diff --git a/testsuite/pytests/sli2py_neurons/test_iaf_psc_exp.py b/testsuite/pytests/sli2py_neurons/test_iaf_psc_exp.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a471020fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/pytests/sli2py_neurons/test_iaf_psc_exp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# test_iaf_psc_exp.py
+# This file is part of NEST.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
+# NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with NEST. If not, see .
+Name: testsuite::test_iaf_psc_exp
+Synopsis: (test_iaf_psc_exp) run -> compares response to current step with analytical solution
+A DC current is injected into the neuron using a current generator
+device. The membrane potential as well as the spiking activity are
+recorded by corresponding devices.
+It can be observed how the current charges the membrane, a spike
+is emitted, the neuron becomes absolute refractory, and finally
+starts to recover.
+The timing of the various events on the simulation grid is of
+particular interest and crucial for the consistency of the
+simulation scheme.
+Although 0.1 cannot be represented in the IEEE double data type, it
+is safe to simulate with a resolution (computation step size) of 0.1
+ms because by default nest is built with a timebase enabling exact
+representation of 0.1 ms.
+Author: July 2004, Diesmann
+ March 2006, Moritz Helias
+import nest
+import numpy as np
+import numpy.testing as nptest
+import pytest
+def test_iaf_psc_exp_dc_input():
+ dt = 0.1
+ dc_amp = 1000.0
+ nest.ResetKernel()
+ nest.set(resolution=dt, local_num_threads=1)
+ dc_gen = nest.Create("dc_generator", {"amplitude": dc_amp})
+ nrn = nest.Create("iaf_psc_exp", 1)
+ vm = nest.Create("voltmeter", {"interval": 0.1})
+ syn_spec = {"synapse_model": "static_synapse", "weight": 1.0, "delay": dt}
+ nest.Connect(dc_gen, nrn, syn_spec=syn_spec)
+ nest.Connect(vm, nrn, syn_spec=syn_spec)
+ nest.Simulate(8.0)
+ times = vm.get("events", "times")
+ times -= dt # account for delay to multimeter
+ tau_m = nrn.get("tau_m")
+ R = tau_m / nrn.get("C_m")
+ # array for analytical solution
+ V_m_analytical = np.empty_like(times)
+ V_m_analytical[:] = nrn.get("E_L")
+ # first index for which the DC current is received by neuron.
+ # DC current will be integrated from this time step
+ start_index = 1
+ # analytical solution without delay and threshold
+ vm_soln = nrn.get("E_L") + (1 - np.exp(-times / tau_m)) * R * dc_amp
+ # rise until threshold
+ V_m_analytical[start_index:] = vm_soln[:-start_index]
+ # set refractory potential
+ crossing_ind = (V_m_analytical > nrn.get("V_th")).argmax()
+ num_ref = int(nrn.get("t_ref") / dt)
+ V_m_analytical[crossing_ind : crossing_ind + num_ref] = nrn.get("V_reset")
+ # rise after refractory period
+ num_inds = len(times) - crossing_ind - num_ref
+ V_m_analytical[crossing_ind + num_ref :] = vm_soln[:num_inds]
+ nptest.assert_array_almost_equal(V_m_analytical, vm.get("events", "V_m"))
diff --git a/testsuite/unittests/test_iaf_psc_exp.sli b/testsuite/unittests/test_iaf_psc_exp.sli
deleted file mode 100644
index c220aa0e83..0000000000
--- a/testsuite/unittests/test_iaf_psc_exp.sli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- * test_iaf_psc_exp.sli
- *
- * This file is part of NEST.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
- *
- * NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with NEST. If not, see .
- *
- */
- /** @BeginDocumentation
- Name: testsuite::test_iaf_psc_exp - sli script for overall test of iaf_psc_exp model
- Synopsis: (test_iaf_psc_exp) run -> compares response to current step with reference data
- Description:
- test_iaf_psc_exp.sli is an overall test of the iaf_psc_exp model connected
- to some useful devices.
- A DC current is injected into the neuron using a current generator
- device. The membrane potential as well as the spiking activity are
- recorded by corresponding devices.
- It can be observed how the current charges the membrane, a spike
- is emitted, the neuron becomes absolute refractory, and finally
- starts to recover.
- The timing of the various events on the simulation grid is of
- particular interest and crucial for the consistency of the
- simulation scheme.
- Although 0.1 cannot be represented in the IEEE double data type, it
- is safe to simulate with a resolution (computation step size) of 0.1
- ms because by default nest is built with a timebase enabling exact
- representation of 0.1 ms.
- The expected output is documented and briefly commented at the end of
- the script.
- Other test programs discuss the various aspects of this script in detail,
- see the SeeAlso key below.
- Author: July 2004, Diesmann
- March 2006, Moritz Helias
- SeeAlso: iaf_psc_exp, testsuite::test_iaf_i0, testsuite::test_iaf_i0_refractory, testsuite::test_iaf_dc
-(unittest) run
-/unittest using
-0.1 /h Set
- /local_num_threads 1
- /resolution h
- >> SetKernelStatus
-/iaf_psc_exp Create /neuron Set
-/dc_generator Create /dc_gen Set
-dc_gen << /amplitude 1000. >> SetStatus
-/voltmeter Create /vm Set
-vm << /time_in_steps true /interval h >> SetStatus
-/spike_recorder Create /sr Set
-sr << /time_in_steps true >> SetStatus
-dc_gen neuron 1.0 h Connect
-vm neuron 1.0 h Connect
-neuron sr 1.0 h Connect
-8 Simulate
-{ % reference data
- dup Transpose First /test_times Set % times of reference
- vm [/events [/times /V_m]] get cva % array of recorded data
- 6 ToUnitTestPrecision % to precision of reference
- Transpose % all recorded tuples
- {First test_times exch MemberQ } Select % those with reference
- eq % compare
-% Expected output of this program:
-% The output send to std::cout is a superposition of the output of
-% the voltmeter and the spike recorder. Both, voltmeter and spike
-% recorder are connected to the same neuron.
-% time (in steps) voltage (in mV)
-[ 1 -70 ] %<----- The earliest time dc_gen can be switched on.
-[ 2 -70 ] %<----- The DC current arrives at the neuron, it is
-[ 3 -69.602 ] %<- reflected in the neuron's state variable y0,
-[ 4 -69.2079 ] % | (initial condition) but has not yet affected
-[ 5 -68.8178 ] % | the membrane potential.
-[ 6 -68.4316 ] % |
-[ 7 -68.0492 ] % --- the effect of the DC current is visible in the
-[ 8 -67.6706 ] % membrane potential
-[ 9 -67.2958 ] %
-[ 10 -66.9247 ] %
-% ...
-[ 45 -56.0204 ] %
-[ 46 -55.7615 ] %
-[ 47 -55.5051 ] %
-[ 48 -55.2513 ] %
-[ 49 -55.0001 ] %
-[ 50 -70 ] % <---- The membrane potential crossed threshold in the
-[ 51 -70 ] % step 4.9 ms -> 5.0 ms. The membrane potential is
-[ 52 -70 ] % reset (no super-threshold values can be observed).
-[ 53 -70 ] % The spike is reported at 5.0 ms
-[ 54 -70 ] %
-[ 55 -70 ] %
-[ 56 -70 ] %
-[ 57 -70 ] %
-[ 58 -70 ] %
-[ 59 -70 ] %
-[ 60 -70 ] %
-[ 61 -70 ] %
-[ 62 -70 ] %
-[ 63 -70 ] %
-[ 64 -70 ] %
-[ 65 -70 ] %
-[ 66 -70 ] %
-[ 67 -70 ] %
-[ 68 -70 ] %
-[ 69 -70 ] %
-[ 70 -70 ] % <---- The last point in time at which the membrane potential
-[ 71 -69.602 ] % <- is clamped. The fact that the neuron is not refractory
-[ 72 -69.2079 ] % | anymore is reflected in the state variable r==0.
-[ 73 -68.8178 ] % | The neuron was refractory for 2.0 ms.
-[ 74 -68.4316 ] % |
-[ 75 -68.0492 ] % --- The membrane potential starts to increase
-[ 76 -67.6706 ] % immediately afterwards and the neuron can generate
-[ 77 -67.2958 ] % spikes again (at this resolution reported with time
-[ 78 -66.9247 ] % stamp 7.1 ms on the grid)
-[ 79 -66.5572 ] % <--
-] % |
-% |
-% - The simulation was run for 8.0 ms. However, in the step
-% 7.9 ms -> 8.0 ms the voltmeter necessarily receives the
-% voltages that occurred at time 7.9 ms (delay h). This
-% results in different end times of the recorded voltage
-% traces at different resolutions. In the current
-% simulation kernel there is no general cure for this
-% problem. One workaround is to end the simulation script
-% with "h Simulate", thereby making the script resolution
-% dependent.
-exch assert_or_die