- Upgrade to Dart 3
- Add prunning option - prune when pubspec.lock was changed
- Add verbose mode
- Add debug mode
- Support part file imports, relative imports, package imports.
- Support generated files that are imported rather than as "part" file.
- Support other generated files, not just .g.dart.
- Add cache commands
- Prune - clears cache directory
- List - list files, their actual hash and dirty state
Breaking change
- Drop support for "redis".
- Fix a major bug where a class's dependencies were not considered while generating digest, so any change in the super classes caused wrong output.
- Remove option to set projectDirectory, the current directory is always considered the projectDirectory.
- Minor error handling improvements.
- Minor bug fix, refactors build to check for .dart file before working on code generations in test directory. This will make sure any unnecessary files are ignored.
- Add support for watching code changes in project directory, and generate code files when needed.
- Make cached_build_runner similar to build_runner, now build & watch commands are available.
- Remove the -t, --generate-test-mock flag, as it was unnecessary.
- Update code to use native dart regex instead of relying on grep tool.
- Minor code changes were done, nothing functionality wise, but addition of better formatting & addition of dartdocs.
- Initial version.