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Hello Zig

This example demonstrates a basic project for using the Zigler library to write low-level NIFs for a Nerves device. This project demonstrates Zig code embedded into an Elixir module and how to call out to a zig code file external to the embedded Elixir module.

Notably, no configuration is necessary to get proper cross-compilation between host and target architectures.

The only thing you need to activate zigler is the dependency in your mix.exs:

{:zigler, "~> 0.10.1", runtime: false}

You might want to use Zig for any of the following things:

  • Low-level code that requires interaction with OS syscalls not available directly through the BEAM.
  • Performance-sensitive code which requires numerical computation
  • Wrapping an existing C ABI .so or .a library.


The example below assumes a Raspberry Pi 3 connected over the Wifi. Other official and many unofficial Nerves targets work as well. Please post cross-compilation bug reports to the zigler issue tracker.

How to use this repository

  1. Go to the hello_zig directory

  2. Set up your build environment

    # Specify the target hardware. See the mix.exs for options
    # RISC-V targets like mangopi_mq_pro might not work.
    export MIX_TARGET=rpi3
    # If using WiFi, you can set the SSID and password here
    export NERVES_NETWORK_SSID=your_wifi_name
    export NERVES_NETWORK_PSK=your_wifi_password
  3. Get dependencies, build firmware, and burn it to an SD card

    mix deps.get
    MIX_TARGET=host mix zig.get
    mix firmware
    mix firmware.burn
  4. Insert the SD card into your target board and power up

  5. Wait to finish booting.

  6. SSH into the board: ssh nerves.local

  7. Execute HelloZig.hello()

  8. You should see it output the atom :world

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