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Netgen Layouts & Contentful integration installation instructions

Installing Netgen Layouts

Follow the instructions in Netgen Layouts documentation to install Netgen Layouts.

As a minimum you need to:

  • require netgen/layouts-standard package in Composer
  • activate all needed bundles
  • activate Netgen Layouts and Content Browser routes
  • import Netgen Layouts database tables with Doctrine Migrations
  • install assets
  • extend your controller templates with nglayouts.layoutTemplate
  • add the "layout" twig block to your main layout template
  • configure Netgen Layouts to use your main layout template

Use Composer to install the integration

After completing standard Netgen Layouts installation, run the following command to install Contentful integration:

composer require netgen/layouts-contentful

Activating integration bundle

Activate NetgenLayoutsContentfulBundle together with its dependencies in your kernel. Make sure it is activated after all other Netgen Layouts bundles. The full list of bundles is as follows:


Configure Contentful bundle

To work with Contentful resources, you need to configure a client for every space you wish to use. For every client, you need to specify the space ID and its token. You can get space IDs and tokens from the APIs section from your Contentful instance at

            token: your_space_token
            space: your_space_identifier

For more information, see Contentful bundle official repo on Github.

Configure the CMF Routing component

The integration uses CMF routing component and its dynamic router to match routes and generate URLs to resources from Contentful. You need to enable the dynamic router in your configuration:

            router.default: 200
            cmf_routing.dynamic_router: 100
        default_controller: netgen_layouts.contentful.controller.view
                enabled: true

For more information, see CMF Routing docs on

Configure routing

Add routing configuration to your configuration:

    resource: "@NetgenLayoutsContentfulBundle/Resources/config/routing.yaml"

Import the schema

Import the routing and local content schema to the database. Use the Force, Luke.

php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Configure authentication for Netgen Layouts

It is highly recommended to secure the Netgen Layouts interface and allow only authenticated users in. For fresh Symfony installations the simplest way is to define an admin user in memory with the ROLE_NGLAYOUTS_ADMIN role and enable the HTTP basic auth firewall. Add the following parts to relevant sections of your security.yaml (example below is valid for Symfony 5.3):

    enable_authenticator_manager: true

                        password: admin
                        roles: [ROLE_NGLAYOUTS_ADMIN]

        Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\InMemoryUser: plaintext

            lazy: true
            provider: users_in_memory
            http_basic: ~

        - { path: ^/nglayouts/(api|(dev/)?app|admin), roles: ROLE_NGLAYOUTS_ADMIN }
        - { path: ^/cb, roles: ROLE_NGLAYOUTS_ADMIN }

Verifying that Netgen Layouts works

Start the Symfony CLI web server with:

symfony server:ca:install # For HTTPS support, only needs to be ran once
symfony server:start

Open, give the admin credentials and you should be able to create new layouts.

Optional: Run the sync command

To warmup the caching for spaces and content types as well as syncing Contentful entries locally run this command:

php bin/console contentful:sync

There is a limit on 100 entries in one run, so if there are more than 100 entries you can run the command multiple times.

Optional: Configure webhook

To make local cache refresh when an entry or a content type changes in Contentful add the webhook configuration.

Go to Contentful space settings and create a webhook with:

  • the full URL for webhook (https://your.domain/webhook)
  • basic auth credentials if necessary
  • additional X-Space-Id header with the related value
  • checked Published, Unpublished and Delete events for Content types
  • checked Published, Unpublished and Delete events for entries

Optional: Implement custom sluggers

This bundle offer the possibility to implement custom sluggers to generate URLs for full content based pages. Out of the box there are 2 sluggers implemented:

  • simple slugger - takes the name of the Contentful entry and makes the slug. This one is used by default
  • with_space slugger - adds the space name before the entry name so the URL will have the format /[space_name_slug]/[entry_name_slug]

To implement a custom slugger you need to implement the EntrySluggerInterface. A FilterSlugTrait is provided so you can filter the slug as required by Contentful.

final class MySlugger implements EntrySluggerInterface
    use FilterSlugTrait;

    public function getSlug(ContentfulEntry $contentfulEntry): string
        return '/my_prefix/' . $this->filterSlug($contentfulEntry->getName());

The function filterSlug() creates an URL friendly string from any given string.

Then declare your class as service and tag it:

    class: MyApp\Routing\EntrySlugger\WithMyPrefix
        - { name: netgen_layouts.contentful.entry_slugger, type: with_my_prefix }

Finally, you need to configure your app to use your slugger. You can declare it as a default one and declare it for each content type using the content type ID:

        default: with_my_prefix
            # Category content type
            5KMiN6YPvi42icqAUQMCQe: simple
            # Post content type
            2wKn6yEnZewu2SCCkus4as: with_my_prefix

And that should be it!

Use it

Open again and start creating Contentful specific layouts and map them to URL targets.