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+# Configuration as Data
+* Author(s): Martin Maly, @martinmaly
+* Approver: @bgrant0607
+## Why
+This document provides background context for Package Orchestration, which is
+further elaborated in a dedicated [document](07-package-orchestration.md).
+## Configuration as Data
+*Configuration as Data* is an approach to management of configuration (incl.
+configuration of infrastructure, policy, services, applications, etc.) which:
+* makes configuration data the source of truth, stored separately from the live
+ state
+* uses a uniform, serializable data model to represent configuration
+* separates code that acts on the configuration from the data and from packages
+ / bundles of the data
+* abstracts configuration file structure and storage from operations that act
+ upon the configuration data; clients manipulating configuration data don’t
+ need to directly interact with storage (git, container images)
+![CaD Overview](./CaD%20Overview.svg)
+## Key Principles
+A system based on CaD *should* observe the following key principles:
+* secrets should be stored separately, in a secret-focused storage system
+ ([example](https://cloud.google.com/secret-manager))
+* stores a versioned history of configuration changes by change sets to bundles
+ of related configuration data
+* relies on uniformity and consistency of the configuration format, including
+ type metadata, to enable pattern-based operations on the configuration data,
+ along the lines of duck typing
+* separates schemas for the configuration data from the data, and relies on
+ schema information for strongly typed operations and to disambiguate data
+ structures and other variations within the model
+* decouples abstractions of configuration from collections of configuration data
+* represents abstractions of configuration generators as data with schemas, like
+ other configuration data
+* finds, filters / queries / selects, and/or validates configuration data that
+ can be operated on by given code (functions)
+* finds and/or filters / queries / selects code (functions) that can operate on
+ resource types contained within a body of configuration data
+* *actuation* (reconciliation of configuration data with live state) is separate
+ from transformation of configuration data, and is driven by the declarative
+ data model
+* transformations, particularly value propagation, are preferable to wholesale
+ configuration generation except when the expansion is dramatic (say, >10x)
+* transformation input generation should usually be decoupled from propagation
+* deployment context inputs should be taken from well defined “provider context”
+ objects
+* identifiers and references should be declarative
+* live state should be linked back to sources of truth (configuration)
+## KRM CaD
+Our implementation of the Configuration as Data approach (
+[Config Sync](https://cloud.google.com/anthos-config-management/docs/config-sync-overview),
+and [Package Orchestration](https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kpt/tree/main/porch))
+build on the foundation of
+[Kubernetes Resource Model](https://github.com/kubernetes/design-proposals-archive/blob/main/architecture/resource-management.md)
+**Note**: Even though KRM is not a requirement of Config as Data (just like
+Python or Go templates or Jinja are not specifically requirements for
+[IaC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrastructure_as_code)), the choice of
+another foundational config representation format would necessitate
+implementing adapters for all types of infrastructure and applications
+configured, including Kubernetes, CRDs, GCP resources and more. Likewise, choice
+of another configuration format would require redesign of a number of the
+configuration management mechanisms that have already been designed for KRM,
+such as 3-way merge, structural merge patch, schema descriptions, resource
+metadata, references, status conventions, etc.
+**KRM CaD** is therefore a specific approach to implementing *Configuration as
+Data* which:
+* uses [KRM](https://github.com/kubernetes/design-proposals-archive/blob/main/architecture/resource-management.md)
+ as the configuration serialization data model
+* uses [Kptfile](https://kpt.dev/reference/schema/kptfile/) to store package
+ metadata
+* uses [ResourceList](https://kpt.dev/reference/schema/resource-list/) as a
+ serialized package wire-format
+* uses a function `ResourceList → ResultList` (`kpt` function) as the
+ foundational, composable unit of package-manipulation code (note that other
+ forms of code can manipulate packages as well, i.e. UIs, custom algorithms
+ not necessarily packaged and used as kpt functions)
+and provides the following basic functionality:
+* load a serialized package from a repository (as `ResourceList`) (examples of
+ repository may be one or more of: local HDD, Git repository, OCI, Cloud
+ Storage, etc.)
+* save a serialized package (as `ResourceList`) to a package repository
+* evaluate a function on a serialized package (`ResourceList`)
+* [render](https://kpt.dev/book/04-using-functions/01-declarative-function-execution)
+ a package (evaluate functions declared within the package itself)
+* create a new (empty) package
+* fork (or clone) an existing package from one package repository (called
+ upstream) to another (called downstream)
+* delete a package from a repository
+* associate a version with the package; guarantee immutability of packages with
+ an assigned version
+* incorporate changes from the new version of an upstream package into a new
+ version of a downstream package
+* revert to a prior version of a package
+## Value
+The Config as Data approach enables some key value which is available in other
+configuration management approaches to a lesser extent or is not available
+at all.
+*CaD* approach enables:
+* simplified authoring of configuration using a variety of methods and sources
+* WYSIWYG interaction with configuration using a simple data serialization
+ formation rather than a code-like format
+* layering of interoperable interface surfaces (notably GUI) over declarative
+ configuration mechanisms rather than forcing choices between exclusive
+ alternatives (exclusively UI/CLI or IaC initially followed by exclusively
+ UI/CLI or exclusively IaC)
+* the ability to apply UX techniques to simplify configuration authoring and
+ viewing
+* compared to imperative tools (e.g., UI, CLI) that directly modify the live
+ state via APIs, CaD enables versioning, undo, audits of configuration history,
+ review/approval, pre-deployment preview, validation, safety checks,
+ constraint-based policy enforcement, and disaster recovery
+* bulk changes to configuration data in their sources of truth
+* injection of configuration to address horizontal concerns
+* merging of multiple sources of truth
+* state export to reusable blueprints without manual templatization
+* cooperative editing of configuration by humans and automation, such as for
+ security remediation (which is usually implemented against live-state APIs)
+* reusability of configuration transformation code across multiple bodies of
+ configuration data containing the same resource types, amortizing the effort
+ of writing, testing, documenting the code
+* combination of independent configuration transformations
+* implementation of config transformations using the languages of choice,
+ including both programming and scripting approaches
+* reducing the frequency of changes to existing transformation code
+* separation of roles between developer and non-developer configuration users
+* defragmenting the configuration transformation ecosystem
+* admission control and invariant enforcement on sources of truth
+* maintaining variants of configuration blueprints without one-size-fits-all
+ full struct-constructor-style parameterization and without manually
+ constructing and maintaining patches
+* drift detection and remediation for most of the desired state via continuous
+ reconciliation using apply and/or for specific attributes via targeted
+ mutation of the sources of truth
+## Related Articles
+For more information about Configuration as Data and Kubernetes Resource Model,
+visit the following links:
+* [Rationale for kpt](https://kpt.dev/guides/rationale)
+* [Understanding Configuration as Data](https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/containers-kubernetes/understanding-configuration-as-data-in-kubernetes)
+ blog post.
+* [Kubernetes Resource Model](https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/developers-practitioners/build-platform-krm-part-1-whats-platform)
+ blog post series
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+# Package Orchestration
+* Author(s): Martin Maly, @martinmaly
+* Approver: @mortent
+## Why
+Customers who want to take advantage of the benefits of [Configuration as Data
+](./06-config-as-data.md) can do so today using a [kpt](https://kpt.dev) CLI and
+kpt function ecosystem, including [functions catalog](https://catalog.kpt.dev/).
+Package authoring is possible using a variety of editors with
+[YAML](https://yaml.org/) support. That said, a delightful UI experience
+of WYSIWYG package authoring which supports broader package lifecycle, including
+package authoring with *guardrails*, approval workflow, package deployment, and
+more, is not yet available.
+*Package Orchestration* service is part of the implementation of the
+Configuration as Data approach, and enables building the delightful UI
+experience supporting the configuration lifecycle.
+## Core Concepts
+This section briefly describes core concepts of package orchestration:
+***Package***: Package is a collection of related configuration files containing
+configuration of [KRM][krm] **resources**. Specifically, configuration
+packages are [kpt packages](https://kpt.dev/).
+***Repository***: Repositories store packages or [functions][].
+For example [git][] or [OCI](#oci). Functions may be associated with
+repositories to enforce constraints or invariants on packages (guardrails).
+([more details](#repositories))
+Packages are sequentially ***versioned***; multiple versions of the same package
+may exist in a repository. [more details](#package-versioning))
+A package may have a link (URL) to an ***upstream package*** (a specific
+version) from which it was cloned. ([more details](#package-relationships))
+Package may be in one of several lifecycle stages:
+* ***Draft*** - package is being created or edited. The package contents can be
+ modified but package is not ready to be used (i.e. deployed)
+* ***Proposed*** - author of the package proposed that the package be published
+* ***Published*** - the changes to the package have been approved and the
+ package is ready to be used. Published packages can be deployed or cloned
+***Function*** (specifically, [KRM functions][krm functions]) can be applied to
+packages to mutate or validate resources within them. Functions can be applied
+to a package to create specific package mutation while editing a package draft,
+functions can be added to package's Kptfile [pipeline][], or associated with a
+repository to be applied to all packages on changes.
+([more details](#functions))
+A repository can be designated as ***deployment repository***. *Published*
+packages in a deployment repository are considered deployment-ready.
+([more details](#deployment))
+[krm]: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/design-proposals/architecture/resource-management.md
+[functions]: https://kpt.dev/book/02-concepts/03-functions
+[krm functions]: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/blob/master/cmd/config/docs/api-conventions/functions-spec.md
+[pipeline]: https://kpt.dev/book/04-using-functions/01-declarative-function-execution
+[Config Sync]: https://cloud.google.com/anthos-config-management/docs/config-sync-overview
+[kpt]: https://kpt.dev/
+[git]: https://git-scm.org/
+[optimistic-concurrency]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optimistic_concurrency_control
+[apiserver]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/api-extension/apiserver-aggregation/
+[representation]: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#differing-representations
+[crds]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/api-extension/custom-resources/
+## Core Components of Configuration as Data Implementation
+The Core implementation of Configuration as Data, *CaD Core*, is a set of
+components and APIs which collectively enable:
+* Registration of repositories (Git, OCI) containing kpt packages or functions,
+ and discovery of packages and functions
+* Porcelain package lifecycle, including authoring, versioning, deletion,
+ creation and mutations of a package draft, process of proposing the package
+ draft, and publishing of the approved package.
+* Package lifecycle operations such as:
+ * assisted or automated rollout of package upgrade when a new version
+ of the upstream package version becomes available
+ * rollback of a package to previous version
+* Deployment of packages from deployment repositories and observability of their
+ deployment status.
+* Permission model that allows role-based access control
+### High-Level Architecture
+At the high level, the Core CaD functionality comprises:
+* a generic (i.e. not task-specific) package orchestration service implementing
+ * package repository management
+ * package discovery, authoring and lifecycle management
+* [kpt][] - a Git-native, schema-aware, extensible client-side tool for
+ managing KRM packages
+* a GitOps-based deployment mechanism (for example [Config Sync][]), which
+ distributes and deploys configuration, and provides observability of the
+ status of deployed resources
+* a task-specific UI supporting repository management, package discovery,
+ authoring, and lifecycle
+![CaD Core Architecture](./CaD%20Core%20Architecture.svg)
+## CaD Concepts Elaborated
+Concepts briefly introduced above are elaborated in more detail in this section.
+### Repositories
+[kpt][] and [Config Sync][] currently integrate with [git][] repositories, and
+there is an existing design to add [OCI support](./02-oci-support.md) to kpt.
+Initially, the Package Orchestration service will prioritize integration with
+[git][], and support for additional repository types may be added in the future
+as required.
+Requirements applicable to all repositories include: ability to store packages,
+their versions, and sufficient metadata associated with package to capture:
+* package dependency relationships (upstream - downstream)
+* package lifecycle state (draft, proposed, published)
+* package purpose (base package)
+* (optionally) even customer-defined attributes
+At repository registration, customers must be able to specify details needed to
+store packages in appropriate locations in the repository. For example,
+registration of a Git repository must accept a branch and a directory.
+Repositories may have associated guardrails - mutation and validation functions
+that ensure and enforce requirements of all packages in the repository,
+including gating promotion of a package to a *published* lifecycle stage.
+_Note_: A user role with sufficient permissions can register a package or
+function repository, including repositories containing functions authored by
+the customer, or other providers. Since the functions in the registered
+repositories become discoverable, customers must be aware of the implications of
+registering function repositories and trust the contents thereof.
+### Package Versioning
+Packages are sequentially versioned. The important requirements are:
+* ability to compare any 2 versions of a package to be either "newer than",
+ equal, or "older than" relationship
+* ability to support automatic assignment of versions
+* ability to support [optimistic concurrency][optimistic-concurrency] of package
+ changes via version numbers
+* simple model which easily supports automation
+We plan to use a simple integer sequence to represent package versions.
+### Package Relationships
+Kpt packages support the concept of ***upstream***. When a package is cloned
+from another, the new package (called ***downstream*** package) maintains an
+upstream link to the specific version of the package from which it was cloned.
+If a new version of the upstream package becomes available, the upstream link
+can be used to [update](https://kpt.dev/book/03-packages/05-updating-a-package)
+the downstream package.
+### Deployment
+The deployment mechanism is responsible for deploying configuration packages
+from a repository and affecting the live state. Because the configuration
+is stored in standard repositories (Git, and in the future OCI), the deployment
+component is pluggable. By default, [Config Sync][] is the deployment mechanism
+used by CaD Core implementation but others can be used as well.
+Here we highlight some key attributes of the deployment mechanism and its
+integration within the CaD Core:
+* _Published_ packages in a deployment repository are considered ready to be
+ deployed
+* Config Sync supports deploying individual packages and whole repositories.
+ For Git specifically that translates to a requirement to be able to specify
+ repository, branch/tag/ref, and directory when instructing Config Sync to
+ deploy a package.
+* _Draft_ packages need to be identified in such a way that Config Sync can
+ easily avoid deploying them.
+* Config Sync needs to be able to pin to specific versions of deployable
+ packages in order to orchestrate rollouts and rollbacks. This means it must
+ be possible to GET a specific version of a package.
+* Config Sync needs to be able to discover when new versions are available for
+ deployment.
+### Functions
+Functions, specifically [KRM functions][krm functions], are used in the CaD core
+to manipulate resources within packages.
+* Similar to packages, functions are stored in repositories. Some repositories
+ (such as OCI) are more suitable for storing functions than others (such as
+ Git).
+* Function discovery will be aided by metadata associated with the function
+ by which the function can advertise which resources it acts on, whether the
+ function is idempotent or not, whether it is a mutator or validator, etc.
+* Function repositories can be registered and subsequently, user can discover
+ functions from the registered repositories and use them as follows:
+Function can be:
+* applied imperatively to a package draft to perform specific mutation to the
+ package's resources or meta-resources (`Kptfile` etc.)
+* registered in the package's `Kptfile` function pipeline as a *mutator* or
+ *validator* in order to be automatically run as part of package rendering
+* registered at the repository level as *mutator* or *validator*. Such function
+ then applies to all packages in the repository and is evaluated whenever a
+ change to a package in the repository occurs.
+## Package Orchestration - Porch
+Having established the context of the CaD Core components and the overall
+architecture, the remainder of the document will focus on **Porch** - Package
+Orchestration service.
+To reiterate the role of Package Orchestration service among the CaD Core
+components, it is:
+* [Repository Management](#repository-management)
+* [Package Discovery](#package-discovery)
+* [Package Authoring](#package-authoring) and Lifecycle
+In the following section we'll expand more on each of these areas. The term
+_client_ used in these sections can be either a person interacting with the UI
+such as a web application or a command-line tool, or an automated agent or
+### Repository Management
+The repository management functionality of Package Orchestration service enables
+the client to:
+* register, unregister, update registration of repositories, and discover
+ registered repositories. Git repository integration will be available first,
+ with OCI and possibly more delivered in the subsequent releases.
+* manage repository-wide upstream/downstream relationships, i.e. designate
+ default upstream repository from which packages will be cloned.
+* annotate repository with metadata such as whether repository contains
+ deployment ready packages or not; metadata can be application or customer
+ specific
+* define and enforce package invariants (guardrails) at the repository level, by
+ registering mutator and/or validator functions with the repository; those
+ registered functions will be applied to packages in the repository to enforce
+ invariants
+### Package Discovery
+The package discovery functionality of Package Orchestration service enables
+the client to:
+* browse packages in a repository
+* discover configuration packages in registered repositories and sort/filter
+ based on the repository containing the package, package metadata, version,
+ package lifecycle stage (draft, proposed, published)
+* retrieve resources and metadata of an individual package, including latest
+ version or any specific version or draft of a package, for the purpose of
+ introspection of a single package or for comparison of contents of multiple
+ versions of a package, or related packages
+* enumerate _upstream_ packages available for creating (cloning) a _downstream_
+ package
+* identify downstream packages that need to be upgraded after a change is made
+ to an upstream package
+* identify all deployment-ready packages in a deployment repository that are
+ ready to be synced to a deployment target by Config Sync
+* identify new versions of packages in a deployment repository that can be
+ rolled out to a deployment target by Config Sync
+* discover functions in registered repositories based on filtering criteria
+ including containing repository, applicability of a function to a specific
+ package or specific resource type(s), function metadata (mutator/validator),
+ idempotency (function is idempotent/not), etc.
+### Package Authoring
+The package authoring and lifecycle functionality of the package Orchestration
+service enables the client to:
+* Create a package _draft_ via one of the following means:
+ * an empty draft 'from scratch' (equivalent to
+ [kpt pkg init](https://kpt.dev/reference/cli/pkg/init/))
+ * clone of an upstream package (equivalent to
+ [kpt pkg get](https://kpt.dev/reference/cli/pkg/get/)) from either a
+ registered upstream repository or from another accessible, unregistered,
+ repository
+ * edit an existing package (similar to the CLI command(s)
+ [kpt fn source](https://kpt.dev/reference/cli/fn/source/) or
+ [kpt pkg pull](https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kpt/issues/2557))
+ * roll back / restore a package to any of its previous versions
+ ([kpt pkg pull](https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kpt/issues/2557)
+ of a previous version)
+* Apply changes to a package _draft_. In general, mutations include
+ adding/modifying/deleting any part of the package's contents. Some specific
+ examples include:
+ * add/change/delete package metadata (i.e. some properties in the `Kptfile`)
+ * add/change/delete resources in the package
+ * add function mutators/validators to the package's [pipeline][]
+ * invoke a function imperatively on the package draft to perform a desired
+ mutation
+ * add/change/delete sub-package
+ * retrieve the contents of the package for arbitrary client-side mutations
+ (equivalent to [kpt fn source](https://kpt.dev/reference/cli/fn/source/))
+ * update/replace the package contents with new contents, for example results
+ of a client-side mutations by a UI (equivalent to
+ [kpt fn sink](https://kpt.dev/reference/cli/fn/sink/))
+* Rebase a package onto another upstream base package
+ ([detail](https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kpt/issues/2548)) or onto
+ a newer version of the same package (to aid with conflict resolution during
+ the process of publishing a draft package)
+* Get feedback during package authoring, and assistance in recovery from:
+ * merge conflicts, invalid package changes, guardrail violations
+ * compliance of the drafted package with repository-wide invariants and
+ guardrails
+* Propose for a _draft_ package be _published_.
+* Apply an arbitrary decision criteria, and by a manual or automated action,
+ approve (or reject) proposal of a _draft_ package to be _published_.
+* Perform bulk operations such as:
+ * Assisted/automated update (upgrade, rollback) of groups of packages matching
+ specific criteria (i.e. base package has new version or specific base
+ package version has a vulnerability and should be rolled back)
+ * Proposed change validation (pre-validating change that adds a validator
+ function to a base package or a repository)
+* Delete an existing package.
+#### Authoring & Latency
+An important goal of the Package Orchestration service is to support building
+of task-specific UIs. In order to deliver low latency user experience acceptable
+to UI interactions, the innermost authoring loop (depicted below) will require:
+* high performance access to the package store (load/save package) w/ caching
+* low latency execution of mutations and transformations on the package contents
+* low latency [KRM function][krm functions] evaluation and package rendering
+ (evaluation of package's function pipelines)
+![Inner Loop](./Porch%20Inner%20Loop.svg)
+#### Authoring & Access Control
+A client can assign actors (persons, service accounts) to roles that determine
+which operations they are allowed to perform in order to satisfy requirements
+of the basic roles. For example, only permitted roles can:
+* manipulate repository registration, enforcement of repository-wide
+ invariants and guardrails
+* create a draft of a package and propose the draft be published
+* approve (or reject) the proposal to publish a draft package
+* clone a package from a specific upstream repository
+* perform bulk operations such as rollout upgrade of downstream packages,
+ including rollouts across multiple downstream repositories
+* etc.
+### Porch Architecture
+The Package Orchestration service, **Porch** is designed to be hosted in a
+[Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io/) cluster.
+The overall architecture is shown below, and includes also existing components
+(k8s apiserver and Config Sync).
+In addition to satisfying requirements highlighted above, the focus of the
+architecture was to:
+* establish clear components and interfaces
+* support a low-latency package authoring experience required by the UIs
+The Porch components are:
+#### Porch Server
+The Porch server is implemented as [Kubernetes extension API server][apiserver].
+The benefits of using Kubernetes extension API server are:
+* well-defined and familiar API style
+* availability of generated clients
+* integration with existing Kubernetes ecosystem and tools such as `kubectl`
+ CLI, [RBAC](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/)
+* avoids requirement to open another network port to access a separate endpoint
+ running inside k8s cluster (this is a distinct advantage over gRPC which we
+ considered as an alternative approach)
+Resources implemented by Porch include:
+* `PackageRevision` - represents the _metadata_ of the configuration package
+ revision stored in a _package_ repository.
+* `PackageRevisionResources` - represents the _contents_ of the package revision
+* `Function` - represents a [KRM function][krm functions] discovered in
+ a registered _function_ repository.
+Note that each configuration package revision is represented by a _pair_ of
+resources which each present a different view (or [representation][] of the same
+underlying package revision.
+Repository registration is supported by a `Repository` [custom resource][crds].
+**Porch server** itself comprises several key components, including:
+* The *Porch aggregated apiserver* which implements the integration into the
+ main Kubernetes apiserver, and directly serves API requests for the
+ `PackageRevision`, `PackageRevisionResources` and `Function` resources.
+* Package orchestration *engine* which implements the package lifecycle
+ operations, and package mutation workflows
+* *CaD Library* which implements specific package manipulation algorithms such
+ as package rendering (evaluation of package's function *pipeline*),
+ initialization of a new package, etc. The CaD Library is shared with `kpt`
+ where it likewise provides the core package manipulation algorithms.
+* *Package cache* which enables both local caching, as well as abstract
+ manipulation of packages and their contents irrespectively of the underlying
+ storage mechanism (Git, or OCI)
+* *Repository adapters* for Git and OCI which implement the specific logic of
+ interacting with those types of package repositories.
+* *Function runtime* which implements support for evaluating
+ [kpt functions][functions] and multi-tier cache of functions to support
+ low latency function evaluation
+#### Function Runner
+**Function runner** is a separate service responsible for evaluating
+[kpt functions][functions]. Function runner exposes a [gRPC](https://grpc.io/)
+endpoint which enables evaluating a kpt function on the provided configuration
+The gRPC technology was chosen for the function runner service because the
+[requirements](#grpc-api) that informed choice of KRM API for the Package
+Orchestration service do not apply. The function runner is an internal
+microservice, an implementation detail not exposed to external callers. This
+makes gRPC perfectly suitable.
+The function runner also maintains cache of functions to support low latency
+function evaluation.
+#### CaD Library
+The [kpt](https://kpt.dev/) CLI already implements foundational package
+manipulation algorithms in order to provide the command line user experience,
+* [kpt pkg init](https://kpt.dev/reference/cli/pkg/init/) - create an empty,
+ valid, KRM package
+* [kpt pkg get](https://kpt.dev/reference/cli/pkg/get/) - create a downstream
+ package by cloning an upstream package; set up the upstream reference of the
+ downstream package
+* [kpt pkg update](https://kpt.dev/reference/cli/pkg/update/) - update the
+ downstream package with changes from new version of upstream, 3-way merge
+* [kpt fn eval](https://kpt.dev/reference/cli/fn/eval/) - evaluate a kpt
+ function on a package
+* [kpt fn render](https://kpt.dev/reference/cli/fn/render/) - render the package
+ by executing the function pipeline of the package and its nested packages
+* [kpt fn source](https://kpt.dev/reference/cli/fn/source/) and
+ [kpt fn sink](https://kpt.dev/reference/cli/fn/sink/) - read package from
+ local disk as a `ResourceList` and write package represented as
+ `ResourcesList` into local disk
+The same set of primitives form the foundational building blocks of the package
+orchestration service. Further, the package orchestration service combines these
+primitives into higher-level operations (for example, package orchestrator
+renders packages automatically on changes, future versions will support bulk
+operations such as upgrade of multiple packages, etc).
+The implementation of the package manipulation primitives in kpt was refactored
+(with initial refactoring completed, and more to be performed as needed) in
+order to:
+* create a reusable CaD library, usable by both kpt CLI and Package
+ Orchestration service
+* create abstractions for dependencies which differ between CLI and Porch,
+ most notable are dependency on Docker for function evaluation, and dependency
+ on the local file system for package rendering.
+Over time, the CaD Library will provide the package manipulation primitives:
+* create a valid empty package (init)
+* update package upstream pointers (get)
+* perform 3-way merge (update)
+* render - core package rendering algorithm using a pluggable function evaluator
+ to support:
+ * function evaluation via Docker (used by kpt CLI)
+ * function evaluation via an RPC to a service or appropriate function sandbox
+ * high-performance evaluation of trusted, built-in, functions without sandbox
+* heal configuration (restore comments after lossy transformation)
+and both kpt CLI and Porch will consume the library. This approach will allow
+leveraging the investment already made into the high quality package
+manipulation primitives, and enable functional parity between KPT CLI and
+Package Orchestration service.
+## User Guide
+Find the Porch User Guide in a dedicated [document](../../site/guides/porch-user-guide.md).
+## Open Issues/Questions
+### Deployment Rollouts & Orchestration
+__Not Yet Resolved__
+Cross-cluster rollouts and orchestration of deployment activity. For example,
+package deployed by Config Sync in cluster A, and only on success, the same
+(or a different) package deployed by Config Sync in cluster B.
+## Alternatives Considered
+### gRPC API
+We considered the use of [gRPC]() for the Porch API. The primary advantages of
+implementing Porch as an extension Kubernetes apiserver are:
+* customers won't have to open another port to their Kubernetes cluster and can
+ reuse their existing infrastructure
+* customers can likewise reuse existing, familiar, Kubernetes tooling ecosystem
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+# Package Variant Controller
+* Author(s): @johnbelamaric, @natasha41575
+* Approver: @mortent
+## Why
+When deploying workloads across large fleets of clusters, it is often necessary
+to modify the workload configuration for a specific cluster. Additionally, those
+workloads may evolve over time with security or other patches that require
+updates. [Configuration as Data](06-config-as-data.md) in general and [Package
+Orchestration](07-package-orchestration.md) in particular can assist in this.
+However, they are still centered around manual, one-by-one hydration and
+configuration of a workload.
+This proposal introduces concepts and a set of resources for automating the
+creation and lifecycle management of package variants. These are designed to
+address several different dimensions of scalability:
+- Number of different workloads for a given cluster
+- Number of clusters across which those workloads are deployed
+- Different types or characteristics of those clusters
+- Complexity of the organizations deploying those workloads
+- Changes to those workloads over time
+## See Also
+- [Package Orchestration](07-package-orchestration.md)
+- [#3347](https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kpt/issues/3347) Bulk package
+ creation
+- [#3243](https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kpt/issues/3243) Support bulk
+ package upgrades
+- [#3488](https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kpt/issues/3488) Porch:
+ BaseRevision controller aka Fan Out controller - but more
+- [Managing Package
+ Revisions](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EzUUDxLm5jlEG9d47AQOxA2W6HmSWVjL1zqyIFkqV1I/edit?usp=sharing)
+- [Porch UpstreamPolicy Resource
+ API](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OxNon_1ri4YOqNtEQivBgeRzIPuX9sOyu-nYukjwN1Q/edit?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-2nDYYH5Kw58IwCatA4uDQw)
+## Core Concepts
+For this solution, "workloads" are represented by packages. "Package" is a more
+general concept, being an arbitrary bundle of resources, and therefore is
+sufficient to solve the originally stated problem.
+The basic idea here is to introduce a PackageVariant resource that manages the
+derivation of a variant of a package from the original source package, and to
+manage the evolution of that variant over time. This effectively automates the
+human-centered process for variant creation one might use with `kpt`:
+1. Clone an upstream package locally
+1. Make changes to the local package, setting values in resources and
+ executing KRM functions
+1. Push the package to a new repository and tag it as a new version
+Similarly, PackageVariant can manage the process of updating a package when a
+new version of the upstream package is published. In the human-centered
+workflow, a user would use `kpt pkg update` to pull in changes to their
+derivative package. When using a PackageVariant resource, the change would be
+made to the upstream specification in the resource, and the controller would
+propose a new Draft package reflecting the outcome of `kpt pkg update`.
+By automating this process, we open up the possibility of performing systematic
+changes that tie back to our different dimensions of scalability. We can use
+data about the specific variant we are creating to lookup additional context in
+the Porch cluster, and copy that information into the variant. That context is a
+well-structured resource, not simply key/value pairs. KRM functions within the
+package can interpret the resource, modifying other resources in the package
+accordingly. The context can come from multiple sources that vary differently
+along those dimensions of scalability. For example, one piece of information may
+vary by region, another by individual site, another by cloud provider, and yet
+another based on whether we are deploying to development, staging, or production.
+By utilizing resources in the Porch cluster as our input model, we can represent
+this complexity in a manageable model that is reused across many packages,
+rather than scattered in package-specific templates or key/value pairs without
+any structure. KRM functions, also reused across packages but configured as
+needed for the specific package, are used to interpret the resources within the
+package. This decouples authoring of the packages, creation of the input model,
+and deploy-time use of that input model within the packages, allowing those
+activities to be performed by different teams or organizations.
+We refer to the mechanism described above as *configuration injection*. It
+enables dynamic, context-aware creation of variants. Another way to think about
+it is as a continuous reconciliation, much like other Kubernetes controllers. In
+this case, the inputs are a parent package `P` and a context `C` (which may be a
+collection of many independent resources), with the output being the derived
+package `D`. When a new version of `C` is created by updates to in-cluster
+resources, we get a new revision of `D`, customized based upon the updated
+context. Similarly, the user (or an automation) can monitor for new versions of
+`P`; when one arrives, the PackageVariant can be updated to point to that new
+version, resulting in a newly proposed Draft of `D`, updated to reflect the
+upstream changes. This will be explained in more detail below.
+This proposal also introduces a way to "fan-out", or create multiple
+PackageVariant resources declaratively based upon a list or selector, with the
+PackageVariantSet resource. This is combined with the injection mechanism to
+enable generation of large sets of variants that are specialized to a particular
+target repository, cluster, or other resource.
+## Basic Package Cloning
+The PackageVariant resource controls the creation and lifecycle of a variant
+of a package. That is, it defines the original (upstream) package, the new
+(downstream) package, and the changes (mutations) that need to be made to
+transform the upstream into the downstream. It also allows the user to specify
+policies around adoption, deletion, and update of package revisions that are
+under the control of the package variant controller.
+The simple clone operation is shown in *Figure 1*.
+| ![Figure 1: Basic Package Cloning](packagevariant-clone.png) | ![Legend](packagevariant-legend.png) |
+| :---: | :---: |
+| *Figure 1: Basic Package Cloning* | *Legend* |
+Note that *proposal* and *approval* are not handled by the package variant
+controller. Those are left to humans or other controllers. The exception is the
+proposal of deletion (there is no concept of a "Draft" deletion), which the
+package variant control will do, depending upon the specified deletion policy.
+### PackageRevision Metadata
+The package variant controller utilizes Porch APIs. This means that it is not
+just doing a `clone` operation, but in fact creating a Porch PackageRevision
+resource. In particular, that resource can contain Kubernetes metadata that is
+not part of the package as stored in the repository.
+Some of that metadata is necessary for the management of the PackageRevision
+by the package variant controller - for example, the owner reference indicating
+which PackageVariant created the PackageRevision. These are not under the user's
+control. However, the PackageVariant resource does make the annotations and
+labels of the PackageRevision available as values that may be controlled
+during the creation of the PackageRevision. This can assist in additional
+automation workflows.
+## Introducing Variance
+Just cloning is not that interesting, so the PackageVariant resource also
+allows you to control various ways of mutating the original package to create
+the variant.
+### Package Context[^porch17]
+Every kpt package that is fetched with `--for-deployment` will contain a
+ConfigMap called `kptfile.kpt.dev`. Analogously, when Porch creates a package
+in a deployment repository, it will create this ConfigMap, if it does not
+already exist. Kpt (or Porch) will automatically add a key `name` to the
+ConfigMap data, with the value of the package name. This ConfigMap can then
+be used as input to functions in the Kpt function pipeline.
+This process holds true for package revisions created via the package variant
+controller as well. Additionally, the author of the PackageVariant resource
+can specify additional key-value pairs to insert into the package
+context, as shown in *Figure 2*.
+| ![Figure 2: Package Context Mutation](packagevariant-context.png) |
+| :---: |
+| *Figure 2: Package Context Mutation * |
+While this is convenient, it can be easily abused, leading to
+over-parameterization. The preferred approach is configuration injection, as
+described below, since it allows inputs to adhere to a well-defined, reusable
+schema, rather than simple key/value pairs.
+### Kptfile Function Pipeline Editing[^porch18]
+In the manual workflow, one of the ways we edit packages is by running KRM
+functions imperatively. PackageVariant offers a similar capability, by
+allowing the user to add functions to the beginning of the downstream package
+`Kptfile` mutators pipeline. These functions will then execute before the
+functions present in the upstream pipeline. It is not exactly the same as
+running functions imperatively, because they will also be run in every
+subsequent execution of the downstream package function pipeline. But it can
+achieve the same goals.
+For example, consider an upstream package that includes a Namespace resource.
+In many organizations, the deployer of the workload may not have the permissions
+to provision cluster-scoped resources like namespaces. This means that they
+would not be able to use this upstream package without removing the Namespace
+resource (assuming that they only have access to a pipeline that deploys with
+constrained permissions). By adding a function that removes Namespace resources,
+and a call to `set-namespace`, they can take advantage of the upstream package.
+Similarly, the Kptfile pipeline editing feature provides an easy mechanism for
+the deployer to create and set the namespace if their downstream package
+application pipeline allows it, as seen in *Figure 3*.[^setns]
+| ![Figure 3: KRM Function Pipeline Editing](packagevariant-function.png) |
+| :---: |
+| *Figure 3: Kptfile Function Pipeline Editing * |
+### Configuration Injection[^porch18]
+Adding values to the package context or functions to the pipeline works
+for configuration that is under the control of the creator of the PackageVariant
+resource. However, in more advanced use cases, we may need to specialize the
+package based upon other contextual information. This particularly comes into
+play when the user deploying the workload does not have direct control over the
+context in which it is being deployed. For example, one part of the organization
+may manage the infrastructure - that is, the cluster in which we are deploying
+the workload - and another part the actual workload. We would like to be able to
+pull in inputs specified by the infrastructure team automatically, based the
+cluster to which we are deploying the workload, or perhaps the region in which
+that cluster is deployed.
+To facilitate this, the package variant controller can "inject" configuration
+directly into the package. This means it will use information specific to this
+instance of the package to lookup a resource in the Porch cluster, and copy that
+information into the package. Of course, the package has to be ready to receive
+this information. So, there is a protocol for facilitating this dance:
+- Packages may contain resources annotated with `kpt.dev/config-injection`
+- Often, these will also be `config.kubernetes.io/local-config` resources, as
+ they are likely just used by local functions as input. But this is not
+ mandatory.
+- The package variant controller will look for any resource in the Kubernetes
+ cluster matching the Group, Version, and Kind of the package resource, and
+ satisfying the *injection selector*.
+- The package variant controller will copy the `spec` field from the matching
+ in-cluster resource to the in-package resource, or the `data` field in the
+ case of a ConfigMap.
+| ![Figure 4: Configuration Injection](packagevariant-config-injection.png) |
+| :---: |
+| *Figure 4: Configuration Injection* |
+Note that because we are injecting data *from the Kubernetes cluster*, we can
+also monitor that data for changes. For each resource we inject, the package
+variant controller will establish a Kubernetes "watch" on the resource (or
+perhaps on the collection of such resources). A change to that resource will
+result in a new Draft package with the updated configuration injected.
+There are a number of additional details that will be described in the detailed
+design below, along with the specific API definition.
+## Lifecycle Management
+### Upstream Changes
+The package variant controller allows you to specific a specific upstream
+package revision to clone, or you can specify a floating tag[^notimplemented].
+If you specify a specific upstream revision, then the downstream will not be
+changed unless the PackageVariant resource itself is modified to point to a new
+revision. That is, the user must edit the PackageVariant, and change the
+upstream package reference. When that is done, the package variant controller
+will update any existing Draft package under its ownership by doing the
+equivalent of a `kpt pkg update` to update the downstream to be based upon
+the new upstream revision. If a Draft does not exist, then the package variant
+controller will create a new Draft based on the current published downstream,
+and apply the `kpt pkg update`. This updated Draft must then be proposed and
+approved like any other package change.
+If a floating tag is used, then explicit modification of the PackageVariant is
+not needed. Rather, when the floating tag is moved to a new tagged revision of
+the upstream package, the package revision controller will notice and
+automatically propose and update to that revision. For example, the upstream
+package author may designate three floating tags: stable, beta, and alpha. The
+upstream package author can move these tags to specific revisions, and any
+PackageVariant resource tracking them will propose updates to their downstream
+### Adoption and Deletion Policies
+When a PackageVariant resource is created, it will have a particular
+repository and package name as the downstream. The adoption policy controls
+whether the package variant controller takes over an existing package with that
+name, in that repository.
+Analogously, when a PackageVariant resource is deleted, a decision must be
+made about whether or not to delete the downstream package. This is controlled
+by the deletion policy.
+## Fan Out of Variant Generation[^pvsimpl]
+When used with a single package, the package variant controller mostly helps us
+handle the time dimension - producing new versions of a package as the upstream
+changes, or as injected resources are updated. It can also be useful for
+automating common, systematic changes made when bringing an external package
+into an organization, or an organizational package into a team repository.
+That is useful, but not extremely compelling by itself. More interesting is when
+we use PackageVariant as a primitive for automations that act on other
+dimensions of scale. That means writing controllers that emit PackageVariant
+resources. For example, we can create a controller that instantiates a
+PackageVariant for each developer in our organization, or we can create
+a controller to manage PackageVariants across environments. The ability to not
+only clone a package, but make systematic changes to that package enables
+flexible automation.
+Workload controllers in Kubernetes are a useful analogy. In Kubernetes, we have
+different workload controllers such as Deployment, StatefulSet, and DaemonSet.
+Ultimately, all of these result in Pods; however, the decisions about what Pods
+to create, how to schedule them across Nodes, how to configure those Pods, and
+how to manage those Pods as changes happen are very different with each workload
+controller. Similarly, we can build different controllers to handle different
+ways in which we want to generate PackageRevisions. The PackageVariant
+resource provides a convenient primitive for all of those controllers, allowing
+a them to leverage a range of well-defined operations to mutate the packages as
+A common need is the ability to generate many variants of a package based on
+a simple list of some entity. Some examples include generating package variants
+to spin up development environments for each developer in an organization;
+instantiating the same package, with slight configuration changes, across a
+fleet of clusters; or instantiating some package per customer.
+The package variant set controller is designed to fill this common need. This
+controller consumes PackageVariantSet resources, and outputs PackageVariant
+resources. The PackageVariantSet defines:
+- the upstream package
+- targeting criteria
+- a template for generating one PackageVariant per target
+Three types of targeting are supported:
+- An explicit list of repositories and package names
+- A label selector for Repository objects
+- An arbitrary object selector
+Rules for generating a PackageVariant are associated with a list of targets
+using a template. That template can have explicit values for various
+PackageVariant fields, or it can use [Common Expression Language
+(CEL)](https://github.com/google/cel-go) expressions to specify the field
+*Figure 5* shows an example of creating PackageVariant resources based upon the
+explicitly list of repositories. In this example, for the `cluster-01` and
+`cluster-02` repositories, no template is defined the resulting PackageVariants;
+it simply takes the defaults. However, for `cluster-03`, a template is defined
+to change the downstream package name to `bar`.
+| ![Figure 5: PackageVariantSet with Repository List](packagevariantset-target-list.png) |
+| :---: |
+| *Figure 5: PackageVariantSet with Repository List* |
+It is also possible to target the same package to a repository more than once,
+using different names. This is useful, for example, if the package is used to
+provision namespaces and you would like to provision many namespaces in the same
+cluster. It is also useful if a repository is shared across multiple clusters.
+In *Figure 6*, two PackageVariant resources for creating the `foo` package in
+the repository `cluster-01` are generated, one for each listed package name.
+Since no `packageNames` field is listed for `cluster-02`, only one instance is
+created for that repository.
+| ![Figure 6: PackageVariantSet with Package List](packagevariantset-target-list-with-packages.png) |
+| :---: |
+| *Figure 6: PackageVariantSet with Package List* |
+*Figure 7* shows an example that combines a repository label selector with
+configuration injection that various based upon the target. The template for the
+PackageVariant includes a CEL expression for the one of the injectors, so that
+the injection varies systematically based upon attributes of the target.
+| ![Figure 7: PackageVariantSet with Repository Selector](packagevariantset-target-repo-selector.png) |
+| :---: |
+| *Figure 7: PackageVariantSet with Repository Selector* |
+## Detailed Design
+### PackageVariant API
+The Go types below defines the `PackageVariantSpec`.
+type PackageVariantSpec struct {
+ Upstream *Upstream `json:"upstream,omitempty"`
+ Downstream *Downstream `json:"downstream,omitempty"`
+ AdoptionPolicy AdoptionPolicy `json:"adoptionPolicy,omitempty"`
+ DeletionPolicy DeletionPolicy `json:"deletionPolicy,omitempty"`
+ Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"`
+ Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations,omitempty"`
+ PackageContext *PackageContext `json:"packageContext,omitempty"`
+ Pipeline *kptfilev1.Pipeline `json:"pipeline,omitempty"`
+ Injectors []InjectionSelector `json:"injectors,omitempty"`
+type Upstream struct {
+ Repo string `json:"repo,omitempty"`
+ Package string `json:"package,omitempty"`
+ Revision string `json:"revision,omitempty"`
+type Downstream struct {
+ Repo string `json:"repo,omitempty"`
+ Package string `json:"package,omitempty"`
+type PackageContext struct {
+ Data map[string]string `json:"data,omitempty"`
+ RemoveKeys []string `json:"removeKeys,omitempty"`
+type InjectionSelector struct {
+ Group *string `json:"group,omitempty"`
+ Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"`
+ Kind *string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
+ Name string `json:"name"`
+#### Basic Spec Fields
+The `Upstream` and `Downstream` fields specify the source package and
+destination repository and package name. The `Repo` fields refer to the names
+Porch Repository resources in the same namespace as the PackageVariant resource.
+The `Downstream` does not contain a revision, because the package variant
+controller will only create Draft packages. The `Revision` of the eventual
+PackageRevision resource will be determined by Porch at the time of approval.
+The `Labels` and `Annotations` fields list metadata to include on the created
+PackageRevision. These values are set *only* at the time a Draft package is
+created. They are ignored for subsequent operations, even if the PackageVariant
+itself has been modified. This means users are free to change these values on
+the PackageRevision; the package variant controller will not touch them again.
+`AdoptionPolicy` controls how the package variant controller behaves if it finds
+an existing PackageRevision Draft matching the `Downstream`. If the
+`AdoptionPolicy` is `adoptExisting`, then the package variant controller will
+take ownership of the Draft, associating it with this PackageVariant. This means
+that it will begin to reconcile the Draft, just as if it had created it in the
+first place. An `AdoptionPolicy` of `adoptNone` (the default) will simply ignore
+any matching Drafts that were not created by the controller.
+`DeletionPolicy` controls how the package variant controller behaves with
+respect to PackageRevisions that it has created when the PackageVariant resource
+itself is deleted. A value of `delete` (the default) will delete the
+PackageRevision (potentially removing it from a running cluster, if the
+downstream package has been deployed). A value of `orphan` will remove the owner
+references and leave the PackageRevisions in place.
+#### Package Context Injection
+PackageVariant resource authors may specify key-value pairs in the
+`spec.packageContext.data` field of the resource. These key-value pairs will be
+automatically added to the `data` of the `kptfile.kpt.dev` ConfigMap, if it
+Specifying the key `name` is invalid and must fail validation of the
+PackageVariant. This key is reserved for kpt or Porch to set to the package
+name. Similarly, `package-path` is reserved and will result in an error.
+The `spec.packageContext.removeKeys` field can also be used to specify a list of
+keys that the package variant controller should remove from the `data` field of
+the `kptfile.kpt.dev` ConfigMap.
+When creating or updating a package, the package variant controller will ensure
+- The `kptfile.kpt.dev` ConfigMap exists, failing if not
+- All of the key-value pairs in `spec.packageContext.data` exist in the `data`
+ field of the ConfigMap.
+- None of the keys listed in `spec.packageContext.removeKeys` exist in the
+ ConfigMap.
+Note that if a user adds a key via PackageVariant, then changes the
+PackageVariant to no longer add that key, it will NOT be removed automatically,
+unless the user also lists the key in the `removeKeys` list. This avoids the
+need to track which keys were added by PackageVariant.
+Similarly, if a user manually adds a key in the downstream that is also listed
+in the `removeKeys` field, the package variant controller will remove that key
+the next time it needs to update the downstream package. There will be no
+attempt to coordinate "ownership" of these keys.
+If the controller is unable to modify the ConfigMap for some reason, this is
+considered an error and should prevent generation of the Draft. This will result
+in the condition `Ready` being set to `False`.
+#### Kptfile Function Pipeline Editing
+PackageVariant resource creators may specify a list of KRM functions to add to
+the beginning of the Kptfile's pipeline. These functions are listed in the field
+`spec.pipeline`, which is a
+just as in the Kptfile. The user can therefore prepend both `validators` and
+Functions added in this way are always added to the *beginning* of the Kptfile
+pipeline. In order to enable management of the list on subsequent
+reconciliations, functions added by the package variant controller will use the
+`Name` field of the
+In the Kptfile, each function will be named as the dot-delimited concatenation
+of `PackageVariant`, the name of the PackageVariant resource, the function name
+as specified in the pipeline of the PackageVariant resource (if present), and
+the positional location of the function in the array.
+For example, if the PackageVariant resource contains:
+apiVersion: config.porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+kind: PackageVariant
+ namespace: default
+ name: my-pv
+ ...
+ pipeline:
+ mutators:
+ - image: gcr.io/kpt-fn/set-namespace:v0.1
+ configMap:
+ namespace: my-ns
+ name: my-func
+ - image: gcr.io/kpt-fn/set-labels:v0.1
+ configMap:
+ app: foo
+Then the resulting Kptfile will have these two entries prepended to its
+`mutators` list:
+ pipeline:
+ mutators:
+ - image: gcr.io/kpt-fn/set-namespace:v0.1
+ configMap:
+ namespace: my-ns
+ name: PackageVariant.my-pv.my-func.0
+ - image: gcr.io/kpt-fn/set-labels:v0.1
+ configMap:
+ app: foo
+ name: PackageVariant.my-pv..1
+During subsequent reconciliations, this allows the controller to identify the
+functions within its control, remove them all, and re-add them based on its
+updated content. By including the PackageVariant name, we enable chains of
+PackageVariants to add functions, so long as the user is careful about their
+choice of resource names and avoids conflicts.
+If the controller is unable to modify the Pipeline for some reason, this is
+considered an error and should prevent generation of the Draft. This will result
+in the condition `Ready` being set to `False`.
+#### Configuration Injection Details
+As described [above](#configuration-injection), configuration injection is a
+process whereby in-package resources are matched to in-cluster resources, and
+the `spec` of the in-cluster resources is copied to the in-package resource.
+Configuration injection is controlled by a combination of in-package resources
+with annotations, and *injectors* (also known as *injection selectors*) defined
+on the PackageVariant resource. Package authors control the injection points
+they allow in their packages, by flagging specific resources as *injection
+points* with an annotation. Creators of the PackageVariant resource specify how
+to map in-cluster resources to those injection points using the injection
+selectors. Injection selectors are defined in the `spec.injectors` field of the
+PackageVariant. This field is an ordered array of structs containing a GVK
+(group, version, kind) tuple as separate fields, and name. Only the name is
+required. To identify a match, all fields present must match the in-cluster
+object, and all *GVK* fields present must match the in-package resource. In
+general the name will not match the in-package resource; this is discussed in
+more detail below.
+The annotations, along with the GVK of the annotated resource, allow a package
+to "advertise" the injections it can accept and understand. These injection
+points effectively form a configuration API for the package, and the injection
+selectors provide a way for the PackageVariant author to specify the inputs
+for those APIs from the possible values in the management cluster. If we define
+those APIs carefully, they can be used across many packages; since they are
+KRM resources, we can apply versioning and schema validation to them as well.
+This creates a more maintainable, automatable set of APIs for package
+customization than simple key/value pairs.
+As an example, we may define a GVK that contains service endpoints that many
+applications use. In each application package, we would then include an instance
+of that resource, say called "service-endpoints", and configure a function to
+propagate the values from that resource to others within our package. As those
+endpoints may vary by region, in our Porch cluster we can create an instance of
+this GVK for each region: "useast1-service-endpoints",
+"useast2-service-endpoints", "uswest1-service-endpoints", etc. When we
+instantiate the PackageVariant for a cluster, we want to inject the resource
+corresponding to the region in which the cluster exists. Thus, for each cluster
+we will create a PackageVariant resource pointing to the upstream package, but
+with injection selector name values that are specific to the region for that
+It is important to realize that the name of the in-package resource and the in-
+cluster resource need not match. In fact, it would be an unusual coincidence if
+they did match. The names in the package are the same across PackageVariants
+using that upstream, but we want to inject different resources for each one such
+PackageVariant. We also do not want to change the name in the package, because
+it likely has meaning within the package and will be used by functions in the
+package. Also, different owners control the names of the in-package and in-
+cluster resources. The names in the package are in the control of the package
+author. The names in the cluster are in the control of whoever populates the
+cluster (for example, some infrastructure team). The selector is the glue
+between them, and is in control of the PackageVariant resource creator.
+The GVK on the other hand, has to be the same for the in-package resource and
+the in-cluster resource, because it tells us the API schema for the resource.
+Also, the namespace of the in-cluster object needs to be the same as the
+PackageVariant resource, or we could leak resources from namespaces to which
+our PackageVariant user does not have access.
+With that understanding, the injection process works as follows:
+1. The controller will examine all in-package resources, looking for those with
+ an annotation named `kpt.dev/config-injection`, with one of the following
+ values: `required` or `optional`. We will call these "injection points". It
+ is the responsibility of the package author to define these injection points,
+ and to specify which are required and which are optional. Optional injection
+ points are a way of specifying default values.
+1. For each injection point, a condition will be created *in the
+ downstream PackageRevision*, with ConditionType set to the dot-delimited
+ concatenation of `config.injection`, with the in-package resource kind and
+ name, and the value set to `False`. Note that since the package author
+ controls the name of the resource, kind and name are sufficient to
+ disambiguate the injection point. We will call this ConditionType the
+ "injection point ConditionType".
+1. For each required injection point, the injection point ConditionType will
+ be added to the PackageRevision `readinessGates` by the package variant
+ controller. Optional injection points' ConditionTypes must not be added to
+ the `readinessGates` by the package variant controller, but humans or other
+ actors may do so at a later date, and the package variant controller should
+ not remove them on subsequent reconciliations. Also, this relies upon
+ `readinessGates` gating publishing the package to a *deployment* repository,
+ but not gating publishing to a blueprint repository.
+1. The injection processing will proceed as follows. For each injection point:
+ - The controller will identify all in-cluster objects in the same
+ namespace as the PackageVariant resource, with GVK matching the injection
+ point (the in-package resource). If the controller is unable to load this
+ objects (e.g., there are none and the CRD is not installed), the injection
+ point ConditionType will be set to `False`, with a message indicating that
+ the error, and processing proceeds to the next injection point. Note that
+ for `optional` injection this may be an acceptable outcome, so it does not
+ interfere with overall generation of the Draft.
+ - The controller will look through the list of injection selectors in
+ order and checking if any of the in-cluster objects match the selector. If
+ so, that in-cluster object is selected, and processing of the list of
+ injection selectors stops. Note that the namespace is set based upon the
+ PackageVariant resource, the GVK is set based upon the in-package resource,
+ and all selectors require name. Thus, at most one match is possible for any
+ given selector. Also note that *all fields present in the selector* must
+ match the in-cluster resource, and only the *GVK fields present in the
+ selector* must match the in-package resource.
+ - If no in-cluster object is selected, the injection point ConditionType will
+ be set to `False` with a message that no matching in-cluster resource was
+ found, and processing proceeds to the next injection point.
+ - If a matching in-cluster object is selected, then it is injected as
+ follows:
+ - For ConfigMap resources, the `data` field from the in-cluster resource is
+ copied to the `data` field of the in-package resource (the injection
+ point), overwriting it.
+ - For other resource types, the `spec` field from the in-cluster resource
+ is copied to the `spec` field of the in-package resource (the injection
+ point), overwriting it.
+ - An annotation with name `kpt.dev/injected-resource-name` and value set to
+ the name of the in-cluster resource is added (or overwritten) in the
+ in-package resource.
+If the the overall injection cannot be completed for some reason, or if any of
+the below problems exist in the upstream package, it is considered an error and
+should prevent generation of the Draft:
+ - There is a resource annotated as an injection point but having an invalid
+ annotation value (i.e., other than `required` or `optional`).
+ - There are ambiguous condition types due to conflicting GVK and name
+ values. These must be disambiguated in the upstream package, if so.
+This will result in the condition `Ready` being set to `False`.
+Note that whether or not all `required` injection points are fulfilled does not
+affect the *PackageVariant* conditions, only the *PackageRevision* conditions.
+**A Further Note on Selectors**
+Note that by allowing the use of GVK, not just name, in the selector, more
+precision in selection is enabled. This is a way to constrain the injections
+that will be done. That is, if the package has 10 different objects with
+`config-injection` annotation, the PackageVariant could say it only wants to
+replace certain GVKs, allowing better control.
+Consider, for example, if the cluster contains these resources:
+- GVK1 foo
+- GVK1 bar
+- GVK2 foo
+- GVK2 bar
+If we could only define injection selectors based upon name, it would be
+impossible to ever inject one GVK with `foo` and another with `bar`. Instead,
+by using GVK, we can accomplish this with a list of selectors like:
+ - GVK1 foo
+ - GVK2 bar
+That said, often name will be sufficiently unique when combined with the
+in-package resource GVK, and so making the selector GVK optional is more
+convenient. This allows a single injector to apply to multiple injection points
+with different GVKs.
+#### Order of Mutations
+During creation, the first thing the controller does is clone the upstream
+package to create the downstream package.
+For update, first note that changes to the downstream PackageRevision can be
+triggered for several different reasons:
+1. The PackageVariant resource is updated, which could change any of the options
+ for introducing variance, or could also change the upstream package revision
+ referenced.
+1. A new revision of the upstream package has been selected due to a floating
+ tag change, or due to a force retagging of the upstream.
+1. An injected in-cluster object is updated.
+The downstream PackageRevision may have been updated by humans or other
+automation actors since creation, so we cannot simply recreate the downstream
+PackageRevision from scratch when one of these changes happens. Instead, the
+controller must maintain the later edits by doing the equivalent of a `kpt pkg
+update`, in the case of changes to the upstream for any reason. Any other
+changes require reapplication of the PackageVariant functionality. With that
+understanding, we can see that the controller will perform mutations on the
+downstream package in this order, for both creation and update:
+1. Create (via Clone) or Update (via `kpt pkg update` equivalent)
+ - This is done by the Porch server, not by the package variant controller
+ directly.
+ - This means that Porch will run the Kptfile pipeline after clone or
+ update.
+1. Package variant controller applies configured mutations
+ - Package Context Injections
+ - Kptfile KRM Function Pipeline Additions/Changes
+ - Config Injection
+1. Package variant controller saves the PackageRevision and
+ PackageRevisionResources.
+ - Porch server executes the Kptfile pipeline
+The package variant controller mutations edit resources (including the Kptfile),
+based on the contents of the PackageVariant and the injected in-cluster
+resources, but cannot affect one another. The results of those mutations
+throughout the rest of the package is materialized by the execution of the
+Kptfile pipeline during the save operation.
+#### PackageVariant Status
+PackageVariant sets the following status conditions:
+ - `Stalled` is set to True if there has been a failure that most likely
+ requires user intervention.
+ - `Ready` is set to True if the last reconciliation successfully produced an
+ up-to-date Draft.
+The PackageVariant resource will also contain a `DownstreamTargets` field,
+containing a list of downstream `Draft` and `Proposed` PackageRevisions owned by
+this PackageVariant resource, or the latest `Published` PackageRevision if there
+are none in `Draft` or `Proposed` state. Typically, there is only a single
+Draft, but use of the `adopt` value for `AdoptionPolicy` could result in
+multiple Drafts being owned by the same PackageVariant.
+### PackageVariantSet API[^pvsimpl]
+The Go types below defines the `PackageVariantSetSpec`.
+// PackageVariantSetSpec defines the desired state of PackageVariantSet
+type PackageVariantSetSpec struct {
+ Upstream *pkgvarapi.Upstream `json:"upstream,omitempty"`
+ Targets []Target `json:"targets,omitempty"`
+type Target struct {
+ // Exactly one of Repositories, RepositorySeletor, and ObjectSelector must be
+ // populated
+ // option 1: an explicit repositories and package names
+ Repositories []RepositoryTarget `json:"repositories,omitempty"`
+ // option 2: a label selector against a set of repositories
+ RepositorySelector *metav1.LabelSelector `json:"repositorySelector,omitempty"`
+ // option 3: a selector against a set of arbitrary objects
+ ObjectSelector *ObjectSelector `json:"objectSelector,omitempty"`
+ // Template specifies how to generate a PackageVariant from a target
+ Template *PackageVariantTemplate `json:"template,omitempty"`
+At the highest level, a PackageVariantSet is just an upstream, and a list of
+targets. For each target, there is a set of criteria for generating a list, and
+a set of rules (a template) for creating a PackageVariant from each list entry.
+Since `template` is optional, lets start with describing the different types of
+targets, and how the criteria in each is used to generate a list that seeds the
+PackageVariant resources.
+The `Target` structure must include exactly one of three different ways of
+generating the list. The first is a simple list of repositories and package
+names for each of those repositories[^repo-pkg-expr]. The package name list is
+needed for uses cases in which you want to repeatedly instantiate the same
+package in a single repository. For example, if a repository represents the
+contents of a cluster, you may want to instantiate a namespace package once for
+each namespace, with a name matching the namespace.
+This example shows using the `repositories` field:
+apiVersion: config.porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha2
+kind: PackageVariantSet
+ namespace: default
+ name: example
+ upstream:
+ repo: example-repo
+ package: foo
+ revision: v1
+ targets:
+ - repositories:
+ - name: cluster-01
+ - name: cluster-02
+ - name: cluster-03
+ packageNames:
+ - foo-a
+ - foo-b
+ - foo-c
+ - name: cluster-04
+ packageNames:
+ - foo-a
+ - foo-b
+In this case, PackageVariant resources are created for each of these pairs of
+downstream repositories and packages names:
+| Repository | Package Name |
+| ---------- | ------------ |
+| cluster-01 | foo |
+| cluster-02 | foo |
+| cluster-03 | foo-a |
+| cluster-03 | foo-b |
+| cluster-03 | foo-c |
+| cluster-04 | foo-a |
+| cluster-04 | foo-b |
+All of those PackageVariants have the same upstream.
+The second criteria targeting is via a label selector against Porch Repository
+objects, along with a list of package names. Those packages will be instantiated
+in each matching repository. Just like in the first example, not listing a
+package name defaults to one package, with the same name as the upstream
+package. Suppose, for example, we have these four repositories defined in our
+Porch cluster:
+| Repository | Labels |
+| ---------- | ------------------------------------- |
+| cluster-01 | region=useast1, env=prod, org=hr |
+| cluster-02 | region=uswest1, env=prod, org=finance |
+| cluster-03 | region=useast2, env=prod, org=hr |
+| cluster-04 | region=uswest1, env=prod, org=hr |
+If we create a PackageVariantSet with the following `spec`:
+ upstream:
+ repo: example-repo
+ package: foo
+ revision: v1
+ targets:
+ - repositorySelector:
+ matchLabels:
+ env: prod
+ org: hr
+ - repositorySelector:
+ matchLabels:
+ region: uswest1
+ packageNames:
+ - foo-a
+ - foo-b
+ - foo-c
+then PackageVariant resources will be created with these repository and package
+| Repository | Package Name |
+| ---------- | ------------ |
+| cluster-01 | foo |
+| cluster-03 | foo |
+| cluster-04 | foo |
+| cluster-02 | foo-a |
+| cluster-02 | foo-b |
+| cluster-02 | foo-c |
+| cluster-04 | foo-a |
+| cluster-04 | foo-b |
+| cluster-04 | foo-c |
+Finally, the third possibility allows the use of *arbitrary* resources in the
+Porch cluster as targeting criteria. The `objectSelector` looks like this:
+ upstream:
+ repo: example-repo
+ package: foo
+ revision: v1
+ targets:
+ - objectSelector:
+ apiVersion: krm-platform.bigco.com/v1
+ kind: Team
+ matchLabels:
+ org: hr
+ role: dev
+It works exactly like the repository selector - in fact the repository selector
+is equivalent to the object selector with the `apiVersion` and `kind` values set
+to point to Porch Repository resources. That is, the repository name comes from
+the object name, and the package names come from the listed package names. In
+the description of the template, we will see how to derive different repository
+names from the objects.
+#### PackageVariant Template
+As previously discussed, the list entries generated by the target criteria
+result in PackageVariant entries. If no template is specified, then
+PackageVariant default are used, along with the downstream repository name and
+package name as described in the previous section. The template allows the user
+to have control over all of the values in the resulting PackageVariant. The
+template API is shown below.
+type PackageVariantTemplate struct {
+ // Downstream allows overriding the default downstream package and repository name
+ // +optional
+ Downstream *DownstreamTemplate `json:"downstream,omitempty"`
+ // AdoptionPolicy allows overriding the PackageVariant adoption policy
+ // +optional
+ AdoptionPolicy *pkgvarapi.AdoptionPolicy `json:"adoptionPolicy,omitempty"`
+ // DeletionPolicy allows overriding the PackageVariant deletion policy
+ // +optional
+ DeletionPolicy *pkgvarapi.DeletionPolicy `json:"deletionPolicy,omitempty"`
+ // Labels allows specifying the spec.Labels field of the generated PackageVariant
+ // +optional
+ Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"`
+ // LabelsExprs allows specifying the spec.Labels field of the generated PackageVariant
+ // using CEL to dynamically create the keys and values. Entries in this field take precedent over
+ // those with the same keys that are present in Labels.
+ // +optional
+ LabelExprs []MapExpr `json:"labelExprs,omitempty"`
+ // Annotations allows specifying the spec.Annotations field of the generated PackageVariant
+ // +optional
+ Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations,omitempty"`
+ // AnnotationsExprs allows specifying the spec.Annotations field of the generated PackageVariant
+ // using CEL to dynamically create the keys and values. Entries in this field take precedent over
+ // those with the same keys that are present in Annotations.
+ // +optional
+ AnnotationExprs []MapExpr `json:"annotationExprs,omitempty"`
+ // PackageContext allows specifying the spec.PackageContext field of the generated PackageVariant
+ // +optional
+ PackageContext *PackageContextTemplate `json:"packageContext,omitempty"`
+ // Pipeline allows specifying the spec.Pipeline field of the generated PackageVariant
+ // +optional
+ Pipeline *PipelineTemplate `json:"pipeline,omitempty"`
+ // Injectors allows specifying the spec.Injectors field of the generated PackageVariant
+ // +optional
+ Injectors []InjectionSelectorTemplate `json:"injectors,omitempty"`
+// DownstreamTemplate is used to calculate the downstream field of the resulting
+// package variants. Only one of Repo and RepoExpr may be specified;
+// similarly only one of Package and PackageExpr may be specified.
+type DownstreamTemplate struct {
+ Repo *string `json:"repo,omitempty"`
+ Package *string `json:"package,omitempty"`
+ RepoExpr *string `json:"repoExpr,omitempty"`
+ PackageExpr *string `json:"packageExpr,omitempty"`
+// PackageContextTemplate is used to calculate the packageContext field of the
+// resulting package variants. The plain fields and Exprs fields will be
+// merged, with the Exprs fields taking precedence.
+type PackageContextTemplate struct {
+ Data map[string]string `json:"data,omitempty"`
+ RemoveKeys []string `json:"removeKeys,omitempty"`
+ DataExprs []MapExpr `json:"dataExprs,omitempty"`
+ RemoveKeyExprs []string `json:"removeKeyExprs,omitempty"`
+// InjectionSelectorTemplate is used to calculate the injectors field of the
+// resulting package variants. Exactly one of the Name and NameExpr fields must
+// be specified. The other fields are optional.
+type InjectionSelectorTemplate struct {
+ Group *string `json:"group,omitempty"`
+ Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"`
+ Kind *string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
+ Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
+ NameExpr *string `json:"nameExpr,omitempty"`
+// MapExpr is used for various fields to calculate map entries. Only one of
+// Key and KeyExpr may be specified; similarly only on of Value and ValueExpr
+// may be specified.
+type MapExpr struct {
+ Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"`
+ Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"`
+ KeyExpr *string `json:"keyExpr,omitempty"`
+ ValueExpr *string `json:"valueExpr,omitempty"`
+// PipelineTemplate is used to calculate the pipeline field of the resulting
+// package variants.
+type PipelineTemplate struct {
+ // Validators is used to caculate the pipeline.validators field of the
+ // resulting package variants.
+ // +optional
+ Validators []FunctionTemplate `json:"validators,omitempty"`
+ // Mutators is used to caculate the pipeline.mutators field of the
+ // resulting package variants.
+ // +optional
+ Mutators []FunctionTemplate `json:"mutators,omitempty"`
+// FunctionTemplate is used in generating KRM function pipeline entries; that
+// is, it is used to generate Kptfile Function objects.
+type FunctionTemplate struct {
+ kptfilev1.Function `json:",inline"`
+ // ConfigMapExprs allows use of CEL to dynamically create the keys and values in the
+ // function config ConfigMap. Entries in this field take precedent over those with
+ // the same keys that are present in ConfigMap.
+ // +optional
+ ConfigMapExprs []MapExpr `json:"configMapExprs,omitempty"`
+This is a pretty complicated structure. To make it more understandable, the
+first thing to notice is that many fields have a plain version, and an `Expr`
+version. The plain version is used when the value is static across all the
+PackageVariants; the `Expr` version is used when the value needs to vary across
+Let's consider a simple example. Suppose we have a package for provisioning
+namespaces called "base-ns". We want to instantiate this several times in the
+`cluster-01` repository. We could do this with this PackageVariantSet:
+apiVersion: config.porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha2
+kind: PackageVariantSet
+ namespace: default
+ name: example
+ upstream:
+ repo: platform-catalog
+ package: base-ns
+ revision: v1
+ targets:
+ - repositories:
+ - name: cluster-01
+ packageNames:
+ - ns-1
+ - ns-2
+ - ns-3
+That will produce three PackageVariant resources with the same upstream, all
+with the same downstream repo, and each with a different downstream package
+name. If we also want to set some labels identically across the packages, we can
+do that with the `template.labels` field:
+apiVersion: config.porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha2
+kind: PackageVariantSet
+ namespace: default
+ name: example
+ upstream:
+ repo: platform-catalog
+ package: base-ns
+ revision: v1
+ targets:
+ - repositories:
+ - name: cluster-01
+ packageNames:
+ - ns-1
+ - ns-2
+ - ns-3
+ template:
+ labels:
+ package-type: namespace
+ org: hr
+The resulting PackageVariant resources will include `labels` in their `spec`,
+and will be identical other than their names and the `downstream.package`:
+apiVersion: config.porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+kind: PackageVariant
+ namespace: default
+ name: example-aaaa
+ upstream:
+ repo: platform-catalog
+ package: base-ns
+ revision: v1
+ downstream:
+ repo: cluster-01
+ package: ns-1
+ labels:
+ package-type: namespace
+ org: hr
+apiVersion: config.porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+kind: PackageVariant
+ namespace: default
+ name: example-aaab
+ upstream:
+ repo: platform-catalog
+ package: base-ns
+ revision: v1
+ downstream:
+ repo: cluster-01
+ package: ns-2
+ labels:
+ package-type: namespace
+ org: hr
+apiVersion: config.porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+kind: PackageVariant
+ namespace: default
+ name: example-aaac
+ upstream:
+ repo: platform-catalog
+ package: base-ns
+ revision: v1
+ downstream:
+ repo: cluster-01
+ package: ns-3
+ labels:
+ package-type: namespace
+ org: hr
+When using other targeting means, the use of the `Expr` fields becomes more
+likely, because we have more possible sources for different field values. The
+`Expr` values are all [Common Expression Language (CEL)](https://github.com/google/cel-go)
+expressions, rather than static values. This allows the user to construct values
+based upon various fields of the targets. Consider again the
+`repositorySelector` example, where we have these repositories in the cluster.
+| Repository | Labels |
+| ---------- | ------------------------------------- |
+| cluster-01 | region=useast1, env=prod, org=hr |
+| cluster-02 | region=uswest1, env=prod, org=finance |
+| cluster-03 | region=useast2, env=prod, org=hr |
+| cluster-04 | region=uswest1, env=prod, org=hr |
+If we create a PackageVariantSet with the following `spec`, we can use the
+`Expr` fields to add labels to the PackageVariantSpecs (and thus to the
+resulting PackageRevisions later) that vary based on cluster. We can also use
+this to vary the `injectors` defined for each PackageVariant, resulting in each
+PackageRevision having different resources injected. This `spec`:
+ upstream:
+ repo: example-repo
+ package: foo
+ revision: v1
+ targets:
+ - repositorySelector:
+ matchLabels:
+ env: prod
+ org: hr
+ template:
+ labelExprs:
+ key: org
+ valueExpr: "repository.labels['org']"
+ injectorExprs:
+ - nameExpr: "repository.labels['region'] + '-endpoints'"
+will result in three PackageVariant resources, one for each Repository with the
+labels env=prod and org=hr. The `labels` and `injectors` fields of the
+PackageVariantSpec will be different for each of these PackageVariants, as
+determined by the use of the `Expr` fields in the template, as shown here:
+apiVersion: config.porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+kind: PackageVariant
+ namespace: default
+ name: example-aaaa
+ upstream:
+ repo: example-repo
+ package: foo
+ revision: v1
+ downstream:
+ repo: cluster-01
+ package: foo
+ labels:
+ org: hr
+ injectors:
+ name: useast1-endpoints
+apiVersion: config.porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+kind: PackageVariant
+ namespace: default
+ name: example-aaab
+ upstream:
+ repo: example-repo
+ package: foo
+ revision: v1
+ downstream:
+ repo: cluster-03
+ package: foo
+ labels:
+ org: hr
+ injectors:
+ name: useast2-endpoints
+apiVersion: config.porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+kind: PackageVariant
+ namespace: default
+ name: example-aaac
+ upstream:
+ repo: example-repo
+ package: foo
+ revision: v1
+ downstream:
+ repo: cluster-04
+ package: foo
+ labels:
+ org: hr
+ injectors:
+ name: uswest1-endpoints
+Since the injectors are different for each PackageVariant, the resulting
+PackageRevisions will each have different resources injected.
+When CEL expressions are evaluated, they have an environment associated with
+them. That is, there are certain objects that are accessible within the CEL
+expression. For CEL expressions used in the PackageVariantSet `template` field,
+the following variables are available:
+| CEL Variable | Variable Contents |
+| -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| repoDefault | The default repository name based on the targeting criteria. |
+| packageDefault | The default package name based on the targeting criteria. |
+| upstream | The upstream PackageRevision. |
+| repository | The downstream Repository. |
+| target | The target object (details vary; see below). |
+There is one expression that is an exception to the table above. Since the
+`repository` value corresponds to the Repository of the downstream, we must
+first evaluate the `downstream.repoExpr` expression to *find* that
+repository. Thus, for that expression only, `repository` is not a valid
+There is one more variable available across all CEL expressions: the `target`
+variable. This variable has a meaning that varies depending on the type of
+target, as follows:
+| Target Type | `target` Variable Contents |
+| ------------------- | -------------------------- |
+| Repo/Package List | A struct with two fields: `repo` and `package`, the same as the `repoDefault` and `packageDefault` values. |
+| Repository Selector | The Repository selected by the selector. Although not recommended, this could be different than the `repository` value, which can be altered with `downstream.repo` or `downstream.repoExpr`. |
+| Object Selector | The Object selected by the selector. |
+For the various resource variables - `upstream`, `repository`, and `target` -
+arbitrary access to all fields of the object could lead to security concerns.
+Therefore, only a subset of the data is available for use in CEL expressions.
+Specifically, the following fields: `name`, `namespace`, `labels`, and
+Given the slight quirk with the `repoExpr`, it may be helpful to state the
+processing flow for the template evaluation:
+1. The upstream PackageRevision is loaded. It must be in the same namespace as
+ the PackageVariantSet[^multi-ns-reg].
+1. The targets are determined.
+1. For each target:
+ 1. The CEL environment is prepared with `repoDefault`, `packageDefault`,
+ `upstream`, and `target` variables.
+ 1. The downstream repository is determined and loaded, as follows:
+ - If present, `downstream.repoExpr` is evaluated using the CEL
+ environment, and the result used as the downstream repository name.
+ - Otherwise, if `downstream.repo` is set, that is used as the downstream
+ repository name.
+ - If neither is present, the default repository name based on the target is
+ used (i.e., the same value as the `repoDefault` variable).
+ - The resulting downstream repository name is used to load the corresponding
+ Repository object in the same namespace as the PackageVariantSet.
+ 1. The downstream Repository is added to the CEL environment.
+ 1. All other CEL expressions are evaluated.
+1. Note that if any of the resources (e.g., the upstream PackageRevision, or the
+ downstream Repository) are not found our otherwise fail to load, processing
+ stops and a failure condition is raised. Similarly, if a CEL expression
+ cannot be properly evaluated due to syntax or other reasons, processing stops
+ and a failure condition is raised.
+#### Other Considerations
+It would appear convenient to automatically inject the PackageVariantSet
+targeting resource. However, it is better to require the package advertise
+the ways it accepts injections (i.e., the GVKs it understands), and only inject
+those. This keeps the separation of concerns cleaner; the package does not
+build in an awareness of the context in which it expects to be deployed. For
+example, a package should not accept a Porch Repository resource just because
+that happens to be the targeting mechanism. That would make the package unusable
+in other contexts.
+#### PackageVariantSet Status
+The PackageVariantSet status uses these conditions:
+ - `Stalled` is set to True if there has been a failure that most likely
+ requires user intervention.
+ - `Ready` is set to True if the last reconciliation successfully reconciled
+ all targeted PackageVariant resources.
+## Future Considerations
+- As an alternative to the floating tag proposal, we may instead want to have
+ a separate tag tracking controller that can update PV and PVS resources to
+ tweak their upstream as the tag moves.
+- Installing a collection of packages across a set of clusters, or performing
+ the same mutations to each package in a collection, is only supported by
+ creating multiple PackageVariant / PackageVariantSet resources. Options to
+ consider for these use cases:
+ - `upstreams` listing multiple packages.
+ - Label selector against PackageRevisions. This does not seem that useful, as
+ PackageRevisions are highly re-usable and would likely be composed in many
+ different ways.
+ - A PackageRevisionSet resource that simply contained a list of Upstream
+ structures and could be used as an Upstream. This is functionally equivalent
+ to the `upstreams` option, but that list is reusable across resources.
+ - Listing multiple PackageRevisionSets in the upstream would be nice as well.
+ - Any or all of these could be implemented in PackageVariant,
+ PackageVariantSet, or both.
+## Footnotes
+[^porch17]: Implemented in Porch v0.0.17.
+[^porch18]: Coming in Porch v0.0.18.
+[^notimplemented]: Proposed here but not yet implemented as of Porch v0.0.18.
+[^setns]: As of this writing, the `set-namespace` function does not have a
+ `create` option. This should be added to avoid the user needing to also use
+ the `upsert-resource` function. Such common operation should be simple for
+ users.
+[^pvsimpl]: This document describes PackageVariantSet `v1alpha2`, which will be
+ available starting with Porch v0.0.18. In Porch v0.0.16 and 17, the `v1alpha1`
+ implementation is available, but it is a somewhat different API, without
+ support for CEL or any injection. It is focused only on fan out targeting,
+ and uses a [slightly different targeting
+ API](https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kpt/blob/main/porch/controllers/packagevariantsets/api/v1alpha1/packagevariantset_types.go).
+[^repo-pkg-expr]: This is not exactly correct. As we will see later in the
+ `template` discussion, this the repository and package names listed actually
+ are just defaults for the template; they can be further manipulated in the
+ template to reference different downstream repositories and package names.
+ The same is true for the repositories selected via the `repositorySelector`
+ option. However, this can be ignored for now.
+[^multi-ns-reg]: Note that the same upstream repository can be registered in
+ multiple namespaces without a problem. This simplifies access controls,
+ avoiding the need for cross-namespace relationships between Repositories and
+ other Porch resources.
diff --git a/docs/CaD Core Architecture.svg b/docs/CaD Core Architecture.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2650dbb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/CaD Core Architecture.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/CaD Overview.svg b/docs/CaD Overview.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ced71bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/CaD Overview.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/Porch Architecture.svg b/docs/Porch Architecture.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..926bff1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Porch Architecture.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/Porch Inner Loop.svg b/docs/Porch Inner Loop.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..829db8f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Porch Inner Loop.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c04825e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Docs
+These are rough docs, brought over from the [kpt](https://github.com/kptdev/kpt)
+repository when Porch moved here. They need some work.
diff --git a/docs/packagevariant-clone.png b/docs/packagevariant-clone.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f60fd9f
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/packagevariant-clone.png differ
diff --git a/docs/packagevariant-config-injection.png b/docs/packagevariant-config-injection.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14fe0a35
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/packagevariant-config-injection.png differ
diff --git a/docs/packagevariant-context.png b/docs/packagevariant-context.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6fd7e0d5
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/packagevariant-context.png differ
diff --git a/docs/packagevariant-function.png b/docs/packagevariant-function.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d50cc7c7
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/packagevariant-function.png differ
diff --git a/docs/packagevariant-legend.png b/docs/packagevariant-legend.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83f3729a
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/packagevariant-legend.png differ
diff --git a/docs/packagevariantset-target-list-with-packages.png b/docs/packagevariantset-target-list-with-packages.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..891c01cf
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/packagevariantset-target-list-with-packages.png differ
diff --git a/docs/packagevariantset-target-list.png b/docs/packagevariantset-target-list.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c3931fe
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/packagevariantset-target-list.png differ
diff --git a/docs/packagevariantset-target-repo-selector.png b/docs/packagevariantset-target-repo-selector.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c07d268
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/packagevariantset-target-repo-selector.png differ