Releases: neo4j/neo4j-browser
Releases · neo4j/neo4j-browser
New and imroved:
- Support new bolt schemes PR: #1098
- Sidebar links to browser release, changelog, and developer pages PR: #1101
- All frame types can be re-run PR: #1104
- Great new query result table PR: #1090
- Display memory allocation in query plan output when known PR: #1111
- Fix reading
from connectURL param PR: #1102
- Fix auth scheme error from driver when auth is disabled + reflect auth status on
:server connect
frame` PR: #1103
- Fix sending transaction metadata with each query PR: #1106
- Fix only executing relevant background queries (auth, cluster) PR: #1107
Enable multi statement mode in editor by default PR: #1089
Use new plan field ‘Details’ to plan visualization PR: #1092
Fix so browser doesn't execute meta query on system db PR: #1094
More reliable connection status check PR: #1096
- Fix behaviour during initial load in Neo4j Desktop when there is no active db. PR: #1086
Auto-run :play
commands when sent with URL params (deep-link) PR: #1072
Reuse :help
and :play
frames by building frame stacks from internal link clicks PR: #1074
Style start frame to look better in different resolutions PR: #1075
Fix reacting to deep links when in Neo4j Desktop environment PR: #1062
Fix re-run for Cypher queries to target original DB PR: #1061
Fix scroll to top bug when a frame was deleted PR: #1065
Use best practices driver transaction functions by default and introduce the :auto
command as an escape hatch for queries that needs auto-committing tx: USING PERIODIC COMMIT
PR: #1048
Fix HTML rendering issues on query results PR: #1054
Correct tab order in change password form PR: #1055
Make node 12 the default (support .nvmrc file) build env PR: #1058
Add :help auto
+ link to it from relevant errors and docs PR: #1057
Prefer bolt_routing
URL from discovery if it exists PR: #1012
Format node/relationship counts in sidebar, inspector and legend PR: #1008 Issue(s): #953
Update SchemaFrame styling PR: #1013
User feedback running system commands PR: #1017
Fix versioned links to external docs PR: #1019
Suggest strong passwords in change-password frame PR: #1010
Update neo4j-driver to 4.0.1 PR: #1022
Query plans view expanded by default PR: #1020
Fix bug where NaN
was displayed as null
in result view PR: #1026
Add new Cypher syntax to :help cypher
PR: #1027
Fixes viz bug when expand -> dismiss -> expand nodes. PR: #1031 Issue(s): #905
Add URL param support for populating editor with Cypher and parameters PR: #956
Fix :param
when returning an implicit object with newlines PR: #1040
Use GraphQL version of Relate-API when available (in Neo4j Desktop) PR: #979
Fix indexes not showing on 4.0 with the :schema
command PR: #1041
Allow database names to be escaped with back ticks with the :use
command PR: #1042
Only show each database once in :dbs output PR: #1006
Check if db exists before switching to it, throw if not PR: #1007
Update neo4j-driver to 4.0.0 PR: #1009
Various small improvements to sysinfo PR: #975
Enable database switching with :use xx
in multi-statement command PR: #993
Bump to neo4j-driver to version 4.0.0-rc1 PR: #1000
Fix errors in community edition PR: #999
Make neo4j-browser compatible with future versions of Neo4j PR: #1001
Fix various UI glitches PR: #984
Don’t auto-connect without credentials PR: #985
Bring back JSON data export PR: #986
Fix "Force password change" on :server user add
PR: #987