yahoo.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/yahoo.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/yahoo.dat diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/Resources/yandex100.dat b/examples/DemoSite/Resources/yandex100.dat similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/Resources/yandex100.dat rename to examples/DemoSite/Resources/yandex100.dat diff --git a/examples/DemoSite/Strings.Designer.cs b/examples/DemoSite/Strings.Designer.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb947a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/DemoSite/Strings.Designer.cs @@ -0,0 +1,531 @@ +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// +// Этот код создан программой. +// Исполняемая версия:4.0.30319.42000 +// +// Изменения в этом файле могут привести к неправильной работе и будут потеряны в случае +// повторной генерации кода. +// +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +namespace DemoOAuth { + using System; + + + /// + /// Класс ресурса со строгой типизацией для поиска локализованных строк и т.д. + /// + // Этот класс создан автоматически классом StronglyTypedResourceBuilder + // с помощью такого средства, как ResGen или Visual Studio. + // Чтобы добавить или удалить член, измените файл .ResX и снова запустите ResGen + // с параметром /str или перестройте свой проект VS. + [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder", "")] + [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()] + [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()] + public class Strings { + + private static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager resourceMan; + + private static global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo resourceCulture; + + [global::System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")] + internal Strings() { + } + + /// + /// Возвращает кэшированный экземпляр ResourceManager, использованный этим классом. + /// + [global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] + public static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager { + get { + if (object.ReferenceEquals(resourceMan, null)) { + global::System.Resources.ResourceManager temp = new global::System.Resources.ResourceManager("DemoOAuth.Strings", typeof(Strings).Assembly); + resourceMan = temp; + } + return resourceMan; + } + } + + /// + /// Перезаписывает свойство CurrentUICulture текущего потока для всех + /// обращений к ресурсу с помощью этого класса ресурса со строгой типизацией. + /// + [global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] + public static global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo Culture { + get { + return resourceCulture; + } + set { + resourceCulture = value; + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Get list of music. + /// + public static string AudioList { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("AudioList", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Back to list of providers. + /// + public static string BackToProviders { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("BackToProviders", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Client ID for [{0}] not found. Please set value to the [oauth:{0}:id] parameter or remove [{0}] from [oauth:clients].. + /// + public static string ClientIdIsRequired { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("ClientIdIsRequired", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Cleint Secret for [{0}] not found. Please set value to the [oauth:{0}:key] parameter or remove [{0}] from [oauth:clients].. + /// + public static string ClientKeyIsRequired { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("ClientKeyIsRequired", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Get list of contacts. + /// + public static string ContactsList { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("ContactsList", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Get status. + /// + public static string CurrentStatus { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("CurrentStatus", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на <p>This page displays a list of registered clients.</p> + ///<p>Clients registration occurs in the <strong>Global.asax</strong> file.</p> + ///<p>Redirects to the login page you can found in the server code of the page.</p> + ///<p>The result is handled in the <strong>ExternalLoginResult</strong> page.</p> + ///<p>Try to go through the authorization procedure of any service below.</p>. + /// + public static string DefaultAbout { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("DefaultAbout", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на <p>If something is not working or is not working properly, please <a href="">report it to the developer</a>.</p>. + /// + public static string DemoFeedback { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("DemoFeedback", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на . + /// + public static string DemoHow { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("DemoHow", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на <p><strong>Nemiro.OAuth</strong> is a class library for authorization via <strong>OAuth</strong> protocol in <strong>.NET Framework. (VB, C#)</strong>.</p> + ///<p>The library is <a href="">open source</a> and is licensed under the <strong>Apache License Version 2.0</strong>.</p> + ///<p> + /// To test, click on one of the icons below. Provide the required permissions for test application.<br /> + /// If everything works correctly, then after login, you will redirect to th [остаток строки не уместился]";. + /// + public static string DemoIntro { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("DemoIntro", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Registration and management of applications. + /// + public static string DemoProvidersTable { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("DemoProvidersTable", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на <p>The information in the table is current as of <strong>March 2015</strong>.</p> + ///<p>The <strong>internal name</strong> is case-insensitive.</p> + ///<p>If the provider supports the <strong>localhost</strong>, then allowed to use the <strong>HTTP</strong> protocol for <strong>localhost</strong>. + ///<strong>HTTP</strong> supports field is only for external addresses.</p> + ///. + /// + public static string DemoProviderTableInfo { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("DemoProviderTableInfo", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на <h2>Is it safe?</h2> + ///<p>Yes safely.</p> + ///<p> + /// After authentication and authorization, the provider server sends special authorization code to the callback page. + /// This code is a one-off and has a limited duration. + ///</p> + ///<p>The <strong>Nemiro.OAuth</strong> library uses the authorization code for convertion to an <strong>access token</strong>.</p> + ///<p>The access token is stored in the server <strong>session</strong>.</p> + ///<p>The access token is used to work with <strong>API</strong> and does not appear [остаток строки не уместился]";. + /// + public static string DemoSecurity { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("DemoSecurity", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на <h2>Technical information</h2> + ///<p>Latest release of the <strong>Nemiro.OAuth</strong>:</p> + ///<h3>v{1}</h3> + ///<p>Version of the <strong>Nemiro.OAuth</strong> on the current server:</p> + ///<h3>v{0}</h3> + ///<p>NOTE: The version number of the library on the server may differ from the number of the latest release.</p> + ///<ul><li><em>The first number - is the major version number. Now it is 1. In the near future the number change is not planned;</em></li> + ///<li><em>The second number - is the minor version number. Is incr [остаток строки не уместился]";. + /// + public static string DemoTechInfo { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("DemoTechInfo", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Nemiro.OAuth demo site. + /// + public static string DemoTitle { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("DemoTitle", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на <h2>Additional resources</h2> + ///<p> + /// Source code:<br /> + /// <a href=""></a> + ///</p> + ///<p> + ///Documentation:<br /> + /// <a href=""></a> + ///</p> + ///<p> + ///Ready OAuth login forms for Windows Forms projects:<br /> + ///<a href=""></a> + ///</p> + ///<p> + ///Article: «Users Authorizati [остаток строки не уместился]";. + /// + public static string DemoUsefulLinks { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("DemoUsefulLinks", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Download. + /// + public static string Download { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("Download", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Get list of friends. + /// + public static string FriendsList { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("FriendsList", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Get list of groups. + /// + public static string GroupsList { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("GroupsList", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на HTTP<br />supports. + /// + public static string HTTPSupports { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("HTTPSupports", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на <p>This page displays a list of registered clients.</p> + ///<p>Clients registration occurs in the <strong>Global.asax</strong> file.</p> + ///<p>Code redirects to the login page can be found in the <strong>ExternalLogin</strong> method of the <strong>HomeController</strong>.</p> + ///<p>The result is handled in the <strong>ExternalLoginResult</strong> method.</p> + ///<p>Try to go through the authorization procedure of any service below.</p>. + /// + public static string IndexAbout { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("IndexAbout", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Install via <a href="">NuGet</a>. + /// + public static string InstallViaNuGet { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("InstallViaNuGet", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Get list of interests. + /// + public static string InterestsList { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("InterestsList", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Internal name. + /// + public static string InternalName { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("InternalName", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Get list of likes. + /// + public static string LikesList { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("LikesList", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на localhost<br />supports. + /// + public static string LocalhostSupports { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("LocalhostSupports", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Multiple Url<br />supports. + /// + public static string MultipleUrlSupports { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("MultipleUrlSupports", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на <h1 style="color:red;text-align:center;">This site works correctly only on the!</h1>. + /// + public static string NoForLocalhost { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("NoForLocalhost", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Note. + /// + public static string Note { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("Note", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Get list of photo albums. + /// + public static string Photoalbums { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("Photoalbums", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на All applications are configured on the port <strong>{0}</strong>.<br />If you have another port, the results will not shown.<br />Configure the port settings for this web project (Project =&gt; Properties =&gt; Web =&gt; Specified port), or use your own configuration applications (on sites of providers).. + /// + public static string Port59962 { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("Port59962", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Provider. + /// + public static string Provider { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("Provider", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Public Key for [{0}] not found. Please set value to the [oauth:{0}:publicKey] parameter or remove [{0}] from [oauth:clients].. + /// + public static string PublicKeyIsRequired { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("PublicKeyIsRequired", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Refresh token. + /// + public static string RefreshToken { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("RefreshToken", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Revoke token. + /// + public static string RevokeToken { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("RevokeToken", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на See also <a href=""></a>.. + /// + public static string SeeAlsoDemo { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("SeeAlsoDemo", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на The session ended. Please authorize in again to create a new session.. + /// + public static string SessionIsDead { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("SessionIsDead", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Show token. + /// + public static string ShowToken { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("ShowToken", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Get list of twits. + /// + public static string Twits { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("Twits", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Get list of followers. + /// + public static string TwitterFollowersList { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("TwitterFollowersList", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Get list of news. + /// + public static string UpdatesList { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("UpdatesList", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Use JavaScript links to prevent them from indexing.. + /// + public static string UseJavaScriptLinks { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("UseJavaScriptLinks", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на User info. + /// + public static string UserInfo { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("UserInfo", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на User Info. + /// + public static string UserInfoTitle { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("UserInfoTitle", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Warning. + /// + public static string Warning { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("Warning", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Get files list of Yandex.Disk. + /// + public static string YandexDiskContent { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("YandexDiskContent", resourceCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Ищет локализованную строку, похожую на Summary info of Yandex.Disk. + /// + public static string YandexDiskSummary { + get { + return ResourceManager.GetString("YandexDiskSummary", resourceCulture); + } + } + } +} diff --git a/examples/DemoSite/Strings.resx b/examples/DemoSite/Strings.resx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31783dc --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/DemoSite/Strings.resx @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + text/microsoft-resx + + + 2.0 + + + System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + + System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + + Get list of music + + + Back to list of providers + + + Client ID for [{0}] not found. Please set value to the [oauth:{0}:id] parameter or remove [{0}] from [oauth:clients]. + + + Cleint Secret for [{0}] not found. Please set value to the [oauth:{0}:key] parameter or remove [{0}] from [oauth:clients]. + + + Get list of contacts + + + Get status + + + <p>This page displays a list of registered clients.</p> +<p>Clients registration occurs in the <strong>Global.asax</strong> file.</p> +<p>Redirects to the login page you can found in the server code of the page.</p> +<p>The result is handled in the <strong>ExternalLoginResult</strong> page.</p> +<p>Try to go through the authorization procedure of any service below.</p> + + + <p>If something is not working or is not working properly, please <a href="">report it to the developer</a>.</p> + + + + + + <p><strong>Nemiro.OAuth</strong> is a class library for authorization via <strong>OAuth</strong> protocol in <strong>.NET Framework. (VB, C#)</strong>.</p> +<p>The library is <a href="">open source</a> and is licensed under the <strong>Apache License Version 2.0</strong>.</p> +<p> + To test, click on one of the icons below. Provide the required permissions for test application.<br /> + If everything works correctly, then after login, you will redirect to the <strong></strong>, <br /> + where you can check work with an <strong>API</strong> of the <strong>OAuth</strong> provider. +</p> + + + Registration and management of applications + + + <p>The information in the table is current as of <strong>March 2015</strong>.</p> +<p>The <strong>internal name</strong> is case-insensitive.</p> +<p>If the provider supports the <strong>localhost</strong>, then allowed to use the <strong>HTTP</strong> protocol for <strong>localhost</strong>. +<strong>HTTP</strong> supports field is only for external addresses.</p> + + + + <h2>Is it safe?</h2> +<p>Yes safely.</p> +<p> + After authentication and authorization, the provider server sends special authorization code to the callback page. + This code is a one-off and has a limited duration. +</p> +<p>The <strong>Nemiro.OAuth</strong> library uses the authorization code for convertion to an <strong>access token</strong>.</p> +<p>The access token is stored in the server <strong>session</strong>.</p> +<p>The access token is used to work with <strong>API</strong> and does not appear on the site.</p> + + + <h2>Technical information</h2> +<p>Latest release of the <strong>Nemiro.OAuth</strong>:</p> +<h3>v{1}</h3> +<p>Version of the <strong>Nemiro.OAuth</strong> on the current server:</p> +<h3>v{0}</h3> +<p>NOTE: The version number of the library on the server may differ from the number of the latest release.</p> +<ul><li><em>The first number - is the major version number. Now it is 1. In the near future the number change is not planned;</em></li> +<li><em>The second number - is the minor version number. Is incremented when only minor features or significant fixes have been added. While maintaining compatibility with previous versions.;</em></li> +<li><em>The third number - is the version of the <strong>.NET Framework</strong>;</em></li> +<li><em>The fourth number - is the revision number in local revision control system.</em></li></ul> + + + Nemiro.OAuth demo site + + + <h2>Additional resources</h2> +<p> + Source code:<br /> + <a href=""></a> +</p> +<p> +Documentation:<br /> + <a href=""></a> +</p> +<p> +Ready OAuth login forms for Windows Forms projects:<br /> +<a href=""></a> +</p> +<p> +Article: «Users Authorization through OAuth in .NET Framework»<br /> +<a href=""></a> +</p> +<p> +Video: «Creating a simple file manager for Dropbox»<br /> +<a href=""></a> +</p> +<p> + Other projects:<br /> + <a href=""></a> +<p> +<a href="" style="color:red">Ask a Question</a> +</p> + + + Download + + + Get list of friends + + + Get list of groups + + + HTTP<br />supports + + + <p>This page displays a list of registered clients.</p> +<p>Clients registration occurs in the <strong>Global.asax</strong> file.</p> +<p>Code redirects to the login page can be found in the <strong>ExternalLogin</strong> method of the <strong>HomeController</strong>.</p> +<p>The result is handled in the <strong>ExternalLoginResult</strong> method.</p> +<p>Try to go through the authorization procedure of any service below.</p> + + + Install via <a href="">NuGet</a> + + + Get list of interests + + + Internal name + + + Get list of likes + + + localhost<br />supports + + + Multiple Url<br />supports + + + <h1 style="color:red;text-align:center;">This site works correctly only on the!</h1> + + + Note + + + Get list of photo albums + + + All applications are configured on the port <strong>{0}</strong>.<br />If you have another port, the results will not shown.<br />Configure the port settings for this web project (Project =&gt; Properties =&gt; Web =&gt; Specified port), or use your own configuration applications (on sites of providers). + + + Provider + + + Public Key for [{0}] not found. Please set value to the [oauth:{0}:publicKey] parameter or remove [{0}] from [oauth:clients]. + + + See also <a href=""></a>. + + + The session ended. Please authorize in again to create a new session. + + + Get list of twits + + + Get list of followers + + + Get list of news + + + Use JavaScript links to prevent them from indexing. + + + User Info + + + Warning + + + Get files list of Yandex.Disk + + + Summary info of Yandex.Disk + + + Refresh token + + + Revoke token + + + Show token + + + User info + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/Test.Resources/ b/examples/DemoSite/ similarity index 100% rename from src/Test.Resources/ rename to examples/DemoSite/ diff --git a/examples/DemoSite/ b/examples/DemoSite/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24359c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/DemoSite/ @@ -0,0 +1,377 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + text/microsoft-resx + + + 2.0 + + + System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + + System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + + Список музыки + + + Вернуться к списку поставщиков + + + Client ID для [{0}] не найден. Пожалуйста, укажите идентификатор приложения в параметре [oauth:{0}:id], либо удалите клиента [{0}] из параметра [oauth:clients] (файл web.config). + + + Cleint Secret для [{0}] не найден. Пожалуйста, укажите секретный ключ в параметре [oauth:{0}:key], либо удалите клиента [{0}] из параметра [oauth:clients] (файл web.config). + + + Список контактов + + + Текущий статус + + + <p>На этой странице выведен список всех зарегистрированных в приложении поставщиков OAuth.</p> +<p>Регистрация поставщиков производится в файле <strong>Global.asax</strong>.</p> +<p>Перенаправление на авторизацию можно найти в серверном коде этой страницы.</p> +<p>Обработка результатов авторизации производится на странице <strong>ExternalLoginResult.asxp</strong>.</p> +<p>Попробуйте пройти процедуру авторизации, нажав на любую из кнопок.</p> + + + <p>Если что-то не работает или работает неправильно, пожалуйста, <a href="">сообщите об этом разработчику</a>.</p> + + + <h2>Как работает этот сайт?</h2> + +<p>Демонстрационный сайт <strong></strong> имеет немного другой код, чем представленные в <a href="">документации</a> примеры.</p> +<p>Параметры конфигурации приложений для поставщиков <strong>OAuth</strong> находятся в файле <a href="">web.config</a> (в целях безопасности, секретные ключи были удалены из публичного файла).</p> +<p>Список поставщиков <strong>OAuth</strong>, которые нужно использовать на сайте, находится в параметре <strong>oauth:clients</strong>. Имена поставщиков записываются через запятую, без пробелов.</p> +<p> + Идентификаторы и секретные ключи приложений указываются в параметрах <strong>oauth:{имя поставщика}:id</strong> и <strong>oauth:{имя поставщика}:key</strong>.<br /> + Где <strong>{имя поставщика}</strong> - это имя поставщика <strong>OAuth</strong>, для которого предназначены указанные настройки. +</p> +<p> + Помимо этого, в файле <a href="">web.config</a>, + в параметре <strong>oauth:{имя поставщика}:scope</strong> можно указать права доступа, которые необходимы приложению. + Список прав нужно указывать в том формате, в котором требует поставщик <strong>OAuth</strong> (см. документацию на сайте конкретного поставщика). +</p> +<p> + Инициализация поставщиков производится в методе <strong>RegistrationOAuthClients</strong> + файла <a href="">Global.asax</a>. +</p> +<p> + Перенаправление на авторизацию осуществляется в методе <strong>ExternalLogin</strong> + контроллера <a href="">HomeController</a>. +</p> +<p> + Обработка результатов авторизации происходит в методе <strong>ExternalLoginResult</strong>. + Полученные с внешего сервера данные заносятся в <strong>Session</strong>. +</p> +<p> + Для работы с <strong>API</strong>, для отдельных поставщиков, сделаны свои представления, которые можно найти в папке + <a href="">Shared</a>. +</p> +<p> + Отправка запросов к <strong>API</strong> и обработка ответов осуществляется в контроллере + <a href="">ApiController</a>. + Исключение составляет базовая информация о пользователе, которая получается непосредственно библиотекой <strong>Nemiro.OAuth</strong>. +</p> +<p> + Все тексты и изображения, которые выводятся на этом сайте, + находятся в отдельном <a href="">проекте-ресурсов</a>. + Исключая, конечно данные, которые были получены от <strong>API</strong>. +</p> +<p> + Вывод иконок поставщиков <strong>OAuth</strong> из ресурсов осуществляется методом <strong>Icon</strong> + контроллера <a href="">HomeController</a>. +</p> +<p>При желании, вы можете использовать подобную реализацию в собственных проектах.</p> + + + <p>Библиотека <strong>Nemiro.OAuth</strong> предназначена для реализации авторизации по протоколу <strong>OAuth</strong> в проектах <strong>.NET Framework (VB, C#)</strong>.</p> +<p>Библиотека является бесплатной. Исходный код <a href="">открыт</a> и предоставляется по лицензии <strong>Apache 2.0</strong>.</p> +<p> + Для проверки работы библиотеки, нажмите на одну из иконок, расположенных ниже.<br /> + Если потребуется, пройдите процедуру аутентификации на внешнем сайте.<br /> + Разрешите тестовому приложению доступ к запрашиваемым данным.<br /> + Если все работает правильно, то после авторизации на внешнем ресурсе, вы вернетесь обратно на сайт <strong></strong>, + где сможете проверить работу с <strong>API</strong> выбранного поставщика <strong>OAuth</strong>. +</p> + + + Регистрация и управление приложениями на сайтах поставщиков OAuth + + + <p>Информация в таблице актуальна по состоянию на <strong>март 2015 года</strong>.</p> +<p><strong>Внутреннее имя</strong> – это строковое имя, которое используется в библиотеке <strong>Nemiro.OAuth</strong>. Регистр символов не имеет значения.</p> +<p>Если поставщик поддерживает запросы с <strong>localhost</strong>, то эти запросы можно осуществлять через протокол <strong>HTTP</strong>, не зависимо от поддержки провайдером протокола <strong>HTTP</strong>.<br />Значение параметра <strong>Разрешен протокол HTTP</strong> актуально только для внешних доменов.</p> + + + + <h2>Этот сайт безопасно использовать?</h2> +<p>Да, безопасно. Ваши учетные данные известны только серверу-поставщику <strong>OAuth</strong>.</p> +<p> + После аутентификации и авторизации, поставщик передает на страницу обратного вызова специальный код авторизации. + Этот код одноразовый и, как правило, с довольно ограниченным сроком действия. + Сама страница обратного вызова всегда возвращает HTTP-код 403, чтобы полностью исключить попадание в поисковый индекс. +</p> +<p>Библиотека <strong>Nemiro.OAuth</strong> использует код авторизации для получения маркера доступа (<strong>access token</strong>).</p> +<p>Маркер доступа записывается в сессию (<strong>session</strong>) сервера и ни в каком виде не выводится на страницах сайта.</p> +<p>Маркер доступа используется для работы с <strong>API</strong> поставщиков <strong>OAuth</strong>.</p> +<p>Все запросы делаются по защищенному протоколу <strong>HTTPS</strong>.</p> +<p>В <a href="">опубликованном исходном коде</a> сайта <strong></strong>, параметры доступа к поставщикам <strong>OAuth</strong>, в целях безопасности, <a href="">отсутствуют</a>.</p> +<p> + Некоторые поставщики требуют, чтобы страница обратного вызова открывалась по протоколу <strong>HTTPS</strong>. + Для демонстрации работы авторизации по протоколу <strong>OAuth</strong> используется самоподписанный сертификат. + Браузер вас об этом предупредит. Вы можете проигнорировать это предупреждение, + причин для беспокойства, с учетом изложенного выше, нет. +</p> + + + <h2>Техническая информация</h2> +<p>Последний официальный релиз <strong>Nemiro.OAuth</strong>:</p> +<h3>v{1}</h3> +<p>Версия <strong>Nemiro.OAuth</strong> на этом сервере:</p> +<h3>v{0}</h3> +<p>Номер версии последнего релиза библиотеки <strong>Nemiro.OAuth</strong> может отличаться от номера версии, который размещен на этом сервере. Если номер версии на этом сервере выше, то вероятно в ближайшее время следует ожидать появления новой версии официального релиза.</p> +<ul><li><em>Первое число - основная версия, на данный момент «один». Изменение номера основной версии не гарантирует совместимость с предыдущими номерами основных версий проекта. В ближайшем будущем изменение основной версии не планируется;</em></li> +<li><em>Второе число - младшая версия, меняется при изменении в функционале библиотеки: добавлении новых методов и классов, улучшении старых, удалении не нужных объектов, с сохранением совместимости с предыдущими версиями в рамках основной версии;</em></li> +<li><em>Третье число - содержит информацию о платформе, для которой предназначена сборка. Это целое число, содержащее номер версии <strong>.NET Framework</strong>;</em></li> +<li><em>Четвертое число - номер ревизии в локальной системе контроля версий (номер редакции). Номер может меняться часто и скачками. Этот номер живет своей, отдельной жизнью, не стоит обращать на него особого внимания.</em></li></ul> + + + Демонстрация работы библиотеки Nemiro.OAuth + + + <h2>Полезные ссылки</h2> +<p> + Исходный код:<br /> + <a href=""></a> +</p> +<p> + Документация:<br /> + <a href=""></a> +</p> +<p> +Готовые формы авторизации для проектов Windows Forms:<br /> +<a href=""></a> +</p> +<p> + Статья: «Авторизация по протоколу OAuth в проектах .NET Framework»:<br /> + <a href=""></a> +</p> +<p> +Видео: «Создание простого менеджера файлов для Dropbox»<br /> +<a href=""></a><br /> +<span style="font-size:11px;">(анг., есть русские субтитры)</span> +</p> +<p> + Другие проекты:<br /> + <a href=""></a> +</p> + + + + Скачать + + + Список друзей + + + Список групп + + + Разрешен<br />протокол<br />HTTP + + + <p>На этой странице выведен список всех зарегистрированных в приложении поставщиков OAuth.</p> +<p>Регистрация поставщиков производится в файле <strong>Global.asax</strong>.</p> +<p>Код перенаправления на авторизацию можно найти в методе <strong>ExternalLogin</strong> контроллера <strong>HomeController</strong>.</p> +<p>Обработка результатов авторизации производится в методе <strong>ExternalLoginResult</strong>.</p> +<p>Попробуйте пройти процедуру авторизации, нажав на любую из кнопок.</p> + + + Установить через <a href="">NuGet</a> + + + Список интересов + + + Внутреннее имя + + + Список лайков + + + Разрешено<br />использовать<br />адреса<br />localhost + + + Разрешено<br />использовать<br />несколько<br />URL + + + <h1 style="color:red;text-align:center;">Этот сайт работает правильно только на домене!</h1> + <h2 style="color:red;text-align:center;">Используйте другие проекты, для проверки работы с OAuth на локальном сервере.</h2> + + + Примечание + + + Фотоальбомы + + + Все приложения настроены на порт <strong>{0}</strong>.<br />Если у вас используется другой порт, то обработка и вывод результатов авторизации работать не будут.<br />Вы можете явно указать номер порта в вашем веб-приложении (меню: Проект =&gt; Свойства =&gt; вкладка Веб =&gt; Порт), или создать и использовать собственные приложения на сайтах поставщиков (таких как: facebook, twitter, vkontakte и т.п.). + + + Название поставщика + + + Public Key для [{0}] не найден. Пожалуйста, укажите публичный ключ в параметре [oauth:{0}:publicKey], либо удилите клиента [{0}] из параметра [oauth:clients] (файл web.config). + + + Если что-то не работает в <strong>localhost</strong>, вы можете проверить работу библиотеки на сервере <a href=""></a>. + + + Срок действия сессии истек. Пожалуйста, пройдите процедуру авторизации повторно, чтобы получить новый маркер доступа для работы с API. + + + Мои твиты + + + Мои преследователи + + + Что нового? + + + Используйте ссылки JavaScript, чтобы исключить их индексацию. Индексация таких ссылок может негативно отразиться на производительности. + + + Информация о пользователе + + + Предупреждение + + + Содержимое Яндекс.Диск + + + Информация о Яндекс.Диск + + + Обновить токен + + + Отозвать токен + + + Показать токен + + + Профиль + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/Test.OAuthWeb/Views/Home/Index.cshtml b/examples/DemoSite/Views/Home/Index.cshtml similarity index 88% rename from src/Test.OAuthWeb/Views/Home/Index.cshtml rename to examples/DemoSite/Views/Home/Index.cshtml index 475df19..9348524 100644 --- a/src/Test.OAuthWeb/Views/Home/Index.cshtml +++ b/examples/DemoSite/Views/Home/Index.cshtml @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ @{ - ViewBag.Title = Test.Resources.Strings.DemoTitle; + ViewBag.Title = DemoOAuth.Strings.DemoTitle; Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; } @if (Request.IsLocal) { - @Html.Raw(Test.Resources.Strings.NoForLocalhost) + @Html.Raw(DemoOAuth.Strings.NoForLocalhost) } -




-@Html.Raw(Test.Resources.Strings.DemoIntro) +@Html.Raw(DemoOAuth.Strings.DemoIntro) @* !!!USE JAVASCRIPT LINKS TO PREVENT THEM FROM INDEXING!!! *@